Computer games. pros and cons. develop to a certain extent. The influence of computer games

Main factors harmful influence computer on the human body are:

2. Constricted posture.

3. Radiation.

4. Impact on the psyche.

A child under 6 years old should not spend more than 10-15 minutes at the computer - and not every day. For children aged 7-8 years, the limit of communication with a computer is 30-40 minutes a day. 9-11 year olds should be allowed to sit at the computer for no more than an hour and a half.

The benefits of a child interacting with a computer

Most children's computer games stimulate the child's brain activity, develop coordination, motor skills and improve language skills, and at the same time, create a strong bond between the child and parents, as a children's computer game can become an enjoyable family activity. Developing a child's intellectual abilities is undoubtedly very important, but love and physical activity are equally important for healthy emotional growth.

Educators advise using computer games as a fun pastime and strengthening the family bond between children and parents, and creating a tradition out of it, like bedtime stories, which still exists in many homes.

Most children's computer games can serve not only for entertainment, but also with their help you can develop the child's intellectual, emotional and physical abilities. And even more so if these are games with their favorite characters. For example, cartoon characters that a child watches. And if such games help a child live with his favorite characters, one or another life situations like in the games on the site

If, for example, your child really loves the series “Smeshariki,” then he will be able to explore the world with them, learn to count and write, and discover the world of science and technology

Ophthalmologist's opinion

When looking at a computer, a child strains the muscles of the eye (which focus the lens at a close distance), leaving them in this position indefinitely. for a long time. It's the same as pulling your toe or flexing your biceps and standing there for an hour or two. Of course, much depends on hereditary predisposition and the conditions in which the child reads, does homework and watches TV. But in practice, there are often cases when it is the neglect of well-known rules that leads to the child losing a diopter in one academic quarter.

So, from all of the above we can conclude: a computer is certainly needed, since today it is impossible to imagine the world around us without it. And it’s good if the child gets to know it under the guidance of his parents. But the main thing, as with everything in life, is to know when to stop. If a child plays no more than the allotted time, and in addition to playing on the computer, exercises in the fresh air, then there will be no harm from computer games, but on the contrary, he will be able to develop harmoniously and grow into a full-fledged personality in modern society.

Many parents, having bought their child a computer or a pocket electronic game, breathe a sigh of relief, since this to some extent solves the problems of the child’s free time, his education (according to educational programs) or development (according to developmental programs), as well as providing him with a positive charge. emotions from your favorite game, etc. Today, the appeal of the computer cannot be compared with either the TV or any other activity. Disputes regarding the benefits and harms of computer games are ongoing at all social levels, scientists conduct research on the impact of computer games on humans, children argue with their parents, parents argue with teachers, and so on... And there is still no clear answer.

We hope the facts below will help you make the right choice.

Arguments for":

Computer games develop in a child :

    speed of reaction;

    fine motor skills of hands;

    visual perception of objects;

    memory and attention;

    logical thinking;

    hand-eye coordination.

Computer games teach a child:

classify and generalize;

think analytically in a non-standard situation;

achieve your goal;

improve intellectual skills.

A child who has been using a computer since childhood feels more confident because he has access to the world modern technologies. Games on the computer are the same activities, and it is always easier to attract a child to play than to force him to learn the alphabet or, say, add numbers.
While playing computer games, a child finds himself in a fairy tale where his own world exists. This world is so similar to the real one! When the characters in a computer game ask a child to fix the wall of a house (by putting the puzzle together correctly) or to put the numbers in order to get to treasure, children feel their importance. And if at the end of the task they say “well done, you did a great job” or “you’re just a genius,” this makes the child delighted!
Beautifully drawn, cheerful and kind children's computer games contain a lot of interesting, smart, funny things and are completely aimed at helping kids develop and improve their knowledge. And convenient and understandable controls and voice acting performed by professional actors will make each game a real holiday.

Arguments against":

The bad thing is that if you don’t follow the daily routine, the computer turns from a friend into an enemy. Simply put, most children find it very difficult to stop and break away from exciting game and switch to other activities. We must not forget that everything is good in moderation. Good, wonderful games that are so useful for children can also become harmful to them.
Be sure to remember that for each child's age there is a time limit for classes. It must be remembered that Small child is a very sensitive organism, all of whose physiological systems, including those necessary for successful interaction with a computer, develop in preschool and primary school age. Unregulated computer activities against the backdrop of an ever-increasing information load can accelerate unfavorable changes in a child’s well-being and affect his psyche, so it becomes possible to face own child future geek immersed in artificial virtual world, taking him away from real life.

The problem of the “golden mean” - when the computer is a friend and assistant, but not the only source of pleasure, is acute in many families. Almost every family has its own recipes for how to limit the time a child spends on the computer and protect him from “ computer addiction" After all, the question of banning computer games is no longer raised. It's about only about a reasonable limitation of the time children communicate with a computer and about not turning it into the only source of knowledge about the world around them, replacing books, toys, and most importantly, live communication.

    Buy a computer and display for your child good quality, don’t skimp on your children’s health.

    Place the computer on a table in the corner of the room, back against the wall, in a well-lit place, but so that there is no glare on the screen.

    Organize properly workplace child. Choose furniture that suits his height.

    Do daily wet cleaning in a room where a computer is used.

    Ventilate the room more often; install an aquarium or other containers with water to increase air humidity.

    Wipe the screen with a clean cloth or sponge before and after using the computer.

    Place cacti next to the computer: these plants absorb its harmful radiation.

    Remember!!! Without harming their health, preschoolers can work at a computer for no more than 15 minutes, and myopic children and children with health problems can only work 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week, every other day.

    After each lesson, do eye exercises and general strengthening exercises with your child.

How to choose the right computer furniture for a child

For children with a height of 1150 - 130 cm, the recommended table height is 54 cm, the chair seat height (necessarily with a hard back) is 32 cm; above 130 cm - 60 and 36 cm, respectively.

The distance between the child and the display is at least 50 - 70 cm (the further, the better).

The child's posture is straight or slightly tilted forward, with a slight tilt of the head. The seat is stable: the child should sit on the chair, leaning on 2/3 - 3/4 of the length of the thigh.

The space between the body and the edge of the table is at least 5 cm. The arms lie freely on the table, the legs are bent at the hip and knee joints at right angles and are located under the table at special stand(foot support is required).

How to choose a game for your child

    Please note that the game is Russified.

    The system requirements of children's games are usually very low, you need to see if the game will fit your operating system.

    It is advisable to take games that indicate the approximate age of the child for whom the game is aimed (however, if your child cannot cope with the task, do not be discouraged, very often manufacturers overestimate the requirements for players).

    Games must be age appropriate both in content and design quality.

    Try to choose games from domestic manufacturers.

How to introduce a child to the game

    For the first time, play with your child, and as the game progresses, explain what needs to be done and how. If the child does not yet know how to read, then all the more he needs your help, especially if there is no audio prompt.

    If the game contains fairy tale or cartoon characters, it is advisable to get to know them (the characters) in advance.

    You also need to explain to the child the strategy of the game: where is it better to jump, where to run and why, and also explain the meaning of the points on the screen: the number of points, the number of lives, etc.

    Try to play yourself and ask your child to give you hints: you will see how happy he will be with your joint successes.


We and our classmates like to play computer games. But at home from our mothers, at school during breaks from Elena Alexandrovna, we hear: “Don’t sit at the computer for a long time, don’t play with phones and game consoles, it’s harmful!” We wondered, are computer games really that harmful?

We believe that the topic we have chosen is important since most of my classmates spend a lot of time playing computer games.

We have put forward two hypotheses :

playing computer games is harmful,

playing computer games is useful.

Purpose of our research - find out the positive and negative sides influence of computer games on junior schoolchildren.

Object studies are computer games.

Subject research - the influence of computer games on primary schoolchildren.

Tasks our research:

Find out what games our classmates play and how much time they spend playing.

Find out why computer games are useful and harmful for children.

Find out what rules you need to follow when playing on the computer.

Find out how to choose games to benefit yourself.

Methods research:

collection of information,

survey of classmates and their parents,

action-experiment “One day without a computer game”,

consultation with specialists: school medical worker, computer science teacher,

analysis of results.

Practical part

Collection of information

To answer the questions posed, we took advantage of the Internet and found necessary information and analyzed it.

We learned that a game is a type of activity aimed not at obtaining a result, but at enjoying the very process of the game.

Games can be: outdoor, board, sports, computer, etc.

We found out that computer games can be both harmful and beneficial.

Computer gamesuseful because they:

Develop reaction speed and attention

Logic games develop the brain and memory

Develop a desire to create, teach non-standard approach, imagination

You can learn to work in different programs

You can have fun free time.

We also learned that computer games are not only useful, but also bringharm . If you play violent games, they lead to violence and aggression. If you sit at the computer for a long time, your eyesight will deteriorate, your desire to communicate will decrease, diseases of the joints and spine may appear, computer games are also addictive, and your performance at school will decrease.

We also found out whatrules Children must observe when playing on the computer:

Choose games according to age.

Unfortunately, Russia does not have its own established system for age categorization and labeling of computer games, so below we present the designations that are used to label computer games from foreign manufacturers (see slide).

Take the correct posture when playing: do not lean close to the monitor, do not hunch over.

Consider playing time: no more than an hour a day, take a break every 15 minutes.

Do exercises for the eyes and exercises for the musculoskeletal system.

Choose educational computer games.

Questioning of classmates and their parents.

We and our classmates answered the survey questions with interest. 25 students in grades 2-2 and 21 parents took part in the survey.

Purpose The survey was to find out what games students in grades 2–2 like to play, and how much time the children spend playing the game.

We present to your attention some results (see diagram).

results The study showed that:

To the question “Do you like to play computer games?” 22 students answered YES, 1 found it difficult to answer, 2 answered NO.

To the question “How often/how long do you play computer games?”:

36% answered “all free time”

16% -- several hours a day

12%-- 1 hour per day

12% - several times a week

24% - rarely or only on weekends.

We carefully processed and analyzed all the games that our classmates indicated in the questionnaire to the question “What games do they like?”, and came to interesting conclusions.

We have divided the listed games into 3 categories:

games that are not suitable for younger schoolchildren due to age restrictions,

games are harmless, but not useful either,

developing, teaching, Mind games.

In 2-- 15 games.

In 3-- 7 games (see diagram)

As we see, our classmates often do not know how to choose useful educational games.

At analysis of parents' questionnaires we got the following results:

100% of parents believe that their child loves playing computer games.

When listing the games that the child plays, the parents indicated only 2 games that were not age appropriate (remember that the children indicated 7 similar games). We came to the conclusion that parents often do not know what games their child plays.

67% of parents believe that computer games are harmful. The most common comments included the following: “they spoil their eyesight,” “the child becomes aggressive after playing,” “he spends little time outside,” “his studies suffer.”

33% of parents believe that computer games are beneficial:

The child acquires the skill of working with a PC,

Logic, attention, and reaction develop.

Action-experiment “One day without a computer game”

After processing the results of the survey, we decided to conduct an action-experiment “One day without a computer game” in the class. 25 students from grades 2 to 2 took part in the event.

We got the following results (see diagram)

Those guys who were able to endure the experiment (grade 11) note that they replaced computer games with other activities: walks in the fresh air, board games, reading, communicating with loved ones, helping around the house, visiting. The guys noted how much they accomplished that day.

The second part of the guys (4 students) admitted that they struggled with temptation for a long time, “walked around the computer in circles,” “picked up the phone to hold.” Finally we sat down to play. The guys couldn't find an interesting replacement for computer games.

The third group of our classmates (10 students) did not even try to fight gambling addiction. They noted that it was "too difficult."

Thus, we saw that some of our classmates became addicted to gambling.

Consultation with specialists

We consulted the school doctor about this issue. Svetlana Nikolaevna replied that computer games are more harmful:

Decreased visual acuity,

Overload of the joints of the hands,

Influence on the fragile psyche,

The kids spend little time outside.

Svetlana Nikolaevna also advised to observehygiene when working on a computer:

Rest every 15 minutes.

Do eye exercises.

Do gymnastics for the whole body.

Ventilate the room.

Do self-massage of the neck to improve blood circulation in the head.

Do not sit at the computer for more than 1 hour a day.

Don't play before bed.

We turned to computer science teacher Olga Vasilyevna with a question that interested us. She believes that computer games are harmful, and she especially highlighted the problem of “gaming addiction.”

Thus, we see that experts note mainly the harm from computer games.

Analysis of results

Our hypotheses were not fully confirmed. It cannot be said that computer games bring only harm or only benefit. The influence of computer games on children is controversial. Some people develop logical thinking and memory, while others forget about their surroundings in the game real world.

After analyzing all the collected data, we came to the followingconclusions:

IN modern life There is a place for computer games.

Reasonable adult supervision must be present.

Games must be age appropriate.

Choose educational, logical, educational, intellectual games.

Don’t forget that there are interesting and exciting activities in life: hobbies, reading, walks, communication, creativity, sports.


We think our work was useful for our class. At the very nearest class hour We will definitely share our achievements with our classmates. We will now carefully select games, pay attention to age restrictions and the genre of the game.

The use of computer games makes it much easier and faster to develop memory, attention, imagination, and the ability to find patterns. At the same time, we also learned about harmful effects such games. Recent research by scientists has shown that it is not the computer itself that negatively affects the human body, but its incorrect location, non-compliance with time restrictions and age restrictions.

It is necessary to talk to the guys about the benefits healthy image life, physical education and sports. If all these conditions are met, the computer will turn into a friend and faithful assistant.

Thank you for your attention!


How to protect your eyesight when working at a computer: http:// constructorus. ru/ zdorovie/ kak- uberech- zrenie- pri- work- za- compyuterom. html

A set of exercises for people who sit at the computer a lot: http:// otvetkak. ru/ health- beauty/ complexes- uprazhnenij- dlya- lyudej- kotorye- many- sidyat- za- compyuterom. html

Gymnastics when working with a computer: http:// stolikus. ru/ articles/ computer- gymnastics. aspx

Article “What is the harm and what is the benefit of computer games?”: http:// shkolazhizni. ru/ archive/0/ n-7264

Seven Myths of Video Games: http:// www. vitaminov. net/ rus-9234-0-0-2958. html%7 C

Children's computer games under parental control. Age categories of computer games: http:// www. cybermama. ru/ overview_ pc_ games. php

Age restrictions by games: http://4 mmog. ru/ article_ vozrastnie_ limited. htm

Games Educational: http:// multoigri. ru/ play- razvivausie

Educational games for children: http:// playshake. ru/ play- razvivausie- dlya- children

Educational and developmental computer games: http:// children's joy. ru/ load/25


Annex 1.

Questionnaire for children “Computer games and me”

Do you have:

computer (or laptop)


game console

phone with computer games

Do you like to play computer games? Not really

How often/for how long do you play:

all free time

about 1 hour a day

several hours a day

few times a week


What games do you like: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your responses.

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents, we ask you to take part in the survey “Computer games - FOR and CONS”.

1. Does your child play computer games? Not really

2. How often/for how long does he play?________________________________________________

3. What devices does your child play on?

computer (laptop)

 tablet

game console

 phone

multiple devices

4. What games does your child prefer? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Do you think computer games are harmful or beneficial to your child (explain your answer)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for participating in the survey.

Appendix 3.

Reminder when working with a computer.

1. Spend no more than one hour a day at the computer.

2. Take breaks and do eye exercises.

3. Eye exercises: Look at your finger for 10 seconds. 10 seconds on the tree outside the window. Repeat 2-3 times. Close your eyes and roll your head left and right, up and down, towards your shoulders. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds, open your eyes wide for 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

4. Be sure to engage in some active sport.

Appendix 4.

Gymnastics for the whole body when working on a computer

Appendix 5.

Exercise for the eyes when working on the computer

People have always played. At least since ancient times for sure. The principle of agon, for example, permeated every pore of ancient Greek culture. The games were dedicated to the gods - Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon. Gradually, the game gave way to sports, where victory rather than participation became more important. And victory at any cost. Hence the numerous doping scandals of our time. Dutch thinker J. Huizinga is a theorist of the game concept of culture. Actually, his main work is called “Homo Ludens” - “playing man”. A child creates in a game the whole world. A game can become a lifelong pursuit, for example, theater or cinema.

The computer, the ancestor of modern PDAs and other gadgets, was, of course, created not for games, but for work. Gradually the size decreased and the service improved. Giving your brain some relief, a little relaxation – these are the factors that led to the emergence of the first computer games. After all, a programmer doesn’t live by numbers alone. And he needs to be distracted from the works of the righteous.

By historical standards, the age of computer games is the age of the generation of today's thirty-year-olds. The first games appeared in the early 80s. last century. Tetris, Snake, Pac-Man and others like them. And these games were seriously delayed.

A few years later, the first “Prince of Persia” was released - a game, although seemingly primitive compared to its many later remakes, but with an imitation of real sounds and a well-developed plot. Entire offices were “cut into” it.

And just around the corner there were the first “shooters” - “Doom”, “Quake”, “Wolfenstein”, etc. There are still several resources on the Internet for those who like to be nostalgic for old games that were played exclusively on consoles like Dendy. Well, that means we still have a choice.

Not immediately, but still, teachers, parents and psychologists sounded the alarm in connection with computer games. And there were serious reasons for this. Nobody considered it necessary to speak out in favor - almost everyone unanimously, without saying a word, emphasized the negative aspects of “video mania.”

A dependent child or teenager is immediately visible - he is poorly socialized, he has a running or, conversely, fixed gaze, nervous movements of his arms and legs. There are almost no friends “alive” - all his friends are there, in the vastness of the “World Wide Web”. And he doesn’t realize that the Network is loneliness, it’s just a virtual “crutch”, a way of escaping reality. But reality will still “get you” - sooner or later.

Another danger that awaits those who enjoy video games is the danger of confusing the real world with the virtual world. The game should still remain a game and not pretend to be something more. These, by the way, were the arcade games of the 90s, made in 2D format. Platform adventures of a character who looked like the hero of some Disney cartoon (or in fact was one), who could run, jump, fight with enemies and win in the end. Nothing annoying, although the levels became more difficult each time. But the game was perceived just like a game. And with the release of quests and shooters, where blood flowed like a river, where machine gun fire rained down right and left, teenagers began to lose their sense of reality. There were cases when they wanted to bring the virtual world into the dull everyday life. In the USA, where getting and even buying firearms is not a problem, the young shoots organized a bloody “bath” for ordinary people - in a college, a gymnasium, a store, or just on the street. With suicide at the end. Of course, not virtual.

If old Freud were alive, he would immediately make a diagnosis - computer “shooters” are nothing more than a method of sublimation. Instead of showing a natural interest in the opposite sex, the guy sits all day at the computer and goes through level after level, game after game. And sometimes it can be fatal. The resources of a young body are also not unlimited.

What kind of argument could one make in defense of video games? Perhaps there will be one. If the game is not a stupid “basketball” or “rubilov”, but involves strategic thinking or the establishment of logical connections between objects, then the passion for it is completely justified. And it’s even better to diversify the games, from time to time switch from a shooter to a strategy, from a strategy to a quest, from a quest to a logic puzzle.

Another argument in favor is related to knowledge in the field in English. After all, another language is now studied in our schools in parallel with the native language. And children are receptive to the sound of someone else’s speech and grasp it faster. And computer games, to one degree or another, also contribute to the memorization of a number of specific words and terms.

In the end, people's attitudes towards video games don't matter. They exist and they are in demand. If there was no demand, then there would be no problem. And so - all ages are submissive to the game.

Pavel Nikolaevich Malofeev

Less than 15 years ago, a computer was considered a curiosity. But today we use this unit every day. Computer programs allow you to process music, videos and photos. Mostly, schoolchildren are the initiators of purchasing a home PC. Therefore, parents of teenagers need to clearly understand the pros and cons of purchasing a computer....

Arguments for"

On this moment Technologies are developing rapidly, so mastering computer literacy in adolescence will be very useful. Already during the school period, children have the opportunity to learn how to work with a large amount of data. Scientists have proven that a computer is quite a useful thing in a student’s life. For example, intellectual games or strategy games promote a child's mental development. Also thanks computer technologies, including the Internet, the boundaries between education in large cities and provincial ones are blurring, because from any corner of the world you can have access to modern training programs and various information. There are many special developments for schoolchildren and even adults. It has been noticed that children learn information much faster with the help of a computer, because the process fascinates them.
In addition, computer games have a positive effect not only on intelligence, but also on the formation of motor coordination. Many parents have faced the problem of getting their child to sit down for any activity. But schoolchildren always study at the computer with pleasure, because it is like any new toy, attracts children's attention.

Arguments against"

Of course, all parents are worried about the harmful effects of the computer on the health of the student. And this worry is not unfounded.

The possibility of spoiling your eyesight is one of the most important fears of caring parents. During global computerization, all ophthalmologists were against computers, and over time they came up with a special diagnosis “computer vision syndrome.” This disease sooner or later manifests itself in both young and adult computer users. This is expressed in redness of the eyes, eye fatigue, a feeling of heaviness on the eyelids, a feeling of a veil, watery eyes, and even double vision.

This problem is called the most important. Psychologists have noticed that the “computer generation” is characterized by irresponsibility, emotional immaturity and absent-mindedness. If you sit at the computer uncontrollably, you may not learn how to communicate with other people, develop complexes, and not gain an understanding of usual values. In addition, the ability to fantasize and make decisions independently decreases. However, such manifestations are not scary when working on a computer for several hours a day.

· gambling addiction

This term is used to describe psychological dependence on computer games. Gambling addicts usually experience anxiety, are irritable and aggressive, especially when they are not allowed to do what they love, that is, gaming. Having won in the virtual world, they experience euphoria and strive for a new “dose” of emotions. Players often spend more than 10 hours a day at the computer and lose interest in real life.

Who is susceptible to gambling?

Teenagers suffering from low self-esteem who want to assert themselves or win money. Another important factor– suggestibility. To avoid such dependence, it is worth nurturing independence and leadership qualities in the child, and encouraging his initiatives. You can recognize a child’s computer addiction by the following manifestations. He spends 6-10 hours a day at the computer. He has many virtual friends, but practically no real ones. A ban on computer work causes aggression. The child skips school to play on the computer and loses interest in learning. During the game, he begins to talk to the characters as if they were real people, becomes more aggressive. Because of the Internet or a computer game, he forgets about eating or personal hygiene. Has difficulty waking up in the morning, while feeling depressed. Your mood improves when you work at the computer. How to avoid harmful consequences?

The problems described above are not a given, but a possible development of the situation.

Schoolchild aged seven to twelve years You can already spend a couple of hours at the computer, but not at night.

Period after 12 years less dangerous for development. At this age, a person is able to distinguish between the real and virtual world.
It is better to limit programs with aggressive content.

In addition to this, it is advisable to captivate the student with other entertainment: clubs and sections of any kind.