How reliable is the use of digital signature? Is it relevant for an individual to obtain a digital signature?

In your personal account, you can fill out applications for certificates for trading (Sertum) and qualified certificates (except for certificates for Rosreestr, EGAIS and EP-OV).

Only a service center can create an application for a certificate. When the employee informs you that he has sent a request for editing to Personal Area, go to

You will need

If the data has not changed:

  • Old valid certificate to sign the application in in electronic format. If the old certificate has expired, you will need a camera phone/color scanner and printer to download the manually signed application.

If the certificate owner or organization data has changed:

  • Originals or certified copies of the passport and SNILS (only for qualified certificates) of the future certificate owner. The list of organizational documents and the cases in which they are needed are written at the document loading step.
  • Camera phone, camera or color scanner. You will need to upload document images.
  • Printer for printing statements and power of attorney templates.

How to fill out an application

1. Log into your personal account

Enter the phone number you provided to the employee service center, and click “Get code”.

The code will arrive within 2 minutes. Enter it and click “Login”.

If you do not receive an SMS with a code, try the following methods:

  1. Check if you have entered the correct phone number. If you notice an error, click “Change number” and correct it.
  2. Click “Get code again” (the link will become active 2 minutes after clicking the “Get code” button).
  3. If you haven't received the code, call 24/7 technical support 8-800-500-52-50.

2. Select the required application from the list of certificates

If you do not have other certificates, the application will open immediately. If you cannot find the application in the list, call the service center. Perhaps the application is linked to another phone number or the service center employee has not yet created it.

3. Read the instructions

If you do not have an old valid certificate or the owner has changed, download a guide on what to do in these cases. Click “Get Started.”

4. Check the certificate details

This data will be included in the certificate.

Important! Check the data carefully, because if there are errors in the data, you will need to reissue the certificate for a fee (if you do not have the “Certificate Maintenance” service activated).

  • If your organization's details have changed, call your service center. You cannot edit them yourself.
  • If the owner's details have changed, click “Edit” next to the “Certificate Owner” heading.

Pay special attention to your passport details. If your passport has expired or you have received a new passport, please provide the details of the new document.

If the owner of the certificate has changed, change all data. Enter your full name and date of birth exactly as in your passport: with the letters E, hyphens, spaces, etc. If you do not have a Russian passport, a temporary identity card will do.

Please indicate the current email— notifications about the status of the application and reminders about certificate renewal will be sent there.

If you foreign citizen , instead of a Russian passport, you can submit a foreign passport with a notarized translation or a residence permit in the Russian Federation (if you do not have a foreign passport). Fill in your full name in Russian letters, as in a certified translation. The “Series” field can be left blank if it is not present in the document.

5. Sign the application for the certificate.

If the owner of the certificate and the organization do not change (full name, SNILS, INN are the same) and the validity period of the old certificate has not expired, you will be able to sign the application with the old certificate electronically. If you do not have the old certificate on hand, print and sign the application manually (see sample below). The completed application template will be downloaded to your computer. Open this file and print it.

If the data has changed (full name/SNILS/TIN), print and sign the application manually. The completed application template will be downloaded to your computer. Open this file and print it.

Sign the application according to the sample without corrections in blue ink. Facsimiles cannot be used.

Signature for legal entities:

  • Subject of personal data: signature of the certificate owner.
  • On behalf of the legal entity: position, signature and full name of the head/authorized person of the organization that entered into the agreement. If the owner of the certificate is the same person, he signs both lines. Blue stamp.

Signature for individual entrepreneurs/individuals: if the agreement is concluded with the person to whom the certificate is issued, then only the signature of this person is required.

6. Check the relevance of documents

We will copy documents from old application, if the relevant data has not changed. Check them again.

If the data has changed, you need to confirm the changes with documents. Opposite the documents that need to be submitted there are green “Upload” buttons.

Take photographs or color scans of these documents. If you are not using the original document, but a copy, it must be certified according to the following example:

A copy can be certified by:

  • manager or authorized person organization/individual entrepreneur with which the agreement for the issuance of the certificate is concluded, if there is a seal,
  • notary,
  • service center.

Important! You cannot photograph/scan a copy of the application. Only the original. Don't throw away your application! You will need this when receiving your certificate.

Technical requirements for files

  • Color image. If you use a copy, there must be a blue certification inscription and seal.
  • The quality of the image should be such that the text can be easily read (approximately 200-400 dpi).
  • The pages are not trimmed and are included entirely.
  • Size up to 10 Mb.
  • jpg formats, png, gif, pdf, tif.

Upload the prepared scans to required tabs. You can also upload additional documents by clicking on the “Upload additional documents” link at the bottom of the page. Each optional document states in what cases it is required.

After checking/uploading all required documents, it will become active button“Submit a request” at the bottom of the page. Click it.

7. Application sent

We will check your application within 1-2 days and notify you of the result.
If it is not its owner who goes to collect the certificate, a power of attorney will be required. Download the template from the link.

Implementation modern means Personal identification is a huge step in the development of electronic document management. Many believe that the development of such a direction has no practical meaning, that the use of such means is only necessary a small number users and nothing will exceed a simple signature in reliability and convenience, but this is far from the case.

Electronic digital signature allows you to determine the authenticity of identity in digital document flow, which significantly increases its efficiency and saves time and money.

An electronic digital signature (or EDS) is, in essence, electronic props, which allows you to protect the digital version of a document from forgery. The legislator defines an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten signature, which is used for the purpose of personal identification when electronic document management.

In practice, several variants of digital signature are used.

Contains no elements cryptographic protection. Security is ensured by using login, password and connection codes.

In general, it is used only for the actual identification of the user, but is not used to protect a specific document.

Such a signature can still certify documents, however, this requires fulfillment certain conditions:

  • adding to a specific document;
  • use corresponds internal rules document flow;
  • availability of information about the identity of the sender of the file.

Unskilled refers to enhanced signature, but the degree of its protection is less than that of a qualified one. However, in in this case already in use cryptographic methods protection. Using such a signature allows you not only to sign a document, but also to make changes to it and then confirm them.

Qualified I am considered the most secure option. Cryptographic protection methods are used, which are confirmed by special authorities. Use in practice is difficult, but there is an undoubted advantage - reliability. You can connect such a signature only in a special certification center.

When signed with such a seal, the document is equivalent to a paper counterpart signed by an official with a special seal.

Test methods, services and results

Using digital signature is undoubtedly practical and convenient. However, each user must have the skills to verify its accuracy, which protects against possible violations by counterparties.

It is not difficult to check. To do this, just use one of several services. So, you can check the authenticity of a document signed with using digital signature, by uploading it to the website

This service will allow you to quickly analyze a document and get the result. To use it, you need to configure your computer accordingly, but it is not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions on the site.

If you cannot install the electronic signature on your computer yourself, you should contact certification centers. Upon completion of their work, an installation certificate is drawn up electronic signature.

The second service provided by the State Services portal is also easy to use. Using the link you can download a file signed with an electronic digital signature, and the service will verify its authenticity.

Using the service, you can no longer verify the document, but the signature itself. You need to upload a file of the appropriate format, the system will check:

  1. Certificate validity period.
  2. Is the signature on the revoked list?
  3. Is the digital signature one of those issued by accredited centers?

The most popular verification method is checking through the State Services portal. However, there are many more services that are approximately equal in their effectiveness.

In general, verification methods can be divided into two types:

  1. Verification of a document signed with digital signature.
  2. Checking the digital signature itself.

For best results, it is recommended to use both methods. In addition, it is periodically necessary to check the digital signature itself in order to exclude its invalidity.

Another way to check your digital signature is to install the appropriate program on your PC. Typically used CryptoPro due to the many full-fledged functions for working with digital signatures.

The result of any check is confirmation or non-confirmation of the authenticity of the digital signature or the document signed by it. Such services simply need to be used for work, as they fully ensure the security of electronic document flow.

If work is carried out using permanent basis, then it is recommended to use software from CryptoPro.

How to install digital signature

To install the electronic signature on a PC, you will need to download the appropriate software and follow the instructions.


First of all, you need to install it on your computer program CryptoPro CSP . Further:

  1. Run the program in any of the ways. As an option, open the Control Panel, the “Programs” menu and find what you need there, or find it through a search if the location is not known. Run as administrator.
  2. After starting the program, a window will appear in which you need to find the “Service” tab.
  3. Next, look for the “View certificates in container” menu.
  4. The Browse window appears, where you can view information about the container name and reader. Click OK.
  5. In the next window “Certificates in container private key"No action needs to be taken. Just skip it by clicking Next.
  6. A window with user data will appear. You need to select "Properties".
  7. Install new Certificate, to do this, select “Install certificate”.
  8. In the next window, we don’t do anything and just click “Next”.
  9. Next, you need to select the “Place all certificates in one storage” item, to do this, click “Browse” and select the “Personal” folder.
  10. The last step is to click “Finish”.


There is also a useful plugin from CryptoPro that allows you to create and verify signatures on web pages. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in can work with anyone modern browser, including Chrome and Yandex.

Many people believe that to work with digital signature it is necessary to use Internet Explorer, but that's not true. It is enough that the Internet browser supports Java.

This plugin allows you to:

  1. Sign documents for electronic document management.
  2. Validate web form data.
  3. Certify any files sent from the user's computer.
  4. Sign messages.

Using the plugin, you can check both regular and improved electronic signatures. An important advantage is that it is distributed completely free of charge.

To install the plugin you don’t need any special skills, everything happens in automatic mode. You just need to run the installer file, then select “Run”, “Next” and “Ok”. The program will do everything itself.

If you encounter any difficulties with installing or operating the program, you can always contact the company where the signature was purchased for help. In most cases they give detailed instructions and provide assistance over the telephone.

Setup and activation

For a complete EDS work it requires proper configuration and activation. To do this, in addition to installing the CryptoPro program and the corresponding plugin, you need to install row system programs and drivers, which will ensure stable operation.

  1. First of all, Rutoken drivers are installed. To do this, you need to run the installer file, before removing the electronic identifier from the USB. After launch, follow the program instructions.
  2. After installation, you should restart your computer and connect the ID. The system will automatically detect it.
  3. Next, CryptoPro CSP is installed. This step was described in the previous section.
  4. After these manipulations, you need to install the root certificate. It must be downloaded from the certification center website. After that, you need to find the cacer.p7b file among the downloaded files, right-click on it, and select “Install certificate.” Click Next, then select “Place certificates in one store,” then “Browse” and select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities.” Then “Next” and “Done”.
  5. If a pop-up window appears, you will need to click “Yes” several times, then “OK”.
  6. The next step is to install a personal certificate. Click on Start and look for CryptoPro CSP. Select “Service” and “View certificates...”, then “Browse”. We choose and accept. After acceptance, a pop-up window will appear in which you must enter the PIN code of the electronic media, and then click “Install”.
  7. Next important step— binding the key to the certificate. As a rule, it occurs automatically; if not, then you should follow the instructions of the certification center.
  8. You should also install CAPICOM, which is distributed free of charge on the Microsoft website. You need to run the installer file and follow the instructions.

Correctly setting up the electronic signature will help you avoid many problems. Therefore, all steps must be completed very carefully. If you have any questions, it is better to contact the certification center again.

Detailed instructions for installing and activating the CryptoPro program can be found below.


How reliable is the use of digital signature?

The reliability of using an electronic signature is at a fairly high level; a regular digital signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature. It is almost impossible to hack the system, and the chance of forging it is much lower than the chance of forging a handwritten signature.

Is it relevant to obtain an EP? to an individual?

The Federal Law can use a signature in any electronic document flow. In addition, the use of such a signature significantly expands the capabilities of the government services portal.

How much does an EDS cost?

The cost of an electronic signature is not very high. It will cost an individual about 1,000 rubles, the maximum cost for a legal entity is up to 2,500 rubles.

You will learn how to install and configure Rutoken from this video.

PocketBook devices not intended for sale in the Russian Federation are “gray” devices.

The concept and differences between “gray” and “white” devices.

“Grey” refers to devices that were imported into the Russian Federation unofficially, and in some cases even illegally.

There are official supplies from the Manufacturer through official distributors for sale through official channels. Such devices undergo full customs clearance, they are fully certified for the Russian Federation, manufactured taking into account all the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and are sold with a full Manufacturer’s warranty, which from April 2016 is 2 years from the date of sale; to obtain a guarantee, you can contact official network Manufacturer's service centers.

Some companies or even small online stores can, bypassing official channels, import devices themselves in large or small quantities. This can be an official purchase from foreign sellers with independent import, full customs clearance and independent certification by such a Seller, but this greatly increases the cost of “gray” devices, it reaches the level of the cost of “white” devices and therefore is never done. The second option is simply purchasing small quantities abroad, for example, in Poland, which is closest to us, by ordinary individuals and importing them into our country simply as goods for personal use.

This approach allows us to reduce taxation and official customs payments, which makes the cost of such devices much lower, so the retail price of “gray” devices in online stores and in electronics markets is often much lower than the price official devices(or as they are also called “whites”). Another sign of “gray” devices is that when sold, the warranty for such products is given for a much shorter period than official guarantee Manufacturer - this can be 6 months or 1 year, and in this case the warranty is borne by the seller himself, and not by the official service center. An official service center will only be able to offer you paid repairs for such a product.

“Grey” devices may not have gone through the procedure of receiving notification in Federal Service Security (FSB) of the Russian Federation, their SKU (from English. Stock Keeping Unit- product item identifier, article) does not correspond to products certified in Russia. There may also be differences in the pre-installed firmware for the Russian and other markets, in some cases there may be differences in functionality and technical specifications devices, due to differences in legal regulations between the countries for which they are intended and for sale and in the Russian Federation. The “gray” PocketBook may not be included warranty card or instructions in Russian, which is a violation of Russian law.

How to distinguish a “gray” PocketBook from a “white” one?

In order to distinguish the “gray” PocketBook from the “white” one, it is enough to examine its retail packaging. On the back of the box or on its end there is a sticker with the serial number, production date of the device and other identification data. In the serial number of the “gray” PocketBook, the 15th character is W, and in the serial number of the “white” PocketBook, the 15th character is 2.

In the “ITEM No./SKU” field at the very end, after the model and color identifier, the “gray” PocketBook number contains the letter combination WW, and the “white” one has RU.

The main disadvantage of the “gray” PocketBook device from the point of view of service:

Warranty repairs are only possible from the Seller of the device or in the country/region for sale in which it is intended.

How often do you need to change PocketBooks? Are they becoming obsolete morally and physically?

Devices for reading electronic books, or readers as they are also called, do not need frequent replacement. Even one of the first PocketBook devices, model 301+, released back in 2008, is still relevant today and works for many users; owners of such devices sometimes contact our service center to update the battery. And since the content of text electronic books is quite conservative in development (unlike multimedia), there are no prerequisites for these devices not being able to cope with their tasks as well in the coming years as they do now. A change in model can be dictated by the need to gain expanded functionality, for example, to acquire a device with built-in backlighting, with touch screen instead of push-button control, with moisture protection, or purchase a device with a larger diagonal in addition to the pocket travel version, or, conversely, purchase a compact one for traveling.

What can be done to make the device last as long as possible?

Use as carefully as possible. Prevention for modern electronic devices without active cooling is not a mandatory requirement, but if you have time and a certain amount of money, then you can do preventive maintenance, although preventive maintenance itself will not protect you from a sudden breakdown. For simplicity, we can roughly compare electronic device With light bulb No one knows for sure when it will burn out, so it can happen at any moment. Therefore, first of all, be careful and avoid extreme modes the work is somehow borderline temperature conditions, high humidity or excessive dryness and the like.

What to do if you and your PocketBook reader are caught in the rain?

If you are the owner of a waterproof PocketBook 640 Aqua model, then you should not worry about rain or splashes that get on the device, it is important that the rubber plug of the microUSB connector is closed and light rain or splashes will not damage the device. It’s another matter if you have a model that is not protected from moisture, in this case, at the first drops of rain, it is better to hide the device in a place protected from moisture or hide with the device yourself. Firstly, moisture provokes corrosion processes on metal parts (rust), which are sufficient inside any electronic device, and, secondly, since non-distilled water liquid is a good conductor, when it gets inside the device, it settles on the contacts and can cause short circuits on the internal boards of the device - this in itself will lead to unstable operation of the device, in addition, it will increase corrosion by electrochemical action, since the current will increase the possibility of rust and accelerate all destructive processes. Corrosion is harmful because over time, current will completely stop passing through contacts that have been subject to rust, and thus circuits that are very important for the operation of the device may fail.
If your device gets into water, you must take all measures to remove it as quickly as possible, then you must turn off the device and, if possible, turn off battery so as not to provoke the development of corrosion electrical influence. You cannot place the device on a battery - the thermal effect can damage the electronics of the device; it is better to put it entirely in rice, which is a good absorbent. The sooner all these measures are taken, the greater the chance that the device will remain operational. However, a device that has fallen into water can either survive, work quite stably for the rest of its life, or die at any moment; additional cleaning, laundering and repairs can help, but no one can give any guarantees that the device will not fail in the future. any moment or will work stably.

What should I do if I left my device on the beach in the open sun and high temperatures?

Prolonged exposure to the direct rays of the sun benefits few things, including many living organisms and electronic devices. The most dangerous thing is that the device’s battery will get very hot and theoretically could fail, for example, simply fail and stop holding a charge, or leak and also damage system board device, electrolyte can also leak out of the device and damage surrounding things. However, for this to happen, a fairly long exposure is needed, for several hours. The worst thing is that the same can happen with prolonged exposure. high temperature- this means that the battery will overheat and explode. It doesn’t hurt, even if everything seems to be in order and working, if possible, contact the nearest authorized Service Center. Therefore, try not to allow yourself to forget your electronic devices under any aggressive environmental influence.

How to update the firmware?

To update the firmware of PocketBook models without Wi-Fi, go to the “Support” section on the official PocketBook website, select your model and download the archive with the firmware to your computer in the appropriate section of the page. On your computer, you need to extract the firmware file SWUPDATE.BIN from the archive. This file should be written to the root directory of the reader memory or microSD cards With via USB-cable or card reader. Next, in the reader interface, go to the “Settings” -> “Software” -> “Software Update” section. The device will search for available updates in the following order: on the MicroSD card (if available), and then in the internal memory.

To update the firmware of PocketBook models with Wi-Fi, you need to do the following: connect to a Wi-Fi network and go to the “Settings” -> “Software” -> “Software Update” section. The device will search for available updates on the Internet and, if available, new firmware will download and install it - exactly the same as in the case modern smartphones And tablet computers. Please note that usually the firmware update file is about 100-200 MB in size, so the download process can take quite a long time (depending on the connection speed). For PocketBook readers with Wi-Fi, the method of installing updates from a MicroSD or memory card, described above, is also available.

On average, the update process takes 10-15 minutes.

What memory card does the device support?

The device is compatible with cards micro format SD and micro SD HC. The maximum capacity is 32GB, supported speed class is from 2 to 10. The memory card must be inserted into the slot according to the instructions for your model (contacts up or down). To fix the card in the slot, push it with your fingernail until it clicks so that the card does not “peek out” from the slot. When inserting a memory card, the device must be turned off and disconnected from the PC.

What is the password on the TTS module files downloaded from your website?

TTS voice module files must have a .pbi extension. The file you downloaded to your device obviously has a .zip archive extension. In this case, resave the file by selecting the “all files” type in the save path selection window, and add the “.pbi” extension at the end in the name line.

All my games and applications are gone.

In this case, you need to format the internal memory of the device. To do this, select Settings - Maintenance - Formatting internal memory or Settings - Additional settings– System – Formatting the built-in memory.

Please note that formatting will remove all user files With internal memory devices, therefore, before performing this procedure, it is recommended to do backup copy this data on your computer or external map memory (at the same time system files will not be deleted).

Not displayed system folder.

If you do not see the system folder when you connect to your PC, this means that it is hidden.

In order to access this folder you need to:

1) Opening root folder internal memory of the device, select on top panel window, “Tools” section (if it is not visible by default, it is called by pressing the ALT button) - then “Folder Options”

2) In the settings window that appears, you need to select the “View” tab;

3) Next, you need to find (at the bottom of the list) the “hide protected system files and folders” function and uncheck it, and opposite the “show” option hidden files and folders" put a dot, after which a warning will appear - confirm (yes) and then (apply).

Thus, in the root of the device’s internal memory there will appear hidden folders, including the system folder.

Can I install additional applications?

Programs and games must be adapted directly to the device. Applications adapted by our developers are built into the firmware and are located in the “Applications” section.

The computer does not recognize the device.

If your computer does not recognize your device, follow these guidelines:

1. Check that the device is connected to the computer correctly. Please note that you need to connect the device to the PC only when it is turned on. Thus, you must first turn on the device and boot it to the main menu, then connect to the computer. We recommend checking the communication settings on Pocketbook: “settings - communication - USB mode– set “ask when connecting”. (For model 622 with firmware 4.4, as well as 623, 624, 626, 614, 515, 801, select “settings – additional settings – system – USB mode – set “ask when connecting”; then return to the main menu using “Back” scrolling keys).

Next, connect the device to the PC using a USB cable and on the device, a window will appear with the choice of “Connection with PC” or “Charging”. Select “Communication with PC”. Next, go to “My Computer” on your computer and check: a removable disk should appear, which is identified as a Pocketbook device.

2. Check if the cable is securely inserted into the USB connector. Try switching the USB cable to another computer connector; if possible, connect the device to the PC via another USB cable;

3. If you are using desktop computer, try inserting the cable into the USB connector on the rear panel of the system unit;

4. Make sure that the latest version of software (firmware) is installed on your device. To check on Pocketbook, go to: “settings - device information - software version”. Current firmware versions (the name will have more than high value numbers) are available on the official website (in the “support” section you should select the device model). If an update is necessary, in the “documentation” subsection you will find instructions for updating the firmware.

5. If you are using current version software, and the above recommendations did not help, format the internal memory of the device (Settings - Maintenance - Formatting internal memory or Settings - Additional settings - System - Formatting internal memory). Please note that formatting deletes user files (books, photos, music) from the device, so before performing this procedure, it is recommended to back up the data on a computer or external memory card.

How do I delete files from my device?

There are 2 ways to delete files:

1. Connect your device to your computer via a USB cable. When the device is recognized on the computer as a removable disk, go to Explorer and remove unnecessary files by right-clicking on the file and selecting the "Delete" option.

2. Go to the Books or Library section on your device.

Long-press the OK key until the folder or file you want to delete appears. context menu. In the menu that appears, select “File” - “Delete” (for models with a touch screen, press and hold the file until the context menu appears. In the menu that appears, select “File” - “Delete”).

How to properly charge the battery? What devices are used for this?

It is recommended to charge the device for the first time in the off state for 8-10 hours. In the future, 2-3 hours will be enough for fully charged battery The battery in the device can be charged using USB cable(included in delivery) via USB port computer, it is also possible to use network adapters(purchased separately). The use of universal chargers is permitted if they comply with the following: technical parameters: voltage – 5V, current – ​​from 1A to 2.5A, constant current.

How to setup Wi-Fi connection?

To connect your device to Wi-Fi, you need to go to “Settings” - “Communication” - “Network access” - set to “enabled”. Then you should select " Wireless connections» – <соединение1>– give it a name, which will subsequently be saved with all the settings and when you reconnect to this network you will not need to enter the data again. After this, the name of the connection will automatically appear in the “Network name” item.

Next, in the “Protection” item, you should select the type of protection, and, if the network is protected, enter the access key (password). After this, you need to go to “Test connection”, where a notification will appear that the connection has been established. (For model 622 with firmware 4.4, as well as 623, 624, 626, 614, 515, 801, you must select Network – Network access “ON”, select your network in the list that appears, enter the password and confirm the action by pressing the “Connect” button ). Now go to Applications and open your web browser, it will appear virtual keyboard and address entry menu.

How to copy books to your device?

Connect your device to your computer. The device must be connected to the PC while it is turned on. At the bottom of the display e-book A message will appear: “Select USB mode”: “Connection with PC” or “Charging”. Select connection to PC. The device will be detected as Removable drive"Pocketbook".

When copying files to the device, you must perform the same actions as when working with external storage(for example: left-clicking the mouse – selecting the desired file – right-clicking the mouse – copy – paste).

Please note: files in .zip/.rar format must be extracted (unpacked) before being sent to the device. To do this, right-click on required file and select the “extract” command, then copy the file to Pocketbook.

Terms of exchange and return

Return and exchange of goods of proper quality(if you didn’t like it, became unnecessary or didn’t fit for one reason or another) is possible within 7 days, not counting the day of purchase.

Returns are possible only for the complete delivery set, if the device itself, the presentation of the device packaging and the rest of the set are fully preserved. The device must not have signs of use in the form of abrasions, grease, stains and scratches. Retail packaging should not have tears, dents, scratches, or other marks that might suggest that the device is not new. Opening the cellophane packaging of the retail box is not considered such damage.

Returns and exchanges of goods with any defect that was not the fault of the consumer, not declared by the manufacturer or not a feature of the operation of the returned product, are possible within 14 days from the date of purchase, not counting the day of purchase.

A return or exchange may be refused in cases where the conditions for return and exchange are not met, when such a refusal is expressly permitted by law.

Exchange and return for those located in Moscow and the Moscow region

To process a return or exchange, you need to personally contact the PocketBook Service Center, located at the address: 125040, Moscow, Belorusskaya metro station, st. Yamskogo Polya 3rd, 2, bldg. 12 Business Park “Yamskoye Pole”, floor 1, “PocketBook Sales and Service Center”. Applications for exchange or return are accepted at any time. work time service center (weekdays from 10 to 20 hours, Saturday from 11 to 16, Sunday closed; on holidays and pre-holidays, changes in opening hours are possible). Exchanges or Returns Money for which a positive decision has been made are carried out only on weekdays from 10 to 18 hours.

As paper documents are replaced by electronic ones, everything higher value and such a tool as an electronic signature is becoming increasingly widespread. Already, many departments exchange documents exclusively in electronic form, while each legally significant document signed with an electronic signature. It is used when working on electronic trading platforms, when interacting with government information systems(such as GIS GMP, GIS housing and communal services and others) and can even be used for authorization on state portals(such as There is no doubt that in further expansion the scope of application of electronic signatures will continue, and therefore specialists in the field information technologies It is extremely important to understand the principle of operation of an electronic signature and be able to take the necessary steps to install and configure software for working with an electronic signature.

Of course, studying this issue it would be worth starting with federal law"About electronic signature" ( ), which provides definitions of concepts, the legal status of an electronic signature, the procedure for its use, etc. helpful information. However, the purpose of this article is to show how quickly, without going into details, to install an electronic signature, which in some cases, in cases where there is no time for proper study, will be very useful.
We will install on a computer running operating system Windows 7 Professional, a private key for an electronic signature on eToken media, and we will use CryptoPro CSP as a crypto provider.
Let's start by installing the necessary software:
- CryptoPro CSP versions 3.6 or higher;
- Media driver (when using eToken or Rutoken).
The driver for eToken can be downloaded for free from following link , the driver for Rutoken is available for download here .
Other devices, such as a flash drive, smart card or registry, can also be used as a carrier of key information, but it is not recommended to use them as they do not provide a sufficient level of protection of key information from unauthorized access.

Installing an electronic signature key certificate.

After the eToken driver (Rutoken) and the crypto provider CryptoPro CSP are installed, we can begin installing the electronic signature verification key certificate.
Launch the CryptoPro CSP program, go to the “Service” tab and click the “View certificates in the container” button.

In the window that opens, click “Browse” and select the right owner and click “Ok”.

In the next window, do not change anything, click “Next”.

A window will open in which we can see brief information about the user certificate (information about the owner, the validity period of the certificate and its serial number).

To view details click “Properties”. If the root certificate of the certification authority has not yet been installed (as in our case), then in the general tab we will see a message as in the figure below. The current root certificate of a certification authority is usually available for download on the website of the certification authority (the organization that issued the electronic signature).

Return to the previous window and click “Install” to continue installing the user certificate. A message appears indicating that the certificate is being installed. Confirm the installation by clicking the “Yes” button.

A message from eToken PKI will also appear, asking you to write the certificate to eToken. We refuse, click “Cansel”.

The certificate is installed in the certificate store. Click “Finish” to complete the installation.

Installing the root certificate of the certification authority.

File root certificate certification center (with extension .cer) open double click mouse and click the “Install certificate” button.

The Certificate Import Wizard will open. Click “Next”. Then check the “Place the certificate in the following storage” checkbox.

Through “Browse” we specify the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” folder.

Click “Ok” and complete the installation. A message appears indicating that the operation was successful.

Now, when we open the properties of the user certificate, we will not see old mistake.

All we have to do is test the private key container.


Open CryptoPro CSP, and in the “Service” tab, click “Test”.

We find the key container through “Browse” or using the corresponding certificate and click “Next”. You will be prompted to enter a pin code for the container. Enter the password and click “Ok”. If you check the “Remember pin code” checkbox, the system will not request it whenever you access the key container (including when signing a document), which is not recommended in order to protect against unauthorized access.
Next, a window will open with information about the presence or absence of errors.

Installing an electronic signature in the register.

It is possible that the private key of an electronic signature needs to be duplicated in order to be used on several computers. In such cases optimal solution will install the private key of the electronic signature into the registry. For a container created in the registry, you can set a password and thereby limit access to the private key of the electronic signature, which is stored in the container. Removable media, after installation, can be transferred to another user. I note that such a measure is justified in cases where, for example, several employees of one organization (department) use the same signature (for example, the signature of an authority). In other cases, resorting to such measures is not recommended.

Installation of the “Register” reader.

The first thing you need to do is install the reader. This is quite easy to do using the reader installation wizard (adding and removing readers is done under account with administrator rights). If, when installing CryptoPro CSP, you checked the “Register reader “Registry”” checkbox, as in the figure below, and it is present in the list of readers, you can immediately proceed to copying the private key container to the registry.

Launch CryptoPro CSP, in the “Equipment” tab, click the “Configure readers” button.

In the window that opens, click “Add”.

The reader installation wizard will start, click “Next”.

From the list in the window on the right, select “Registry” and click “Next”.

Then we set the name of the reader, or leave it unchanged as in our example and click “Next”.

We complete the wizard and click “Finish”.

Copying the private key container to the registry.

The reader is prepared, now you need to copy the container with key information from eToken removable media to the registry. To do this, go to the main menu of CryptoPro CSP and in the “Service” tab, click the “Copy” button. Through “Browse” we indicate the container that we want to copy to the registry.

The system will then ask for a password to access the container on removable media(eToken). Enter the password, and in the next window set the name for the key container that will be created in the registry.

In the next window, the program will prompt you to select the media on which you want to burn the container. Select “Registry” and click “Ok”.

Now we need to set a password for the container that we placed in the registry.

Enter the password, confirm and click “Ok”.
Now, by running the function of testing the private key container, in addition to the container on removable media, we will see the created container on the “Registry” reader.
We complete the container testing procedure. If no errors are found, proceed to installing the electronic signature key certificate (if it has not been done previously). The procedure for installing a certificate from the registry is similar to the installation procedure from removable media, and if the certificate given owner has already been installed from removable media, then installing it again after copying the container to the registry will not be necessary.