Programs for windows on mac. Installing Windows applications on Mac OS X using WINE. Installing and using Wine

macOS is an advanced and at the same time reliable operating system that many PC users chose instead of Windows 10. Unfortunately, installing the Apple platform on a computer from another manufacturer is not so easy. The simplest and convenient way– loading the virtual machine.

Requirements for installing macOS on a Windows PC

To install Mac OS X (10.5 and higher) on a Windows PC, you will need a virtual machine. You can use VMWare, which allows you to run the operating system macOS system in a Windows environment. As for hardware requirements, they are as follows:

Applications needed to install Mac on Windows PC or laptop

You also need to download the macOS image. The password is “xnohat”.

How to Install Mac OS X on Windows

Step 1: Install latest version VMWare Workstation.

Step 2. Unpack Unlocker 2.0.8 and run the “win-install.cmd” file as administrator.

Step 3. After launching, you need to wait until the patch is installed and unlocks the feature macOS installations in VMWare. Open VMWare and create a new one virtual machine (automatic method). In the window that appears, select " Apple Mac OS X". In the Version list, select Mac OS X 10.7 or any newer version.

Step 4: After clicking the “Next” button, the virtual machine will be created. In order for macOS to work properly, you need to configure Hardware. To do this, select “Edit” Virtual Machine Settings".

Step 5: Click the "Add" button, then click "Next" twice and select "Use an Existing Virtual Disk" and click "Next" again. Now select the operating system image you downloaded earlier and click “Finish”.

Step 6: After completing all the settings, click on the blue launch button and follow the on-screen instructions to install OS X.

Not every user knows that in addition to emulating all Windows environment on OS X to run your favorite games and programs designed for PC, there is also alternative way, called WINE. In this material we will talk about its own “trick”, advantages and disadvantages, and also describe in an accessible way how to use it.

In contact with

Great amount Mac users switched to this platform from the good old PC. It was precisely these users who were called “switchers” in the early 2000s, but later this term and its cruder synonyms were already forgotten. For some, the transition to Mac was more painful and took large quantity time, someone accepted the operating principles of OS X much easier, and some users are still “looking around” because they have not found worthy alternative solutions for Mac. Often this can be specialized programs(for example SolidWorks for 3D modeling or Compass for drawing) and games. And if everything is clear with games, then a large number of Windows programs have OS X alternatives that are no worse, if not better, than their comrades.

And if you still need a couple of Windows programs on OS X, then it’s better to use unusual tools like BootCamp or the like virtual machines like , and others, but resort to help WINE.

WINE (“Wine Is Not an Emulator”) is open-source software that allows you to run on OS X (or, to be more precise, on UNIX-like systems) run 32- and 64-bit applications developed for Windows. The most interesting thing is that it is not an emulator, but an implementation own version WinAPI.

The main advantages of WINE include high speed work (applications often run even faster than on Windows), no need to buy and install a virtual machine, and a small amount of disk space.

Installing WINE

The WINE environment itself is intended for programmers, but it is possible and even necessary to use products based on Wine. The Wineskin shell is perfect for our purpose.

The installation procedure is as follows:

P. S.: At the time of writing, the current version was “1.7”, compatible with OS X Yosemite. The software also works great on OS X El Captain.

4 . Move the downloaded file " Wineskin Winery" to the programs folder (by default it will be located in the " Downloads»).

Setting up WINE

1 . Run " Wineskin Winery».

2 . Create the first container by clicking on the plus sign.

3 . The latest version of the program must be selected in the WS9Wine field. Click " Download and Install».

4 . Click "OK" and wait until the download completes.

5 . If in the field " Wrapper Version" written " No Wrapper Installed", press the button " Update", and then confirm your intentions by tapping on " OK" Wait until the download completes.

P. S.: Wrapper (APP extension) is a container containing files for successfully launching a Windows application. Files can be freely transferred between devices.

6 . Now in the main window, click the button Create New Blank Wrapper» to create a new container.

7 . Provide a name for the container that will be displayed in Launchpad, such as " Yablyk».

P. S.: Pay attention to the characters that cannot be used in the title!

8 . In the windows " Wine Mono Installer" And " Wine Gecko Installer» click the « button Install».

9 . At the end of the procedure, a message will appear asking you to view the result. Click on the button View wrapper in Finder».

Installing Windows Applications on Mac OS X Using WINE

1 . Open Finder.

2 . Go to the location of the installed container, in our case it is, located in the default directory:

/Users/ /Applications/Wineskin

3 . Click right key mouse over the container and select context menu « Show package contents».

4 . Double click on the file " Wineskin" to launch it.

5 . Tap on the first item " Install Software».

The selection window will contain the following items:

Choose Setup Executable- installing software using standard installers of the setup.exe format;

Copy a Folder Inside- copying applications preinstalled on Windows into a created container (for example, portable versions of programs);

Move a Folder Inside - similar action previous point the only difference is that the files will be moved to the container rather than copied.

Installation example great tool for drawing " KOMPAS-3D"We will demonstrate the installation and launch process using WINE.

6 . Select the first item " Choose Setup Executable" and specify the path to the installer.

7 . The shell of the usual will start Windows installer For specific application. Agree to all the terms and conditions and click “ Further" In the installation folder selection field, leave the default directory.

8 . After installation is complete, you can open Launchpad and run the program.

P. S.: When you first start it, the “Wineskin” window may appear and you may get confused when you cannot find the program launch button.

It's simple - click the " Advanced" and click on " Test Run».

In the future, the window Wineskin" will not be displayed, and when opening an application from Launchpad, the Windows program will immediately open, and not the shell with settings.

How to change the icon and name of a program in Launchpad

If you cannot find the required icon on the Internet, but want “everything to be according to Feng Shui,” then follow these steps:

1 . Go to the directory with the installed container:

/Users/ /Applications/Wineskin

2 . Right-click on the container and select " Properties».

3 . In field " Name and extension:» specify the program name.

4 . Copy an image in ICNS format (not PNG, not ICN, namely ICNS!), which will act as an icon, and click once with the left mouse button on the image in the left top corner, press on the keyboard ⌘Cmd + V(insert) or simply drag the downloaded icon onto the image in the properties.

Icons can be downloaded from the Icon Archive or IconFinder.

Installing Windows games on Mac OS X using WINE

Installing games is a more complex task, but one that is completely within the capabilities of the average user.

The procedure is basically the same as installing programs. The difference is that before installing the game you need to download and install:

  • extension libraries vcrun;
  • DirectX(preferably d3dx9.dll, since this version is the most stable).

P.S.: Under no circumstances agree to DirectX update. Such an offer may appear at the start of the game.

WINE has a database of all these components. All that remains is to mark them and install them, for which go to WineskinAdvancedToolsUtilities and select " Winetricks».

In the search or list, find the relevant items and check the boxes next to them. Then click the “ Run" and perform the installation in the pop-up windows.

In custody

At this point, we have examined only that small portion of the functionality that WINE has. On the Internet you can find many manuals on more advanced and fine work WINE, and we only provided basic fundamentals. Enjoy!

You would probably like to install Windows programs on mac, but did it work? In this article we will look at one of the ways to do this.

Majority software designed for Microsoft environment and are compatible with this operating system. Of course, there are analogues, but not for all applications, especially specialized ones. Designed for installing Windows programs on Mac special utilities, allowing them to be launched almost without loss of power.

In this article we will look at one of the most popular free utilities for launching software for Microsoft - Wine. She has the following Main advantages:

    - widespread
    - free
    - ability to work with incompatible software in OS X
    - performance comparable to installation separate Windows via Boot camp.

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The disadvantages include:

    - ability to run a small amount of software
    - glitches and errors
    - not very friendly interface compared to paid analogue.

Principle of operation- approximately like a translator with foreign language, i.e. commands from another operating system are translated into a language understandable for Mac. Of course, as with regular text translation, inaccuracies arise, because different languages inherent different meaning words, and some words have no translation at all. Similarly, when installing Windows applications on a Mac, errors may occur due to the impossibility of translating some commands. That is why, with the help of Wine and similar utilities, you can only run a small number of applications without glitches and errors.

How to launch:

In this article we will use the most popular free utility WineBottler, developed on based on Wine for working in OS X environment.

What you will need:
- WineBottler
- XQuartz (X11)
- OS X Lion

What to do:

We type WineBottler in the search engine and download it; at the time of writing, you could download it from here, install it.

Then you need to download and install X11(X Windows System) on mac, because it is not included in OS X Lion. X11 is part of the XQuartz software developed by Apple to support the X Windows System. So, type XQuartz in the search, and download or from here

Everything is almost ready. Go to the application with the .exe extension, right-click and select “Open in Wine”.

Upon startup, a window will appear showing the path to unpack the software, in our case, this is the folder "/Users/Alexandr/Wine Files/". This directory contains the "drive_c" folder - an analogue of the c: drive in Windows. Click "Go".

We get standard procedure installing software on Windows, we also do not forget that drive C: is located in the folder “/Users/Alexandr/Wine Files/”, in our case, this is where the files are copied during installation with standard parameters and from there they must be launched in the future.

Mak is beautiful from all sides. Usually people fall in love with him at first sight. However, it is worth recognizing that programs on Windows have undeniable advantages: prevalence and general acceptance. It is for this reason that Mac users periodically (increasingly less often, fortunately) are forced to get creative and come up with ways to run programs that only run on Windows.

Some services (bank clients and other sites working with digital signature) only support (!sic) Internet Explorer, they may send you a file in some prehistoric format that can only be opened by a Windows program that does not have a Mac version. Be that as it may, such situations arise. And further in the article we will consider all the ways to resolve such situations and summarize in a way that suits almost everyone and always.

1. Virtual machines

Virtual machines allow you to run entire operating system inside another operating system. On MacOS there are three large virtual machines: , and . The latter has already been discussed in a recent article about.

We can say for sure that if you are willing to fork out the cash, then Parallels is the best virtual machine of these three. Especially for beginners. You don't need to configure anything during installation (and you don't even need to download Windows) - the program will do everything itself. Parallels supports the so-called Coherence mode, which launches Windows in a Mac window. Moreover, regular Win applications can be docked. And run win files directly from Finder. In this case, files and applications are highlighted with the Parallels logo.

I must say that I personally use Parallels. I won’t talk about VMware for the reason that when choosing a virtual machine for myself, I realized that “Parallels” this moment are head and shoulders ahead of VMware and, in general, there is no special choice among virtual machines.

The only negative is, of course, the price. The program only has paid versions and the cheapest (home-made) will cost you (at the time of writing) 3,990 ₽

At the same time, VirtualBox is free. But installing it will require a little effort. In addition, the result in VB will not look as beautiful as in “Parallels”, because the latter was made specifically for Mac, and VB is a cross-platform program. If you are ready to get confused and save money, then about installing Windows 8 in VirtualBox.

If you have any doubts (and you don’t have much time), then install the 14-day trial version of “Parallels” and during this time decide whether it is worth the money. If there is money for paid programs definitely not, then VirtualBox - the best choice. On VirtualBox, at the same time, look at articles about and, in fact, . Let us remind you that Win10 can now be easily installed without activation (with a small uncritical functionality limitation).

Advantages Flaws
  • There is no need to restart the computer to start the virtual machine.
  • You can quickly launch Win programs along with Mac applications
  • Parallels has a nice Mac design
  • You can configure virtualization settings (for example, how much RAM and hard drive will get the OS running in the virtual machine).
  • Parallels is expensive.
  • The graphics performance in the VM is rather weak, so most likely it will not allow you to play Windows games
  • If you install VirtualBox, you may become a bearded geek during the installation process.
  • Old Macs may not be able to handle the VM, or will be severely slow

2.Boot Camp

While virtual machines allow you to run Win inside a running MacOS, Boot Camp allows you to install Windows directly on the Mac itself. Also known as “dual boot,” Boot Camp allows you to have a Mac and Windows on the same hard drive.

For MacOS you need Boot Camp Assistant and this wizard will guide you through the entire installation process. What the installation itself consists of: an additional (bootable) partition will be created on the hard drive, where Windows will be located and you can then boot the computer from it.

How to install Windows 10 via Boot Camp Assistant

You will need:

  • Flash drive or external hard 8GB disk or more (the information on them will disappear, so do not use a flash drive with your dissertation)
  • The Mac must be plugged into an outlet. It won't be very cool if it turns off in the middle of the process
  • Requires a license for Windows 10
  • Connected Internet

1. Download Windows ISO

Microsoft offers Windows ISO files for free download on its official website.

Be sure to read the list of minimum hardware requirements. If your Mac doesn't match them, then don't even try. After familiarizing yourself with minimum requirements, select version ( Windows 10) press the button “ Confirm“.

Next, select the product language (for example, Russian), press the “ button again Confirm“. After this, your system will be checked for compatibility and if successful, you will see download links on the screen.

Select the version with your processor bit (in my case x64) and download the ISO file with Windows.

2. Insert a flash drive

Disconnect all USB devices from your computer during installation. Insert the prepared flash drive or external HDD.

3. Launch Boot Camp Assistant

MacOS X has a built-in BCA (Boot Camp Assistant) and it will do everything itself, so you don't need any third party utilities. To launch BCA, open Spotlight (there is a magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the screen, click on it), and there enter Boot Camp Assistant. Select program Boot Camp Assistant.

4. Select installation type

Select the first item “ Create a Windows 7 or later installation disc“. Second checkbox ( Download latest software Windows support from Apple) in theory will be checked by default and cannot be turned off. But the third item can be turned on or off by default. Turn off third point ( Install Windows 7 or later). Next press “ Continue“.

5. Write Windows to a USB flash drive

Select the Windows ISO file you downloaded in the first step.
Make sure that the prepared flash drive is selected as the installation disk.

Please note that the flash drive will be formatted during the process and all data on it will be lost.

Click “ Continue“. Another window will appear asking if you are sure you want to continue, because... The flash drive will be formatted and the data will disappear. If you are sure, press “ again” Continue“.

If you are performing an operation on a MacBook, do not close the lid of the laptop. This will send the Mac to sleep and interrupt the recording process.

After everything is finished, you will see the message “Windows has been saved.” Click “ Exit“, unmount and disconnect the flash drive.

Congratulations, you have a windows flash drive for mac.

Running the installer from a flash drive

In order to boot from a USB drive, you need to hold down the Mac boot button. ALT(a boot menu will appear, where you need to select a flash drive). Or, when booting your Mac, hold down C, then the computer will immediately boot from the flash drive.

After you boot from the flash drive, .

Well, it was small lyrical digression on the topic of installing Windows 10 as a second system on a computer. Now let's get back to where we started: is it worth doing and who will it suit.

The main disadvantage of this whole idea with dual boot is that you will not be able to run Win and Mac programs in parallel. Each time to switch between systems you need to reboot and select the OS. There are benefits to this, of course, and they include greater system performance because Windows can use all of your Mac's resources.

3. Wine

Both solutions above (virtual machines and boot camp) include the installation of a full-fledged Windows with all the attendant nuances. Wine is something else. This is a “pad” that allows you to run Win programs on MacOS and Linux. In this regard, Wine is much more easy solution than installing Windows, especially if you need to use 1-2 popular programs. But as often happens, compromise options have a whole set of limitations and pitfalls.

That's the problem: Wine does not work with all programs. Some will launch and work great, others may throw an error while running, and others won't start at all. First, you can check program compatibility and look for the applications you need there.

And one more problem The problem is that this is not exactly a “box solution” and finishing it can cause confusion among new users.

The second problem can be simplified slightly. The WineBottler program was created for this, and we’ll talk about it.

Choose stable version , download the DMG file.

After opening the DMG file, drag Wine and WineBottler into Applications (the same as you do when installing any other software not from the App Store).

After installation, launch WineBottler and you will see a list of programs that you can install right away, such as Internet Explorer.

To run other Windows programs through Wine, download executable files these programs (.EXE) and run them as follows: right click and Open -> Wine. Yes, I repeat once again that not all programs will work through Wine.

Below is a video about WineBottler in broken English, in principle, everything is clear in it without translation 😉

Wine is good when you need to work with 1-2 guaranteed compatible programs. If the list of programs is wide and changes regularly, then you should choose a different method for working with them.


Crossover is paid solution, which is also based on Wine.

The application offers a high-quality interface that allows you to simply enter the name required Windows program and it will be found and launched. Since this is commercial software, you can count on support help if something goes wrong or you need support for some program that is not on the list.

But compared to the options presented above, CrossOver is a complete compromise and will not suit most users. Again, if you need to run various programs, then it is much easier to do this using a virtual machine. If performance is important to you (for example, in games), then it is better to use Boot Camp. In general, with a price tag of $40, we can recommend this option for highly specialized applications.

Remote access

If none of the options suggested above suits you, then why not try to deal with the problem in a different way? If you have another computer that has Windows installed, then you can use remote access to work on it from your Mac.

TeamViewer is free and powerful tool for remote access. By the way, there was a topic about remote access.

All you need to do is choose a communication method, install it on both computers (Win and Mac), log in to your account on both machines, check the “easy login” box on Win. And after that, you can connect to your Windows computer at any time.

Depending on , you may experience some delays and slowdowns in your work. Yes, and also, the lack of cross-support for hotkeys is a little annoying. You try to switch the language on a Mac in the usual way, but instead of changing the language, all sorts of windows pop up. But on the other hand, if you need relatively fast (and free) access to Windows, then this option may be suitable for you!

Advantages Flaws
  • Free and easy installation
  • Doesn't eat up space on your hard drive
  • Windows programs are guaranteed to work, simply because they run on Windows 😉
  • You need to have a Windows computer that is always on. Or it will have to be turned on every time.
  • Sluggish Internet can lead to slowdown of the entire interface and, accordingly, infuriate.
  • We have studied everything above possible options (if not everything, then write in the comments, we will add to the article).
    But which of these options to choose?..

    The least-evil option for most people is to install Windows in a virtual machine (option #1). The exception is for users who need Windows for gaming.

    Using a virtual machine allows you to open Windows programs at the same time as opening Mac applications, all without restarting the computer. And it works much more reliably than Wine.

    Whether you use Parallels or VirtualBox is up to you. If you don't mind paying for a boxed solution, are not a computer specialist and want to get best result– choose Parallels. If you are “on a short leg” with a PC, have the time and desire to get confused + want to save money – choose VirtualBox.


    In fact, if virtual machines are the best choice for the average user, then in general, this does not mean that they are the best choice for you and your tasks. Therefore, let’s go through all the options again:

    • Virtual machines. The best option, if you need to work with an unlimited list of Windows programs and run them in parallel with Mac programs. Without rebooting the computer. Not very good for gamers.
    • Boot Camp. Suitable for those who need to use the full potential of the hardware, and not just what
      which is limited by virtualization. Ideal for gamers. It's inconvenient to restart your computer every time to switch between operating systems.
    • Wine. Suitable only for those who need popular Windows programs. If you plan to go beyond the limited list of programs, choose virtual machines.
    • CrossOver. Most likely not worth paying for. Based on Wine.
    • Remote access. It is worth considering this option if you have a free Windows computer. If not, then buy separate computer it will still be much more expensive than buying the same Parallels. Among the disadvantages of this option: possible slowdowns if the Internet is not ice.

    What do you use? Write in the comments.

    Also on the site:

    Running Windows programs on Mac: an overview of the most popular methods updated: January 25, 2018 by: admin

Unfortunately, the vast majority of modern software does not have mac versions, although in Lately This situation is starting to change a little, but the balance of the scales is still a long way off. This is due to the unfair prevalence windows systems(statement of a true poppy grower 🙂), of course the most popular apps They have versions for all operating systems, but what if you need to run a program that only has a “window” version?

Over time, every Mac user needs to run a Windows application on a Mac; there are several ways to solve this problem.

1. You can use standard utility which allows you to install Windows as a second operating system, this method is most relevant for users who quite often have to resort to the services of a full-fledged Windows.

2. You can also create a virtual machine that will allow you to run windows directly from a Mac even without rebooting the system; this solution is faster than windows installation but quite resource-intensive, owners will feel this especially acutely basic versions Mac.

3. And finally, the third method, which we will consider in detail, is launching Windows applications using special software shells(emulators). Today's article will talk about Wineskin Winery, this program has high level compatibility and is ideal solution if you only need to use one or another Windows application occasionally.


1. First, you need to download the latest version of Wineskin Winery (at the time of writing - 1.7).

2. Move the downloaded application to the folder programs and run it.

3. In the window that opens, you need to click + to install the latest version of the engine required to run Windows applications.

Now you are ready to install the windowed application.

Installing windows applications

1. Before installation, make sure you already have exe file desired application. Click “Create new blank wrapper” to create an application wrapper, then enter the name of the wrapper, we will install the PeaZip program as an example.

2. Now let's view the contents of the wrapper in finder (View wrapper in finder).

3. Run the file and select install software.

4. Click “Choose setup Executable” and select the required exe file. The installation will proceed the same as in the Windows environment.

Like this in a simple way you can run windows applications on Mac, of course, Wineskin does not support all applications, but at the moment this is one of the most successful solutions. By the way, in this way you can run windows games, if you want you can try. And finally, in fairness, I note that the Mac platform also has in its arsenal very useful and functional programs which are head and shoulders above similar products for other OS. So the need to launch windows programs on Mac it's most likely a dying problem, especially considering .

P.S. Dear friends, if this article was useful for you, click the buttons, don’t be shy :) following publications we'll look at how to start windows using Parallels desktop and how to install windows as a second OS on your Mac.