How to remove temporary unnecessary files. Using third party utilities. Standard Windows Features

In this article I will teach you how to clean your computer from debris. I'm a blogger and I download a lot of stuff on my computer, install programs, test patches and the like. A lot of garbage accumulates in the system, interfering normal operation. I’ll look at several techniques on how to clean and speed up your computer with your own hands.

These four steps will ensure maximum speed and optimization. I asked my friends to recommend the program, it turned out to be nonsense, so I started looking for it myself. Let's start with cleaning hard drive.

How to clean your computer of junk: hard drive

I’ll tell you how to clean your computer of junk, follow all the steps in the article. Do not use a standard uninstaller, program Revo Uninstaller will help . As for the garbage on the hard drive itself, we carry it out in two stages.

First stage: standard

Few people know what Windows has standard utility on cleaning hard drives. To do this, you need to open “my computer”, and on each of local disks press right click mouse and select “properties”.

Find and click “clean”.

And we agree with our decision.

The process will take place, after which quite a lot of space will be added to your disk. I’m writing this article from my work computer, it’s 2 weeks old, and during these two weeks almost 6 GB of junk has accumulated.

Second method: program

A standard cleaner is only good for the system itself, so you need to clean the rest too HDD. For these purposes I advise CCleaner program, here it is official site. There is nothing complicated about downloading for free. We open and see the program window in Russian.

  1. Select the “cleaning” item.
  2. First we do the analysis.
  3. The whole list will come out unnecessary files, click delete.

On this cleaning hard disk is finished. I offer a list of alternatives for free.

  • Advanced Disk Cleaner
  • Blank And Secure
  • Freespacer
  • HDD Cleaner
  • Moo0 Disk Cleaner

Cleaning your computer from garbage: registry

I use to clean my computer from junk in the registry Wise program Registry Cleaner you can download here, the program is completely free. Download and install. When you first start it, they will ask you about a registry backup, so we do it. Choose deep cleaning, to get rid of all the jambs, which is good, everything is completely in Russian.

Let's go to the optimization section.

  1. The section itself.
  2. Check the boxes, I checked everything.
  3. Click optimize.
  4. After the program runs, the words “optimized” will appear.

The last section compresses the registry, a cool thing. We must first conduct an analysis. The computer will not respond for some time, do not be alarmed.

Now click on compression. The registry will begin compression, I advise you not to do anything at this time.

After compression there will be a reboot, this is mandatory. The second step was taken, the registry was optimized, a free utility helped Wise Registry Cleaner. As an alternative, I offer other programs that can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Registry application for windows 7,8 and 10

  • Auslogics Registry Cleaner.
  • Vit Registry Fix Free.
  • Reg Organizer - this free program works great on Windows 10, I tested it.
  • Avira RegistryCleaner.

Cleaning the system volume information folder

A month ago, my computer started to boot very slowly, taking about 35 minutes. I thought it was the end hard drive, but it worked out. The point was that the folder system volume information is stored in itself backups recovery points, and I had these points on 253 GB, and I started cleaning it. First you need to turn on visibility hidden folders. We go into the control panel and find folder options.

  1. Path to the panel.
  2. We display large icons.
  3. Click folder options.
  4. View tab.
  5. Uncheck the box.
  6. Changing the check box.
  7. Click ok.

Now this folder has appeared on the C drive, but it cannot be opened even if administrator rights are configured. To clean it, you need to go to drive C, and find system volume information, right-click and select properties.

To add an administrator to access, click Add.

Enter your account and click ok.

All records have been created, click OK.

During creation there will be all sorts of warnings, ignore them.

To clear recovery points, go to the control panel and look at the screenshot.

  1. Path to the program.
  2. In the left section, select “system protection”.
  3. Select drive C.
  4. Click configure.

That was the problem, I had this slider set to 50%, so all the memory was full. I set it to 5 percent, let there be points. To clear the memory, click delete.

That's it, the hard drive is clean of debris. Let's move on to the last step.

Hard drive defragmentation: free windows 7, 8, 10

Let's start with standard method, works the same on all systems, including Windows 8. We go into my computer and select the disk to defragment.

Defragmentation is the transfer and clustering of system files by type.

  1. Right-click.
  2. Finding properties.
  3. Service tab and defragment.

In the next window, select the local disk. First, click on analysis, and once it’s done, click on defragmentation. There are analogues standard program, I won’t go through them, because they all work on the same principle.

List of programs for windows 10 and all others.

  • Auslogics Disk Defrag.
  • SuperRam
  • Advanced Defrag
  • Ashampoo Magical Defrag
  • ScanDefrag
  • Memory Improve Ultimate

Don't use garbage checks with online tools, will not help, it is better to do it manually.

The article shows how to clean your computer from junk, namely: hard drive, registry, restore points and defragmentation. Keep only what you need on your computer. In conclusion, video.

The free space of drive C is constantly decreasing during the operation of Windows. Regardless of the user's actions - whether he wants it or not. Temporary files, archives, cookies and browser cache and others software elements, having completed their one-time mission (updating, installing, unpacking), settle in the folders of partition C. Plus, useful megabytes and gigabytes absorb some functional modules Windows.

The first remedy for such “clutter” is a comprehensive cleanup of the C drive. It must be performed regularly and in a timely manner. Otherwise, the partition will become full, and you will not be able to fully use the OS and, accordingly, the PC. Windows will constantly interrupt your work with warning messages - "out of memory". It will become impossible to watch videos online, since the browser will not be able to save content downloaded from the server on the computer. Other troubles may also occur.

Getting started cleaning drive C: what you need to know and do

Removing from disk From all sorts unnecessary elements- The procedure is very delicate. Requires increased caution and attention from the user. “Cleaning” should not harm the OS.

Deleting files in folders is contraindicated:

  • Windows (the heart of the OS - all its components are stored here);
  • Boot( boot files systems);
  • ProgramData (entirely impossible! installed applications may not launch);
  • ProgramFiles (installed software);
  • Users (user data).

Some folders that need to be “cleaned” are hidden by default, that is, they are not displayed in directories. To get to them, do the following:

1. Press the key combination “Win ​​+ E” at the same time.
2. In the Computer window, press the Alt key.

3. At the top of the window will appear horizontal menu. Hover over the "Service" section. In the submenu, click “Folder Options...”.
4. In the Options settings, go to the View tab.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the list of options under " Extra options:».
6. Uncheck the box next to “Hide protected system…”. Click on the radio button “Show hidden files… ».

7. Click OK.

Where to start cleaning drive C?

First of all, you need to empty the trash:

  • hover over its icon;
  • click the right mouse button;
  • Select “Empty Trash” from the menu.

Large and small files, regardless of which partition they are stored in (drive D, E or C), after deletion, are sent to C:\RECYCLER, the “Trash” file. As a result, free place system partition decreases. Deleting a large video file or image (for example, iso file) if there is a shortage of extra gigabytes, it can easily lead to disk C becoming full.

Advice! Before emptying the Recycle Bin, check your desktop for unnecessary shortcuts. Their sizes are not large, but the fewer useless files there are, the better.

Disk cleanup using standard Windows utility

1. Click the Start icon.
2. In the right column, click Computer.
3. Right-click on the C drive icon. Select “Properties” from the menu.
4. In the properties panel, on the “General” tab, click the “Disk Cleanup” button.

5. Wait a little while the system checks the directories for unnecessary files.
6. Next, in the “Delete” section following files", select which elements to delete and which to leave (check the boxes).

7. Click "Clear" system files", and then - "OK".

Note. The use of this utility can be limited if there are no severe “clogs” in the system. When you need to clear 2, 3, 5 or more GB, you need to perform several more procedures, which include not only deleting separate files, but also changing OS settings.

Removing unnecessary files from system folders

Quite often, users, without knowing it, “put” content and software into special folders OS designed for storing various information: “Downloads”, “Images”, “My videos”, etc. Many programs and browsers default (without changing initial settings) send data exactly to these directories.

Open them one by one and remove everything unnecessary. Move files that are of particular value to you to a logical partition (for example, drive D, E).

Advice! Be bold. Here you can delete any element, and Windows will not suffer from it.

Temp folder

One of the main sources of OS clogging. It contains antiviruses, drivers, applications, and games. This happens during updates and installations. After tasks are completed, the completed files remain in “Temp”. Of course, they need to be removed from there periodically.

1. On drive C, go to the “Users” folder.
2. Click the folder with your name account(Username).
3. Then go to "AppData".
4. In the “Local” directory, open the “Temp” folder.
5. Empty it completely (send all files/folders to the trash).

Advice! If you use file manager « Total Commander": create new tab(key combination “Ctrl” + “up arrow”) and go to Temp folder. This way, you will always have its contents in sight.

Disabling the page file

Pagefile.sys is the OS virtual memory. When RAM (random access memory) resources run out, the system saves the out-of-place data to this file. If on your PC RAM volume exceeds 4.6 or 8 GB, the “Pagefile.sys” container can be disabled. It occupies approximately the same amount of disk space as RAM. For example, if your PC configuration has 16 GB of RAM, then Pagefile.sys will be about the same.

To disable the page file:
1. Through “Start” (Win icon) open “Control Panel”.
2. Under System and Security, select System.
3. In the settings window, click “Advanced options...”.
4. In the System Properties panel, on the Advanced tab, click Options.
5. In the “Performance Options” option, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “ Virtual memory", activate "Change...".

6. In the “Virtual Memory” window:

  • select drive C;
  • Click on the “No paging file” radio button;
  • Click the “Set” button, and then click “OK”.

7. Restart your PC.

Hibernation Disables

Hibernation is a type of sleep mode: when the user is inactive for a certain period of time, the OS saves all settings in special file hiberfil.sys. Windows, like Pagefile.sys, reserves free space for it in C equal to the amount of RAM.

Therefore, if you do not use hibernation mode, it is better to disable it.

1. Press "Win + R".
2. Type "CMD", press "ENTER".
3. In the console command line enter “powercfg -h off” (without quotes), then “ENTER”.
4. Restart the OS.

Using third party utilities

Cleaning the C drive can easily be “entrusted” to a special cleaning program, for example, CCleaner. It can automatically empty the recycle bin, memory dumps, clipboard, and delete temporary files (cookies and cache) popular browsers, as well as perform many other operations to remove system “junk”.

Always monitor the capacity of disk C. Do not allow it to become full. Delete unnecessary files not only to free up disk space, but also for prevention.

Good luck! Let your PC store only useful information.

Everyone has encountered this problem at some point when the computer starts to freeze and files load very slowly. And in most cases, people simply forget to clean out junk from their computer. Hard size Disks on modern PCs can reach several terabytes, but someday the free space still runs out.

What are junk files?

Unneeded files on your computer are movies, videos or games that you have not been interested in for a long time, but you simply forgot to delete them. Some files, after using the uninstallation utility built into them, leave behind a memory and, as a result, turn into a pile of junk. This also includes your unresolved browser history and any files created by operating system.

Cleaning your laptop from unnecessary files without installation unnecessary programs and without registration

We have already figured out what unnecessary files are on your laptop and why you need to get rid of them. Now we will tell you how to clean your computer of junk and speed up its operation without installing unnecessary programs.

How to clean your computer: removing programs

Cleaning a laptop from unnecessary garbage carried out by uninstalling programs. To do this, run "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" - "Add/Remove Programs" (Windows XP) or "Programs and Features" (Windows 7, 8). You will see a list of programs that are installed on your personal computer. After this, you can remove all junk from your hard drive.

Disk cleaning

Every operating system has a utility called Disk Cleanup. With its help, you can destroy any file without compromising the performance of the OS.

The program is launched as follows:

  1. Open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "Disk Cleanup". Select the disk on which you want to clean.
  2. Open “My Computer” and with one click select the desired section and its properties. Click "Properties" - "General" and "Disk Cleanup".
  3. Open the program search "cleanmgr" and select the partition to clean your computer.
  4. Pressing simultaneously Ctrl keys, Alt and Delete you automatically launch the "Manager Windows tasks", where you can select the "File" tab, and in the " New team(execute)" write down "cleanmgr" and select the desired partition.

Additional programs to uninstall extra files on the computer

how to clean your computer from unnecessary files? In addition to standard system tools, we can use programs to clean our PC. Let's consider two options that are the most popular and reliable.

CCleaner program

This program cleans system folders and the operating system registry. CCleaner can be downloaded completely free of charge by simply going to the official website. She is considered the best program for cleaning unnecessary files, because it is quite understandable even for beginners. It is also often installed on a mobile phone.

This cleaning program consists of several sections, and this will allow you to quickly find the required option. For example, in the Cleaning section, you can manually mark a list of files to remove from your computer. With the help of analysis, you can understand how much the hard drive will be freed up.

This program can be used to clean files various types. You can manually restrict access to deletion cookies or the program will not pay attention to them at all. The versatility of CCleaner lies in the fact that it can be used to eliminate errors in the registry. Mostly such errors appear due to incorrect deletion programs from a computer.

Programs in the "Service" section

  • "Remove programs". This function designed to display absolutely all programs on the computer.
  • allows you to see a number of programs that run along with the operating system. You should not experiment with this function - it is better to entrust it to professionals.
  • "System Restore" restores the system from a point that is automatically created by the operating system.
  • "Erase Disc" suitable for those users who do not want their deleted files to be recovered.

Uninstall Expert

The Uninstall Expert program is necessary not only to speed up your computer, but also to remove unnecessary programs. Even after uninstallation, many small files remain on your computer that need to be deleted. Uninstall Expert completely removes all unnecessary files from your PC and improves the performance of your computer. This is absolutely free program, which is easy to install on your computer and launches quickly.

The Program list displays a list of previously installed programs that you can easily remove and, in addition, clean up all the garbage behind them. Using Startup Items, you can remove those programs that are activated along with the operating system. If you don't want your disk to be full of unnecessary files, you'd better download Uninstall program Expert.

Regular cleaning of unnecessary files is the key to the speed of your computer!

Now you know what you need to work for long and fast work your PC. Sometimes you need to perform a function to remove several programs, and all your problems will be instantly solved. Also, do not forget to clear your browser history, because even there it can accumulate a large number of garbage. We strongly recommend that you clean your computer in a timely manner, and then you will not constantly receive unpleasant reminders about the lack of space on your hard drive.

Comment on the article "How to clean your computer from unnecessary files"

They said - two weeks after removal, but every day they hurt more and more (and there is a hole in the place of the lower one, it should heal completely? They removed both wisdom teeth, interfered with other teeth + holes in them. The first tooth healed 3 weeks (of which two with temperature and constant...


I should see a dentist. Maybe there's something left there.
In principle, it should have healed by now. I had 2 pieces removed, after 2 weeks I didn’t even remember about them.

I was prescribed solcaseryl, an ointment. They put something in the tooth to make it heal faster. The doctor told me that if a blood clot had remained in the hole, it would have healed faster. And it hurt like that for a month, 2 weeks on ketanov, and a year later I pulled out a tooth fragment from my gum.


I have a new boy in my class. He has very difficult relationships with his classmates. He attacks, fights, swears. We had conversations with his parents, during which it turned out that his parents teach him this. I can’t write a competent report

We wrote like this:
It helped - they sent the child to a special school.

To the school principal _________

From the parents of ******* class
school number __________

Dear ***********!

We kindly ask you to provide assistance in transferring from our class a student of class ***********************.
Throughout the six years of study in our class, this child behaves extremely aggressively towards other children and teachers. He repeatedly injured his classmates and constantly uses profanity when communicating with both children and teachers.
The presence of ************* in the student body has an extremely negative impact on educational process other children: he constantly distracts students with insulting shouts at full voice(including fascist and obscene) and walking around the class during classes, reacts absolutely inadequately to comments addressed to him. In this situation, the work of a teacher is extremely difficult, and the assimilation educational material ineffective. Because of one child who completely ignores generally accepted measures of behavior in a team, 17 students in the class and the entire teaching staff of the school suffer, and the curriculum is not implemented.
Academic performance ********** for all academic disciplines extremely low.
Repeated, over the course of many years, appeals to the mother of this child by both the parents of the class and many teachers with a request to influence and correct his behavior remain unanswered. Every year the situation worsens and becomes more and more uncontrollable.
It is obvious that the presence of a child with an unstable psyche and inadequate reaction in a children's group is extremely dangerous, morally and physical sense and requires the intervention of specialist psychologists.
Taking into account all of the above, as well as the fact that this child is registered and lives at a great distance from the school, we ask you to carefully consider this situation and raise the question of transferring him to a specialized educational institution to the parents of ********* and higher authorities. institution.
If necessary, state this problem in the authorities controlling the school - we are ready to do this.
Sincerely, parents of students of class *********:
1.___________(________________) 2.___________(________________)

remove metal pin - does it hurt? Dentistry. Medicine and health. BUT!, he says, when the pin is removed, the root may crack - this one was key phrase In order to completely knock me out, I delayed it as much as I could, lasted almost a year, but I had to give up...

How to fix opening folders? I decided to change the folder icons here (WinXP), in the Folders-File Types I found two lines “Folder” and “Folder with documents”, with the first one you can’t do anything at all, because all the options are inactive, but with the second it seems to change the icon .. .


OMG, my head definitely doesn’t give me rest :))
just click on the folder with the right button and there you will see the simple and desirable “change icon” - this is apparently too simple :)
associations of actions for different events change in file types.
go to where you climbed - there is a wonderful “default” button. setting the explorer to open in the same window: service - folder properties - general..

You delete its contents except the index.dat file, leaving the folder itself in place, then return back to the user’s folder, there is a Lokal Settings folder, and in it there is a folder In what cases can parental rights be deprived, where to go, what documents are needed.


you need to erase autofill. Go to the service - browser properties - contents (bookmark) - there in the "personal data" field, click the "autofill" button, remove all the checkboxes there and click the "clear forms" button.

tools / internet options / clear history

select content there, go to autocomplete and erase the contents of the forms

11/11/2005 19:32:13, do you have IE?

HOW TO DELETE? 180 search Assistant Options. After the next connection (I didn’t climb through garbage dumps!), an icon with two gray arrows on a white background suddenly appeared in my traffic bar (in the lower right corner, near the clock, font, sound,..). When you reboot, they are there again.


I will report on the work done :)

I won’t post on virusinfo yet, so far everything is according to plan :) and no unsolvable/unremovable things have been identified, but I’ll save the link, maria7, thanks and.. nafig-nafig:))

Your Word file gave me a cultural shock...

I am attaching the AVZ log, because I am proud of its virgin purity:) it did not form on its own...
Antivirus protocol AVZ utilities version 3.75.04
Scan started at 08/24/05 1:46:08
Database loaded: 16273 signatures, 1 neuroprofile, 55 treatment microprograms
Heuristic firmware loaded: 354
Loaded digital signatures system files: 34746
Heuristic analyzer mode: Average level heuristics
Treatment mode: included
1. Search RootKit and programs that intercept API functions
1.1 Finding API interceptors running in UserMode
Analysis of kernel32.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of ntdll.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of user32.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of advapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of ws2_32.dll, export table found in section.rdata
Analysis of wininet.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of rasapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of urlmon.dll, export table found in section.text
Analysis of netapi32.dll, export table found in section.text
2. Memory test
Number of processes found: 30
Number of loaded modules: 143
Memory check completed
3. Scan disks
4. Checking Winsock Layered Service Provider (SPI/LSP)
LSP settings have been verified. No errors found
5. Search for keyboard/mouse/window event interceptors (Keylogger, Trojan DLLs)
C:\PROGRAM FILES\BROWSER MOUSE\BROWSER MOUSE\1.0\MOUSEDLL.DLL>>> Neural network: the file is 99.76% similar to a typical keyboard/mouse event interceptor
C:\PROGRAM FILES\PUNTO SWITCHER\CORRECT.DLL --> Suspicion of Keylogger or Trojan DLL
C:\PROGRAM FILES\PUNTO SWITCHER\CORRECT.DLL>>> Neural network: the file is 99.68% similar to a typical keyboard/mouse event interceptor
6. Find open TCP/UDP ports in use malware
The database contains 320 port descriptions
This PC has 5 TCP ports and 4 UDP ports open.
Scan completed, no suspicious ports detected
7. Heuristic system check
Verification completed
Files scanned: 48372, extracted from archives: 31720, viruses found 0
Scan completed at 08/24/05 2:14:20
The scan lasted 00:28:12

Am I right not to worry about suspicions about Mouse and PantoSwitch? Their purpose is to intercept...

Unfortunately, I am forced to interrupt such useful and pleasant communication for me until the weekend. I haven’t downloaded the Trojan remover yet, I’ll do it when I get back.

THANKS TO ALL!!! and... a tearful request, ladies and gentlemen! don't go too far :)))

08/24/2005 10:53:29, tea town :)

Hehe, it’s very difficult to remove such rubbish...When normal deletion these files are self-healing and instantly multiply.
I recently had a similar one, although even worse :))).
For complete removal it took me to read hundreds of pages of forums on the Internet, 10 days of work and installation of 15 (!) new programs... I’ve had Ad-Aware for about 7 years, and professional version, but he doesn't catch it. And I have a powerful antivirus, I constantly update its database. And the Zone Alarm firewall is in place. And still something slips through from time to time! Virus “writers” do not sleep and are constantly coming up with new tricks :))).
First, I advise you to install HijackThis and scan your computer; if you don’t know what to delete, then it’s better not to. You can post the log on a computer forum in the section on removing Trojans, and there competent guys will explain step by step how to proceed.
True, I managed to do it myself, but I had to study the program logs in detail (I found explanations only in English).
You also need to write the name of the Trojan in the search and search the forums on how to get rid of it. By the way, I found it on the Symantec website - Full description, where which files are located and how to delete them.
Be prepared for the fact that this is a long and tedious process, often in Safe Mode...Modern Trojans are no joke! They have become very dangerous. And to protect and remove spies you need not only AdAware, you need SpyBot, and it’s also good to have Spyware Blaster and CWSredder. All these programs are free and can be downloaded on the Internet. Well, you must have a modern antivirus that is constantly updated. And do a full scan of the system every day different programs. Not prevent:))).

Try first renaming the files on your computer, then deleting them. And if that doesn’t work, first delete everything necessary photos from the flash drive to the computer, and then format the flash drive with the camera.

Removal of the gallbladder. After the second attack, it is usually recommended to remove it. Silent stones in most cases remain silent, after the first attack too. Yes, also, in order to reduce the risk that the stones will “speak” you need to follow a diet (nothing fatty or fried) and...


Perhaps your bend is caused by dyskinesia of the gallbladder, of the hypokinetic type, when bile stagnates in the bladder. We also had a bend, precisely because of dyskinesia. And there were attacks with vomiting, and also diarrhea white, the ambulance kept trying to attribute it to jaundice and take it to the infectious disease ward, but we wrote refusals :)
Mineral water helped us, we took the child to the resort for 3 years in a row, everything returned to normal by the age of 7, and it started when he was 3 years old. We followed the most ordinary diet - nothing fatty, spicy, salty or carbonated. We didn’t take any medications, only choleretic herbs every month for 7 days. Everything was done on the recommendation of a doctor, a regular pediatrician.

My friends have a girl too, although she is 15 years old, she was told not to drink no-shpa, alahol, but to drink Maalox 1 IU 4 times a day, and Motilium during a seizure.

02/27/2002 19:43:16, Glazkova Olga

Over time, unnecessary programs inevitably accumulate on your computer. This is mainly due to the fact that many programs are installed to solve one problem. specific problem. And after solving this problem, they are no longer needed.

How to remove unnecessary programs from your computer through Control Panel

The easiest way to remove unnecessary programs is to remove them via special utility in the Control Panel. To use this method, go to the “Uninstall programs” section.

You can also open this utility using search. Open the Start menu and enter the phrase “Uninstall programs” into the search form, then run the found program.

After opening the “Uninstall Programs” utility, you will see a list of all programs installed on your computer. In order to remove unnecessary programs you need to find them in this list. After this, you need to select the found program with the mouse and click on the “Delete” button, which will appear above the list.

After this, the program installer will open and prompt you to remove it.

How to remove unnecessary programs from your computer using MyUninstaller

You can also remove unnecessary programs from your computer using special ones. There are quite a lot of such programs. For example: Revo Uninstaller, ZSoft Uninstaller, MyUninstaller and many others.

In this material we will demonstrate the process of uninstalling programs using MyUninstaller as an example. This program is completely free, it does not require installation and is very easy to use. Download this program may with .

After running this program, it will analyze your computer and find everything installed programs. The analysis may take 1-2 minutes.

After this, a list of all programs installed on your computer will appear in the program window. Here you need to highlight unnecessary program, which you want to delete, and click on the button with the image of a trash can.

After this, the program installer will open and offer you to remove it.

As using Windows Temporary files accumulate on the disk system programs, contents of the recycle bin, old OS recovery images and other data. You can delete them.

Right-click in Explorer system disk(usually drive C) and select Properties → Disk Cleanup. In the next window, mark the elements that occupy greatest number location, click OK and confirm deletion.

To erase even more temporary files, including update data and outdated restore points, click Disk Cleanup again and click Clean up system files. Mark the largest objects in the list that appears and delete them. Then go to the Advanced tab, click Clean up under System Restore and shadow copying» and confirm deletion.

It is especially useful to perform such cleaning after updates, since a large backup copy may remain on the computer previous version Windows.

Browsers and other installed programs fill up the system over time temporary files. Sometimes this data can take up a significant amount of storage space. But you can quickly get rid of such garbage with the help free utilities like .

Your computer may have large files, which you don’t need and are just wasting money disk space. Searching for them manually is a thankless task. Moreover, there are programs that analyze the disk and display a list of all folders and files on the computer, ordered by size. Use one of them to find and remove unnecessary objects.

Over the years of using a computer, duplicates usually accumulate on it: accidentally copied pictures, songs downloaded several times, and other objects. You don't need these copies, and together they can take up significant storage space. To avoid searching for them yourself, use one of these to find and remove duplicate files.

Windows 10 comes with a built-in Compact OS utility that can make your system smaller. This happens by removing unnecessary OS elements and compressing the remaining data. This way you can free up to 6 GB on local disk, where Windows is installed (usually drive C). If you're interested, back up your important data just in case and use .