Installing xap files windows phone. How to install games and programs on Windows Phone

For a long time Windows users Phone dreamed of installing applications and games on their mobile devices without the help of a PC. After all, it took a lot of time, you had to download Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, register as an application developer, but you were able to install only two applications, and no more, and not everyone has a PC. But, fortunately, developers from Microsoft have simplified this task by creating an item in the phone settings called “For Developers”. In this article I will try to tell you in detail how to install APPX games and applications on Windows 10 Mobile without the help of a PC.

What do you need:
1. Phone on Windows based 10 Mobile.
2. Application/game with extension .APPX (.XAP extension not checked).
3. Any application for downloading files, it is not necessary, you can get by with the built-in browser Microsoft Edge, but I recommend using the Loadkit Download Manager app.
4. Any site for downloading APPX applications/games.

1. First you need to enable the “Developer Mode” function, for this you need:
1.1 Go to “Settings”.

1.2. Go to “Update and Security”.

1.3. Go to the sub-item “For Developers”.

1.4. Select the “Developer Mode” option.

The first step is completed. Now let's start downloading and installing the application itself, in my case it is .

2. Downloading and installing applications/games.
2.1. We go to any site where you want to download the installed file, copy the link, in my case this is our wonderful website.

2.2. Open the Loadkit program Download Manager and download the file using the program I mentioned above. To do this, click on “Add New Download” or the “+” sign, paste the link that we copied earlier, click on “Go”, the program will analyze the link and give you the name of the downloaded file, you can rename it and give the path to any folder for downloading, in my case it is the “Downloads” folder, then click “Start Download”.

2.3. After the file has been downloaded, we need to go to system Windows 10 Mobile program
« File Explorer”, and follow the path “D:\Downloads” and find a file called “minecraftpe_0_13_0.appxbundle”, click on it.

2.4. After clicking, a window will pop up, click “Install”.

2.5. We wait a little time, from 30 seconds to 1 minute, and, as we see, the application is installed!

Now let's check the application for functionality. We open it and see that it works.

As we can see from the instructions, everything is very easy and simple. Finally users will be happy. On this moment It is unknown how many applications can be installed, some say that up to 20 applications can be installed for sure. Thank you all for your attention!

As is known, operating system Windows Phone 8 is closed, as a result of which the user cannot install hacked applications or games. No problem, there is a set of software for this Windows software Phone 8 SDK. Below we will look at a couple of ways to install files with the .har extension on Windows Phone 8 smartphones. Method No. 1 (Application Deployment) First, the Windows Phone 8 SDK package must be installed on your personal computer. If you have not installed it yet or do not know how to do this, we recommend reading the instructions and downloading the package from the links below. Installation Windows package Phone SDK 8.0 on Windows 7 Installing Windows Phone SDK 8.0 on Windows 8 After installing the software, connect your WP smartphone to personal computer via cable USB format. In the lower left corner of the computer screen, click on the start button, then on the all programs item (in Windows 8, instead of all programs, the icon is ->), in the window that opens we find Windows folder Phone SDK 8.0, click on it and open the application called Application Deployment. As an example, let's take one of the most popular games for Windows Phone devices- Zombie Derby, the character file of which can be downloaded from our website. When the Application Deployment program starts from the target menu, select the Device item - this is your smartphone connected to the PC. In the XAP file menu, after clicking on the review button, we find the Zombie Derby game file that you downloaded from our website as an example. The file on your computer will be named zombie-derby.xap. After you have indicated the location of the file to the program, click on the Expand button. Within approximately 30-60 seconds, the program will install the game on your smartphone. When the installation is successful, you will see XAP Deployment Complete. Congratulations, you can now safely disconnect your device from the computer and enjoy installed game on a smartphone. Note: There are times when installing XAP files, it throws an error - Unable to deploy XAP file. If this happens to you too often or you just can’t install the game you want, then we’ll learn how to install it another way. Method No. 2 (Windows Phone Power Tools) The second method will use a program with similar functions- Windows Phone Power Tools. Download it from the direct link: Download Windows Phone Power Tools It is packed in an archive, after unpacking, run the file WindowsPhonePowerTools.exe. Just like in the first method, we connect the smartphone using a cable to the PC, then in running program Click on the Connect button. Note: The smartphone screen must be unlocked at all times. Now, for example, let's download useful application Touch Music In the Power Tools program, click on the Browse button and look for the file to install on your smartphone. After selecting the file, click on the Install button. During the application installation process, Power Tools may not respond and the Install button will gray- so everyone, it’s okay, a little patience. When the application is successfully installed on your device, the Install button will become white. Installation is complete. Turn off your smartphone and use the installed application.

Option 2

As everyone knows, student unlock Windows Phone 7, 7.8, 8 through the intuit website very often cannot be applied to your device due to the lack of keys on the intuit itself. Therefore, a way was found to register as a student through the mail of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Let me remind you that the student unlock Windows Phone allows you to install TEN applications and games in the .XAP format, bypassing the Marketplace (instructions on how to install XAP).

Attention!!! If you have a Windows Phone 8 device, then Windows 8 64bit must be installed on your computer. 64bit is required, otherwise you will not be able to install Windows Phone SDK 8 (download), which is needed to link the phone to a developer account, as well as upload the XAPs themselves to the phone. If you have Windows 8 32bit or you don’t want to download full package SDK8 (and it weighs quite a bit and takes 2-3 hours to install), read the instructions How to install SDK 8.0 Lite on Windows 8 32/64-bit If you still have Windows Phone 8 and have Windows 7 32- or 64-bit on your computer , then this instruction will help you install SDK8 on Windows 7.

Before following the instructions, we warn you that you ONLY need an active bank card VISA or MasterCard. WITH virtual cards You won't get anything from QiWi!!!

So let's get started: Go to and register new account and log in, if it is already there, move on to the next point. If you have now unlocked and only installed 2 applications, you can use your old account so as not to reset your phone. Let's go to mail registration on the website of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. On this page you need to come up with your First Name, Middle Name and Last Name. But know that registration does not allow all names and surnames to pass through. Here is a list of those that definitely work: Surnames: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidirov. Names: Peter, Alexander, Sidor, Ivan, Vladimir, Alexey, Dmitry, Victor. Patronymic: Vladimirovich. OPEN SPOILER There are a lot of combinations, I was lucky with Vladimir Vladimirovich Ivanov, you can try to choose your own. Also, if the full name combination does not work, then registration will not allow you to take the second step.

Advice from user Nina on how to choose the right full name: the way, the last names of students can be found on social networks by adding the same university to your page, although you will have to choose a middle name...

Attention!!! Now, thanks to the user romka0075, there is no need to select a full name at all. He found lists of enrolled students in PDF format. You can view the lists and thank romka0075 in this post.

If the full name has passed, then on next page you need to come up with a username (in my case vladimirivanov86) and a user password, as well as a password for new mail. In the Name E-mail column you also need to enter a number (I have 86) or symbols (for example, I could enter “VI”), as there are many namesakes. OPEN SPOILER

If everything is done correctly, a database error page will pop up. There is no need to panic, your mail will be created, it’s just apparently a mistake on their website. Don’t forget to remember or write down the login and password for the mail itself, where the login is exactly the e-mail itself, for example, for me [email protected]. OPEN SPOILER

If everything is entered correctly, you should be taken directly to the mail itself. OPEN SPOILER ATTENTION!!! If you are not allowed into the mail, you will have to register a new one, with a different name. This happens because the site does not give errors even if you try to register already existing mail. I succeeded about the fifth time.

Go to the website, go down to the bottom of the page and click Find out more, as in the screenshot. OPEN SPOILER

On the next page at the bottom, click Create an account. OPEN SPOILER

Fill in all the required fields (with an asterisk) and click continue verification. I don't know about age, but it's better to choose over 21 years old. OPEN SPOILER

On the next page, select the option Verify via educational institution, select the country Russia, in the text field we begin to enter the name of our institute, namely Vladivostok State University Economy and Service. As soon as it appears in the drop-down window, select it and click Continue. OPEN SPOILER

Enter the previously received university email (in my case [email protected]) and click Check. OPEN SPOILER

You will receive a notification that an email has been sent to you asking you to confirm your registration. Previously, the letter arrived within 10-20 minutes. Now I had to wait 4 hours. Therefore, we sit and constantly check our mail until a letter arrives from Microsoft. OPEN SPOILER

As soon as the confirmation letter that you are a student has arrived, select the link and follow it. OPEN SPOILER

If you see a congratulations window, click Match accounts in it. Before clicking this button, please log in to your account. Live recording ID Don't forget to have the same account on your phone so you don't have to reset it. You will see a successful match page where you click Continue. OPEN SPOILER

Again, go to the main, go down and select Windows Phone 8, as in the screenshot below. OPEN SPOILER

On the next page at the very bottom, click GET REGISTRATION CODE. OPEN SPOILER

IN new page Click Get Code Now and you will be shown your promo code to receive your discount. You don’t even have to try to use the code from the screenshot, it was already activated earlier. OPEN SPOILER

In the same window, go down below and go to the center for Windows developers Phone. OPEN SPOILER

Enter your registration details. Having filled in all the required fields, click Next. OPEN SPOILER

Enter the promotional code that you received earlier in the Registration code field, click Update total under it, after which the amount of your payment should be reset to zero, click Next. Next, check your data and confirm it by clicking Purchase. OPEN SPOILER

In the next window you will be asked to select a payment method and enter your details. plastic card Visa or MasterCard. According to reviews on the site, you must have at least 40 rubles in your account to complete a transaction. Virtually QiWi cards Visa Virtual is not accepted.

After successful payment, you will see a confirmation window where you need to click Done. OPEN SPOILER

You will be taken to your account, where you will see the Individual status, which confirms that you are a developer and can test 10 applications on your smartphone. OPEN SPOILER

If you can install only 2 applications, then you know what to do next and all you have to do is unlink and re-register your phone in Windows utility Phone Developer Registration to activate new status and get 10 installable XAPs.

Now you need to download the developer software package. For Windows Phone 7.X follow this link (also for WP7.X you need to download Zune), for Windows Phone 8 follow this link, download and install the application package. Installation may take a long time, please be patient. Let us remind you that Windows Phone SDK 8.0 can only be installed on Windows 8 64bit, there is no 32bit version.

After installing all the programs, go to the start menu and find the “WINDOWS PHONE DEVELOPER REGISTRATION” program. In it you will register your device, which will allow you to install applications without a market. OPEN SPOILER

In the window that opens, enter your Live ID and account password. OPEN SPOILER

Click "REGISTER". That's it, now you can upload applications using the "APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT" program OPEN SPOILER

To do this, first download the application file (*.xap format), set TARGET to "WINDOWS PHONE DEVICE" and click "DEPLOY" During installation, the phone must be connected to the computer with the screen unlocked, and Zune must be running on the computer (for Windows Phone 8 Zune program is not needed!!!). Make sure that the device screen is not blocked during installation.

Those Windows Phone users who prefer to install jailbroken or unsigned apps rather than buy them from the Store know about several ways to unlock their devices – 2-app unlock and 10-app unlock. In addition to them, there are several more. They allow you to install as many hacked games and applications as each enthusiast wants, or as long as their smartphones have enough memory for this. But to use them, everyone must be the owner Windows Phone devices that support SD cards. After Windows release 10 Mobile Build 10136 one more has been added to this small list of methods for installing unsigned XAP and APPX. The fact is that specialists from Microsoft have added a “For Developers” section to this assembly. With its help, developers can skip registering their smartphone in the Developer Registration program from the SDK, and immediately install their creations using Application Deployment. They can do the same regular users. If you would like to try new way, you need to read these instructions and follow all instructions. More detailed information about the article “How to install unsigned APPX and XAP in Windows 10 Mobile Build 10136 without unlocking?”, you can read in full version our review below.

You will need the following:

1. Smartphone with installed Windows 10 Mobile under number 10136. You can read about the method of obtaining it in a separate instruction.
2. Computer with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
3. Full or Lite version of the Windows Phone 8.1 Software package installed on the computer Development Kit(SDK 8.1).
4. USB cable to connect your smartphone to your computer.


1. On your smartphone, launch Settings.
2. Go to Update & Security > Developer Options.
3. From the list of items, select “Developer Mode” and agree to its activation by clicking on the “Yes” button.
4. On your computer, find and open the “Application Deployment 8.1” program.
5. Unlock your smartphone screen and connect it to your computer via a USB cable.
6. In “Application Deployment 8.1”, click on “Browse”, find the XAP or APPX that you want to install on your smartphone.
7. In the “Application Deployment 8.1” program, click on the “Deploy” button and wait until the installation is complete. In this case, the smartphone screen must be unlocked.
8. After the successful deployment message, find the application or game and launch it to make sure that the installation was successful and it works correctly.

We tried installing one application and two games. They deployed and launched on our device without any problems. If you are interested, you can check how many unsigned XAP and APPX can be installed this way. We would be grateful if you share this information with us.

Senior Technology Writer

Someone sent you a e-mail XAP file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found a XAP file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the XAP file.

Before you can open a XAP file, you need to find out what kind of file the XAP file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect XAP file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


XAP files have Executable files, which are primarily associated with the Silverlight Application Package (Microsoft Corporation).

XAP files are also associated with Xbox Dashboard Script (Microsoft Corporation), Elonex ONet+ Application File (Elonex), and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also use the XAP file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the XAP file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your XAP file:

The fastest and easy way Opening your XAP file is a matter of double-clicking on it. IN in this case Windows system she will choose the necessary program to open your XAP file.

In case your XAP file does not open, it is very likely that the required application program to view or edit files with XAP extensions.

If your PC opens a XAP file but wrong program, you will need to change the file association settings in your Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates XAP file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

XAP Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME):

  • mime application/x-silverlight-app

XAP File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type of XAP file is? Do you want to receive exact information about the file, its creator and how can it be opened?

Now you can instantly get all necessary information about the XAP file!

The revolutionary XAP File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the XAP file. Our patent-pending algorithm quickly analyzes the file and provides detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what type of XAP file you have, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's security status, and other useful information.

To get started free analysis file, simply drag and drop your XAP file inside the dotted line below or click "Browse My Computer" and select the file. The XAP file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag the XAP file here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

Windows Phone is the operating system that accompanies the latest and most advanced smartphones from some successful manufacturers. Users appreciated the additional functionality of this system. Programmers have implemented a sufficient number of useful functions, thanks to which the user can independently change the settings to increase the level of comfort when using a modern gadget.

Most in a simple way is downloading programs from the official Store

Modern smartphones are equipped with functions that allow you to use the gadget as a real mobile phone. computer device. In this regard, novice users are actively wondering how to download applications for Windows Phone, and then immediately install them on their gadget. The task is not classified as difficult, even for beginners. You just need to carefully read the instructions experienced users who share useful and universal secrets, how to download applications for Windows Phone quickly and without any possible problems.

The developers of Windows Phone have endowed their OS with some features in comparison with competing systems, which include Android and iOS. Windows Phone has a more closed structure, so many users are absolutely convinced that it is only possible to download applications on Windows 10 Phone exclusively from the Store, where a number of applications specially adapted for Windows 10 Phone are concentrated.

However, in reality, having a great desire, the user has the opportunity to download an application or programs with the xap extension also from other sources, and then install them on a smartphone, and use them just as successfully as other programs downloaded and installed from official resources.

Ways to download and download applications

The simplest and in an accessible way is a visit to the Store, where, moving from section to section, you can familiarize yourself with the range of applications that are offered for download and subsequent installation on Windows Phone. The Store has the opportunity to download both applications and programs for free, so many owners of modern gadgets positively assess the capabilities of the Store, which is noted by their fairly frequent visits to this resource.

It is quite easy to download applications and programs from it that have aroused increased interest. In the list, select the content that aroused interest, then click on it, after which you will be taken to the page of this application. Here it is useful for the gadget owner to familiarize himself with the software summary, from which it will become clear what functionality it is equipped with and what tasks the user can perform after downloading and installing it on his gadget. If the user is satisfied with everything, all that remains is to click on the “Download” button.

The download process is easy to optimize if the smartphone owner knows which specific applications he needs most, and if he is fully aware of their functionality. In this case, in the list of content available for downloading, check the boxes opposite required applications, after which the button oriented to start the boot process is immediately pressed.

In some cases, you can also download programs that you want to install on Windows 10 Phone to your computer or laptop. This method is used quite often by those who have speed mobile internet extremely low, and a router that allows you to use Wi-Fi capabilities, no, because computer equipment is connected to the Internet via a network cable.

If Windows application Download Phone to your computer; at any time you can move it to a memory card and install it from your smartphone.

Downloading using a download manager

Programmers have released a special download manager GetThemAll, using which you can quite easily capture videos, pictures, applications, programs and just as easily install them on your smartphone.

Here you shouldn’t even wonder how to allow downloading applications on Windows Phone. The download manager is able to independently analyze the selected content, and then provide the user with a list of acceptable software content for downloading; all that remains is to indicate the desired content.

Using the GetThemAll download manager, it is completely easy to download multiple files at the same time, and it is also easy to track the download process. If desired, the smartphone owner can pause the download and also resume it later. This feature is highly appreciated by users, since sometimes the download is interrupted due to unstable work Internet. When the connection is restored, the download resumes; there is no need to restart everything.

Installing downloaded programs

Even those who recently became the proud owner of a smartphone can install applications on Windows Phone 10 downloaded from the Store, since the entire process is automated. The user can only agree with the offers that appear during download and installation.

Things are much more complicated when there is an incredible desire to install hacked game or other software content on Windows Phone 10 that is not available on official resources. Many are even absolutely convinced that it is impossible to install programs for Windows Phone that were not downloaded from official sources. In fact, everything is not so, using some interesting recommendations, it is easy to learn how to install applications on Windows Phone 10, without limiting your desires.

Installing gaming software on a gadget

To ensure successful installation of absolutely any software resources and games on a smartphone that were not downloaded from official resources and hacked by programmers or advanced users, you first need to create account Microsoft.

Now after successful creation personal account Live ID, it is important to download and produce Windows installation Phone SDK, which allows you to directly download and install files with the xap extension. After Windows installations Phone SDK on a smartphone, the user is able to install adapted programs and gaming applications in two ways:

  • using "Application Deployment";
  • using "Windows Phone Power Tools".

It is much easier to use the second method; it is more understandable, functional and accessible, so it is not at all surprising that most users prefer it. Installing applications on Windows Phone 10 is fast, and very rarely accompanied by unexpected “surprises”.

If you want to install programs using Application Deployment installed on your PC, you should first launch the specified program by going to it from the Start menu. Be sure to connect the turned on smartphone to computer technology using a USB cable. Next, you need to specify the path to the downloaded hacked game or program with the xap extension. After this, the “Expand” button will be found on the monitor screen, which you must click. The system will do everything on its own necessary procedures, if necessary, will perform additional downloading missing files, after which it will notify the user about the successful completion of the initial stage with the traditional message “XAP file deployment complete.” The gadget is disconnected from the computer equipment, and the prepared software or game software continues to be installed on the smartphone.

Program Windows resource Phone Power Tools is a real lifeline for those who tried to install the game using Application Deployment, but it failed and ended in complete failure. You should not give in to pessimism and “give up”; in this case, it is better to try the second method, which is characterized by greater capabilities and high reliability.

Windows Phone Power Tools launches in the same way as in the case of Application Deployment. It is absolutely important to connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable in time. Next, the path to the desired files located on the computer’s hard drive is also indicated, after which the “Install” button is pressed. Windows program Phone Power Tools will independently install the desired program or game. Upon completion of the installation, the “Install” button becomes active again, which will signal the successful installation of the desired software.

It is important to note that there are some installation restrictions third party applications at once. In particular, if you want to install several very important applications, games or programs for the user, it is important to choose only 10 that the smartphone owner most needs. The system will be able to allow you to install them at once. After some time, you can try again and install again using the described software, new 10 applications.

So, happy owners of smartphones should definitely expand their knowledge regarding functionality gadget, especially after making sure that there are no difficulties associated with downloading and installing the desired games and programs. Only those who are familiar with their smartphone will be able to feel comfortable and very quickly perform all the necessary tasks.