How to change monitor resolution. The screen resolution is set to an unsupported monitor: how to solve the problem in Windows

Typically, the operating system itself determines the resolution for a particular monitor model. However, the automatically selected parameters do not always suit the user. For example, on a 21-inch monitor I couldn’t get used to the small icons for a long time, so at first I independently changed the resolution to a slightly lower one, which suited me. Today I will tell and show how to do this correctly using the Windows 7 operating system as an example.

For a solution this issue There are three ways at once, but not everyone can use one of them. I'm talking about changing parameters using a proprietary utility, which can be installed along with the drivers. However, many users simply refuse to install it, so this method is not relevant for them.

Method one

For example, let's take Ati video card Radeon, with which it is installed proprietary utility Catalyst Control Center, through which you can change various parameters. We launch the program (usually it is located in the tray), select the “Desktop Management” section, the “Desktop Properties” subsection. Here you will see current settings desktop, including screen resolution, which you can change to the one you need.

Second way

The next option is even simpler compared to the first. We go to the desktop, click on the right mouse button, after which a menu appears, in it select the “Screen resolution” item.

A window will open.

Here we “play” with the screen resolution - select and click OK.

Third way

Finally, the same thing can be done through the control panel.

Click the “Start” button and find the “Control Panel” item. Here we select the “Screen” section.

A window will open with the ability to enlarge icons on the desktop. On the left side of the screen there is an item “Setting screen resolution”, by clicking on which you can change the resolution.

As you can see, this process very easy and simple even for a beginner. But what you shouldn’t do is change the refresh rate - it is optimal for the monitor, and if you set it to a mode that it does not support, the device may fail. Fortunately, this rarely happens in practice and concerns mainly CRT monitors, which are currently almost out of circulation.

I will describe the same procedure for Windows XP!

First click right click By free space desktop, then select “Properties” and click on it left button.

In the window that appears with the title “ Screen» click left button select the tab " Options«.

Well, then grab the slider in the frame with the heading “ Screen resolution"and drag it to the value you need.

Don't forget to apply the changes using the " OK«!

If the picture on the screen completely disappears or becomes somehow “scary” - do not panic and do not touch anything! The system, after waiting 15 seconds and not waiting for confirmation from you, will return everything as it was.

By the way, if the picture on the screen “flickers” unpleasantly, then do this:

Click on work again. right-click on the table, select " Properties", bookmark " Options«.

Basically, as in this instruction, but at the end, do not touch the resolution change slider, but press the “ Additionally«: the "Advanced" button

and in the window that appears with the heading “ Properties: monitor» select bookmark « Monitor" and click on the drop-down menu with the heading " Screen refresh rate» and select the one there great importance.

All. Don't forget to press the traditional " OK" and confirm your choice by clicking the " " button in the confirmation window!

Each of those who constantly work with a computer knows that an incorrectly configured image on a laptop screen or computer monitor may cause discomfort. In this case, the eyes are the first to suffer from fatigue. And here the question quite naturally arises of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 to suit you in order to make your work more comfortable. This will be discussed further. There are several simple ways that will allow even inexperienced users to configure it.

Screen resolution: what does this parameter affect?

For some reason, most users usually associate screen resolution only with detail graphic image, completely losing sight of the fact that this parameter affects some other aspects.

Yes, indeed, when the resolution increases, the picture becomes more natural, while when the value of this parameter decreases, it looks made up of squares. However, if you look at the problem of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 on a laptop or computer monitor, you will notice that in some applications it can even increase working space, and previously hidden controls appear.

This situation can be observed in many applications. For example, in the FL Studio music sequencer, at a low resolution, the synthesizers and effects used simply do not fit on the screen (several monitors are required), and when increasing work area the problem disappears. The same applies to design programs like AutoCAD, when the ability to install additional monitors absent.

What settings should I use?

Of course, the question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 manually, if the system has not done it automatically, is a priority, but you should not forget about parameters such as refresh rate, color rendering or image contrast. They play an important role.

What refresh rate is is not difficult to understand. It is enough to move a couple of meters away from the monitor, and horizontally changing stripes will immediately become noticeable. When viewed closely at a distance of about 30-50 cm, they are not visible, but this has a negative effect on the eyes. The same goes for strong saturation. color range, because too poisonous colors also cause discomfort. So, speaking of how to adjust screen resolution on Windows 7 or any other operating system, these parameters should also be taken into account. But let's move on to the setup.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 7 in the simplest way?

At any Windows system This setup is very easy to do using OS tools. First, you need to right-click on a free area of ​​the “Desktop” to bring up the context menu, in which there is a line at the bottom to go to the corresponding settings.

Actually, the very problem of how to set the screen resolution on Windows 7 comes down only to selecting from the drop-down list of supported values ​​exactly the one you want to set in this moment. To make settings easier, you can use a special slider by moving it up and down. When the desired value is selected, the settings should be saved with the “Apply” button, after which the screen will go dark for 1-2 seconds. Nothing wrong with that.

If set parameters the user is satisfied, we can finish there. Otherwise, they should be changed. Typically, you can leave the recommended values ​​or set a higher resolution if it is supported. Only after this the elements of the graphical interface will become smaller, and people with low vision will have to change the same size of the taskbar or icons on the “Desktop” themselves.

In the question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7, one cannot ignore the refresh rate, which, as mentioned above, also has a strong effect on vision. These settings can be found in the section additional parameters, which is called by clicking on the hyperlink of the same name. On the "Monitor" tab there is a drop-down list in which the current value is set.

For laptops, 60 Hz is usually used, but on desktop monitors you can set both 100 and 120 Hz, if such values ​​are supported. In general, the higher set value, the less your eyes get tired.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 7 after reinstallation?

It also happens that after reinstalling the system, the screen resolution is not automatically adjusted. There is only one reason for this - the absence or incorrect installation of a video driver.

There is no point in installing it from the “Device Manager” (if the system did not automatically detect it, it will not detect it in the future). Therefore, the installation must be done from the original driver disk, using packages like Driver Pack Solution or just download original driver from the graphics adapter manufacturer's website.

Control programs for Radeon and NVIDIA video cards

The question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 for Radeon and NVIDIA accelerators is much easier to solve. As a rule, the system contains special programs control of accelerators and their settings in a pre-installed form. If there are none, you can install them additionally (PhysX, Catalyst, etc.). Their tools have more options, and the settings are much more subtle, since you can also change the aspect ratio.

Such utilities are especially useful when exhibiting best parameters images in computer games.

Instead of a total

That's all there is to it in a nutshell regarding the basic screen resolution settings. It remains to add that if discrete video cards are installed on board, it is better to abandon settings using the system and use “native” utilities. By the way, for the same integrated Intel chipsets There are also such programs, however, from Windows tools they are not particularly different.

Perhaps the icons on your desktop are too small or large, we will help you figure it out. how to change screen resolution and adjust the size to the user's wishes. Resolution matters in terms of grain, placement active elements, quality of image display/animation and other manipulations with the computer.

Today the seven remains one of the most popular systems, so for this we will initially consider the methodology:

  1. Installation is performed via RMB on the desktop.
  2. Then you should select the “Screen Resolution” option.

  1. Next comes resizing.
  2. When ready, click on Save.

For Windows 10

Most affordable way change the resolution - use the modernized settings interface, where there is a Screen section. To go to it you need:

  1. Right click on the table and activate the “Screen Options” item.
  2. Go to additional options.

  1. IN this section You can select the appropriate resolution and save its selection.

Read also: How to activate Windows 7? Answer

An alternative option is to use the Control Panel.

  1. Through Start, go to the Control Panel and activate the Screen item.
  2. In the menu on the left you should select “Resolution Settings” and set optimal parameter for every device.

  1. Click Apply to view the changes, click Save to make your final selection.

The change procedure is similar previous versions system, just right-click on the desktop and activate the “Screen Resolution” option. Then you should expand the “Resolution” menu, where you can select in various ways displays available for your monitor. If multiple screens are synchronized, it is recommended to set the resolution for each separately.

If you don’t know the appropriate value, you can move the slider in different directions and watch the elements change. The system determines optimal value for computer based technical parameters and marks the item with the message “Recommended.”

If the resolution is increased, the interface will receive more space, and all elements will decrease. This action improves picture clarity and reduces the visibility of pixels. On the contrary, when the value is lowered, the icons increase in size; if they are difficult to see from afar, the resolution is reduced by 1-2 positions.

After setting the value, all that remains is to click Ok, in this case the action will be applied, the user will have the opportunity to view the result, only then click Save.

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You can change the resolution through the home screen:

  1. You need to open the Charm panel in the lower right corner and go to Settings.
  2. Click on PC and Hardware.
  3. Select Screen.
  4. Adjustment is made to the desired size.
  5. Save your actions by clicking on the appropriate button.

For Windows XP

A simple way to achieve your goal:

  1. Right-click on home screen and activate the Properties option.
  2. In the new window, you should go to the Settings tab if another page is open.

  1. By moving the slider you determine optimal performance and click OK to view the changes.
  2. Save is clicked only after the final selection.

How to change screen resolution in game

The easiest way for a novice user to change these settings is to go into the game and in the parameters section there is almost always this setting. Just install right choice from the listed options and enjoy excellent quality.

From time to time there is a problem that after changing the resolution, the program stops starting or always appears with a black screen, although sound accompaniment there is and you can perform some actions. Also, in a number of other situations, it is necessary to change the resolution without logging into the game.

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How to change screen resolution without entering the game

Methods for achieving the goal exist, but the main difficulty is that each game is programmed differently, respectively universal method does not exist.

There are 4 main methods for achieving the goal:

  1. You need to change the settings in the game files. For settings is always done separate file with the name Config, Settings or UserProfile and others speaking names. They contain basic settings user. The files themselves are contained in the game directory, mainly in upper level hierarchy, but sometimes you additionally have to go to BIN folder or other.
  • To change a file, you need to open it with text editor, usually enough standard notepad. This is done by right clicking on the file and hovering the cursor over “Open with”.
  • You should search the text by holding Ctrl+F and entering the word – Resolution.

  • The found line indicates the extension separated by a space; it should be replaced; if the line is missing, it should be added.
  • You need to specify a value lower than what is allowed on the monitor, usually for desktop PCs - 1920x1080 or 1280x1024. For laptops, 1366x768 or 1280x720 is often found.

  1. Some games have an additional launcher near the launch file that allows you to set settings even before launching the game; it is worth checking for the presence of such a file with the .exe extension.
  2. Using the file properties, you can set the value 640x480 - this will allow you to start the game if any failures occur, and set an adequate value inside it.
  • To perform the procedure, you should find the file from the game and right-click, then select “Properties”.
  • Then you need to go to the “Compatibility” tab.
  • Set a selection next to “Use screen resolution 640x480”.

  • The changes are applied and the game is attempted to start.
  1. You can change the required values ​​through the registry, but due to the lack of standards for the location of the game, it is difficult to say where the parameter will be located. It is advisable to find information on the forum, you can also use the search and brute force method to determine the location. Usually the name of the parameter indicates the purpose of its use. After finding the file, double click and change the value.

Wrong set resolution will cause a lot of inconvenience during any actions, especially difficult to play normally. The methods in the article are designed to eliminate the problem at the system and individual application level.

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How to change / change the screen (monitor) resolution of Windows and others.

In previous articles:

Screen resolution determines the clarity of all objects that we see on the monitor. This applies to shortcuts, work windows, images and even text. The higher the resolution, the clearer these objects will be. This value is measured in pixels. At the same time, the most low resolution 640*480 is considered, and the highest is 1600*1200. Exactly what resolution to set on your monitor depends on its size and basic parameters. Each user determines the most comfortable resolution for work and, if necessary, sets it manually.

What should you pay attention to?

CRT monitors usually have standard definition 800*600 or 1024*768 pixels. With these indicators on monitors of this type, and this is what the experts expected, it will be most convenient to work.
For LCD monitors, as well as flat displays (including laptop screens), you need to choose a higher resolution. It will allow you to see all the details as clearly as possible. As a rule, the most suitable resolution for the model is already set. But, to make sure of this, you can try to change it and understand what is most comfortable in a particular situation.

Important! How bigger monitor in size, the higher the resolution it adheres to. You can increase the screen resolution depending on the capabilities of the monitor yourself. At high resolution The clarity of the image will increase, but the size of everything will decrease. At low rates, everything will happen exactly the opposite.

How to change screen resolution in Windows?

You should turn on the computer and wait until it boots. Click the “Start” button, which is located in the lower left corner.

Select the “Control Panel” item, and there find the “Appearance and Personalization” section.

Now you need to select the “Adjust screen resolution” command.

A list will open next to which you need to click “Permission”. Now, using the sliders, you can change the indicator. When everything is ready, you can click the “Apply” button.

If you need to mark changes, you should click the corresponding button. In such a situation, all characteristics will return to their original values.

Important! There is a tooltip on the control panel that advises the user which resolution should be used for a particular screen.

What is native resolution?

Don't get carried away manual settings, because LCD monitors and computer monitors work best with their own indicators. Such indicators are called “native resolution”.

This is not required, but is highly recommended to ensure maximum text and image clarity. As for LCD monitors, they usually come with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 16:10. Compared to standard widescreen monitors, this is more.

What permission standards exist:

At 19 inch screen this is 1280*1024;
A 20-inch screen is 1600*1200;
If the screen is 22 inches, then it is 1680**1050;
With a 24-inch screen, this is 1900*1200 pixels;

Any user can change these indicators on a computer. When the data is changed, the machine takes a few seconds to readjust the image. A black screen may even appear for a couple of seconds, but it will quickly disappear and everything on the monitor will be adjusted to the new specified readings.

It is quite simple to manually change the settings of the described characteristic yourself. You will need to make a few mouse clicks. But, you need to think about whether a change is really required standard settings. After all, any equipment works more productively with source data.

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