Everything you need to know about Instagram Stories. Facebook privacy: hide what is shown Vkusno intitle all user posts next

Facebook sometimes feels like a dark forest. Functions created specifically for the convenience of users are installed on the social network like trees in a thicket - there are many of them, but it’s easy to get lost among them.

Do you know, for example, how you can manage your privacy settings on Facebook? We invite you to get acquainted with some of the social networking features and see if you missed anything important.

Who can see posts? ?

You can control who can see your Facebook posts in the future. Please note that when you set a preference, it applies to all subsequent publications. Therefore, if you want this post to be visible only to friends, and the next one to be available to all users without exception, do not forget to change the privacy settings in the second case.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Privacy -> Who can see my content?

Whose check-in notifications do I want to see?

After the introduction of Chronicle, viewing posts and photos in which you were tagged has become much easier. By going to your Activity Log, you can set up notifications to be sent to you when you are tagged by friends, friends of friends, or any Facebook user.

How to install: go to Activity Log -> Publications in which you are tagged

Please note: when you tag someone in a post and set it to private (for example, only visible to friends), that post can be seen by other users (in this case, friends of the tagged person). If you don't want certain people to see your post, set restrictions by selecting User Settings.

Who can find me?

It's almost impossible to hide on Facebook. However, it is within your power to set everything up so that “strangers” cannot find you on the social network using your email address or phone number specified on Facebook. In addition, you can allow or block search engines from showing your profile in search results.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Privacy -> Who can find me?

Have you lost your phone? To prevent your account from being taken away...

If you lose your phone, you must immediately: Delete your phone number from your Facebook account and click “Log out of your phone.” This will prevent other people from using your account.

What to do: Go to Privacy Settings -> Mobile -> Have you lost your phone?

Notifications from groups

You can set your preferences to receive or not receive notifications from groups you are a member of. Additionally, you can set notifications to only see friends' posts published in the group.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Notifications -> What notifications you receive -> Group news

There are other types of notifications that you should set up to make your life easier and not be distracted by unnecessary spam.

If, for example, you're tired of endless TopFace invitations and other notifications from different users, you can disable them by clicking "Disable" in the notification panel.

You can also customize which notifications you want to receive via email.

In the same way, you can set up mobile notifications, choose how you want to be notified about the activities of your friends and followers, or whether you want to be notified at all, and set up alerts for the pages you manage.

Privacy in apps

You want to open the 20 Most Beautiful Girls in Brazil app, but you don't want all your friends and followers to see it on your wall. To do this, set privacy settings for applications. You can allow or block an app from sending you notifications and control who can see messages on your behalf.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Applications

From whom to receive messages?

Any Facebook user can message you. To reduce the amount of spam, you can set filters for incoming emails.

How to install: Quick privacy settings -> Who can contact me?

How do I report a problem?

What to do: go to the Help section -> Report a problem -> select the desired item in the drop-down menu and write a message.

USSCLTD May 10, 2016 at 12:38 pm

Looking for vulnerabilities using Google

  • Information Security

Any search for vulnerabilities on web resources begins with reconnaissance and information collection.
Intelligence can be either active - brute force of files and directories of the site, running vulnerability scanners, manually browsing the site, or passive - searching for information in different search engines. Sometimes it happens that a vulnerability becomes known even before opening the first page of the site.

How is this possible?
Search robots, constantly roaming the Internet, in addition to information useful to the average user, often record things that can be used by attackers to attack a web resource. For example, script errors and files with sensitive information (from configuration files and logs to files with authentication data and database backups).
From the point of view of a search robot, an error message about executing an sql query is plain text, inseparable, for example, from the description of products on the page. If suddenly a search robot came across a file with the .sql extension, which for some reason ended up in the site’s working folder, then it will be perceived as part of the site’s content and will also be indexed (including, possibly, the passwords specified in it).

Such information can be found by knowing strong, often unique, keywords that help separate “vulnerable pages” from pages that do not contain vulnerabilities.
A huge database of special queries using keywords (so-called dorks) exists on exploit-db.com and is known as the Google Hack Database.

Why google?
Dorks are primarily targeted at Google for two reasons:
− the most flexible syntax of keywords (shown in Table 1) and special characters (shown in Table 2);
− the Google index is still more complete than that of other search engines;

Table 1 - Main Google keywords

Search only on the specified site. Only takes into account url
site:somesite.ru - will find all pages on a given domain and subdomains
Search by words present in the uri. Unlike cl. words “site”, searches for matches after the site name
inurl:news - finds all pages where the given word appears in the uri
Search in the body of the page
intext:”traffic jams” - completely similar to the usual request for “traffic jams”
Search in the page title. Text between tags <br></td> <td width="214">intitle:”index of” - will find all pages with directory listings <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">ext <br></td> <td width="214">Search for pages with a specified extension <br></td> <td width="214">ext:pdf - finds all pdf files <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">filetype <br></td> <td width="214">Currently, completely similar to class. the word “ext” <br></td> <td width="214">filetype:pdf - similar <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">related <br></td> <td width="214">Search for sites with similar topics <br></td> <td width="214">related:google.ru - will show its analogues <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">link <br></td> <td width="214">Search for sites linking to this <br></td> <td width="214">link:somesite.ru - will find all sites that have a link to this <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">define <br></td> <td width="214">Show word definition <br></td> <td width="214">define:0day - definition of the term <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">cache <br></td> <td width="214">Show page contents in cache (if present) <br></td> <td width="214">cache:google.com - will open a cached page <br></td> </tr></tbody></table><p>Table 2 - Special characters for Google queries <br></p><table><tbody><tr><td width="214"><b>Symbol</b><br></td> <td width="214"><b>Meaning</b><br></td> <td width="214"><b>Example</b><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">“<br></td> <td width="214">Exact phrase <br></td> <td width="214">intitle:“RouterOS router configuration page” - search for routers <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">*<br></td> <td width="214">Any text <br></td> <td width="214">inurl: “bitrix*mcart” - search for sites on bitrix with a vulnerable mcart module <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">.<br></td> <td width="214">Any character <br></td> <td width="214">Index.of - similar to the index of request <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-<br></td> <td width="214">Delete a word <br></td> <td width="214">error -warning - show all pages that have an error but no warning <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">..<br></td> <td width="214">Range <br></td> <td width="214">cve 2006..2016 - show vulnerabilities by year starting from 2006 <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">|<br></td> <td width="214">Logical "or" <br></td> <td width="214">linux | windows - show pages where either the first or second word occurs <br></td> </tr></tbody></table><br>It is worth understanding that any request to a search engine is a search only by words. <br>It is useless to look for meta-characters on the page (quotes, parentheses, punctuation marks, etc.). Even a search for the exact phrase specified in quotation marks is a word search, followed by a search for an exact match in the results. <p>All Google Hack Database dorks are logically divided into 14 categories and are presented in Table 3. <br>Table 3 – Google Hack Database Categories <br></p><table><tbody><tr><td width="168"><b>Category</b><br></td> <td width="190"><b>What allows you to find</b><br></td> <td width="284"><b>Example</b><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Footholds <br></td> <td width="190">Web shells, public file managers <br></td> <td width="284">Find all hacked sites where the listed webshells are uploaded: <br>(intitle:"phpshell" OR intitle:"c99shell" OR intitle:"r57shell" OR intitle:"PHP Shell" OR intitle:"phpRemoteView") `rwx` "uname" <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Files containing usernames <br></td> <td width="190">Registry files, configuration files, logs, files containing the history of entered commands <br></td> <td width="284">Find all registry files containing account information: <br><i>filetype:reg reg +intext:“internet account manager”</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Sensitive Directories <br></td> <td width="190">Directories with various information (personal documents, vpn configs, hidden repositories, etc.) <br></td> <td width="284">Find all directory listings containing VPN-related files: <br><i>"Config" intitle:"Index of" intext:vpn</i><br>Sites containing git repositories: <br><i>(intext:"index of /.git") ("parent directory")</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Web Server Detection <br></td> <td width="190">Version and other information about the web server <br></td> <td width="284">Find JBoss server administrative consoles: <br><i>inurl:"/web-console/" intitle:"Administration Console"</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Vulnerable Files <br></td> <td width="190">Scripts containing known vulnerabilities <br></td> <td width="284">Find sites that use a script that allows you to upload an arbitrary file from the server: <br><i>allinurl:forcedownload.php?file=</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Vulnerable Servers <br></td> <td width="190">Installation scripts, web shells, open administrative consoles, etc. <br></td> <td width="284">Find open PHPMyAdmin consoles running as root: <br><i>intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Error Messages <br></td> <td width="190">Various errors and warnings often reveal important information - from CMS version to passwords <br></td> <td width="284">Sites that have errors in executing SQL queries to the database: <br><i>"Warning: mysql_query()" "invalid query"</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Files containing juicy info <br></td> <td width="190">Certificates, backups, emails, logs, SQL scripts, etc. <br></td> <td width="284">Find initialization sql scripts: <br><i>filetype:sql and “insert into” -site:github.com</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Files containing passwords <br></td> <td width="190">Anything that can contain passwords - logs, SQL scripts, etc. <br></td> <td width="284">Logs mentioning passwords: <br><i>filetype:</i><i>log</i><i>intext:</i><i>password |</i><i>pass |</i><i>pw</i><br>sql scripts containing passwords: <br><i>ext:</i><i>sql</i><i>intext:</i><i>username</i><i>intext:</i><i>password</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Sensitive Online Shopping Info <br></td> <td width="190">Information related to online purchases <br></td> <td width="284">Find pincodes: <br><i>dcid=</i><i>bn=</i><i>pin</i><i>code=</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Network or vulnerability data <br></td> <td width="190">Information not directly related to the web resource, but affecting the network or other non-web services <br></td> <td width="284">Find automatic proxy configuration scripts containing information about the internal network: <br><i>inurl:proxy | inurl:wpad ext:pac | ext:dat findproxyforurl</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Pages containing login portals <br></td> <td width="190">Pages containing login forms <br></td> <td width="284">saplogon web pages: <br><i>intext:"2016 SAP AG. All rights reserved." intitle:"Logon"</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Various Online Devices <br></td> <td width="190">Printers, routers, monitoring systems, etc. <br></td> <td width="284">Find the printer configuration panel: <br><i>intitle:"</i><i>hp</i><i>laserjet"</i><i>inurl:</i><i>SSI/</i><i>Auth/</i><i>set_</i><i>config_</i><i>deviceinfo.</i><i>htm</i><br></td> </tr><tr><td width="168">Advisories and Vulnerabilities <br></td> <td width="190">Websites on vulnerable CMS versions <br></td> <td width="284">Find vulnerable plugins through which you can upload an arbitrary file to the server: <br><i>inurl:fckeditor -intext:"ConfigIsEnabled = False" intext:ConfigIsEnabled</i><br></td> </tr></tbody></table><br>Dorks are more often focused on searching across all Internet sites. But nothing prevents you from limiting the search scope on any site or sites. <br>Each Google query can be focused on a specific site by adding the keyword “site:somesite.com” to the query. This keyword can be added to any dork. <p><b>Automating the search for vulnerabilities</b><br>This is how the idea was born to write a simple utility that automates the search for vulnerabilities using a search engine (google) and relies on the Google Hack Database.</p><p>The utility is a script written in nodejs using phantomjs. To be precise, the script is interpreted by phantomjs itself. <br>Phantomjs is a full-fledged web browser without a GUI, controlled by js code and with a convenient API. <br>The utility received a completely understandable name - dorks. By running it on the command line (without options), we get short help with several examples of use: <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/edd/6fb/ccc/edd6fbccc5ec340abe750f3073c1b427.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 1 - List of main dorks options</p><p>The general syntax of the utility is: dork “command” “option list”. <br>A detailed description of all options is presented in Table 4.</p><p>Table 4 - Dorks syntax <br></p><table border="1"><tbody><tr><td width="214"><b>Team</b><br></td> <td width="214"><b>Option</b><br></td> <td width="214"><b>Description</b><br></td> </tr><tr><td rowspan="4" width="214">ghdb <br></td> <td width="214">-l <br></td> <td width="214">Print a numbered list of dork categories Google Hack Database <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-c “category number or name” <br></td> <td width="214">Load doors of the specified category by number or name <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-q "phrase" <br></td> <td width="214">Download dorks found by request <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-o "file" <br></td> <td width="214">Save the result to a file (only with -c|-q options) <br></td> </tr><tr><td rowspan="8" width="214">google <br></td> <td width="214">-d "dork" <br></td> <td width="214">Set an arbitrary dork (the option can be used many times, combination with the -D option is allowed) <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-D "file" <br></td> <td width="214">Use dorks from file <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-s "site" <br></td> <td width="214">Set site (option can be used many times, combination with option -S is allowed) <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-S "file" <br></td> <td width="214">Use sites from a file (dorks will be searched for each site independently) <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-f "filter" <br></td> <td width="214">Set additional keywords (will be added to each dork) <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-t "number of ms" <br></td> <td width="214">Interval between requests to google <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-T "number of ms" <br></td> <td width="214">Timeout if a captcha is encountered <br></td> </tr><tr><td width="214">-o "file" <br></td> <td width="214">Save the result to a file (only those tracks for which something was found will be saved) <br></td> </tr></tbody></table><br>Using the ghdb command, you can get all the dorks from exploit-db by arbitrary request, or specify the entire category. If you specify category 0, the entire database will be unloaded (about 4.5 thousand dorks). <p>The list of categories currently available is presented in Figure 2. <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/b8f/b11/ffe/b8fb11ffeaced5066fd2fd9e43be67fb.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Figure 2 - List of available GHDB dork categories</p><p>The google team will substitute each dork into the google search engine and analyze the result for matches. The paths where something was found will be saved to a file. <br>The utility supports different search modes: <br>1 dork and 1 site; <br>1 dork and many sites; <br>1 site and many dorks; <br>many sites and many dorks; <br>The list of dorks and sites can be specified either through an argument or through a file.</p><p><b>Demonstration of work</b><br>Let's try to look for any vulnerabilities using the example of searching for error messages. By command: dorks ghdb –c 7 –o errors.dorks all known dorks of the “Error Messages” category will be loaded as shown in Figure 3. <br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/28c/386/641/28c386641d1528652f7f8e8b8089097a.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 3 – Loading all known dorks of the “Error Messages” category</p><p>Dorks are downloaded and saved to a file. Now all that remains is to “set” them on some site (see Figure 4). <br><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/8e0/a8a/3af/8e0a8a3af4f26544da1faa584813dbff.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 4 – Search for vulnerabilities of the site of interest in the Google cache</p><p>After some time, several pages containing errors are discovered on the site under study (see Figure 5).</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/10b/e83/ba3/10be83ba38f172213ba06b3f9ad05a58.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 5 - Error messages found</p><p>As a result, in the result.txt file we get a complete list of dorks that lead to the error. <br>Figure 6 shows the result of searching for site errors. <br><br>Figure 6 – Error search result</p><p>In the cache for this dork, a complete backtrace is displayed, revealing the absolute paths of the scripts, the site content management system and the database type (see Figure 7). <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/0a9/455/588/0a9455588496d6609f5e13d598cb5a48.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 7 – disclosure of information about the site design</p><p>However, it is worth considering that not all dorks from GHDB give true results. Also, Google may not find an exact match and show a similar result.</p><p>In this case, it is wiser to use your personal list of dorks. For example, it is always worth looking for files with “unusual” extensions, examples of which are shown in Figure 8. <br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/d7f/865/693/d7f865693f7fcf13137598eeed0ecb58.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 8 – List of file extensions that are not typical for a regular web resource</p><p>As a result, with the command dorks google –D extensions.txt –f bank, from the very first request Google begins to return sites with “unusual” file extensions (see Figure 9). <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/107/e1f/a2f/107e1fa2f41c4169bcc254cba2f2f4b6.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 9 – Search for “bad” file types on banking websites</p><p>It is worth keeping in mind that Google does not accept queries longer than 32 words.</p><p>Using the command dorks google –d intext:”error|warning|notice|syntax” –f university <br>You can look for PHP interpreter errors on educational websites (see Figure 10). <br><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/717/74f/e36/71774fe3656bfc058c42d43262fdec4a.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 10 – Finding PHP runtime errors</p><p>Sometimes it is not convenient to use one or two categories of dorks. <br>For example, if it is known that the site runs on the Wordpress engine, then we need WordPress-specific modules. In this case, it is convenient to use the Google Hack Database search. The command dorks ghdb –q wordpress –o wordpress_dorks.txt will download all dorks from Wordpress, as shown in Figure 11: <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/dcb/ac9/a4e/dcbac9a4eb12f6ec775d9cccc2fdee87.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 11 – Search for Dorks related to Wordpress</p><p>Let's go back to the banks again and use the command dorks google –D wordpress_dords.txt –f bank to try to find something interesting related to Wordpress (see Figure 12). <br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/042/0c2/c43/0420c2c435931704288b171f725ccc6a.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 12 – Search for Wordpress vulnerabilities</p><p>It is worth noting that the search on Google Hack Database does not accept words shorter than 4 characters. For example, if the site's CMS is not known, but the language is known - PHP. In this case, you can filter what you need manually using the pipe and the system search utility dorks –c all | findstr /I php > php_dorks.txt (see Figure 13): <br><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/4c1/2f8/6e1/4c12f86e111074293c14d6a939c6ebab.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 13 – Search all dorks where PHP is mentioned</p><p>Searching for vulnerabilities or some sensitive information in a search engine should only be done if there is a significant index on this site. For example, if a site has 10-15 pages indexed, then it’s stupid to search for anything in this way. Checking the index size is easy - just enter “site:somesite.com” into the Google search bar. An example of a site with an insufficient index is shown in Figure 14. <br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/78e/1db/b4f/78e1dbb4fc78cd422cec311fc2ca9d33.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Figure 14 – Checking the site index size</p><p>Now about the unpleasant... From time to time Google may request a captcha - there is nothing you can do about it - you will have to enter it. For example, when searching through the “Error Messages” category (90 dorks), the captcha appeared only once.</p><p>It’s worth adding that phantomjs also supports working through a proxy, both via http and socks interface. To enable proxy mode, you need to uncomment the corresponding line in dorks.bat or dorks.sh.</p><p>The tool is available as source code</p> <p>Just a couple of years ago, our mothers and grandmothers passed each other thick notebooks with a bunch of recipes copied by hand, so that the family recipe for “herring under a fur coat” or “mimosa” would not accidentally get lost somewhere. However, “herring under a fur coat” will no longer surprise anyone, and the female sex has to invent thousands of new recipes... After all, you want it to be tasty, stylish, and not like everyone else’s. And on the eve of the New Year this is especially true!</p><p>By the way, we also have an article about</p><p>Fortunately, now everything has become much simpler, and you can draw inspiration for your culinary masterpieces directly from the Internet. We have selected for you the best culinary sites that can serve as a lifesaver at the right time and will make you, if not a real professional, then certainly a confident amateur.</p> <h2><b>Eating at home</b></h2> <p>The love of many women for cooking (including mine) begins with this resource. Actress, TV presenter and mother of two children, Yulia Vysotskaya, created an entire project in 2003, which has now grown to incredible proportions. <br>The website “Eating at Home” presents not only Yulina’s recipes, but also the masterpieces of other users. Everyone has the opportunity to publish their own recipes and photos of dishes, rate others, compare by ingredients and ratings, and also create their own cookbook. In addition, on the website you can watch all episodes of the TV show “Eating at Home” and take part in culinary competitions from partners. In general, “Eating at Home” is a whole social network where live communication is in full swing, where experienced chefs share their secrets, and ordinary amateurs turn into professionals.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/redlipsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/okuprin_7_12_2016_13_23_41_239.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><b>Deli</b></h2> <p>A culinary portal, which is perhaps the most popular portal about food not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. “Gastronom” has this name for a reason: on the site you can find not only culinary recipes with step-by-step preparation, but also a large amount of material on how to choose and work with products correctly, how to make your dish look no worse than that of a famous one chefs, and where to go for fresh gastronomic experiences.</p> <p>Another culinary magazine that is hard to put down for those who love to cook something “special”! The magazine itself contains more than 35 thousand original recipes, video cooking instructions and tips on ingredients. Each recipe is equipped with a special counter that helps you calculate the correct amount of ingredients depending on the number of servings. Every week, popular food bloggers and chefs share their stories, exclusive recipes and cooking secrets.</p> <p>The food delivery market is trying to surprise us with everything today: some specialize in fast food, some in home cooking, and some in . Perhaps in our country this trend is just beginning to gain momentum, but abroad, almost every third housewife already uses this service to prepare the dish of her dreams. The Chefmarket service offers a whole program to make life easier for modern housewives. The site has specially designed categories that offer a set menu, step-by-step recipes for preparing dishes and a service for delivering all ingredients directly to your kitchen! <br>All you need is to go to the website, select the appropriate complex and, voila, all the necessary ingredients are already on your table.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/redlipsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/okuprin_7_12_2016_13_24_42_792.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><b>Jamie Oliver's Recipes</b></h2> <p>Cooking guru Jamie Oliver is known around the world for his many shows and books. Even beginners love Jamie's recipes because... In his recipes, Oliver uses simple ingredients that can be found in any store today. Moreover, in his video tutorials presented on the website, Jamie reveals all the secrets and shares the intricacies of preparing this or that dish. If you are looking for healthy and delicious food, then Jamie's kitchen is for you.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/redlipsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/okuprin_7_12_2016_13_23_8_697.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><b>Blog with taste Andy Chef</b></h2> <p>Who said women cook better than men? Andrey Rudkov's culinary blog can argue with you. Andrey started his blog in 2013 when he realized that nothing inspires him more than cooking, so Andrey decided to inspire people himself.</p> <p>"Blog with taste" is filled with a lot. Moreover, this “raisin” lies not only in the ingredients used, but also in the technique. Andrey takes all photographs for each recipe personally. And taken together, the recipe turns out so appetizing that you want to immediately go to the kitchen and repeat the experiment.</p> <p>In addition to recipes, the site contains a large amount of useful material about gastronomic travel, cooking basics and reviews of technological innovations. And as a bonus, everyone can watch master classes with Andrey’s participation and add food photography lessons to their luggage.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/redlipsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/okuprin_7_12_2016_13_22_15_493.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><b>Chadeyka</b></h2> <p>Another author's blog that will not leave any woman indifferent! Irina Chadeeva is a true specialist in pies and the author of such famous books as “Pies and Something Else...”, “Baking According to GOST. The taste of our childhood”, “All about pies”, etc. When you first get to Irina’s personal LiveJournal page, time flies by, and now 3 hours have already disappeared somewhere. “Blueberry pie”, “lemon ganache pie”, “chocolate meringue”, “cherry tarts”... and these are just a few of the names that cause an increased flow of endorphins in the body. Each recipe is supported by beautiful and stylish photographs of the author. And if something doesn’t work out for you, then in the comments you can ask all the questions that interest you. Rest assured, they will definitely not go unanswered!</p> <p><i>The Google search engine (www.google.com) provides many search options. All these features are an invaluable search tool for a user new to the Internet and at the same time an even more powerful weapon of invasion and destruction in the hands of people with evil intentions, including not only hackers, but also non-computer criminals and even terrorists. <br><b>(9475 views in 1 week)</b> </i></p> <p>Denis Barankov <br>denisNOSPAMixi.ru</p> <p><b>Attention:</b><i>This article is not a guide to action. This article was written for you, WEB server administrators, so that you will lose the false feeling that you are safe, and you will finally understand the insidiousness of this method of obtaining information and take up the task of protecting your site.</i></p> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>For example, I found 1670 pages in 0.14 seconds!</p> <p><b>2. </b> Let's enter another line, for example:</p> <b> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=inurl:%22auth_user_file.txt%22">inurl:"auth_user_file.txt"</a> </b> <p>a little less, but this is already enough for free downloading and password guessing (using the same John The Ripper). Below I will give a number of more examples.</p> <p>So, you need to realize that the Google search engine has visited most of the Internet sites and cached the information contained on them. This cached information allows you to obtain information about the site and the content of the site without directly connecting to the site, only by delving into the information that is stored inside Google. Moreover, if the information on the site is no longer available, then the information in the cache may still be preserved. All you need for this method is to know some Google keywords. This technique is called Google Hacking.</p> <p>Information about Google Hacking first appeared on the Bugtruck mailing list 3 years ago. In 2001, this topic was raised by a French student. Here is a link to this letter http://www.cotse.com/mailing-lists/bugtraq/2001/Nov/0129.html. It provides the first examples of such queries:</p> <p><b>1) Index of /admin <br>2) Index of /password <br>3) Index of /mail <br>4) Index of / +banques +filetype:xls (for france...) <br>5) Index of / +passwd <br>6) Index of / password.txt</b></p> <p>This topic made waves in the English-reading part of the Internet quite recently: after the article by Johnny Long, published on May 7, 2004. For a more complete study of Google Hacking, I advise you to go to this author’s website http://johnny.ihackstuff.com. In this article I just want to bring you up to date.</p> <p>Who can use this: <br>- Journalists, spies and all those people who like to poke their nose into other people's business can use this to search for incriminating evidence. <br>- Hackers looking for suitable targets for hacking.</p> <h2>How Google works.</h2> <p>To continue the conversation, let me remind you of some of the keywords used in Google queries.</p> <p><b>Search using the + sign</b></p> <p>Google excludes words it considers unimportant from searches. For example, question words, prepositions and articles in English: for example are, of, where. In Russian, Google seems to consider all words important. If a word is excluded from the search, Google writes about it. In order for Google to start searching for pages with these words, you need to add a + sign without a space before the word. For example:</p> <p><b>ace +of base</b></p> <p><b>Search using the sign –</b></p> <p>If Google finds a large number of pages from which it needs to exclude pages with a certain topic, then you can force Google to search only for pages that do not contain certain words. To do this, you need to indicate these words by placing a sign in front of each - without a space before the word. For example:</p> <p><b>fishing - vodka</b></p> <p><b>Search using ~</b></p> <p>You may want to search not only for the specified word, but also for its synonyms. To do this, precede the word with the ~ symbol.</p> <p><b>Finding an exact phrase using double quotes</b></p> <p>Google searches on each page for all occurrences of the words that you wrote in the query string, and it does not care about the relative position of the words, as long as all the specified words are on the page at the same time (this is the default action). To find the exact phrase, you need to put it in quotes. For example:</p> <p><b>"bookend"</b></p> <p>In order to have at least one of the specified words, you need to specify the logical operation explicitly: OR. For example:</p> <p><b>book safety OR protection</b></p> <p>In addition, you can use the * sign in the search bar to indicate any word and. to represent any character.</p> <p><b>Searching for words using additional operators</b></p> <p>There are search operators that are specified in the search string in the format:</p> <p><b>operator:search_term</b></p> <p>Spaces next to the colon are not needed. If you insert a space after the colon, you will see an error message, and before it, Google will use them as a normal search string. <br>There are groups of additional search operators: languages ​​- indicate in which language you want to see the result, date - limit the results for the past three, six or 12 months, occurrences - indicate where in the document you need to search for the line: everywhere, in the title, in the URL, domains - search on the specified site or, conversely, exclude it from the search; safe search - blocks sites containing the specified type of information and removes them from the search results pages. <br>However, some operators do not require an additional parameter, for example the request " <b>cache:www.google.com</b>" can be called as a full-fledged search string, and some keywords, on the contrary, require a search word, for example " <b>site:www.google.com help</b>". In light of our topic, let's look at the following operators:</p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"><p><b>Operator</b></p> </td> <td valign="top"><p><b>Description</b></p> </td> <td valign="top"><p><b>Requires an additional parameter?</b></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>search only on the site specified in search_term</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>search only in documents with type search_term</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>find pages containing search_term in the title</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>find pages containing all search_term words in the title</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>find pages containing the word search_term in their address</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><p>find pages containing all search_term words in their address</p> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr></table><p>Operator <b>site:</b> limits the search only to the specified site, and you can specify not only the domain name, but also the IP address. For example, enter:</p> <p>Operator <b>filetype:</b> Limits the search to a specific file type. For example:</p> <p>As of the publication date of the article, Google can search within 13 different file formats:</p> <ul><li>Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)</li> <li>Adobe PostScript (ps)</li> <li>Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)</li> <li>Lotus WordPro (lwp)</li> <li>MacWrite (mw)</li> <li>Microsoft Excel (xls)</li> <li>Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)</li> <li>Microsoft Word (doc)</li> <li>Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)</li> <li>Microsoft Write (wri)</li> <li>Rich Text Format (rtf)</li> <li>Shockwave Flash (swf)</li> <li>Text (ans, txt)</li> </ul><p>Operator <b>link:</b> shows all pages that point to the specified page. <br>It's probably always interesting to see how many places on the Internet know about you. Let's try:</p> <p>Operator <b>cache:</b> Shows the version of the site in Google's cache as it looked the last time Google visited that page. Let’s take any frequently changing site and look:</p> <p>Operator <b>intitle:</b> searches for the specified word in the page title. Operator <b>allintitle:</b> is an extension - it searches for all specified few words in the page title. Compare:</p> <p><b>intitle:flight to Mars <br>intitle:flight intitle:on intitle:mars <br>allintitle:flight to mars</b></p> <p>Operator <b>inurl:</b> forces Google to show all pages containing the specified string in the URL. allinurl operator: searches for all words in a URL. For example:</p> <p><b>allinurl:acid acid_stat_alerts.php</b></p> <p>This command is especially useful for those who don't have SNORT - at least they can see how it works on a real system.</p> <h2>Hacking Methods Using Google</h2> <p>So, we found out that using a combination of the above operators and keywords, anyone can collect the necessary information and search for vulnerabilities. These techniques are often called Google Hacking.</p> <h3>Site Map</h3> <p>You can use the site: operator to list all the links that Google has found on a site. Typically, pages that are dynamically created by scripts are not indexed using parameters, so some sites use ISAPI filters so that links are not in the form <b>/article.asp?num=10&dst=5</b>, and with slashes <b>/article/abc/num/10/dst/5</b>. This is done so that the site is generally indexed by search engines.</p> <p>Let's try:</p> <p><b>site:www.whitehouse.gov whitehouse</b></p> <p>Google thinks that every page on a website contains the word whitehouse. This is what we use to get all the pages. <br>There is also a simplified version:</p> <p><b>site:whitehouse.gov</b></p> <p>And the best part is that the comrades from whitehouse.gov didn’t even know that we looked at the structure of their site and even looked at the cached pages that Google downloaded. This can be used to study the structure of sites and view content, remaining undetected for the time being.</p> <h3>View a list of files in directories</h3> <p>WEB servers can display lists of server directories instead of regular HTML pages. This is usually done to ensure that users select and download specific files. However, in many cases, administrators have no intention of showing the contents of a directory. This occurs due to incorrect server configuration or the absence of the main page in the directory. As a result, the hacker has a chance to find something interesting in the directory and use it for his own purposes. To find all such pages, it is enough to note that they all contain the words: index of. But since the words index of contain not only such pages, we need to refine the query and take into account the keywords on the page itself, so queries like:</p> <p><b>intitle:index.of parent directory <br>intitle:index.of name size</b></p> <p>Since most directory listings are intentional, you may have a hard time finding misplaced listings the first time. But at least you can already use listings to determine the WEB server version, as described below.</p> <h3>Obtaining the WEB server version.</h3> <p>Knowing the WEB server version is always useful before launching any hacker attack. Again, thanks to Google, you can get this information without connecting to a server. If you look closely at the directory listing, you can see that the name of the WEB server and its version are displayed there.</p> <p><b>Apache1.3.29 - ProXad Server at trf296.free.fr Port 80</b></p> <p>An experienced administrator can change this information, but, as a rule, it is true. Thus, to obtain this information it is enough to send a request:</p> <p><b>intitle:index.of server.at</b></p> <p>To get information for a specific server, we clarify the request:</p> <p><b>intitle:index.of server.at site:ibm.com</b></p> <p>Or vice versa, we are looking for servers running a specific version of the server:</p> <p><b>intitle:index.of Apache/2.0.40 Server at</b></p> <p>This technique can be used by a hacker to find a victim. If, for example, he has an exploit for a certain version of the WEB server, then he can find it and try the existing exploit.</p> <p>You can also get the server version by viewing the pages that are installed by default when installing the latest version of the WEB server. For example, to see the Apache 1.2.6 test page, just type</p> <p><b>intitle:Test.Page.for.Apache it.worked!</b></p> <p>Moreover, some operating systems immediately install and launch the WEB server during installation. However, some users are not even aware of this. Naturally, if you see that someone has not removed the default page, then it is logical to assume that the computer has not undergone any customization at all and is likely vulnerable to attack.</p> <p>Try searching for IIS 5.0 pages</p> <p><b>allintitle:Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services</b></p> <p>In the case of IIS, you can determine not only the server version, but also the Windows version and Service Pack.</p> <p>Another way to determine the WEB server version is to search for manuals (help pages) and examples that may be installed on the site by default. Hackers have found many ways to use these components to gain privileged access to a site. That is why you need to remove these components on the production site. Not to mention the fact that the presence of these components can provide information about the type of server and its version. For example, let's find the apache manual:</p> <p><b>inurl:manual apache directives modules</b></p> <h3>Using Google as a CGI scanner.</h3> <p>CGI scanner or WEB scanner is a utility for searching for vulnerable scripts and programs on the victim’s server. These utilities must know what to look for, for this they have a whole list of vulnerable files, for example:</p> <p><b>/cgi-bin/cgiemail/uargg.txt <br>/random_banner/index.cgi <br>/random_banner/index.cgi <br>/cgi-bin/mailview.cgi <br>/cgi-bin/maillist.cgi <br>/cgi-bin/userreg.cgi <br><br>/iissamples/ISSamples/SQLQHit.asp <br>/SiteServer/admin/findvserver.asp <br>/scripts/cphost.dll <br>/cgi-bin/finger.cgi</b></p> <p>We can find each of these files using Google, additionally using the words index of or inurl with the file name in the search bar: we can find sites with vulnerable scripts, for example:</p> <p><b>allinurl:/random_banner/index.cgi</b></p> <p>Using additional knowledge, a hacker can exploit a script's vulnerability and use this vulnerability to force the script to emit any file stored on the server. For example, a password file.</p> <h2>How to protect yourself from Google hacking.</h2> <h4>1. Do not post important data on the WEB server.</h4> <p>Even if you posted the data temporarily, you may forget about it or someone will have time to find and take this data before you erase it. Don't do that. There are many other ways to transfer data that protect it from theft.</p> <h4>2. Check your site.</h4> <p>Use the methods described to research your site. Check your site periodically for new methods that appear on the site http://johnny.ihackstuff.com. Remember that if you want to automate your actions, you need to get special permission from Google. If you read carefully <a target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com/terms_of_service.html">http://www.google.com/terms_of_service.html</a>, then you will see the phrase: You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google.</p> <h4>3. You may not need Google to index your site or any part of it.</h4> <p>Google allows you to remove a link to your site or part of it from its database, as well as remove pages from the cache. In addition, you can prohibit the search for images on your site, prohibit short fragments of pages from being shown in search results. All possibilities for deleting a site are described on the page <a target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com/remove.html">http://www.google.com/remove.html</a>. To do this, you must confirm that you are really the owner of this site or insert tags into the page or</p> <h4>4. Use robots.txt</h4> <p>It is known that search engines look at the robots.txt file located at the root of the site and do not index those parts that are marked with the word <b>Disallow</b>. You can use this to prevent part of the site from being indexed. For example, to prevent the entire site from being indexed, create a robots.txt file containing two lines:</p> <p><b>User-agent: * <br>Disallow: /</b></p> <h2>What else happens</h2> <p>So that life doesn’t seem like honey to you, I’ll say finally that there are sites that monitor those people who, using the methods outlined above, look for holes in scripts and WEB servers. An example of such a page is</p> <h2>Application.</h2> <p>A little sweet. Try some of the following for yourself:</p> <p>1. #mysql dump filetype:sql - search for mySQL database dumps <br>2. Host Vulnerability Summary Report - will show you what vulnerabilities other people have found <br>3. phpMyAdmin running on inurl:main.php - this will force control to be closed through the phpmyadmin panel <br>4. not for distribution confidential <br>5. Request Details Control Tree Server Variables <br>6. Running in Child mode <br>7. This report was generated by WebLog <br>8. intitle:index.of cgiirc.config <br>9. filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs – maybe someone needs firewall configuration files? :) <br>10. intitle:index.of finances.xls – hmm.... <br>11. intitle:Index of dbconvert.exe chats – icq chat logs <br>12. intext:Tobias Oetiker traffic analysis <br>13. intitle:Usage Statistics for Generated by Webalizer <br>14. intitle:statistics of advanced web statistics <br>15. intitle:index.of ws_ftp.ini – ws ftp config <br>16. inurl:ipsec.secrets holds shared secrets - secret key - good find <br>17. inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin <br>18. inurl:server-info Apache Server Information <br>19. site:edu admin grades <br>20. ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command – getting paths <br>21. intitle:index.of trillian.ini <br>22. intitle:Index of pwd.db <br>23.intitle:index.of people.lst <br>24. intitle:index.of master.passwd <br>25.inurl:passlist.txt <br>26. intitle:Index of .mysql_history <br>27. intitle:index of intext:globals.inc <br>28. intitle:index.of administrators.pwd <br>29. intitle:Index.of etc shadow <br>30.intitle:index.ofsecring.pgp <br>31. inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass <br>32. inurl:perform filetype:ini</p><li>"Hacking mit Google"</li> <span> <p>Training center "Informzashita" http://www.itsecurity.ru - a leading specialized center in the field of information security training (License of the Moscow Committee of Education No. 015470, State accreditation No. 004251). The only authorized training center for Internet Security Systems and Clearswift in Russia and the CIS countries. Microsoft authorized training center (Security specialization). The training programs are coordinated with the State Technical Commission of Russia, the FSB (FAPSI). Certificates of training and state documents on advanced training.</p><p>SoftKey is a unique service for buyers, developers, dealers and affiliate partners. In addition, this is one of the best online software stores in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, which offers customers a wide range, many payment methods, prompt (often instant) order processing, tracking the order process in the personal section, various discounts from the store and manufacturers BY.</p> </span> <p>In August, Instagram launched a new feature: stories that disappear after 24 hours. In the new review I have sorted out all the possibilities</p> <p>Literally on the first day that “stories” appeared, I wrote an article with. However, there are more and more questions about how to use Stories every day. Therefore, I decided to prepare complete instructions for Instagram Stories.</p> <p>Here we go? 🙂</p> <p><b>What are Instagram Stories?</b></p> <p>This question is asked in different ways. Here are just some of the search queries for the new Instagram feature: “what are those circles on Instagram on top”, “how to make it on Instagram so that you are in a circle”, “what are those circles in the news”, “what is that circle around the avatar”, “circle on Instagram”, “what’s the new crap on Instagram” and so on.</p> <p>is a new feature of the application, which in Russian is called “stories” or “stories”. These are photos and videos that will disappear exactly one day after uploading.</p> <p><b>What is the meaning of "stories"?</b></p> <p>Instagram launched Stories with the idea of ​​getting users to share more real-life moments. Because now, if you look at your social media feed, most of the photos are perfect: they don’t spend 5 minutes working on them in photo editors to post them, analyze statistics and choose the best time to publish.</p> <p>In addition, it is believed that taking more than 1-3 photos a day is bad manners. And Stories allows you to make at least 10 publications without being a spammer.</p> <p>And in general, content that disappears is a new trend. The pioneer is Snapchat, in some ways a competitor to Instagram. And apparently, the second one decided to keep up.</p> <p><b>Where are Stories?</b></p> <p>You can see “stories” at the top of the news feed, where they are presented as a separate feed. It looks like this.</p> <p>The first avatar is my “story”. The + sign in the blue circle means that I don't currently have a photo or video in my “story”, and I can add it. <b>To add a "story"</b>, I need to click on the plus in the black circle above my avatar.</p> <p>The following avatars in the colored circle are “stories” of people I follow and who have something new that I haven’t seen. If you scroll to the left, you can see all the “stories” my friends have posted. Including those that I have already seen - in such “stories” the circles are not colored, but white. Example below.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bfd180d0bed187d0b8d182d0b0d0bdd0bdd18bd0b5-d0b8d181d182d0bed180d0b8d0b8.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>How to connect Instagram Stories?</b></p> <p>“Stories” are available to all users of the application. There is no need to connect it specially. If for some reason you do not have this feature, you should update Instagram to the latest version.</p> <p><b>How to start your “story”?</b></p> <p>Click on the plus in the black circle in the left corner of the “news” tab. Another option is to swipe left anywhere in your news feed. So Instagram Stories will also appear in front of you.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bad0b0d0ba-d0b2d18bd0b3d0bbd18fd0b4d0b8d182-d181d182d0bed180d0b8d181.jpg' align="left" height="960" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Let's figure out what's here.</b></p> <p><i>Circle in the center</i>- this is a button for taking a photo or video. Click once to take a photo. Press and hold your finger to take a video.</p> <p><b>Just a few days ago Instagram added a new feature</b>: Now in “stories” you can immediately shoot a Boomerang (rounded video). To make a Boomerang, tap the word at the bottom of the screen and then the circle to make a video.</p> <p><i>Two arrow icon</i> to the right of the white circle is a button to switch between the front and external cameras. You can also switch by double-tapping the screen, which is especially useful if you're shooting video and need to quickly change cameras.</p> <p>To the left of the white circle you see two icons. <i>Lightning in a circle</i> is a flash. Click on it to add lighting to your photo or video. <i>Moon in a circle -</i> appears automatically when the phone detects that there is not enough lighting. It’s worth clicking on it to improve the quality of the photo (although, I think you understand that in poor lighting, even with a flash or “moon”, the quality will not be so good).</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bdd0b0d181d182d180d0bed0b9d0bad0b8-d181d182d0bed180d0b8d181.jpg' align="right" height="862" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the upper left corner you see an icon <i>setting. <br></i> So what is there?</p> <p>Opportunity <i>hide "stories"</i>» from people who follow you, but you wouldn't want them to view those photos and videos (as you can see, I have two of these people).</p> <p>Below - <i>comment limit</i>. You can choose to allow anyone to write you a reply message to your “story,” those you follow, or disable this feature altogether (especially suitable for public people with hundreds of thousands of followers).</p> <p><i>Save photos from “stories” automatically.</i> You can enable this feature and the entire stream of your photos and videos will be saved on your phone.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d181d0bed185d180d0b0d0bdd0b8d182d18c.jpg' height="960" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy>If you don’t need to save all the photos, you can save the post you like separately. In the photo on the left you see a post I made in Stories. There is an arrow in the lower right corner - clicking on it will save this photo.</p> <p>On the left you see <i>Cancel -</i> By clicking, you remove the photo or video you took. Be careful, by clicking “cancel”, you cannot return the photo/video.</p> <p>We will also look at additional features of Instagram Stories. In the upper right corner you see two icons - a picture and text.</p> <p><i>Drawing</i> Can be applied to both photos and text. It can be created using three tools: marker, highlight and neon brushes. Choose the one that you like best and fits the content. There you can select the stroke thickness and color. See the photo below for an example.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bcd0b0d180d0bad0b5d180.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i>Text</i> can contain not only letters, but also emoticons. You can choose any color, including one color for one word and another color for another. You can resize the text and rotate it as you wish. To do this, move two fingers together and spread them apart.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d182d0b5d0bad181d182-d181d182d0bed180d0b8d181.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>There is no option to add multiple inscriptions yet. Well, so that the text is in this place, and in this, and in this. But here <i>life hack</i>, How can I do that. The first option is to add spaces so that the inscription is in several places (photo below).</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bad0b0d0ba-d0b2d18bd0b3d0bbd18fd0b4d0b8d182-d181d182d0bed180d0b8d181.jpg?w=169&h=300' align="left" height="300" width="169" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can also use special applications where you can add as many inscriptions as you like, in any fonts, colors and sizes.</p> <p>Just put an @ and start typing the name of the person or page you want to tag in the photo/video. Avatars will appear, among them you select the desired profile. After publication, the link will become active. An example - see the photo below.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0b0d0bad182d0b8d0b2d0bdd0b0d18f-d181d181d18bd0bbd0bad0b0.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Also, along with a link to profiles, Instagram announced that it was starting to test <i>links to external sites</i>. Famous personalities with verified accounts (checkmark next to nickname) were the first to gain access to this function.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/fotorcreated.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In addition to text and drawing, Instagram Stories can <i>add effects to photos and videos</i>. To do this, swipe left or right on the screen and select a filter. There are only six of them, and they often complement the content very well. <img src='https://i1.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0b7d0b0d0b3d180d183d0b7d0b8d182d18c.jpg' align="right" height="960" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In Stories <i>you can add photos and videos that you already have on your phone from your gallery.</i> This is the secret of high-quality photos uploaded in “stories,” as well as filters and effects that seem to not be in Stories. For example, users often upload videos made on Snapchat (you know when a person has a dog's face and licks the screen? God, even writing is funny)).</p> <p>So you have the opportunity to process photos and videos in any application - and upload them to stories.</p> <p>Swipe your finger from top to bottom and a window will pop up with a list of photos and videos taken over the last 24 hours and saved on your phone. Please note: only for the last 24 hours! Select the content you want to upload and it will be in Stories.</p> <p><i>Lifehack</i>. If the photo was taken not in the last day, but a week/month/year ago, process it in one of the applications (such as VSCO or Snapseed) and download it to your phone. It will appear as good as new. You don’t even have to process it, just download it into the app and upload it back to your phone.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d183d0b4d0b0d0bbd0b8d182d18c.jpg' align="left" height="960" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy>With Boomerang and video it’s a little more difficult. The trick I use is to send a video from my phone to Google Drive or to my email and download it again from there. If you know a better way, please share :)</p> <p>You can also calmly <i>delete photo or video</i> from Stories. To do this, click on the three dots in the lower right corner.</p> <p>Even if you don't delete the photo, it will still disappear from your feed after 24 hours, don't forget about it.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bfd0bed0b4d0b5d0bbd0b8d182d18cd181d18f-d0bad0bdd0bed0bfd0bad0b0.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>What photo format?</b></p> <p>Many people immediately began to complain about the specific photo format after the new feature appeared. Indeed, it is unclear why the photos in Instagram Stories seem to be enlarged.</p> <p>The fact is that Instagram adjusts the photo to Stories, which is why part of the photo may be cropped. Moreover, without the ability to choose what exactly to trim.</p> <p>For example, I have a photo that I took on my phone in a square format. That's what Stories does with it.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bfd0b5d181d181.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>What to do in this case? There are several options. The first is to shoot directly in Instagram Stories (but then you can’t edit the photo). The second is to shoot vertically with your phone, and the edges will still be cut off, but only slightly.</p> <p>The third option is to add a frame. I do this in a simple way: I open a photo in the gallery on my phone and take a screenshot. This is what happens.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d181d0bed185d180d0b0d0bdd0b8d182d18c2.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>I think it's worth experimenting with apps that allow you to add frames. Remember how it was before Instagram allowed you to upload more than just square photos? These applications will come in handy again. The truth is, I don’t worry about it.</p> <p><b>How to leave comments in Stories?</b></p> <p>No way. There are no comments and no likes in “stories”. But it is possible to respond to a publication by sending a personal message to the person via direct message. For example, how I sent a compliment to Polina.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d181d0bed0bed0b1d189d0b5d0bdd0b8d0b5.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>How to pause “stories”?</b></p> <p>Yes, you can stop the “story” to read the text on the picture, for example. To do this, just press and hold your finger on the screen - photos and videos will not move.</p> <p><b>How to merge photos and videos into one “story”?</b></p> <p>Your publications are collected into one story independently. You just upload one photo after another, a video, a Boomerang - and the app does everything for you. The result is a selection of events over 24 hours. How many publications were made can be seen at the very top - see the ribbon of dashes?</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bad0bbd0b5d0b9d0b9.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Whose “stories” am I seeing?</b></p> <p>You see Stories of people you follow. Their “stories” appear one after another at the top of the news feed. New “stories” are outlined with a colored halo.</p> <p>By clicking on a person's avatar, you will see their "story". The transition between “stories” occurs automatically, but you can speed up the process by tapping the screen with your finger. Well, if you press left and right on the screen, you will move between the “stories” of different users.</p> <p>You can also see the person’s “story” in his profile: his avatar is outlined in a bright color.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/12345.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b><img src='https://i1.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/rx5gzryks2s.jpg' align="right" height="919" width="540" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Is it possible to turn off someone's “stories”?</b></p> <p>If you follow a person but don't want to see their “stories,” you can hide them.</p> <p>To do this, go to the news feed, find the “story” of the person you want to hide - press with your finger and hold for a couple of seconds. A screen will appear with a "hide @user's stories" button. Press and exhale. You will no longer see this person's "story".</p> <p>You can see “stories” again. To do this, scroll to the end of the Stories feed - there you will see the profiles of those you have hidden. Click on the avatar, hold for a couple of seconds and the same field will appear in front of you with the ability to return the profile to the feed.</p> <p><b>Will the person see that I watched his “story”?</b></p> <p>Yes, remember this, if you watch someone's "story", the person will know about it. The number of views appears under the photo, and if you pull the screen up, a list of all users who have seen your “story” will appear. Only you can do this, that is, other users do not know how many people have seen your “story.”</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/wishdo.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/d0bad182d0be-d181d0bcd0bed182d180d0b5d0bb-1.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>By the way, the list does not show how many times a person has viewed your “story.” So it will be difficult to figure out fans 😉</p> <p><b>Who is the first to be seen in the list of my “stories”?</b></p> <p>When you open the list of those who watched your Stories, at the top you usually see those users with whom you interact most actively: give them likes and receive in return, comment on their posts, and they are yours, communicate in direct messages. You most likely see their “stories” among the first in your feed.</p> <p>Why I say “most likely” and “usually” is because Instagram does not disclose its algorithms, and then it’s difficult to say for sure. These are my personal observations.</p> <p><b>Is it possible to secretly watch someone's "story"?</b></p> <p>No, Instagram does not provide this option. And I haven’t yet found any applications that can make you “invisible”.</p> <p>True, under the previous review I received many comments that “invisible” features have already appeared in Stories. For example, one girl said that she sees the same number of views on her “story,” but when she opens the list, there are several fewer of them. I haven’t observed such a phenomenon in my accounts, but I think it’s more likely a glitch in “stories” than the appearance of “invisibles”. Time will show.</p> <p><b>Who sees my “story”?</b></p> <p>It all depends on your account privacy settings. You <i>closed profile</i>? Then only your approved subscribers, those who are your friends, see your “story”. Outsiders cannot see your Stories.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/programs/">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/instructions/">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a 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