Basic version. Trade management. Basic version Limitation of the basic version of 1c how to fix it

The restrictions that apply to basic versions of 1C are listed in the documentation provided by the developer and on the software packaging. However, the facts are presented very briefly - it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

Limitation 1. At a particular time, only one user is allowed to work in one information base

For the basic mode of the platform, only exclusive opening of the information base is provided. For comparison, the PROF version switches to exclusive mode solely to ensure correct operation in a number of cases (for example, when deleting selected objects).

The configuration has no restrictions. Without providing access to parallel work, one database can have several users. Therefore, a list of persons admitted to the program is being compiled. If necessary, they are assigned different rights (similar to the PROF version). Users' work can be spread over time. Let’s say a salesperson uses the application in the morning, and an accountant uses the application in the afternoon, and each of them has their own rights.

Limitation 2. One information base is suitable for accounting only within one enterprise

If the user wants to add a new item to the Organizations directory, information about the impossibility of carrying out the operation will appear in the basic version. This order is specified by a configuration constraint, so it cannot be bypassed regardless of the platform's operating mode.

When using the basic version to keep records for several enterprises, you will have to purchase your own information base for each. When two companies use a common nomenclature (for example, a wholesaler sells products to both third-party buyers and his own retail store), it is advisable to acquire the PROF version. However, even if you use the basic version, you will not have to duplicate the work. The item formatted in the first database is easily loaded into a file and transferred to another database.

By the way, PROF versions do not have “intercompany” documentation. This means that within a group of companies, the sale of products must be documented in two documents: one cannot be used in either the basic or PROF version.

Limitation 3. Changing the configuration is not possible, only installing updates to the standard configuration is permissible

At first glance, it seems that purchasing the basic version is fraught with the absence of the “configurator” mode, without which 1C is no longer 1C. However, it is not. A configurator similar to that available in the PROF version is available.

The only thing missing is the ability to change the configuration: when requested, information is provided that it is under support, but the supplier object is not edited. Therefore, when using the basic mode, neither unsupporting nor enabling changes is allowed.

Among other things, the basic mode implies that the configurator menu does not have the ability to work with configuration delivery and storage. However, such functions are not in demand in small businesses.

Otherwise there is no difference with the PROF version:
. it is possible to view the configuration, including layout forms, module texts;
. it is possible to generate and change external reports and processing;
. it is possible to connect external reports and processing to the configuration. They can act as printed forms and processing of filling out table elements (for the user this is identical to inserting them into the configuration);
. It is possible to use the debugger for external reports, processing, as well as for analyzing the functioning of the application. Similar to how it is implemented in the PROF version, when malfunctions are detected, you can set breakpoints to identify the cause of the problem (whether it is due to incorrect user actions or configuration errors).

For the basic configuration, it is possible to remove it from support using the PROF platform, but in the future it will not be possible to open it using the basic platform.

Limitation 4. Working in the “client-server” mode is not feasible

The use of the “client-server” mode is justified in companies employing 10-30 people or more (taking into account the configuration). The basic version limits the number of users to one, so the feature is irrelevant.

Limitation 5. No support for COM connection and Automation server

COM connection and Automation server refer to the inter-application communication tools built into Windows and typically used for data exchange. With them, for example, you can take a list of Outlook contacts from 1C, as well as carry out many other operations.

Note that the limitation means that such a launch of 1C is impossible. Within the basic version, a COM connection provides access to various objects. This limitation applies to the base platform. By opening the basic configuration with the PROF platform, you can ensure correct operation. In this case, the basic configurations are equipped with a non-empty external connection module.

It is not necessary to run 1C in external connection mode, since standard data exchange tools provide for work via files (or there are two modes of operation - via files or via OLE). In addition, if necessary, you can create your own processing, so the limitation will not cause problems.

Limitation 6. Distributed information bases (RIB) are not supported

This configuration limitation affects the “Full” exchange plan, which prohibits the introduction of new nodes. The application "1C: Salary and HR Management" has the same feature in terms of exchange "By Organization". Thus, the tools built into the configuration do not allow the formation of a RIB.

But the basic versions are suitable:
. for the exchange of information between different configurations (for example, in pairs “1C: Salary and HR Management” - “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Trade Management” - “1C: Accounting”);
. for uploading and downloading data through built-in processing of uploading information into an identical configuration;
. to exchange information with external systems of the “bank-client” type and others;
. for exchange with third-party programs (for example, posted on the website;
. for using independently created means of exchange (for example, for uploading a product catalog to the organization’s website and downloading applications from it).

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" is intended for small trading enterprises and allows you to keep records on behalf of one organization - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Various tax regimes are supported:

  • general taxation system,
  • simplified taxation system (STS),
  • unified tax on imputed income (UTII).

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" allows you to automate the entire trading process, starting from the moment of planning the purchase of goods based on an analysis of various needs for goods until the moment the goods are shipped to customers. The full cycle of operations of both wholesale and retail trade is supported.

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" provides connection of various trade equipment - barcode scanners, scales, fiscal recorders, etc.

Based on the accounting results, various reports are generated that allow you to analyze the trading activities of the enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" can be used in conjunction with the application solution "Enterprise Accounting" version 3.0, in which accounting is maintained and tax reporting is generated.

Basic version user support

Registered users are provided with a program update from the 1C website and service via the 1C consultation line by phone and email at no additional cost.

To receive additional support, users can register, which, in addition to updating the program, contains teaching materials on using the new functionality, connecting commercial equipment, etc.

Basic Version Limitations

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" has the following technological limitations relative to the PROF version:

  • accounting for several companies in one information base is not supported; at the same time, it is possible to keep records of several organizations in separate information databases on one computer;
  • Changing the configuration is not supported, you can only apply the standard configuration and install its updates;
  • Only one user can work with one information base at one time;
  • work with the 1C:Enterprise 8 server is not supported;
  • operation of distributed information bases (RIB) is not supported;
  • operation in external connection mode is not supported;
  • work in web client mode is not supported;
  • Working in thin client mode is only possible with a file infobase.

Transition from the basic version to the PRO version

Users for whom, as their business develops, the program’s capabilities become insufficient or need to increase the number of jobs, will be able to purchase “1C: Trade Management 8” (PROF version) on preferential terms, which preserves the initial investment in the product. When switching from the basic version of "1C: Trade Management 8" to the PROF version, the accumulated credentials are completely transferred to the new program.

Information letter "About the release of the product "1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" No. 18857 dated 09.23.2014 .

"1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version" automates the following areas of business activity:

  • wholesale,
  • retail sales,
  • Inventory Management,
  • warehouse operations,
  • supply of goods,
  • cash,
  • control and reconciliation of mutual settlements,
  • other operations,
  • VAT accounting,
  • activity analysis,
  • service capabilities.

A form is a set of controls – form elements.

To select a specific form element, touch it with the stylus. For a menu item or form button, this is equivalent to clicking it.

When you select an input field, it becomes active and, depending on the data associated with the field, is available for editing in one way or another. When you click in the number input field, the built-in calculator is called up, in the date input field - a calendar, in the text input field - a virtual keyboard opens. When you select a table field cell, it becomes active. The actions associated with activating a cell vary by application.

Form details and controls


The form can contain special Panel controls, which can have tabs. Such controls are used for forms that contain a large amount of editable information, or for those forms where they are used in a special way by the system to separate information.

To select a specific bookmark, you need to double-click on it with the pen. If there are a lot of bookmarks, scroll buttons appear on the right side of the bookmarks line, which you can use to scroll through the bookmarks.

Entry field

The input field is intended for viewing and editing data of various types.

How you work with an input field depends on the type of data being edited or displayed in the control, as well as on settings specified during application development or defined using the built-in language.

“Date” type attribute

The “Date” type attribute is intended for entering data that takes into account the binding of information to a specific point in time. The format of the “Date” type attribute is determined at the application design stage and can be specified as a combination of date and time (in this case, one of the components, date or time, may be missing).

When entering a date, you can use the program’s built-in calendar by clicking the button in the date entry field. In this case, the program’s built-in calendar will appear on the screen, in which you can select the desired date. For more information about working with the built-in calendar, see the “Working with the calendar” paragraph.

Props of the “Number” type

In the field for entering numerical details, as a rule, there is a button to call a calculator, if this was specified when creating the form during the development of a mobile application. When you click on this button with a pen, a calculator will be called up on the screen, where you can make the necessary calculations and enter the result in the input field.

The format of numeric values ​​is determined during the design phase of the application.

Working with the built-in calculator is described in more detail in the “Working with the calculator” section.

Attributes of the “String” type

If the attribute is a string of characters, it is entered by typing the required characters using the built-in virtual keyboard. For more information about working with the keyboard, see the paragraph “Working with the built-in virtual keyboard”.

For a multi-line field, the field is automatically split into lines at the end of the word. If the text does not fit in the field, a scroll bar appears.

Boolean type props

The attribute value is entered using the “Checkbox” control element. The state is changed by clicking with the pen on this element. The set state corresponds to the logical value “True”, the cleared state corresponds to “False”.

Details of the type “directory element”, “document”, “enumeration”

If the form attribute value type is not one of the so-called “primitive types” (discussed above “Number”, “String”, “Date” and “Boolean”), then the attribute value is entered by selecting from a list and in the field There is a button for entering such details (or in the selection field). When you click on this button with the pen, a list will be displayed on the screen from which you need to select the required value. The list can be a directory (that is, a list of directory elements), a list of documents, an enumeration (a list of enumeration values).

Selecting a directory element. You can select the required line in the directory by double-clicking on it with the pen. In addition to selecting a directory element, all functions of working with the directory are available: entering a new element, editing, deleting an element, and the like, unless this is prohibited when developing the application.

In some cases, selecting a directory value can be done without opening a separate window - in the list that appears next to the attribute being edited. This feature is used for directories with a small number of values. In this case, editing and adding directory elements is not allowed, and selection is made with a pen directly from the given list.

Selecting a document. In the list of documents, the desired document is selected by double-clicking the pen. Just like when choosing from a directory, all functions for working with documents are available here.

Selecting an enumeration value. Enumerations are used in the 1C:Enterprise system to describe sets of constant (not user-changeable) values.

Typical examples of transfers are, for example, types of payment (cash, non-cash, barter), type of founder (legal entity, individual), types of company employees (full-time, part-time), etc.

To select the desired value from the list, just click on this value with the pen.

Rejecting the selected value. To clear a value that is entered by selecting from a list, use the button located to the right of the field.

For details whose type is not defined, the program does not allow you to select a value until a specific data type is specified. The specific data type is selected by clicking the button with the pen.

Other ways to enter values. Please note that in some cases the methods for entering and selecting values ​​may differ from the standard ones. For example, lists and special selection forms can be used to select values.


A form element of the checkbox type is designed to enable or disable a certain value.

Flags that have two or three states are used. The maximum number of states of a checkbox depends on the type of value associated with the checkbox: a checkbox with a value of type “Boolean” can have only two states (checked, cleared), with a value of type “Number” it can have three states (checked, cleared, undefined).

To switch the value of a checkbox, click on it with the pen.

Selection field

A form element of the “Selection field” type is designed to select one of several options. The option is selected from a list that can be opened next to the field by clicking on the button.


Buttons in the form are used to perform some actions provided by the form algorithm. To select a button, click on it with the pen.

Picture field

The “Picture Field” control element is designed to be placed in the form of various pictures. If a “Click” event is defined for an image, then it behaves like a button, although it looks different.

Working with a form table field

Forms can contain a table field, which is designed to display a list containing several columns.

The composition of the columns is determined by the purpose of a particular form, and the rows are the actual data that is viewed in the list and, in some cases, can be edited. Examples include a list of directory elements, their tabular parts, a list of documents, etc.

View table field rows

When viewing a list of rows in a table field, if there are many rows or columns and they do not fit into the table field, then horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars appear on the table field. By clicking on these stripes with a pen, you can view the contents of rows and columns that do not fit in the table field.

To make it easier to view the contents of the table field, you can change the width of the columns. To do this, click the pen in the table field header on the column separator and, without releasing the pen, move it until the desired width of the columns is established, then release the pen. This changes the size of both columns to the left and right of the separator (the size of one decreases and the other increases).

Table field command bar

To call commands associated with a table field, use the table field command panel - a set of buttons, clicking which causes various actions.

The specific set of command bar buttons for a table field depends on the data type of a particular table field.

Working with Table Field Cells

Table field cells have the same functionality as input fields. In addition, input field cells can contain checkboxes. In cells, you can select and view values ​​using the corresponding buttons available for a specific cell when you click on it.

Features of working with a table field in the form of a tree

If the table field is presented in the form of a tree, then the selection and expansion of the desired group is performed by clicking with the pen on the special controls displayed in the tree nodes.

If the tree is expanded, the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys can be used to navigate to the desired group.

Closing a group, as well as opening it, is done by clicking with the pen on special controls.

Search in lists

To organize a search in the list, there is an icon on the list command panel. When you click on this icon with a pen, a dialog appears in which you must enter a search string. The search for the entered string will be carried out in all cells of the table field containing the list. If the search is successful, the cell with the found string will be highlighted. To repeat the search forward and backward, respectively, use the icons ,

Selecting and sorting a list

Setting up viewing of the list displayed in the table field is done in the “Selection and Sorting” dialog, which is called up by selecting the command bar button of the table field.

Setting up selection

Selection settings are performed in a special dialog (see figure below), where you should check the boxes for the necessary selection elements, set the type of comparison and selection values.

The composition of selection elements is determined when creating a mobile application. The composition of selection elements can be set or changed programmatically before opening the form.

When you set a selection in a table field displaying a list, only elements that satisfy the selected selection conditions are displayed.

To disable selection, you must uncheck the selection elements.

Setting the presentation order

The “Order” tab specifies the order in which the elements presented in the list will be displayed.

The table field (see figure) has several columns to control the order. The “Sort” column contains a flag, the setting of which determines the participation of the attribute (the name of the attribute is presented in the “Name” column) in the ordering. The ordering priority is determined by the order in which the details appear in the list. This priority can be changed using the buttons located above the table field (move details up or down the list relative to other details).

The Direction column indicates the sorting direction - it can be changed by clicking the pen in this column.

The algorithm for processing the order of data in the list is as follows: the data is first sorted by the first attribute, taking into account the sorting direction, then data with the same value of this attribute is sorted by the second attribute, also taking into account the sorting direction, etc.

Sorting a list

To quickly sort the list by column value, click on the heading of the corresponding column. The arrow in the column header shows the sorting direction.

List setup

The order of columns in the list, their visibility and width are configured in the “List Settings” dialog. The dialogue opens from the list context menu (see figure below). To display the context menu, you need to press and hold the pen in any place in the list.

In the settings dialog (see figure below), you can set the width of the columns in points, visibility by checking the checkbox in the corresponding column, and the order of appearance. The order of the columns can be changed using the up and down arrow buttons located above the table field.

Changing column width or visibility may not be available if this is not allowed when creating a mobile application.

Working with the calculator

To make it easier to enter numbers, selecting the appropriate input field opens a calculator.

Clicking the calculator's red "OK" button with a stylus automatically places the typed number or resulting result into an input field or table box cell. Clicking the pen outside the calculator means you are not editing.

To change the sign of a number, click the “+/-” button on the calculator

To start entering the fractional part of a number, click on the decimal point on the calculator.

Working with the calendar

To make it easier to enter and edit dates, selecting the appropriate input field opens a calendar.

The current date is highlighted in red on the calendar. The date you are entering is marked in blue.

To perform a specific operation with a calendar, you must:

to change the entered date, click the pen on the desired date in the calendar;

To select a month, use the arrows to the right and left of the month name, or click on the month name. A list of months appears from which you can select the desired name.

To change the year, click the pen on the year. In this case, two scroll arrows appear - up and down. Using them, you can select the desired year.

in order to remove the calendar without changing the entered date, you need to click with the pen outside the calendar area.

Working with the built-in virtual keyboard

To enter strings, selecting the appropriate input field automatically opens a keyboard image on the screen. To enter information, you need to press the key images on the screen with a stylus. Having finished entering information, you need to click on the keyboard icon in the menu field - the keyboard will be minimized.

The restrictions that apply to basic versions of 1C are listed in the documentation provided by the developer and on the software packaging. However, the facts are presented very briefly - it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

The restrictions that apply to basic versions of 1C are listed in the documentation provided by the developer and on the software packaging. However, the facts are presented very briefly - it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

1. At a specific point in time, only one user is allowed to work in one information base

For the basic mode of the platform, only exclusive opening of the information base is provided. For comparison, the PROF version switches to exclusive mode solely to ensure correct operation in a number of cases (for example, when deleting selected objects).

The configuration has no restrictions. Without providing access to parallel work, one database can have several users. Therefore, a list of persons admitted to the program is being compiled. If necessary, they are assigned different rights (similar to the PROF version). Users' work can be spread over time. Let’s say a salesperson uses the application in the morning, and an accountant uses the application in the afternoon, and each of them has their own rights.

2. One information base is suitable for accounting only within one enterprise

If the user wants to add a new item to the Organizations directory, information about the impossibility of carrying out the operation will appear in the basic version. This order is specified by a configuration constraint, so it cannot be bypassed regardless of the platform's operating mode.

When using the basic version to keep records for several enterprises, you will have to purchase your own information base for each. When two companies use a common nomenclature (for example, a wholesaler sells products to both third-party buyers and his own retail store), it is advisable to acquire the PROF version. However, even if you use the basic version, you will not have to duplicate the work. The item formatted in the first database is easily loaded into a file and transferred to another database.

By the way, PROF versions do not have “intercompany” documentation. This means that within a group of companies, the sale of products must be documented in two documents: one cannot be used in either the basic or PROF version.

3. Changing the configuration is not possible, only installing updates to the standard configuration is permissible

At first glance, it seems that purchasing the basic version is fraught with the absence of the “configurator” mode, without which 1C is no longer 1C. However, it is not. A configurator similar to that available in the PROF version is available.

The only thing missing is the ability to change the configuration: when requested, information is provided that it is under support, but the supplier object is not edited. Therefore, when using the basic mode, neither unsupporting nor enabling changes is allowed.
Among other things, the basic mode implies that the configurator menu does not have the ability to work with configuration delivery and storage. However, such functions are not in demand in small businesses.

Otherwise there is no difference with the PROF version:

  • it is possible to view the configuration, including layout forms, module texts;
  • it is possible to generate and change external reports and processing;
  • it is possible to connect external reports and processing to the configuration. They can act as printed forms and processing of filling out table elements (for the user this is identical to inserting them into the configuration);
  • It is possible to use the debugger for external reports, processing, as well as for analyzing the functioning of the application. Similar to how it is implemented in the PROF version, when malfunctions are detected, you can set breakpoints to identify the cause of the problem (whether it is due to incorrect user actions or configuration errors).

For the basic configuration, it is possible to remove it from support using the PROF platform, but in the future it will not be possible to open it using the basic platform.

4. Working in “client-server” mode is not feasible

The use of the “client-server” mode is justified in companies employing 10-30 people or more (taking into account the configuration). The basic version limits the number of users to one, so the feature is irrelevant.

5. There is no support for COM connection and Automation server

COM connection and Automation server refer to the inter-application communication tools built into Windows and typically used for data exchange. With them, for example, you can take a list of Outlook contacts from 1C, as well as carry out many other operations.

Note that the limitation means that such a launch of 1C is impossible. Within the basic version, a COM connection provides access to various objects. This limitation applies to the base platform. By opening the basic configuration with the PROF platform, you can ensure correct operation. In this case, the basic configurations are equipped with a non-empty external connection module.

It is not necessary to run 1C in external connection mode, since standard data exchange tools provide for work via files (or there are two modes of operation - via files or via OLE). In addition, if necessary, you can create your own processing, so the limitation will not cause problems.

6. There is no support for the operation of distributed information bases (RIB)

This configuration limitation affects the “Full” exchange plan, which prohibits the introduction of new nodes. The application “1C: Salary and HR Management” has the same feature in terms of exchange “By Organization”. Thus, the tools built into the configuration do not allow the formation of a RIB.
But the basic versions are suitable:

  • for exchanging information between different configurations (for example, in pairs of databases “1C: Salary and HR Management” - “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Trade Management” - “1C: Accounting”);
  • for uploading and downloading data through built-in processing of uploading information into an identical configuration;
  • to exchange information with external systems of the “bank-client” type and others;
  • for exchange with third-party programs;
    for using independently created means of exchange (for example, for uploading a product catalog to the organization’s website and downloading applications from it).

A new version of the client application interface has been implemented: Taxi. The Taxi interface includes a large number of changes, among which are:
  • The interface design has been changed: the font has been increased, the indents in the forms have been increased, the main colors and design of the form elements have been changed, and their size has been increased.
  • Navigation throughout the application has been improved: orientation towards working with one window, the presence of special panels (history, favorites, etc.), transitions between open windows both forward and backward, etc.
  • The options for customizing the main window have been expanded: the developer can specify the composition and location of panels that correspond to the application solution, and the user can rearrange these panels in a way that is convenient for him.
  • You can use full-text search using the system form.
  • The form navigation bar is located at the top of the form.
  • The message box is located at the bottom of the form and is only shown when there are messages to display.
  • The performance dashboard does not appear as a separate window, but rather as a separate pane in the main application window.
  • In the History panel, entries are grouped by day, indicating the opening time. Also implemented is the ability to search and add to favorites.
  • The Favorites panel allows you to search, rename, and pin very important items to the top of the list.

To force enable this interface (if it is allowed in the application solution), a command line key to launch the iTaxi client application is implemented. You can also switch the interface using the client application settings dialog.

Implemented configuration properties:

  • Interface Compatibility Mode- allows you to specify with which interface the application solution can be used.
  • ClientApplication Interface- contains the composition and position of panels used in the client application by default.
  • MainSearchForm- contains an indication of the search form that will be used for full-text search in the data. If the form is not specified, the system full-text search form is used.

A new look for the calendar has been implemented. For the calendar field of a managed form, properties have been implemented that allow you to manage new capabilities: HeightInMonths, WidthInMonths, DisplayMonthsPanel, which are used only in the Taxi interface.

For object Client Application Settings property implemented OptionClientApplication Interface, which allows you to get the interface mode as well as the global context method CurrentClientApplicationInterfaceOption(). A global context method has been implemented that allows you to get the main font size of the client application: CurrentVariantMainFontClientApplication().

For object User Job Favorite Item the Important and View properties have been implemented.

The desktop in the Taxi interface has been renamed to home page(with associated commands renamed accordingly), the desktop command interface has been renamed to the main section command interface, and the Main section of the section panel is used to access the main section command interface.

In the Taxi interface:

  • The All actions menu has been renamed to More.
  • The default presentation of standard commands in forms, as well as the display of commands in the command panel or in the More menu have been changed;
  • The display of groups of elements has changed.

The navigation link to the start page (desktop) of the application solution looks like e1cib/nav igationpoint/startpage. The home page (desktop) settings are saved in the settings with the HomeSt key Page/SettingsWindows(for the Taxi interface - HomePage/Taxi/SettingsWindows).

The managed form editor now has the ability to switch the preview window between the 8.2 interface and the Taxi interface.