Rounding corners in Photoshop frames. How to round the corners of an image using CSS without Photoshop. A small lyrical digression

How to round the corners of a photo in Photoshop using the RECTANGLE WITH ROUND CORNERS tool

1. Launch Photoshop, open the desired photo


3. In the Tools settings, you can set the radius, how much to round the corners in Photoshop. I chose 50 px

4. We have the RECTANGLE WITH ROUND CORNERS tool selected.
Now we move the mouse to the upper left corner, a cross appears; it should be white, and we drag the mouse to the lower right corner so that the cross coincides with the corner of the picture, in this case the cross will turn white.
We will have a shape with rounded corners.
Next, drag the image in the layers to the top layer, as shown in the screenshot

5. Select the rounded area.
In the picture, right-click, select Create selected area and do not change anything - click OK.

We will have a rounded selection

6.Go to SELECT-INVERT or just press Shift+Ctrl+I

7. Now you need to delete the selected corners using the Delete button on the keyboard.

8.Now remove the selection, you can do this with Ctrl+D and look at the result

Lesson from Natalia Petrova: (

I'm off schedule again! Eh... Well, I’m releasing the lessons a couple of hours late, I hope this is not so critical. Today in our lesson we will talk about how to round edges in photoshop. Everything would be fine, and the lesson would not differ from those that you saw on other sites, but I myself had searched before and I know what methods they offer. Don't listen to them! Too boring, too long. I offer you a way how round corners in photoshop literally in a couple of clicks!

Let's take a stock photo, by the way, I take this on a goodphone. Not an advertisement:D
Let's use selection as in my screenshot:

Go to the tab ( Select > Modify > Smooth). Attention! This may be difficult for some. In some versions of Photoshop there is no “Smooth”, that is, “Optimize”. So, don't be alarmed if you don't find Smooth. It is the same.

Here we have selected the curvature radius.

Now, as you can see, your selection area already has rounded corners.

All that remains is to cut out the image.

And now . The size is set there automatically. And now we simply insert the image into a new file.

Working in Photoshop allows you to achieve the same result in different ways. But, naturally, it will be most rational to use the path that is as simple and effective as possible. It should be noted that rectangular cropping of photos in Photoshop occurs using a simple “crop” tool. At the same time, achieving a similar result, but with rounded edges, is quite difficult for novice users, since the program does not offer an obvious solution.

Before you round the edges in Photoshop, you should understand why it is necessary. The main reasons are:

Obtaining an image or its detail that has the required shape, without the need for further editing;

Getting an original and beautiful design for photography.

So, having launched Photoshop, you need to add the file that will be cropped. To do this, you can use the “File”, “Open” menu items, or simply drag the photo into the program’s working environment. In order to round the edges in Photoshop, you must first give the image the appropriate size. This can be done through “Image”, “Size” or, having previously created a new document with the given dimensions, move the desired file into it. There you can deform it at your own discretion using “Editing”, “Transformation”.

Having prepared a working sample in this way, you can proceed directly to the procedure for how to round the edges in Photoshop. To do this, you need to find one of the tools on the left panel, which is called “rectangle” (called by the “U” key), and select from the list of its varieties - “with rounded edges”. The user can adjust the angle of the rounded edges using the “radius” option, which will become available on the top panel.

Then you should select the desired part of the image. Here you should pay attention to whether the resulting rectangle overlaps the original photo. If this is the case, then in the layers panel located on the right, you should lower the newly formed layer with a selection to a position that will be lower than the working sample. The selection - in this case a “rounded rectangle” - can be moved using the usual tools of the program.

In order to understand how to round the edges in Photoshop, you need to right-click on the layer with the resulting rectangle and select “Create Selection”. Then, on the main panel at the top, click “Select”, “Invert”. Then it remains to go to the layer with the main image and apply the “Delete” command, which is carried out by pressing the corresponding button on the keyboard or through the “D” hotkey. The result can only be saved through the “File”, “Save” menu for the “native” PSD format. Or you can use “Save As...” to get the result in any other common format.

This is the easiest and fastest way to round edges in Photoshop. Now it’s up to your imagination to decide where you can apply your new knowledge.

The blur value depends on the linear size of the image and the size of the fillet radius you want to achieve. I chose a value of 4 pixels:

Just in case, I create a copy of the layer with the blurred figure by pressing Ctrl+J.

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer icon in the Layers panel to create a selection around the shape. Go to the main menu tab Select --> Refine Edge. Select the viewing mode (at the top of the dialog box) “on black”:

The “Smooth” parameter is responsible for the corner radius, so you can choose it to your taste, but the “Feather” and “Contrast” values ​​must be set to 0 pixels. and 100% respectively.
Click OK, the "Refine Edge" dialog box closes and the "running ants" appear in the document again. All we have to do is click on the create layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel, with this we will create a layer mask from the selected area.

The Layers panel looks like this:

As you can see in the penultimate image, the corners are rounded, but along the edges inside the shape there is an unnecessary color transition (this happened due to blurring). To fix this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer mask icon:

A selection appears around the shape. Then Necessarily Click on the layer icon, select the desired color in the color palette and press Ctrl+Delete to fill the selection. I took the original color of the shape. Done:

Here's how to round corners in text using the method described above:

In addition, if you apply a layer mask to the source file and partially remove it, you can achieve an effect on individual areas of the shape or text.

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night everyone. Dmitry Kostin is with you again and again. One day I was looking through different pictures and then I liked some of them. And they liked them because they had rounded edges. It immediately looks more interesting. Don't you think so? And that’s why in today’s lesson I would like to tell you how to round corners in Photoshop to make the photo look more interesting.

What I love about Photoshop is that in many cases the same thing can be done in several ways. So it is here. Let's get started with our photoshop.

Simple smoothing

Smoothing Using Borders

This method is similar to the previous one, but still very different. We will do everything with the same image.

By creating a shape

The third method is already radically different from the previous two. So take a break for a couple of seconds and move on. I won’t change the image and will load this car into Photoshop again.

Do you see what you ended up with? The picture has rounded edges, and all because it is displayed only where our drawn rounded rectangle is. But now you can crop the extra photo using the Frame tool, or you can immediately save the picture and you will already have a separate image with rounded corners.

Try to do everything yourself, and at the same time tell me which of the presented methods is more preferable to you.

And by the way, if you have gaps in Photoshop or you just want to fully learn it in the shortest possible time, then I highly recommend that you watch one great photoshop course for beginners. The course is well done, everything is told and shown just great, and each material is discussed in great detail.

Well, I’m finishing my lesson for today. Don't forget to subscribe for new articles and share this with your friends. I was glad to see you on my blog. I'm waiting for you again. Bye bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin