How to install sierra on old macs. How to install the system without formatting the internal drive. Instructions for installing macOS Sierra on unsupported versions of Mac


If you CANNOT unzip files onto a flash drive, please step away from the keyboard and urgently read the book “Computer for Dummies: A Detailed Guide on How to Use a PC”!!!

1. All files are uploaded to MEGA. Those who are having problems with it have re-uploaded it to the torrent in the comments.
2. Please don't ask me about installing Macs on laptops. I ask you to. Please. This is a very hemorrhoidal process. Install Ubuntu and connect the Mac theme. You will get the same experience
3. I rarely answer on Habré, write to VK for all questions.

This manual/guide/etc was written for those who are too lazy to piece together this or that information about installing a Mac on a PC, everything is clear and straightforward.

To begin with, before actually installing the system itself on a PC, we need to decide whether we need it or not, since the system itself is very specific in terms of installation and configuration, unless, of course, you have an Apple device. There is no point in explaining that deploying a system that was not originally planned for desktop PCs is a complex matter and it can take anywhere from 2 to N hours, depending on the compatibility of the hardware.

Now, let’s figure out what Hackintosh is: the word “hackintosh” was formed from the merger of two words “Macintosh” and “Hack”, which essentially means “hacked Mac”, although there is nothing to do with “hacking”.

In this guide we will look at creating installation flash drive from under Windows (since this is the most popular system among “beginner hackintosh people”), installing the system on a blank disk, extending the kernel for your hardware and, in fact, installing and configuring the bootloader (it is at this point that many problems arise)

CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 3.2 GHz (Haswell)
Memory: 16 GB Crucial Ballistix Sport
Graphics: MSI GeForce GTX 760 2048MB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81-S2V (UEFI Bios)

I would also like to point out that in this article we work with NVidia video cards and UEFI BIOS.

Well, let's go.

Step 1. Iron assessment and analysis

Yes, despite the fact that Hackintosh runs in one way or another on almost any configuration, it always does it differently. Therefore, it’s worth immediately analyzing our hardware.


So, let's start with the fact that on machines AMD processors the system WILL NOT work(it is very difficult to call the dying state of agony in which she will arrive “work”). Yes, in fact, you can install a custom kernel, reflash it, and so on, but there’s no point in reinventing the wheel if it breaks anyway. The system runs without problems on Intel processors, starting with Core i3 (we're talking specifically about macOS Sierra 10.12, previous releases can also run on Core processors 2 Duo and Pentium). In my case, the i5 4460 stone fell out (4 cores, 4 threads, turbo boost up to 3.4 GHz).


Problems are observed on socket 2011-3 processors, in particular on the X99 chipset. Usually it appears due to too many bells and whistles on the motherboard.

Video cards

Next, let's decide on the graphics. If you are using the built-in Intel graphics(in my case it’s an HD4600), then most likely you’ll need a separate graphics factory (although they can start natively).

List of supported Intel graphics cores

Intel HD 3000
Intel HD 4000
Intel HD 4600 (laptops)
Intel HD 5000

Radeons (AMD) start, but again with a bang. For example, new cards (RX-4**), as well as the well-known R9 380 or R9 380x, can simply display the loading in a black screen.

List of exactly supported AMD cards

Radeon HD 4000 series
Radeon HD 5000 series
Radeon HD 6000 series (Preferably 6600 and 6800)
Radeon HD 7000 series (Preferably 7700, 7800, and 7900)
Radeon R9 200 series (R9 290 does not start)
Radeon R9 300 series (There may be problems with the R9 380. I haven’t personally tested it, but judging by the reviews on Reddit with these cards There is Problems)

In this manual, consider the plant AMD graphics we won’t, since it all comes down to framebuffer patches and Device ID substitutions in the bootloader (which is individual for everyone). More information about AMD cards here: click (English).

The situation is completely different with cards from NVidia. Almost everyone gets turned on, with the exception of some especially gifted ones. Problems are observed in the 10th episode, but, most likely, they will not appear soon. Everything is already normal. On GTX cards The graphics start up in a jiffy, the GT cards are also not lagging behind, although there are some exceptions.

List of working NVidia cards

GeForce 7000 series
GeForce 8000 series
GeForce 9000 series
GeForce 200 series
GeForce 400 series
GeForce 500 series
GeForce 600 series
GeForce 700 series
GeForce 900 series
UPD 14.05 Geforce GTX 1000 Series

I am more than sure that you will find your card in the list.

Network Controller

I think there is no need to chew on how you can identify your network card...

Newby guide

Open the Task Manager → performance tab → Ethernet (Windows 10), there will be a network connection in big black letters.

By the way, you can also look in the BIOS

One way or another, we will not dwell on this in detail. In any case, you will have to install a network card, so I will simply provide a list of supported network cards.

Network cards

Intel Gigabit

5 Series – 82578LM/82578LC/82578DM/82578DC
6 and 7 Series – 82579LM/82579V
8 and 9 Series – I217LM/I217V/I218LM/I218V/I218LM2/I218V2/I218LM3


RTL8111, 8168, 8101E, 8102E, 8131E, 8169, 8110SC, 8169SC
RTL8111/8168 B/C/D/E/F/G


AR8121, 8113, 8114, 8131, 8151, 8161, 8171, 8132,8151, 8152, 8162, 8172
AR816x, AR817x supported


BCM5722, 5752, 5754, 5754M, 5755, 5755M, 5761, 5761e, 57780, 57781, 57785,5784M, 5787, 5787M, 5906, 5906M, 57788, 5784M


88E8035, 88E8036, 88E8038, 88E8039, 88E8056, 88E8001




There are no restrictions. The system runs on two gigabytes. Recommended 4. Author recommends 8.

Actually, we sorted out the hardware. If at this stage you have not changed your mind, move on.

Step 2. Make a bootable USB flash drive and deploy the installer to it

So, here we come to practice. Let me remind you that we do all this from Windows. I’ll say right away that we will not use images from the root tracker, which are so ardently recommended by people for whom everything works with hackintosh “up to 18”. First we need the BDU (BootDiskUtiliy) utility.

You will need a flash drive >8 GB. Any.

1. Launch the utility
2. Destination disk → select our flash drive
3. Format disk

Now we wait. The flash drive will be formatted in Apple HFS and split into two partitions, one of which will have the bootloader installed (CLOVER), and the second will remain blank so that the installer can be deployed there.

After the completed manipulations we get approximately the following picture:

Next, you need to deploy the installer to the second partition. We also do this through the BDU utility. However, the question here is where to get the image from. There are two options: take a ready-made one, already unpacked, or personally get it from Install Mac OS from the AppStore. Since the second method requires quite a lot of time, and searching for this .app itself takes a very long time, we will use the first. Craftsmen have already prepared ready-made HFS files for this utility and extracted them from the .app for us. All we need is to download it (the image weighs almost 5 gigs, so you can just put it on download). Actually, download macOS 10.12 Sierra from here.


1. We extract from the archive HFS Partition File (HFS+), a file with the extension .hfs.
2. In the BDU “Destination disk” utility window, select Part 2 of our broken flash drive.
3. Open “Restore partiton”.
4. Search and select our *.hfs file. Please note that it must be no larger than PART 2 partition.
5. We are waiting for it to be unpacked.
That's it, the installer on the flash drive is unpacked and ready to go.

Now we will need some files for your system. I have collected everything I need in this archive. Later I will explain what and why.

You will also need this kext, download it too: click. We unpack the folder from the archive into the root of the section with Clover, and the kext into the folder that we unpacked. That's it, it's ready. The flash drive is done. Let's move on.

Step 3: Install macOS Sierra on Intel PC

We check that the flash drive is inserted into the 2.0 port. Reboot, go into BIOS. Let me remind you that our BIOS is UEFI. Disable virtualization (Intel Virtualization). Set boot priority (BOOT) to our flash drive. Make sure it will load exactly in UEFI mode. Save and apply the settings, reboot. We get to the Clover menu.

Clover is a Hackintosh downloader and installer.

Press the down arrow until we get to the Options menu. Press Enter. All we need here is this line:

We write the following into it:

Kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0 -v npci=0x2000 nv_disable=1
Let me explain what each of these arguments does:

kext-dev-mode=1 is a necessary arg, without which the hack will not run. Allows you to load kexts into the system (Initially, FakeSMC.kext).
rootless=0 - disables SIP ( System Integrity Protection). Required arg.
-v - “Verbose mode”. Instead of a beautiful apple, we will see a “console” loading so that we can identify an error if one appears.
npci=0x2000 (or 0x3000, depending on the PCI-e version) - optional. We prevent the download from stopping at the PCI scanning stage. You don't have to register it.
nv_disable=1 - optional. To avoid artifacts during loading and other garbage, disable graphical shell. We load in native graphics mode in Orthodox 144p resolution. You don't have to register it.

Apply the arguments by pressing Enter. Select Boot Mac OS Sierra from OS X Base System. And so, the birthplace download began. Let's look at some errors right away: still waiting for root device - the IDE controller does not have time to connect.


We reconnect the flash drive to another 2.0 port, boot with the following arguments:
kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0 cpus=1 npci=0x2000 -v UseKernelCache=No

Missing Bluetooth controller transport - the video card did not turn on, or FakeSMC.kext was not connected. Check that there is FakeSMC.kext in the kexts/other folder. Bluetooth has nothing to do with it.


We load like this:

Kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0 -v npci=0x2000
Or like this:
kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0 -v -x npci=0x2000

If such errors still remain, then we try to load like this:

Kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0 -v npci=0x3000 darkwake=0 nv_disable=1 cpus=1
In other cases, only Google will help, although these fixes should solve these problems.

We wait. At some points it may freeze. If it freezes for more than a minute, reboot. Should help in some cases.

And here we are, actually, in the installer. Select a language and click on the arrow. The language pack will load (it may freeze for a minute). Now open Utilities> Disk Utility, we need to format the disk for macOS. Choose required disk, click “Erase”. For convenience we call new disk Macintosh HD. Format and close Disk Utility. Next, select the disk on which we will install the system (in our case, Macintosh HD), and install it.

Installation takes from 15 to 30 minutes, it all depends on the speed of writing to the disk. After installation, the system will prompt us to set up an Internet connection - skip it, we’ll do this later. We create a user. Done, we're in the system. Or rather, in her stump. Nothing is working for us yet. If you reboot the machine, it will be impossible to get into the system (due to the absence of a bootloader).


If the computer still reboots or switches off, you can choose to boot from a flash drive, then select “Boot macOS Sierra from Macintosh HD” in the clover menu, not forgetting to write boot arguments in the options menu.

Go ahead…

Step 4. Basic system setup and installation of kexts

So, here we are in the system. While she can do little, we won’t go online, the graphics don’t work, and in general everything looks very bad. This needs to be fixed.

Let's figure out what kexts are.

Kext(Kernel Extension) - kernel extensions that run this or that equipment that is incompatible with the original Mac (For example, where in the aimak can we find a network card from Realtek or a sound card?). These are what we need now.

First we need the PostInstall folder, which you unpacked into the CLOVER section on bootable USB flash drive. From there, we first need the Kext Utility, which allows us to install kexts on the system. We launch it, enter the user’s password, wait until we see the inscription “All done”.

We install the kext on the network card (Network folder, sorted into folders for each network card), simply drag it into the program window. We wait until the “All done” message appears. Next, go to the CLOVER section of our flash drive, then to kexts, then to Other. Copy FakeSMC.kext from there to any place (Better in the same PostInstall), then install it in the same way as the kext on the network card. You will also need a USB 3.0 kext. It was in the archive, which you extracted in PostInstall. Let's install it.

Done, we set up the Internet, USB and allowed the system to boot at all (FakeSMC.kext imitates the System Management Control chip, which is present only on Apple motherboards. Without this kext, the system simply will not start).

Now let's install the bootloader. Go to the PostInstall folder → Clover_v2.3k_r3949. There is a *.pkg file, open it.

Click continue, read the information about the bootloader (I’m lying, click continue too). Next, in the lower left corner, click “Configure”.

For UEFI boot, set the following settings:

We'll talk about legacy loading later, since everything is a little more complicated there and you'll have to patch DSDT.
Click “Install”. Let's go through the bootloader installation process.
Done, the bootloader is installed.

Step 5. Bootloader setup

After installation, we will receive a clean, unconfigured Clover bootloader, which needs to be slightly configured. Open Clover Configurator (in the future, I do not recommend using this program for point-by-point editing of the bootloader config).

First, we need to get to the EFI partition with the bootloader. In the left menu, click Mount EFI. Next, click Check partition, a table of all partitions will appear. The partition we need should be on the same partition as Apple_HFS, it appears as EFI EFI. Click Mount partition. In the list, select the disk we need (For example, disk0s1). Please note that there is a bug where all sections are not visible. Roll the mouse wheel so you can scroll between sections and select the one you need.

Next, click Open Partition. It will open a “folder” with the desired section. Go to EFI>CLOVER. Copy plist.config to the PostInstall folder for convenience. Also, just in case, copy it somewhere else, since the one we just copied will be edited. And one more for backup. Copy and open plist.config.

We see something like this:

ACPI - We don’t touch the fixes, we drop (DropOEM) our video card (DropOEM_DSM works when two DSDT patches are encountered. Therefore, we leave the original autopatch method as the bootloader, and disable ours, if one appears).
Go to the BOOT section.

So this is where we need to dig in. We set the arguments ourselves, depending on the system.

-v (verbose) - the already familiar “text” boot mode. It is better not to enable it, but to register it manually if necessary.
arch - architecture. In my case x86_64
npci is a key already known to us. We post if necessary. I recommend doing the first boot without it, but in Verbose mode.
darkwake - responsible for sleep mode and hibernation. Has 7 modes. If the dream does not start by changing hibernatemode in the terminal, then I recommend using trial and error to find desired mode darkwake.
cpus=1 - launch using only one core. I don't recommend choosing.
nvda_drv=1 - activation of the NVidia web driver, which we will install a little later. Choose if you have nVidia.
nv_disable=1 - disables non-video graphics and runs on the native Mac driver. It’s better not to choose, but to register manually if necessary.
kext-dev-mode=1 and rootless=0 have already been explained earlier.

Let's go to the right subsection.
Default Boot Volume - the partition from which the disk selection to boot will begin by default. By default LastBootedVolume (last selected partition).
Legacy - Legacy Boot for old people Windows versions and Linux. It very much depends on the hardware and the design of the BIOS, so several algorithms have been developed:
LegacyBiosDefault - for those UEFI BIOSes that have the LegacyBios protocol.
PBRTest, PBR - PBR Boot options, this is just overkill. In my case PBR works.
XMPDetection=YES - important parameter. Fixes quantity random access memory, slots, slots, frequency and number of channels.
DefaultLoader - if there are several loaders on the partition, select the default one. Must not be empty!
Timeout - time before automatic boot.
Fast - a parameter that skips the selection of a partition and immediately proceeds to downloading.
-1 (Timeout -1) - disable autoboot.

We skip the CPU section, the bootloader itself will pick up the necessary values. Devices is also better to skip if you have nothing to fake. Disable Drivers - disable unnecessary drivers at boot. GUI - customizing the appearance of the bootloader. I think there is no need to explain anything here, there are no special parameters here. Screen resolution, language and menu theme. It's simple. Graphics - graphics settings and injections.

Do not touch the Inject NVidia parameter! There will be artifacts at launch. It is designed to run older GT line cards

Kernel and Kext Patches - patches and kernel customization. By default, Apple RTC is selected. It's better not to touch. SMBIOS is the juice, customization and counterfeit of the poppy.

To configure factory information, click on the icon magic wand. Next, select iMac (if PC) or MacBook (if laptop).


You can also look among older configs, such as MacMini, or Mac Pro. Your task is to choose the one that is most similar to your hardware.

Don't add anything to Memory and Slots. These are purely cosmetic parameters that clover picks up at the loading stage. Incorrectly set parameters can cause conflicts.

WARNING: Nvidia video cards without policy-kext edits only work on iMac13.1 and iMac14.2 Mac models.

In AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/info.plist we correct Config1 to none here:

It should work now.

Ready. We don't touch anything anymore basic settings We have done. We save our file. Now copy it to the CLOVER folder of the EFI partition, log in, and replace it. Let me remind you that before this you should have made a backup.

Step 6: Install the graphics driver and reboot for the first time

We're almost there. Now all that remains is to start the video card. The PostInstall folder contains the WebDriver*.pkg package. Open it and install it. Then he asks us to reboot. Let's reboot.

Now let's make sure that we are not booting from a flash drive, but from hard drive in UEFI mode. Select Boot macOS Sierra from Macintosh HD. Let's start.


I recommend using the -v switch for the first run, so that if something goes wrong, you can immediately identify the error. If the bootloader is broken and you cannot get into the system, then boot from a flash drive, write it in the options the necessary keys and boot the system into Verbose mode.

Done, here we are in the system. In the picture I showed approximately what the axis will look like after all the settings. Pay attention to how the system understood your Mac, as well as the processor frequency.

A sure sign When the Nvidia driver is running, there will be a logo on the taskbar. I turned it off, by the way, since it gets in the way, but you can access the invisibility control panel through “ System Settings...". We can check the Internet through Safari. USB 3.0 is trite by plugging a flash drive into a 3.0 port.


- Sound

When it comes to sound, the situation is different. If you have an external sound card, then simply download the drivers for it from the manufacturer’s website (analog devices, such as mixing consoles, do not require drivers and start up immediately). For an integrated sound card, use one of these kexts:

Regarding AppleHDA

The following conditions must be met for it to work:

  1. Availability of vanilla (pure) kext AppleHDA.kext in the system.
  2. The presence of the HDEF section in your DSDT (or the clover fix FixHDA_8000->True)
  3. Specify the layout in DSDT (or in the config.plist of the clover Devices->Audio->Inject->1,2,28...etc. Select from those specified for your codec above)
  4. Put away ALL sound patches (if they were in your config.plist) from the KextsToPatch section
  5. Remove DummyHDA.kext (if used)
  6. If you used VoodooHDA.kext, delete it. Also delete AppleHDADisabler.kext and rebuild the cache.
  7. For Intel HDMI 4000/4600, a clover fix is ​​required: UseIntelHDMI->True

Actually, that's all. Afterwards we get macOS Sierra ready to use.

UPD from 05/14/2017

- In the comments, kind people re-uploaded the file from mega to torrent. This is due to the fact that many people have problems downloading a file from mega. To be honest, I didn’t know that Mega has a limit on download speed (I use a premium account). Also, please write all questions to me on VK, but check the comments first. There is a chance that your problem has already been solved there. Again, I am not responsible for any risk this may cause to your computer. I also want to clarify one point that the article is presented solely for educational purposes. The very fact of installing a hackintosh on a PC is a gross violation of Apple's policy regarding their system, which is punishable by law. The author does not encourage using MacOS on non-Apple computers and does not encourage change source code systems.
- The end


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On your Windows PC, then in this material we will tell you what is needed to install a foreign OS on a PC, how to prepare it step by step bootable USB flash drive and roll up a hackintosh.

In contact with

The Hackintosh installation process is still far from perfect due to the fact that you need to gain access to the Mac. It is possible that in the near future there will be specialized utilities for Windows that will allow you to avoid this point. In the meantime, as it is, so it is.

What will you need?

  • any Mac to download installation file from Mac App Store and install it correctly on a bootable USB flash drive;
  • USB flash drive With minimum volume in 16 GB. Do not forget to move all important data from the flash drive, because it will undergo a full formatting process;
  • PC with processor on Intel based and a whole bunch of macOS-compatible hardware that won’t conflict with the Apple desktop system. This is perhaps the most important and difficult point that requires a foray into technical forums. If you treat this point irresponsibly, then there is a possibility of getting non-functioning Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, sound and network cards or some other system components;
  • do backups important data on the disk, no matter what happened and you didn’t have to hold your head shouting “Everything is lost!”

Preparing a bootable flash drive

You can also download the installer from third-party file hosting services.

2 . Download latest versions utilities MultiBeast And UniBeast with which you can create a bootable USB flash drive. To download you will have to go through a free registration process.

3 . Run Disk Utility (FinderProgramsUtilities or through Spotlight search(keyboard shortcut Control + Space)), connect the USB drive and make sure that it appears in the left side menu of the window.

4 . Select the flash drive on the left side menu and click the button Erase».

5 . Enter the following formatting options:

  • Name: any;
  • format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled);
  • scheme: GUID Partition Scheme.

and click the button Erase».

Attention! All data on the flash drive will be formatted! Make a backup first.

6 . Install and launch the application UniBeast. There is a small nuance here - the application does not have Russian localization, and to launch you will need to set English as system language macOS. For this:

  • open the menu  → System settings… → Language and region;
  • in the left column with languages, drag English to first place;

  • press the back button to return to the previous menu and apply new language by pressing the button " Reboot now».

7 . After launching the application, click the button Continue" until you go to the " tab Destination Select" Please note that on Mac you must have 7 GB free disk space, A macOS distribution Sierra should already be downloaded and located in the " Programs».

8 . On the " Destination Select» specify the path to the USB drive and click « Continue».

9 . In the selection section operating system(“Installation Type”) specify “m acOS Sierra" and click " Continue».

10 . Once on the screen " Bootloader Configuration» Select a boot mode depending on your computer model. Owners of systems with the old socket (Socket 1156) click on “ Legacy USB Support", the rest to " UEFI Boot Mode».

11 . Settings in the "tab" Graphics Configuration“are of a purely individual nature. If you want, adjust the graphics to improve performance, and if not, leave everything at default.

12 . Finally, all you have to do is enter your password. account Mac Administrator and click " Install" The recording procedure to a USB flash drive takes 10-20 minutes on average.

13 . Move the file MultiBeast downloaded in step 2 of this instruction to the root folder of the drive.

Installing macOS Sierra on PC

After completing the process of creating a bootable USB flash drive, the most main stage- installing macOS on PC.

1 . Insert the bootable USB flash drive.

2 . Start your computer and go to BIOS(to do this you need to press and hold special key. It may differ on different PCs, but basically it is F2, F8, F10, F11, F12 or Delete. Read the messages on the screen carefully).

3 . When you get into the BIOS, set the boot priority from USB, and only then with HDD and so on.

4 . After rebooting to start screen select USB storage and press Enter to continue the installation process.

5 . Go to the menu Utilities → Disk Utility And format disk, for what:

  • select your drive in the left side menu;
  • Click the button at the top Erase» (Erase) and repeat the point 5 previous instructions.

6 . Close Disk Utility, return to the installer and select a new drive to install macOS Sierra.

7 . After completing the first installation step, the system will automatically reboot.

8 . Login again boot menu, select USB and the installation process will complete.

9 . As soon as you get to work desk macOS Sierra, run the utility MultiBeast and install the necessary drivers For normal functioning network, sound, graphics and other peripherals.

10 . After completing all procedures in the BIOS, set priority to HDD.

Hackintosh is ready! But don’t forget that even a properly configured hackintosh still won’t 100% convey the feeling of communicating with a real Mac.

In this article, we will install macOS Sierra on a computer using the BDU program ( Boot Disk Utility) and a special image for this utility. Finding an image for BDU and the utility itself on Google is very easy.

This is the easiest way to install macOS Sierra on a PC computer. True, this method will be simple only for those who have hardware compatible for these purposes. Specifically, you must have a motherboard with the following chipsets: H61, B85, Z77, H77, Z87, H87, Z97, H97, Z170. The processor must be at least Intel Core i3. The video card must be compatible. For example, Intel HD 4000 / 4600, AMD 7850, 7870, Nvidia 640, 650, 660 and so on (Kepler) or Nvidia GT 210.

If you use Fermi video cards (GTX 5XX, 710, 720, 730), then most likely you will not succeed with the installation. These video cards are extremely unstable. I will say the following about Nvidia 730 video cards: this video card can be either Fermi or Kepler. So, if the video card is Kepler, then it will work fine with web drivers. GTX 9XX, 1XXX video cards work only with web drivers.

Attention! If you are using an NVidia graphics card, then masquerade as an iMac 13.1 or 14.2; other devices may have boot problems, since in most cases Apple uses AMD graphics cards.

Remember, the more compatible your hardware is, the easier the installation will be. If you do not have an Intel Core processor, but have, for example, a Pentium or Celeron, you will have to disguise yourself as an Intel Core, and if you have an AMD processor, you will have to use a patched kernel.

Previously, I showed installation using a virtual machine with OS X installed from under Windows. Now we will install using Boot programs Disk Utility(BDU), and also try to use the standard config from Clover. Let the bootloader itself determine our hardware. I'll just add the kext to the network.

You can ask your questions about installing macOS Sierra in the comments, but be sure to describe your computer configuration as fully as possible, for example, I will install it on this configuration:

  • Gigabyte GA-Z87m-HD3
  • Intel Core i3-4330
  • 8 gigabytes of RAM (2 x 4 GB, 1600 MHz. Samsung)
  • Intel HD 4600 + Gainward GTX 660 Ti
  • 2 monitors (DVI + DVI), as well as a TV via HDMI.
  • 120 GB SSD from SanDisk.

I also want to remind you that, just in case, you should have a flash drive with all the kexts and the operating room Windows system, in case something goes wrong and you have to download files or programs. Well, or use another device for this.

Boot Disk Utility runs on Windows. In my case, I will use Windows 10. We will also need an image with macOS Sierra.

Let's launch BDU and format the flash drive:

Immediately after formatting the flash drive, the latest Clover will be installed on it. And all we have to do is deploy our operating image onto a flash drive macOS system Sierra:

After we have written our image with the operating system to the flash card, I will upload the kext to the network. This is only needed for my computer and you may also need a kext, it all depends on your network card. By the way, when using BootDiskUtility, the FakeSMC kext is already in the kexts/other folder, so there is no need to insert it separately.

As soon as the flash card with macOS Sierra is written, we restart the computer and boot from our flash drive (F12). I will boot in UEFI mode. I will also specify the -v switch so that the operating system loads in text mode.

If you are using NVidia video card not Kepler, boot with the nv_disable=1 key. If your system freezes at boot, try booting with the -x switch (safe mode).

After selecting the language, we need to format our HDD or SSD:

We continue installing macOS Sierra as usual:

After installing macOS Sierra, you need to fill out a lot of information:

All basic installation completed. As you can see, it worked for me out of the box on macOS Sierra GTX video card 660 Ti. Yes it best video card of the ones I tried for Hackintosh. Looking ahead, here is a picture for you as a “seed”, though it’s running El Capitan OS:

What to do after installing macOS Sierra?

After installing macOS Sierra, we will immediately install Clover on our SSD and configure config.plist, the config for each computer must be different, in particular the configs for Ivy Bridge / Haswel and laptops are very different, so it is recommended to read the khaki clover book and do experiments. If your system suddenly stops booting, you can always boot from a flash drive and fix config.plist.

I installed Clover with the following parameters:

You need to install the config on a hard drive, not a flash drive. Basically, if you have one, then Clover will select it by default. Also remember, the example config above is for UEFI systems, this Clover installation will not work for Bios Legacy.

After installing Clover, setting up config.plist and rebooting, we have a fully working system.

Briefly what I did in config.plist:

  • installed 32MB of memory for Intel graphics in UEFI and registered ig-platform-id 0x04120004
  • enabled P-states
  • dropped extra SSDT tables, because of which SpeedStep did not work for me
  • indicated iMac 14.2 model

Kexts that I used when installing and configuring Hackintosh:

  • FakeSMC.kext
  • RealtekRTL8111.kext - network
  • HDMIAudio.kext - sound on TV

Everything else works out of the box. Except for the sound on the motherboard. I didn’t turn it on on purpose, since I use sound on the TV. You can start sound using patched AppleHDA or VoodooHDA.

Remember, the more “correct” your Hackintosh hardware is, the easier the installation will be. Installing a hack on my computer is no more difficult than reinstalling Windows. But if you have specific hardware, for example PCI Wi-Fi adapter, sound card or something else, then in most cases these devices will not work with the hack.

That’s actually the entire installation of macOS Sierra on a regular PC computer.

To date, almost everyone who planned to install macOS Sierra has already done so and has the opportunity to enjoy the innovations of the operating system. Unfortunately, along with additional functions Users in some cases may also encounter problems that affect performance and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Below we'll show you how to deal with three common errors in macOS Sierra.

An error occurs when opening the application

If your Mac reports that an application is damaged and cannot be opened, do not immediately follow the system's recommendation and uninstall the program. First, try the following tips (in no particular order):

Clear the system cache. Using Spotlight, open the ~/Library/Caches directory and press Enter on your keyboard. Delete the contents of the folder that opens.
When opening the application, hold down command + option.
Check to see if the Gatekeeper application is blocking the launch. Read more about how to manage Gatekeeper settings in macOS Sierra.

Reset PRAM on your computer. To do this, turn off the device, and then turn it on by holding down the “command”, “option”, “P” and “R” keys. If you hear the power-on signal twice, the reset was successful.

After upgrading to macOS Sierra, your computer becomes slow

If after macOS updates Sierra, your Mac suddenly performs worse than before, but that doesn't mean it's time to write off its lifespan. The system isn't yet optimized to the same extent as OS X El Capitan, but there are a few things you can do to improve its performance.

Here's what you can do if your macOS Sierra computer is running slow:

Limit the number of applications that use RAM. To do this, open the System Monitor app through Spotlight and activate the Memory tab. Next, you can sort applications and widgets so that the most memory-demanding ones are on top. If a power-hungry widget does not bring you any obvious benefit, close and delete it without regret.

Reset PRAM as described above.

Wi-Fi is very slow after updating to macOS Sierra

For users who have been working with Apple devices, you’re no stranger to Wi-Fi problems, but that doesn’t mean you should sit back and wait for the next bug fix patch to come out.

Here are some tips that may help solve the problem:

Reboot your router. It won't hurt to reset it to factory settings, but you should only do this if you are sure that you can configure the device correctly.
In some cases, turning off Bluetooth helps.
If you use proxy services, they can significantly slow down your Internet experience. Open System Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> Proxy. Disable all items in the Protocol for Configuration section and click OK.

In some cases, removing it may help. existing settings Wi-Fi, but it is advisable to have backup copy systems. Turn off Wi-Fi and use Spotlight to open ~/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/.

In the folder that opens, delete all the following files:

Restart your computer and turn on Wi-Fi.

Which, according to Cupertino, thanks to new technologies makes Mac computers more reliable, functional and faster. A little later the first beta version was released macOS High Sierra, and today we will tell you how to create a bootable USB drive yourself to install this operating system on your Mac.

To do a so-called "clean" installation, you first need to create boot disk, which can be used as a USB disk. This will allow you to install macOS High Sierra on multiple computers. In addition, you must have access to an image of the new desktop operating system. If you don't have paid account developer, you can wait until the public one becomes available macOS beta High Sierra or download its image from third-party resources.

Read the instructions to the very end before you begin the process of creating a USB drive with macOS High Sierra and its subsequent installation.


1. Computer * running OS X 10.7 Lion or higher.
2. macOS High Sierra installer downloaded to your computer.
3. USB disk with a capacity of at least 8 GB.

* Your computer must be compatible with macOS High Sierra - Mac compatibility list.

How to Create a Bootable USB Drive with macOS High Sierra

1. Download the macOS High Sierra installer. By default, the distribution is named Install macOS 10.13 Beta. You can rename it, but to avoid confusion, we recommend leaving this name. Make sure that the Install macOS 10.13 Beta file is located in the Applications folder (this is where all programs from Mac App Store). If it is located elsewhere on your computer, move it to this folder.

2. Connect the USB drive to your Mac. If it is not already formatted, launch Disk Utility ( “Programs” → “Utilities” → “Disk Utility”) and format it by selecting "GUID Partition Scheme" and "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". This process will erase all data from the USB drive.

3. You can choose any convenient name as the name of the USB disk, for example, “USB”. First make sure that there are no other drives with the same name connected to your computer.

4. Launch “Terminal” ( “Programs” → “Utilities” → “Terminal”) and enter the following command * :

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ 10.13\ --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ 10.13\ --nointeraction

Once done, press Enter to move Install macOS 10.13 Beta to the USB drive and make it bootable.

* If you renamed the macOS High Sierra installer distribution or USB drive, edit the command to include your names. If the macOS High Sierra installer was not in your Applications folder, edit the command to its current location.

5. Enter your password (it does not appear on the screen) and press Enter.

This will begin the process of creating a bootable USB drive with macOS High Sierra. During the entire process, the USB drive will not be visible on the desktop. The process of creating a bootable USB disk will be accompanied in the Terminal window by the following text:

Erasing Disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%...100%...
Copying installer files to disk…
Copy complete.
Making disk bootable...
Copying boot files...
Copy complete.

Once the files have been copied, your USB drive will appear on your desktop again and Terminal will tell you that the process is complete.

6. That's all! The bootable USB drive with macOS High Sierra has been created, you can close Terminal.

How to Install macOS High Sierra on Mac from a Bootable USB Drive

1. Connect your macOS High Sierra USB drive to your Mac.

2. Press and hold on the keyboard Alt key(Option, ⌥) and restart your Mac. If your Mac was turned off, simply turn it on.

3. In the window that appears, select the bootable USB drive with macOS High Sierra as the boot drive. After this, the macOS High Sierra installation window will appear on the screen.

4. Click “Install” and wait for macOS High Sierra to install.


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