The list of tricolor TV regions is loading and hanging. The GS B211 receiver does not receive the signal well. Alternative methods to solve the problem

The article will tell you how to solve the problem “The list of regions is not available” when setting up Tricolor TV.


For many satellite TV users, when setting up " Tricolor TV"The message is displayed on the screen: " Region list not available" What to do in this case? How to properly configure " Tricolor TV"? Let's talk about this below.

"Tricolor TV"

First, let's briefly get to know this company. A large number of people prefer to connect to " Tricolor TV" instead of cable television the following reasons:

  • Quite favorable prices
  • Large selection of television programs
  • Large selection of tariffs
  • Stable operation, problems rarely occur
  • You can connect to satellite TV in any region of the country

When you connect to " Tricolor TV", you are provided with a satellite dish and receiver, so you can view TV channels for every taste. If the receiver cannot receive new channels over time High Quality, then it can be exchanged for a more advanced model (albeit with an additional payment). This best opportunity to avoid unstable work receiver.

New receivers are designed to catch all high-quality channels, and also better protect against all sorts of hacking attempts by scammers. But at the same time, a problem may arise when the message pops up: “ Region list not available" Let's take up this issue.

Why does the message “Region list not available” appear and how can I solve this problem?

Error "The list of regions is not available"

This problem, as we have already said, can arise when you exchange old receiver on new. What's the matter? This means that the reasons most likely lie in problems with the equipment itself. In addition, it will be difficult to say with absolute certainty what caused the failure. We list all possible options:

  • You connected the card incorrectly
  • You have configured or connected the antenna incorrectly
  • You have more than one connection to the receiver
  • The problem is in the wires (the insulation is broken)

Now let's discuss each situation in detail.

Incorrect card connection

The card may not be connected correctly

First, you should check how the card is connected. If the old receiver is replaced with a new one, then there may be some changes and differences in the latter, for example, a different card location. So you need to do the following:

  • Take the manual for using the new receiver and find in it the item about card placement (usually this information is presented in the image).
  • Next, turn off the receiver completely and remove the card
  • Reinsert it according to the manual and turn on the receiver again
  • Now check the operation of the receiver

If this does not help fix the problem, then let's think about what to do next.

You have more than one connection to the receiver

You should always keep in mind that you can only connect one cable to the receiver. Parallel connections not allowed. If you are okay with this, then let's move on to the next step.

Antenna setup

No less important issue is the setting satellite dish. To do this, you will, at a minimum, need an assistant (relative, friend, neighbor) and a compass (or accurate knowledge of the cardinal directions in your area).

Setting up the antenna

First, check the cable along its entire length from the receiver to the antenna. If there is any damage, inspect last step in our instructions. If everything is fine with the cable, all the plugs are well connected to the connectors, then work directly on the plate. At the same time, your assistant should be at the TV and communicate with you by phone so that you do not shout at each other.

Check if the antenna is pointing in the correct direction. When installing it, employees " Tricolor TV"should have notified you where and at what angle the plate should be pointing.

If you do not remember this information, or for some reason this was not reported to you, then carefully turn the antenna in different sides. Keep your assistant connected, he will notify you if a stable signal has appeared.

The antenna should not be located among tree branches or have any obstacles to catch the signal. If all the steps you have taken have not helped you, then proceed to the last step.

Cable problem

In addition to previous actions You should double check the cable connected to the receiver. If you find obvious damage to the cable, then you should contact a specialist and do not try to solve the problem yourself. Even if the cable is not damaged, then you will have no choice but to involve a company employee to solve your problem. Do the following:

  • Call the operator
  • Report your problem: no signal and damaged cable (or not knowing what the problem is).
  • Make an appointment and wait for the specialist
  • When the technician arrives, explain to him that you have taken all the necessary steps, but the problem has not been resolved. A specialist will work on your equipment until it starts working properly.

Video: How to set up Tricolor TV channels yourself?

Most users know how to respond to “number” errors that occur during satellite television operation. But what if the Tricolor TV receiver writes: “The list of regions is not available” during the settings? Such a message may also interfere with the elimination of “number” failures. Let's try to understand the main reasons for the appearance of such messages and methods of dealing with them.

Reason #1 – problems with the antenna

Most often, the factor that provokes the situation when, when setting up Tricolor TV, the list of regions is not available, is insufficient signal level/quality. To evaluate this parameter, when an error occurs, press the “i” button on the remote control. Two scales will appear on the screen, displaying the strength and quality of the signal entering the dish. Their readings must be at least 80% - only then can we talk about normal operation TV.

Elimination method

If the level of scale readings is not good enough, it is recommended to carry out the following work:

  • adjust the antenna;
  • clean the surface of the plate from debris, ice, etc.;
  • Make sure that there are no obstacles in front of the antenna that would interfere with signal reception.

Find out how to fill out and where to send Tricolor to clients.

Read about troubleshooting methods on the Tricolor receiver.

It is most convenient to carry out all these activities together with an assistant. One person works with the dish, and the second, near the TV, monitors changes in the quality of the broadcast.

Reason #2 – cable damage

The second most common reason why the list of Tricolor TV regions is not available is the loss satellite signal on the way from the antenna to the receiver. This may happen in the following cases:

  • the cable was damaged;
  • satellite dividers are installed on the cable from the dish to the receiver;
  • There are poorly made twists on the wire.

Important! Even with a well-tuned antenna, lack of cable integrity can lead to signal loss of 15-25%.

Elimination method

Everything is simple here - the damaged wire should be replaced with a new one. And instead of satellite dividers, it is worth installing a converter for several outputs (according to the number of TVs). This, at the same time, will make it possible to watch different TV channels on different television sets.

Reason #3 – software failure

A simple software failure can also cause the message: “The list of regions is not available” on Tricolor TV. What to do in this case? Depends on when the error appeared.

After update

If the problem occurs immediately after downloading new firmware from the satellite, you should check whether the new software has installed correctly. Most often, this error is caused by such a small thing as a flash drive forgotten in the USB slot during the update process. The card should be removed and then the firmware download should be repeated.

During work

If the user did not perform any updates, but simply launched a search and saw that the list of regions was not available on Tricolor TV, in such a situation, two steps will be required to resolve the problem:

  • reboot the set-top box for power;
  • Reset to factory settings and then install again.

As a rule, the list is restored after a reboot. But if software The receiver is seriously out of order, rolling back the settings usually helps to restore it.

When the problem persists

If, despite all the actions taken, you were unable to resolve the failure on your own or it recurs regularly, we advise you to contact Tricolor customer support for help. Telephone 8-800-500-01-23 is free and available to Russian residents around the clock. As a last resort, you can contact the dealer from whom you purchased the equipment.

There are a lot of reasons that prevent TV viewers from safely using satellite television and watch your favorite shows. Quite often, subscribers see an unpleasant message that the list of regions is unavailable. Tricolor is not always able to provide a high-quality signal that would allow users to safely receive all paid services.

But before you criticize the satellite company, you should think about real reasons problems, because often the source of difficulties is not weak signal, but equipment malfunction. Therefore, when faced with a sign about the inaccessibility of a region, you should seriously think about the cause of the trouble that occurred and try to solve it yourself. Sometimes such actions allow you to save both the time needed to wait for the telemaster and the money that will be spent on his help.

When setting up Tricolor TV, the list of regions is not available - problem options

Getting Started possible reasons difficulties, it is worth focusing on situations when trouble arises immediately after changing the receiver. Using new, more modern equipment can lead to difficulties with setting up equipment and catching a signal.

Most often, participants in a technology exchange program encounter a similar problem. At the same time, connecting the old receiver instantly restores the broadcast, which makes the situation more absurd and its solution more difficult.

But, if you seriously think about what is happening, it turns out that the source of trouble is on the surface. New device much more functional and reliable than the old one. He contains more features and gives subscribers more opportunities. In addition, the resulting technology usually supports higher quality signal reception. All this requires involvement large capacities, which are not supported by the antenna converter. Therefore, as soon as a better and more powerful converter is installed, access to TV will be restored.

Why the list of Tricolor TV regions is not available - the main reason

It is important to note that not only the owners new technology Sometimes the list of Tricolor TV regions does not load. Why does this happen and what nuances can lead to problems?

The most likely source of such trouble in 2019 is a satellite dish.

Problems may arise due to:

  • incorrect rotation of the antenna;
  • damage to the cable braid and its contact with the central core of the wire;
  • contact violations on F-type connectors.

In addition to the above list, difficulties may also be associated with the incorrect position of the card in the card reader of the receiver. In addition to complications, a simple system failure can lead, so to correct the situation, sometimes it is enough to simply reboot the console.

Considering the situations listed above, in which the Tricolor TV receiver writes “the list of regions is not available,” it’s not difficult to understand what to do.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the position of the SMART card. Perhaps the channels are not loading because of it.

The next step involves checking the rotation of the antenna. If necessary, you can clarify the correct azimuth and inclination angle by looking at the position of the neighbors' dishes.

The third step will be to check the contacts and restore the integrity of the cable, if necessary. It is important to ensure that the braid does not touch the wire core, and that the main connections are reliable.

Alternative methods to solve the problem

The main question that arises for subscribers who notice the Tricolor TV message “list of regions is unavailable” is what to do. In addition to the actions listed above, users can try to go to the settings wizard menu and select another antenna from the options offered by the system.

But this is usually impossible and rarely brings positive results.

Therefore, when none of the listed methods dealing with the problem does not help, all you have to do is turn to professionals for support. Users should call contact center provider and follow the advice of support operators. They will try to help you cope with the difficulty that has arisen or will accept a request for a visit from a specialist.

Search for Tricolor TV - list of regions not available

Difficulties associated with inaccessibility of regions may arise for any Tricolor subscriber, regardless of his place of residence, connected services or installed equipment eg gs8306. But most of the probable sources of such a malfunction can be easily and quickly eliminated. A short search for a breakdown or insufficiently reliable contact can help restore the broadcast.

And in the most difficult situations, when to cope with problems on our own fails, users are able to turn to professionals. They will definitely restore contact with the satellite.

On July 20, 2017, changes were made in broadcasting aimed at dividing regional TV channels into appropriate lists and designed to make viewing these TV channels more convenient.

This page contains instructions for all receiver models (see below on the page).

Instructions for setting up the Tricolor channel list for receivers GS E501, GS E502, GS C591, GS C5911, GS U510

4. Select the Tricolor TV operator and, if necessary, the antenna settings you need (if standard connection It is recommended to leave the default settings for the receiver to the antenna). After that, click the “Continue” button.

5. Select the region that suits you. There will be 3 regions available for selection - “Main”, “Moscow +0 hours.” and “Moscow +2 hours.”

6. Wait until the search for TV channels is completed and save the found TV channels.

Instructions for setting up the channel list for receivers GS U210, GS U210 CI, GS B210, GS B211, GS B212, GS E212, GS A230

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button on the remote control and select “Applications”.

2. Select “Setup Wizard”.

3. Set the time, time zone and language of the receiver menu, then click the “Search” button.

4. Select the Tricolor TV operator and, if necessary, the antenna settings you need (for a standard connection of the receiver to the antenna, it is recommended to leave the default settings). After that, click the “Continue” button.

Attention! You must select one of two regions - “Moscow +0 hours.” or “Moscow +2 hours.”- depending on the region of your residence. In the first case, all TV channels will be broadcast according to Moscow time, in the second, some TV channels will be broadcast with a time shift of +2 hours from Moscow time.

When you select the “Main” region, one information channel will be saved in the channel list.

Instructions for setting up the channel list for receivers GS B520, GS B521, GS B521L, GS B522, GS B531M, GS B532M, GS B533M, GS C592

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button on the remote control and select “Applications”.

2. Select “Setup Wizard”.

3. Set the time, time zone and language of the receiver menu, then click the “Search” button.

4. Select the Tricolor TV operator and, if necessary, the antenna settings you need (for a standard connection of the receiver to the antenna, it is recommended to leave the default settings). After that, click the “Continue” button.

5. Select the region that suits you. There will be 3 regions available for selection - “Main”, “Moscow +0 hours.” and “Moscow +2 hours.”

Attention! You must select one of two regions - “Moscow +0 hours.” or “Moscow +2 hours.”- depending on the region of your residence. In the first case, all TV channels will be broadcast according to Moscow time, in the second, some TV channels will be broadcast with a time shift of +2 hours from Moscow time.

When you select the “Main” region, one information channel will be saved in the channel list.

6. Wait until the search for TV channels is completed and save the found TV channels.

Instructions for setting up the channel list for HD 9303, HD 9305 receivers.

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button and select “Search for Tricolor TV channels”.

2. On the region selection screen, select the region that suits you. There will be 3 regions available for selection - “Main”, “Moscow +0 hours.” and “Moscow +2 hours.”

Attention! You must select one of two regions - “Moscow +0 hours.” or “Moscow +2 hours.”- depending on the region of your residence. In the first case, all TV channels will be broadcast according to Moscow time, in the second, some TV channels will be broadcast with a time shift of +2 hours from Moscow time.

When you select the “Main” region, one information channel will be saved in the channel list.

3. Wait until the search for TV channels is completed and save the found TV channels.

Instructions for setting up the channel list for receivers GS 6301, GS 8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, DRS 8308.

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button on the remote control and select “Applications”.

2. Select “Setup Wizard”.

3. Set the receiver menu language, then press the “Forward” button.
4. Set the time and time zone, then click "Search".

5. Select the Tricolor TV operator and, if necessary, the antenna settings you need (for a standard connection of the receiver to the antenna, it is recommended to leave the default settings). After that, click the “Continue” button.

6. Select the region that suits you. There will be 3 regions available for selection - “Main”, “Moscow +0 hours.” and “Moscow +2 hours.”

Attention! You must select one of two regions - “Moscow +0 hours.” or “Moscow +2 hours.”- depending on the region of your residence. In the first case, all TV channels will be broadcast according to Moscow time, in the second, some TV channels will be broadcast with a time shift of +2 hours from Moscow time.

When you select the “Main” region, one information channel will be saved in the channel list.

7. Wait until the search for TV channels is completed and save the found TV channels.

Instructions for setting up channels for TVs with a CI+ module.

To correctly display the list of TV channels, follow these steps:

1.Put your TV into setup mode satellite channels. To do this, you need to go to the signal source (antenna) settings section in the menu of your TV.

2.In the settings section, select " Manual setting" and go to it.

3.Before starting the channel search, make sure that the following manual search parameters are set:

The Network search option is enabled.
Frequency (transponder) - 12226 (H/L)
Symbol rate(Symbol rate) - 27500
Satellite - Eutelsat 36E

If necessary, enter these parameters manually.

4. Start searching for channels and follow the instructions on your TV screen. During the search process, the TV should display information about the search progress and the channels found.

5. When the process is complete, confirm saving the channel list (the request may not appear on some TV models).

4 ways to get free streaming popular channels with a shift of +2 hours from the Tricolor provider.

Subscribers living in the Urals and in the European zone can enjoy watching television with a difference of 2 hours. Users of services from Tricolor living in the Urals do not have to worry about the settings. They are provided with automatic offset. When the broadcast does not shift, you should contact your provider.

Subscribers using broadcasting services from Tricolor in the European zone must independently perform the necessary manipulations to gain access to television viewing on these channels.

Which receiver models are suitable for tuning

Setting up offset broadcasting is possible on devices that support MPEG-4 signal reception. If the receiver does not support this format, then you need to exchange the equipment. Tuning operations can be performed on the receivers:

  • GS A230 (4K);
  • GS B520;
  • GS E521L;
  • GS B532M;
  • GS B531M;
  • GS B522;
  • GS B521;
  • GS E501;
  • GS E502;
  • GS E212;
  • GS B212;
  • GS B211;
  • GS C.

And exact information settings can be obtained by calling customer support.

Available channels for tuning

Watching with an hour shift is available on the following TV channels:

  • First channel;
  • Russia 1;
  • RussiaK;
  • Carousel;
  • Channel 5;

Broadcasting occurs with a shift of +2 hours for all channels except the Karusel TV channel. On it the broadcast is shifted by 3 hours.

Setting up equipment for broadcasting +2 hours - instructions

There are four known methods for setting up time-shifted broadcasting.

Easy way

The first method is to reset the settings to the factory state and then search for channels. Execution instructions:

  1. On the receiver remote control, select the “Menu” button;
  2. In the list of operations that appears, point to the “Installation” position;
  3. Find the section “Reset to factory settings”;
  4. After resetting all settings, the receiver will begin to re-set all parameters (you need to follow the prompts);
  5. The system will ask you to enter the necessary data - when choosing an operator, you need to point to “Tricolor TV Center”;
  6. In the “Region” table, select “Ural” (“Chelyabinsk”) and confirm with the “Ok” button;
  7. After setting the region, you should search for TV channels;
  8. Save found channels.

Shiftable TV channels are located at the end of the entire list. Some receivers are typically combined into a separate “Regional Channels” list.

Please note that if the Region Selection function is not available, broadcasting with a +2 hour shift will not be configured.

The hard way

The implementation scheme of this method involves the use special option"Installation Wizard". If this option is missing, you will not be able to set up broadcasting. Execution steps:

  1. In the “Menu” of the receiver, find the “Setup Wizard” (in some models this option has a different name);
  2. After opening the tab, point to the “Operator” position;
  3. In the window that opens, confirm the operator “Tricolor TV Center”;
  4. Find and open the “Region” tab;
  5. In the list that appears, point to “Ural” (“Chelyabinsk”);
  6. Click on the “Search for channels” function;
  7. Save the found TV channels and exit the “Menu”.

Scrolling through common list channels to the end, you can find necessary channels with a time shift. Modern models receivers store TV channels in a separate “Regional Channels” package.

"Manual method"

For devices equipped with the “Manual Setup” function, the process begins by opening this item in the Menu. After which all search parameters are indicated. To access shifted channels, type “11996” in the frequency column. All regular TV channels and +2 (+3) hour channels are broadcast on this frequency.

The “Manual search” option is available on devices that support HD quality format.

Settings for receivers without the Ural region

The method is used on devices that have the “Moscow +0/+2” region in the receiver Menu. The “Moscow +2” region corresponds to the broadcast time with an offset. The instructions involve three stages of setup. The first stage involves resetting installation functions to factory settings:

  1. Enter the “Menu” of the receiver;
  2. Select the “Settings” section;
  3. Find the “Reset to factory settings” block and open it by clicking on the “Ok” button;
  4. Consistently confirm the reset operation;
  5. After the reset, proceed to entering the settings;
  6. When prompted to set “Region,” close the menu;
  7. Reboot the device.

The second stage is manual search TV channels:

The last third stage ends with editing and organizing all channels:

  1. Open “Menu”;
  2. Point to the “Applications” section;
  3. Select “Channel Editor”;
  4. In the list of channels, carefully review and remove duplicate TV channels (no need to remove working versions of duplicate channels);
  5. Organize edited channels;
  6. Save list.

After completing all the steps, restart the receiver by disconnecting from the network and restarting it together with the TV.

Correct time setting

The proper functioning of the receiving equipment depends on setting the desired date and time. To correctly specify the data, you need to implement the following scheme:

These actions will allow you to synchronize the signal and improve the delivery of teletext. They will also contribute to the smooth operation of TV guides.

If errors or technical failures occur, the subscriber can contact the provider’s support service.