Program for changing voice during a conversation. Alternative ways to change your voice. How to change your voice when talking on the phone using certain programs

You may need to change your voice if you want to talk with a person about an unpleasant topic and in the future, you don’t want him to bother you. This article will allow you to find out all the nuances of this issue. We will tell you about several ways that will allow you to change your voice so that your opponent does not know who exactly is calling him.

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Today there are several sufficient simple ways to change your voice:
using a scarf;
using a helium balloon;
using a special device (voice masker);
using a special program that independently changes your voice.
These methods should be used when you do not want the person you are calling to recognize you. As a rule, this is necessary in case of unpleasant conversations.

Important facts about voice changes

So, as we found out, you can change your voice as follows: manually(using a scarf or a helium balloon), and using programs specially developed for this. In the latter case, programs should be downloaded exclusively from official sites, so that in the future there will be no problems with the introduction of a virus.
Below we will tell you about the necessary steps that you should follow to change your voice using special programs. Read the information carefully and you will be able to accomplish your plans quite easily.

What to do to change your voice

Do you need to change your own voice to avoid being recognized? Then use the recommendations below.
1. To speak in a different voice, just use a regular scarf. Before you speak, clear your throat well and place a tissue tightly against your nose and mouth. So, your voice will become lower and wheezing and the person you are calling will not be able to guess that it is you who are talking to him. This method is quite simple and, moreover, free.
2. Another option is to use a balloon that is filled with helium. As you untie the ball, inhale the air emanating from it. If possible, try to breathe as little as possible and talk faster. When you inhale air, completely harmless chemical elements will enter your lungs, which will contribute to a change in your voice.
3. To change the timbre of the voice, special devices can be used - maskers. But they will cost up to $500. With the help of such devices you can talk to both men and in a female voice, and also choose different tones.
4. To change your voice, you can use special programs that are installed on your mobile phone. You need to download such programs only from official websites. This method is widely used because such programs are inexpensive and suitable for installation on iOS or Android operating systems. When downloading such programs, be sure to check them for viruses.
As you can see, changing your voice is quite simple; you can use both paid and completely free methods.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information For any questions, please contact official operators.

Hello everyone, happy owners of a smartphone or tablet computer based on the Android operating system. In today's material, I decided to make a selection of programs with which you can change your voice, turning it into the voice of a child, an old man, a man, a woman, or even a Martian.

The use of such programs can be completely varied, from pranking friends to creating musical compositions. In this matter, everything depends on your imagination.

So, let’s not waste time, let’s get to the selection itself. I recommend downloading all applications from the selection using the links provided, i.e. from an official source - Google Play.

A very popular, almost one million installations, application for Android, which allows you to change your voice almost beyond recognition. Among the additional features and advantages this application, I will note the following:

  1. Dozens of different voice changing options, which include such as: dragon, robot, aliens and others;
  2. There is a built-in speech synthesizer from text;
  3. Adding the received entry to all popular ones social media literally at the touch of a button.

Very good and functional Android a tool with a self-explanatory name. Of the functions, in addition to the main ones - voice changes, I will note the following, in my opinion, the most interesting and worthy of attention:

  1. Large library of various voice effects;
  2. Ability to save recorded voice to the library of your mobile device.

Another worthy of your attention is an Android tool for transforming and changing your voice. Essentially, the application is very similar to the previous ones. I will highlight some features:

  1. It is possible not only to apply effects individually, but also to combine them, thereby creating interesting effects;
  2. Additional effects such as echo, flanger and others.

  1. Possibility to overlay sound effects and change your voice in real time;
  2. Intuitive and simple application interface.

The application has been removed from Google Play.

I’ll complete today’s selection with another very worthy representative of voice change programs. This program Maybe:

  1. Built-in voice recorder, which can be used as a standard tool for recording voice or sound;
  2. A large number of different effects built into the program.

That's all I have for today. I hope you found it for yourself useful Android tool - voice conversion program. See you.

Do you want to prank your friend? Or maybe maintain your anonymity? Then you will definitely need a voice changer. In fact, there are many ways to change the timbre and pitch of your voice. And not necessarily expensive. These are often accessible mechanical methods that most people in the age of information technologies I just forgot.

If the goal is to prank a friend or colleague, then “funny” ways to change your voice will help - using helium or pinching your nose.

Can buy balloon IR and fill it with helium. Buy a large balloon if you plan to talk for many minutes. You just need to inhale the helium deeply until your lungs are filled with it. This chemical element is harmless, but has a miraculous effect on the cords, making the voice higher and thinner, it will sound funny. Like in cartoons or clowns.

A completely simple method that does not require cash investments- pinch your nose with your fingers and try to speak. Get a "goondos" voice that sounds comical enough for a prank.

And now serious options that can provide complete safety caller They require great care and some expense.

1. Using voice modifiers. These are special programs that are installed on the phone. They are able to change microphone settings in such a way that the voice can be changed beyond recognition. In order to use such an application, the phone must be controlled by operating systems. iOS systems or Android. It is better to download programs from the official website or from the official Android store or Apple. The most popular and functional among them: Change My Voice, Voice Changer, Best Voice Changer.

It is worth noting that the applications will only work correctly when making calls via the Internet. A mobile call will not be able to provide such pleasure due to the fact that the program algorithm does not take into account technical features mobile communications. Please note that using all the features of the application may cost money.

2. Using a speech masker. These are special programs that are installed on your computer. They can be used either via Bluetooth, or work with it directly on the computer. They represent an algorithm that allows:

  1. Change the tone of speech;
  2. Change voice timbre;
  3. Change your voice to one characteristic of the opposite sex or a different age (for example, create the effect of a child’s voice).

The program must be downloaded only from the official website in order to protect yourself from viruses and spammer programs embedded in the mechanism.

3. The last option is the so-called voice changers. These are special devices enclosed in a housing with buttons and a screen and connected to telephone set or computer. Using this gadget, you can completely change any characteristics of your voice, and some models also provide the ability to save typical settings.

The main advantage is the ability to work on any device: mobile and desktop computers, when making calls via the Internet from a phone or computer.

You can buy such gadgets on the Internet or in special stores.

Here, in principle, are all the main ways to change your voice during a call. Some require material costs, sometimes considerable ones, while others are completely free, but not so reliable. Remember:

  • If you want to use the application, download only licensed version from the official website.
  • The first two methods (handkerchief and helium balloon) will not protect you from computer voice recognition.
  • Use voice modification only for legal purposes.

The right to privacy is perhaps the most important thing for every free person. This right can be expressed not only in the construction of high fences, but also in the desire to maintain anonymity. That's why it's so important to know how to change your voice on the phone.

How to change your voice on the phone using improvised means?

It is not so rare to encounter a situation when a person would like to remain unrecognized in a telephone conversation. Installing programs on a computer or phone takes time and requires some training to use.

But others can also ensure their anonymity. ways:

  • Acting talent. The ability to believably imitate the voices of several people is one of the rarest gifts that nature can bestow on a person. People endowed with such talent, as a rule, become dubbing actors for foreign films. Calculating the fact that several characters were voiced by one person is often only possible for specialists. Sometimes imitative actors find their calling in the field of universal parody.
  • You can change your voice if you have a wind instrument kazoo. Outwardly, it resembles an irregularly shaped cigarette with a thin paper film that greatly distorts incoming sound waves.
  • You can change your speech beyond recognition if you hold your nose with your finger for a while.
  • If you have a helium cylinder or a balloon filled with this gas at hand, then if you inhale one sip of the gas, your voice will become like a child’s.
  • Also try holding any glass container to the tube (the larger the better) and speaking into it. The voice will take on a metallic tone due to the reverberation.

Speech maskers

The task is to ensure secrecy telephone conversation appeared long before the advent of mobile communications and personal computers. In order to protect the communication channel for negotiations, it was invented special device, called in Russian " speech masker" Its essence lies in the fact that if this device is used during a conversation, then the criminal who wants to listen to it will not understand anything because extraneous sounds. In this case, the interlocutor on the other end of the line will hear everything perfectly if he has a special decoder device.

Similar gadgets from the life of James Bond find their use today. There is a whole palette of devices on sale: both for ultra-modern smartphones (both a headset is connected) and for ordinary city (landline) phones. The cost of such devices ranges from 7,500 to almost 75,000 rubles.

PC programs

The modern computer is extremely multifunction device. By connecting regular headphones with a microphone it can be turned into full phone, which you can call completely free of charge. This opportunity is used by millions of people around the world. However, with convenience comes the challenge of protecting personal data.

To change the sound coming from the microphone, you can use the following programs:

  • Voxal Voice Changer- is shareware, but the basic functionality is more than enough to get the job done. The disadvantages include unstable operation with USB microphones.
  • Clownfish - designed specifically for paired work with the Skype calling program. It does not work in other dialers.
  • Skype Voice Changer - also designed to work with Skype. There is a whole palette of effects for speech conversion.
  • MorphVOX - works with all communication applications and has the interesting functionality of turning a man's voice into a woman's and vice versa. For some additional features you will have to pay extra.

It must be remembered that the installation similar programs may cause serious system malfunctions: loss of sound, unstable work Skype, etc.

Smartphone applications

Today mobile telephony is the most popular way voice communication. In view of this, it naturally suggests the presence of special programs for smartphones that would ensure proper privacy.

There are several dozen similar applications in the application stores for both Android and iOS. Some of them have a pronounced humorous orientation, but there is also paid professional software.

Among the most popular voice scrambler applications:

How to change the timbre of your voice?

A person cannot permanently change the timbre of his voice without surgical intervention, however, the following tricks can be used for temporary masking:

  • Soften consonant sounds and add the letter “th” before vowels;
  • Attempt to parody a Caucasian or any other known accent or dialect pronunciation;
  • Put your lip forward: the timbre of the sound will decrease;
  • Practice pronouncing words through clenched teeth.

If all of the above methods do not suit you for some reason, you can always adjust the timbre using hardware. Both the smartphone and the computer have a whole bunch of programs that have various settings for changing speech (Voxal Voice Changer, AthTek Voice Changer and others).

So, now you know how to change your voice on the phone. Both specialized hardware and software. In the end, you can just hold your nose with a clothespin. But joking like this with your boss is not a good idea.

Video tutorial: completely changing your voice

In this video, Anton will show you how to use hardware to change your voice when calling from mobile phone what you need for this:

The desire to remain unrecognized overcomes each of us from time to time. Investigate the ways of a competitor's work, expose an unfaithful spouse, or play a prank on a friend for a laugh ─ often for such events, an enthusiastic person uses all the possibilities. For example, it is difficult to change your appearance, but your voice is quite possible.

To talk on the phone you can use special devices, so-called voice changers, or maskers. The masker can connect to a computer via USB port or bluetooth, and then it can be used for calls, for example, on Skype. There are options for devices that connect directly to cell phone via headphone jack and models for landline telephones.

Using switches on the device, you can change the voice from female to male and vice versa, raise or lower the pitch, remove or add noise. Professional devices have a tone memory function. Such a device, of course, costs money. The price depends on the functions and on average is about 150-200 USD.

How to change your voice on your phone?

However, you can change the caller's voice without purchasing additional devices. For owners of smartphones with operating Android system A lot of applications have been written. With their help, you can record a conversation on a voice recorder and change it beyond recognition - change the timbre, tonality, add noise. Set in Google search engine Play the phrase “change voice” or “voice change”, Google will display great amount paid and free applications.

Let's consider the free versions.

But what wouldn’t you do for your beloved friends? You can also change your voice through telecom operators who offer their subscribers entertainment service. For example, you can use new service— “Vote changer” from the operator Tele2. During a real-time call, you can change your voice and use various funny special effects.

In this case, you do not need to install additional applications to your phone, and call service number operator, select the effect you like and enter the phone number of the friend you are going to call. Nine various options voices will be offered to you by a similar service “Voice for pumping” from the Megafon operator. Before the call, you can listen to a demo audio recording of the selected option. The cost of a call with the voice change option varies depending on different operators and is within 10-15 rubles per minute.