Stable version of Skype for Android. With its help you can

For those who don’t want to be separated from their loved ones even for a minute, we have great news - now you can download Skype on an Android smartphone, and not just on a desktop computer. Now you can chat with friends at any time convenient for you. We will tell you in detail how and where you can download the latest version of Skype on your Android phone, and also provide the procedure for registering in this application.

Many of us are so accustomed to Skype on our computers that we have repeatedly wondered: is it possible to download Skype for Android? After all, this convenient and simple application has already captivated a huge number of users with its many advantages, the most important of which, of course, is the ability to make video calls. The developers took into account the general interest in the program, and now Skype on an Android phone can be downloaded by anyone who uses devices on this OS.

How and where to download Skype on Android for free?

You can download Skype for Android from the Play Store, as well as from our website (currently version Also, you can go to the Play Store directly from your phone.


Finally, Skype for a smartphone on Android (Russian version) has been downloaded and installed. You can use it exactly the same way you used it on your computer.

There is an article on our website about how, to read it follow the link.

But what if you are installing Skype for the first time and have never had an account there before? It’s very simple - you need to create it right now by going through a simple registration. This is exactly what our next instruction is about.

If you have a question, read another article on our website with the answer to it.

How to register in the Skype application in Russian on Android?

You can also use email instead of phone to register. To do this, click on the corresponding inscription below and enter the address and password you created in the required lines. If you need, click on the link, download the file and follow all the steps described in the installation instructions.

In both cases, after completing all actions, you need to click on “Next”.

That's it! Enjoy communication with family and friends, get joy and give it to others!

Designed for communication via the Internet. Millions of users have appreciated the program, which is considered one of the most popular among similar ones. This happened thanks to the user-friendly interface and stable audio and video connections.

Initially, the program was intended only for computers. However, you can now download Skype to a tablet running on various operating systems. This will help you always stay connected, even when your desktop computer or laptop is far away.

To work with the program, you need a tablet with a built-in webcam and a stable network connection. Almost all modern gadgets have a front camera, the only difference is what image quality it transmits. Versions of Skype are designed for different operating systems, so you should focus on the one installed on the tablet.

What functions are available in the program?

  • Audio and video calls that can be made anywhere in the world. Regardless of where the interlocutor is located, he will be clearly visible and heard if both parties have a stable Internet.
  • Text messages allow you to communicate when calling is not possible. Moreover, the number of characters in one message is not limited.
  • Skype for tablet allows you to establish a connection even with those who are not currently online. The application has a call function to mobile and landline numbers. The cost per minute is much lower than that offered by operators.
  • The program can send any media files, the size of which is limited only by the connection speed.

The Skype for tablet interface is similar to the desktop version. On the main page there is a list of contacts from which you can select any subscriber to call or send a text message. In order to change settings or view your account, you should go to special sections. There is a Russian-language version of Skype, but this parameter can be changed at any time.

Users who registered in the desktop version of the application can only enter account data and work in the program. Those who are new to Skype will need to create their own profile. To do this, you need to come up with a username, password and enter your email address. Users are asked to enter other personal information that will be displayed on their profile and visible to their contacts.

You can download Skype to your tablet on a variety of platforms right now on our portal or on the official website of the messenger.

You can download Skype for free for the following tablets:

  • Android (For this, you need at least version 4.0.3, but it’s better to update it to the latest)
  • iPad (iOS 8 and later). There is another article on our website about how this will help you.

  • Kindle Fire HD
  • Windows (Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile)

Make sure that you have enough free space on your gadget to install the messenger.

Tip: Find the application icon in the general list of programs, or better yet, move it to the main screen so you don’t have to search for a long time.

Similarly, you can easily download Skype for free for an iPad tablet in Russian through the official website, which will take you to the AppStore.

And you will learn about how from another article on our website.

To download Skype for tablet on Windows, you can also find the installation file on the official website or in the Microsoft store.

In the case of the Kindle Fire HD, Skype is already installed on the device. If you haven’t deleted it, of course, you can start using it right away.

In order not to make unnecessary movements, we offer to download the Skype application for free on your tablet directly on our portal.

There is an article on our website about how, we definitely recommend reading it.

What features does the tablet version of Skype have?

  1. A tablet is the most convenient gadget for video calls, so this messenger option becomes very attractive. The quality of full-screen video will depend only on the model of your tablet.
  2. Full individual and group chats are also available in full. Bring positivity into the conversation - add funny emoticons and attach media files and other documents to the message. Online discussions have never been so colorful.
  3. You can communicate via Skype via Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G - you always stay connected when visiting, on a walk, or traveling around the world.
  4. The Screen Sharing feature makes training and work meetings even more entertaining and effective. Have fun with everything!
  5. A variety of online statuses will help you figure out who is ready to communicate, who is where and what they are doing.

If you want to, but don’t know how, we have the answer to this question too
We wish you success!

Video communication with an interlocutor from the other end of the country or even the world is also available on Android devices. Skype for tablet has the same main requirement as a computer - the presence of an Internet connection, but in this case 3G or Wi-Fi will do, since the Skype program does not work in an offline state. You can even make calls to landlines and other mobile operators, but this will require you to deposit a small amount into your personal account that is attached to your Skype account. Logged into Skype, and having previously specified your Messenger ID, you can start communicating in Skype chat with other Messenger, Hotmail or members.

Recently, the Skype service has added a new feature - video messages. Now, you can not only hear and read letters left for you, but also see the person who leaves it. It is possible to share new information, new events in your personal life, convey your emotions and experiences in several ways, completely free of charge and most importantly, at any convenient time.

Using Skype on an Android tablet is a pleasure.

You can download Skype for tablet for free on the official website of the application. To do this, just select the desired version and follow the link, which will take you to download the program. Downloading Skype for an Android tablet means getting an unlimited opportunity to communicate in three ways with your loved ones:

  • via text chat;
  • using a microphone and headphones;
  • using the camera

You significantly expand the capabilities of your Android tablet by downloading and installing a world-famous program on it for free and unlimited communication via the Internet. Where exactly your interlocutor is located does not matter at all, the main thing is that he has Skype installed on his mobile device or tablet. To start enjoying all the benefits, downloading Skype to your tablet is not enough; you also need to register and create a personal account in the system.

If you do not have a tablet, you can download Skype for your computer, having previously selected the desired operating system

Registering on Skype is very simple; the whole procedure will take you no more than five minutes. To begin with, you should come up with your name, by which other users will recognize you, and also, come up with your personal password and login using them, the Skype program will identify you when you log in. If you want, you can enter some information about yourself and upload personal photos and other contact information. A convenient search bar available in the system will help you find any Skype user within a few minutes. You can change all functions and settings of the application at your discretion.

The program fully supports the Russian language and no one should have any problems using the program. As for the basic settings, the first thing you need to do is check the boxes next to “Automatic authorization” - this way you won’t have to constantly enter your username and password every time you log in to the system. It is advisable to also configure the section “Synchronize contacts”- You can select contacts from your phone book and import them into Skype. Next to “Notifications” we also put a checkmark, otherwise you may miss a very important call or text message.

As for notifications, you can set only those for which you would like to receive sound alerts or vibration notifications. In the contact list, there is a great opportunity to sort those people from whom you want to receive calls and messages, and from whom you want to protect yourself. To do this, you need to set the item in the access settings “Only from those in the contact list.” Don't forget to also check the box before “Activate video calling” otherwise, they will not be able to reach you via video calls.

Download Skype on Android phone for free

Over the past few years, Skype has gained even more fans and active users. This is due to the fact that prices for foreign calls using mobile operators are greatly inflated, and in the application the ability to communicate is not limited either in time or in finances. The quality of communication when making calls using the program is quite good, in contrast to constant interruptions and loss of connection in mobile phones. Many experts argue that if people continue to switch to Skype at such a rapid pace, then mobile companies will suffer very large losses and become less in demand.

Download Skype to tablet for free

Anyone can download Skype for tablet for free, because the application interface is quite simple. Using text prompts, even an inexperienced user can cope with the task. The Skype application will help you erase the boundaries of distance, hear a familiar voice and watch the familiar faces of your loved ones, at any convenient time, without any financial costs on your part.

It's no secret that the largest number of applications are currently written for the Android platform. All those who have smartphones, tablets And other devices who are based on this platform can use the Play Market to download the applications they need from there. There you can also find the well-known program.

Skype for Android - photo gallery

Features of the Android version of Skype

Most of the changes affected by the redesign of Skype from computer version for the version for smartphones concerns the graphic part. The functionality remains the same as in the full computer version of the application.

In this regard, the Android version of the program, like all others, supports:

  1. A quick chat through which you can communicate with other users who have installed this application on a smartphone, PC or other devices.
  2. Video call - now you can communicate with family and friends with your own eyes in real time, observing their reaction to your words.
  3. Calls to phone numbers of mobile operators, as well as to landline numbers at much lower prices than calls via regular mobile communications.
  4. Sending messages at reduced prices to any numbers.
  5. Exchange photos, audio, video and any other files.

System requirements

The requirements for the program to work correctly are as follows: Android, updated to version 2.3 or later; at least 27 MB of free space, as well as an ARMv7 level processor.

Where can I download Skype for Android?

Many sites offer to download Skype from them. On our website you also have this opportunity. Here you will find all the latest versions of the program.