Program for treating Windows 7. The best free programs for fixing errors on Windows

Some time after Windows installations 7, the user may encounter such a nuisance as a slowdown of the OS.

In order not to resort to drastic measures and help your PC cope with assigned tasks faster, you can optimize the OS. Often this procedure helps speed up the computer and thus increase its performance.

Figure 1. Logo operating system Windows 7

Why is Windows 7 optimization needed?

For optimization, you can use a program to fix windows errors 7, or use the tools built into the system. You can carry out the optimization and cleaning procedure in this way:

  • Go to the Start menu;
  • Open “all programs”;
  • "standard";
  • "official";
  • "disk cleanup";
  • Select “C”;
  • Choose unnecessary elements(Figure 2);
  • Click "OK".

Figure 2. Drive C cleanup window with selection of files to delete

Fix errors using the built-in Troubleshooter

If your PC starts to run slower, you can try using the Windows diagnostic and error correction program that is included in your computer.

Using this function requires the following sequential actions:

  • Open “My Computer”;
  • "properties of the system";
  • “control panel - home page”;
  • "troubleshooting";
  • When the menu appears, select the item that is relevant to us (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Computer troubleshooting window in Control Panel

Checking the hard drive using CHKDSK

Another way to speed up your computer is to troubleshoot problems using the CHKDSK command.

You can do it this way:

  • go to the “start” menu;
  • select “all programs”;
  • open “standard”;
  • launch the “command line” console;
  • Next, we select the drive that we want to check and fix, most often we start the check from drive “C”, to do this, enter the command “chkdsk /r” in the line;
  • A notification should pop up in front of us stating that this manipulation is impossible, due to the fact that in this case we press the letter “Y” on the keyboard;
  • we reboot the computer, at startup we see a blue screen with a running timer, wait, the system will start without failures (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Command line window showing scan results hard drive via CHKDSK

Disk optimization and defragmentation

To achieve the highest possible results in speeding up the OS, you can additionally perform defragmentation after checking and optimization.

You can carry out this procedure using a Windows 7 error correction program downloaded from the Internet, or you can use a service that is already on your computer. We carry out the procedure in the following sequence:

  • click “start”;
  • "all programs";
  • "standard";
  • "official";
  • "defragmentation".

Figure 5. Results hard defragmentation disk using Piriform Defraggler

The best free programs to fix Windows 7 errors

Of course, Windows 7 is a fairly strong and well-equipped operating system, which is equipped with many tools that allow you to fix problems.

But for a novice user, conducting complex actions optimization can be quite problematic, in this case it will be much easier to use free software to fix Windows 7 errors.

Microsoft Fix it

In 2008, Microsoft Corporation created the Fix it program, which automatic mode monitors OS failures and fixes them. For it to work, there is no longer any need to perform any actions in manual mode.

You just need to register on the company’s website, download the program and install it, then it will work independently and no troubles, freezes or slowdowns will haunt your PC. This application is capable of recognizing and eliminating several hundred OS errors (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Appearance program interface Microsoft Fix it

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Correction program system errors Windows 7 allows you to solve virtually any operating system problem, is extremely easy to manage and multifaceted.

Anvisoft PC PLUS can be downloaded on the Internet, installed and used to neutralize hundreds of problems, the presence of which you can find out from the information in the working window of the program.

Registry Repair

Since the registry is often the reason incorrect operation system, to fix problems, a program was created to fix Windows 7 registry errors.

It can independently scan the registry for problems, improper fragmentation, and much more. After scanning, the software neutralizes all faults, thus increasing PC performance (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Program interface for fixing registry errors Registry Repair

NetAdapter Repair All In One

A multi-faceted and easy-to-manage utility that automatically fixes problems of any complexity related to network connections.

It easily optimizes network applications and makes your Internet experience fast, convenient and hassle-free.

Kerish Doctor

Software fixes hard errors windows disk 7 Kerish Doctor is a real OS healer. It, unlike many other utilities that can only fix certain type failures, Kerish Doctor completely controls the state of the computer, optimizes and speeds up its operation.

In addition, this software eliminates not only crashes and problems, but also viruses.

Figure 8. Program interface for optimizing computer performance Kerish Doctor

Kaspersky Cleaner

The brainchild of the legendary Kaspersky antivirus, the Kaspersky Cleaner utility helps not only to clean the system of faulty programs and irrelevant processes, but also performs optimizations to improve computer performance.

Glary Utilities

If you are looking for which program to fix Windows errors 7, a multifunctional one can come to your aid Glary utility Utilities. With its help, you can monitor and eliminate problems with individual elements of the system or “treat” the OS as a whole (Figure 9). The program is possible

Damage or accidental deletion of these particles leads to problems such as the inability to start a program or Windows. To eliminate such troubles, there are special error correction programs dll windows 7.

DLL-Files Fixer

The most effective and easy-to-manage utility, which contains a software package that allows optimization and troubleshooting.

She is also able to restore DLL files, protect the OS from failures, defragment the registry automatically and speed up the computer (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Program interface for fixing dll errors - DLL-Files Fixer

What to do if Windows does not start after fixing errors

Despite the high effectiveness of programs that correct Windows 7 errors , sometimes their actions can lead to not very good consequences in the form of Windows not starting.

In this case, you can try to restore the system; to do this, turn off the computer and press the F8 key at startup.

Note: In some cases, you have to click several times until the automatic recovery window appears.

Next, we set the “restore” command and the OS independently tries to update and start; for most cases, this method is the most effective. But if, nevertheless, the launch does not occur, you will have to reinstall Windows.

A program for fixing Windows 7 errors. If this is what you were looking for, then you have come to the right place.

To cope with system errors, you often have to resort to help third party programs. Today we will get acquainted with the capabilities of the five most popular of them.

Microsoft Fix it

And their main drawback is that they are often ineffective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

Designed for an experienced user who understands the essence and purpose of the elements of the network subsystem: the Hosts file, the TCP/IP protocol, DNS services, DCHP, NetBIOS and more.

NetAdapter Repair All In One does not automatically fix errors. It invites the user to decide for themselves and indicate what to fix.

In addition, the utility includes diagnostic and viewing tools network settings.

Viewing is available to everyone, but correction functions are available only to the computer administrator.

Using the utility for beginners makes the English-language interface very difficult, but for those to whom it is addressed, this will not be a problem.

NetAdapter Repair allows you to fix:

The NetAdapter Repair All In One utility is convenient and useful for those who understand the meaning of the problems it solves, and these are among ordinary users PC not too much.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish Doctor is an optimization program that fixes many problems at once and increases computer performance.

Claimed capabilities of Kerish Doctor:

  • fixing registry errors;
  • removing garbage - program remnants, temporary files, invalid labels, etc.;
  • work optimization system services;
  • increasing Internet connection speed;
  • control system events;
  • failure prevention;
  • creating an optimal game mode;
  • closing Windows and program vulnerabilities.

Note! Kerish Doctor can work in two modes - automatic and manual. Automatically, it starts with Windows and does its business in background, eating up a significant portion of processor resources. In manual mode, the user must choose what he wants to optimize.

The program is addressed to those who dream of a “Make everything fly” button, so as not to bother themselves with a bunch of incomprehensible operations.

Experienced users who are accustomed to delving into the essence of any “shamanism” will most likely be scared off by its claims to comprehensiveness and universality.

The Kerish Doctor program is distributed free of charge. Duration trial period is 15 days. The cost of an annual license for 3 PCs is 390 rubles.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft PC PLUS is another tool for fixing all kinds of system and program errors, but this time it’s free.

The list of Anvisoft PC PLUS features:

  • solving problems with icons and shortcuts on the desktop;
  • Troubleshooting network connections;
  • troubleshooting software, including the lack of necessary libraries (dll);
  • correcting system errors, informing the user about problems;
  • solving common problems in popular games, for example, FIFA World and Angry Birds;
  • clearing browser cache;
  • 24/7 technical support(unfortunately, only in English).

The program does not have a Russian localization, but, according to the developers, even a beginner can use it.

However, it will also be useful for advanced users, and especially game lovers.

  • Microsoft Fix it program.
  • Kerish Doctor program.
  • Anvisoft PC PLUS program.
  • Registry Repair Program.

Errors in the Windows system, like in any other system, arise for various and many reasons: due to viruses, correct installation and uninstalling programs after working with the registry and the like. But even knowing the reasons does not always help solve a particular problem. To solve problems with system errors, you often have to resort to the help of third-party programs. Today we will get acquainted with the capabilities of the five most popular and also free programs.

Microsoft Fix it program.

This program automatic elimination problems with Windows operating systems from the developer itself - Microsoft. Fix it utilities are usually not universal. They are created for targeted, specific correction of individual errors, for example, problems with copying files, reading DVD, emptying the recycle bin, autorunning programs, etc. These utilities can be downloaded and installed completely free of charge by any Windows user.

How to fix system errors on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 using Microsoft Fix it:

  • You need to go to the Microsoft Solution Center page.
  • Select the topic of interest that the problem is related to (Windows, Internet Explorer,Office, Windows Media and other).
  • Specify the type of problem.
  • Download the Fix it utility from the list that appears, the description of which most closely matches your problem.
  • Run the utility with administrator rights, wait for the operation to complete, and restart the computer.

The convenience of Fix it is obvious in its accessibility, simplicity and safety (created by Windows developers, they never make fixes that can destroy any data on the PC or disrupt the computer’s performance. But they also have a drawback, they are often ineffective.

Registry Repair Program.

Easy to manage and use error correction program Windows registry 7, 8, 8.1 and XP. The program checks system registry for errors, the presence of incorrect paths, incompletely allocated records and automatically corrects faults that are found. Registry Repair, unlike its analogues, can recognize up to 18 types of errors in the registry. Sophisticated scanning technology saves system resources and does not slow down your PC.

Program Features:

  1. Scan the entire registry or only selected areas.
  2. Search and remove entries made by adware and spyware (adware and spyware).
  3. Scanning system partition, the all users section and the current account.
  4. Creating a custom list of scan exclusions.
  5. Undoing changes made by the program (creating registry backups before fixing).
  6. Saving change history with review function.

The program supports many languages, including Russian, is distributed free of charge and is aimed at simple user. The developer guarantees that the program will not allow random errors, which can interfere with loading and performance Windows systems.

NetAdapter Repair All In One program.

A completely free program to fix network errors. Windows connections 7, 8,8.1 and XP. Designed for an experienced user who knows the essence and purpose of all elements of the network subsystem: Hosts file, TCP/IP protocol, DNS services, DCHP, NetBIOS and more.

This program does not fix errors automatically. It invites the user to decide for themselves and indicate what needs to be corrected. Also, the utility includes diagnostic tools and viewing network settings.

Using the utility for beginners will be difficult due to the English interface.

NetAdapter Repair allows you to fix:

  1. DHCP settings.
  2. Hosts file
  3. DNS addresses (replace with public ones from Google).
  4. Routing table.
  5. Operation of the NetBIOS protocol.
  6. Cryptography and online privacy settings.
  7. Windows network services settings.

Clicking the Advanced Repair button resets WinSock/TCP/IP, proxy and VPN settings, as well as the Windows firewall to default.

The utility is convenient and useful for those who understand the meaning of the tasks it solves, and there are not too many of them among ordinary PC users.

Anvisoft PC PLUS program.

A utility for fixing all kinds of system and program errors.

Anvisoft PC PLUS features:

  1. Solving problems with desktop shortcuts.
  2. Troubleshooting system network connection failures.
  3. Elimination of software errors, including the lack of necessary libraries (dll) in the system as a whole.
  4. Correcting system errors, informing the user about problems in the Windows system.
  5. Solving common problems in popular games.
  6. Clearing the browser cache.
  7. 24/7 technical support, only in English.

The program does not have a Russian localization, but even a beginner can use it. However, it will also be useful for advanced users, and especially those who like to play games.

Kerish Doctor program.

An optimizer program that fixes many problems at once and increases computer performance significantly.

Features of Kerish Doctor:

  1. Fixing registry errors.
  2. Removing garbage - remnants of programs, temporary files, invalid shortcuts...
  3. Optimizing the operation of PC system services.
  4. Increase the speed of your Internet connection.
  5. Monitoring system events.
  6. Virus protection.
  7. Preventing failures.
  8. Protect your computer from overheating.
  9. Creating an optimal gaming mode.
  10. Closing Windows and program vulnerabilities.


Kerish Doctor can work in two modes, automatic and manual. In automatic mode, it starts along with Windows and does everything in the background, eating up a large part of the processor resources. In manual mode, you need to choose what you want to optimize.

A program for those who want to have a button like: Make everything fly , so as not to rack your brains over a bunch of incomprehensible operations. Experienced users who are accustomed to delving into the essence of any action on their PC will be scared off by its potential for comprehensiveness and versatility.

The Kerish Doctor program is distributed free of charge. The duration of the trial period is 15 days. The cost of an annual license for 3 PCs is 390 rubles.

Download Kerish Doctor.

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I have a PortableSoft folder on my disk, which contains my favorite utilities - those that do not require installation or console ones. I also keep this folder on a "combat" flash drive and include it in so they are always at hand. Today's story includes seven graphic utilities from this folder and three more tools. What they have in common is that they are all intended for quick diagnostics common problems encountered in Windows.

If you've ever been asked to “look at a system,” you know that the most valuable thing in this case is your time. Therefore, you need to skillfully use a set of tools that allow you to identify and eliminate the problem as quickly as possible or determine the right direction for further action.

I bring to your attention my favorite ten! And I’m sure that you won’t often see the last two tools in such lists :)

1. AutoRuns

Startup determines the stability and speed of the system. As you load Windows, it will float... or crawl :) AutoRuns from the Sysinternals set knows absolutely everything about system startup. The utility shows not only standard seats, from where programs are loaded, but also all services, scheduled tasks, Explorer extensions, and even Internet Explorer add-ons.

The utility is indispensable for quickly analyzing startup for unnecessary programs. In this context, it is very convenient to hide entries related to Windows components (Hide Windows Entries). You can also hide all Microsoft-owned entries.

You will find a practical example of using AutoRuns to put things in order in startup in the story about speeding up system loading by distributing startup programs over time.

To identify malicious activity, the function of checking digital code signatures is very useful ( Verify Code Signatures). In this case, hide Windows entries no need. On the contrary, if you see that digital signature system component is not confirmed, this may indicate its substitution. This is exactly the case that Mark Russinovich describes in the Malicious Autorun Case.


In the absence of a stamp, we write in simple, namely, we use system utility"System configuration" ( Start – Search – msconfig). You can also use WhatInStartup from NirSoft, although it is not as comprehensive. AutoRuns.


Oh these BSODs, when will they end! BlueScreenView utility is indispensable for quick diagnostics blue screens death in the presence of a memory dump.

It cannot be used to conduct a deep analysis, but in many cases this is not required. If the problem is third party driver, its solution is greatly simplified.

The ease of use and usefulness of BlueScreenView is up to standard high level NirSoft utilities. I already told you.


I have already given a practical example of identifying a program that writes strange files to disk (there you will also find links to a video report by Vasily Gusev with other examples). And don’t forget about Mark Russinovich’s blog, where the unraveling complex problems rarely goes without Process Monitor.


You can monitor processes using Windows performance counters and Resource Monitor, but they have different tasks and are not an alternative. Process Monitor It has capabilities “tailored” specifically for diagnostics, and is therefore incomparably more convenient.

5. Scanner

6. Multiboot

Trumps Multiboot in ease self-elimination problems and detailed diagnostic information, since the utility was created based on many real problems from the forum. I already wrote.

Of course, the program itself does not fix the problem, but it allows you to quickly diagnose remote computer with your own hands, which is precisely the topic of today’s conversation. The time saved is incredible!

The TeamViewer client is installed on all friends and relatives who turn to me or my brother for support. By following my example, you will quickly forget about long written instructions and tedious instructions over the phone.

Did you know that I always search in English? So you can find more options! I often translate exact messages about unfamiliar errors into English using the Microsoft term search, and then look for the translation.

The search service is indispensable for finding solutions to problems - after all, it is impossible to know everything about Windows! Unique problems are incredibly rare, and if one person has one, then other people have probably already encountered it. And even if an exact solution is not found, the search often pushes diagnostics in the right direction. And links to known solutions You don’t even have to bookmark common problems; they’ll be found faster on Google.


Yandex, Bing or any other search engine dear to your heart, and it doesn’t matter what it’s called. The main thing is that he finds for you what you are looking for!

As you noticed, Sysinternals and NirSoft utilities occupy two places on my list. I have other programs from these wonderful suites in my PortableSoft folder - I'm sure you're familiar with them. But in this top ten I have collected exactly the tools for quickly diagnosing the system and solving common problems, and for each you see practical examples use.

What do you use?

What diagnostic tools do you use? I love good tools and I never miss an opportunity to replenish my chest. Share your experience– tell us about your favorite utilities and real examples their applications. What would you include in the top ten?

Elimination Wizard Windows problems is a built-in utility responsible for fixing failures in the operating system. Using this program you can “fix” Windows Update, software errors USB inputs, Wi-Fi adapter failures and much more.

Diagnosing problems in Windows 7

A utility responsible for finding and fixing errors in various components Windows systems are built into the OS and are launched manually by the user when any bugs are found. There are several ways to access the troubleshooting wizard:

The main window of the Troubleshooting Wizard is a list of categories that, when clicked, launches a debug tool for a specific system element. Collected here:

  • tools for diagnosing and configuring programs adapted for another version of Windows OS;
  • utilities for setting up and using devices and printers;
  • a wizard for troubleshooting sound recording and playback problems;
  • Tools for finding and troubleshooting Internet problems;
  • design settings;
  • utilities for troubleshooting Windows Update problems;
  • programs for optimizing energy consumption;
  • Tools to troubleshoot performance problems.

The "Computer Troubleshooting" utility is not just some small program for fixing bugs, but complex system, which includes the ability to repair each individual element.

The main Troubleshooting window includes categories for which you can run debugging

If you are interested in setting up or debugging a specific element, then especially for such cases, a “View all categories” button has been added to the left side of the main window. It changes the design of the main window of the utility so that its components are not grouped by category, but are displayed in a list in order. This is more convenient if you know exactly what you want: there is no need to wander through categories, wondering where exactly the required debugger is located.

The View All Category feature displays all items in the troubleshooting wizard as a list from which you can select the item you want

Double click on an element launches it and opens a program that scans the selected element and informs the user about the errors found. Before starting diagnostics, in the window that opens, you can check or uncheck the “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox - its presence means that if the program detects problems, it will fix them automatically. If the checkbox is not checked, the utility will ask the user for permission to fix it or will not touch the errors at all.

Before running diagnostics and treatment, you can allow the program to automatically apply fixes

After troubleshooting is completed, the utility will provide the user with a report on its work, which will indicate which errors were detected and which were eliminated.

When the utility analyzes and repairs the element, it will give the user a report on its work

Examples of using the program

“Troubleshooting Center” is recommended to be used first when problems are detected with a particular system component. The program is not perfect, but it allows you to fix errors in two clicks, which can be difficult to “treat” manually.

Windows Update problems

“Windows Update” is a subsystem that is responsible for downloading, installing and uninstalling updates for the OS.

Failures in Windows Update will cause the system to stop updating, and this will negatively affect its operation. Most update errors can be fixed using the Troubleshooting Wizard.

To open the troubleshooting wizard to fix Windows Update errors, you need to call the “Troubleshooting problems using Windows Update” option from the wizard’s main menu (how to access it is described above). Now you need to click “Next” and monitor the errors that the program detects.

To troubleshoot Windows Update, select the appropriate utility from the list in the wizard's main menu

It also happens that the Windows Update problem is solved, but failed update left. In this case, you need to roll it back, and this is done in Windows 7 like this:

Video: How to remove Windows 7 update

Sound problems

Incorrect sound or complete absence sound is a problem that can also be solved with the help of a wizard.

It should be remembered that if the problem is in the hardware itself, then the program will not help in any way. The utility is not always able to solve the problems found, but successful diagnostics in any case gives a hint on how to fix the error.

The utility that you need to call from the wizard is called “Troubleshoot Audio Recording” if you have problems recording audio, or “Troubleshoot Audio Playback” if playback does not work.

Troubleshoot audio problems and Troubleshoot audio problems can help you solve audio problems.

USB Troubleshooting

There is no standard pre-installed tool for solving USB problems in Windows. Despite this, Microsoft company released a set Fix utilities It (aka Easy Fix), which is sort of an advanced version of the standard troubleshooting wizard. Its features include a USB troubleshooting utility.

You can download the USB Troubleshooter from the Microsoft website. The utility is downloaded in .msi or .diagcab format: both are executable files and are launched by double-clicking with the left mouse button.

  1. After running the file, allow it to install data on your computer. In some cases, an administrator login and password may be required.
    For Easy Fix to run, you need to give it permission as an administrator
  2. In the window that opens, click “Next”. If you want to pre-configure the utility so that it applies fixes independently or, on the contrary, asks permission for certain actions, the already familiar “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox is located under the “Advanced” button.
    Here you can configure automatic application changes and run the utility to find and fix problems
  3. Wait a while while the utility looks for and fixes problems.
    Finding and fixing problems will take some time
  4. Check out the report that Easy Fix will provide you with after the job. All errors and problems that the program has fixed will be listed there.
    After finishing the work, the utility will provide a report indicating exactly what errors it found and what corrections it made.

Error code 43

Error 43 indicates that Device Manager has stopped the operation of a device due to a problem found in it. Initially, this error indicates a problem with the computer's hardware configuration. In other words, if the mouse gives error 43, it is probably the mouse that is broken, not Windows.

However, in addition to hardware problems, the cause of error 43 can be software failures: most often in drivers. It’s not a fact that Easy Fix will help with them. Most likely, you will have to do it yourself.

  1. First of all, try restarting your computer. Perhaps this is a single glitch, and after a reboot everything will work.
  2. If rebooting doesn't help, open Device Manager. To do this, press the combination Win keys+ X and select “Device Manager” from the menu that appears. To enter Device Manager, you need to select the appropriate option in the menu
  3. If a device connected via USB generates an error, you should update the USB port drivers. In Device Manager, select the " USB controllers" and press right click mouse to one of the devices listed there. Select the option "Update hardware configuration" or "Update drivers".
    To update a device driver, right-click on it and select “Update Drivers”
  4. When the system asks whether you want to search for drivers on the Internet or specify an existing one, choose based on whether you have a driver file on your system. If there is one, indicate the one you already have and select it, and if not, start a search on the Internet. In some cases it does not work perfectly, so the best option- If possible, find drivers on the Internet yourself.
    To update the driver, you need to either tell the system the path to it, or give it the ability to search for it on its own
  5. Repeat the driver update one by one with all USB devices except virtual ones.
  6. If the above steps do not help, look for a driver for a non-working device on the Internet by its name. The system will not be able to find this driver because it does not recognize the device. The only way out is to search on your own using the information provided on the device or on its packaging.
  7. When the driver is found, install it (just run it).
  8. If this does not help, it is recommended to check the system for viruses, and also clean the registry using one of special programs(eg CCleaner). To do this, go to the “Registry” tab in the main program window and click “Search for problems.”

    CCleaner has a Registry Cleaner tab that allows you to fix erroneous entries in the system registry

If none of the above methods did not help, most likely the problem is related to the hardware and using software methods it can't be fixed.

Video: how to fix error 43

Troubleshoot startup issues

It’s not the wizard that deals with problems when starting the computer, but another utility, but we’ll look at that too. If your Windows 7 refuses to boot, this program is indispensable assistant. However, her help will only work if the problems are software. If the problem is not in Windows, but in the hardware, then the download will not even get to the launch of this utility.

Video: how to fix Windows 7 startup errors

If the troubleshooter doesn't work

Troubleshooting Wizard - system program, and if it doesn't work, then something serious has happened. The failure may be due to update errors, unsuccessful changes to the system (this can be done, for example, by third-party programs), as well as hardware damage to the disk. And if nothing can be done about the latter, except replacing the hard drive, then the rest can be eliminated.

  1. First try to remove Latest updates. How to do this is described in detail above.
  2. If uninstalling updates does not help, use Command Prompt. To do this, press Win + R and type in the “Run” window cmd command.
    To open Command Prompt, press Win + R and in the Run window type cmd
  3. IN " Command line» type the following commands:
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. If the troubleshooter still doesn't turn on, the problem is more serious. If you have backups (system backups that can be used to roll back the OS), now is the time to use them. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Recovery” and select the “Run System Restore” option.
    The initial window of the utility prompts the user to select a backup - recommended or another
  6. The program itself will offer you the optimal backup copy for recovery. If you do not agree with it, select another backup from the list.
    From this list you can select any backup copy and roll back your Windows to it
  7. If you want to see what exactly will change in the system after the backup, click “Search for affected programs.” A window will open where you will see a list of changes. The program will show which programs and files will be changed after rolling back to backup copy
  8. In the last window, click “Finish” and wait for the system to be rolled back to the state at the time of the backup. It will take some time.
    To start a system rollback to a backup, click “Finish” and wait a moment
  9. If you accidentally select the wrong restore point, the backup can be canceled in the same “Run System Restore” utility. To do this, open it and select the “Cancel system restore” option, and Windows will return to the state it was in before the backup.
    To cancel an unsuccessful system rollback, run the program again and select “Cancel system restore”

Troubleshooting programs

The built-in wizard is, of course, useful, but not ideal. It does not fully cope with cleaning the registry or fixing most bugs. Fortunately for the user, there are many third-party programs that can be used to fix bugs and keep your computer in working order.

FixWin 10

Despite its name, this free program is not only intended for Windows 10, but also for more earlier versions OS, including Windows 7. The main program window has several tabs, and all errors specific only to Windows 10 are placed in a separate one, while the rest affect everyone Windows versions.

The main window of FixWin 10 contains information about your system; You can also launch troubleshooting utilities from here

To start it automatic correction errors, you need to go to the tab of interest and find the error for which you want to find a fix. Here you can see how to solve this problem manually.

The FixWin10 tabs look like this: a description of the error and a “Fix” button, as well as help on solving the problem manually

Main disadvantage This program is the lack of Russian localization. So it is suitable for those users who more or less confidently know English.

You can download FixWin 10 from the official developer website The Windows Club.

Video: how to work with FixWin 10

Anvisoft PC Plus

This program is similar to the previous one: it is free, easy to manage and applies to English language. The interface is convenient and pleasing to the eye. The main window shows the most common problems, and click on the desired error opens a menu with a “Repair” button. The utility downloads files for repair from the network, so an Internet connection is required for its operation.

In the main window of the Anvisoft PC Plus program, you can select the error of interest, and a window will open where you can fix it

You can download the program from the Anvisoft website.

Video: Anvisoft PC Plus program

Kaspersky Cleaner

Utility from the creators famous antivirus aimed at cleaning the computer. But it also has tools to “cure” some problems. The program is in Russian, free and very easy to use: you start searching for errors, and then the utility does everything itself.

In Kaspersky Cleaner, just run a search for errors, and the utility itself will find and fix everything

This utility can be downloaded completely free of charge on the Kaspersky website.

Video: review of the Kaspersky Cleaner utility

NetAdapter Repair All in One

Of all the programs presented, this is the most complex, but also the most advanced. It is designed primarily for “repair” network errors: cleaning Hosts, SSL, DNS cache, adapter management and network cards. There are many functions here, but it is only recommended experienced users who know what they are doing. The downside of the program is the English-language interface.

The main menu of NetAdapter Repair All in One lists a significant part of its functions, not including advanced

Standard remedy Windows 7 troubleshooting is not perfect, but it can seriously help if you find errors. And if it doesn’t cope, you can always use third-party programs.