Why the charger does not charge the phone well. The problem is you. Failed software update

Has your Samsung Galaxy taken a long time to charge? This problem very often occurs among owners of used smartphones, since new Galaxy smartphones are very rarely subject to manufacturing defects.

Today, new models of Samsung Galaxy phones have been equipped with special accelerated charging technologies that allow you to replenish the device’s battery by 70% in just half an hour. However, for some reason the stated capabilities do not always work, so now we will try to consider the difficulties that users may encounter.

Samsung Galaxy takes a very long time to charge - the main reasons

There can be quite a few main reasons why Samsung Galaxy takes a long time to charge. Let's go through them:

  1. The first reason is trivial and occurs quite often - poor quality charger. To check this, simply replace the power supply and cable. If nothing has changed, there is a high probability that the problem lies in the hardware of the device - the battery, USB connector or power controller. First of all, it is recommended to carefully clean the connector using a regular toothbrush or toothpick. You can first moisten them in ethyl alcohol.
  2. Mechanical damageUSB cable If there are problems, you should not immediately look for updates for your gadget or even buy a new battery - first of all, you should check the USB cable, which may be damaged. Manufacturers often do not pay enough attention to this detail in terms of trouble-free service life. Moreover, the use of organic, harmless substances as a protective coating for cables has recently become increasingly popular, which is an additional factor in its accelerated wear. As an example, we can recall the same Lightning. So, it is worth checking the charging cable for breaks in the protective coating and testing its performance on other devices. If no problems are identified, you should look for the cause of slow charging elsewhere, otherwise simply replacing the USB cable with a new one will help. The USB port itself may also be damaged or corroded if it has come into contact with water.

  3. Battery failure. Any battery will eventually fail. As it ages, the phone will hold its charge worse and will take longer to replenish it. The battery life is 500 full discharge-charge cycles, usually this happens in 2-3 years. First, you should check the battery capacity and understand how much resource is left. If it is significantly less, then all that remains is to replace the battery with a new one of a similar model. In addition, it is possible that the new battery will be of poor quality and will fail too quickly. Therefore, you should only buy a replacement battery in a specialized store.

  4. Weak power supply. Connectors on a desktop PC or laptop cannot always provide good current for charging a gadget. Indeed, according to the specification, USB 2.0 ports provide power of only 2.5 W (5B/0.5 A), and USB 3.0 provides a maximum of 4.5 W (5V/0.9A).

  5. Incorrectly installed update. It happened more than once that after updating the current software version, the Samsung Galaxy began to quickly discharge. It turns out that an incorrect firmware update can affect the battery life of a smartphone. The solution to this problem is to roll back to the previous version of the software.

Why Samsung Galaxy Discharges quickly and takes a long time to charge

If the Samsung Galaxy takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly, then the cause of this malfunction lies in two cases:

  1. Fault in the smartphone software (installed applications and games consume a lot of energy)
  2. The battery is faulty (swelling and excessive heating of the battery will tell you this)

If in the first case, you can use special utilities to check the power consumption of your mobile device and correct errors. Then in the second it is necessary to replace the old battery with a similar new one.

It is important to remember that components for mobile phones should be purchased from trusted stores to avoid counterfeiting.

Why a new phone Samsung takes a long time to charge

In most cases, the reason for the new Samsung Galaxy taking a long time to charge is:

  1. Problems with the charger.
  2. Battery problems.
  3. Insufficient current in the outlet.
  4. Factory defect or software failure.
  5. Mechanical damage, moisture ingress into the device.
  6. Problems with the charger connector.
  7. The battery deteriorated due to improper charging the first time.

I already told you how to check and fix these problems above at the beginning of this article.

Who hasn't encountered a problem where the phone refuses to charge properly? Yes, you can quickly order a new electrical adapter for your smartphone or replace the battery - but first it’s better to try to “repair” the smartphone yourself. Bayon looked at the most common electrical problems with phones and tablets, and most importantly, found ways to quickly solve some of them.

Before starting the “repair”, you should test this adapter/cable on another device. If another gadget is charging, then the reason lies in the smartphone, and not in the charger.

What is the problem with recharging?

The first step in “treating” smartphone charging is diagnosing the problem. The cause can only come from some nodes. The main question is how exactly the mobile device does not charge: does it not accumulate electricity at all, or is the charging process extremely slow? So much so that connecting to a power source barely covers the current battery drain? This also happens - and quite often.

DIY repair USB ports

A quick, simple, and often the most successful solution is a small DIY hardware repair. A common reason for a smartphone battery not charging is poor contacts of metal parts inside the USB or microUSB ports. This happens either due to a manufacturing defect or due to frequent (dis)connection of the cable.

Everything you need to repair your smartphone yourself:

  • Turn off device
  • Remove the battery (if so provided by the design)
  • Using a small object (like a toothpick), try to “lift” the small fastener inside the USB port on your smartphone or tablet. This should be done with utmost care and precision
  • After this procedure, you need to reinsert the battery and turn on the gadget again. The method works 9 times out of 10

Cable replacement

The thinnest (and therefore fragile) part of the charger is the wire, not the adapter that plugs into the outlet. If there are problems with charging the battery even after a previous repair and “surgical” operation, the second most likely cause of the problem is a faulty wire. Before running to a nearby store to replace the entire adapter, try replacing the “dead” wire with a cable from another donor device. An electrical cable is a truly delicate substance, and yet it is twisted, pulled, and abused in other ways several times a day.

If the problem is not in the wire, then you should look at the adapter that is plugged into the socket: breakdowns can also occur inside it. The proprietary iPhone charging interface, the Lightning port, is especially famous for its tendency to fail.

Bayon offers a huge number of different USB cables: tasty prices and free delivery in the shortest possible time!

Cleaning contacts

There is no need to delete friends from the address book - we are talking about metal contacts through which electric current passes inside the phone. The cause of poor contact may be debris, pellets from pocket fabric, or fragments of some parts stuck inside the ports. Dust and other debris like to accumulate in such nooks and crannies. Cleaning the contacts inside the port sometimes helps to return the smartphone to a working state and “feed” it a portion of charge.

By the way, let’s take a break from repair worries. There is a wise rule of prevention: never charge your phone near a water source, or in a particularly humid or hot environment. You should also not “overfeed” your smartphone with excess charge: as a rule, charging only takes 2–3 hours. If you leave the device connected to the outlet for too long (for example, at night while sleeping), there is a risk of damage to the battery and even explosion. Overheating of delicate metal contacts and their fusion with the plastic base also occur. Of course, phones have protection mechanisms against short circuits and other near-electrical troubles, but sometimes they don’t work. It's better to play it safe than to be sorry. And even more so than “frying” your favorite gadget.

Unpleasant breakdown. The cause of combustion may be a manufacturing defect, too long a charging process, unnoticeable debris inside the port, or an aggressive environment.

Battery replacement

When a device is older, it becomes more and more difficult for its battery to hold a charge. A new battery lasts for about two years before it needs to be replaced. However, this period seriously depends on the number of discharge cycles. But if the moment comes too early, when the battery seems empty even after a long charge, you should look at the manufacturer’s warranty: a free battery replacement is quite possible.

There are also initially defective batteries. Open the back cover and look (or better yet, feel) the surface of the battery. If any deformation or swelling is detected, the battery must be replaced immediately, otherwise corrosion cannot be avoided. In the case of a non-removable battery, there is another, fun way to check for defects. Place the phone on a flat table surface and try to twist it around its axis. A phone with a problem battery will spin due to swelling. The method is not suitable for devices whose surface is specially curved for design purposes.

If a damaged battery is found, replace it with one recommended by the manufacturer. Third-party batteries, judging by Bayon’s experience, cost less, but they cause significantly more problems and do not pay for themselves.

Bayona's selection of smartphones with a powerful battery:

Put your phone against the wall!

No, not for shooting an unruly gadget. The point is that charging devices from regular wall outlets is a more efficient process than from a computer or laptop. Plugging into a wall outlet can, in some cases, supply twice as much electricity to your phone as a computer USB port.

Another reason for insufficient current supply is the use of a non-native adapter and/or wire, i.e. from a third-party manufacturer. In such cases, it is possible that the phone really does not have enough power or current to charge properly. No computer or laptop can charge your phone as quickly as a good old wall outlet.

On the Bayon store window there is a large collection of “chargers” for a variety of gadgets:

Update or rollback software to solve charging problems

Application updates or even the latest Android firmware can play a cruel joke on the battery. This happens especially often with older devices when upgrading to a newer OS version. New gadgets are better optimized for more modern versions of the OS: they are equipped with more capacious batteries, and the software is better suited for their “hardware” component. While even a two-year-old smartphone may not be able to cope with the increased load on it.

If a sharp decline in energy efficiency occurred as a result of an OS update, then you should roll back to the previous version of Android. Keep in mind that downgrading to an older version is a somewhat risky operation, especially from a data security perspective.

But it also happens the other way around, when new software versions discourage phones and tablets from having an exorbitant appetite for battery resources. Among the recent well-known examples of this nature is the Moto 360 smartwatch. After the release of fresh firmware for this gadget, users noticed that the operating time increased by almost 1.5–2 times.

Turn off your phone

If resource-intensive applications (or services) are running on the phone while charging, the process can take several times. Particularly famous for their increased appetite are games, VoIP programs like Skype in video/voice mode, turning up the brightness settings to the maximum, intensive browser operation, and connecting to Wi-Fi and 4G networks. For fast charging, you should completely turn off such networks. Even better, switch your phone to airplane mode. But no way to speed up phone charging will help as dramatically as completely turning off the device.

Battery calibration

Smartphones - “smart” phones and their batteries consider themselves “smart”, sometimes completely unjustifiably. It happens that the battery erroneously sends a signal to the operating system that there is less charge left in it than it actually is. As a result, situations are quite possible when the phone turns off, being sure that it has no more than 2-3% charge left, although in reality there is much more electricity.

Calibrating batteries in Android devices is the topic of a separate large article. In some cases, this “training” of the battery in its own capabilities can solve the problem of early discharge of the phone. Try this before replacing the battery with a new one.


The favorite and first question of the manufacturer's technical support employees: are you sure that there is current in the outlet? This question sounds strange - we agree. But in practice, it very, very often happens that there is really no voltage in the outlet (or USB port of a computer) to which the smartphone charger is connected.

If none of the methods help (and this is a rare situation!), then the smartphone charger should be replaced with a working one.

Tablets and laptops with a powerful battery, which you can purchase in our online store:

You should only buy new batteries and accumulators from time-tested sellers. Our counter of batteries and chargers for phones and tablets - a selection of quality accessories

Android smartphones are the best mobile devices on the market. However, their main problem is battery life.

We will share with you some tips and tricks to increase the charging speed of your Android smartphone.

  1. Turn off background applications

Many Android applications run in the background, thereby consuming battery power. The first thing you need to do to fix your smartphone charging slowly is to close all applications. Thus, the Android smartphone will charge an order of magnitude faster.

  1. Do not use your smartphone while charging

Using your smartphone while it is charging is also a reason for slow charging. Gaming, web browsing, social networking, etc. – all these processes consume battery power of the mobile device.

If you urgently need to charge your smartphone, you can turn it off or at least turn it on airplane mode. Also, reducing screen brightness, turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have a positive effect on battery charging speed.

  1. Do not charge your smartphone via PC or external batteries

Currently, external batteries or Power Banks are very popular. But, you must remember that charging a smartphone through an external battery or computer is much slower than directly through an outlet.

  1. Weak or broken adapter

A faulty adapter can be the main reason why your smartphone charges slowly. Due to voltage fluctuations, the charging adapter becomes weak, so it produces low current to charge the mobile device. Try charging your smartphone using a different charger, and if the reason for the slow charging of your smartphone turns out to be your adapter, be sure to replace it with a new one.

  1. New USB cable

It is recommended to use the original USB cable that came with your smartphone. Quite often, third-party USB cables are weak and cannot handle the actual current required to charge the device. It produces low voltage and current, so charging the smartphone is very slow.

  1. Replace the battery

After a long time of use, the smartphone battery becomes weak and defective. Quite often this is the cause of slow charging. You can check the battery at any service center. If it turns out that the battery is faulty, immediately replace it with a new one.

  1. Update your Android version

Do not forget that the reason for slow charging of your smartphone may be an old version of Android or some kind of virus. It is recommended to regularly update Android to the latest available version.

That's all! We hope that our tips will help you fix your smartphone's slow charging problem.

Problems with chargers and batteries in mobile equipment arise quite often. As a result, phones stop charging or holding a charge. One of the most common problems is that the phone takes a long time to charge. This occurs after long-term use of the device or as a result of some kind of breakdown. Let's try to figure out why this happens and what to do about it.

Troubleshooting problems with the charger

Is your phone charging slowly? It is possible that you are using the wrong charger. This often happens when changing handsets, when the owner continues to use the old charger (quite natural, considering that almost all phones now have the same connectors). Due to different charging currents, the charging speed may be slow. Therefore, to successfully replenish the battery capacity, it is necessary to use only complete chargers.

If the included charger fails, you should buy a new “charger” with a suitable current strength at the nearest communication store - compare the parameters on the original charger and the purchased one.

If the phone takes a long time to charge, then the problem may lie in a decrease in the charging current provided by the charger. Such a breakdown can be diagnosed using a multimeter. We disassemble the charger, switch the multimeter to ammeter mode, connect it to the open circuit and look at the current strength.

How can I find out the initial value of this parameter? It can only be roughly estimated - if a 2000 mAh battery was charged in 2 hours, then the current in the circuit was slightly more than 1000 mA (including losses).

If the phone takes too long to charge, and the multimeter shows a current of 200 mA, then the charging process will last over 10 hours. There is only one conclusion - you need to buy a new charger, having previously used a known-good charger.

Understanding the battery

Does your phone take a long time to charge and drain quickly? All this indicates that the battery in your gadget has exhausted its resource - you need to change it. By replacing the original battery, you will be able to use the device as before. If you choose a non-original battery, the battery life of the gadget may decrease slightly– this is quite natural.

Some may argue that the fast battery drain may be due to power-hungry software installed on the phone. This is true, but the charging speed remains virtually unchanged.

When addressing this problem to the employees of communication stores, you can hear the following recommendations - the phone needs to be completely discharged, and then charged for 10-15 hours, repeating this cycle 3-4 times. About 10-15 years ago, when nickel-metal hydride batteries were in use, such a scheme could have worked. This approach will not help modern lithium-ion batteries.. But a very deep discharge can cause harm.

Understanding the software

Is your phone charging slowly? It is quite possible that you have used programs to save battery and manage charge. A typical example of this is the Doctor Battery application - it provides some kind of interesting multi-stage charging scheme, supposedly ensuring better filling of the battery with electricity.

If you do use one of these apps, try uninstalling it, reboot and try to charge the phone again. If you checked the charger, replaced the battery and removed all the relevant software, but nothing helped your phone, try taking the device to a service center - here it will be diagnosed using measuring equipment.

Sometimes the cause of slow charging is faulty electronics.

Due to their powerful processors, modern tablets and mobile phones consume a lot of energy. Accordingly, the battery charge is quickly depleted. But in order for such gadgets to be interesting to users, they must remain as autonomous as possible. Over time, the phone begins to charge very slowly. There are five main reasons that influence this.

Today there are already technologies with accelerated recharging. Thanks to it, you only need to spend 30 minutes to replenish the battery charge by 70%. However, this doesn't always work. Let's look at the possible reasons:

USB cable quality . It should be checked first as it is easily damaged. Interestingly, no attention is paid to the cable so that it can function for a long time. Be sure to check it for possible breaks. It is also recommended to test performance on other devices. If problems have not been identified, then you need to look for another cause of the breakdown. If the cable is really damaged, then the easiest way is to replace it with a new one. In addition, it is not uncommon for the USB port to become damaged. If water gets on the phone, corrosion processes may begin, impairing the operation of the device.

· Insufficient power at the power supply . On a laptop or regular computer, the connectors do not always provide the required amount of current to charge the device. For example, in USB 3.0 it delivers a maximum of 4.5 W.

Adapter problems . It must be checked for possible damage. If they are not there, then study the technical specifications of the adapter. Provided that it is designed to transmit a current of 1A, the gadget will charge much longer than an adapter that transmits a current of 2A. In addition, the capabilities of the phone itself are taken into account. After all, not every smartphone provides charging with a large amount of current.

· The battery has failed . After long-term use, the device’s battery’s power supply becomes worse. For example, after two years of use, the battery will take much longer to charge. After another year, the phone will begin to turn off spontaneously. Or the battery will very quickly discharge to 50%.

· The device must be treated with care . When the phone is charging, it is best not to use it. But, if you need to make a call somewhere or read email, make the backlight minimal, as it also consumes battery power. Also, end processes that you don't need and close any applications running in sleep mode.