Installing dynamic updates win 10 1703. How to solve the installation error after an accidental reboot. How to Fix Bugs with Minimum Hardware Requirements

Hello friends, today I want to say a few words about how to update to the final version of Windows 10, which is called the Creators Update, version 1703. It is known that the update will only be available on April 11 through the Update Center, but in order not to wait, you can use special tools from Microsoft.

What to do to update toCreators Update ?

It’s simple, so as not to wait for April 11, you can download the “Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant” utility, or the Media Creation Tool, which allows you to update your computer to the latest version and create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows. After the update, all important data and programs will be saved, and the desktop icons will remain in the same place.

You can download both utilities from this site (Microsoft official site). First, I’ll show you what it looks like in the Update Assistant (Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant). Download the program and run it. It will check for updates for your OS and if there are any, it will offer to update the system to the final version. This will allow you to update your computer to the Creators Update. The update can be carried out on computers starting with Windows 7, and the system must be activated and not corporate.

I advise you to read:

How do I update to the Creators Update using the Media Creation Tool?

The Media Creation Tool update tool can be downloaded from here. After launching it, you will be asked to choose one of two options - update your PC now, or create installation media. Choose what you want, but I would use the first option.

If you chose the second option - creating installation media on a USB flash drive or another device, then next you need to select the language, system release and architecture. Then you can save the image as an ISO file or directly write it to a flash drive. Downloading is done via the Internet.

What's new in the Creators Update?

As always, I’m late with the review; many of you probably already know about the new features of the final update. For those who don't know, I'll tell you.

The new version of Windows 10 adds a new version of Paint that has an updated interface and the ability to create 3D objects. Added features for gamers: system optimization to increase performance in games, game mode, integration with the Beam service, creating broadcasts using standard tools, and no need to download third-party software.

It continues to develop and has also received several interesting innovations. In particular, you can put open tabs aside and then return to them again. Added automatic blue filter. In addition to these improvements, Night Color and " " features have been added to the notification center.

The “Applications” and “Games” sections have been added to the “Windows Settings” window. Some sections have been updated and new functions have been added, I think you yourself will figure out what and how.

Since a new update has been released and my PC has been updated, I will carefully examine the latest update and write a couple of articles about the new functionality.

What do you think about the Creators Update?

Major updates for Windows 10, unlike previous versions of this OS, no longer carry “boring” designations like Service Pack 1 - each of them gets its own name. Thus, the first update, to version 1511, was called the November Update (after the month in which it was released), the second update, 1607, was called the Anniversary Update (in honor of the anniversary of the release of Windows 10). And now the time has come for the next, third update. Here Microsoft moved away from the practice of linking to anniversary dates (or perhaps there was simply no suitable calendar day at hand), and version 1703 was called the Creators Update (“update for designers” in the Russian version) - because this update focuses on content creation and gaming capabilities of the system.

How to get a?

Starting April 11, the Windows 10 Creators Update should be available as a regular update through Windows Update for all Windows users. If it does not download automatically, you can install it manually: as of April 5, the proprietary Windows 10 Update Assistant utility, available on the official website (downloaded from the first link, Update now), allowed you to update the system to version 1703. Depending on your Internet connection and the specific configuration of your PC, the update procedure may take an hour or even more, so before starting it, it is better to make sure that you will not need your computer in the near future. Another option is to install the latest version of Windows 10 “cleanly”, from scratch. To do this, you will need to download the Media Creation Tool utility (available on the same official page, but via the second link, Download tool now) and use it to either update the current system or create bootable media for installing Windows 10 on another PC.

Start Menu

Microsoft continues to “finish” a new version of the “Start” menu: now application tiles can be combined into folders (to do this, just drag one tile over another) - it looks like a tile, inside of which small icons of the programs located in it are drawn. True, for now this function seems somewhat crude - you cannot assign a name to such a folder, and opening it at first causes confusion (all the applications contained in the folder “fall out” into the ribbon below it in the form of a whole block of tiles).

Further, if in this menu you use only tiles, and the list of installed applications is not interesting to you, you can now hide it using the corresponding option in “Settings” (“Personalization” - “Start”). As a result, the menu will look much more compact, and the list of applications can always be called up using the corresponding button in the upper left corner.

Considering that the desired program can still be found by simply starting to type its name, such a compact version of the main menu has a right to life.

Microsoft Edge

The company continues to develop its browser, gradually adding new functionality to it (for example, in the summer of 2016, in the Anniversary Update, Edge already received support for third-party extensions). In the Creators Update, Microsoft Edge now has the ability to save all the tabs of the current session (two buttons in the upper left corner): in addition to its main task (delaying reading of currently open tabs for the future), this function can also be used to bring order to the tab bar, if you We are used to keeping several dozen sites open at a time. It is worth noting that the tabs saved in the sidebar are not kept in memory - when such a session is called, all sites are loaded anew.

In addition, another tool has appeared for working with tabs – the thumbnail preview panel of open sites (called by the “down arrow” button to the right of the button to open a new tab).

Among the improvements that are imperceptible at first glance, the new version of Edge boasts support for online payments based on the Web Payments API, streaming movies on Netflix in 4K, reading e-books in EPUB format, support for the new Brotli compression algorithm, and Flash disabled by default.


Virtual assistant Cortana also received its share of improvements. For example, it now “manages” the initial system setup after installation, can remind you of what you have recently worked on (not only on the current device, but also on others where you logged in under the same account), and can also independently create reminders based on sent mail. However, in our realities, this is all of only theoretical interest - Cortana is still not available in our country.

Windows Update

Windows Update now allows you to pause installation of updates for up to 35 days (on all versions of the OS except Home). For Windows 10 Home users, the time period during which they can prevent Windows from restarting to install updates has been increased from 12 to 18 hours a day.

One of the main innovations of Windows Update is the transition to the new Unified Update Platform, which allows you to reduce the size of downloaded files by downloading only those changes that were implemented after previous updates. Also in the Creators Update, it is now possible to specify the current Ethernet connection as a metered connection - in case of traffic restrictions, this will prevent automatic downloading of updates.

"Night light"

“Night” themes, which make the screen easier to see at night, have existed on mobile devices for quite some time, both at the system level and at the level of individual applications. For Windows users, a third-party utility is available, f.lux, which changes the color temperature of the image on the screen depending on time. And now Microsoft has introduced its own version of this solution - the Night Light option. It allows you to reduce the proportion of blue color, making the picture warmer and more pleasing to the eye in the dark. You can quickly turn it on using the switch in the Notification Center, and you can configure the behavior of Night Light in Settings (Display section): here you can adjust the degree of “warmth” of the image and set the operating hours.

When activated manually, it turns on instantly; when turned on according to a schedule, the “warming” process is extended for two minutes, which makes it easier to acclimatize to the new style. It's still too fast compared to f.lux, but overall the appearance of such a mode in Windows 10 is welcome.

Game Mode

One of the biggest new features in the Creators Update is, of course, “game mode.” It is activated in the game menu, called up using the Win + G hotkeys (here in the settings you need to enable the “Use game mode for this game” option). After this, Windows will limit the consumption of system resources for running background processes and provide the freed “power” to the game. This should work best for games from the Windows Store that run on the Universal Windows Platform, but regular games such as those from Steam will also benefit from this option. You shouldn't expect any noticeable increase in fps, of course, but you can hope for smoother, stutter-free performance and slightly faster loading. After a couple of days of using it in World of Warcraft and The Witcher 3, no significant changes were noticed, but in other, more resource-intensive games, perhaps the effect of the game mode will still be more noticeable.

Also in the game menu there is an opportunity to stream gameplay, with video from a webcam and voice from a microphone superimposed on it. It uses the Beam streaming service, which was recently purchased by Microsoft, and with its help all your friends on Xbox Live can follow your broadcasts. Of course, on Windows computers this function is unlikely to be able to push aside the same Twitch or YouTube, but at the same time as Windows 10 it is launched on Xbox One, so with its task - to create your own simple and convenient streaming in the Microsoft eco-system - she can handle it.

System applications

System applications also received their share of changes. Thus, the familiar Paint acquired a more modern “universal” version... and turned into a 3D editor. There's even a community where you can share your creations; In addition, shapes created in Paint 3D can be used as holograms on HoloLens devices. But in general, to be honest, it looks more like a justification for the name Creators Update than an application that is truly in demand among the broad user masses. Fortunately, good old Paint has not gone away (and has not changed at all) - so now there are two graphic editors in the system.

In the Mail email client, the Inbox folder is now presented as two subfolders, Focused (for important correspondence) and Other (the name speaks for itself). Mail itself decides what to put and where, so it is very likely that the user will soon want to disable this option and see all the letters the old fashioned way, in one folder - fortunately, this option exists.

Audio and video players Groove Music and Movies & TV received a slight update to the interface style and a number of other cosmetic improvements (like the “frame-in-frame” viewing mode in the latter) - however, in our conditions they are of very relative value. The regional Windows Store lacks appropriate media content, and as regular local audio and video players, they are clearly inferior to a whole host of analogues.

Windows Defender has received a new interface with a somewhat strange name - “Windows Defender Security Center”. This application combines the built-in antivirus and firewall settings under one roof, plus you can manage family sharing settings and respond to system health reports (for example, updating outdated or malfunctioning drivers).


In Windows 10 Creators Update there are many other, small and not so, innovations and improvements (taking a screenshot of a selected area using Win+Shift+S, smoother resizing of windows, improved display of a number of system utilities on monitors with high pixel density, quick access to VPN settings, drawing on the touch screen over photos in the Photos app, displaying universal apps in a compact overlay mode, etc., etc.). In general, the update turned out to be quite large-scale and contains many really useful changes - the only thing that is somewhat surprising is the virtual absence of improvements in the tablet mode of use.

When installing such major updates, the user may encounter some errors. In this article we will tell you how to fix them.

How to fix Windows 10 Update errors

Error codes

  • 0x80245006
  • other.


You may encounter errors while downloading or preparing the update for installation.


There are many reasons why Update Center errors may occur. This could be Windows Update service corruption, too many temporary files, or problems with Windows Insider rings. Often, even the error code does not help to find the specific cause of the problem, so you should use standard methods to .

If the advice in this article did not help, do the following:

  1. Run diagnostics on your network connection. It is possible that the problem is with the network adapter and not with the update center. To do this, click Win+S, type in the search field Troubleshooting Network Problems and run the appropriate utility.
  2. If the problem persists, use the Media Creation Tool to perform a manual update.
  3. You can also from the official Microsoft website and using it. To update this way, insert the drive into the device and run the file setup.exe.

How to fix Windows 10 errors


If you reinstalled the system a long time ago and have not done anything to fix the problems since then, then Windows may not work correctly for you.


Lack of space on the system disk

These error codes may also indicate that there is insufficient free space for the update. We suggested steps to get around this problem above (section “How to fix errors related to insufficient space on the system disk”).

How to fix errors related to driver and program incompatibility

Error codes

  • 0x800F0923 (program or driver incompatible)
  • 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C (program incompatible)


Some programs or drivers may be incompatible with the new version of the system. Because of this, the installation of the update may be interrupted.


Most often, problems arise due to outdated drivers or software, as well as antiviruses. Media Creation Tool will help you get more accurate information.

  1. Download the utility from the link above and run it.
  2. Try updating the system using it.
  3. If you actually have incompatible software or drivers installed, the program should display information about them.

What to do with incompatible drivers

Follow the steps described earlier in this article (section "How to fix installation errors related to device drivers"). If your device manufacturer has not yet provided the necessary drivers, it makes sense to wait to install the update.

What to do with incompatible programs

  1. Check if a new version of the program has been released. Install it because the developer may have fixed compatibility issues.
  2. If the program has not been updated, remove it. Go to Settings - System - Apps and Features, find it in the list and delete it.
  3. Try installing the update again.

How to fix Windows 10 minimum requirements errors

Error codes

  • 0xC1900200 – 0x20008
  • 0xC1900202 – 0x20008


These errors occur if your device does not meet the minimum Windows 10 requirements. They were last updated in July 2016 and are currently as follows:

  • Processor: 1 GHz or more powerful.
  • RAM: 2 GB or more, for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
  • Storage: 16 GB or more for a 32-bit system, 20 GB or more for a 64-bit system.
  • Video card: supports DirectX9 or more, as well as WDDM 1.0 drivers.
  • Screen resolution: 800 x 600 or more.


Most of the minimum requirements (except for the amount of RAM) have not changed since Windows 7, which came out 9 years ago. If your device doesn't satisfy it, installing Windows 10 on it is a pretty bad idea. Consider purchasing a modern device.

How to fix errors that cause you to roll back to a previous version

Error codes

The error code can be found later. Messages like:

  • We were unable to install updates.
  • Error installing updates. Rollback to previous version.


The update installation process is interrupted. Some message is displayed on the screen, and the recovery mechanism returns the system to its previous state.


Find out the error code and try to find information about it in this article or in other sources.

  1. Go to .
  2. Go to Update log.
  3. Click on the inscription Failed to install under the entry about a failed update, go to the page additional information and use the information from there. If that doesn't help, try using the Media Creation Tool.

How to fix errors when using a bootable USB flash drive


Sometimes when using a bootable USB flash drive to update your system, you may encounter problems due to damaged files.


The easiest way to solve the problem is to overwrite the system image.

  1. Download or from other sources.
  2. using this image.

How to fix error 0xC1800103 - 0x90002 in Media Creation Tool

Error code

  • 0xC1800103 - 0x90002


When you try to install an update or create a bootable USB flash drive using the Media Creation Tool, the specified error occurs.


This problem is already on Microsoft's side. You can wait until it is fixed, or install the update / create a bootable drive as follows:

  1. Download from the official Microsoft website or other sources.
  2. Create with this image.
  3. If you need to update, insert the USB flash drive into the device and run the file on it setup.exe.

How to Fix DynamicUpdate Error in Media Creation Tool


While downloading and installing update 1703 using the Media Creation Tool, you may encounter an error related to DynamicUpdate. Even if you manage to restart the process, it will occur again later.


  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Paste the following path into its address bar and click Enter:
  3. Open the program Setupprep.exe to start the update process.

What to do if Media Creation Tool freezes while downloading updates


The Media Creation Tool usually tries to download all available cumulative updates for Windows 10 1703. Sometimes it freezes.


  1. Launch Media Creation Tool again.
  2. As soon as the program downloads the main system update, disconnect your computer from the Internet.
  3. After installing Windows 10 1703, you can update to the latest build by going to Settings - Update & Security - Windows Update. You also can .

What to do if your computer was turned off during the update process


The device may turn off accidentally during the update process, for example due to a power outage.


The recovery mechanism should restore Windows to its previous state, and you should be able to run the update again without any problems.

How to fix activation problems after installing the Creators Update


  • Windows is not activated.


Go to Settings - Update and Security - Activation. Follow the suggested steps - for example, enter the license key. If you do not have it, or the suggested steps do not help, and you have a license, contact official Microsoft technical support.

These instructions should help you deal with most errors that occur when installing Windows 10 Creators Update (1703) and future updates.

Download torrent ISO version Windows 10 creators update 1703 build 15063 2018 can be found on this page of our website. Currently, this is one of the best solutions from Microsoft. This is a functional operating system based on the Windows 10 pro x64 image. At the same time, the presented assembly contains not only the OS itself, but also a list of programs necessary for full operation; updates for Windows as of 2018 are integrated here, which is extremely convenient. Thanks to the integration of the activator, the user eliminates the need to search separately for KMS Auto Pro. Let's discuss the features of the program and its components in more detail.
File and torrent information:
Activation: Built-in
Interface language: RU
Windows 10 creators update version 1703 iso
ISO size: 3.53 Gb

Download windows 10 creators update 1703 torrent

Windows 10 x64 (64bit): necessary requirements for installation and operation
The processor clock frequency is at least 1 GHz.
RAM – from 2 GB.
Free disk space - from 20 GB or more.
Working interface of 64-bit win 10 creators update 1703

Windows 10 creators update v. 1703 build 15063.138: programs and applications built into the image

The presented build of Windows 10 creators update v. 1703 build 15063.138 is supplemented with a number of necessary programs and applications. They allow you to implement a whole range of necessary tasks and reveal all the functionality of the system. The assembly includes such programs, applications and utilities as: Unlocker 1.9.2, Adobe Flash Player 25 PPAPI utility, Microsoft Visual C++ system utility 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2017 (03/10/2017), NET Framework 3.5 ( includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0), WinRAR 5.40 archiver, Notepad++ text editor, Picasa 3 image program, OneDrive, 7-Zip archiver.
This is full-fledged software that will be ready to work immediately after installation. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can ask them in the comments.

Below are instructions that will tell you how to update Windows 10 to version 1709 in several ways. If you currently have no desire to update your operating system, .

Installing version 1709 via Windows 10 CO

The easiest way to install a new version is to simply wait for it to install automatically using . This process occurs at different times for each user. You can wait from several days to several months, but in any case, Microsoft will warn you about installing the update, allowing you to plan the exact time to start the procedure.

If you want to quickly update Windows 10 to version 1709, turn on Update. Go to advanced update options (Settings → Update & Security → Windows Update → Advanced options) and in the “Choose when to install updates” category, select “Current branch.” There is no need to configure deferring installation of updates.

Windows Update Assistant

You can also force install the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update by using the Update Assistant. Go to the official Microsoft website using the link and click the “Update now” button.

What happens when you update Windows 10 to version 1709

  1. The utility will check for updates and you will be notified that version 16299 is available. Just click on the “Update Now” button;
  2. The system compatibility will be checked, after which the update will begin downloading;
  3. You will be prompted to restart your computer or laptop to complete the update installation, but if you do not want to reboot immediately, you can do it later;
  4. Once the update process is complete, your device will have ;
  5. The creation of a Windows.old folder will be initiated, which will contain all the files of the previous version of the axis, this is done so that you can .

In addition to the Update Assistant, you can use the Media Creation Tool, which installs Windows 10 Fall Creators Update on your computer. This utility is available on the official Microsoft website on the same page You just need to click on the “Download the tool now” button and after launching, select the “Update this computer now” option.

Clean installation of version 1709 on a Windows 10 computer

Experienced users will prefer to install Windows 10 build 16299 on their computer from a disk or using a flash drive. To do this, we recommend that you create an installation drive in the Media Creation Tool (the “download tool now” button on the page, or download an ISO file using this utilities, and then create a bootable USB flash drive. On YouTube video from remontka shows how to download Windows 10 ISO from the official Microsoft website: