Error 0xc00000e9 boot file bsd. About interesting things from the world of IT, instructions and reviews. Fix broken programs

Today we’ll look at an interesting error 0xc00000e9, which occurs when installing Windows, and the version can be any - from seven to ten. Although in the latter, the developers try to stop such errors as much as possible.

Reasons for the appearance of 0xc00000e9

So, we see a black background and error 0xc00000e9 in the \Boot\BCD file. We already had problems with this file, I described it in the article about the problem with error 0xc0000034. To solve this system malfunction, you can take different paths where there is a solution. But first, let’s figure out why the error could occur in the first place:

  • The integrity of system files has been compromised.
  • Damage to the hard drive.
  • The appearance of BAD blocks on the hard drive.
  • Problems with the device from which you are installing Windows (for example, a flash drive).
  • There is a violation in the downloaded assembly, it is better to take original system images.
  • Damage to a layer in the boot CD.
  • Viruses.

And there are many, many different reasons that can become a problem. Of course, only you know why this error appears, maybe you did some manipulations in the system, installed software, changed BIOS settings.

Let's try to figure out how to completely get rid of the black screen with letters and numbers that prevent us from booting into Windows.

If the error occurs when the system is installed, then the problem may be with updates or damage to the hard drive. To check, we need , which will show us bad blocks, the so-called bad sectors. There are versions that can be written to a flash drive and used there. You can download it from here. Bad sectors will be shown in red; if there are a lot of them, then the problem is clearly in the disk.

It should be remembered that an outdated hard drive that is 7 years old will not last long. It is better to replace it immediately, otherwise at some point you will have to say goodbye to all your files and system.

Also, if the hard drive is suspect, I want you to try connecting it to a different SATA port. If your motherboard is also old, then one of the ports may have failed. Although this happens extremely rarely.

Remove all external devices connected to your PC: flash drives, external HDDs, smartphones, etc.

Perhaps the problem is with the updates.If you suspect Windows updates are causing error 0xc00000e9, you should roll back to a restore point.

Other solutions to 0xc00000e9

In short, there are several more methods that have little relevance to the matter, but the likelihood of correcting the error will increase if we do something there.

First, you need to download some kind of registry cleaning utility. The best one is probably CCleaner. You are downloading the Portable version, and not the one that needs to be installed. You put it on a flash drive. Now boot through (if possible) and try cleaning the registry using this utility.

Why is this method ineffective? When using safe mode, components that are vital for booting the system are loaded: without unnecessary drivers and programs. I can’t say how much this affects the registry.

  • In safe mode, or through a recovery flash drive from their command line, run the command sfc /scannow.
  • Try it.
  • An effective way is to reinstall the system.

What if even reinstallation didn’t help? Then there is a possibility of physical damage to components - SATA ports, hard drive, motherboard. This especially affects older computers. Here you will have to figure it out yourself, and if you don’t know how, then contact the service center.

These are the methods we looked at to fix 0xc00000e9. Unfortunately, it is very sad that the appearance of such errors does not indicate a specific reason, but you can deal with the problem on an intuitive level, especially if you are a more or less experienced specialist. By the way, error 0xc00000e9 when loading Windows 7 can be easily fixed using the methods described above. I hope everything works out for you!

There are two different cases of error code 0xc00000e9; it can appear when installing Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, or in an already installed and running system.

The error text may vary, but in most cases it looks something like this:

An error has been detected in communicating with a device connected to this computer.
This error may be caused by a removable storage device, such as an external USB device, being disconnected while it is in use, or a hardware failure, such as a hard drive or CD drive. Make sure all removable storage devices are connected correctly, and then restart your computer.

If this error message continues to appear, contact your hardware manufacturer.

Status: 0x00000e9
Details: An unexpected I/O error occurred.

Causes of error 0xc00000e9 when installing Windows and possible solutions:

1. You are trying to install a Windows build - use a clean, original Windows image for installation
2. If you are installing Windows from a DVD, then the problem may be in the disk, try burning another disk, on another computer, at the lowest possible speed, or make a bootable USB flash drive.
3. If you are installing Windows from a USB flash drive, try creating a bootable flash drive with another program, or you can take another flash drive.

Causes of error 0xc00000e9 on a normally working and long-installed Windows, and their solutions:

1. In the first place are various problems with the hard drive; they often occur after impacts or falls, not necessarily immediately. It is necessary to check and diagnose hard drive faults. If the hard drive has become louder, extraneous sounds appear during operation, crackling, whistling, then the hard drive is a candidate for replacement. Copy important data from it as quickly as possible.
2. Problems with SATA ports are rare; the port on the motherboard where the hard drive is connected may stop working, try connecting the hard drive to another port.
3. There is a problem with the SATA cable to which the hard drive is connected, you can try to clean the contacts, but it is better to replace the SATA cable with a new one that is known to work.
4. In rare cases, this error may occur due to card readers, connected USB devices, etc. The problem is solved by turning them off.
5. If diagnostics of the hard drive show that everything is fine with it, but the error still occurs, try using system recovery.
6. There is information that error 0xc00000e9 can occur in rare cases when working with Logitech USB devices, mice, keyboards, etc. It can be solved by replacing the devices with devices from another manufacturer, or with devices with a PS/2 connection.
7. There is also unverified information about cases where error 0xc00000e9 occurs after installing updates, but which specific update causes error 0xc00000e9 is not yet clear, if nothing has changed in your system, the hard drive is definitely working and other options are not suitable, you can try uninstalling the latest updates.

While working with the Windows operating system, users may encounter a rather serious error 0xc00000e9. The consequence of its appearance may be a complete stoppage of Windows and spontaneous reboot of the computer. The error text is quite extensive and indicates that before the error appeared, the system was unable to read or write data from one source or another. Attempts to restart may not produce any results, so this article will be useful to you. In it we will tell you how to fix error 0xc00000e9 and how to prevent it from appearing again.

Reasons for error 0xc00000e9

The main problem that causes error 0xc00000e9 is the inability to read certain data that is important for the operation of the system. This could be a separate section of the hard drive, information from CD or DVD media that could currently serve as a boot disk. The reason for this could be poor contact of the sata connectors that connect the hard drive or optical drive, physical damage to the drives that make up the hard drive, its failure, or failure of the motherboard controllers responsible for writing and reading information.

Troubleshooting options

  1. The first and easiest way is to try to disconnect the sata cables that connect the hard drive and optical drive and connect them to other connectors on the motherboard. If there are no free connectors, try simply swapping the cables.
  1. If this method does not help, try replacing the sata cables one by one with a known working cable or a completely new cable. After each replacement, try to start the PC. This will help identify the faulty cable and replace it with a working one.
  1. In the case where the reason does not lie in the sata cables, the first two methods will not give any result. After this, we recommend checking your hard drive for errors or bad sectors. To do this, it is best to use bootable flash drives or LiveCDs with Victoria or MHDD service utilities installed. The scan results will clearly indicate to you the presence of certain problems with the PC hard drive.
  1. If none of these points reveal the cause of error 0xc00000e9, you should contact a service center to conduct a full diagnosis of the motherboard. Probably the reason lies precisely in the controllers.

It happens that out of the blue the monitor screen turns black and signals an error. Moreover, this same problem with code 0xc00000e9 when loading Windows 7 occurs again and again. We can deal with it, but first we’ll find out why it appeared.


The reason for the occurrence when loading Windows 7 may be:

  • Registry problems. A downloaded and installed program (especially from an unreliable source) can damage important operating system data with its registry files.
  • The files needed by the system were deleted by the virus program.
  • Problems during installation or after. If some error occurred during the installation of Windows, or the assembly was not entirely successful (this applies to an unsuccessful pirated version), then there may be some problems like this.

We fix it

Since this problem occurs during the startup of the operating system, loading Windows in the usual way and fixing it will not work. Therefore, you can get into the OS and eliminate 0xc00000e9 when loading Windows 7 using other methods.

Reboot the computer, then press F8 until the operating system loads. Instead, additional boot options will appear, from which you need to select “Last Known Good Configuration”.

After which the computer should boot from the moment of the last successful startup. Now you can scan the registry using a special utility such as WinThruster. This is one of the best utilities for detecting problems in the registry, but, unfortunately, with a paid license. You can also delve into the registry manually, but it’s better not to go there without special knowledge, otherwise you can make the situation worse.

In addition, it would not be a bad idea to completely scan your computer with an antivirus for a virus that may be to blame for all the troubles.


Probably the simplest and most effective way to fix it when booting Windows 7 on a laptop is to do a system restore. This process is capable of using a previously saved restore point. It is usually created immediately before installing various programs, during computer startup, and at other points in time that can be configured.

You can view available restore points and make a rollback like this. We also start from the last known good configuration. If it fails, then go to (the same additional boot options, F8 key). We run to Start // All // Accessories // System Tools and launch “System Restore”. We go through “Next”, where the available points with the date and reason for creation will be indicated in the window.

We select the one that was created before it appeared when Windows 7 loaded, and then return to it. In this case, all installed programs will be deleted after its creation. You can see exactly what you will have to sacrifice by clicking on the corresponding button.

If you couldn’t do this via F8 due to problem 0xc00000e9 when loading Windows 7, you can roll back the laptop using a boot disk or flash drive. The system on the media must be exactly the same as the one installed on the computer. When the Windows 7 installation window opens, instead of “Install,” click on “System Restore” at the bottom left. Then everything is the same.


If everything is hopeless and the problem 0xc00000e9 disappears, you should reinstall the OS. If there is a licensed disk or at least a normal working assembly, then we simply install it as before, and that’s it.

If, after reinstallation, error 0xc00000e9 does not disappear when loading Windows 7 on the laptop, then the problem is in the internal hardware. In this case, you must contact a service center to diagnose and replace the damaged components. However, this procedure will take a lot of time and money.

be careful

You should always be careful when downloading different software from unknown sites. If you don’t like the resource right away, it’s better to leave it, otherwise you might end up with not only a problematic program, but also a virus or two. The same applies to downloading a pirated OS. It’s better not to do this at all, but if you really have to, you need to choose carefully, otherwise you may be left with nothing.

Error 0xc00000e9 is a very harmful nuisance. It can manifest itself when trying to install a new operating system; the unpleasant inscription 0xc00000e9 when loading Windows 7 or 8 also occurs. In addition, the problem may appear much later - with active use of the installed OS.

The thing is that the causes of the problem with error code 0xc00000e9 are very diverse. However, there are methods to rid your computer of this peculiar disease.

Main reasons

So, state 0xc00000e9 is possible:

  • Lack of contact between the motherboard and the drive or hard drive of the PC. In such a situation, trouble may manifest itself when installing Windows 7 or an error in interacting with the device will be detected.
  • The surface of the hard drive is damaged - an error code will appear immediately when the OS starts.
  • Damage to the controller of a stationary storage device.
  • A conflict situation arises when installing an operating system, for example, when loading Windows 7 on a laptop.
  • Windows could not be loaded because the system registry file is damaged and is not compatible with full functionality.
  • Presence of viruses.

Considering that file boot bcd status 0xc00000e9 can occur for completely different reasons, let's consider two fix options.

A software method for solving the problem

In this part we will look at solving problems related to points 4-6. How to fix the sixth variant of the error? It’s very simple - just check the operating system for malware using a good and up-to-date antivirus program.

What to do if the status of trouble continues to manifest itself? Let's move on.

If an unexpected I/O error occurs with this code, then you need to perform a step-by-step treatment:

  1. Check and, if necessary, edit the registry. You can do this manually, if a person has sufficient knowledge in this matter, or download one of the specialized programs that will do this work completely automatically.
  2. Try to roll back the installed OS to its previously functional state.
  3. Run a scan using the sfc /scannow command.
  4. If the problem is related to boot bcd, then go into the BIOS and return the original configuration.
  5. If all else fails, it is recommended to start the process of reinstalling the operating system, preferably from a trusted source that has proven itself to be highly reliable.

Did not help? Then we move on to options 1-3 described above.

Physical way

The first step is to check the integrity of the SATA cable. To do this, you need to open the side wall of the PC and test it on other equipment. If possible, install a new product.

The second step is to check the hard drive for bad sectors. This procedure can be performed using one of the many programs available today: Victoria, MHDD, or their analogues.

The last option is to clean the drive contacts from possible oxidation or contamination.

If none of the methods failed to heal the computer, then there is a high probability that the PC hard drive has irreparable damage that can only be repaired by purchasing new equipment.