Online Word Office - Interactive office from Microsoft. Text editor Microsoft Word

Russian State Committee for Higher Education

Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy

Computer Department


Topic: Microsoft Word Text Editor (Basics)

Ryazan, 2006

1. General information about the text editor Microsoft Word

Text editor is a program that provides the PC user with the means of creating, processing, printing and storing documents of various natures and degrees of complexity, including text data, tables, graphs, images, formulas, etc.

Microsoft Word is the most widespread and one of the most powerful text editors.

Basic editor operations MS Word no working with documents:

Text input;

Editing the contents of a document (making any changes to the text of the document: changing the relative position of individual parts of the document, searching and replacing characters, words and sections of text);

Formatting the contents of the document (setting line spacing, left and right indents, text alignment, etc.).

Possibilities MS Word:

Simultaneous work with several documents;

Spelling and grammar checking;

Automatic document formatting;

Inclusion of tables, figures and mathematical formulas in documents;

Collaborative work on large documents, etc.

The MSWord editor program is launched using the main menu command IIyc To\ IIporpa mmm\ Microsoft Word .

The MSWord editing environment (Fig. 1) contains the following elements:

Document title line;

Main menu;


Edit window;

Horizontal and vertical rulers;

Document scroll bars;

Status bar.

The command menu is designed as a hierarchical system of pop-up submenus, i.e. submenus that are activated when you select some item from the main menu. Each pop-up menu item corresponds to a specific command or the name of the next level menu. Running a command to execute carried out by clicking the left mouse button. To close menu, without selecting any commands, you should left-click in the document editing area.

Below the main menu are located toolbars, which contain buttons for quick access to those menu commands that are used most often.

Edit window The document occupies the main area of ​​the editor window. This area is intended for entering and editing document text. After launching the MSWord editor, a blank document appears in the editing window, ready for typing.

On the left and top of the document editing window there are vertical And horizontal ruler with divisions and markers. The horizontal ruler shows the values ​​of the right and left margins of the page and the values ​​of the parameters of the paragraph in which the cursor is currently located. The vertical ruler is only visible in page layout mode. It shows the top and bottom margins of the page.

On the right and below in the document editing window there are horizontal and vertical scroll bars. They are used to move around the document along with the cursor keys and the PageUp and PageDown keys.

Status bar at the very bottom of the document editing window contains information about the document and hints about the actions performed by the editor.

Entering text– typing the appropriate text on the keyboard by pressing the appropriate keys.

The location where the typed text will be placed indicates cursor(flickering vertical line). While typing, when the right margin is reached, the text automatically moves to the next line. To divide text into paragraphs, when completing the previous paragraph, press the key < Enter >. Typed characters can be deleted both to the right and to the left of the cursor using the keys < Delete > And <←> respectively.

To move the cursor to the desired place in the text, you must either click the mouse in this position or use the cursor keys. If together with the key <Вправо>or<Влево> press < Ctrl >, then the cursor will jump to the beginning of the next or previous word, respectively.

MSWord allows you to choose between two text editing modes: insert mode And replacement mode.

Working with text fragments, using a buffer exchange

MSWord allows you to work with clipboard, which serves for temporary storage of various information (fragments of text, pictures, etc.). To perform an operation on a whole fragment of text, the desired fragment must first be selected. The selected text can be copied to the clipboard by pressing the keys < Ctrl + Insert >. To paste text stored on the clipboard at the current cursor position, click < Shift + Insert >. To remove selected text from a document, press the key < Delete >.


There are four types of text alignment:

Left: button

Center: button

Right: button

Width: button

,[page 266]

To set alignment, select the paragraphs you want to center or align and click the appropriate alignment button on the toolbar.


Indentations- distances from the left and right borders of the paragraph to the corresponding page margins.

A horizontal ruler with markers is used to create indents. Each marker allows you to configure a different type of indentation.

To set the indentation, you need to select the required paragraphs, and then use the mouse to move the indentation markers to the desired position on the horizontal ruler.

To change the font, you must first select a piece of text, and then in the submenu "Format" select item "Font". In the dialog box that opens, you can change any font parameters. To quickly select the font type, its size and drawing method, it is convenient to use the corresponding elements on the toolbar (Fig. 3).

Starting the program MS Word

Open the main Start menu on the Windows taskbar;

In the main menu section that opens, select “Programs”;

In the submenu that opens, select “Microsoft Word”.

Individual tasks

For option No. 7, you must complete tasks 1,4,9,14,17,18,25,26,27.

1. Type the source text in the editing window

Type the text of the first paragraph on the keyboard;

Press key < Enter > ;

Type the text of the second paragraph on the keyboard;

Press key < Enter > ;

Type the text of the third paragraph on the keyboard;

Press key < Enter > .

The original text is given on page 6.

Original text:

Windows can automatically perform timely updates to system components. There is no need to search for key updates and important information; Windows downloads them automatically. Windows recognizes that you are connected to the Internet and uses it to look for downloadable updates on the WindowsUpdate Web site. When there are new updates, an icon appears in the notification area.

In Windows, you can select the desired update mode. For example, you can choose to notify you when updates are available. Selected updates will be downloaded in the background, allowing the user to work uninterrupted. Once the download is complete, an icon will appear on the taskbar indicating that the update is ready to install. You can install new updates in a few simple steps by clicking this icon or message.

If you decide not to install any of the downloaded updates, Windows will remove the corresponding files from your computer. If your decision is later changed, you can download the update again by clicking the Restore rejected updates button. If any previously rejected updates are still applicable, they will appear the next time you are notified of available updates.

1) Center align paragraphs

Press the keyboard shortcut < CTRL - A >;

In submenu Format select a team Paragraph;

Press key < Enter > .

2) Add a line with the current date to the end of the text

Place the mouse cursor at the end of the text;

Press key ;

Enter the current date: “10/26/2004”.

3) Align last line to center

Select the last line, do the following:

Place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the last line;

Press the left mouse button and, while holding it, move the cursor to the end of the line;

Release the button;

In submenu Format select a team Paragraph;

In the window that appears, in the “alignment” field, select center alignment;

Press key < Enter > .

4) Set the text font type to " Courier "

Press the keyboard shortcut < CTRL - A >;

In submenu Format select a team Font;

In the window that appears, select a font in the “font” field Courier ”;

Press key < Enter > .

5) Set the text font size to "11"

Press the keyboard shortcut < CTRL - A >;

In submenu Format select a team Font;

Good day to all!

I think that no one will argue that Microsoft Word is one of the best text editors in the World (at least, without it it’s neither here nor there)! But, unfortunately, it is not installed on all computers, because... paid program...

What should you do if you need to quickly edit or view a document? That's right - use online Word editors!

Moreover, if 10 years ago, such editors were only a pitiful semblance of the original (and they could only be used for one small paragraph), but now the situation has changed dramatically! The online editor will allow you to work with documents from any computer connected to the Internet (there is no point in even carrying a flash drive with you now - everything is in the “clouds”).

Okay, let's get to the point...

The best online document editors

Microsoft Word Online

I couldn’t help but put this service in first place (after all, it’s from Microsoft!). At the moment, it is not much different from the program for Windows: there are most of the same tools as in the classic program (the screenshot is given above, the browser version is open).

I will note that the documents you work with are saved automatically to a cloud drive (OneDrive, I already recommended it once on the blog pages).

And OneDrive, by the way, is preinstalled in Windows 10 - and in Explorer you can get to this drive with one click. The service rightfully takes first place, one of the most multifunctional. Constantly developing and updating.

Simple and convenient!

Google Docs service

An excellent service for creating and editing ready-made documents (the new Docx format is also supported). There are quite a lot of tools: detailed settings of the font, rulers, working with tables, with pictures, inserting links, etc.

I note that the service has convenient templates: for a resume, business letter, report, drawing up a plan, etc.

The received documents can be immediately saved to your cloud drive (Google Drive). By the way, in addition to Word, the service can work with Excel tables and Power Point presentations. In general, a convenient and irreplaceable thing.

Yandex disk

This disk from Yandex is such a convenient thing... Not only can you connect it to Windows in 2 clicks and then to your smartphone (so that all documentation is fully synchronized), you can also create and edit:

  • documents - DOCX/DOC, ODT, DOCM;
  • tables - XLSX/XLS, ODS, XLSM, XLSB;
  • presentations - PPTX/PPT, ODP, PPSX;
  • text documents;
  • view archives.

Creating a document is done in 1 click (example below).

In general, an excellent solution for those who want to have access to their files anytime, anywhere.


Note: To open a document from your hard drive, use the File/Import Document tool.

This editor has a somewhat unusual design (the developers put the menu on the left), but this does not affect the functionality: it has all the necessary tools for editing and creating a high-quality document.

For example, you can work with pictures and images, tables, shapes, create separate fields for custom inscriptions, insert links and comments, work with sections, configure automatic fields, and much more...

I note that you can start getting acquainted with this editor even without registering (however, is there any point in this if you cannot save the document on their server?).


A simple online editor that covers most needs for quickly processing small documents. By the way, this editor supports not only Word files, but also files from OpenOffice and LibreOffice.

Formats supported by the service: Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP (.doc); Word 2007 XML (.docx); WinWord 5 (.doc); LibreOffice ODF text document (.odt); OpenOffice ODF text document (.odt); Rich Text Format (.rtf); Text and CSV (.csv and .txt).

As you can see, the range is quite wide, the editor can replace not only classic Word, but also its competitors...

On the page with the document, you can insert and transfer various objects from your other documents or web pages in 1-2 clicks with the mouse: tables, pictures, shapes.

It is possible to search through the text of a document, including using various masks and filters (using so-called regular expressions).

Additions for interesting online editors are welcome!

And I'll stop there for now...

Office from Microsoft is almost an analogue of the famous office suite Microsoft Office, only now you can work online (you don’t need to download the program to your computer) and what’s most interesting is that all the programs included in the package are free.

Office online includes programs such as: word, excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Mail, People, Calendar, OneDrive.

How to get started

To open the application you need, go to the home page. Select Word Online, then use your Microsoft account to sign in to the app you want.

Press the top button.

Fill in the appropriate fields: your email address, create a password and click the “Next” button.

You will receive your account number by email.

Enter the received data and it opens.

Working in the online version of the Word program is no different from standard Word.

Once you launch Word Online, you have the opportunity to get started in three ways:
1)Create a new document;

2) Open the document with which you recently had to work;

3)Or choose a template (templates will save time).
If you click search for templates, a collection of templates from the internet will open on the Internet. This is a great way to get started because you don't have to spend a lot of time preparing.

For example, in order not to create a calendar from the beginning, you can choose a ready-made template. Scroll down the page and click on the "More Templates" link.

Choose the templates you want from all Office Online products.
Go back and select the WORD section to open the templates again. If you want to create a flyer, then click on the template of your choice and view its additional information. If it suits you, click on OPEN WORD ONLINE and then click CONTINUE to save it to OneDrive. Template in Word Online. Now all you have to do is select FILLER AND ENTER TEXT, and you can also select your own images.

Please note that all your documents are stored on Microsoft servers in the OneDrive program. And accordingly, to access them you need the Internet.

When you click on the icon in the upper left corner, the entrance to all products opens.

If you need to open an existing document, select the RECENTLY USED... section in ONEDRIVE. Look for "LATEST" or open "files" to see all the files in OneDrive.
Click on it and it will open for you in Wold Online. If it opens for the first time, the READING MODE will be ENABLED; as the name suggests, it is designed for viewing documents.
In addition, you will be able to:
Print the material;
Provide access to it;
And search it using keywords.
Also, you can enable “COMMENT”. When you send a document to other users, they will be able to add comments by highlighting the text, and clicking on CREATE NOTES to publish it. The comment is saved in the document and can be viewed by other users of the program.

If you need to work on a document, then you take the command “EDIT …” and “CHANGE WORD ONLINE”. Editing will be covered in the next video, “TIPS FOR WORKING ON THE INTERNET.” Word switches to editing mode, this mode should be familiar to you if you have worked in the classic version of Word.
At the top of the window there is a ribbon with tabs that contain commands and parameters. For example, you can highlight a piece of text, select formatting options from the HOME tab, or select a STYLE to contain your text.
The INSERT tab allows you to add images and tables.

The REVIEWS tab contains a spell checker and allows you to add and view comments.
You can switch to another mode at any time by opening the “VIEW” tab and selecting “READING MODE”. Once you've finished working on a document, it doesn't hurt to view it in READING mode, which gives a more accurate idea of ​​how it will look when printed from Word Online.
It is possible to print a document in any mode, and the process does not change. In “READING” mode, select the “PRINT” command in the top row. Word Online will prepare it for printing by converting it to a PDF file. After downloading the file, click the “OPEN” button if you are using Internet Explorer. Right-click on the document and select PRINT. Then select PRINTER and click on the “PRINT” button. And your document is ready.

Advantages of online Word Office

Ability to use the program from any device: PC, tablet, smartphone (Internet required).
-Ability to collaborate on a document.
-Free to use.
-All functions are available.
-No distortion with various Microsoft Office formats.
Disadvantages of online offices.
-Works only on the Internet.
-Low speed of the program if the Internet is “weak”.

The intensive development of computer technology makes it possible to perform various functions without installing software on a computer. All you need for this is the Internet and a browser, through which you will be able to log in to interactive services to perform the functions the user needs. One of the successful projects is Word Online, which has been successfully integrated into the Web and is already bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefits of Microsoft's online Word office

In order to open Microsoft Word Online, go to the Start page opens.

The main advantage of the service is its mobility and the ability to use it from any device that has a browser installed (Yandex browser, etc.). and network connection. This opens up new horizons of possibilities and range of office use, since now, without installing programs on your device, you can use it absolutely free. Of course, it is impossible to note the fact that, unlike the Word program from Microsoft,

The interactive version of the product is absolutely free.

Thus, this product has become even more relevant, and the range of software uses has expanded many times over.

Functionality of Word online

Of course, the developers did not create a completely new product, since the Word program already has very good capabilities with easy navigation, so the interactive analogue has a similar interface to the program and is in no way inferior in capabilities.

If you click on the icon at the top left, you can see the contents of the package. There is both Word and Excel.

Working with this service is quite comfortable; you don’t need to learn new functions or remember the location of tools, everything is in the same places as in the program.

They even integrated Skype here. By clicking on the button you can make a document and consult on Skype!

Thus, from the first minutes you can already perform the necessary operations, for example, open a document, edit it and save it, or create a new one and download it to your PC. The only difference is in opening and saving files, which is done using a file explorer, in which you need to specify the path of the saved file or select the location of the downloaded one.

Format support

The interactive Word office can work with the same formats that Microsoft Word understands. Thus, the online analogue of Microsoft Word is in no way inferior in terms of capabilities and format support to similar programs. You can create a document with a Doc extension or edit an existing one and save it. All this is available at any time directly from your browser.


Microsoft projects never lose ground, and online Word can also deservedly be called successful. The most tenacious difference is that it is free, and very wide functionality. At the moment, there are no similar projects on the Internet that would offer such opportunities for free. Therefore, the main differences include free use and good functionality.
If you need a text editor that supports most modern formats, then online Word Office from Microsoft is the ideal solution to your problems. There is no need to install the program, just visit the resource and you will receive a free, fully functional tool for doing office work.

Our computer has many different programs. We use some of them often, while others we use extremely rarely or never at all. But there are also those in the computer that you simply need to know and be able to use. And one of them is Microsoft Word.

Of course, if you use your computer only for games and communicating on the Internet, then you can easily do without Word. But in this case, you can hardly be called a confident user. After all, a confident user is one who knows how to perform basic operations on a computer (create a folder, copy, delete) and work with popular programs, including Word and Excel.

By the way, when an employer requires an employee to have computer knowledge, this means, first of all, knowledge of the Microsoft Word program.

What is Word

Microsoft Word is a program for printing text and composing documents. Simply put, it is used for printing.

You can type any type of text in it: an article, a document, an essay, a coursework, a diploma, and even a book. Also in this program you can beautifully design the text - add a picture or photo to it, highlight its parts with different colors, change the font, size of letters and much more. You can also create a table, print an ad, or make a poster in Microsoft Word. Plus, what is printed can be displayed on paper, that is, printed on a printer.

The Word program is a white sheet of paper on which you can immediately type using your computer keyboard. Moreover, this is not one sheet of paper: if you need to print a lot of text, and it does not fit on one sheet, then the program will automatically add more sheets. You can also edit the printed text: change the size of letters, font, style and much more. There are special buttons for this in Word.

How to open Word

Look at the Desktop, that is, at the screen of your computer. You may see this icon on it:

This icon opens the Word program.

If there is no such icon on the Desktop, click on the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Click on “Programs” (All Programs).