Install the previous version of iOS. How to “downgrade” to an earlier version of iOS

When it's time to go home.

Almost a month ago, Apple released the first test version of iOS 10 for developers. An impressive number, a partially redesigned interface and a number of new functions - all this still works with significant bugs and it’s hard to call the system stable.

In iOS 10. Make sure your contacts, calendars, reminders, and notes are synced to iCloud first. Check the appropriate switches in the paragraph Settings –> iCloud. This way you can restore your entire address book and the current state of the listed applications after installing iOS 9.3.2.

Synchronize your pictures with cloud storage (if you have not done so before) by opening Settings -> iCloud and turn on the slider iCloud Photo Library.

How to downgrade from iOS 10. Clean installation

Before starting the firmware downgrade procedure, make sure that in paragraph Settings - iCloud function disabled Find iPhone.

Otherwise, iTunes will refuse to complete the installation process.

1. Connect your iOS device to iTunes and create a backup.

2. Open the IPSW website and select your device model, selecting the current firmware version (such OSes are highlighted in green).

3. Wait for the download to complete, then select your iOS device in iTunes. On the tab Review hold down the OPTION key (Shift for Windows) and tap on the item Restore iPhone.

4. In the window that opens, select only the downloaded firmware.

5. Agree by selecting the item Restore.

During installation, the iOS device will reboot. Wait for the recovery to complete. During reinstallation IN NO CASE do not disconnect the device from the computer.

After installation is complete, when you start the device for the first time, select Set up like a new iPhone. Once you sign in with your Apple ID, your contacts, notes, and photos will be downloaded from iCloud automatically.

How to downgrade from iOS 10. Saving settings and data

All the steps described above fully correspond to the principle of installing iOS 9.3.2 with saving data and settings, with the exception of paragraph 3.

When selecting the firmware, hold down Option (Shift for Windows) and tap on the item Update. During the update, you will need to unlock your device to update.

This update option can be extremely unstable, so it is still preferable to choose a “clean downgrade”.

website When it's time to go home. Almost a month ago, Apple released the first test version of iOS 10 for developers. An impressive number of changes, a partially redesigned interface and a number of new functions - all this still works with significant bugs and it’s hard to call the system stable. We have already figured out how to update to iOS 10. But there are several reasons to return...

Hi all! In today's topic I would like to continue the conversation about the iPhone. In particular, in one of my previous articles I already told you, so today’s article will be a continuation...

When a smartphone starts to work incorrectly, the first thing you need to do is check the operating system. Most often, the reason for the deterioration in the quality of the iPhone is glitches in iOS. Defects appear due to malware, system clogging with unnecessary software, or hardware conflict with a certain version of the operating system.

How to return to the previous version of iOS?

I have already told you how to update or restore a gadget; in both cases we used standard schemes. But sometimes the current version of the operating system turns out to be too “heavy” for the gadget, usually this happens with outdated iPhone models. The user updates the gadget and realizes that the new version of iOS overloads the gadget. Having gone into the settings, the owner of the smartphone discovers that there is no “Go back” button in the settings. Having studied this issue, I found a fairly simple way to return to the previous system, that is, install the iOS we need manually.

Difference from recovery

Surely you have already encountered gadget restoration. Very often, users mean by one concept “flashing” three actions at once. Let's briefly go through each option so as not to get confused in the future. We can perform the following manipulations with our smartphone:

Restoration - returning the gadget to its original settings, while all data and content from the device are deleted, the smartphone receives a clean operating system.

Update - Using iTunes or the built-in iPhone tool, you can update the operating system to the latest version, personal data and content are preserved.

Rollback means returning to an earlier version of the system; using special tools, the user can select any firmware for his gadget, including custom one.

This material discusses rollback in detail. Follow my instructions and you will succeed. I recommend performing this manipulation only for those gadgets that began to slow down after updating to the latest version of the iOS operating system.

Preparatory stage

Before installing an alternative version of iOS, you will need to follow a few simple steps. Let's start with backup. No one is immune from a sudden error during a rollback, so you need to save all the data on your smartphone. You can create a backup using a standard tool in the iPhone. Go to “Settings”, in this section you will find the “Restore and Backup” menu. With simple manipulations you can protect all your data from loss.

The second step is to select the desired version of iOS. If you need a rollback, most likely you already have the operating system you need. If not, then on this resource you will find the necessary firmware.

Download it and save it on your computer, since we will perform the rollback using a PC.

You can also download iOS from this site Go to the resource and find a field where you need to indicate the type of your gadget “YOUR DEVICE”. In the next window, you should enter the model, after which a window with iOS options that will work on your iOS will become available. All that remains is to download the desired version. The screenshot above shows the selection menu in detail.

Rollback process: instructions

We take a charged smartphone and connect it to the computer using a cord. Launch iTunes. IMPORTANT! The program must be the latest version, to update, go to the “Help” - “Update” tab. The application will automatically download the latest version and restart.

Now you need to wait until the program sees your device, it usually takes a few seconds, so you won’t have to wait long. You will also need to select the type of gadget you have; to do this, select the appropriate section in the settings or simply press the “Ctrl + S” combination on your keyboard.

In the window that appears, click the “Browse” button, and then click the “Update” button. If you are working on a computer with a Windows operating system, then you need to hold down the “Shift” key and at the same time click on the “Update” button. As for Mac users, you need to hold down the “Alt” key and click on “Update”.

After this, a form will appear where you need to select a new version to update. We will trick the system and click on the pre-downloaded firmware, which may be several levels lower. Thus, we will start the rollback process to the previous version. If you cannot return the old firmware using the standard method, try using a special program.

Rollback using RedSnow

Download RedSnow from the developer's official website and install it on your computer. The creators have taken care of a version for computers on Windows and Mac. Be sure to follow the preparatory steps described above to avoid losing important data and content. I’ll say right away that this method takes more time than working in iTunes, but in some cases it’s impossible to do without RedSnow.

To roll back using this program, you will need to enter DFU mode on your iPhone. To do this, you need to connect the gadget to the PC, turn off the device, and after the work is complete, you should simultaneously hold down the “Power” and “Home” buttons for about 10 seconds. After this, release the power button, while the “Home” button should remain pressed. Wait until the program, in our case RedSnow, detects the device in recovery mode.

The rollback is performed according to the following scheme:

— Launch the application on the computer and select the “Extras” section in the main menu and go to the “Even more” menu.

— Now press the “Restore” button. Here you will need to specify the path to the firmware file using the IPSW key.

— As soon as a window with a question appears, you should quickly click on the “YES” button.

— Now switch the device to DFU mode according to the instructions.

— When the program detects the device, you will need to specify the path to the certificates, usually they come along with the firmware file.

“We just have to wait for the process to complete.” The “Restore Successful” message will let you know that you did everything right.

As you can see, returning to the previous version is not difficult. It is important to determine whether you need it or not. If necessary, you can always upgrade to a newer iOS; the rollback operation does not affect this in any way.

And install iOS 12. The system works very quickly even on the old iPhone 5s and iPhone 6! But this is the first beta and it does not work stably everywhere. Somewhere the camera lags, somewhere some important applications just don’t launch, or notifications come in completely empty. In such cases, you have one option: rollback to iOS 11.4.

It's not that hard to roll back. The main thing is to download the file with the firmware.

Remember that if you roll back without a backup, you will lose all your data. Therefore, if you do not have a backup made before installing iOS 12, but you need the data, you will have to wait for official updates.

If you made a backup on iOS 12, then you will not be able to use it if you roll back to iOS 11.4.

So, let's start rolling back:

  1. Select the firmware file you need and download it to your computer.
  • iPhone 6s, iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone SE, iPhone 5s GSM, iPhone 5s CDMA
  • iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (First generation | Second generation)
  • iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3
  • iPad Air 1, iPad mini 2

2. Disable the “Find My iPhone” function on your gadget in the iCloud settings menu:

This must be done! Without this, iTunes will not allow you to return to the old version of the system.

3. After that, connect your gadget to your computer and launch iTunes:

Select the device, hold down the Option key on your keyboard if you have a Mac, or Shift if you have Windows, and click the “Update” button. In the window that appears, select the firmware file you downloaded. After that, agree to everything iTunes suggests you do. Go! This process will take 15 - 20 minutes.

After the rollback, iTunes will offer to restore the backup. You can refuse and set up your device as new.

Your device is now running iOS 11.4 again! As you can see, rollback is not a complicated process at all. Enjoy using it 😁

Have you jumped at the chance to update your iPhone and iPad to iOS 10, only to find out that the firmware is causing problems that you no longer want to endure?

You are not alone - many users have encountered problems with rapid battery drain or performance degradation. If you are one of those users who are wondering how to restore an old version of iOS, then you should know the whole truth about the situation with rolling back to previous versions.

Just a month after the release of iOS 10, Apple stopped signing the iOS 9.3.5 version, which means it is impossible to roll back from new versions. The same thing happened with versions 10.1 and 10.2. According to Apple, all the bugs that previously prevented users from fully enjoying iOS 10 have been eliminated and there is no need to return to older versions that could threaten the security of user data.

Until the end of 2016, users could use the standard method - downloading the IPSW file of the previous version of iOS using iTunes. But now Apple has closed this opportunity and users who rushed to try new features have no choice but to look for unconventional methods to solve the problem.

In December 2016, a hacker using the nickname tihmstar released the Prometheus utility, which, provided that SHSH blobs digital certificates were saved, could be used to roll back to older versions of iOS. But right before the New Year, Apple blocked the utility by adjusting the operation of the servers for issuing digital signatures. After this, everyone who tried to retrieve digital certificates only received an error from the server.

By February 2017, the author of the utility managed to find a solution to bypass the blocking and some users were able to use the utility to downgrade (downgrade or rollback). But the tool only worked inside 10.0.x - 10.2.1 if SHSH blobs were saved in advance. For example, with Prometheus you can save SHSH blobs certificates for iOS 10.2, upgrade to 10.2.1, and then return back to the previous version.

As for the rollback from iOS 10.Х.Х to iOS 9.Х.Х, Apple has put an end to it, closing any possibility of switching to the old version. When you try to install an older version of iOS, iTunes contacts the certificate issuing server in order to activate the firmware. Since Apple considers firmware below 10.2 obsolete, the user simply receives an error due to the lack of digital signatures.

Thus, iOS users are left to look for the advantages of existing firmware versions and update only when they are sure that the new versions being released do not contain errors.
If there are any new ways to downgrade to older versions in the future, we will definitely inform you about it.

When Apple releases a new version of iOS, many users may find it tempting to install the iOS Developer Beta to get a taste of future functionality, especially with major releases like iOS 11 (), which includes .

In contact with

The problem is that these pre-release versions of the operating system may be unstable, which will affect the performance of the iPhone or iPad. In this case, the best solution would be to switch from the beta version to the official build. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

How to find out the version of the official iOS to which you can roll back?

You can always find out which latest version of iOS is relevant for all iPhones or iPads.

You can download all official iOS firmware for any iPhone and iPad.

Do iOS 11 backups work after downgrading to iOS 10?

If you are going to perform a rollback, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to restore your iPhone or iPad, losing data such as settings, email accounts, downloaded applications, etc. It's also worth remembering that an iOS 11 backup created in iTunes on a computer or iCloud not compatible with iOS 10.

How to downgrade from iOS 11 beta to official iOS 10

1 . First of all, take care of the safety of photos and videos from the Photos application. If you don't use iCloud Photo Library or other cloud services, your photos will be lost. The same applies to other information.

You can find detailed instructions for restoring iPhone or iPad firmware via iTunes on your computer.

8 . After the current official version of iOS is installed, you will either have to use a backup copy of the data created earlier on iOS 10. As mentioned above, you will not be able to use the backup made on iOS 11 beta.