Dualshock 4 connection to android. How to play on a Playstation gamepad on Android via Bluetooth. How to connect

Touch controls for mobile games are not always convenient. Perhaps it was poorly implemented by the developers, or it is possible that it is difficult to control the gadget in this way due to its size. Instead of torturing yourself and your fingers, why not take a closer look at a more traditional and convenient control method and connect a gamepad to your smartphone or tablet? Moreover, this is very simple to do and you can use almost any game controller.

You can connect many types of controllers to your Android device using USB or Bluetooth, including Xbox One, PS4, and even Nintendo Switch controllers. Let's start in order.

Connecting the controller to Android via USB

If you want to connect any USB controller and start playing games on Android, you will need a USB to OTG cable. However, the OTG-USB cable can be used not only for games, but also for a number of other devices that work via USB. So this thing in the “household” is very necessary. As a rule, almost all devices work without problems when using this cable. Just pair the gamepad with your phone and find it in the list of devices.

Connecting an Xbox OnePS4 controller to Android via Bluetooth

However, it would be much more convenient to do without wires, right? If you are using an Xbox OnePS4 controller, first make sure the controller is fully charged and your game console is turned off. If you don't do this, the controller will remain paired with the box, which means you can't pair it with your Android device.

Next, on your smartphone, open “Settings” - “Connected devices” - “Connection settings” > “Bluetooth” - “Pairing a new device”. The controller itself, of course, must be turned on and switched to the appropriate mode. To do this, hold down the sync button on your Xbox One controller and press the PlayStation and Share buttons at the same time on your PS4 controller. After this, the gadgets will appear in the list on your smartphone. You can create a pair.

Connecting a Nintendo Switch Controller to Android via Bluetooth

Surprisingly, you can even connect a Nintendo Switch controller to your Android device. You can either sync one Joy-Con separately or both. To sync your assembled Joy-Con, you'll need the USB-OTG cable we've already mentioned. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use the gamepad over the air. Once the entire Joy-Con is synced, you can detach one of its parts and use it separately.

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Are you an avid gamer, but you are not satisfied with the controls in applications designed for smartphones? Do you have a great gaming remote, but don’t know how to connect the joystick to your Android phone? Our article will help you here, thanks to which you will improve your skills to the maximum.

Features of connecting a gamepad to a smartphone

Unfortunately, a minimum number of consoles connect to phones running Android and IOS without any problems. Most often, remote controls are oriented either to a special set-top box or to communicate with a computer. The last option is much simpler: you just need to use a USB OTG adapter, which we talked about in the article.

Synchronization via Bluetooth is another good method that requires installing an emulator on your device. Read about this procedure below. The smartphone must have Root rights!

How to connect a joystick to an Android phone from PS3 and PS4 via Sixaxis Controller

We will need: two utilities, . First, download the first program, namely SixaxisPairTool from a verified source. We install it on the computer using the standard method and launch it. Connect the controller to the PC.

In the meantime, you need to download the application on your phone or tablet Sixaxis Compatibility Checker, freely available on . Please note that without the “Superuser” mode the program will not function!

If the application is not on Google Play, download it from w3bsit3-dns.com (they have already tried to block it several times, so...) - https://w3bsit3-dns.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=257429

For mobile phone users, game controls may not always seem convenient. If you have a gamepad from the console, you can solve this problem by connecting the control device to your phone.

How to properly connect a PS4 joystick to your phone

If the user has a PlayStation 4 console itself, connecting a joystick from it will not be difficult. The connection is made using a Bluetooth wireless network. If your phone has such a function, you should do the following to connect:

  1. Turn on the game console and connect the joystick to it.
  2. Turn the “Bluetooth” toggle switch on your phone to the on position.
  3. Start searching for devices in wireless settings.
  4. Find the profiles of the joystick and Playstation and connect to them, forming a pairing.
  5. As long as Bluetooth and the gamepad are turned on, you can use it for games. This connection is possible with all phones that support Bluetooth.

In the absence of a set-top box, stable operation is not guaranteed.

Methods for connecting a gamepad to a mobile device running the Android operating system vary depending on whether the console itself is available or not. The version of the phone software itself must be at least 4.2.

If PS4 is available:

  1. You need to download the application using Google Play for a feature called Remote Play to be available. After installing the application, you will immediately be asked to register, but you can skip it. After this, you need to turn on the console and select “Add Device” in the “Remote Play Connection” settings. The device on which the program is installed and enabled should appear in the list of options.
  2. The code required for merging and synchronization will appear on the set-top box screen. This code must be entered into the field of the phone or tablet where the gamepad emulation program is enabled. To enter the code, you need to successively click “Next” and “Skip” relative to the window in which the search took place.
  3. Now your phone or tablet functions as an additional monitor for PlayStation. On it you can play all the games installed on the console using a gamepad. This option is great when you can’t use the TV.

If you don't have a PlayStation 4:

In the absence of the console itself, a regular computer can perform its role. To connect, you will need the Bluetooth function and the Sixaxis Controller program. You can download it from Google Market. After installing and launching the programs on your Android device, you need to download an analogue of this program for your PC and register your phone in it. By connecting the joystick to a computer, it becomes possible to use it in tablet games.

How to connect to other phones

The connection can be made using a USB adapter and a cable that synchronizes the input from the gamepad and the USB cable. Provided that the game supports this, you can configure its controls to use joystick buttons. Not every phone supports this, but it's worth a try.

There is good news for people who have a PS4 gaming console. We will tell you how you can connect the Dualshock 4 controller to Android via Bluetooth.
But if you don’t have a set-top box, but only a joystick, read about how to connect a joystick to an Android device.

More information about this method

This feature is called Remote play, and it allows you to connect the gamepad to PS Vita and Sony smartphones. This company initially adds a feature to its smartphones that allows you to connect gamepads from consoles of the same name. In this case, the firmware version must be at least 4.2.

But it is also worth noting that this function can be added on any other tablet or smartphone by installing the appropriate application, which can be purchased on the Play Market.

How to connect

Below we will show you step by step steps to connect Dualshock 4 to Android device.

Note that after these steps, your smartphone will act as an additional display to which the Playstation 4 will be connected, you will have the opportunity to play with a PS4 gamepad on your phone or simply control the game process with virtual keys from the display.

On your smartphone, you can play all the games that you have on your console, the only thing is that the console and smartphone are paired. For those people who do not always have the opportunity to play on their TV, as it may be busy, now it will be possible to play directly on their mobile device.

Setting up for phone control

If you just want to use the Dualshock 4 exclusively to control your phone, then you will first need to disconnect it from the console. For this:

This completes the entire setup process. Now you will be able to play your games on this gamepad. As a reminder, games must support controller controls, so not all games will be playable this way.

Now I will show you how to quickly connect a DualShock 4 PlayStation 4 joystick to an Android phone and use it in games. In the end, advice on what to do so as not to slow down the response from it in the game.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

Connecting a PS4 joystick to an Android phone via BlueTooth

Let's assume that the joystick is connected to the PS4 console. In our instructions, we will look at exactly how to disconnect the gamepad from the console and connect it to the phone.

We perform the following steps:

  • On PS4, go to Settings.
  • Select “Adjust sound and devices”.
  • Click on “Disconnect device”.

  • Select the DualShock 4 joystick. If the gamepad is already disabled, then we begin the setup from the next point.

  • On the gamepad, hold down the “Share” and “Playstation” buttons. Hold them until the indicator lights up white.

  • On the Android phone, activate the “Bluetooth” option, and then start the device search process.
  • “Wireless Controller” will appear in the list of devices. Click on it to connect.

The setup process is complete. Now you can play your favorite games on your Android phone using a convenient joystick.

Connect the joystick via USB

For this method of connecting a joystick to an Android phone, you will need a cord. Often, the DualShock 4 connects to the gadget without any problems using this cable. You just need to connect the joystick to the device and find it in the list of available devices.

Solving the problem: slow response (delay in action)

It is very common to experience a lag in game action when connecting the DualShock 4 to an Android phone, especially when quick reflexes are required. To solve this problem, use the Bluetooth Auto Connect application, which can be downloaded from the Play Store.

The advantage of this utility is that it automatically connects Bluetooth devices that you connect to your phone. You can also configure useful options, for example “Continuous connection”, which will connect devices after every certain period of time.

Installation and use instructions:

  • Download and install Bluetooth Auto Connect on your Android phone.
  • Let's launch the utility. Scroll down to “Advanced Options” (with DualShock 4 connected), select “Connect Now”. The joystick should now function correctly.
  • If the problems persist, then again go to the “Advanced Options” menu, click “Connect Now” and enter parameters 2 - 15 seconds. Doing this can solve the latency problem. You can experiment by setting different times to find the best value.

If you spend a little time setting up your gamepad, you can get a real gaming gadget that will function without slowdowns or delays.

For convenience, you can purchase a special clamp. It securely attaches your Android phone to the joystick.