Why are groups created on social networks? Groups on social networks

Both professionals and employees of certain companies, as well as fans can create such communities different brands and phenomena.

In what networks are groups created?

  • Facebook
    Facebook pages are a place to post product information. This is a marketing channel for distributing various things, including so-called viral recordings. The peculiarity is the high age of the audience.
    Integrated with external sites, opens up opportunities for . A unique tool is also available - email database conversion, which allows you to upload addresses and automatically send invitations to pages linked to them.
  • Twitter
    A popular network for SMM promotion. Event feed followers create special hashtags that unite users with common interests. To track the event feed, special hashtags are created that unite users with common interests.
  • Google+
    Google+ divides users into circles to determine which content is addressed to which group. We are establishing our own system of brand communities. Video communication function available.
  • LinkedIn
    LinkedIn allows you to join existing interest groups or create your own. Communities can be open or closed.
  • In contact with
    VKontakte is one of the most popular networks with tens of millions active users. The secret to successful marketing campaigns is deep, increasing their effectiveness.
    To promote the group, VKontakte supports integration with external sites, useful tools to highlight the audience, announcement in existing groups. Unique Feature - Special offers, through which, for example, you can get points in a game or application by joining its group.
  • Classmates Popular social network in Russia. When creating and designing a group, remember to take into account positioning.
    When choosing a social network, it is necessary to take into account the objectives that the company sets for itself. This is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency and loyalty target audience

When choosing a social network it is necessary to take into account the tasks that the company sets for itself. The topic of the community, the type and content of the content, and other nuances matter. This is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency and loyalty of your target audience.

Creating a group on social networks

Consists of stages:

  • Marketing strategy.

    formulate a goal

    market analysis

    study the specifics of the chosen niche.

    Make a plan for current events.

    Having the ability to comment and creating lively discussions always leads to negativity over time. Authors negative reviews most often there may be dissatisfied customers, failed employees or competitors.

    Negative comments cannot be deleted; this is ineffective. Instead of one comment, several appear.

    • Natural (constructive or impulsive);
    • Directed;
    • Trolling.

    Natural negativity is created real users who were dissatisfied with the service. We need to figure out the problem, resolve the situation, and apologize.

    Constructive subtype assumes that the client is complaining about real, objective problems. Impulsive comments are left under the influence of emotions and in practice may not even be related to the company’s activities.

    Directed negative differs in organization, which is carried out by ill-wishers or competitors. To distinguish this phenomenon, it is necessary:

    • Check facts, dates, times, presence of a controversial situation;
    • Carry out semantics, after all big amount reviews from different pages there may be one author;
    • Conduct marketing analysis, paying attention Special attention timing of publication and intervals between reviews, filling of commentators’ accounts and other nuances.

    An effective way to eliminate directed negativity is to ask for clarification of the details. Most dissatisfied customers drop out at this stage.

    Trolling- a specific subtype of negativity on the Internet, strange people. Its main goal is provocation conflict situations, causing a backlash, arguing for the sake of arguing. Optimal solution- ignoring.

    When working with negativity of any type unacceptable:

    • Show aggression, insult users;
    • Deny real facts;
    • Ignore the situation and leave it to chance.

    For prevention of negativity special events are held:

    • Constant comments and discussions;
    • Forming a circle of authoritative users whose opinions will be listened to by a wide audience;
    • Increasing the level of loyalty of participants, allowing them to avoid the impact of negative opinions on their perception of the brand;
    • Informing during mass information attacks, users will be aware of the situation and what measures are being taken to resolve it.

    Who needs online communities?

    Online communities are important for both companies and social network users.

    Managing groups on social networks for brands:

    • Technical support, communication and customer service;
    • Increasing awareness and improving the company's reputation;
    • Collection of statistics and analytics of the group on a social network, conducting surveys and research;
    • Savings on group promotion;
    • Increasing interest and increasing sales.

    For users:

    • Cooperation, opportunity to receive useful information;
    • Using communities without leaving the social network;
    • The opportunity to exchange experiences, study reviews, receive help and recommendations;

    Group promotion on social networks

    For successful promotion of the group, in addition to technical means There are some tricks:

    • Content strategy is task-oriented;
    • Informational occasions are created in such a way that users want to respond to them with reposts, comments or other actions;
    • It is important to show users that you are interested in each of them and their opinions;
    • It is necessary to competently work with the emotions of subscribers, create materials that can touch a nerve;
    • Any product or event needs proper announcement;
    • Unique texts attract much more attention and collect more likes than copied information;
    • Audience interest is maintained by various innovations, events, seasonal offers and other updates;

    Goals of creating a group on social networks

    • Expanding the audience;
    • Increasing company or brand awareness;
    • Informing users about various events, products, services, and the benefits of various offers;
    • Reputation management to support and adjust the company’s image;
    • Promotions, other events for a wide audience;
    • Direct contact with potential buyers.

    Benefits of groups on social networks

    • Spread of information;
    • Search for like-minded people;
    • Increasing the popularity of the project;
    • Feedback and work with opinions;
    • Gathering of people for various events;
    • Wide range of possibilities targeting;
    • Subscribe to the group in one;
    • Collection of statistical data about the target audience;
    • Distribution of content with a link to the original source or main site;
    • Promotion among other thematic communities;
    • Content availability;
    • An open source of communication that is trusted by users.

    Disadvantages of running groups on social networks

    This requires thoughtful marketing strategy, this is the only way to attract the attention of the audience and stand out from the crowd.

    Promoting groups requires investment in creation and design. These are expenses for advertising, staffing, and community organization. But with proper use of the benefits of social networks, such costs will soon pay off in full.


    Even a beginner can create a group on a social network himself; no programming knowledge is required. But you can also order development and design. In order to estimate the budget for creating a group, just search in a search engine for the query “how much does it cost to create a group on a social network.”

    Today we will talk about making money in in social networks, and specifically about creating groups on social networks. This way of making money on the Internet without a website has been known for many years and continues to develop rapidly due to the fact that social networks are actively gaining popularity.

    In order not to describe for a long time what kind of business this is, I will immediately give several examples.

    Example 1. Many of my daughter’s friends buy clothes from an online store. Yes, in just one, and this is not a separate Internet platform, but a VKontakte group, the owner of which posts photos of inexpensive youth clothing, collects orders, contacts suppliers, and after a couple of weeks, buyers are already trying on new clothes. The girl clearly knows what proper organization of an online business is.

    Example 2. In My World, my friends include an atelier owner who has created a community and actively communicates with her customers. I often see in my feed how they discuss sizes, colors and new collections.

    Example 3. One of my friends got into the tourism business, there wasn’t enough money for advertising, and he decided to look for clients on the Internet. After wandering through the forums, I found a young man who offered to buy three VKontakte groups from him to choose from, and immediately gave several graphs showing the size, age, gender and location of the audience.

    That is, this making money on social networks quite versatile. Groups are created both to support their business and simply for resale. Let’s talk about the second case in more detail. Firstly, so that everything does not end in a ban, the site must comply with the rules from the very beginning. For example, recently one of my friends created an account for selling children's things, so the administration demanded that she register it not as a store, but under her own name. So, read the rules very carefully and do not deviate from them if you do not want to lose the results of your work.

    Creating groups on social networks: basic requirements

    Let's say we decided to create a group of car lovers in the hope that over time it will be possible to sell it to the owner of a car repair shop, a car website or an online spare parts store. What requirements must it meet?

    1. Of course, we mainly need a male audience, over 25, that is, people who not only like to chat about cars, but are already car owners and can afford to buy and repair cars (I’ll tell you in more detail later how to recruit an audience).
    2. Most of the audience should be from Moscow, St. Petersburg or other million-plus cities.
    3. Further, the site must have a high-quality, non-irritating and memorable design. Now in most social networks there are great opportunities for this, you should not neglect them.
    4. The page should be regularly updated with new materials: texts, news, pictures, etc. You need to look for interesting, “unused” ones, so that group members know: there will always be something “tasty” here.
    5. There should be active communication, with new comments appearing daily.
    6. High-quality moderation is necessary. This means that moderators must promptly remove spam and trolling and unobtrusively direct the conversation in the right direction.
    7. Look at what similar groups are like and do better.

    As you can see, making money on the Internet is not so simple and, despite the fact that it brings good money, it does not come for nothing.

    How to recruit a group on VKontakte and other social networks

    1. Sending out invitations to members of the social network daily. This method is not effective on all platforms, for example, VKontakte has a limit of 40 invitations per day.
    2. Conduct competitions and promotions, preferably with valuable prizes.
    3. By using search engine optimization. Moreover, selecting keys not for search engines, but for the social network in which you are promoting your community. Upstairs in search results Usually there are groups whose names contain exact occurrences keywords. Therefore, a page with fewer users but a more precise name may appear higher in search results.
    4. Buying contextual advertising on VKontakte or search engines. It works effectively, but requires an investment of money, so if you have no experience, you can make a small order and see if the investment is worth it.
    5. Collaborating with other communities on similar topics. For example, exchanging links and materials, again with links.
    6. Recruiting participants in specialized services. For example, by placing a similar order in Advego or SocialTools (read more about these services). A couple of months ago I saw an order in Advego - enrollment in a group of Kazan residents over 18 years old.
    7. In addition, there are illegal ways to increase the number of participants using special services and programs. But this is fraught with a ban, so decide for yourself whether to risk it or not.

    What networks have groups?

    1. Facebook is the world’s largest social network, which is also actively used by Russian-speaking users.
    2. In contact with– the most large network Runet, this is where earnings on social networks are most actively developing by creating groups.
    3. Classmates— a platform for finding classmates and fellow students. Here the audience is noticeably more mature than on VKontakte, but thanks to the fact that the older generation is increasingly better versed in world wide web and increasingly uses its capabilities, creating groups in Odnoklassniki is quite promising.
    4. My world— a service from mail.ru with a lot of possibilities, including the right to create communities.
    5. LiveJournal- a platform for blogging, which has long turned into one of the most popular social networks in Russia, where you can create collective blogs: communities.
    6. With friends— social network km.ru, not much different from previous services. Groups for business are also being actively created here, for example, in MLM or on the Internet.
    7. Subscribe- This information channel e-mail newsletters with a huge audience. It’s not difficult to create a group or your own newsletter, but for them to be popular you need to regularly fill them with interesting and useful materials. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this yourself: give everyone the right to join your group, and site owners will post articles or announcements with your links.
    8. Professionals.ru– business social network. The most popular network professionals in RuNet. It is used for business development, advertising your services, finding work and connections. Here they are looking for business partners, wholesale clients, etc.
    9. Linkedin– also a business social network, but already international, uniting professionals from all over the world.

    Don’t think that creating groups on social networks is all your work. In addition, organizing a business on the Internet involves supporting and increasing ready-made communities, searching for buyers and advertising. Certainly best advertising, this is your own successful group, but in addition to this you need to use freelance exchanges, professional forums and other advertising.

    Related topics

      Maxim at 22:08

      To ensure that beginners do not make mistakes at the initial stage when creating a business on social networks, read the information and look at promotion services. They will also be useful to you in the future.


      Otari at 12:00

      In fact, making money on social networks is currently becoming more widespread. After all, visitors to the famous VK and Facebook already number in the tens of millions. But it’s already difficult to break into these niches. As they say, whoever didn’t have time was late.


      zp-invest.ru at 17:20


      Roman Varnakov at 10:27

      I heard about the creation and promotion of VKontakte groups from my friends. But to successfully conduct such business you need good knowledge mechanisms of advertising on the Internet and Full time job in this direction. I find this difficult and requires patience.


      tanushik_u at 08:25

      This is the first time I’ve heard about the possibility of selling a group. But since this fact exists, I will propose another business idea related to groups. We have a service on RuNet where you can buy/sell a website. But with groups there is nothing like that yet. Platform for buying/selling groups on social networks - good idea for Startup.


      Alex at 10:52

      Finally I was able to clearly understand how this business works and tell it to my son. And the question of how such sites make money is tired.

      Although the examples given in the note did not grab the attention of a 14-year-old boy...


      nickolaj at 14:43

      Interesting information. I would like to add the following on my own: it would be a good idea to analyze the speed of access to various sites, because when doing business on the Internet, it is important that each login and recording is carried out as quickly as possible. This is also important for viewing. Email, because you have to check your email many times a day. I don’t know why, but, for example, viewing my mail on km.ru takes much longer than on yandex.ru. Obviously the server works faster there.


      Boris at 14:33

      On social networks you can earn money not only by creating your own groups, although this is also not a bad way, there are a lot of exchanges where they pay money for various actions, and by the way you can find where they pay more or less decently, although you will most likely earn more from groups.


      semiramidaluks at 08:54

      I decided to try it and created a group. We'll see!


      Christina at 14:21


    This material can be used as instructions for use. If you need to promote your page on a social network, just open the text and proceed step by step!

    I tell you how to use it in promoting your business A complex approach, based on statistics, analysis and the use of effective tools for SMM promotion. I have developed 7 steps that will help you develop your page from scratch and make it interesting for your customers.

    Step 1. Defining the concept of community

    Your page should convey a certain concept. If this concept has already been formed within your business, this is a significant plus. The concept should represent the leading idea, a set of views of the company’s management on current issues customers, and how your business or product can solve these problems.

    For example: there is no effective and fast service for pizza delivery. Our service helps restaurants deliver their goods to the consumer on time, and for the consumer it ensures fast and inexpensive delivery of pizza, preserving its taste, temperature and taste properties.

    Remember that the concept determines the strategy of action and influences further methods of promotion on social networks.

    Step #2. Setting goals

    We set ourselves goals that will increase key business performance indicators. Goals need to be set and based on SMART system, that is, they must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, controllable.

    In our case, we write the following goals:

    • Identify our competitors and analyze their activity on social networks.
    • Identify and analyze our target audience.
    • Optimize our page for the audience.
    • Develop a content plan for all segments of our target audience.
    • Identify the most effective and profitable tools for page development.
    • Test the tools and analyze their effectiveness.
    • Start leading a group.

    Step #3. Data collection and analytics

    This can be done by an individual specialist, an agency, or you yourself. This period includes the following activities:

    • Identify all possible competitors and analyze what they are doing to attract users and how effectively. Based on monitoring key queries(wordstat), the number of users and measurement of user activity can identify the leading market players.
    • Selection based SMM tools and statistics of audience cores of competitor groups (active core, moderately active core, inactive core). What is the core audience? It often happens that in a group or page, 10-15% of the total number of subscribers regularly engage in user activity: liking posts, leaving comments, reposting on their pages, or actively conducting discussions. If you look at the most active users, you can identify certain patterns in their behavior and preferences.
    • Conduct and collection user requirements for each core and develop custom scripts.

    For example: Masha Ivanova, 23 years old, works in sales in Moscow, is single, loves smart solutions and life hacks for the home, loves beautiful interior design, cats on Instagram and short useful texts.

    Of course, these scenarios will be conditional, but they will help us develop content in the future that will take into account maximum user preferences.

    • Identification of effective times for posting content (daily, weekly, monthly, holidays), using analysis of user activity in similar communities. For example, on Saturday morning you can publish material at 12:00, since only at this time your subscribers wake up.

    Step #4. Page optimization

    Optimization based on user page scenarios for all audience cores (Wiki markup, design, description, short URL, album titles, discussion titles, etc.). Here you need to really invest in a beautiful and pleasant design and if you have completed previous steps, it will be much easier for you to explain to the designer what audience he is working for.

    Step #5. Content plan development

    The most interesting and difficult part of the work is developing a content plan for each core audience. You identify the topic and format of the post.

    Example: Monday at 18:31 the history of the creation of the gadget should be published.

    Now you must find sources of content. These could be RSS feeds, public pages, blogs, news publications, opinion leaders, copywriters, videographers, photographers, artists.

    Describe the content requirements based on the text and title of posts. Indicate what media materials should be present in the group’s posts and albums. What topics should be raised by group members? Ideally, you receive a completed grid of post formats in a content plan for example for a month for posting. Based on these requirements, you can draw up requirements for outsourced performers: photographers, designers, etc.

    Step #6. Testing and identifying effective tools

    At this stage, you begin publishing your content on the page. To determine the effectiveness of the tools, you must not forget about collecting statistics. For example, track the number of transitions, count coverage, attract new users per day, week or other specific period of time.

    Here you should focus on the ROI (return of investment) indicator - the ratio of the amount of profit or loss to the amount of investment. This indicator is expressed in % and will show you the most effective and ineffective channels for attracting audiences on the Internet (advertising exchange, banners, partnership programs, paid publications and posts) for your page. From all these attraction channels, you remove ineffective, time-consuming and expensive ones.

    Step #7. Resource development

    You have done the almost impossible! You have collected content and systems approach for its publication on social networks. You know your audience almost by sight and know what they like. Considering that quite a lot of money has been spent on analysis, a reasonable question arises: what more can be done? Using the data from these studies, you can not only improve your website, but also expand your business by offering New Product or service.

    At the initial stage of community development and business promotion on social networks, fill the group with content for about 20-30 posts. Coming by invitation or contextual advertising the user will want to scroll through the community feed and if you have 1-2 news, then most likely he will not subscribe to it.

    On VKontakte it is better to first create a group (in Facebook is better create a page). VKontakte allows you to convert a group into a page and vice versa. The group will give you the opportunity to invite users for initial content. Invite only those users who may be interested in the group's materials or your business. Do not wait high conversion at the initial stage, do a comprehensive advertising campaign using an advertising exchange or direct placement through administrators of similar communities. Pay special attention advertising post, place the “shooting” picture precisely in the context of the community in which you are advertising. Here's an example -

    Your project has a group on some social network, and maybe even more than one. But you don’t see any results from running a group, or you see very weak ones. What's the matter? But the point may be that at the stage of creating the group, you did not decide in advance what exactly it was needed for and what exactly you want to get in the end. They didn’t think through the concept of promoting their project on social networks. Let's look at what can be done to ensure that the group ceases to be “ballast” and finally begins to fulfill its functions.

    Purpose of creating the group

    At this stage, decide why the group is needed in general:

    • to communicate with subscribers;
    • to attract new clients;
    • to increase brand awareness;
    • for sales through a group;
    • to increase traffic to the site.

    Everything is built on the basis of the goal. further work to promote the project on social networks. There may be more than one goal, but it is advisable to choose priority.

    The target audience

    We decided on the goal. Now the main thing is to find out for whom you are creating a group, that is, to identify the target audience so as not to work “with your eyes closed.”

    To promote on social networks, it is important to draw up not just a portrait of a typical representative of your audience, but also write down which social networks he uses most often and where he communicates. It is useless to wait for visitors on a Facebook page if they spend most of their time on VKontakte and Instagram. So, traditionally for women's themes And family themes they prefer VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, Facebook is more suitable for business and education, and for niches where there is a lot of photo content and customers “buy with their eyes,” Instagram is ideal.

    Once you find out where typical representatives spend most of their time, create a group or community there. It is not necessary to maintain communities on all social networks; it is enough to be present where your target audience spends time.

    Competitor analysis

    Competitor analysis will help you choose positioning:
    • What social networks are you present on?
    • How many members are in the communities?
    • Topic of content sections?
    • How often are they updated?
    • Activity among participants?
    • Are there promotions and competitions?

    After the analysis, think about where you can profitably build. There may be several options.

    • Offer solutions to problems or acquisition of additional benefits.
    • Describe the differences.
    • Create an association image with the project.
    • Write down situations in which only your product will help.

    Choose the most striking characteristic - that will be it the main idea of ​​the community.

    Let's say you have a project on educational activities for children. You can offer mothers:

    • ready-made scenarios for classes or a choice of several templates dedicated to one topic;
    • developing certain skills in children in one area, for example, learning to read;
    • development for children of a certain age, gender or temperament;
    • a fictitious character in whose name classes with children will be held.

    Here, for example, are the avatars of groups representing children's development centers in a social network in one city. They are all competitors, but each center has its own feature that distinguishes them from others:

    Groups of development centers in one region

    And for a project with the sale of goods (clothing, toys, etc.), we choose positioning:

    • according to the situation of use (casual or formal wear);
    • by price (affordable to everyone, for the middle class, luxury goods);
    • on the quality of goods;
    • by assortment.

    Group registration

    In order for community visitors to associate with your project, you need to think through visual design. In the group, the following are responsible for visual perception: an avatar, a menu, a template for posts and photo album covers. If you have a website, design the group in the same style as the website, that is, using the same color scheme and the same images.

    When a group's avatar reflects positioning, it is best option. If we teach children to read, then a child with a book will look great. And when we sell casual children's clothing, we put children in similar clothes on their avatars.

    For professional design groups contact the designer.


    On social networks, content is updated frequently: from 1-2 to 20-30 posts are published during the day. To make it interesting for the visitor to participate in the community, try to select a variety of material. Create thematic sections and decide what type of posts you will publish in each of them. It is also advisable to create a separate section for positioning the project.

    Options could be:

    • Project information: history of creation, why, to whom it is useful, contacts, information for beginners, trainers (teachers, management), specifics of work, reviews, events, and so on.
    • Common topics that the project reveals: various methods, techniques, practices, books, magazines, reviews, videos, audio recordings, famous personalities on the topic of the project, quotes, event announcements, and so on. For example, a project on early development can publish teaching methods, the results of using these methods, introduce new books, review educational games and toys, and offer ideas for classes.

    Here is an example of an unsuccessfully chosen topic that the group’s target audience did not appreciate:

    A post about children's activities is not entirely suitable for a gastronomic group

    But here are examples from the same group with posts on the “correct” topic:

    In a group about food, posts about food look quite organic :)

    • Topics close to the project. For example, let’s take the same development of children. If practiced general development child, then you can cover topics of emotional, musical or physical development.
    • Universal themes. Useful selections, humor and holiday greetings.
    • Calls to action. Posts that imply Feedback from the visitor: surveys, tasks to come up with a caption for a photo, leave a review, ask a question, invite to discussions. This also includes competitions and sweepstakes.

    Come up with titles for the columns and create a schedule indicating on what days and at what time a certain column is published. Create an example post for each category. And... work according to plan.


    Decide on the goal, register the target audience, choose positioning, create a group and publish interesting posts... But for some reason people don’t join. Or they join, but not enough. What needs to be done to promote the group?

    It’s not enough to just create a group; you need to take care of its promotion. Tell people about the project and invite them to join.

    To promote groups, they use the following promotion channels:

    • Sowing in communities- this is when a post is posted in other groups of related topics and a link is given to go to your group.
    • Targeted advertising- with the ability to display advertising to a specific target audience. Geography, gender, age, interests of the target audience, and so on are selected.
    • Publications from opinion leaders- agree with the opinion leader that he will make a mention or review of a specific project (service, product) for his subscribers.

    These are “white” promotion methods. They require a certain budget. But the result when used is more significant than when promoted in dubious ways.

    After using each promotion channel, it is important to do an analysis. How much money was invested, the number of transitions to the group, the number of entries, how much did it cost new member, conversion from visitors to subscribers and so on.

    To promote online, it is not enough to simply create a group and post thematic content. Promoting a group is a serious job that includes many nuances.

    Now you have a small work plan that will help you figure out what to implement and in what sequence. And if some were missed important step When creating and promoting a community, try to analyze and eliminate shortcomings.

    In social networks, groups of people are created to exchange information between them on a certain topic, for communication, to promote a product or an idea via the Internet. People are main resource groups. The more people who pass through your group (this is called traffic), the higher the chances of becoming popular or promoting your product. It is important to understand: If there is no active recruitment of people into the group, there will be no monetization of your business! When creating a group on social networks, you need to know: what useful information you will bring to the people in the group, what kind of people you need, what goal you are pursuing by creating the group.

    Based on the purpose of the group and its content, people are selected for the group. Therefore, you must study the needs of people on the topic of the group, what age will be interested in it, what problems may concern people on this issue. This is very important for actively recruiting your target audience into your group. Only constantly growing traffic can monetize your business. There will be no active recruitment of people into the group - there will be no monetization of your business!