Windows 10 system event broker. We increase computer performance by disabling unused services

What services can be disabled in Windows 10.
Today we’ll talk about which services can be disabled in Windows 10, although this system is not so demanding on computer resources. Services are programs that operate in the background, ensuring normal operation of the computer.
We rarely use some of them, and there are some we don’t use at all.

These services can be disabled when the computer starts slower load and perform one's functions to improve operating system performance.
And for those who have a low-power computer, this is a good way to improve overall system performance.

In addition, some services provide vulnerability to viruses, and this primarily applies to such a service, like Remote Registry. What can be turned off depends, of course, on the needs and tasks that the user performs on his computer, so here I have given as an example those services that I have disabled in my configuration.

How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 10

1. Right click on the icon Computer and select item-- Control.

2. The program will appear in front of you Computer control.

Open section Services and applications, then open the folder Services.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Win+R, and then enter services.msc.

Services will open in front of you.

3. To do something with a service, find it in the list and double-click

Left-click on it, and then select what you need.

- Automatic-- when you turn on the computer

- Manually--as necessary (the service will start itself)

Here I will show you an example, disable Delivery Optimization Service

4 . Be sure to see the tab- Dependencies(depends on which service)

Because many processes have a common parent process or service.

5. To completely avoid problems when disabling services, it is advisable to save the registry branch responsible for starting system services.

To do this, do the following:

Start--Run--regedit--OK. The Windows Registry will launch.

In the registry follow the path:


In the left column, select the folder Services

and through the menu File---Export--Save this thread.

List of services in Windows 10 that can be disabled

1. Computer Browser - used to create a list of computers on the network and provide it to programs upon request. This service is only needed on the local network -- Manually

2. Windows Search - In Windows 10 and earlier versions, search the contents of your computer works, and if you want to speed up the operating system, disable this search service-- Disable

3. Workstation – client for SBM connections, responsible for connection

To remote servers -- Manually

4. Windows Biometric Service - If you need to sign in

You are not using fingerprint or scan -- Disable

5. Secondary login - allows you to log into Windows with multiple accounts

Records. If you are alone at the computer, then... Disable

6. Remote Access Connection Manager - Manually (If no local network - Disable)

7. Remote registry - Definitely disable

Read how to remove “tails” from deleted programs in the registry

8 . ktmrm for distributed transaction coordinator - Manually

9. Distributed Transaction Coordinator - Manually

10. NetBIOS Support Module - Manually

11. Setting up a remote desktop server - Disable, if there is no local network

12. Windows Image Upload Service (WIA) - If you have a computer

If a scanner or digital camera is connected, then we don’t touch anything, if not, then - Disable

13 . Bluetooth support service - If you do not use bluetooth then - Disable

14. Windows Remote Control Service - Disable

15. Remote Desktop Service - Disable

16. AllJoyn Router Service -- Disabled(I have a different router)

17. Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service -- Manually

18. Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - provides the ability to share TCP ports using the Net.Tcp protocol. If the computer is not used as servers, then you can - Switch off

19. Smart Card - Provides access to smart card readers. If

There aren't any, you have to... Switch off.

20. NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service - this service is designed for NVIDIA video cards. If you don't use 3D stereo images, then this service can be Switch off.

21 . IP Auxiliary Service -- Supports IPv6 network protocol -- Disabled

22 . Homegroup listener - if you are not using homegroup,

Better -- Switch off

23. Working folders - used to synchronize folders on different

Devices-- Disabled(I turned off all synchronization, I don’t need it)

24. Sensor Data Service - processes and stores information received from sensors installed on a PC - Disabled I have (I don’t have sensors)

25. Portable Device Enumerator Service - responsible for the ability to synchronize and automatically play files from portable devices-- Disabled, don't need it

26. BitLocker Drive Encryption Service - allows you to encrypt drives. Disabled, not encrypted.

27. Diagnostic system unit -- Manually(will be needed if any problems arise with the computer)

28. Diagnostic Service Node-- Manually

29. Windows Update -- Manually I have

30. Xbox Live Online Service -- Disabled(if you need it for games, then Manually)

31. Superfetch-- Machine I have (I use it for technology ReadyBoost)

32. Telemetry-- used to be "Diagnostic Tracking Service" now has a different name - Connected User Experiences and Telemetry - Disabled, this service spies on the user and sends data to Microsoft in the background

33. Service "Delivery optimization" -- Disabled "eats" almost half Your traffic.(more about this in this)

I guess that's all. If you know other options, how, what can be removed, write in the comments. But we still recommend that before disabling services, do restore point.
And if you are not sure about disabling a particular service, it is better not to disable it, but install it manually, then when you start any program that requires some service, the system will ask you for permission to start this service.

In Windows operating systems, everything is managed by services. These are unnoticed programs that enable various components and functions to operate in the OS. The new Windows 10 is no exception: as in the “seven” or XP, the work of system components is controlled by services. Mostly the same.

Very often, users are interested in which of them can be disabled? Indeed, all of them can be easily turned off and can be started again if necessary. But among them there are those that can be stopped if necessary, those that are generally unnecessary, and those whose operation should not be interrupted. When you launch it for the first time, the optimal set of services is already automatically running in the “top ten”.

Where to find and how to use

If these components work “in the background,” that is, they do not manifest themselves at first glance, then in order to enable or disable them, you must first get to some settings or panel where you can operate running services. It's logical. You can view a list of what is currently running in the task manager on the tab of the same name.

The easiest way to launch the dispatcher is to simultaneously press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys. Notice that the right column shows which services are running and which are stopped. The groups on whose behalf they act are also visible here. But the latter is more about safety.

To open the services control panel, you can spend a long time wandering through the Windows Control Panel and its nested settings. But it’s better to do it much simpler. Please note that in the Task Manager, at the very bottom when the “Services” tab is running, you are prompted to open them.

There are two tabs at the bottom: “Advanced” and “Standard View”. By switching to advanced, you can see a description of the service. It is not always detailed and is something like this:

The geographic location service is described in detail, and there are “Stop” and “Restart” buttons. But it is much more convenient to select the item of interest by right-clicking and selecting “Properties”:

The same window will open for all services available in the operating system:

There is much more information presented here than in the expanded view. You can start, stop, pause a system component and select the startup type. For example, if you click stop, it will stop, but the next time you turn it on or after a reboot, the service will work as before. By stopping and selecting the startup type “Disabled” you will “get rid” of this service until you start it yourself.

Why disable or enable

Disabling services in most cases carries several tasks:

  • Freeing up RAM.
  • Disabling simply unnecessary system components.
  • Disable programs that interfere with work or conflict with third-party programs.

In the case of Windows 10, a lot of paranoids have appeared who believe that the operating system is stealing their personal data. You can not only disable certain components in the system settings, but also stop some of the services. There are at least three of those that can be called spying:

  • geographical location;
  • diagnostic tracking;
  • "dmwappushservice".

Whether to turn them off or not is up to you. Now you know how to do this. It all depends on whether you consider yourself to be paranoid, of which there are a lot of people with the release of the new Microsoft OS.

The following is a list of services that can be stopped without harm to the overall operation of the operating system. Some of them are needed for specific tasks, so study the description in an expanded list. So, Windows 10 services that you can disable without worrying:

  • Firewall
  • Wireless setup
  • Secondary login
  • CD burning service
  • Windows Search (standard file search)
  • Machine Debug Manager
  • Server
  • Image download service
  • Portable device listings
  • Program Compatibility Assistant
  • Error logging

A striking example of uselessness is the service for burning CDs on a laptop without a drive. Also note that some of the programs launch their own services during installation, which are often unnecessary. Of course, you can return any service to a working state by selecting the “Automatic” startup type and launching the component.

An example of disabling in case of a conflict with third-party programs: The Firewall is disabled so that the downloaded and installed Firewall works correctly.

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In this article we will touch on the age-old question that torments inquisitive minds trying to squeeze the last drop of performance out of a computer.

What are Windows services

Windows services are essentially the same applications, just without a user interface. They run in the background and provide the operating system with various features and functions. Not all services are developed by Microsoft and not all are available immediately after installation. Many applications and drivers install their own services on the system. The services are actively used by antiviruses, as they constantly monitor the health of your system and provide protection against malware. The advantage of services is the ability to start during the operating system startup even before applications start, as well as the ability to monitor everything that is running on your computer. This is why antiviruses can reliably protect the computer they are running on.

Many “computer specialists” recommend disabling some Windows 10 services, pursuing a wide variety of goals. Some are tinkering with the list of operating system services in an attempt to improve their privacy (a tin foil hat, unfortunately, is not included with Windows 10), while others are trying to squeeze out the last drop of performance. Disabling Windows 10 services is a double-edged sword. Yes, disabling services can indeed partially improve the performance of your system, but the effect will be extremely small, if noticeable at all. Often, or upgrading any other component gives a much more noticeable performance increase than experimenting with Windows services.

Generally speaking, we are against disabling Windows 10 services. You see, Microsoft developers sometimes release crooked software, but they are not fools - they know much more than the average “tyzhprogrammer”. Windows services, processes, and components have been polished and improved over the years. They are optimized well enough to minimally load your computer's resources (here we are not talking about exceptions when a bug or virus leads to abnormal loads on the processor, disk, memory or network). In this case, the principle “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” applies. Often, users harm their computer rather than improve its performance by blindly trying to disable some Windows 10 services. If our statement about optimizing Windows 10 services is not enough for you and you still want to experiment, in this article we have compiled a list of services that can be safely disable it without making your computer worse.

To be fair, it is worth saying that along with third-party software, third-party services come into the system. Sometimes it is worth disabling them if it becomes known about malicious practices of developers or if the code is simply crooked. It is also worth disabling Windows services if you are trying to diagnose your computer and detect the causes of performance degradation, freezes, or other anomalies.

Disabling Windows 10 services

Before proceeding directly to disabling Windows services, we strongly recommend that you. This is your insurance against the unforeseen consequences of disconnecting a particular service. If you did something wrong and the system began to work worse, rolling back to a previous restore point will quickly return everything to its place and save you from headaches and time spent on computer software repair.

How to disable a service in Windows 10

Everything is done quite simply:

Important: There are so-called “optimizers” that take on the task of disabling operating system services. Don't use them! Don't let third-party software decide which services will work on your PC and which won't. Carefully study the services that you want to disable, and also decide for yourself whether to disable them or not. In addition, do not use third-party software to disable or enable them. This procedure is extremely simple and, if you have already taken up this matter, it is best to know how to configure such a sensitive section of the operating system.

What services can be turned off in Windows 10

Please note that some of these services may not be available on older versions of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1. By the way, many of the truly unnecessary and unnecessary services for the average user are already in the “Manual” mode. Here we return to the point above, where we said that Windows developers are not fools and do not push ordinary consumers with services they do not need.

  • AllJoyn Router Service. This service is responsible for communication between the operating system and nearby IoT devices.
  • Fax. Explanations are unnecessary here. If you don’t use a fax in conjunction with a computer, you can safely disable the service.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service. If you don't need encryption of your drives and don't use BitLocker software, you can disable the service.
  • Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service. If you don't have Bluetooth on your computer or don't plan to talk to Cortana through a headset, turn off the service.
  • Bluetooth support. Disable it only if you don’t use Bluetooth at all (or don’t have it at all). Disabling this service while you have connected devices may cause them to stop working with your computer.
  • Client License Service. We recommend disabling this service only for those who do not use applications from the store at all. If you have programs installed from the Microsoft Store, they may no longer launch after you disable this service.
  • Smart card. It is unlikely that your home PC is configured to work with smart cards. Disable this service if you do not use smart cards. Especially if you don’t even know what it is. This also includes Smart Card Reader Enumeration Service, Smart Card Removal Policy.
  • Downloaded map manager. Can be disabled if you do not use the built-in Maps application. If you use it, disabling the service may cause problems with the application.
  • Encrypting File System (EFS)) . Required for data encryption technology to work within the NTFS file system. Not needed if you do not use and do not plan to use data encryption.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. iSCSI is an acronym for InternetSmallComputerSystemInterface. This service allows the user's computer to access information in highly remote data centers using existing infrastructure. You can turn it off.
  • Offline files. You can disable it if you don't use the Offline Files feature or don't know what it is. By the way, this feature is not available in the home edition of Windows.
  • Payment manager and NFC/ Protected elements. It does exactly what it says, namely processes payments using NFC. It is useful on devices with the appropriate chip, but the vast majority of tablets and laptops (and even more so on desktop PCs) do not have such chips, so you can disable it.
  • Parental control. If you have no one to control, disable this service.
  • Print Manager. You only need to disable it if you do not have a printer, you do not use network printers, or virtual printers. This service is directly linked to the service Fax.
  • Nvidia Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service. This service is available on computers with Nvidia video cards. Allows you to work with stereoscopic images. You can turn it off if you don't use it.
  • Hyper Guest Service Interface-V. Disable it if you do not use virtual machines. This also includes Service Hypwer-VPowerShellDirect, Pulse service, Time synchronization service Hyper-V, Data exchange service, Hyper-V, Remote Desktop Virtualization Service, Shutdown service as a guest.
  • Remote Desktop Service. With this service, users can remotely connect to and control other computers. Disable it if you can’t imagine yourself in such scenarios.
  • Geographic Location Service. Disabling this service will prevent apps from receiving location information.
  • Store demo service. Unless you put your computer up for sale at a retail store, you definitely won't need this service.
  • Wi-Fi Services Connection Manager Service-FiDirect. This service is needed to connect your computer to wireless screens and docking stations using Miracast technology and its analogues.
  • Windows Insider Service. If you don't plan to test early versions of Windows 10 in the Insider Program, feel free to disable this service. Don't forget to turn it on if you change your mind.
  • Windows Player Network Sharing ServiceMedia. This service allows you to share media libraries from your computer with other playback devices on your network.
  • Windows serviceMobileHotspot. The service is needed only for devices with cellular modules and allows you to distribute mobile Internet. If a SIM card cannot be inserted into your computer, then you do not need the service.
  • Secondary login. With this service, users can perform tasks as an administrator from an account with normal rights. If you are the only person using the computer, you do not need this service.
  • SuperFetch. This service is described in detail in the article "".
  • Remote registry. This service allows users to remotely edit the operating system registry. Someone thinks that activating it jeopardizes the user's safety, so they disable it.
  • Sensor service, Sensor Data Service And Sensor Monitoring Service. Feel free to turn off these services if you have a desktop PC. They are needed for laptops and tablets that use auxiliary sensors, such as a light sensor, screen rotation, and so on.

If you want to disable a service that is not mentioned in this list (it's safe to say that we didn't include a lot in this article), we recommend that you search for information about it online. The best is in the official Microsoft documentation. Alternatively, read several resources to gather several opinions on the justification of a particular service.

It is probably no secret for many PC users that, despite the stated minimum system requirements compared to its predecessors, it looks quite “gluttonous” in terms of resources used. How to reduce and reduce RAM consumption will now be discussed. This can be done in several ways, often independent of each other.

Windows 10: How to reduce CPU usage? General rules.

Before we begin the practical use of ready-made recommended solutions, we will consider the basic methods for deactivating unnecessary services and components.

You need to pay attention to the following fact: how to reduce processor load or reduce RAM usage can be done using the following sections:

  • standard "Task Manager";
  • system configuration;
  • its components;
  • services.

You can, of course, delve into the system registry. However, for the uninitiated user this will be quite problematic. Moreover, most of the settings can be made without resorting to this method.

Which processes in Task Manager can be disabled?

As a rule, the first thing when there is an increased consumption of system resources, users usually begin to actively call the “Task Manager” (combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, Crel + Alt + Esc, taskmgr in the “Run” console).

Naturally, all currently active processes or applications, and services running in are displayed here. Let’s make the first remark right away. Windows 10 Task Manager in standard mode allows you to view or disable services and processes only once. This is typical for all Microsoft systems. In other words, if some process starts along with the system, when it is restarted it will be activated again.

However, of all the things that Windows 10 Task Manager displays, the first thing you can safely do is deactivate exclusively user processes. If you pay attention, in the running process type column you can find three types of descriptions: Windows processes, background processes and applications. It goes without saying that when asking how to reduce CPU usage, you should assume that system services cannot be disabled. This can have unpredictable consequences. Anything marked with the Application type can be terminated (these are programs that run in windowed mode).

In the services and processes section you need to be extremely careful. What to disable? For example, if there is no printer installed on the system, you can deactivate the print service running in the background spoolsv.exe (Spooler - “Print Manager”). In general, you should first look at which process is causing the maximum processor load, and only then decide to disable it. But, again, the shutdown will be one-time. To prevent the process from starting again when the computer is restarted, first you need to at least deactivate startup items.

Startup management

To disable services that start with Windows, there are two main options. In the first case, you can access the startup tab, which is available in the Task Manager itself; in the second, use the configuration setting.

In the "Task Manager" this is quite simple - you need to right-click to bring up the submenu and select the shutdown command. A little to the right there is a column in which there is a description of the degree of influence of the process on the system. By and large, in this section you can turn off absolutely everything, leaving only the Windows Defender service. If you have a high-quality antivirus installed, you can disable it too. To enter configuration settings, use the msconfig command. It is written in the corresponding “Run” menu line, after which the startup section is selected, but it again leads the user to the “Task Manager”.

It's better to go to the services tab. To avoid accidentally disabling something important, you can check the box next to Hide Microsoft services, and then look at what remains. In principle, you can only leave the stopped Adobe Flash Player plugin, since it is used in browsers. In both cases, you will need to restart your computer. This is a prerequisite for the changes to take effect.

Disabling unnecessary system components

However, in order not to rummage through components, the question of how to reduce CPU load due to the presence of unnecessary active services is solved by disabling some system features.

To do this, in the Control Panel you need to find the programs and components section where you can disable unused ones. For example, here you can deactivate the same print service or the Hyper-V module responsible for creating and using a virtual machine.

Deactivating services

Many services can be deactivated from the corresponding management section. It can be called from the same “Task Manager” by clicking the show services button. Or open the editor manually through the services.msc command in the Run console.

At least three processes can be disabled here: geolocation, diagnostic tracking, and the dmwappushservice process. All these are spy functions of the system. Additionally, if you are using a netbook that does not have an optical drive, you may want to deactivate the CD burning service. In general, you can disable the firewall, secondary login, wireless configuration, the Windows Search indexing service, the server, portable device enumeration, the debugger, error logging, and the Application Compatibility Assistant. Deactivation is done by setting the appropriate launch parameter in the menu called up by double-clicking on the service.

Special utilities

Finally, if the user does not know what exactly can be disabled in the system, or simply does not want to deal with such things, you can always turn to optimizer programs for help. They will do all the work for him. Any such application contains not only a deep cleaning system, but also modules that control the same startup elements that are hidden from the user’s eyes by the system. Accordingly, deactivating everything unnecessary will be as safe as possible. True, the Windows components that were described just above will still have to be disabled manually. And here we did not consider deactivating visual effects, which can be done from the maintenance and security section or using the same optimizers.

Windows users often face the problem of high RAM consumption to maintain the operating system. This problem is inherited from version to version and in the new Windows 10 it has not gone away. To reduce resource consumption, you can disable some unused Windows services.

What services should I disable in Windows 10 and how to do it?

Why are so many services active?

Windows developers cannot know which services are needed by a particular user, so by default, when the system starts, the entire array of services starts. Our task for optimization is to identify unnecessary ones and disable them.

What services can be disabled in Windows 10? For example, for users who do not use the disk drive and the disk writing function, you can disable the service responsible for this. Users who do not use the printer can disable the printing service, thus disabling services we do not need, we can improve the performance of the computer.

Finding a list of services

There are several options for detecting running services:

After any path you have passed, a window will open with services, both running and non-working. By going to the “Advanced” tab, you can get information about a specific service, and in particular, what it is responsible for.

How to disable the service?

It should be understood that Windows 10 is a complex system where processes are linked to each other, so thoughtless and indiscriminate shutdown of services can lead to system instability.

Which services to disable in Windows 10 should be decided by each user independently based on their needs for them.

To disable the selected service, double-click on the service name and in the window that opens, select the startup type “Disabled”. And don’t forget to click on the “Apply” button.

What services can be disabled?

Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled without affecting the main processes of the operating system; you just have to select unused ones:

  1. Dmwappushservice. Needed for routing WAP push messages. Telemetry function can be disabled if desired.
  2. Machine Debug Manager. Used by professional programmers. If you are not a programmer, disable it.
  3. NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service. The NVIDIA video card service can be disabled if you do not use 3D stereo images.
  4. NVIDIA Streamer Service. Harnesses the power of GeForce® GTX™ graphics cards to bring games from your PC to your SHIELD device. It is advisable to disable it if you do not use SHIELD technology and do not play PC games on the TV screen.
  5. NVIDIA Streamer Network Service.
  6. Superfetch. Disable if .
  7. Windows Search. Responsible for the search built into the system. Those. helps to find files in the system by name. If you don't use search, turn it off.
  8. Windows Biometric Service. Collection, processing and storage of biometric data.
  9. Firewall. If you are using and not the Windows Firewall, then disable it.
  10. Computer browser. Maintains a list of computers on the network and provides it to programs upon request. Irrelevant if you work with only one PC on the network.
  11. Wireless setup. If you access the Internet by connecting a cable rather than Wi-Fi, then this service is no longer necessary.
  12. Secondary login u. Responsible for logging into Windows from multiple accounts. If you have one account, you can disable it.
  13. Print Manager. Responsible for printing files using a printer. If it is absent, it is advisable to disable it.
  14. CNG key insulation.
  15. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). If you do not share Internet access through this PC, for example, do not distribute Wi-Fi to other devices through it.
  16. Work folders. This service syncs files with a Work Folders server so they can be used on any device that has Work Folders configured. Disable it if you work with one PC or synchronization is not needed.
  17. Server. If you do not use the file and printer sharing features, you can disable it.
  18. Xbox Live online service.
  19. Geographic location service. Tracks system location and manages geofences for application interaction.
  20. Sensor data service.
  21. Sensor service.
  22. CD burning service. The time of CDs is fading into oblivion, so if there is no drive or there is a need to write information to a CD, we disable the service.
  23. Client License Service (ClipSVC). Disable it if you do not use applications from the Windows Store.
  24. Image download service. Responsible for loading images from the scanner and camera. If you don't have a scanner, you can also disable it.
  25. AllJoyn router service. Redirects AllJoyn messages to local AllJoyn clients. This is a popular protocol for the interaction of applications, devices and users over WiFi and Bluetooth (and other types of networks), regardless of the type of device. Don't use it? Turn it off.
  26. Data Exchange Service (Hyper-V). The mechanism for exchanging data between the virtual machine and the PC OS. Not relevant if you are not using a Hyper-V virtual machine .
  27. Guest shutdown service (Hyper-V).
  28. Heart Rate Service (Hyper-V).
  29. Hyper-V Virtual Machine Session Service.
  30. Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service.
  31. Data Exchange Service (Hyper-V).
  32. Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service.
  33. Sensor monitoring service. Monitoring various sensors.
  34. Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service. Provides dispatching of incoming messages addressed to the application service. By default the service is disabled. If you are optimizing your home computer, make sure that the services are disabled.
  35. Portable Device Enumerator Service. Provides the ability to synchronize and automatically play files from portable devices. This service is also of little use and can be disabled.
  36. Bluetooth support service. Disable it if you don't use Bluetooth.
  37. Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
  38. Windows Error Logging Service.
  39. BitLocker Drive Encryption Service. If you don't use disk encryption, disable it.
  40. Services that start when installing various programs. You should pay attention to the services that appear when installing various programs. You won't need many of these services either.
  41. Remote registry. Allows remote users to change registry settings on this computer.
  42. Application identity.
  43. Fax machine. Allows you to receive and send faxes using the resources of this computer and network resources.
  44. Connected user functionality and telemetry. Applies to telemetry - disable if desired.

Disable program

Easy Service Optimizer is a special free program for optimizing the startup parameters of Windows 10 services. With its help, the user can stop unused services. The program is Russian-language with a clear interface, so even a novice user can figure it out.

In addition, you can return all settings to their original state by clicking the “Default” button.

By double clicking you can open any service, view information about it, and change the “Startup Type” and “Recovery Type”.


We hope you have figured out which services can be disabled in Windows 10 for better performance. Let's just say that this list is open. At your discretion, you can disable many more services that you do not use. This procedure will free up several hundred megabytes of RAM on your computer.

What services have you disabled? Which ones might have been left? And how much has OS performance improved? If you have a minute, share this information in the comments with other users.