Call for subscription. Call to action. Trial period and free

Calculating ROI will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising, as well as the advisability of taking risks in your business.

Creating an online store, or any similar business, is often subject to certain risks and challenges. Carrying out advertising campaigns clearly demonstrates which of them have a high return on investment, and which, on the contrary, are ineffective.

By investing time, money, effort, and often all of the above, you expect tangible results. This is where the term ROI (Return on Investment) comes from, which is an indicator of return on investment. In a broader sense, return on investment is a financial indicator that allows you to estimate the return on a certain investment cost.

ROI= (Profit – costs)/ costs * 100%

This formula helps you analyze the cost of growth opportunity for your online business.

Examples of ROI calculations for various business tasks

Now we will look at examples of how to apply this formula in practice. Today, there is no single standard method calculating or applying ROI for ecommerce. In fact, you can calculate the ROI of any business, as shown in the following examples.

Example No. 1. Getting a Small Business Loan

Loans in this category allow you to finance everything from the development of a new product line and the purchase of equipment to payment daily expenses. However, there is bad news - such loans are not free and you need to calculate in advance the cost of this type of financing, and how its use will affect income in the short and long term.

Business develops and at the same time, it becomes difficult to control the availability of goods on (virtual) shelves. “Out of stock” is becoming a common occurrence on your online store displays and you have to purchase additional products and equipment to keep up with growing demand.

When making calculations, it turns out that an amount of 55,000 rubles is needed to purchase goods. You have been provided with an urgent loan for this amount with a repayment period of two years with a fixed interest rate of 15% and a 3% commission to the bank for providing the loan.

Such loan fees lead to the conclusion that the final interest rate will be 18.13% (which sounds quite expensive at first glance). 2,666 rubles will be the monthly payment on this loan.

However, all calculations performed demonstrate that the purchase additional equipment will increase the company's income by 6,000. Receiving this loan will not only cover monthly loan payments, but will also bring additional income at 3,333 rubles.

The formula for calculating ROI for this example will look like this: ROI = (3,333 - 2,666) / 2,666 = 0.25 or 25%

Despite the fact that the actual interest rate on the loan exceeds 18%, the return on investment of 25% will allow you to receive additional profit.

Example No. 2. Website redesign

The design of an online store can increase or, on the contrary, negatively affect sales. In fact, most online shoppers trust a website based on its design alone. You might be thinking, my website works pretty well! And while investing in updating your website design may seem like an unaffordable luxury - especially if you don't have enough financial resources - you need to remember about the possible profit and return on investment - this is ROI.

If you look at an example in which we simply modernized the site and improved its interface, you can see concrete results.

Relatively simple method The way to evaluate the return on investment costs in this situation is to compare the cost of website updates or personalization solutions in relation to the income received from this investment.

For example, if you take out a portion of your business's annual budget and pay $4,000 to upgrade your store at the start of the new year, your monthly revenue will increase by 294% (as in Halo Headband's example) to $11,760 in January: ($11,760 - $4,000) / $4,000) where the return on investment will be 194%.

Carrying out calculations using the return on investment formula ($141,120–$4000/$4000) leads to an ROI of 3428%.

Thus, website redesign can be a very promising idea if the current design has not been updated for a long time.

Example No. 3. Formula for calculating ROI for marketing

Marketing is an integral part of running an e-commerce business. It is important to ensure that the brand is visible, there is a clear connection with the target audience and marketing investments are used to the maximum.

There are several in various ways to perform ROI calculations from a marketing perspective. For example, the criterion for the effectiveness of one or another marketing strategy may serve to increase sales of a certain product category. Let's look at several advertising channels as an example.

It is worth paying attention to which advertising channels bring high and which low levels of income. In particular, the example shows that it makes sense to direct the VKontakte targeting budget to Yandex.Direct or SEO if these channels can still be scaled in your project, since they provide a better return on investment (more profit).

ROI calculation: unobvious advantages

By by and large, calculating payback has a number of benefits from a financial perspective, but there are a number of intangible benefits to consider when investing. Let's look at a few examples to illustrate this:

  • Example #1: If a product is constantly out of stock, there is a risk that the company not only loses income, but also most likely loses customers (or at least, customer satisfaction indicators decrease). Customers must be confident that they can rely on your store, otherwise they will look for products in other stores.
  • Example #2: Compared to a modernized one, an outdated site gives the impression that it is unsafe and unreliable, which stops potential clients from making purchases in your online store. Moreover, they provide tools for more efficient work with the site. As a result, website modernization saves your valuable time, the website will become more customer-oriented and increase sales.
  • Example #3: Marketing helps you attract the attention of potential customers, converting them from consumers (who make a one-time purchase of a product) into buyers (those who shop at permanent basis). Marketing also affects brand awareness. All of the above points to the importance of investing in a brand.

It is very important to think big, not limited to just the financial side of running an online business; positive customer experience and satisfaction, effective brand development, time and effort - all of the above must be taken into account when calculating ROI.

Visitors come in but not everyone turns up? Are your sales numbers not growing? What's going wrong? Perhaps your ad is missing a call to action.
100 Effective Calls to Action Templates. Implement!
Information request

1. Any questions? Ask.
2. Talk to an expert about a topic that interests you.
3. Manager ___ will be happy to answer you right now! Start a conversation.
4. Help me decide? Ask our online operators for advice.
5. To ask a question about a product you are interested in, click here.
6. Can't find a suitable product? Ask a question to a specialist.
7. Need help? Ask a question or call a specialist!
8. Contact us – we will be happy to answer all your questions.
9. Any questions? Write to us - we will be happy to answer.
10. Do you have questions about ___? Want to know the cost? Enter your phone number and we will contact you within 5 minutes.
11. Can't get through? Request a call back.
12. Any questions? Leave a request, we will call you back. Yes, call me back.
13. Yes, you are independent and you know everything perfectly well. Yes, you can read and use search. Yes, you don't like being distracted. But still... If you have any questions, press this button.

Cost calculation, ordering a consultation, downloading a trial version of the product

14. Get a quote.
15. Choose a tour.
16. Calculate the cost.
17. Open a free demo account.
18. Order a free estimate of the cost of our work.
19. Order a free measurement right now.
20. Order a free call from a specialist.
21. Get free analysis your his ___.
22. Get a FREE consultation.
23. Book a free half-hour consultation.
24. Try _________ (trial period 7 days).
25. An indispensable tool for ___. Try it for free.
26. Order a free trial version for 14 days!
27. Try ___ for free. 7 days to make sure it's right for you.
28. Want to make sure you can trust us? Test our services for two months.

Order a service, purchase a product

29. Buy today, save tomorrow.
30. Buy today, pay only in a month!
31. Buy and receive ___ as a gift.
32. Buy on sale.
33. Start ___ right now.
34. Yes, I want it.
35. Let's do this.
36. Let's go!
37. Get to work.
38. ___ in one click.
39. Hurry up to buy. Offer expires on __date___.
40. Hurry while the promotion lasts.
41. Take the first step ___.
42. Click here to start a new life.
43. Sign up for courses and realize your creative potential.
44. Buy ___ and you will forget what ___ is.
45. Order ___. Stay one step ahead.
46. ​​Order now and in 10 days you will ___.
47. Call: qualified specialists respond promptly to all calls.
48. Order now. 14 days free. Money back guaranteed.

detailed information

49. Click here for details.
50. Find out more.
51. Details here.
52. Find out how we have helped our clients ___.
53. Intrigued? Click here to find out more.

Event invitation

54. Reserve a seat.
55. Reserve your seat now.
56. The number of places is limited.
57. The most exciting event in the industry. Do not miss your chance.
58. The most anticipated event of the year.
59. We invite everyone.
60. Free seminar for those who dream of ___.
61. Come to the seminar. The entrance is free.
62. Come to our seminar and you will learn ___.
63. Come to the seminar and I will teach you ___.
64. Click here to participate.

Sharing content

65. Did you like the post? Share with your friends!
66. Did you like the material? We will be grateful for reposts.
67. Did you like the material? Please repost!
68. Did you like the post? Don't forget to "like" it.
69. Was the information useful? Join social networks!
70. Did you like the article? Punch the star!
71. Did you like the material? Press the heart.
72. Did you like the article? Don't be a radish, stop drinking!
73. Don't be lazy! Share this article with your friend!
74. Don’t be a cheapskate, give it a like.
75. Make the world a little brighter - share this article with your friends!
76. Did you like the material? It's easy to say thank you! We will be very grateful if you share this article on social networks.
77. Do you like our agency? Like and share with your friends!
78. Repost and get a chance to win ___.
79. Share this article with your friends. Perhaps this will inspire them to...
80. Share the article! Be a man!
81. When you leave a page without liking it, there is one cat in the world who is sad.

And the reluctance to do something completely takes over you...

In my opinion, it is at this moment that some kind of recharge from outside is required... We need a source that would support and help us move further towards our own, towards our dreams. It’s better, of course, to create and achieve goals and results together, which is precisely why we created .

Just recently I found and posted these motivational quotes on the Internet. Perhaps they will also turn out to be a source of inspiration and motivation for you, a source that will give strength and support any of your movements and direction of development.

Watch the video: Common Errors on Instagram

Check out and remember these motivational quotes right now:

To do something worthwhile in the world, you cannot stand on the shore, trembling and thinking about cold water and dangers awaiting swimmers. You have to jump into the water and swim out as best you can / Sydney Smith

Those who can, do, those who cannot, criticize / Chuck Palahniuk

Always do what you're afraid to do / Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success often falls to the lot of those who act boldly, but it is rarely achieved by those who are timid and constantly afraid of consequences / Jawaharlal Nehru

If you want something you've never had, start doing something you've never done - Richard Bach

Living does not mean breathing, it means acting. It is not the man who lived the most who can count the most years, but the one who felt life most / Jean – Jacques Rousseau

In every attack there is victorious music / F. Nietzsche “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to show them, to prove them in practice / Ludwig Feuerbach

The contemplative life is often very bleak. You need to act more, think less and not be an outside witness to your own life / Nicola Chamfort

Even if you lost, time will pass and you will understand that the words “I tried and couldn’t” sound much more worthy, honest, higher and stronger than the banal excuse “I could if I tried” / Al Quotion

Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Action is the main key to success / Pablo Picasso

Do not waste a second, immediately and decisively take your place on the battlefield, whose name is life, do not be content with what you have, never accept defeat, because the world exists to be conquered / Winston Churchill

Watch the video - Why do some people achieve their goals and others not?

Motivational Quotes

It's better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it twice

The one who can and does not act, worse than that who can't but tries to do something / William Blake

Desire is the driving force of the soul; a soul devoid of desires stagnates. One must desire in order to act and act in order to be happy / Claude Adrian

Helvetius Life manifests itself not in states, but in actions / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them in practice / Seneca

Take the first step by believing. You don't need to see the whole staircase - just step on the first step / Martin Luther King

There is no joke with valor: if you don’t make up your mind, you retreat once, you will have to retreat a second time, and so on until the last: in the end you will face the same obstacle as at the beginning - wouldn’t it be better to decide right away? / Gracian y Morales

Many things seem impossible until you do them - Nelson Mandella

It is necessary to act, to boldly grab life by the mane. I only regret inactivity, indecision, hesitation. I never truly regret my actions and deeds, even if they sometimes bring sadness and melancholy / Andrzej Sapkowski

The future depends on what you do today / Mahatma Gandhi

Trust only the movement. Life happens at the level of events, not words. Trust the movement / Alfred Adler

The best idea in the world won't do you any good if you don't act on it. People who want milk shouldn't sit on a chair in the middle of a field hoping the cow will come back to them - Curtis Grant

INACTION - premature death / Pierre Buast

When a person thinks, he doubts, but he is sure when he acts / Anatole France

Actions do not always bring happiness, but without actions there is no happiness - Benjamin Disraeli

When I think, I don't act. In order to act, I need to set myself up. My success is not a consequence of luck, but a consequence of my consistency in action / Estee Lauder

It’s not your problems that should push you back, but your dreams that should lead you forward / Douglas Everett

You will not grow unless you try to accomplish something beyond what you already know perfectly - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can neither win nor lose until you race / David Bowie

The biggest mistake is that we give up quickly. Sometimes, to get what you want, you just have to try one more time / Thomas Edison

Heaven does not help people who do nothing / Sophocles

It is better to work without a specific goal than to do nothing / Socrates

He who does nothing is never wrong - Theodore Roosevelt

The man who could move a mountain began by dragging small pebbles from place to place / Chinese proverb

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step D

Act, act! It's better to cut wood than to dream, at least the blood won't stagnate in your veins! / Alphonse Daudet

Don't wait for things to happen - roll up your sleeves / Garth Heinrichs

Instead of just wanting fish, it’s better to start weaving nets to catch them / Chinese wisdom

The biggest mistake we can make is the constant fear of making a mistake - Elbert Hubbard

The best way to start doing is to stop talking and start doing / Walt Disney

Trying to succeed without doing anything is the same as trying to reap a harvest where you have not sown anything - David Bly

No one stumbles while lying in bed / Japanese proverb

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit on the road - Will Rogers

While you are looking at the kettle, it will not boil / English proverb

Someday later" - a most dangerous disease that sooner or later will bury your dreams along with you / Timothy Ferris

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most main secret- despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. The entrepreneur who succeeds is the one who acts, not slows down, and acts now / Nolan Bushnell

Go and do it; you can always make excuses later / Grace Hopper

He who watches the wind must not sow, and he who looks at the clouds must not reap / From the Bible. Ecclesiastes 11:4

You can't wait forever for the right moment, you just have to create it.

He who waits for his fortune never knows whether he will have dinner to-night - Benjamin Franklin

If you wait for the minute when everything, absolutely everything is ready, you will never have to start / Ivan Turgenev

To reach your goal, you must first of all walk! / Honore de Balzac

Those who really want to go upstairs will invent a ladder / Japanese wisdom

Do today what others don't want, tomorrow you will live what others can't / Jared Leto

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?” / Pythagoras

The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up! / Richard Branson

The decision becomes real only after you have taken action. If you don't act, then you haven't fully decided / Tony Robbins

Actions speak louder than words

If the choice is between “yes” or “no,” then “yes”! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And let it turn out to be nonsense, but at least they tried / Johnny Depp

Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions / James Cook

Try all the possibilities. It's always important to know that you did your best / Charles Dickens

If you always wait for the last obstacles to be removed, you will never be able to do anything - Samuel Johnson

Motivational Quotes

Everyone stumbles in their own way, but whoever continues the path reaches heights / Luule Viilma

This is banal, but this is the law of life: to move forward, to develop, in order to ultimately endure more difficult trials that force you to grow above yourself. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome / Bernard Werber

True desire is expressed by action. And only action brings results / Joel Teutsch

He who does not go forward goes back: there is no standing position / Vissarion Belinsky

Life is like driving a bicycle. To keep your balance you must move / Albert Einstein

People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, it rarely accompanies those who weigh and hesitate / Herodotus

Until you try to do something that you supposedly can't do, you won't be able to move forward a millimeter / Ronald Osborne

A year from now, you may regret not starting today! / Karen Lamb

If you don't try to get what you need, you will never get it. If you never ask, the answer to your requests will always be negative. If you don't take a step forward, you will forever remain where you are now.

Success is clearly related to concrete actions. Successful people never stop moving. They make mistakes, but they never quit / Conrad Hilton

“Forward” is my favorite rule / Alexander Suvorov

“I can’t do this” never achieved anything. "I'll try" has always worked wonders / George Burnham

Beware of inaction regarding your goal. A person must act. He who misses this opportunity is lost to the world / Thiru-Valluvar

In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, even if it’s an extra one / Leo Tolstoy

Life requires movement / Aristotle

Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary / Seneca

Fear stops action. Fear stops action / Margaret Bourke-White

In 20 years you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So set sail from the quiet pier, Feel favourable wind in your sail. MOVE FORWARD! DREAM! OPEN! / Mark Twain

The one who runs falls. He who crawls never falls / Pliny

Man is created for action. Not acting and not existing are the same thing for a person / Voltaire

Life goes on: those who do not keep up with it remain lonely / Maxim Gorky

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible - Albert Einstein

Nothing creates self-esteem and self-confidence like achievement / Thomas Carlyle

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying when it seemed like there was no hope anymore - Dale Carnegie

Sometimes it is better to make the wrong choice than to make no choice at all. You have the courage to go forward - that's rare. Anyone who stops at a crossroads, unable to decide where to go, will never achieve anything - Terry Goodkind

Any " Good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you let your concentration drop for even a minute, you will inevitably start to fall back / Donald Trump

The mere fact that you have achieved something - set a goal and achieved it - means a lot. This is real life without all the “could have, would have done, would have achieved...” / Chuck Palahniuk

You have to keep your eyes and ears open to understand what the future will bring you, and not be afraid to jump into any abyss. There is always a bottom / Ville Valo

Who if not me? When if not now?

The difference between someone who achieves something and someone who achieves nothing is determined by who started first / Charles Schwab

Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not ability or a unique idea, but the courage to bet on your ideas, take calculated risks and act - Andre Malraux

One more or less capable person can make great changes and accomplish great things in the world if he first develops good plan and, without distraction, will devote all his attention and energy to the execution of this plan / Benjamin Franklin

Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets / Zig Ziglar

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts / Confucius

If you want to go high, use your own legs! Don't let yourself be carried around, don't sit on other people's shoulders and heads! / Friedrich Nietzsche

And how do you like these motivational quotes for every day? Did you write them down or decide to remember them?

In fact, you can find many more such statements; who knows, maybe one of your phrases will end up in this list. The main thing, in my opinion, is to never give up and move towards your goal any way, any way.

With you, Igor Zuevich Igor Zuevich https://site/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/logoizbl2.png Igor Zuevich 2015-02-11 00:54:44 2019-03-15 17:30:10 Motivational Quotes - 99 Best Motivational Quotes

We want to provide our blog readers with an encyclopedic-sized article on different types of CTA elements and call-to-action examples. This post will continue a series of publications on how to make advertising even more effective.

1. Forms expressing a call to action in contrasting colors

Let's start with examples of using color contrast to create effective recruitment to action. Let us remind you that contrast is one of the most powerful graphic methods impact on the user. Most quick way attract a visitor - visually highlight the CTA element on the page using a color that contrasts with the background (this rule applies to both buttons and active hyperlinks).

So, the simplest, widely used method is to use a color for the surface of the CTA button (or active text link) that sharply contrasts with the rest of the page color:

The second method - let's call it the “double contrast method” - is to place a contrasting CTA element text on a bright “background” that contrasts with the main background:

The best place to place a CTA element is on the left side of the landing page/site, since in European languages ​​reading is traditionally done in a left-to-right direction:

Here's another one good way attract the visitor's attention: place a small text message, “deciphering” the headline and smoothly leading the user’s eye to the call to action element. In this case, the CTA button logically completes the context of the page (“ context element call to action"):

In order to ensure that the user’s attention is drawn to the CTA element, it is usually “painted” in warm colors - red, orange, yellow. It is desirable that such a “warm color spot” be the only one on the page, that is, the background and pictures with a call to action should be in shades of cool colors - blue, green, gray:

And here is a call to action to subscribe to the public. A light and warm orange CTA button will not get lost on a dark gray background:

Not only the graphic image can be contrasting: in this example To highlight the CTA element (active link), all you had to do was change the link font color to bright orange:

On a page with a plain white background, you can place several call-to-action elements, and the color and visual volume of the CTA will correspond to its importance: the orange element is the most important, the gray element is slightly less important, and the third is an active text link in blue font:

In the example below, we can see for ourselves that a warm-colored (yellow-orange) call-to-action element loudly announces its presence against the “cold” main background of the landing page:

And here the “thermal contrast” is so strong that the orange CTA button literally catches your eye even against the background of an active, expressive background image, however, in a cold color scheme:

"Download from our website"

So far, we have looked at examples related to the use of CTA elements on landing pages/company websites. But this does not mean that call-to-action elements have no place on any other type of web resource: for example, the interfaces of pages on the social network LinkedIn have contrasting contextual CTA buttons:

It looks like CTA elements are bright red, traditionally loved by designers for their impact on target audience, are gradually going out of fashion. Before us new design home page leading service social games Zynga, and all the call-to-action elements on it are a sophisticated, calm light blue color:

Here's what the old design looked like:

2. Calls to action that encourage the user to make a decision

Sometimes all you need is an extra push to make a final decision. You can increase your chances of sending your visitor along the route you've laid out for them - just provide them with an incentive. Incentives can be very diverse: bonus offers, discounts, exclusive access to a service, free consultations, etc. Let your imagination run wild and come up with compelling advertising appeals that will encourage users to do next step in the direction you need, that is, they will make a conversion.

For example, offering valuable information free of charge, you reduce the visitor’s level of psychological “barrier to entry.” This is what the owners of the Codeacademy web resource do, attracting the attention of visitors by offering free access to their educational courses:

Discounts are another proven way to encourage visitors to take action. This technique is often used on landing pages, which you can find in the Gallery LPgenerator templates. All of these templates are completely free and can be flexibly customized to suit your needs:

And here is a call for subscription to the group, promising a discount:

You can persuade the visitor to take the necessary step completely in a simple way- just clearly explain to him that this action (registration, for example) will be an easy, simple process that will take literally a few seconds:

“Save time and money searching for an apartment”

Using social influence is another great, highly effective method of nurturing your visitor: you showcase your product while allowing the potential buyer to see the number of likes the product has received and read reviews left by other users. social networks, and also see someone’s status calling to action to buy some product:

Another example of a call to action enhanced by social influence is the follower counter located next to the CTA element. A doubtful visitor may make a decision based on the fact that “100,000 people cannot make a mistake,” or simply because of the desire to join a large and friendly family of interesting creative personalities.

3. Calls to action demonstrating the product/service

A potential buyer's awareness of the benefits and advantages of your product/service can play a major role in making a decision to conclude a transaction.

This landing page creates a strong visual connection between the bright orange call-to-action element and the product screenshot. Visualizing this connection convinces the user of the need to take action:

On the Flipboard app page, next to an animated illustration of how the program works, there are 2 call-to-action elements - “get in App Store" and "get it on Google play".

Thus, the potential user is exposed to double influence - he receives knowledge about the proposed product and is subject to social influence (he will either join the user community Apple products, or join the many ranks of fans of Google Android OS):

Companies developing applications for mobile devices, often resort to the method of demonstrating the value of the offer on CTA buttons. In this example, the call to action element highlights the main benefit for the consumer - the program is offered for free:

Goal Stacker uses a screenshot of the interface of its new program to encourage the visitor to take one of two recommended actions: sign up for a free subscription or watch a demo video:

Instagram uses images in the call to action and clearly shows what the proposed mobile application looks like on Apple phone displays and in the Google Android environment:

The creators of the Orchestra application offer users to choose one of two application options - for web pages or for iPhone. The size and placement of the second call to action (sign up on the web) clearly shows the user that this is an additional (not the main) CTA element:

CTA elements on the download page mobile application Spotify offers users a choice of two main platforms on which this program will work:

Wufoo's web form builder page highlights 3 call-to-action elements and a screenshot of the program's interface, accompanied by a clear statement about the application's simplicity and functional flexibility. The entire content of the page helps users better understand what exactly they will get by accepting the developers' offer:

4. Calls to action using well-written texts

If the copy on your landing page doesn't engage visitors, then the content isn't just useless—it's actually harmful. Bad content reduces conversions, hurts sales, and ultimately hinders direct sales. You should always remember one of the fundamental axioms of web marketing: “Those who need information look for text, not pictures!”

Make sure that all your offers are formulated clearly and unambiguously and are aimed at converting the visitor. While you're focusing your efforts on creating call-to-action text, don't forget that graphics can help explain to the user the meaning of your offer by complementing it with visuals.

Akismet is an anti-spam service, and visitors who visit the page will definitely receive a message about its purpose: explanatory text is located on the main CTA element. A clear and concise call will not only motivate visitors to action, but will also give them confidence that they have finally found a way to get rid of spam:

“Get started and say goodbye to spam”

A compelling-sounding request for potential readers to click to “look inside the book”, backed by a bright orange arrow, grabs the attention of a visitor to the Amazon page:

The call to action text on the page below is aimed at those visitors who never read bullet points. The meaning of a specific offer is indicated right on the CTA element - it’s time to start taking concrete actions!

"Watch how Bob optimizes his business"

Value proposition - 15-day option free use development tools - highlighted through the use of italics:

"15-day test period" above the button in the lower right corner of the page

The text placed outside the call to action button serves as an additional motivating factor: if you can “create an event” absolutely free (as the CTA element says), then why refuse such a generous offer?

In parentheses next to the button: "It's free"

Well-designed call-to-action text saves the visitor from having to read the rest of the page content - the CTA element will explain to the user exactly what he can get by clicking the button:

The creators of the GoToWebinar service page used text hyperlinks to explain to the user what exactly he would get by using call-to-action elements: download a free trial of a product, make a purchase, or simply chat with a seller:

Another example of a good “descriptive” call to action is the inscription on the CTA element that summarizes the semantic content of all individual points of the offer (bullets):

“Subscribe and publish for free”

The text below the main call to action reveals additional details of the offer to the page visitor. Simple, easy-to-understand message language gives the user a sense of confidence in the right choice:

"Buy a book"

Here's another call to action that gives visitors enough information to make a decision without having to ask for more information:

To enhance the impact on the visitor, the text on the CTA element duplicates the page title.

"Subscribe to free webinars"

The next call to action provides additional incentive to users by reminding them of the triple discount.

"Unlimited access for $149 $50"

The text of the call to action element is reinforced by an image placed in close proximity, illustrating the meaning of the commercial offer.

"Download e-book for free"

The text placed near the CTA button concentrates the user on the benefits received from subscribing.

5. Calls to action that use spatial effects

Remember the saying: “less is more”? It is 100% correct if we're talking about about the call to action element and the free space around it.

An ideal example of smart use of free space - CTA elements simply cannot be ignored:

The Firefox team has done great job, eliminating all “noise interference” that could interfere with conversion - the image is removed from the CTA button, the text does not “creep” onto the button:

And on this page, the main call to action is placed away from potential distractions, such as images at the top of the page or an additional CTA element:

There is plenty of white space around the call to action, allowing the visitor to focus on what is most important. important information contained on the page:

Page Dropbox service embodies the concept of simplicity and clarity - any user will immediately understand what actions he is asked to perform:

“Watch video”, “Download Dropbox”

Another example of using free space is that all information is collected in small visual groups, distant from the main CTA element (which, in our opinion, should be additionally highlighted with a “warm” color):

All call to action elements on next page surrounded by empty space, allowing the visitor to easily select the action he needs:

Even though the CTA element is located in the most visually rich area of ​​the image, the white space allows for a natural transition to the next step:

All visual clutter is eliminated by the minimalistic design of the page, where nothing interferes with the perception of the call to action:

"Download the application"

Here's another good example of using page space:

Want your call to action to be noticed? Separate it from text content and images:

The Skype page is a role model: a simple design, the call to action element is highlighted in color and emphasized with white space.

Another very good example of highlighting a CTA element by correct use free space and color contrast:

"Get Started with Stripe"

IN in this case Effect " empty space" is used to draw attention to an additional text call to action located to the right of the main red CTA button:

"Subscribe Now" or "Learn More"

Naturally, you can apply the spatial effect on an advertising banner:

"Download Yapta app"

In the example below, the CTA button is surrounded by a translucent border, enhancing the effect of the call to action by distancing it from the rest of the page content:


6. Calls to action that create a sense of movement

Some of the most successful calls to action are created using arrows. Arrows are an important graphic element on a page, creating a sense of movement and directing visitors to the most important elements of the page.

Typically, arrows on CTA elements point to the right, which corresponds to the direction in which the page is read in European languages:

When 4 arrows point at the same call to action element at the same time, it's hard not to pay attention to it!

The following example uses an embedded video, pointed to by an arrow, as a sort of additional call-to-action element:

An arrow placed on a call to action element points to text content that explains to the user the meaning of the service being offered:

To indicate the movement of the eye, it is not necessary to use luxurious “tailed” arrows - the > sign is quite enough, as in the example below:

"For free! Get started >»

The arrow indicates to the user that in front of him is the main and only call to action (albeit not very similar to the usual CTA element):

7. Subscription as a call to action

In order to start a massive email marketing campaign, you need to acquire a client base. The easiest way to collect such a database is to place a subscription form on a promoted landing page. You may also need a call to action to renew your subscription.

Here's a simple one clear example— the user is invited to take part in the conference, and he will receive registration details in an email:

Nice to have in client base names of potential clients:

“Listen to how your name is played by the carillon.”

Another example of a call to action element with a data collection form and a registration button:

Above the CTA button is a very serious component of any marketing campaign, expressed in a humorous form - the security policy: “On our mommy’s cookbook, we swear that we will not flood you with spam.” This text makes the call to action especially compelling:

To attract interest to the call to action element, a colorful image is used as the background:

Above the address field there is text that directly and openly talks about the advantages of the offer:

Try to remove anything from your page that might distract the user from the call to action element. Here's an example to follow - a simple white page that creates a feeling of spaciousness:

Give your users the opportunity to interact with you through social media accounts:

Personalize call-to-action elements. And don't be afraid to use a little humor:

8. Calls to action offering primary and secondary options

It may happen that you need to offer the visitor several options for action. For example, watch consultations regarding a new product, or download a free trial version. Determine which action has a higher priority and highlight the corresponding CTA element by increasing its size or “coloring” it with a more contrasting color.

Classic example: main element The call to action is highlighted by color (bright yellow) and shape (button). Additional element presented as an active link:

Another common way of dividing elements by importance: the main element of the call to action corresponds to a warm color (orange), and the additional one - to a cold color (gray):

The further to the left the CTA element is located, the more important it is:

The size of the CTA buttons is the same, which indicates approximate equivalence desired action. However, given the warm red color of one of them, as well as its leftmost position, we can determine which action is preferable:

"View Plans & Pricing" and "Product Tour"

Two call-to-action buttons can increase conversions - it's possible that after watching the video tour offered by an additional CTA element, the user will use the main call-to-action element, thereby completing the conversion:

If you offer a complex product, then using an additional CTA element that allows the user to watch training videos will be an excellent solution:

"Free trial version" and "Product Tour"

Below is a rather strange solution: judging by the location, the top CTA button is the main element of the call to action. However, it has the color of the background of the page, without standing out too much, but the auxiliary call uses Blue colour. We think the page needs urgent split testing:

“Subscribe Now” and “View Tour”

Two call-to-action elements - and both in cool shades:.

“Write to us” and “View our work”

Perfectly made page - warm Orange color The main call to action element matches the color of the logo and main menu, standing out in contrast against the dark blue main background:

"Join Now" and "Try Free"

A similar solution, only using red. The subtle background also indicates the primacy of this call to action:

Again, the design of CTA elements uses cool colors that do not contrast with the main background of the page. A random visitor is guaranteed to be perplexed: what action should he take on this page?

"Try Free" and "Buy Now"

9. Calls to action that segment visitors

When creating a call to action, a marketer must focus on his target audience, which often requires expensive, time-consuming marketing research.

However, there is a much simpler way to distinguish your target audience from the total number of visitors: let your visitors identify and segment themselves. Call to action elements will help them with this.

Here is one of the simple ones available ways segmentation of visitors into groups. Recall that the segmentation strategy works effectively when using:

“Find chefs near me” or “Post a chef job”
"Create a virtual store"

By adding additional points (bullets) to the description of each element for the action, you can increase the accuracy of visitor segmentation:

“I want tools that are easy to use.

I want to do most of the work myself."

“I need a team to handle marketing for me.
I need to increase my website traffic.
I need quality leads and increased income."

Background images serve to segment visitors by gender:

Visitor segmentation occurs in the right column of three call-to-action elements, each with a short explanatory text:

"For companies"
"For Investors"
"For shareholders"

An example of two great call-to-action segmentations, each with its own headline, background image, and additional description paragraphs:

Hello dear readers and new blog visitors. Pavel Yamb is in touch. Today I decided to please you with a hot topic that will be of interest to those who are just learning to write advertising texts, the goal of which is to get a person to make a purchase. How to make a call to action correctly? This question is perhaps the most important for a copywriter. Why? Because in life, many of the sales letters do not work, because their authors do not know how to properly put the squeeze on the client and force him to place an order.

In this article I want to look at several different techniques used by different authors of sales letters. They set themselves the goal of implementing a Call to action. Some of these texts do not shine with originality, but among them there are quite interesting techniques that were used by famous personalities in history. I drew a parallel between modern selling messages and classic invitations, as they were composed in the early stages of advertising. From my observations, I drew conclusions to find some general performance indicators. These examples will give you the opportunity to use them in advertising texts, regardless of their purpose.

Classic invitations (this is what they did before)

Let's take an example different kinds classic appeals. They were composed back in the days when advertising was just beginning to take its first steps. I read many such letters and discovered some patterns that are present in almost all texts. I wonder if you can spot them among these advertisements published in the foreign press?

Issue "Sales and Marketing Management"

“Have you waited a long time to finally get this opportunity? The time has come! Your free copy is here!

Publishing house "Beyond the Limit"

"Explore interesting world, surrounding you! Subscribe now!”

Newspaper "Luck"

“Feel the taste of “Luck”! Fill out the subscription form below and we'll send you the next issue for free!”

Harpers Magazine

“Will you allow me to send you our issue? We don't ask for money from you! If it’s not difficult for you, and our gift is interesting to you, please respond before December 31!”

Publishing house "Home and Garden"

“Don’t deprive yourself of pleasure, you are on the threshold of happiness! We don't demand anything from you! And in return you will get so much! Get your value by subscribing to Home and Garden today!”

These appeals were considered very creative in their time, although they all sounded approximately the same. Pay attention to the hidden meaning of these letters.

Standard techniques are used everywhere:

- “Answer us if you agree!”

– “Act immediately, and without hesitation! We pay for you! You only get benefits without losing anything!”

– “Direct benefit without payment! Just send us your card!”

- “If you are interested in new releases of adventures, then they are waiting for you in our publication, you just need to send us the card enclosed in the letter!”

Have you noticed, friends, how these appeals were structured?!

These promotional mailings ask readers to send in a coupon that is included in an envelope. Do you catch the analogy?! IN modern internet— in marketing, you are also asked to click on the subscribe button! All other movements of the reader are not important, it all comes down to getting him to subscribe.

Now take a close look at the examples I have given below. You will see three interesting nuances that exist in the text of each appeal:

  1. Not a word is said in each letter about money or any obligations. On the contrary, you are offered to use free trial period. This is perceived by readers as a gift, and they do not feel obligated to anyone. One of the phrases goes like this: “Try it and you will see that this product You'll like it!" This period looks like a delay that gives people the opportunity to think a little before buying.
  2. Please note that modern mailings contain the same phrases that were once heard: “Send us a card and we will understand that you agree!” True, there is still a slight difference - in modern marketing you are just asked to “click on the subscribe button.”
  3. Please note that many invitations require you to respond immediately. This is right. Don't give readers the opportunity to think for a long time. You shouldn’t do this because if you give them time to think, they will forget about your letter in the next two or three minutes after they read it.

Let's look at a few more samples I prepared, which can often be seen in modern digital CTAs (Call to action). They exactly reflect proven conservative methods. Look at these texts below.

You often see examples of these patterns (templates) in modern advertising. They are almost no different from their predecessors:

  1. “Try it, you will like it!” Notice that the first word is in bold!
  2. Here is another phrase that is used in modern marketing: “We do not require any commitment from you!” Previously, it was used in this form: “you don’t have to pay for anything!”
  3. Request: “Answer us today!”
  4. “To subscribe, click on the “Subscribe!” button.

Let's look at a few more samples.

The “why not?” argument

Look at this form of address, which does not seem to tire the reader much, but there seems to be no reason for refusal. Well, they asked good people, why not do it? In approximately this vein, the Double-Y Store magazine used this technique in its advertising campaign:

“This promotion ends soon! Take advantage of the moment, order our publication immediately and now. You will not lose anything from this, but will only gain!

One article recently made this point about using CTA elements:

“When you use CTA elements, you realize that they the main task it is to push the person to do what you want. It is quite clear that they cannot like this. Have always been a good incentive low prices, but this is not the best solution for your business. And therefore, it is better to use a simple “why not?” technique.

Focus on the benefits

Do you want to learn how to write articles and make money online? Right now I have recruitment is underway for free training using the author's methodology. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH PAVL YAMBU

It's good if you have some kind of elite club or group. Then you will have a good bait for people to become a member of this club. It's a good advertising gimmick and it really works. But what if you don’t have such a club? What should I do? Think about the benefit that a person will receive, focus his attention on this, and he will send you his data.

You can act like this in an interesting way. See how the call that was once made in the press works:

"You have free time? Don't know where to spend the summer?!

Want to become a volunteer?! Spend unforgettable days in the wild, in a project dedicated to the animal world in the tropics?! Or maybe you have a dream to take part in archaeological excavations? If you are busy now, this will be relevant for another month! You can contact us later!”

I would replace the last sentence with “You should contact us later!” and tested it.

This text already contains tempting words (spend your summer in the tropics for free)! Well, who wouldn’t want that! And it's free too! In similar articles for full of beauty It would be nice to insert a large red button that will smoothly transfer fans of free voyages to the subscription page. But, unfortunately, not everything is so smooth in this text. The fact is that a successful CTA should immediately lead the reader to the design, and this one does not quite meet the standard, since it invites action to be taken later. That is, in this sentence there is no main criterion: “Answer now!”, and therefore people will be irrevocably missed.

The title does not always have to be standard. His attractiveness may vary. Let's look at one more example CTA, sent out from the Earth Patrol company: “If you want to become active participant our campaign, or otherwise contribute to us, you can simply send us an order form. Do this when it's convenient for you. For our part, we promise that your adventures can begin in the next issue of Earthwatch.

Is it possible to make a lead an invitation? For the last example, yes, this method is suitable. But to do this, you need to instruct people what to do next. For example, I will give the following message: “After clicking, you will go to such and such a page. There is nothing here except the CTA.” Is it possible to make a lead so that it calls to further actions? In Earthwatch's version we see that this is possible.

These days there is good alternative previous mailings - digital offers, so you don’t have to make very confusing instructions and directions, but simply indicate links in the text or make buttons leading to address pages.

Offer a trial version

For this case, I will give the following example: let’s say you received a message from a website promotion company. Experts suggest you calculate how much their work will cost. It says something like: “Let us calculate for you absolutely free how much it will cost to analyze your site and promote it.” Here is typical example low level obligations. You don’t need to pay for anything just yet!

Or, let’s say this option: you receive a letter in the mail with the following content: “You want to receive a digest that will contain reviews latest news in the world of gadgets? No need to pay! As another bonus, it will have interesting feature articles that you won’t see on other sites.” This is another example where readers' attention is focused on the lack of commitment. Wow! Again they offer something for free, and even an exclusive that no one has. Who wouldn't sign up for this!

Why does not it work?

Incomprehensible design

In digital marketing, a CTA will work if you provide a beautiful and simple page design. But a subscription can easily be ruined by deciding that all users are quite advanced and will figure out what to do next.

To achieve good results, do the following:

  • Remove all unnecessary floating menu items from the page;
  • Remove all annoying pop-ups with the registration form. Visitors simply leave such pages.
  • The page must contain a clearly formatted message.
  • Read mine.

How to register correctly

Effective writing must include two basic requirements.

  • Contain a personal CTA.
  • Focus on benefits.

And speaking in detail, the call should consist of the following elements:

  • The CTA should not require any effort on the part of the client.
  • Must contain a request for service or assistance.
  • Should not contain any meaningless buttons like “Click!”
  • There must certainly be a large, bright button with a clear inscription about personal benefits (discounts, promotions).

There must be a reminder that this must be done urgently.

Three effective criteria for strengthening

  1. Don't forget to offer people something free to try.
  2. The text should not contain unnecessary instructions. Only a direct link and a large button (for example, “Find out the cost”), which will be more understandable for users.
  3. Ask people to respond immediately, without delay. Remember: a delayed response is delayed forever!


Accompany texts as much as possible simple instructions. If they contain special terms, you need to explain the meaning of these words (webinar, coaching, banner). Tell us what will happen after the person signs up (our manager will contact you and we will place an order).

That's probably all for today! Let me end my review here. Hope it was useful to you? Please write in the comments which of these techniques do you use? Don't forget to like on social networks. See you again, friends!