How to create a landing page that sells: development rules and common mistakes. Examples of Landing Page. Use high quality images and videos

What is a good landing page?

Landing - conversation with potential client. Its effectiveness will depend on how well you can tell a person about your product. Hence the three landing rules.

A landing page is good if the visitor:

1. It’s clear what is being offered here

Therefore, it is necessary to provide comprehensive information about the product and answers to potential questions in the most succinct form. This problem is solved by a well-thought-out first screen and a logical structure.

For this purpose, there is a Platform editor and all its tools to convey the benefits and convince the client to order from us. It’s good to add pictures, use videos – anything that positively characterizes your product.

3. It’s clear what to do next

The page should direct you to a simple and understandable next step: make an order, leave a phone number for call back, sign up for a free consultation or something else. This problem is solved by the application form and button.

If a clear first screen and a conversion form are a more or less standardly solved task, then you can convince the client and convey the benefits in different ways. We don’t know in advance what a visitor to our site will actually like - we can only guess.

So good landing page is the result of an experiment, when the market itself shows what works and what doesn’t. Make the first version of the page and launch it. Measure conversion and improve your site with every step. This is a proven way to arrive at a landing page that converts well.

Successful landing page- this is already 90% of business success. In the century digital technologies a well-made landing page consisting of one page can provide many customers, while large sites with dozens of pages can stand without orders. What is the secret to landing page success? In this article we will try to figure it out.

What is a landing page?

Landing (or landing) is a landing page that should motivate the visitor to buy a product or service.

Technically it's just a website consisting of one page with minimum necessary information. The purpose of the landing page is to quickly attract and convince, to persuade the person who visits the page to buy or order services.

How do people get to landing pages? Usually from another site - from a search engine, some affiliate site or another site with advertising. Can lead to landing page advertising banner or link from social network(say, Twitter, Instagram).

Typically, a landing page is not designed for a wide range - it has been proven that the wider the choice, the more difficult it is for a person to make a decision, so the landing page usually presents a couple of possible variations (or even just one option).

Landing is a collection of all the information necessary for selling, its concentration, and at the same time, landing is bright wrapper, in which you need to wrap your product to make it attractive to the end user.

So, for your landing page to be successful, you need to pay attention to the following points.

1. Call to action

The visitor's goal is to take an action. For example, make a purchase, order a service, or subscribe to a newsletter. For your call to action to work, you need:

  • clearly and understandably make it clear what the end result is the purpose of your landing page; What should the visitor do? Therefore, write clearly and clearly;
  • use one call to action- no need to place many buttons, links or various forms, make one noticeable call that the user can concentrate on;
  • make a button. A button attracts much more attention than just a text. Therefore, a call to action in the form of a button will be more visible and effective;
  • add a reason to take action right now. For example, if a user registers now, he will receive free shipping (or a 10% discount, or something else). The offer should be placed next to the call to action so that it can influence the buyer's decision making.

2. Effective headline

A good headline is an important part of the success of your landing page. It is important to keep two things in mind here: the user must understand where he has landed (and whether he has landed correctly), as well as what this page can offer him.

The title should be of interest and make the user spend as much time on the page as possible (and perform the target action).

The key point is whether the title is interesting enough to continue browsing the page? If the answer is “yes,” then the title is well thought out; if “no”, then it makes sense to change it.

A few rules for an effective headline:

  • brevity and simplicity: the simpler and shorter the title, the faster user will be able to grasp and become interested in what the landing page offers him;
  • the title should be located at the top of the page and have an attractive design;
  • It is better to optimize the title for SEO if you want visitors to come to you, including from search engines.

3. Simple structure

Since the landing page is in general understanding not even a website, but just one page, it is better to make it as simple and understandable as possible. If you overload the landing page, the user may get confused and not complete the desired action. When creating a landing page, focus on a wide audience - your page should be understandable to everyone, so it will be better if you place only the necessary, necessary elements.

To create an effective structure, rely on the following principles:

  • The landing page should motivate the visitor to take the target action. Anything that does not contribute to this should be removed;
  • The landing page should allow the user to take one main action. If there are several actions, it may confuse the visitor and he will leave the site;
  • The landing page must have free space. Don’t make it small and don’t try to fit in too much information, buttons, pictures;
  • visual information is read faster than letter information: use illustrations and infographics, this will also have a beneficial effect on the design.

4. Gaze control

Follow the visitor's gaze. Figure out how the visitor will end up on your page, where he will look and what he will want to do. Main question at this stage: does everything lead to the completion of the target action?

The trajectory of the incoming user's gaze should lead him to perform the target action. If you arrange all the elements of the page correctly and logically, this can guarantee the success of your landing page.

What can I use?

  • Graphic elements: arrows, icons, contrasting shades, emoji. Anything that can switch the user's gaze from one element to another.
  • Sequence of elements. Not only visual, but also logical: imagine that you are telling a story - do the blocks flow logically, is the information revealed correctly?

If you doubt your objectivity, involve friends and acquaintances in the research. Let them talk about all their feelings: what they see at first, what they see later, what they pay the most attention to, what confused them, what they liked, and what upset them. Even a simple test like this with a few people can help you significantly improve your landing page.

5. Compliance with advertising

If an advertisement leads to the landing page, then its content should completely coincide with what you offer in the end: cost, discount, type of product, etc. If something does not match, it will lead to false expectations and a negative reaction in general.

Don't forget that you can, firstly, create a separate landing page for each advertising campaign, and secondly, the page itself may change depending on the traffic source.

6. Trust

Whether the visitor completes the target action or not may also depend on the trust that the landing page will inspire in him. Think about what questions would be running through your head if you were on such a site. What doubts the material may raise, and how these doubts can be dispelled.

Typically this can be done in the following ways:

  • product warranty;
  • test period (if we are talking about a service);

Which are created to sell one product and service.

To do this, it is important to present information in such a way as to turn ordinary site visitors into buyers. But before that, you should understand what they are basic elements landing page. The design of the site and, in fact, the articles are aimed at attracting attention and converting visitors into future clients. When creating a landing page, you need to take into account that a correctly selected picture and well-written text.

Before you start creating, you should think carefully about the concept of the site. Not only the presentation of your product, but also how it will be presented, why it should be interesting to people.

For example, you already have an idea for a business, but you have not yet attempted to promote it. First, look at your competitors' websites to understand exactly how you will have to present your product to make it look better compared to them. Analyze their information yourself and highlight for yourself what is happening in your business, get new ideas. This way you will understand how to make a landing page layout.

Where to make a landing page prototype?

You can turn to specialists who have been involved in similar matters for a long time, or you can come up with everything yourself. First, try to present everything in a draft and only then move on to creating a landing page website. And over time, you yourself will begin to understand what is effective and what should be changed or removed.

The rules of a sales landing page state that a clear product offer must be created. so that the visitor wants to purchase the products himself, and so that he has no questions about what exactly is being offered to him. That is, this offer must be clearly formulated and extremely clear.

This will help the potential buyer navigate the site, not only in terms of prices, but also the relevance of the product. Basically, a landing page exists by mixing copywriting and infographics. The landing page, one might say, should replace the manager, so that in the end, when ordering or contacting an employee, the person already knows the information he needs and only clarifies minor details or simply confirms his actions.

This kind of presentation of the site is very much appreciated. For example, people who prefer systematization and ease of order processing to communication.

Landing page website creation

What else should you consider when creating a landing page?

80% of what a person sees and 20% of what he reads are better perceived. So you should also choose the right design and make small texts. View examples of other pages to know. Comparison tables are very helpful.
IN modern world unlimited amount various goods and services, and in most cases, someone is already doing the same thing as you. Therefore, you need to present your products in the best possible light. If you know exactly what your advantage is, don't be afraid to show it! Make different infographics and tables with your data and information from other companies.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the title - one of the important things when creating a landing page. The title determines whether a person will go further. And if the name attracted him, he will become interested and continue viewing your page. And there it’s not far from buying. It turns out that the candy wrapper is what attracts us first, and only then do we find out the filling.

How to make the right landing page

Post all important information at the very beginning so that the client understands what he is faced with.

Let me remind you that such sites are created in order to express one direction of the products provided. It's convenient, practical and easy.

It is very important that the visitor navigates the site well and can find answers to the most significant issues. This will improve people's attitude towards the site and increase traffic. Such skills in correctly distributing information throughout the site are important for landing pages.

All of the above are the principles of creating a landing page. They should be taken into account when creating a landing site yourself. Everything comes with experience, so look for new ideas, start, try, and you will understand how to make a good landing page.

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what the best ones look like landing page.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

IN perfect landing page The image corresponds to the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. Call to action describes additional benefits(gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the gripping forms we equip best landing page page of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has the following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. IN perfect block all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key offers highlighted in color or in bold font.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains name and real photo client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on best landing pages our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs must be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among customers.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only best works, beautifully designed, does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a card with specified location office. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

Is it possible to create a landing page easily and simply? Can!

However create landing page is one thing, but making sure it brings results- This is completely different. An example would be blogging on the Internet. It’s not enough to write a good and interesting text (especially in your opinion) and wait for crowds of people to come and read it. You need to try to search for and select topics that will interest not only you, but also other users. Then you need to try to change visual appearance blog, that is constantly change something. And it doesn’t matter how you do it, it’s important that you don’t stand still.

Rules for creating a landing page

The blog example can easily be applied to a landing page. From my own experience, I can say that clients very often forget about basic principles building landing pages. And it's not that they can't pick up beautiful pictures or illustrations, since clients often completely forget to add to the landing page photos of your product. And it's also not that they don't know how to invent bright slogans for your titles. The most common mistake is, for example, that you need to look for a button with a magnifying glass Call to action. That is, we are talking about basics landing pages. That's why I prepared for you 23 rules for building good landing pages . I invite you to familiarize yourself with them :)

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