Ways to improve, optimize and develop e-commerce, forecasts. E-commerce development forecasts

Want to look into the future and see what e-commerce will be like in 10 years? The consulting company Ovum published a forecast until 2026 and answered the questions of what awaits the market, which technologies will affect the industry and which will turn out to be a dud, and who is the buyer of the future.

Buyer of the future

Customer expectations are changing

Today, price, convenience and Fast shipping. These needs will still be important in 10 years, but the buyer and the expectations from the purchase will change. The bulk of buyers will belong to the generation brought up on digital technologies, who are constantly online, are not used to waiting, and dictate terms to the seller through social media.

Instant response to orders and 24/7 delivery will become the norm for the buyer. The following come to the fore: proactive service, customer support and free shipping at a specific place and time. The buyer wants to receive only what he saw in the advertisement, and if the seller does not ensure a correspondence between “seen” and “received”, then the store will fail.

The shopping experience becomes more important

In 2026, shopping will turn into an interactive game using augmented reality technologies.

The main tool for attracting a client will be to obtain a positive purchasing experience. Buyers will gain this experience primarily from demonstrating involvement in purchasing activity in in social networks. They will share their impressions, photos, videos with friends and subscribers, and sellers will stimulate this process, for example, with the help of points.

A positive purchasing experience is the main tool for attracting customers

Providing a tangible shopping experience in store or online - key tool increasing brand value and standing out from competitors in the future. The seller must be sure that the buying experience delights the buyer and has tangible value, otherwise the buyer will perceive it as a gimmick or gimmick.

The shopping route becomes more complicated

Today, a linear purchase route is considered traditional - the buyer begins and completes the purchase from one device, but by 2026 it will become completely obsolete.

Popularization of wearable devices and deep penetration into daily life technologies: smart TV, driverless cars, smart household appliances, web beacons and other technologies - main reason changes in the consumer journey. By 2026, the route will look like a pretzel with twists and turns. The purchase begins on a mobile device and ends in an offline store, or vice versa, with several more devices in between. This buyer jumping from one platform to another will make it difficult for sellers to evaluate promotion channels.

Merchants who will succeed in 2026 will be those who track consumer behavior across a growing number of devices and customer touchpoints and can identify the most effective path to purchase.

The sharing economy is gaining popularity

The spread of the Internet simplifies the process of borrowing, lending, renting, and exchanging goods and services. To use a product, you do not have to purchase it or pay full price. Through exchange and reuse people can earn or save money, optimize the use of resources and solve environmental problems. This is why the sharing economy is becoming popular.

Sharing things and services will help customers save money. But businesses that fail to adapt will suffer.

Collaborative consumption has already had a major impact on the hotel industry due to the proliferation of online private rental platforms such as Airbnb. Sellers of rarely used and uncategorized products personal use(eg household appliances, furniture) will also be affected by secondary markets.

Smart retailers will be able to use the sharing economy to their advantage. Today, major brands such as H&M and IKEA are partnering with charities to offer programs to take back old clothing or furniture in exchange for a discount.

Dynamic points of sale

Points of sale that open online stores are non-standard in our understanding. These are showrooms, departments in friendly offline locations, and not stationary boutiques and stores.

New types of offline stores do an excellent job of giving the buyer the opportunity to look and touch the product of interest. Communication with the buyer occurs directly, giving ecommerce a certain physical tangibility that attracts new customers and increases the loyalty of old ones.

New types of offline sales points - temporary showrooms, pop-up stores, mobile stores on branded vehicles

Manufacturers who are displacing brick-and-mortar retailers will also favor pop-up stores to showcase product. To promote the new product, a road show will be used - a kind of tour, constant movement from city to city of a mobile store on branded transport:

Source: abmadvertising.com

Source: bigblognorthernireland.org.uk

Brands will not reduce their presence in the market; they will concentrate resources on the mobile model - a network of spontaneous stores that appear simultaneously in different places.

Omnichannel sales

Successful sellers will finally switch to (omni-channel) by 2026. Multiple sales channels coordinated with each other, give the buyer the opportunity to place an order (on a social network, on a website, through an application, offline, etc.) and receive their goods in a way convenient for them. And the seller sees sales statistics in one place and can manage all channels at once.

The buyer begins to communicate directly with the brand, regardless of the entry point. The client chooses where, when and how he wants to buy the product, and receives the product at the same price, regardless of the channel. This concept requires investment in information systems and logistics, otherwise the seller risks being forced out of the market.

The main battlefield is delivery

Competition in the online market is increasing and main way surpass your competitor - increase the speed and quality of order fulfillment. Major players are investing in their own delivery systems, as Amazon is already doing.

Vendors will continue to experiment with different models, compete in speed and minimization of delivery costs. Same-day delivery will no longer surprise anyone; the time interval between ordering and receiving goods is constantly decreasing (but don’t expect widespread delivery using drones, this is due to security issues).

The one who can deliver faster and cheaper will win customers

The “click and collect” model is gaining popularity - receiving goods at one of the chain stores or at a parcel terminal. When the buyer is inconvenient to wait for the courier, this model saves time. But the main delivery method will still remain; in the next 10 years, experts predict improvements in the quality of service in this industry.

Strengthening mobile commerce

Mobile devices are a key platform for digital content, a trend that will only increase over time. The number of smartphones will reach 2.05 billion by 2020.

With the increase in screen size, the smartphone becomes a platform capable of satisfying the needs of the buyer at all stages of the purchase. Consequently, sellers are forced to avoid losing a buyer.

Android smartphones continue to lead the competition iOS devices , by 2020 this gap will only increase. This trend is affecting the mobile payment market, payment Android systems Pay (Google), Samsung Pay and others will compete not only with Apple Pay, but also among themselves.

Using geolocations

By 2026, the spread of wearable devices (smart watches, glasses, fitness bracelets and others) will allow sellers to receive more data about the buyer, the most significant of which is the location of the buyer at a certain point in time. This will allow sellers to make personalized offers based on the customer's current needs.

To obtain data about the buyer's location, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons will be used - small beacons with built-in sensors that transmit a signal mobile device when it approaches a certain distance (for example, within a radius of five meters), and mobile app notifies the user about a message (for example, about a discount in a store).

Today similar devices used experimentally by large retail chains. These technologies will allow sellers to increase sales and establish communications with buyers through the application, but there are problems: the cost of implementation and responsibility for storing the received data.

Mobile payments boom

Mobile payments are expected to grow rapidly within 3 years, and by 2026 this type of payment will dominate many markets. Increase quantity online shopping via telephone, peer-to-peer transactions and contactless payments in stores.

Despite rapid growth, mobile payments will not replace other instruments, but will occupy 25-30% of cash turnover.

Mobile loyalty programs

Mobile devices will become the dominant channel for . The process of interaction with the buyer will become more interactive.

Plastic loyalty cards will give way mobile programs with gamification elements

The mobile program will reach a level of engagement that standard programs are not capable. It will enable the use of gamification elements that will lead to the formation of communities around the program. By 2026, traditional plastic loyalty cards will give way to smart cards that will be stored in a mobile wallet.

Mobile Advertising Dominance

By 2026 mobile will become the dominant communication channel for most brands. Company expenses for mobile advertising will increase, according to experts, from $22.64 billion in 2014 to $63.95 billion in 2019, which will make it the fastest growing segment of online advertising.

Context is key

Buyer in 3D

In the next 10 years, the seller will know more about us than we do ourselves. Today target audience evaluate in a linear way by socio-demographic characteristics, place of residence and income level. The constant growth of data sources and the ability of companies to analyze this data will lead to the construction of a full-fledged 3D model of the client.

The seller's task in such a situation is to determine how, when and where to influence the buyer in order to push him to purchase.

Growth in predicted purchases and curated shopping

The increase in customer data will lead to the development of predictive analytics. It will allow sellers to predict buyer behavior and needs. By 2026, this model will not be ideal, but it will significantly reduce risks when developing new products.

Such business models will allow us to move from simple recommendations to fully curated shopping experiences. For example, a cosmetics store, based on customer data, selects a set of products taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

The seller will be able not only to offer the product, but to recommend exactly what is most suitable for the buyer

Another element of curated shopping will be a new generation of digital assistants. Modern assistants, such as Siri and Google, are only at the beginning of their development; in the future they will become more complex and begin to use technology artificial intelligence for e-commerce.

The digital assistant does not call for a purchase, but only helps to navigate the variety of offers. Over time, the assistant will be able to independently purchase everyday goods, such as batteries or household chemicals. Despite this, there will still be categories of goods where the buyer wants to retain control over the purchase, for example when buying electronics.

Control over the use of personal data

In 2026, the client will expect a personal approach from the seller, but this can only be obtained in exchange for his personal data. Consumers will know the value of the data and will expect the seller to fulfill the following conditions:

  • personal data is safe;
  • the seller is aware of privacy;
  • in return, the seller offers something of tangible value.

It is important for the buyer that. As a result, centralized data storage initiatives such as GSMA's Mobile Connect in the UK will become standard by 2026. With such a system, the user is given a code with which he can access any website or application, make mobile payments, and control the amount of personal data that these resources are willing to provide to third parties.

In this article we will answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of beast is “e-commerce”?
  2. How dynamically is e-commerce developing in Russia and in the world?
  3. What product categories sell best online?
  4. Forecast for the development of e-commerce and the answer to the question: is it worth doing?

In response to the query “what is e-commerce?”, our beloved Wikipedia gives us the answer:

“E-commerce is a sector of the economy that includes all financial and trade transactions carried out using computer networks, and business processes associated with such transactions.”

Simply put, this is online trading and everything connected with it. The more goods sold and purchased online per year than more money takes place in all these operations, the greater the volume of the e-commerce market, and its % relative to traditional trade in offline stores.

Needless to say, the e-commerce market is developing by leaps and bounds. Both in the world and in Russia. And the further you go, the greater% of purchases will be made via the Internet. Including using electronic money, plastic cards, cashless payments.

Just literally 6-7 years ago, most people in Russia only occasionally made purchases online. In 2015, the percentage of people making purchases online increased enormously, with various financial analysts noting an average of 15-30% annual growth in online purchases over the past 4-5 years. And this dynamic will continue.

  • Consumer electronics (30-40%). Here on Russian market the main players are obvious - Eldorado, M.Video, Ozone and other giants. Not to mention huge amount smaller shops that sell everything from fake iPhone to refrigerators.
  • Clothing and shoes (15-20%). There is a sea of ​​brand stores and shops selling various categories of clothing - fur coats, jackets, sneakers and so on.
  • Books, household goods, food and other categories(on average, each accounts for 5-10% of sales volume).

As I already wrote above, e-commerce in Russia and the world is developing by leaps and bounds. According to experts, growth will continue, so people already engaged in trade or just planning to engage in it are faced with the task of as soon as possible master online trading methods. Because here, as everywhere else, “Whoever is first, gets his slippers.” Besides, you won’t be able to become the first in most niches, even though you might be able to catch the last carriage :)

Let's summarize:

  1. What kind of beast is “e-commerce”? E-commerce, greatly simplified, is trading via the Internet.
  2. How dynamically is e-commerce developing in Russia and in the world? To say “very dynamic” means to say nothing. Very, very dynamic!
  3. What product categories sell best online? Sales are generally good in electronics, clothing, and some smaller categories.
  4. Forecast for the development of e-commerce and the answer to the question: is it worth doing? If you are engaged in trading, then accessing the Internet is a matter of survival for you. Definitely need to go online!

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Thank you and have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night! 🙂

What is E-commerce for Ukraine a few years ago and today? What are the prospects for the retail e-commerce segment in Ukraine in the context of global trends?

I will not go into detail about the advantages and what E-commerce is in this article; I will only briefly note that electronic commerce (e-Commerce) is buying and selling online. Benefits of e-Commerce for consumers (in brief):

  • price (due to lower production costs, for example, there is no need to pay rent for retail space)
  • 24x7 support, access to a selection of products from anywhere, the ability to compare products and prices in different stores at any time
  • Viewing reviews, as well as the possibility of writing them, studying characteristics, studying practical experience in video reviews
  • Wide coverage, expansion of the sales market without restrictions
  • Using a wide range of methods for promoting goods/services, Internet marketing, social marketing, personalization of the trade offer.

And much more...

And if just a few years ago online shopping was the prerogative of the segment large online stores household appliances, electronics and gadgets, primarily due to the possibility of simple showrooming (buying tactics of choosing a product, inspecting it and getting advice in offline stores, as a rule, large networks, and online shopping), then both sellers and buyers already understand the advantages of buying/selling through online stores. And most sellers have equalized prices offline and online. As a result, there is now a boom in online stores, which covers more and more new market segments from clothing to food.

Electronic commerce (E-commerce) in Ukraine and the world - in numbers

Let's start with the statistics of E-commerce in the world.

1. Dynamics of growth in retail trade volumes in the world since 2014 with a forecast until 2020 (in billions of US dollars)

2. Regions and leading countries in e-commerce in 2016

3. Leading countries in e-commerce

Currently, almost half of humanity uses the Internet and more than every fourth an inhabitant of the Earth is online buyer.
As can be seen from the graph and table, the world leader in e-commerce is not even the United States, but China. You can also learn more about Internet marketing in China in my other article.

TOP 10 countries by volume of online trading transactions in 2016 accounted for 85.2%, of which:

  1. China - 33.7%
  2. USA - 26.2%
  3. United Kingdom - 7.7%
  4. Japan - 5.0%
  5. France - 3.2%
  6. Germany - 2.9%
  7. South Korea - 2.8%
  8. Canada - 1.6%
  9. India - 1.1%
  10. Russia - 1.0%.

Thus, the ENTIRE rest of the world accounts for only 14.8%. And somewhere in these numbers is all of our Ukrainian e-commerce...

Now let's look at the statistics in contrast electronic commerce (E-commerce) in Ukraine.

4. Ukrainian eCommerce in numbers

According to e-commerce market research by Kreditprombank (which in turn used materials from Morgan Stanley Research, Fintime, Forbes.ua, Gemius Ukraine, InMind, InAU), the Ukrainian e-commerce market looks like this:

Development of eCommerce in Ukraine to date:

Index 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Volume of online trade in Ukraine, billion $ 0,4 0,6 0,55 0,73 1,1 1,59 2,37 3,24 4,44 5,65
Growth, % - 50 -8 34 50 45 49 37 37 27
Internet commerce penetration, % 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,1 1,3 1,6 2,3 2,9 3,8 4,5

As can be seen from the table, growth rates as penetration Internet trading into the economy and actual volumes in monetary terms are growing rapidly, but, unfortunately, we are still far from reaching the level of countries from the TOP 10. It is also obvious that the future of trade in Ukraine is eCommerce.

Sources of statistics:

  • Analytical report “Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)” by the international marketing agency Statista (New York): https://www.statista.com/statistics/379046/worldwide-retail-e-commerce-sales/
  • Analytical report “Global B2C E-commerce Report 2016” according to Ecommerce Foundation, GFK, Asendia, Ingenico, MarketShare, WebHelp: https://www.ecommercewiki.org/wikis/www.ecommercewiki.org/images/5/56/Global_B2C_Ecommerce_Report_2016.pdf
  • Kreditprombank report: http://www.kreditprombank.com/upload/content/512/E-commerce_Market_in_Ukraine.pdf

But in order to better understand the reality, what else difference between Ukrainian eCommerce and international In addition to dry growth figures, our own investigation and experiment was carried out.

Ecommerce in practice (experience of choosing and purchasing online 2017)

Let's test E-commerce! For the example of this article, a consumer set was selected, including:

  • children's pajamas (men);
  • baby bodysuits;
  • hats;
  • socks;
  • knitted blanket

Let's do it real purchase on behalf of the consumer, girls 20-30 years old with average knowledge in English, using the capabilities of the Internet at the level of a confident user.

So, go ahead!

The request “buy clothes for newborns” suggested the following online stores with high website promotion results (1st page in Google):

  • www.simpatyashka.com.ua
  • www.mamindom.ua
  • www.kenguru.net.ua
  • babystores.com.ua
  • and others.

In general, stores with goods for children are quite standard for the Ukrainian market with a different price range (not always of the same quality). The ease of use and functionality of most of these sites leaves much to be desired :). And unsuitable terms of cooperation and delivery forces you to continue searching until 10 and further pages of the search engine.

However, as you know, crowd marketing techniques, namely reviews and “ word of mouth”, often play a decisive role in choosing the necessary store and product (especially products for children). Plus, in the context of globalization, to contrast with Ukrainian online stores, you need international experience, preferably from the TOP 10 countries mentioned above. Thus, the English website NEXT was included in the experiment.
NEXT - popular British store fashionable clothes, which has about 200 franchise stores in more than 40 countries, and direct delivery of goods is carried out almost all over the world, including to Ukrainian consumers.

As it turned out, the often inconvenient logistics issue was successfully resolved in the case of an English online store: Express delivery goods to Ukraine (and not only to Kyiv) from London are carried out within a maximum of one week and absolutely free! Which is almost impossible for online stores on the Ukrainian market.

And finally. How are we all used to tracking the ordered goods via the Internet? Maybe…. no way :) Only by personally calling the store manager can you hope for a meager amount of information that the goods have been sent (or the goods are on the way, etc.).

What is the English online store doing at this time? He reports on each of his actions in a contactless form (+ notifications are sent via SMS):

The result of such cooperation (delivered in 5 days):

A similar set of goods was purchased in one of the Ukrainian online stores from the TOP-20 according to the above request.

The overall picture is presented in the following table:

Criteria Average Ukrainian online store* English online store (Next.com)

2500-3500 UAH.

1671 UAH

Assortment (of this product group)




low or medium


Website functionality and usability

a lot of unnecessary, distracting information or its complete absence. Confusion

simple and clear interface without unnecessary details. All information necessary for the user is in the language of the region


Geography and delivery methods are limited, timing is unpredictable

worldwide delivery to minimum terms with detailed and clear online report. Convenient notification via SMS about important milestones in the product’s journey


endless search for the right store

I want to return to the site again and again**

*Based on an analysis of the TOP 20 search engine results sites.
**I would really like the same emotions to arise after shopping in online stores in Ukraine.

A similar picture continues in other segments. For example, in technology, AliExpress will appear instead of Next; in household goods, Ikea will compete with Ukrainian online stores; in a broader segment, eBay, Amazon and other whales of the e-commerce world will compete.

Forecast for the development of E-commerce in Ukraine for 2017-2018, opportunities and threats of the e-commerce market

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? In 2017-2018 e-Commerce will be characterized as follows:

  • further blurring of market boundaries, globalization
  • gradual formation of global requirements and consumer expectations in terms of price, service, delivery speed, choice of assortment and quality of goods
  • increased competition, both domestic and international
  • growth in online trading volumes
  • growing number of consumers preferring online shopping
  • replenishment of the online segment with new industries in both B2C and B2B.

There is also threats and opportunities simultaneously.

In order to successfully compete in the Ukrainian online transactions market, our Ukrainian online store owners need invest in your business, invest in services that make shopping more convenient and easier, promote websites in search engines(SEO), advertise, expand the range, including through sales of products from Ukrainian manufacturers, optimize costs and become more competitive!

As a result, we can say that forecast for e-Commerce of Ukrainian online stores generally positive: more and more consumers will become online shoppers and more and more stores will open their online stores, information sites and catalog sites will add e-commerce for current CMS.

The total market volume, amounting to $5.65 billion at the end of 2016, will double by the end of 2018 and will exceed the $10 billion mark.

Anyone who has offline trading, be sure to launch online stores, those who already have them - implement the best solutions of global players, grow, become more convenient and use the entire arsenal

E-commerce development forecasts

General Development Forecasts According to IDC (www.idc.com), the total e-commerce market will reach $1.6 trillion by 2003, with $1.4 trillion of this coming from B2B offerings. The share of virtual store clients among all Internet users should increase from 29 to 38% by 2003. According to research by eMarketer (www.emarketer.com), revenue from e-commerce worldwide in 2000 amounted to 185 billion dollars, next year it will amount to 336 billion, in 2002 - 686.3 billion, and in 2003 - 1. 26 trillion dollars (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Global e-commerce revenue growth forecasts (billions of dollars).

According to a Jupiter Communications study, spending on Internet-influenced purchases totaled $235 billion in 2000 and will reach $831 billion by 2005. In 5 years, the Internet will influence 75% of retail purchases, up from 43% in 1999. About 200 billion dollars will be spent in virtual stores and another 632 billion people will spend in ordinary stores on goods about which they found information on the Internet. Already, 68% of surveyed buyers of virtual stores say that they study information about a product on the Internet and then buy it in a regular store. Another 47% state that they select products online and then order them by phone.

According to Jupiter Communications forecasts, the total turnover of the B2B market by 2005 will be over $6 trillion. According to the calculations of the Gartner Group (http:/ www.info-edge.corn/gartner.htm), by the end of 2003 there will be about 10,000 B2B projects operating, including large virtual exchanges, as well as a significant number of companies specializing in service and technical support portals. Gartner Group estimates the total turnover of the future B2B industry at approximately $7.29 trillion by the end of 2004.

According to eMaketer forecasts, in 2001 the B2B sector will account for 82.5% of the volume of all e-commerce, in 2002 this figure will be 85%, and in 2003 - 87% (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Forecasts for the growth of annual turnover of the B2B market (billion dollars)

According to eMarketer experts, in 2003 the United States will continue to lead in the B2B field, Americans will own 59% of this market, and their income from this type of commerce will be $747 billion. Jupiter Communications (www.jupitercommunications.com) estimates that the US virtual B2B market will grow to $6 trillion by 2005, accounting for 42% of total non-network commerce between US businesses.

By the end of 2005, the volume of the European sector electronic market B2B offers will reach 900 billion euros, which will account for 6% of the total volume of trade agreements between commercial companies (Forrester Research).

According to the forecast of the Post and Telecommunications Ministry of Japan, by 2005 the B2B market turnover will grow to 103.4 trillion yen ($980 billion) compared to 14.43 trillion yen in 1999. The market for Internet-related business services, such as Internet connectivity services, Internet infrastructure maintenance and online advertising, will reach 31.25 trillion yen ($297 billion) in 2005, up from 6.40 trillion yen in 1999.

According to Andersen Consulting, the market e-books, which today is not yet so large and significant, will be able to cover 10% of the entire world book market by 2005. Sales in this market will approximately reach $2.3 billion by 2005.

The American information and analytical firm IDC predicts market growth by the end of 2003 distance learning by 148% - from $480 million in 2000 to $1.3 billion in 2003.

E-commerce has incredible appeal. If for a small business this is sometimes the real and only way to enter the world of trade, bypassing the horrific costs of organizing a real point of sale, then for large networks, this is a self-evident addition to traditional activities. And yet, in my opinion, the disparate prospects of e-commerce are observed precisely in small businesses. The so-called “low margin business”, i.e. business, which is characterized by a small trade markup, in most cases, is typical specifically for online.

By the end of 2013, if we all make the efforts required of us and do not greatly interfere with the development of the market, the volume of e-commerce will amount to $4.9 billion (or 5.1% of the entire Kazakhstan market of goods and services, estimated at 96.1 billion $) and its regular customers will be 5.2 million Kazakhstanis.

e-commerce organization consumer

We are only in the first wave of the e-commerce boom in Kazakhstan; we must reach at least the level of spending in online services (taking into account the correlation of average salaries in Russia and Kazakhstan) to the level of 60-70 dollars per inhabitant in the coming years. And this is approximately 11 billion US dollars.

The prospect is very tempting, however, there are still risks for our small business. And, oddly enough, they come from Russia. Don't underestimate expansion Russian companies who have much more experience, have worked through the “error factor” in the market and are ready to “go” to regional markets. The only thing that holds back the market leaders of our northern neighbor from wanting to do this “right and now” is the unrealized prospects in the Russian market. But the hour will come when the potential will be exhausted, and then competition will intensify on the Kazakh market and the inevitable process of displacement, mergers and acquisitions will begin.

According to analysts, by 2016 the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan could reach $2.4 billion, or 2.5 percent of retail.

In Kazakhstan for further development e-commerce requires the adoption of a law on e-commerce, the introduction of payment and logistics systems.

In 2014, this market will grow to 1.2 billion US dollars. Expectations for 2014 are that the e-commerce market will reach about $1.2 billion, and online advertising will almost double. The turnover of e-commerce in Kazakhstan is about 300 million US dollars, the volume of online advertising is about 6 million US dollars. Those. we're talking about about a growth of approximately 4 times in 2-3 years.

At the same time, the head of Processing.kz, Konstantin Gorozhankin, gives more optimistic forecasts. According to him, by 2015 the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan will increase ninefold. IN currently The e-commerce market, he notes, in Kazakhstan occupies about 0.45 percent of the total market. Growth estimates are as follows: in 2013, the share of e-commerce will account for 1.8 percent, in 2014 - 2.7%, and in 2015 the figure will reach four percent, by which time the e-commerce market will be 3.6 billion US dollars. There are generally accepted estimates, statistically verified, and they say that the threshold value for the Internet audience is 20%. It is from this figure that the growth in demand for online services begins. Kazakhstan has already reached this indicator, and in megacities it radically exceeds this mark. Konstantin expects a boom in e-commerce in 2012-2013. We are now exactly in this time period, and some data indicate that the forecast is becoming reality.

Vice Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saken Sarsenov is less optimistic. In particular, at the beginning of October this year, at public hearings of the “Information Kazakhstan-2020” program, he noted that, according to his estimates, the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan will reach $4 billion only in 2020. His assessment takes into account the risks that hang over the global economy in the form of the danger of a “second coming” of a crisis that threatens to eclipse the last one in its scale.

At the same time, there are other, even more modest assessments of existing realities. In particular, according to the results of a survey conducted by the analytical research center “Chocolife.me”, the entire e-commerce market in Kazakhstan in 2011 amounted to over $133 million. Basically, it is formed by AirAstana and other companies selling air and railway tickets, the company notes. Regarding payment methods, in this case 78.36% of buyers pay bank cards, 18.31% in cash and 3.33% pay for services using terminals. The leading positions in terms of revenue were taken by the following online stores: “Disti” - $5.7 million, “Sulpak” - $3.7 million, “Alser” - $3.6 million.

The question of metrics, methodology and market assessment tools is key question all e-commerce statistics in Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, now we are only talking about market assessments, often subjective, based on indirect data.

Payback, monetization of sites is the main problem of our Kaznet. As practice shows, creators usually have enough money for the first 1-2 years. Then the money runs out, and you can’t get far on sheer enthusiasm.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are still no refined, effective mechanisms for making money on the Internet. When it becomes possible to accept money on the Internet, when our post office has the opportunity to clearly show where the goods are located, when more Internet users appear, when laws appear, we will create an infrastructure that allows Kazakhstanis to buy more online, then everyone will understand what potential is hidden in our Kazakhstan e-commerce.

It was created under the National Bank working group, consisting mainly of representatives of banks. Accordingly, the law was written “for banks.”

In particular, deputies demand that not only banks be the owners of electronic money, but also other companies that want to develop this market. Parliamentarians fear that banks still see little benefit in electronic money and, accordingly, will pay little attention to the direction. And small companies are more active in the market, they will move faster, and this area will be developed faster. I agree with the deputies, there is a certain sense in this.

To ensure that electronic money is not issued unsecured, a mandatory deposit of an equivalent amount in a bank account is introduced. Example: whoever wants to issue 100,000 electronic tenge, he is obliged to place a deposit in any bank for these 100,000 tenge. This deposit will be controlled by the National Bank. He will check the company that issued the money and the deposit. As soon as the company has a need to issue not 100,000 tenge, but 200,000, it will be obliged to first increase its deposit in the bank to 200,000, and then issue money. The point is that the company does not waste “empty” money. This is a fundamental point that we want to reflect in the law.

As soon as the Electronic Money Law comes into force, companies will start working.

The problem is that Kazakh online stores cannot reflect electronic money in their accounting statements, because they are illegitimate. Once the law is passed, many gray shops will come to the surface. They will be able to legalize the receipt of electronic money and pay taxes on it.

Undoubtedly, the quality of statistics will change. And not only as a way to improve control and analysis of transactions. It is probably necessary to change the very methodology for classifying business entities in government statistical analysis.