How to clean an entire wall in contact. How to delete all posts on a VKontakte wall? Two simple instructions

Nowadays, almost everyone is registered on social networks, so there is no need to explain what a VKontakte wall is. At the same time, situations quite often arise when users need to clean their wall. There are many who play games and, accordingly, they have many friends who love the same games and send gaming messages begging to your wall. Invitations to play some new game are also often sent.

We clean the VKontakte wall completely

Situations often arise when the wall is cluttered with all sorts of spam or invitations to some events. And it just happens that people who are unpleasant to you write on your wall, messages from whom you also want to delete. The process of removing unnecessary or unpleasant messages from a wall can be done in several ways. Each of these methods has both its advantages and disadvantages. Now we will look in detail at how to clean a wall in VK quickly.

How to delete all posts on a VKontakte wall

Method one: slow but sure

This method, on the one hand, is the simplest, but on the other hand, it is the most labor-intensive. It is suitable for those who either have a lot of free time and nothing to do, or those who have few notes on the wall. This method involves manually deleting each entry.

Step 1: You need to move the mouse cursor to the post on the wall. Whenever you move your cursor over a post on the wall, you will see the post light up slightly and two buttons appear: “like” and a cross.

Step 2: Click on the cross. By clicking on the cross, you delete this post from the wall. Note that you have the opportunity to restore it. This method is great for those who only need to remove a few unnecessary posts from the wall. In this case, the deletion process will not take much time, and you will be sure that you deleted exactly what you wanted.

How to quickly clean a wall in VK

Method two: script

Unfortunately, it is worth saying that the developers themselves did not provide for such an opportunity as cleaning the entire wall at once in one motion. As a result of this, you have to use the services and developments of third-party developers, that is, “scripts.” There is nothing complicated here. For this method, you will need the Greasemonkey program, which is built into your browser and gives you the opportunity to select the necessary scripts for the tasks you need. This program has only one “but”: it is designed and works only in Mozilla Firefox.

Step 1: You need to go to the official website of the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can go there from the browser itself. Next on the site you need to select the “Addons” item and, using the search, find the Greasemonkey program.

Step 2: Download and install this add-on.

Step 3: Restart the browser.

Step 4: Using search engines, look for a script that can be used to remove all posts from the wall. To do this, go to the “Toolbar” in the browser, select Greasemonkey and then “Manage Plugins”. Then a new window will open with a search bar. By searching you will find the script you need and add it to yourself. You can also find a ready-made script online and add it to yourself. As you can see, cleaning a contact wall is quick and easy, the main thing is desire and time.

Video on how to clean an entire VK wall in a new design

How to make Yandex and Google the start page in Opera, Mazil

Today, business with running your own group on VKontakte is very developed, so there are enough nuances with administrative management.

So, a new group has appeared, participants have been invited, and the advertising process may have begun. People begin to communicate and post their posts on the wall; every day, hour and minute there are more of them, and now the question arises of deleting all posts at once. Consider three working ways to delete all public posts quickly and easily.

If the user prefers the Google Chrome browser (), then the problem with unnecessary posts in the community is solved by installing the Instrumentum extension ().

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Login to Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the icon that looks like three vertical dots. In the menu that appears, hover the cursor over “Additional tools”, then in the new table select the “Extensions” line.
  3. The page that opens will show you which add-ons are already installed and connected. If this list does not contain what you need, then at the end click on “More extensions”.
  4. In the online store at the top left in the search bar you need to enter the name of the lotion – Instrumentum.
  5. After the results are displayed, proceed with the installation.
  6. The application installs without any unnecessary programs. Upon completion of the process, a new icon will appear in the upper right corner, by clicking on which you can log in through your existing page in VK.
  7. To start working with the extension, allow access to profile information.
  8. Once allowed, the application will close. To resume, you need to click on the icon at the top again and select the section of the page in VK in which you want to format. Since we are talking about how to delete entries from a group, you need to click “Community”.
  9. From the list that appears, click “Delete wall posts.”
  10. The extension will make it possible to select the desired group if the page owner has several of them, and will specify whose posts on the wall to remove. Mark the required lines and click “Delete entries”.

This method does not require the installation of any applications or widgets, but it cannot boast of a complete cleaning function. In order to erase a small number of records from a group (indiscriminately whether they are from administrators or from members), this method is ideal.

If a lot of posts have accumulated, the process is repeated several times. It takes approximately 5-7 minutes to delete 3000 entries.

Step-by-step instruction:

Important! Only the administrator has the right to delete all posts from the group wall. An ordinary participant can delete his entry immediately after posting it.

I am glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog.

If in life a person is greeted by his clothes, then on a social network - by the content of his personal page. What to do if you used your account as a platform for making money on the Internet?

There is a desire to remove everything with one click or leave only certain entries. How to delete posts from a VKontakte wall , let's figure out how to do this?

Agree that after such activities a lot of unnecessary things remain - dubious reposts of some posts, unfamiliar friends, uninteresting groups.

I want to warn you right away: start cleaning the wall of debris only when you have already finished or have decided not to work on sites to earn money.

If you continue to earn money from reposts and so on, then be careful: one of the conditions for receiving a reward is to leave the posts untouched for a certain time.

You can delete almost all posts from your VK wall, except the most important ones. I'll tell you how to do this a little later.

So, be prepared for the fact that the VKontakte page may be banned for a certain time. This kind of activity of yours may be mistaken for hacking.

Therefore, get ready to defrost it, which means receiving a code on your linked phone and entering it in the specified field.

If the phone is lost and there is no access right now, then I do not recommend cleaning the wall of unnecessary debris. You may be left without an account on this social network.

In fact, there are several ways to clear the wall of all notes, but I suggest only the simplest ones. There is no need for special knowledge or a long time to implement the method.

All you have to do is follow the short instructions.

Delete a VKontakte entry using the GoogleChrome browser

Go through your browser to your personal VKontakte page or to the group if you are its administrator.

Scroll through it all to the very end. If you do not do this, only visible entries will be deleted. You will have to repeat the process again from the very beginning.

Right-click on the space without text or pictures. A drop-down menu will open in which select the “View Code” section.

If you doubt that you have chosen the right place, then press three keys Ctrl+Shift+I at the same time. This way you will save your time and be sure that you did everything correctly.

A window will open in which the codes of all elements will be displayed. I warn you right away - there is nothing you need to touch, rewrite or add to.

Method for deleting posts on VKontakte

Look carefully at the top panel of the window that opens. Find and click on the Console tab.

Find a small field where you can enter information. If you did everything correctly and did not touch anything, the cursor will blink at this place. You will find it right next to the blue arrow.

Select the code to delete a post on VK

Please note that you must paste all the javascript below into this field. He will do everything for you in minimal time.

(function () ( "usestrict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; vardeletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (vari = 0; i

I warn you right away - all the letters and symbols that are written in this script do not need to be retyped manually. Just select the code and paste it into the required input field in the console.

Then press the Enter button. This starts the procedure for clearing the wall of all recordings. In the window that opens, the question “Delete all posts from the wall?” Click the "OK" button.

Deleting posts on VK

After some time, you will see the message “Npostsdeleted”. By clicking "OK", you confirm your decision.

If you change your mind and decide to leave several posts on the wall, then before reloading the page, click “Restore” next to the selected posts.

All that remains is to check if everything is cleaned from your wall. To do this, open the page in another tab or in another browser.

If you did everything correctly, then your wall will be as clean as on the first day you created your account. If you decide to leave several posts, then check to see if they are still there.

We delete a post from the VKontakte wall using the Mozilla Firefox browser

This method differs from the previous one in several nuances. You also go to your personal VKontakte page.

Then right-click on an empty space and select “Examine Element” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that opens, select the Console tab, and feel free to paste the same code that was written in the previous method.

The fact is that the code does not depend on what browser you are using. It only applies to the VKontakte website.

Press Enter and watch the process of cleaning your wall. You may notice a notice that it is not recommended to use different codes, as they may harm your computer.

Don't pay attention: it's the security system that's triggered. Click the Allow button, paste the code and begin the cleaning process.


Key features of deleting a post from a wall in VK

As I said earlier, this method is very simple and easy even for a beginner. Besides:

  1. The method works with any VKontakte design. This may be the old interface or an updated version.
  2. If you are a community administrator, then using this method you can easily delete old posts from the public wall.
  3. You can interrupt the cleaning process at any time. Just press the F button. This will refresh the page and leave posts on the VKontakte wall.
  4. Please note that if you placed the photos on the wall and not in a separate photo album, then when you clean them you will lose them. Therefore, in preparation for the process, review and, if necessary, save the photographs in some kind of album.

How to delete not all VK entries

If you decide to clear the entire wall, but leave some notes, then you need to make preparations.

Leave some separate VK entries

These could be some posts with congratulations, “eternal reposts”, pleasant memories of some events, interesting photographs, etc.

To do this, right-click on the date of the post and in the menu that opens, select “Open link in a new tab.” Do this trick with all the necessary posts.

Let there be five, ten, fifteen or more. Check if they are all open in new tabs. After that, delete them manually: hover your mouse over the ellipsis icon and select “Delete” from the menu.

Do not refresh the page, do not close it. It should remain open with a note on the wall: “Message deleted. Restore". Slowly perform these manipulations with all selected posts.

Now on the main VKontakte page, start deleting all entries. To do this, use the method described above. Removal will be quick and take little time.

Once everything is cleared, proceed to restore the selected entries. To do this, go through all open windows and tabs and click on the “Restore” button. This way you will save certain records and get rid of unnecessary garbage.

Delete VKontakte posts before a certain publication date

This method is similar to the previous one. If you have decided until what date you do not need the records, then proceed to the preparatory part.

To do this, on your VKontakte page or public wall, double-click “All posts.” Go to search by records. Find the calendar icon and click it.

Select the date by which you want to remove all entries. All records will open to you. Look carefully and decide - you don’t need them, will you delete them all?

If the answer is yes, then proceed to use the code and clear the entire wall at once. Only those posts that were published before the specified date will remain.

If the answer is no, then open the necessary posts in separate tabs. Prepare them according to the previous method.

Then delete any remaining posts before the selected date and restore the individual posts you prepared in your open tabs.

This way you can clear your VKontakte wall of unnecessary posts, reposts and photos. I am sure that you found a lot of useful and interesting things in the article.


Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Almost every Internet user has his own page on the social networking site VKontakte. Spam from games, reposts with quotes, posts from friends, videos and photographs - all of this lies on your wall in countless numbers. How to quickly remove everything unnecessary?

The site itself does not suggest deleting such information with one click. To clear a page of spam, you will have to delete each unnecessary message step by step with your own hands.

  • Hover your cursor over the desired post.
  • In the upper right corner you see a cross and a pencil. To delete a message, use the cross.
  • Next, instead of a post on the VK wall, you will see a window where it will be written that the message has been deleted.
  • There you will be asked to restore the message or send it to spam. You can use both features before the first page refresh.

This method is very labor-intensive and is suitable only for those users who have a lot of free time and patience. But it has its advantages - you delete only those posts that you really don’t need. This is the main difference from script methods.

Scripts for official browsers

How to do this through the Google Chrome browser?

  • You don't need any additional programs for this. Just open your wall and scroll through it completely. Right-click and select – view element code. Then go to the tab – Concole.
  • If you have more than 530 posts, you need to change the number and add +1 to it. That is, if you have 3000 posts, put 3001. If there are fewer posts, don’t change anything.
  • Insert a message:for (var i=1;i
  • The wall is cleaned. The downside is that the VK wall is completely cleaned. True, after complete deletion, you can restore some messages, but you will still have to do this manually.

This is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to download it from the official website. To use Greasemonkey to delete unnecessary VK messages, you need to write a suitable script. If you cannot do this yourself, then it is better not to use this program.

A video will help you master this extension.

  • Go to the official website of the script -
  • Download the program.
  • Log in and enter your details.
  • Choose a profile and cleaning.
  • Delete messages.

Vkbot is simple and easy to use, does not depend on browsers. If you wish, it is possible to restore messages again, even if you deleted them in other ways. Everything works. If you are afraid that when using this program your VK password may be stolen, after clearing the wall, uninstall the program and change the password.

  • Visit the website
  • Select – download page. Your browser is already marked here, click install.
  • Go to the VK page. An additional vkopt tab and a wall appeared on the side.
  • To delete all posts, select: wall – action – clear page. All is ready.

This extension involves not only cleaning walls, but also downloading various files and greatly simplifies work in VK. View the settings by clicking on vkopt on the side of the page. Select the options you need and use this set of scripts to your heart's content.

Watch video instructions for using the vkopt plugin.

Now you know how you can quickly and easily clean the wall on your VKontakte page. Use the instructions that are most convenient for you from time to time so as not to turn the page into a dump.

If you actively communicate on the social network VKontakte, over time the wall is filled with a large number of messages, including posts you like, descriptions of life events, and dialogues with friends. And this is only a small part of the publications, because both your friends and other users with whom you do not even know can leave posts on the wall. As a result, over time it turns into a kind of dump, sometimes with long-outdated information.

In such cases, a natural question arises: how to deal with this phenomenon, how to clean the VKontakte wall of entries.

How to delete posts on a VKontakte wall

The problem is that it is impossible to do this using system means (meaning mass deletion). The developers only offer deleting individual messages, which is extremely inconvenient, because cleaning a wall with several thousand posts will take a lot of time. But there are some programs and special scripts with which you can quickly remove all entries on the VKontakte wall for further filling it with new information. We list from the wisest ways to the simplest.

Deleting posts on the VKontakte wall using a browser add-on

There is a wonderful add-on called Greasemonkey. It is used for the browser Mozilla Firefox. This tool is designed to run custom scripts on any web page. To clear a VKontakte wall, you will need to run a special script, which Greasemonkey will help with.

First, install the add-on in the usual way. After this, a button with an image of a monkey’s face will appear in the browser.

Click on it and select “Manage Scripts”. Once on the script search page, select the appropriate one and configure it for use on the VKontakte page. Just keep in mind that after deleting posts from the wall, the script must be turned off, otherwise new posts will be erased as soon as you log into the social network.

For browsers Google Chrome And Opera there are similar additions - Tampermonkey And Violentmonkey.

VKbot for cleaning the wall VKontakte

The VKbot program is used to effectively work with the VKontakte page. With its help, you can quickly perform various actions, including mass ones. It can also easily cope with clearing the wall of unnecessary messages.

The program offers selective cleaning of the wall - from incoming messages and from outgoing ones. Therefore, after launching it, you need to log into your account and select “Cleaning - Manage personal messages”. Next, we remove unnecessary records one by one. In just 2 minutes the wall will be as good as new.

The safest way to delete messages from a VKontakte wall

Scripts and programs are, of course, good, but the catch is that using them for any actions is prohibited by the rules of the social network. Therefore, there is always a risk of account blocking.

If you are a supporter of safe and legal ways to work on VKontakte, the most reliable way is to delete messages manually. If there are few of them, this will not be a big problem.

To delete a message, hover over it with the cursor. A cross will appear in the upper right corner - “Delete message”, which you need to click. And we do this one by one with all the records.

To further maintain the cleanliness of the wall, it is recommended to set the correct settings. To do this, in “My settings - Privacy - Posts on the page” we set who can leave posts - it’s either “just me” or “some friends”. Believe me, after this new messages will not grow like mushrooms after rain, their number will decrease significantly and deleting unnecessary posts from the VKontakte wall will no longer be a problem.