Rules for a good landing page. How to create a landing page that sells: development rules and common mistakes. Correct and selling landing page structure

September 12, 2016

An effective landing page is a miracle of engineering, an incredible design project, where there is nothing superfluous and everything is done so that a person can quickly receive useful information and take the action you need. I’ll say right away that there is no universal answer to how to make a 100% successful landing page. You can first try not to repeat the mistakes of others and test, test, test!

Today we will talk about the following issues:

  1. Font size
  2. Accents
  3. Font types and their variety
  4. Line length and layout
  5. Headings
  6. Text block size and layout
  7. Illustrations
  8. Icons and lists
  9. Background and font color
  10. Psychology of color

Few people think about the fact that the success of a landing page (we’re not just talking about a landing page) depends not only on the right marketing offer, accurate targeting and correct content, but also from competent design. You only have a few seconds to make a good impression on a potential buyer and get them hooked. To be precise - 5 seconds.

What font size is best?

In web design, font size matters more than anywhere else. A person evaluates the degree of convenience only by his feelings and instantly closes the page written in very small letters. He does this because he is confident that he will definitely find the information he needs in an acceptable form. It's stupid to lose a client because he decided not to strain his eyes.

Size screen font measured in several units: pixels (px), percentage (%) and ems (em). Px is the most famous and oldest unit of measurement, which, unlike % and em, does not allow text to be scaled for reading on different screens, i.e. it is an absolute font size, and the user will not be able to adapt it to his tastes and preferences.

Once upon a time, the standard size for all sites was 12 px, but over time it became clear that it was too small for screens, and it was abandoned in favor of a larger font. Today, a font of at least 14-16 px or its equivalent in em and % is in use.

1 em = 16 px = 100% Times New Roman (serif).

Note that not all fonts are the same size: 16 px Arial is larger than the 16 px Trebuchet version for example.

16px- This optimal size, because the text it types on the screen looks about the same as text printed in a quality book (we don't take pocket formats, etc.). And it's great for people with vision problems, or those over 40 who don't see as well as they did at 20. For example, the text you're reading right now is Arial 16 px. If you print out a piece of paper with a 10 px font and place it next to the screen, you will see that the font sizes will be the same. So my choice is 16 px. Separate, insignificant pieces of text can be set to 14 px. Many people use 14 px as the main font, this is an acceptable option, but if your target audience is over 40 years old, then I would definitely choose 16 px.

In addition, it makes sense to specifically increase the font if you offer the reader a “sheet” - this will reduce eye strain and will not allow the person to give up in the middle of the text. You may have noticed that most e-readers offer more large font than sites.

How to attract attention to headlines?

Headings and subheadings should be clearly different in size and immediately catch the eye: the font should be contrasting with the rest of the text. This is necessary in order to quickly orient the user, show him all the most important things, attract his attention, “hook him in” and force him to stay.

For contrast, feel free to highlight headings in a different font (by the way, they can use serif fonts). Be sure to take it for headlines larger font- this will attract additional attention to them.

It is also possible to use capital letters in the title ( Caps Lock) letters, unless it is too long, otherwise it will make it difficult to understand.

Every day we encounter a huge number of printed words - in books, on a computer or phone screen, in brochures, catalogs, etc. Our brain is accustomed to processing this flow of information, instantly recognizing millions of words from just a few letters.

IN Everyday life we rarely encounter a situation where some sentences in the text are written in capital letters. And once we come across them, it makes it difficult for us to perceive and understand the content. The brain begins to parse each letter separately and then puts them together. I believe that correct title contains one capital letter - at the beginning!

An example of what not to do. The title and subtitle are written in capital letters.

Underlining in headings is only allowed if it is a link.

For example, like this:

You can experiment with colors and effects (inversion, color block, etc.).

Use quotation marks in headings - they attract the eye.

But better than any A typographic headline will make good copywriting stand out. Read a couple of books and go for it! Here are some tips:

    A title or subtitle in the form of a question will pique the reader's interest.

    The title must be no longer than 140 characters.

    The title can be strengthened by a subtitle that reveals some details.

Which font should I choose?

Traditionally, fonts that do not have notches are used for the web (fonts of the sans-serif, or “chopped” family): Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet and similar ones. Why is this necessary? To save readers of your text from the “ladders” along the edges of characters that appear on low-resolution screens.

You are free to choose any font, but remember that the browser will only display it if the font is installed on the user's computer. Otherwise, the most similar one from the standard set will be shown. I recommend that you don’t get too carried away and use proven fonts that are often found on websites.

When it comes to variety of fonts on one page, less is better than more. We’ll talk about how best to place accents later.

Life hack: if you have your eye on some site where you like the font, but you cannot recognize it, go to the secret library - there is a link to a useful application that will allow you to get all necessary information. (WhatFont app for Google Chrome)

How to place accents correctly

Always remember that the user reads no more than a third of the content you create, so help him find what he needs right away! The easiest way to draw a person's attention to something within the bulk of the text is to highlight it using:

    bold writing (bold),


    highlighted in a different color.

Bold writing

It makes sense to allocate them not individual words, but entire semantic structures. Alternatively, this type of highlighting can be used in lists and subheadings to highlight the main idea.


Italics on the web are evil. I think you already guessed why. If not, go back to the section on font types. Italics creates those “ladders”. If you use italics, then watch the size: there is nothing worse than small italics. I believe that italics on the web are only appropriate for quotations.

A little about UPPER CASE

It's possible, but don't overuse it! Above I talked about how our brain reacts to sentences written entirely in capital letters. But there's another one important aspect. Text written entirely in capital letters means shouting in the Internet environment. If the text contains a sentence written in capitals, you shouted it! Consider whether “raised tone” is appropriate in a particular case.


Do not write the word using spaces between letters. This highlighting will not be visible in the text. A person will simply stumble over a word, which will distract him from the main idea of ​​the text.

Underlining and Links

Want to emphasize? Just a link! If your site has unclickable underlined text, you're screwed. Clean it up! On the web, this type of highlighting belongs to hyperlinks. Traditionally, hyperlinks are designed as blue, underlined text. This is a well-established standard on the Internet, and I do not recommend changing it without good reason. A link highlighted in a different color looks strange and incomprehensible. Even Google and Yandex left them exactly in this version, although they could have afforded to set a new fashion.

Please note that sometimes (previously this was the case in mandatory) the link color changes to purple if the user has already clicked on it. Below is an example of how annoying a purple-colored hyperlink can be: I didn't click on the links, but they hint otherwise.

A typical mistake is to design links in the company’s corporate colors.

How to properly execute a Call To Action?

Pay special attention to the design of Call To Action. Whether you're encouraging someone to "buy now" or "start a free trial," make sure you use colors that will grab people's attention and motivate them to take action. The “button” should be a bright and contrasting color.

As for the location of Call To Action, it is always on the first screen and at the end of the page and can be repeated several times in the text (this depends on the length of the page).

Here are some rules for designing a “button”:

    Its color should be contrasting with the color palette in order to attract the user's attention. A very common mistake is to make a button in the color of the entire site. She's just lost.

    It should only be used for key calls to action, so don't use it for other purposes.

Here are illustrative examples. Below we see that the “Personal Account” block in the upper right corner attracts attention. It does not allow the user to “find out the price.” This is not a good option.

And here the “Buy” button is red, just like the “Find” button, not counting the fact that the logo has more saturated color. This is also not a good option.

Here is the correct example. The button is orange, but it still catches your eye immediately.

Line length and layout: main rules

A one-column layout is considered the best in terms of increasing landing page conversion. The point is that once you pay to attract someone to your site, you can’t afford to lose them!

Forget about giving a person the right to choose (“what else could I read here”) - lead him along the path you want, predicting and controlling his every step. This is only possible when the content is formatted in one column. Multiple columns are only acceptable when you want to emphasize the difference between sentences.

Below are two examples. If we abstract from the specifics of the services, then the “Assemble the Bed” website, all other things being equal, will be more effective, because the client will quickly complete the target action. Everything has been sorted out for him and he is not given the opportunity to be alone with his thoughts. “Marshak Clinic,” on the contrary, provides a person with at least two text blocks competing for attention.

A three-column layout, as in the clinic example, is a road to nowhere, which is only appropriate for the vast expanses of online media that “sell” their readers a couple of dozen banners on each page.

True False:

The optimal line length (regardless of the page type) is from 50 to 70 characters. Text columns whose width exceeds this value are extremely difficult to read from the screen. On the other hand, if the lines are very short (less than 20 characters) and there is a lot of text, this will also irritate the reader - very often you have to move your eyes.

The string length problem becomes even more pressing with the advent of adaptive layout and requires accuracy and attentiveness from the developer: the screen size range today varies from 5’’ to 55’’.

When it comes to line alignment, left-aligned columns of text are known to help the reader focus more on the content, resulting in the person reading more text. Right alignment is used very rarely.

Center alignment is only acceptable in wide columns, otherwise you will end up with a different number of characters per line and sparse text. This kind of alignment, which takes people out of their usual comfort zone (where everything is aligned to the left), can be to your advantage: it will attract additional attention to what you write. But don’t overdo it: 5 lines in a center-aligned block, no more!

How to design a text block?

The structure of any page consists of blocks. Their number and content depend on the goals of the site.

There is only one rule: the text block should not be more screen- every thought that you want to convey to a person should fit on one page without scrolling. Choose the size of the screen height yourself, based on which screens are a priority for your target audience - see the analytics.

Please note that Russians began to access the Internet through mobile devices more often (51%) than through regular computers. Smartphones and tablets are a completely different type of screen, user behavior and thinking! Sometimes a special landing page for mobile devices gives a higher conversion rate than just an adapted layout.

When it comes to the layout of the image, header and block, there are many options, but here are three classic ones.

Picture on the left, a block with a title and text on the right. A very good option: the picture attracts attention to the text (eye catch).

Picture on the right, a block with a title and text on the left is also a popular option, but loses to the first one because all the attention goes to the picture.

Picture above, title and text at the bottom is a good option when you need to “show off the product.”

I don’t really like it when text blocks are laid out in a checkerboard pattern, because it distracts the reader - he doesn’t understand what to focus on first: the picture or the text. Although we can see this method of arranging content on many sites.

A modern internet marketing strategy is almost unimaginable without the use of landing pages ( Landing Pages, landing pages, landing pages), which are increasingly found in advertising campaigns of both large brands and representatives of the SMB sector of the Runet.

At our request, especially for users of, Maxim Ploskonosov, Marketing Director of LPgenerator, voiced his recommendations on how to create a Landing Page with high conversion. Advice from an expert of this level will certainly be valuable for our customers and performers, because the LPgenerator service is the leading SaaS solution on the Runet for creating and working with landing pages.

In practice, landing pages for sales are most often used to solve the following problems:

First task- receiving contact information or lead (lead, “lead”; the term is ambiguous, meaning both data received from the visitor’s email, name, etc., and the user who left such information). Such landing pages are called lead-generating (Lead Capture Landing Page), the process that occurs on them is lead generation.

The second task is click, transitionor preparing prospects to complete the conversion on another page; This landing page is called a Click-through Landing Page and is part of a conversion path or mini-site.

If the lead page receives data (by the visitor filling out a special interactive web form, the so-called “lead form”), then Click-through landing, on the contrary, provides additional information about the essence of your offer. The final point of conversion on a CTR landing page will be a transition directly to another landing page, where a purchase or lead generation is made.

Standalone landing pages with a lead form are the most popular type of organizing a constant flow of leads to the sales department for subsequent processing.

Selling landing page rules:

1. “One landing page - one offer”

A unique selling proposition (offer) is a set of marketing characteristics that describes your product offered to the market. In other words, an offer is an object that has value in the eyes of the target audience and is provided by you in exchange for money or personal data of a potential client. The essence of the USP is expressed through 4 text elements of any selling landing page: main title; supporting subtitle; text that reinforces the statement; final argument.

Each individual landing page involves one specific offer that the visitor receives to complete the conversion task assigned to him by the web marketer. All elements of the landing page should be focused on solving this problem: logo, main image, text components - title, subtitle, list of benefits, inscription on the interactive call-to-action button (CTA, Call-to-Action).

In practice, this principle works quite simply: the landing page generates a flow of leads for, say, signing up for a photo shoot - and that's it! This call to action can be repeated as many times as you like, but there must be only one.

2. Exact match rule

The user reaches the landing page in most cases through advertising (context, media, social and email traffic, etc.). Every impression and every click matters and - more importantly - costs money.

The main title and all text content of your page must match (be relevant) to your advertisement and the keyword of the search query, if we are talking about contextual advertising!

A simple and clear landing page title is your main tool to attract the attention of visitors who have an extremely low “attention threshold” (5-8 seconds). In these few seconds, even the most leisurely user will have time to read the landing page title (at this point, 80% of them stop “researching” the page altogether). That is, the title must contain a keyword that corresponds to your USP.

Don't forget the second aspect of the exact match rule: the graphic design of your landing page should closely match the design of your banner ad or email newsletter.

3. Use high quality images and videos

The main means of influencing the target audience remains the image (visualization of the offer) of the product. A product photo or video should clearly demonstrate any of the advantages of your USP or a way to solve the problem of the user for whom your offer exists.

The main heading, subheading and main images of the landing page should not come into logical contradiction with each other.

4. Mention the benefits of the offer (bullets), not the technical characteristics

There is no need to bore your visitors with a list of the technical characteristics of your product or your merits - they are not at all interested in this.

You must talk about the benefits of your USP, addressing the underlying fears of the target group (“fear of loss”, loss aversion is the strongest incentive to complete the transaction). You can contact the user directly, mentioning the termination of the favorable terms of the deal (“Only 3 days - 25% discount”) or more in a subtle way, for example: “Save these priceless hours for life - let the machine wash the dishes.”

The list of benefits is indicated by special typographical signs, so-called bullets, hence the slang designation for the benefits of the offer - “bullets”. In compiling bulletins, according to by and large, there is nothing particularly difficult: ask yourself what problems your target audience solves with your landing page, and write down the answer to this question.

The only thing you need to firmly remember is that a bad bulletin is based on the function of your product, a good bulletin is based on a benefit or solution to a problem of the potential customer.

5. Use social proof

The best way to build trust in your offer is placement on a landing page social proof: reviews, “social signals” in social networks (likes, “retweets”, etc.), logos of your reputable partners, etc. Psychological mechanism in in this case is simple: signals indicating that other users have already taken advantage of your USP, which made them happy, solved their problems, dispelled their fears, saved their time and money, act as the strongest incentive to complete the conversion action desired by the marketer.

6. The conversion goal is embodied in the call to action (CTA)

If at the time of designing a landing page, the conversion goal for a marketer looks like an abstract, abstract concept, then from the moment the marketing campaign is launched, conversion is embodied in concrete results - income growth, sales, business expansion. Simply put, on an existing landing page, the conversion goal will be: lead, purchase, file/eBook download, registration, newsletter subscription.

For the visitor, the conversion goal is embodied in a specific call-to-action element (CTA element), which can be an independent interactive button (selling CTR landing page) or part of a lead form.

The CTA element is the main converting element of the landing page, because through it the conversion goal for which the landing page was built is achieved: converting a visitor into a lead, a lead into a regular customer.

This means that both components of a call-to-action button are equally important: its design and the call text. But although these elements directly influence conversion, their roles are different: the design draws attention to the CTA element, while the call text answers the user’s main question: “Why should I click on the button?”

Note that the CTA text must clearly correspond to the title of both the landing page and the lead form: if the title reads “Download a unique video course on creating landing pages without knowledge of HTML,” then the call to action should echo it: “Download now!” All those meaningless button names like “Submit” or “Confirm” do not help your conversion rate.

7. Traffic sources

Traffic sources are a combination of all possible marketing channels through which visitors reach your landing page. Landing page traffic can be generated by search engines, media resources, social networks, offline blogs, email, clicking on links from other sites. From the point of view of web analytics, the abstract term “traffic” hides real visitors, who, for ease of analyzing the situation, are perceived as a set digital parameters: number of unique visits per certain period time; number of repeated transitions; failure index value; conversion rate, etc.

From a practical application point of view, all incoming channels are distinguished by each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Search traffic with pay-per-click (PPC, contextual advertising) is distinguished by its high conversion efficiency, as it is perfectly targeted by keywords.

Email traffic shows good results - good conversion, but it is aimed at long-term traffic. marketing strategies and requires the use of special tactics (segmentation of the subscription base, “cultivation” of clients, the so-called Nurturing).

However, none of the above-mentioned traffic sources can be considered in advance to be obviously hopeless or at least “worse than others” - final result will depend on the type of USP, the nature of the target group to which the offer is targeted, the advertising budget, the quality of optimization of the landing page for a certain type of traffic, segmentation of the target group and many more criteria, not the least of which will be the set of skills of the web marketer.

8. Conversion optimization

To evaluate the performance of your landing page, there are objective criteria expressed in numerical values.

The first and most important of them is conversion, also known as Conversion Rate, conversion rate, conversion rate, calculated as the ratio of the number of users who completed a conversion action on the landing page to the total number of visitors, expressed as a percentage.

To optimize conversion, a marketing research method known as a split test (A/B test, A/B/n test) is used, which consists of comparing 2 or more landing page options.

The essence of split testing is simple and boils down to the following: visitors for a certain time (before reaching a threshold statistical significance) landing page options are shown alternately in equal proportions. Users are not aware of the existence of alternative landing page options. At the end of the test, the marketer selects the landing page option on which a greater number of conversion actions were performed (higher conversion was achieved, filling out a contact form, for example).

To obtain practically significant test results, you should adhere to pre-established statistical significance parameters:

100 conversion achievements for each option;
1000 unique visitors for each option;
minimum 3 weeks of testing.

The process itself is simple, but when carrying out it, one should avoid the “mistake of early data interpretation.” You risk allowing this to happen by noticing a clear advantage of one of the options at the initial stage of split testing and deciding to stop testing there. You must strictly adhere to the significance threshold you set, since the results collected when running a split test and when it ends can differ dramatically, with the latter being the ones that are significant.

According to most experts in conversion optimization (CRO, Conversion Rate Optimization), the landing page elements that have a decisive influence on conversion should be A/B tested first.

Heading. It must be informative, understandable and concise, complying with the exact match rule.

Main image. Replacing the image can bring a dramatic boost in conversions. You can try replacing the photo with a video.

Lead form. Usually they test the number of fields, the location of their names, the presence/absence of the title of the form itself, color, location on the page, the presence and wording of the confidentiality guarantee.

CTA element. Here you need to test the wording of the call to action, the button color, size, position and call font. It is possible that a good solution would be to place 2 or more identical calls to action on the landing page.

High conversions to you!

A successful landing page is already 90% of business success. In the digital age, a well-designed landing page consisting of one page can provide many customers, while large sites with dozens of pages can stand without orders. What is the secret to landing page success? In this article we will try to figure it out.

What is a landing page?

Landing (or landing) is a landing page that should motivate the visitor to buy a product or service.

Technically, this is just a website consisting of one page with the necessary minimum information. The purpose of the landing page is to quickly attract and convince, to persuade the person who visits the page to buy or order services.

How do people get to landing pages? Usually from another site - from a search engine, some affiliate site or another site with advertising. Can lead to landing page advertising banner or a link from a social network (say, Twitter, Instagram).

Typically, a landing page is not designed for a wide range - it has been proven that the wider the choice, the more difficult it is for a person to make a decision, so the landing page usually presents a couple of possible variations (or even just one option).

A landing page is a collection of all the information necessary for selling, its concentration, and at the same time, a landing page is a bright wrapper in which you need to wrap your product to make it attractive to the end user.

So, for your landing page to be successful, you need to pay attention to the following points.

1. Call to action

The visitor's goal is to take an action. For example, make a purchase, order a service, or subscribe to a newsletter. For your call to action to work, you need:

  • clearly and understandably make it clear what the end goal is the purpose of your landing page; What should the visitor do? Therefore, write clearly and clearly;
  • use one call to action- no need to place many buttons, links or various forms, make one noticeable call that the user can concentrate on;
  • make a button. A button attracts much more attention than just a text. Therefore, a call to action in the form of a button will be more visible and effective;
  • add a reason to take action right now. For example, if a user registers now, he will receive free shipping (or a 10% discount, or something else). The offer should be placed next to the call to action so that it can influence the buyer's decision making.

2. Effective headline

A good headline is an important part of the success of your landing page. It's important to keep two things in mind here: the user needs to understand where he got to (and whether he got to the right place), and also what this page can offer him.

The headline should be of interest and make the user spend as much time on the page as possible (and perform the target action).

The key point is whether the title is interesting enough to continue browsing the page? If the answer is “yes,” then the title is well thought out; if “no”, then it makes sense to change it.

A few rules for an effective headline:

  • brevity and simplicity: the simpler and shorter the title, the faster user will be able to grasp and become interested in what the landing page offers him;
  • the title should be located at the top of the page and have an attractive design;
  • It is better to optimize the title for SEO if you want visitors to come to you, including from search engines.

3. Simple structure

Since a landing page, in the general sense, is not even a website, but just one page, it is better to make it as simple and understandable as possible. If you overload the landing page, the user may become confused and not take the desired action. When creating a landing page, focus on a wide audience - your page should be understandable to everyone, so it will be better if you place only the necessary, necessary elements.

To create an effective structure, rely on the following principles:

  • The landing page should motivate the visitor to take the target action. Anything that does not contribute to this should be removed;
  • The landing page should allow the user to take one main action. If there are several actions, it may confuse the visitor and he will leave the site;
  • The landing page must have free space. Don’t make it small and don’t try to fit in too much information, buttons, pictures;
  • visual information is read faster than letter information: use illustrations and infographics, this will also have a beneficial effect on the design.

4. Gaze control

Follow the visitor's gaze. Figure out how the visitor will end up on your page, where he will look and what he will want to do. The main question at this stage is: does everything lead to the completion of the target action?

The trajectory of the incoming user's gaze should lead him to perform the target action. If you arrange all the elements of the page correctly and logically, this can guarantee the success of your landing page.

What can I use?

  • Graphic elements: arrows, icons, contrasting shades, emoji. Anything that can switch the user's gaze from one element to another.
  • Sequence of elements. Not only visual, but also logical: imagine that you are telling a story - do the blocks flow logically, is the information revealed correctly?

If you doubt your objectivity, involve friends and acquaintances in the research. Let them talk about all their feelings: what they see at first, what they see later, what they pay the most attention to, what confused them, what they liked, and what upset them. Even a simple test like this with a few people can help you significantly improve your landing page.

5. Compliance with advertising

If an advertisement leads to the landing page, then its content should completely coincide with what you offer in the end: cost, discount, type of product, etc. If something does not match, it will lead to false expectations and a negative reaction in general.

Don't forget that you can, firstly, create a separate landing page for each advertising campaign, and secondly, the page itself may change depending on the traffic source.

6. Trust

Whether the visitor completes the target action or not may also depend on the trust that the landing page will inspire in him. Think about what questions would be running through your head if you were on such a site. What doubts the material may raise, and how these doubts can be dispelled.

Typically this can be done in the following ways:

  • product warranty;
  • test period (if we are talking about a service);

Unlike other Internet resources, the landing page itself is a marketing channel. Read our article about how to create such pages and receive a flow of orders with their help.

You will learn:

  • What elements should a landing page consist of?
  • Which landing page development option to choose.
  • What determines the price of creating a landing page?
  • What should it be perfect landing page page.

A landing page (landing page, sales page, landing page, capture page, entry point, etc.) is designed to ensure that its users turn into buyers by placing an order, subscription or purchase.

Who needs a landing page and why?

Why do you need a landing page? The answer is simple: to increase sales. Sales through such entry points increase by about 20-30% compared to conventional advertising sites.

Initially, the landing page was developed in the United States of America by marketing specialists. This happened when online stores began to gain momentum in sales. Naturally, in such conditions, competition has increased significantly. It was she who became the impulse thanks to which landing pages appeared.

In Russia, the use of landing pages began relatively recently, but nevertheless this process is quite active and is gaining more and more popularity.

There are several categories of companies that using landing page will be most useful in your work. First of all, in this list it is worth mentioning those companies that deal with:

  • sales;
  • wholesale sales;
  • network marketing;
  • production of various types of products;
  • info-entrepreneurship;
  • sales of unique high-value products;
  • sales of training courses;
  • tourism business;
  • provision of services (SPA salons, fitness clubs, etc.).

When talking about the intended purpose of a landing page, it is worth specifying exactly what actions such pages encourage. So, sales pages help the user:

  • made a purchase of goods;
  • submitted an application for a free consultation;
  • purchased a service for compiling various types of computational operations;
  • subscribed to any mailing list;
  • registered and took part in the promotion;
  • left a request to receive.

This is just a short list of operations that can result from the operation of a landing page. In fact, it can be continued, for example, by introducing real estate transactions and much more.

The Internet as a marketing channel is very popular these days, but many sites and pages are like twins, and therefore the landing page is the component that attracts attention and on the basis of which potential clients draw conclusions about the company itself, its methods of work, and products . Moreover, landing pages facilitate not only the purchase of goods, but also the receipt new information, for example, they can redirect the visitor to training courses.

Main types of landing page

  • Sales page.

Those pages that are aimed at selling a product are usually called selling pages. Based on this, main feature Such landing pages can be called their maximum information content, because in order for the user to make a purchase, he must receive comprehensive information about the product or service offered to him. Thus, the text posted on the sales page can be quite voluminous in order to most fully reflect the essence of the offer and all its advantages.

If we are talking about a product or service that is inexpensive and well known to a potential client, then it is better to reduce the amount of information.

The minimum text size in this case is two thousand characters, and the upper limit can exceed 10,000 characters.

The main goal of selling pages is to call for a purchase, but the number of monotonous calls should also be dosed depending on the scale of the landing page (one for small ones, two or three for large ones).

  • Lead generation page.

A page created on the principle of lead generation (Lead-capture Page) searches for potential clients and collects their contact information. Such landing pages do not provide the ability to switch from them to other resources - on the contrary, marketers make every possible effort to fully focus customers’ attention on the information posted on the lead-generating page. If the tools to influence the user are chosen correctly, then the acquaintance with such a page will end with the client entering his data in a special form.

As for the text placed on lead-generating landing pages, it is also of a selling nature.

  • Subscription page.

What is the essence of this kind of landing page? It’s simple: with the help of such pages, a client database is formed, after which letters containing some special offer or gift bonus are sent to each subscriber at the email address they left, for example.

These landing pages work well information sphere. The algorithm is such that, upon reaching such an entry point, the client gets acquainted with information regarding any training program, after which he sees an offer to receive a free trial lesson. To do this, you just need to indicate your e-mail and wait for the corresponding material to be received.

In this way it is carried out automatic subscription, which allows you to use all Internet marketing tools to work with these clients in the future.

  • One click page.

The simplest mechanism of action is found in Click-through Pages. Such landing pages are equipped with a CTA button (or a call to action button), when clicked, the target action is carried out.

The text placed on such pages gives customers information about the sales offer, the merits of the product and the benefits that can be obtained after purchasing it. It is also important to justify the call to make a purchase right now - the client must see his benefit.

In general, the main feature of a one-click landing page is the presence of only one tool through which the calling action is carried out.

Elements that make up the landing page structure

In order to get the desired result from landing page work, it is very important to select the right tools when creating them, as well as work out all the smallest details.

A well-built landing page should contain the following components:

  • Main title. Its task is to capture the user’s attention.

  • Subtitle. It is necessary as an explanation to the main heading in order to finally link the client’s interest to the page.
  • Content. This is direct information text form, which the client should receive about the advertised product. Before writing a text, you should carefully study the characteristics of those for whom it is intended to achieve maximum impact, using appropriate terminology and conceptual apparatus. In any case, the text should be constructed according to a simplified principle, without the use of complex speech structures. Various images, graphs, tables look very advantageous.
  • Photo gallery. To create the most complete picture of the product offered, it is worth placing its photographs on the page.

  • Advantages. To win the attention of potential clients, it is appropriate to give full description presented product or service, telling about its advantages, specific features and uniqueness.

  • Customer Reviews. This information inspires confidence among users, but this technique should not be abused - to achieve desired effect It is enough to place just a few responses on the landing page. Moreover, this method applies to the sale of both goods and services.
  • Call to action. This is one of the most important mechanisms for promoting your products, explaining in detail what steps you need to take to purchase these products.
  • Price. It is very important to create the idea that the offered price is very profitable for the buyer, emphasize that it is inexpensive, pay attention to the presence of a discount (for example, you can indicate old price and new).

  • Creating a hype around product shortages. In this case, it is worth using concepts such as special offer, limited edition product, temporary bonus promotion, etc.
  • Guarantees. The client’s confidence in the full support of the purchase, its quality and certification, and the opportunity to get money back contributes to his desire to make a purchase.
  • Button. The CTA button should contain a call to a specific action, for example, buy, get, install.
  • Bonuses, gifts. In addition to the product that the landing page is aimed at promoting, you can add related products.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions. To prevent questions from arising, it is worth posting on the page background information, based on what other shoppers were most interested in.

This is an approximate scheme for constructing a landing page. You can make adjustments to it depending on the customer’s goals and the products promoted using each specific start page.

  • How to create a selling blog and attract 290 thousand subscribers

How does landing page development work?

Option 1.Using free landing page samples and generators.

You can find it on the Internet great amount programs designed to create entry points. This option is the most economical, but it is important that the landing page generation process is supervised from start to finish by professional marketers and designers.

Option 2.Attracting specialists.

To obtain good result at a low price, it is worth contacting specialists. By dividing the areas of activity between professionals (copywriter, designer, programmer and marketer), you can get a highly effective landing page. However, there is a certain risk associated with choosing insufficiently qualified specialists.

Option 3.Contacting outsourcing agencies.

In this case, we are talking about ordering the development of a landing page from professional firms that bear full responsibility for market analysis, the overall design of the project, the choice of tools, and ways to achieve the goal. Moreover, such agencies themselves determine the marketing channels for promoting the created landing page and the mechanisms for launching the project. Thus, we can say that upon receiving an official order from you, the agency will generate a turnkey landing page and provide you with an already working result. The undoubted advantages of this option are significant time savings and efficiency, however, it will cost several times more.

Option 4.Introduction of full-time positions responsible for creating a landing page.

To create a high-quality landing page and then obtain maximum results, it is optimal to recruit specialists in copywriting, design, marketing and software into your staff. This approach is the most expensive of those presented, but it is the one that guarantees maximum efficiency.

Which landing page builder to choose: review of popular developers

From 2012 to today In the post-Soviet space, a website builder such as WIX has gained enormous popularity. It is used all over the world and has earned the trust of millions of users. This resource helps you quickly and efficiently create landing pages using ready-made templates, the number of which has already exceeded 400 samples.

WIX has all the conditions for fruitful work: unique templates, an easy-to-use interface, a set of various necessary tools, including SEO-oriented ones. In addition to the popular free service, there is also paid services, allowing, for example, to disable pop-up messages for an affordable price advertising blocks. Thanks to the WIX generator, you can create high-quality and effective landing pages. However, it also has a drawback - it is very difficult to create a website adapted for mobile devices.

  • uKit

The next resource worthy of attention is uKit, created by the same developers as Ucoz. There are also many available here ready-made forms and samples divided into 25 thematic categories. From others useful functions we should mention the ability to create externally similar pages that have differences in content, as well as the ability to use a variety of widgets. But the “Promotion” function deserves special attention, which automatic mode will analyze and make a conclusion whether your landing page is ready for launch. The only thing that may confuse users is that uKit cannot be used for free on permanent basis. Only the first two weeks of work - the introductory period - are not paid. For subsequent work, it is proposed to pay for services using one of three existing tariffs(cost varies from 200 to 600 rubles).

  • lpmotor

This generator is designed specifically for creating a landing page. By 2017, Russian users had created about 400 thousand entry points using this constructor. As for tools and functions, the resource offers 46 thematic templates that can be used to create your own landing page with an individual image.

There is also a toolkit for detailed development of all structural blocks of the page, such as main content, customer responses, CTA buttons, and even synchronization of electronic wallets. Automatic deserves special mention analytical system, which is designed to record statistical data on the performance of your landing page. Here you can only design a landing page for free, and all other functionality is available only after paying for one of the tariffs. The initial price threshold is 300 rubles.

  • lpgenerator

Also specializing only in creating landing pages, lpgenerator is a program for professionals. There is a much larger number of templates and features that are available both for free and in the store where you can purchase the required tools. When accessing this program, anyone can design up to 50 start pages, place many widgets, link several wallets and receive statistical data. Prices on this resource are an order of magnitude higher than those already mentioned: from 5 thousand for a standard template to 30 thousand or more rubles for a unique one.

The same applies to tariffs: the most budget option costs approximately 1,700 rubles. A free trial period of one week is provided.

  • Bloxy

This designer offers a choice of 100 designed templates. Also provided to your attention are several already completed samples. However, anyone can create a landing page based on their goals and needs.

Among the functions available, it is possible to synchronize electronic wallets, duplicate pages and collect statistical data on the results of the page.

Choose a designer should be determined by your goals and needs. The budget you have and your skill level also play an important role. information technology. Based on this, it is better for beginners to choose builders Wix, uKit and similar ones; as for professional users, profile resources such as lpmotor, Bloxy and lpgenerator are suitable for them.

How to test a landing page and other website pages

There is no universal recipe for creating an ideal website and promoting it. But to create the website of your dreams, you need to test it regularly. This will help you find out how clear the purpose of the site is to users and how quickly they can find the information they need. Conduct more web page modification tests, accept original solutions, listen to advice and, most importantly, constantly experiment.

The editors of the electronic magazine “Commercial Director” tell in detail how to test the landing page and other pages of your website. Find out about this in the article at the link.

How much does a landing page cost? and what does the price depend on?

The cost of creating a landing page depends on many factors, in particular on whether you will do it yourself or contact specialists.

Creating a landing page yourself will require minimal investment. So, by resorting to the help of a specialist (copywriter, web designer or programmer) or using a unique template as a basis, you will spend from 20 to 1000 USD. e. (in some cases more).

If you decide to order an entry point from third parties, you will have to be prepared for significant expenses, since minimum price For such work, freelancers range from 100 to 200 USD. e., professional studios they charge from 1000 USD. e., and famous outsourcing agencies – from 5000 USD. e.

More details about the prices for creating Internet resources are described in our article on creating your own websites.

When officially ordering a landing page, you will need to fill out a brief, i.e., enter all your wishes regarding future point entry, which will affect the determination of the cost of the work. Using all kinds of specific tools when designing a page will increase its price.

You can highlight specific items that affect the cost of work. These include:

  • unusual structure and unique design - approximately 700 USD. e.;
  • setting up contextual advertising – from 100 USD. e. per month;
  • professionally created content: from a copywriter – 50-100 USD. e., from a commercial writer - from 1000 USD. e.;
  • unique graphic images (pictures and icons) – in the range from 100 to 200 USD. e.

There are also a number of other factors that determine the cost of your landing page. They include collecting data about potential clients, their subsequent analysis, test launch of the page, etc.

What should an ideal landing page be like: 10 rules for creating

To create a landing page that brings real results, you need to follow a number of rules:

Rule 1.One page – one product.

This is the most important rule that should not be broken. After all, it is much easier to achieve your goal, namely selling a product, if all the buyer’s attention is focused on it. A situation that actually deprives the user of choice, does not give him time to think, leads to the fact that a landing page in sales works much more efficiently than an online store.

Rule 2. Specific call to action.

Accurate instructions are one of the keys to a successful landing page. The call to action should be clear and understandable so that the client has no doubt about what he is being asked to do. This approach will increase the number of page visits that result in a sale.

Violation of this rule will lead to the fact that even the client for whom your offer is relevant may not make a purchase because he will not understand how to do it. To avoid such situations, one of the final points of the landing page’s impact on the user should be the concentration of his attention on the call to a specific action.

To ensure that the call leaves no doubt, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • When creating a CTA button, you should play with the combination of color and size. It has been proven that a large red button is the most effective impulse to take action;
  • do not use complex speech structures, use simple and understandable sentences when creating information content, which will help focus the client’s attention on your offer;
  • exclude the placement of any distracting elements on the page;
  • It is important to focus users’ attention on the obvious advantages of the product and the benefits for customers in the event of purchasing the product or service offered. Next to this item there should be another big red button encouraging you to purchase the product.

Rule 3.A bright and catchy title.

Users pay attention to the headline first, so it should attract and hold their attention. Ideally, the correct formulation of the title involves a simultaneous declaration of the problem and the method of solving it.

A striking example of a headline that works is “We Sell Peace of Mind,” a slogan developed by a company that sells safe doors. A title like this combines a problem - the desire to ensure security - and its solution - the purchase of a safe door produced by this very company.

Rule 4. The main thing is content.

Informative text is the key link of any landing page, because it is it that presents the product as fully as possible and reveals all its advantages. It is to the content that the page title switches the potential buyer’s attention.

You can create a working sales text either with the help of a specialist (for example, a copywriter or a commercial writer) or on your own, but in this case, repeated editing may be necessary.

You can write a well-constructed text by adhering to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to analyze the intended target audience and systematize the data obtained, taking into account maximum amount parameters (including gender and age characteristics, area of ​​employment and hobbies, concerns, preferences, etc.). This information will help to successfully combat customer doubts, justifying the importance and relevance of the purchase for them.
  • It is necessary to use techniques characteristic of dialogic speech: they will help retain clients’ attention longer. It is important to use the language that is most understandable to users.

A high-quality landing page is always based on good text. What text can be considered literate? One that completely captures the visitor’s attention, prevents distraction, successfully works with doubts, answering the most current issues, and leaves no room for thought. This text is aimed at selling and, as a rule, copes with the task perfectly.

Don't worry about text size. A working text should most fully present the product, talk about its advantages and achieve the goal, namely making a purchase. The rule regarding content is: the more informative, the better.

Rule 5.Well-chosen design.

A well-written text will be even more effective if you choose the right design for it. There are no insignificant details in this matter; on the contrary, all the little things are important. First of all, we are talking about the size and color of the font, which should be harmoniously combined with the overall background and be comfortable for users to perceive. Experts advise using a range of medium-brightness tones and 18-point fonts.

Sometimes landing pages are oversaturated with increased expression, expressed in an abundance of capital letters, exclamation marks and other similar elements. But this technique produces the opposite desired effect– scares away customers, so you should adhere to the principle of balance.

From the above, it is clear that design plays one of the most important roles in creating a truly working home page.

Rule 6. Landing page structure and design.

As in many other areas, a sense of proportion and even minimalism are relevant here. the main objective of any start page - to capture the client’s attention, retain and strengthen it, form an idea of ​​​​the shortage and achieve the goal, i.e., sell a product or service. But to achieve this goal, it is important to avoid gross mistakes and follow existing rules.

It is very important to focus the user’s attention on the benefits received from making a purchase, as well as the guarantees provided by the company, and then smoothly lead to the completion of the call.

When creating CTA buttons, it is better to use bright colors (red in particular), which will increase conversion. Subdued tones perform worse by about 12-15%.

Rule 7. The content of the landing page matches the search query.

In other words, if you stated on your landing page that you sell a certain brand of vacuum cleaners and there is a 35% discount on it, then when you go to the site, the client should see exactly this brand of vacuum cleaners with the previously mentioned discount.

Rule 8.Clear deadlines.

If you initially indicate on the landing page that the promotion is limited in time, this will stimulate customers to make a faster decision. Moreover, this information may not be true, but simply a marketing ploy, but awareness of the lack of time or the product itself usually works very effectively to increase sales.

A client placed in such conditions does not have time to think and have long-term doubts, and therefore the chance that he will make a purchase is much higher.

Rule 9. Dealing with client doubts.

Everyone who is professionally involved in sales knows that not everyone who has shown interest in a product is ready to purchase it. Very often, customers have objections that the product is expensive, not of very high quality, etc. There is nothing you can do about it, but it is necessary to prevent possible doubts, including on the landing page.

One of the main arguments when dealing with buyer doubts is the justification of the price-quality ratio. In combination with the declared limited supply campaign, objections to this matter are quite quickly and simply leveled out.

As for doubts related to the reliability of the selling party, they require more careful consideration. The system works well for training programs and courses test period or trial lessons. To increase the sales volume of all other goods and services, you should provide your details, legal address and customer reviews for free access. This principle of transparency will form the idea of ​​the seller as a reliable and legal partner.

Rule 10. Simple and understandable forms for data entry.

The form for entering data should be extremely simple so that the process of filling it out does not cause difficulties and does not take a lot of time. Otherwise, the client may simply refuse to purchase the product. When developing a landing page, it is worth remembering that many users use mobile devices to surf the Internet, and this imposes certain restrictions the opportunity to fill out lengthy questionnaires. One input field will be enough phone number client - this will allow you to call him back later and get all necessary information in personal communication.

Creating an effective landing page is not an easy task, based on trial and error. To achieve success in this matter, it is important to constantly collect statistical data and, based on them, make adjustments and improvements to your landing page.

Expert opinion

Landing does not work without a USP

Pavel Milovidov,

Head of Internet marketing agency Directiv

If you want to succeed and increase sales, you need to create your own unique offer, unlike the existing ones. To do this, you need to fit the entire essence of your sales proposal into a small phrase (about 6-8 words). This is what directly affects the results of your marketing activities.

There are three key formulas, the use of which invariably leads to the achievement of the desired results, namely:

1. The best for the price of the usual, For example:

  • “Professional American hair curlers at a Chinese price.”
  • “German ceramic knives of high strength at the price of domestic ones.”
  • “In three days we will ensure the completion and delivery of an order of any item at the cost of a regular metal supply.”

2. [Name of product], which [name the advantage], For example:

  • “An electric trimmer from the UK that will solve your garden problems effectively and quickly.”
  • "Ceramic knives that last twice as long as regular knives."
  • “Steel cases for Camel Trophy glasses that will protect your accessory from damage in any situation.”

3. [Indicate benefits] due to [name advantage] [product], For example:

  • “Double the quality of your lawn trim with a trimmer from the UK.”
  • “Increase the quality of finishing work by 1.5 times with the new laser level.”
  • “Simplify your work in a professional kitchen by 2 times with the help of a Unox combi steamer.”

In addition to these rules, you should remember that it is necessary to place the key phrase from the USP both in the content and in the title of your landing page - the so-called. "exact occurrence" rule. This marketing ploy can significantly reduce the number of rejections received and increase the conversion rate (by about 25%).

But don’t forget that the unique selling proposition should vary depending on the types of traffic.

Landing page promotion: 4 main ways

In the sale of goods and services, creating a landing page is just one of the techniques, which also requires promotion and advertising. There are several ways to popularize your offer:

Method 1. Appeal to a PPC campaign or contextual advertising.

The concept of PPC advertising refers to a method of advertising online in which the advertiser pays for each user click to go to the site. The total cost of this service is influenced by various factors, among which keyword insertion stands out.

The situation can be considered using the example of the two most popular providers of this type of advertising in our country: Google AdWords and Yandex.

Google AdWords Drives Expansion customer base and allows you to raise the level of your business higher and higher. This service is designed to specifically target your customers who carry out search queries for specific key phrases.

On each search results page, the provider allocates space for advertising, including yours. Usually advertisements are placed above and to the right of the query results.

It is important that the content of the ad and the text of your landing page (including keywords and phrases, technical characteristics, etc.) correspond to each other, because this is what determines the advertising quality indicator, which in turn affects the cost and rating of your advertisements Moreover, a high quality score affects the reduction of the cost of the service and the promotion of your ad up in the ranking.

  • ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of impressions (CTR);
  • landing page compliance;
  • compliance of advertising content;
  • compliance with the devices on which it will be viewed;
  • keyword matching.

It is quite logical that the higher the position of an ad in the ranking, the more users will see it and, as a result, view it.

The likelihood of success will be higher if you customize your sales pages for Yandex services.

An important condition for success is key phrases, when introduced into search bar Your ad will be shown to users. The maximum results from this mechanism are obtained by those businessmen whose marketers were able to find key phrases that fully correspond to the requests of potential clients. Specificity is very important here: the more specific the keywords, the more users you will attract.

The next step is to determine the cost of each click; Moreover, the higher the price you set for each click on an advertisement, the more often it will be shown.

For coverage nai more users and obtaining reliable statistical data, it is recommended to create not one, but many advertisements that will differ in content, keywords, calls to action, which will help take into account and correct mistakes and subsequently create the perfect landing page.

To convey information about your offer to the audience, it is logical to turn to the most visited resources, which of course are social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc.). In the advertising services of each of these platforms, it is possible to customize the visibility parameters of your ad, including indicating the gender, age, ideological, geographical, socio-demographic and taste characteristics of potential clients.

Research has shown that the number of views of advertisements placed on social platform Facebook, is much higher (about 8-9 times) than ads shown on regular websites and mobile devices. Ad units on Twitter show similar performance indicators.

When starting to advertise on Facebook, the first step is to decide how much you are willing to pay to display your ads. This social platform operates an auction system, which suggests that those ads for which the maximum bid is assigned will be shown more often. In this case, the advertiser is given the choice to pay either for each click or impressions of his ads.

You can also always pause the display of your ads for a while, and also display them both on desktop PCs and on mobile devices.

Thus, the main opportunity provided by social networks lies in targeting - a mechanism that allows you to convey the necessary information to a specific target audience.

Most businessmen use this popular and effective marketing channel to maintain closer interaction with their customers through all kinds of mailings and subscriptions. The same method is also good for distributing landing pages, which can be sent either as separate letters or by attaching links to them to an existing mailing list.

Method 4: Posting on blogs.

Quite a popular way to promote advertising. However, direct links to your landing pages are not always appropriate, so it is worth placing them as an addition to the main guest article, at the end or as a signature. The main thing that determines whether users will or will not click on your link is the quality of your post: if the material is interesting, then the likelihood of viewing your landing page will increase.

  • Promoting your business on the Internet: how to increase your customer base

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a landing page

As already mentioned, after launching an entry point, it is important to collect data on the effectiveness of its operation, on the basis of which statistics should be derived and errors made should be corrected. A good landing page solves several problems at once, namely: it informs the client as much as possible, encourages and encourages him to commit specific action, fights the client’s doubts, anticipates possible questions and gives answers to them.

However, the reality and conditions in which commercial transactions take place competitive fight for clients, are very changeable, which means that you must be aware of the changes taking place, making timely adjustments to your advertisements. This is exactly why you need continuous collection of data about the performance of your landing page.

First of all, you should pay attention to such a characteristic as conversion.

Conversion is usually understood as the ratio of the total number of visitors to your website (in this case, the landing page) and the total number of visitors who completed the call. The higher the conversion, the more percentage customers, and therefore profits. Average conversions on sites specializing in sales range from approximately 8-20%.

It's worth considering the factors that influence conversion. These include:

  • product quality;
  • the level of quality of the selling website;
  • client temperature.

What is meant by the term “client temperature”? In a selling environment, the client’s temperature indicates how ready the client is to make a purchase here and now. The gradation of customers according to this indicator is as follows: cold (who are not going to buy and do not give in to persuasion), warm (who want to purchase the product, but have doubts, for example, they are not sure which manufacturer to prefer) and hot customers who are ready to make a purchase based on your offer . These are the main categories of clients based on temperature. However, other varieties can be found in specialized sources.

Warm clients, even with a smaller number, as a rule, give a higher conversion than cold ones, which, naturally, affects your budget. But each company itself is able to target its offer to customers of a certain temperature, taking into account its financial situation and state of affairs at a certain period of time, and also increase the temperature of its customers, using various marketing tools (for example, graphic images, increasing the information content of content, etc. .d.). If your landing page is built correctly, then the user may well realize the relevance of your offer for him and take an inviting action.

SEO marketing also helps increase conversions by increasing the frequency of your landing page appearing in responses to search queries.

Yandex has the Wordstat service, and Google has Google Adwords, which are designed to collect statistical data on the operation of sites and landing pages, and also allow calculations of conversion and profit.

Another popular tool for monitoring the effectiveness of a landing page is the sales funnel, the so-called. principle of counting the total number of clients. Depending on the actions they performed, the sales funnel separately calculates:

  • the number of visitors who visited the page for the first time;
  • the number of visitors who completed the invitation action;
  • number of visitors who made a purchase.

You can add additional items to this list or, conversely, remove irrelevant ones. The principle of operation itself is important, which will allow you to build a fairly wide and informative sales funnel.

This mechanism will also allow you to see how many people dropped out and at what stage, and therefore will help you find vulnerabilities and work on mistakes, improving your landing page to maximum results.

The average funnel will look something like this:

  • the total number of unique visitors to the page is 150 people;
  • number of people who performed the target action – 30 people;
  • total number of buyers – 18 people;
  • total number of repeat sales – 4;
  • number of product returns – 1.

This information can be presented in the form of a table and display the percentage:

Thus, you can calculate the total income for the specified period, knowing the size of the receipts for the first sale and for the repeat sale. The sales funnel also allows you to identify weak points in your landing page and increase your profit level by making adjustments to them. In particular, this principle works well in increasing conversions. In addition to the indicated advantages, the funnel also performs a predictive function, helping to build a projection of the development of the financial situation in the future.

Best landing page: TOP 5


The website has a social orientation and was created to draw attention to the problem of a significant decrease in physical activity in modern society. Unlike the usual landing page, this page does not have a title and solid informative content. Of all the standard semantic parts, it contains several streamlined phrases and two CTA buttons: “Watch video” and “Download report.” With such a discrepancy with the canons, the page is unique and attracts the attention of an increasing number of users. The most advantageous call is “Watch video”, which attracts the attention of 99% of visitors who prefer to start getting acquainted with the landing page with it, and not with dry statistical data from the report. But the video is shot in such a way that it does not leave viewers indifferent, prompting them to press the second action button. Thus, we can talk about the high efficiency of this landing page.

Example 2.Online store of teddy bears (

This website, which sells large teddy bears, is so unusual in its design and contents that it attracts the attention of even those who do not belong to the target audience of this company. Thanks to the creativity of marketers, landing page visitors feel like they are in a constant dialogue with the manufacturer, which is largely the key to success.

Example 3: Production and installation wooden windows(

This landing page is as informative as possible, which is what makes it different from most similar pages. The creators understand that the client has the right to know all the nuances associated with the product he is purchasing, and they tried to present material about their product as fully as possible. There is an opinion that this landing page is a little overloaded with content, but it satisfies all the information needs of its target audience and shows very good results.

Example 4. CASCO insurance (http://prostokasko.rf).

A calculator is used here as the main tool to attract customers' attention. Customers are also given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the variety of parameters that influence the choice of an insurance policy and the bonuses received by the car owner when completing a conscription action. The logistics of the landing page are built in such a way that it is absolutely impossible to get bored here. The conversion rate of this landing page is very high.

Example 5. Franchise of entertaining aquarium machines (

In simple and understandable language, the creators of this landing page tell their target audience about the benefits that the client will receive from cooperation with the company. But the key here is the element of understatement, which encourages you to learn more about the business that generates passive income. This marketing technique, coupled with interesting design, contributes to high conversion of this landing page.

Information about the experts

Igor Komov , founder and art director of Alchemia. Igor Komov graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with a degree in architectural environmental design in 2007. From 2007 to the present - head of the VANE design studio and art director of Alchemia. Alchemia is a manufacturer of designer jewelry. The brand was created in 2007. There are ten people on staff.

Pavel Milovidov, Head of Internet marketing agency Directiv. Directiv is a certified online agency that specializes only in complex markets. Helps manufacturers and wholesalers find customers online where they don't buy online. Founded in 2006. Staff - 26 people.

The task of every company that creates a landing page is to guide the user to a conversion action. According to the rules of consumer behavior, a potential buyer goes through 5 main stages: attention, interest, desire, action, satisfaction/dissatisfaction. But what kind of landing page scheme and block structuring will provide maximum return? Today we will try to understand this issue.

Any marketing campaign must begin with identifying the unique characteristics of the brand. It is necessary to clearly formulate how the product you offer differs from the solutions of competitors. Naturally, it is not necessary to invent everything from scratch: as a rule, the program has already been defined before the design of the web resource begins. If this moment was missed, then this is your first priority.

We recommend dividing the offer into several simple components, then describing why clients should choose you. A correctly formulated title and subtitle prevent the client's questions, eliminating all doubts.

The unique selling proposition of the landing page is contained in the title. We offer the following solution to express the USP as fully as possible:

  • main headline - laconic, attractive, selling;
  • a subtitle is appropriate when it is necessary to clarify and clarify the main offer. A subheading is often used to shorten the main heading.

A simple example from LPgenerator:

You can use this and other templates as a basis for creating your first landing page in:

Logo, company name, contacts

Let users identify you - be sure to place your company logo on the landing page. If your brand is popular or at least vaguely familiar to the visitor, this will increase their level of trust.

The presence of contacts is very important, even if there are enough communication elements presented on the page. Placing a current phone number, as well as a real address, is another tool of trust, because the visitor understands that they are working on the project ordinary people, available for communication, and they are waiting for the call without hiding.

Having figured out where he ended up and seeing your offer, the user will wonder how to purchase your product or service. That is why the main page should be designed with a contact block, and most often a CTA button “Request a call” is placed here.

Introducing an example finished layout, where as many as two logos of companies presenting their services are placed. Even without being the main elements, logos definitely attract attention. On the right side of the page there is contact information, and just below there is a button offering a consultation:

Product/service demonstration

The purpose of the landing page is to demonstrate the product/service, as well as to make the site visitor feel as if he is personally testing the product. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • photography – use a large image for the header background, and then expand on the details with other thematic illustrations;
  • video - traditionally, users trust such content more.

Here's a good layout that combines both of these techniques:

Brand benefits

Detailed descriptions of the buyer's benefits from working with you (and, possibly, unique differences from competitors) must be present on the landing page.

At first, we used a succinct commercial headline designed to “grab” the customer immediately after entering. Now we need to get ahead of the visitor’s question “Why do I need this?” Here it is important to find a balance between information content/volume, and not “spread your thoughts down the tree,” since the specifics of the landing page do not allow this.

We find suitable examples in:

Offer description

On the landing page it is also necessary to show the real value of the offer and provide a list of services that the customer will receive.

Here is an example of another template from:

Mutual communication

Lead form

A potential buyer should be able to easily find the field feedback among other content of the Internet project. We will now talk in more detail about where to place such a form.

Right or left? Our answer is on the right. Many experts argue that this way you can get more requests. The reason is simple: the Western world reads from left to right, and the lead form located on the right side of the page seems to be the logical conclusion of the offer. If you place it on the left side, then it looks more like an unreasonable imposition of action.

You can see for yourself: the vast majority of one-page website layouts in Photoshop are made according to the principle described above.

Now let’s talk about where the optimal place for the lead form is: on the first screen or after the “fold line”. The answer came from expert Michael Aagaard from ContentVerve. He conducted an entertaining split test: he compared two versions of the field layout. The first option is above the “fold line”, the second is below.

The results revealed that the second option increased the conversion rate by as much as 304%.

Experts made the following conclusions. The main parameter that determines the placement of an offer that is competent in all respects is the structure of the landing page. If the page needs to be detailed, then require the person to instantly active actions- stupid. Provide the necessary information and the opportunity to evaluate the benefits.

Adding a custom lead form to your landing page is very easy. To do this, you can use the ready-made sections constructor: