Promoting a landing page yourself step-by-step instructions. Advertising campaign management. What are the differences between regular SEO and landing page SEO?

Landing Page(landing) - a special website, often one-page, which is positioned as highly converting or selling well. A site may not necessarily consist of one page, but in the classical sense this is exactly what it is. This is precisely the main feature of Landing Page promotion – promotion of a one-page site is often difficult and difficult to implement.

How to promote a landing page is actually not such a difficult question if you are familiar with the principles of website promotion on the Internet. If you get for yourself new information, then let’s say that landing page promotion is a set of measures aimed at improving the site, as well as obtaining links to your resource from other sites. Of course, no one has canceled classic advertising, and we must not forget about this tool for promoting your business.

SEO promotion Landing Page

Do-it-yourself landing page promotion in search engines(or SEO) is a very real idea. You often hear that this is useless because search engines don’t treat one-page sites well, but in fact this is not entirely true. If the site meets certain requirements and provides potential clients maximum information about the product you are selling, then you will be able to achieve good results.

Of course, like everywhere else, there are a few buts. To begin with, it’s worth saying that a lot will depend on the competition of your topic. If you choose a competitive product for sales using a landing page, for which there are already many sites and stores on the Internet, then even large budgets will most likely not help you in order to break into the top 10.

Another point is that there are competitor sites in the topics that interest you. Just indicate in search engines the ones you are interested in search queries(which you are going to promote), and see which sites and online stores are in the top 10. If there are large portals and catalogs, then most likely your landing page promotion will not be particularly successful.

These are all the features, and if you go to the Landing Page promotion strategies, then everything can be clearly described point by point. The basis of a successful landing page is its content, i.e. content (we recommend ordering texts in a specialized exchange from professionals -). This content should contain certain information for the user, such as: description of the product, its photo, possibly a video review, reviews, etc.

To roughly calculate the cost of purchasing links, you can use the service:

But in order to boost your one-page store, you will need link mass - for this you will have to receive/buy links from other resources. The number of these links will be determined by the competition of the product you choose, as well as the region, the number of competitors in the market, etc.
The ideal way to tell about yourself, as well as get a certain number of links from other sites, is to post reviews of your product on them. There are special services and tools for this. More interesting option– find sites similar to your topic, and contact their administrators directly with a request to post a review on their resource. Of course, this is done for money, but this is logical. In the review, you insert a couple of links to your resource. If popular sites are selected, then you can also get a certain flow of visitors from them who can become your clients.

We consider this method of promotion to be the most optimal and natural. You receive so-called perpetual links, for which you pay once, and you can additionally provide your store with targeted traffic.

An alternative is rental links. Sites only provide such links for the duration of time for which you pay. They are good because they are cheaper, but search engines can impose serious sanctions on your landing pages for using this method of promotion.

Internal optimization of your landing page

Essentially, a landing page is a landing page, i.e. a page to which users will come from all channels of their attraction: search engines, advertising, thematic portals, etc. Therefore, it is important to optimize the page not only for search engines, but also for people.

What is absolutely necessary in order not to be inferior to competitors is a high-quality description of the product, preferably with infographics. Reviews and video review – also in Lately are the norm for quality landing page. Be original, write beautifully and accessible to people - don’t try to cram the name of your product into every paragraph, not only search engines, but also people don’t like this.

In fact, beautiful organization landing page – this is all internal optimization. The only thing you need to do is fill in the page title – title. Write down the name of your product, perhaps the region in which you work. And do not use words such as “home page”, etc. in the title.

  1. To succeed, you need to choose a non-competitive niche, or work in a small region.
  2. Look at your competitors - if large, multi-page sites are in the top, then it is better to choose a different theme for your landing page.
  3. Link mass will speed up indexing and give your site a certain trust.
  4. The clearer the product description, the more interesting the video review, the more useful the reviews, the greater your chance of ranking at the top.

Landing page advertising

Advertising is a win-win option for attracting visitors not only for landing pages, but also for any other commercial sites. As a rule, advertising gives better results compared to website promotion in search engines. Why – we described it above, it’s all about the features of the Landing Page and the attitude of search engines towards them.

The main types of advertising that should be used for promotion are advertising in in social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki), contextual advertising (on Yandex and Google), direct advertising on sites of similar topics, teaser advertising, . The choice of one or another source for attracting users to the site depends directly on age potential clients, their gender, and their best-selling product.

Social media

Social networks are a rapidly growing advertising channel. People are increasingly immersing their lives in social networks - they communicate there, make purchases. If we take the two most popular networks in the Russian Federation, we can find some differences in them. On the social network VKontakte, the overwhelming majority are young people. Modern youth, of course, can have a variety of interests - from needlework to smartphones, but we can already build on this.

In Odnoklassniki, it is believed that the audience is older, and the older generation predominates there. Although the former youth from VKontakte have already grown up.

There are two main ways to advertise on social networks - by displaying advertisements, and the second is by advertising in communities and groups. In the second case, informational posts with a link to your landing page will be posted in the groups you select. Both work, but it all depends on each specific case.

Prospects for social networks!

For those who do not yet know how to master one of the most popular networks Russia, we offer to learn about how to make a profit.

contextual advertising

Any contextual advertising guarantees that you will attract a certain amount of traffic. Whether this traffic will be profitable for you is a matter of how you know how to sell. Advertising works ideally because you get users immediately and instantly, i.e. while you pay for advertising, you receive traffic to the site. Compared to SEO, it is often necessary to wait more than one month to receive visitors from search engines.

Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google are the two most popular areas. Because these two search engines are most often used in RuNet. You choose keywords, for which your ad should be shown, and based on the bids for impressions, calculate the budget. Monthly expenses can be very different, as it all depends on the chosen product and topic.

Placement of direct advertising on websites

Direct advertising is a method that many people underestimate. The point is to find sites that are suitable for you and offer the placement of banners on their site. Almost any information resource has a section called “Advertising on the site”. Prices can vary from 1,000 rubles to 30-40,000 per month for placing your banner. It all depends on the amount of traffic on the site where you are going to advertise.

Teaser advertising

A relatively unknown type of traffic attraction. Teaser networks are catalogs of the most different topics– on these sites you are invited to place your advertisements. There are many teaser networks, but not all of them have many quality sites to advertise on. Working with teasers requires special skill and knowledge, and the choice this method attracting customers directly depends on the theme of your website.

Efficiency and result

Landing is a site that requires a special approach, including for attracting potential customers. The most important thing to understand is what works best A complex approach to the promotion of Landings. Contextual advertising gives a quick, almost instantaneous effect. Search engine promotion– increases the number of potential users as it develops.

Independent Landing promotion A page in search engines can work and can bring results. The main thing is to calculate everything and fulfill the necessary preparatory work. Independent does not mean free, so a certain budget can significantly speed up the achievement of results.


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It is a website, most often consisting of one page, positioned as a high converter or a good seller. A landing page can consist of several pages, but in the classical sense it is a one-page resource. This is precisely the peculiarity of landing page promotion. A one-page website is designed to influence basic human instincts, push the user to perform motivated actions: dial a number, click, place an order, purchase a product at the moment.

Landing pages are integral part advertising campaigns for a specific product or offer with a “hot” price, and are also used to attract target audience from contextual advertising sources "Google Adwords", "Yandex. Direct", social networks and mailing lists.

What it is?

Landing Page is an independent page that promotes:

  • distribution of a particular service or product;
  • formation of a subscription base.

When creating a landing page, you should use various impact triggers that will “warm up” the user to quickly make a decision (making a purchase, entering information to receive a bonus, studying a course, watching a webinar, etc.).

From the user's side, Landing Page is the page that he gets to after clicking on an image, informer, advertisement And so on. A landing page is completely different from an online store, because to sell a specific product or conduct promotion your own page is designed using various impact triggers.

Types of landing page

  • Independent. This is the most common type of one-page website. Its key task is to entice the user to purchase a product/service or take any other step recommended by the resource.
  • Microsite. This is a website (most often separate from the main one) with a maximum of 5 sheets, including information about a product or service.
  • Main portal. One is used as a landing more pages resource.
  • Lando website. It is a portal consisting entirely of independent landing pages.

Ways to create a Landing Page

Landing can be done in several ways:

  • Free generators and templates. Today, the Internet offers a huge number of different designers and templates with which you can easily create any landing page. The most renowned service for creating and promoting landing pages is LPgenerator. This method is ideal for organizations that are limited in budget, but have experts on staff who understand design and marketing.

  • Help from professionals. The task of creating and SEO promotion of a landing page can be delegated. For example, order content from a copywriter, design from a designer, and integration with the engine from a software developer. At the same time, the enterprise must have a marketer capable of monitoring the project at all its stages. The advantages of this method include, first of all, low cost and excellent results, since each stage will be performed by a professional. The disadvantage is that there is a high risk of incorrect selection of experts.
  • Specialized agencies. This method of creating a landing page involves contacting an organization that will take on all the tasks: studying competitors, selecting a concept, drawing up an advertising campaign, settling all integration tasks and implementing the project. The customer will only need to fill out a development brief, and the organization will handle the creation and promotion of the turnkey landing page. The advantages of working with an agency include efficiency and time savings, but the disadvantages are the relatively high cost.
  • Full-time employees who will be responsible for the design and promotion of the landing page. It is very expensive, but at the same time effective way. Your own team, consisting of a copywriter, designer, software developer and marketer, will be able to fully implement and promote the project.

Is it possible to design a Landing Page yourself?

It is quite possible to create a landing page on your own; for this you need to have some knowledge in the field of web development, analytics and design. However, if you don’t have such skills, you can resort to help special services(they were mentioned above), offering already ready-made templates, where all that remains is to enter the text and set up hosting and domain.

By creating a landing page on your own, you can save time and money. On the Internet you can find sources with templates of different topics, with a set of manuals for quick installation And software allowing you to make corrections.

Is it possible to make a landing page for free?

As interest in landing page is growing day by day, the creators are also not standing still, offering users fresh ideas and tools based on templates. List of free resources:

  • You can create a landing page on the website after simple process registration.
  • By using software product Adobe Photoshop.
  • Use the KompoZer constructor.

The latter option is best suited for those who have only minimal skills in this area and do not want to waste time mastering complex programming systems. In addition, you can take advantage of the free trial period popular designers and wPPage.

Landing page optimization

Landing page development is only part of success; it is important to optimize it correctly. One-page resources have one, but quite significant drawback - they are very difficult to detect by search engines. Full-fledged sites have unique headings, a coherent structure with information about the volume of pages, competent linking, and so on.

The structure of a one-page website does not allow for high-quality internal optimization in the usual sense, that is, to “tailor” an Internet resource to the requests of search engines. Layout from Google using JavaScript and the PushState method allowed us to solve this problem.

What is needed for this?

To optimize your landing page, you need to do the following:

  • The landing page should be divided into several blocks.
  • Each of them must have its own original indicator, text, name, title and URL.

In other words, blocks must have the same properties that any separate page a full-fledged portal. In this case, the robot will regard the landing page as somewhat unique. Visitors are unlikely to catch this moment; only the most vigilant will notice that as they scroll, the URL and title change in the line. But here you should understand that to carry out these actions you will need certain knowledge in the field of SEO and layout with JavaScript.

How to make a created page popular? Promoting a landing page in search engines or SEO on your own is a completely doable task, despite the fact that you often hear that search engines treat single-page sites poorly. In fact, everything is not quite like that. If the page meets certain conditions and contains maximum amount information about the product/service being sold, then you can achieve excellent results Landing page SEO promotion.

Of course, as in any field, there are several “buts”. First of all, much will be determined by the competitiveness of the chosen topic. If a promoted product was selected for trading using a landing page, for which there is already a large number of online stores and websites, then in this case even huge budgets will not be able to help promote the landing page.

What do we have to do?

But these are all specifics, and if we move on to the landing page promotion strategy, then everything can be described point by point. So, let’s look at the step-by-step instructions for promoting a landing page yourself:

  • The foundation of a successful Landing Page is content. That is, the product description must contain certain information for the user: details, photographs, video review, reviews, etc.
  • Landing page promotion using link mass. To boost a one-page site, you will need link mass, which can be purchased on other resources. The number of links will depend on the competitiveness of the product being sold, as well as on the region, the number of competitors in the market, and other things. Great way To make yourself known, as well as to get links from other resources, is to place a review of your product on them. There are special tools and services for this. Another option (more time-consuming, but at the same time interesting) is to independently search for websites on similar topics and contact the administrators directly with the desire to post your information with them. Of course, this is done for a fee. The review must include several links to the site. If the selected resources are popular, then you can easily get a flow of visitors from them, who can subsequently become clients. This method of promotion is the most successful and natural. You purchase so-called perpetual links, for which you pay once, while providing the Landing Page with targeted traffic.

You shouldn’t promote one landing page across the whole country at once.

In this case, you will compete with a huge amount multi-page sites, so it will be almost impossible to succeed. It’s better to create several landing pages and set your own promotion region for each. You can do this in Yandex.Webmaster (“Information about the site - Regionality”).


Optimize page loading speed

It is important for users that the landing page loads quickly enough.

If it takes longer than three seconds to load, they are more likely to navigate away from the page. This may also affect indexing speed. search robots: They, like users, will abandon pages that take a long time to load and not include them in the index. Therefore, regardless of what you are promoting (a full-fledged website or a landing page), you need to monitor the page loading speed. One solution is to reduce the weight of images, remove pop-up elements, etc.


Adapt the page for mobile devices

Every year, more and more people use mobile devices to search for information online.

To reach the maximum target audience, increase conversion with mobile devices and successfully promote in mobile search results, the landing page must be convenient. To do this use adaptive layout or create a separate one mobile version pages.


Work on your meta tags

For successful promotion in search engines, title and description tags must contain keywords.

However, avoid unnatural occurrences (for example, “how to travel to the USA quickly, cheap, travel tickets, Canada, America”). Otherwise, the page will be pessimized in the search results.


Perform text optimization

The text should be divided into small semantic blocks with short, memorable phrases.

If you want to do SEO for your landing page (i.e. promote it in search), optimize the content in accordance with the principles of LSI copywriting, as well as taking into account the requirements of the Yandex algorithms (Baden-Baden, Korolev) and Google (Panda ", "RankBrain"). As with meta tags, avoid unnatural occurrences. In addition, the keyword density should not be high, otherwise search engines will consider the text over-optimized and pessimize the pages in the results. However, texts must meet not only the requirements of search engines, but also satisfy the needs of users. Therefore, when creating and optimizing content, first of all, pay attention to the fact that it is interesting to the audience.


Improve external ranking factors

It's about about quality links: place them on forums, blogs and thematic platforms. Set up social media widgets on your page so users can share it. This will also have a positive effect on promotion: links from the largest social networks have a lot of weight and get into the search engine index quite quickly.

Landing page - landing page With high level conversions. There are many techniques to achieve a high level. They all boil down to the fact that the document must persistently and purposefully lead the visitor to a conversion action: purchase, subscription, request for a service, etc. Thousands of articles have been written about this. We will not compete with their authors, but note that many who want to create effective landing pages, what keeps us from doing this is the lack of understanding of how to achieve this with one page good positions V search results. Indeed, in the classic version, a landing page is not an ordinary one-page website. This makes its promotion also not entirely ordinary, in the sense that the set of internal factors changes somewhat. For example, you won’t be able to increase the static weight of a page by linking to it from other pages on the site - they simply don’t exist. The formation of a semantic core, which is the basis for other promotional activities - content optimization and link building, also has its own characteristics.

Semantic core

For clarity, we will look at the optimization of a landing page aimed at selling a specific product, for example, an Explay 3G tablet. As with promoting any website, you need to start with selecting a semantic core. High conversion landing page is achieved, among other things, by narrowing the audience it is aimed at - these are target visitors looking for a specific product, service, newsletter, etc. This specificity also affects the formation of the semantic core: it will consist only of low-frequency queries, with a frequency of less than a thousand. And even such requests will be relatively few: landing pages are not focused on the entire assortment; they are usually “tailored” to one product item or a small group of products. That is, if semantic core While a regular website should be made as complete as possible, expanding it due to the presence of high-frequency, mid-range and low-frequency queries and forming it using different themes, the semantic core of the Landing page, on the contrary, will have to be narrowed, limited only to those queries that will give an influx of targeted, easily converted audience, with a firm intention to buy. The subject of requests for such a page will always be the same. You need to decide which key phrase will be the main one in your semantic core. It must correspond to the conversion action. As a rule, this is the most frequent (popular) phrase of the selected ones. In our case, the main phrase by which you will promote your landing page will be “buy Explay tablet 3G". This phrase will be meta title tag, it will also have to be included in the h1 header of the document. The number of words by which you can promote a drug is almost endless, the main thing is that these words and search queries exist (these are product modifications, clarifications, characteristics, etc.). Here's an example: one website page, a product page, brings users to 316 queries and almost 3000 sessions: Select a small and quality core, and the Yandex “Word Selection” service can also evaluate the popularity of queries.

Optimizing text on a page

In order for text to rank well in search engines, several factors must be taken into account:
  1. Achieve sufficient participation in it key phrases from your semantic core
You can find out what this “sufficiency” is by analyzing competitors who are already ranking well for your queries. The Text Analysis tool can help you with this. “Text analysis” analyzes documents from the top to determine the required volume of text and keyword density and checks how well the text on your page corresponds to this. Based on the results of the test, “Text Analysis” gives recommendations for optimizing your page, indicating in detail how many and what words need to be added or subtracted and how to change the volume of text.
Note that there are similar tools on the Internet, but Wizard's Text Analysis, unlike most of them, is free. Remember that the situation in the top is dynamic, periodically check how optimized your content is and follow the recommendations of the same “Text Analysis” - service statistics show that this speeds up promotion by 30%.
  1. The text should be unique and rich in similar terms.
The uniqueness of the text has been one of the important factors ranking in search engines. Copy-paste is no good. How to measure uniqueness? There are services on the Internet, including free ones, that compare with each other different texts and based on the results of comparison, giving a verdict of uniqueness as a percentage. In addition, search engines rank higher pages that contain special terms related to the topic of the page. Be sure to add terms to the text on the page.
  1. The text must be well written, well structured and professionally designed.
Common cause bounces (closing a page almost immediately after opening) are grammatical errors or ill-conceived document structure. Such shortcomings cause mistrust and negative reactions from visitors. This leads to deterioration behavioral factors and lowering the page in the search results. Don't forget to optimize your page meta tags. The title tag should contain the main keyword phrase for which you are promoting. And with special attention please fill out description tag: although it does not directly affect search engine rankings, Yandex and Google sometimes use it to fill out the snippet - brief description document on the issue page. Documents ranked lower often have more clicks due to a successful snippet.

Other internal factors

The so-called commercial factors are important for organizing sales, gaining the trust of visitors and good ranking in search engines. Back in 2011, Yandex announced the use of commercial metrics in the ranking formula. Although a landing page is specific, it is still a commercial site and is subject to ranking rules applicable to full-fledged online stores and others. commercial resources. Therefore, attention should be paid to at least the following information: 1) Detailed Contact Information. 2) Availability of delivery service. 3) Availability of technical support (mail, phone, form feedback). 4) System online consultations. 5) Availability of discounts. 6) Readability of the domain name. 7) Length title tag. Attention to such details will become extra plus for the document. And finally, the most important point that should not be forgotten. Influence technical condition website promotion is not obvious, so many webmasters and optimizers neglect it. It should be borne in mind that the presence technical errors on the site reduces the effectiveness of all SEO activities. Let us briefly list some technical specifications, influencing the ranking of the landing page (a regular site has more of them):
  • Stability of the site and page loading speed.
  • Contents of files.htaccess, robots.txt, sitemap.xml.
  • Presence of viruses on the site.
  • Temporary and cyclic redirects.
  • Incorrect meta tags and page titles.
  • Broken links and images.
It's not easy to track everything on your own. technical problems. And although in the case of a one-page site, which is the Landing Page, the severity of the problem is somewhat reduced, some nuances may still be left without due attention and fatally affect the result of long and painstaking work. A complete list of these and other errors can be obtained by using the tool Technical analysis. It will give you a general list of site errors for free. After reviewing it, you can decide whether it is worth paying for the details.

External factors

As already mentioned, originality Landing pages makes it impossible to promote them with internal links. Therefore, it is necessary to take the formation of a good link profile seriously. Especially considering that the promoted phrases will be, although low-frequency, often very competitive. The main difficulty arises already at the stage of forming an anchor list.
An anchor list is a collection of all text links to your site. After which, these links need to be placed on external sites. To do this, they need to be selected somehow. To select donors, they are assessed based on their parameters and visually. For selection optimal parameters, usually evaluate leading sites that are already highly ranked by the search engine. A multi-hour marathon analysis of the link profiles of TOP sites knocks the sweat out of even seasoned pros. It is necessary to analyze the external links of high-ranking sites for the number of non-anchor links, as well as one-, two-, three-word key phrases. The non-anchor link mass should also be divided into parts consisting of links with a domain entry, as well as the words “here”, “here”, “site”, “brand name” and others. Then unload the donors of each site from the top and draw their general portrait based on dozens of parameters (TIC, PR, nesting, domain zone, quantity external links, AlexaRank, traffic, etc.). So, for 5-10 sites from the top. Then, based on the analysis, create an effective anchor list and determine which and how many donors will be needed. And if we add to this that the bulk of the analysis tools are paid, then it becomes clear why there are so many zeros in the fees of companies engaged in promotion. When selecting donors, it is necessary to take into account the regionality and theme of the site, try to select the most suitable ones for placement relevant to the request pages. When allocating the budget, it is worth using part of it to purchase permanent links and social signals. Social signals - links from posts of social network users. Projects that use such links rise in search results much faster. Of course, such complex work is tedious and fraught with errors, especially if you are just starting to learn the intricacies of SEO promotion. Experienced optimizers have been automating for a long time routine processes, which significantly speeds up the work. Automatic promotion services:
  • will help you choose keywords and tails
  • will create an anchor list
  • analyze sites and select the optimal ones for placing links
  • will tell you how best to optimize the text on the page
Please note that promoting a website to the top is a process that requires time and labor. If you need an immediate effect, then at first, while the page is moving to the top, you can resort to other advertising techniques. For example, use contextual advertising or attract targeted visitors from pages where they usually communicate (certain groups on social networks, forums, professional communities). Tip: landing pages can be used as landing pages on the regular website. At the same time, conversion is expected to increase and there will be more effective promotion the site as a whole. But this is a labor-intensive process.


Promotion of one-page websites aimed at commercial inquiries, has some peculiarities. Let us highlight among them the size of the semantic core, consisting of several low-frequency queries, the associated optimization of content for only two or three phrases, and the increased importance of link factors. Good progress! Author: Yuri Sofin, leading analyst

Very useful and current topic held on September 25, 2015 free webinar Sergey Koksharov (Devaka).

Topic: “How to optimize and promote one-page websites.” That is SEO for landing pages. But specifically for those that have a one-page structure.

Watch the recorded webinar now:

Watch the presentation:

From me:

In fact, you can do 2 types of landing pages:

1. one-pager
2. multi-page
(landing page with a standard main page plus a structure of sections and pages - commercial, informational)

The first type, one-pager, navigation menu usually represents local links that transport the user within a single page.

Considering that there are very few landing pages in the TOP and it is impossible to compete with large powerful sites, the first type is usually not promoted in search engines.

Or it promotes according to its branded queries and several low-frequency queries.

Therefore, here, first of all, any other traffic channels are used - context, social networks, email newsletters, and possibly teasers (although a beginner should definitely not get involved in them).

Or you can come to terms with the fact that even for your branded requests the site will not rank in the top places, and use Xrumer en masse and some methods like for hundreds of boards at once and others automated options, because I don’t care what happens to the domain in search engines, and that it may receive filters.

Free SEO courses from Anna Yashchenko - 20 PDF lessons, for 2019 - Good, for beginners, but also not only, quite deep, relevant. Do you want to learn how to independently promote websites for free? Please.

Of high quality, but free measure - this is just different types sites from, such as:

TOP Base will definitely help. Both for single-page and multi-page.

For example, my sales always go up when I post any messages on the forums. This could be some kind of article with a link to the desired site, or just an announcement (advertising), simply done competently and in a suitable place. In the database I collect live sites, i.e. there are thousands of live thematic forums and other types of sites collected there.

Also, if you wish, you can sit and assemble all this yourself. I recently wrote instructions on how to find the right sites and forums for posting.

The second type of landing page is a multi-page page with sections.

This is, in fact, a regular website where the main page is a landing page. Its navigation menu is divided into sections of the site.

And you can promote it just like an ordinary commercial website.

Here you can create a normal semantic core ( key queries), make 2nd and 3rd level pages, articles or news and promote it as a normal website. And make a link to from all pages in a suitable place in the text home page, which is the sales page. Plus when pumping different pages site, the main page is also upgraded, and it is easier to access it for the queries for which it is tailored.

What do you think about promoting landing pages? What experience do you have? Write in the comments!

All my projects except this SEO blog:

TOP Base- high-quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual placement - for independent free promotion any website, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, naturally diluting the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

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- catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

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