How to activate the new VK design. How to enable the new design. Why is the new design of VKontakte interesting?

The social network VKontakte announced the release of completely updated mobile and iOS devices. Literally everything has changed in them - both new functions for users and a redesigned user interface. Updated earlier this month.

New for presenters mobile platforms lost the side navigation menu, which opens by clicking on the hamburger menu. From now on, the so-called tabbar is used - a single panel at the bottom of the screen, which combines the key functionality of the social network. Thus, users can now switch between news, messages, notifications and search with literally one touch.

Besides, biggest update VKontakte for Android and iOS also introduces completely new recommendations and search sections. They include recordings, videos, live broadcasts, stories, communities and personal pages, which may be of interest to the user. These will mainly be aspiring musicians, photographers and writers. The recommendations are based on new algorithm"Prometheus" - with the help of him social network plans to promote quality content.

The notifications section with a new design now includes all notifications and friend requests - just like in the web version of VKontakte. Also, likes have become red, and the view counter is shown on each post without the need to open a separate post.

The update will be available for installation in Google Play And App Store within the next 24 hours. Or you can download it on Trashbox.

Comparing the interfaces of VKontakte and Facebook has long become an analogue of holivars between android-maniacs and “Apple-philes”: on each side you can recruit an entire army that will fiercely defend its point of view. Many people know that the current image of VKontakte is an optimized and cleaned of all unnecessary sample from 2006. And this is precisely what for many was the decisive fact in favor of, compared to the ever-mutating Facebook: the stability of the interface and its simplicity. Therefore, the April Fool's news was more than unexpected: new VKontakte interface!

And, judging by, the VKontakte designers, after waiting 10 years, went back to Facebook, looked around and decided: “Cool, we need to do the same!”... And, indeed, they did...
Announcing this April Fool's “no joke”, the operating director insisted that new VKontakte interface is the result of more than a year and a half of careful study and elaboration of each element of the site, and the main goal of all these actions is “transition to new level development".
Thanks to the changes, the VKontakte interface will look almost the same on any device (tablet/PC/smartphone, etc.), and there will be no need to get used to managing the social network on each individual gadget.

It is also stated that will now be “easier to understand.” Why simplify what is already simple and understandable, although it is not specified. It was announced that the fonts have been changed, the screen width has been increased, and under the “new useful features» additional space has been identified.

The column of the main menu (the one on the left) has also been redesigned: the names of the sections have become shorter and are now accompanied by icons, the “News” and “Messages” sections have generally moved to the top.

A person familiar with the Facebook interface may now be indignant: “Well, it doesn’t look the same!”

Well, how can I say, not a bit. Let's take a closer look at this picture:

Duplicate the most popular sections in the header? No, VKontakte came up with this themselves.

Many thanks to the VKontakte designers for not borrowing the left column! You also need to be able to plagiarize “subtly and tastefully.”

It was announced separately. In March they talked about it in the context of “weaving” into old interface. In the April Fool's review of changes to the social network, it is already reported as an integral part of the new look of So what has changed? According to A. Rogozov, that’s all. Each element of the “News” block has been “redesigned”. A part of the right column was allocated under “News”, a division of “News” into categories was added (Photo/Video, Friends, ...), and other elements of “old News” were also placed there (for example, “Recommendations”). But the most important thing that the developers focused on during the presentation was “ New tape" - a separately placed switch to the "algorithmic mechanism". It’s simply impossible not to notice it: here it is, the “Interesting first” toggle switch at the bottom of the right column:

According to the developers, this should simplify transitions between conversations and make signals about new messages more informative. The indication is as follows: unread messages– the dot to the right of the “conversation” is blue; if the interlocutor is online, next to the mini-avatar there will be green indicator. Aaand... here another, quite fair question arises: when they say that by “rewriting” a section “from scratch” they still get a smoothed-out, sleek look, but Facebook?

Of course, you need to learn from more experienced and successful ones. But who said that you need to imitate everything?

“VKontakte members” generally tried to make the new VKontakte interface as “obvious” as possible. And for this purpose, another indicator was added to the “header” - “Notifications”. So that the user does not miss anything important: a friend’s birthday, someone’s “like”, a “friend” request, etc.

If any activity occurs on the site that affects the user, the “bell” will immediately acquire a red mark.

The “Photos” section, also a very popular section of the VKontakte social network, frankly speaking, was not so convenient. And his “office imitation” - almost a carbon copy - is an excellent example of the fact that good imitation can be beneficial:

This is now the photo viewing interface for VKontakte: the photos are larger, horizontal orientation“viewer”, comments are not somewhere in a trail at the bottom of the page, but in a convenient place - to the right of the “object of commenting”.
Here's Facebook for you. How for what? To play Find 5 Differences!

It would be very tedious to analyze all the changes that will soon “fall on the heads” of all VKontakte users - after all, the operating director of the social network assured that “every interface of the site” was affected. In order to “get into” the new interface that VKontakte will be dressed up in, the sections discussed above are enough.

There is one thing: if a dear reader just went to check his VK page and returned here with reasonable bewilderment like: “What kind of nonsense are they talking about here! Everything is as it was.” The explanation for this is not the author’s feverish delirium, but the fact that they decided to test the new interface on a “limited audience.” And the reader, fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) did not fall into this audience. However, for those who have an irresistible craving for “novelty” and who have a burning question, how to switch to a new VKontakte design at home, the developers reserved the right to voluntarily join in testing the new design. To do this, they posted on the page

On April 1, 2016, the social network VKontakte officially introduced a new interface, which had been in the works for about a year and a half. New interface purchased fresh and modern look, although it retained the basic elements and color scheme of the old one.

The main idea is to make one common interface on all platforms, be it a computer or a smartphone.

In order to connect to the new VKontakte design, you need to follow these simple steps:

  • Write to tech. support the request to connect to the new design. The subject of the message should be: access to redesign.
  • Wait for a response, after which you will be able to use the new interface.

The first thing that strikes you in the new interface is that the “wall” of profiles and groups now always remains wide. In the old design, for example, the ribbon at the top remained narrow, but when scrolling down it expanded, and this expansion occurred sharply. When publishing long posts this sometimes caused inconvenience.

Notifications can now be viewed by clicking the bell on top panel. This way notifications are always visible.

Also, when scrolling down, the content column (friends, videos, audio) no longer goes up, but always remains visible. Although the menu still goes up when scrolling, off the edge of the screen (in my opinion, it would be better if the menu also remained always visible).

Avatars became round.

The new dialogue design allows you to see your interlocutors at the very time when you are chatting with someone.

But dialogues are now available in spirit modes, new and classic. You can switch to classic look, but tabs open dialogues will be located not on top, but on the side to the right.

Unread messages, as well as messages that have been marked as important, will be available in the sidebar.

Now, when attaching videos or pictures to a dialogue or comment, you can add several objects at the same time. To do this, click on the round checkmark located in the upper left corner.

You can learn more about the new VK design when you “touch” it live.

Popular social network " In contact with» changed the design. According to the company's operating director Andrey Rogozov, the new appearance social network is the result of the fruitful work of specialists that has been carried out over the past year and a half.

In contact with

The design team pursued main goal– make the site look recognizable on all devices. It looks like they managed to achieve this, and now users of the web version can easily find the desired section in mobile application, and vice versa.

Disappeared extra elements, appeared extra space for new functions and the screen width and fonts have increased, making the interface easier to read. The menu on the left has undergone significant changes - the names of items have been shortened and icons have been added, and the most popular sections " News" And " Messages" are now at the top.

IN " News» Each element is displayed in a new way. News lists, search and comments are located in a separate block on the right. If you do not want to view all the news, click on the section " Interesting first", located directly below this block.

Concerning " Messages", then the designers created it completely from scratch. Now dialogues and the current chat are on the same screen, which has greatly simplified the process of switching between conversations. A blue dot indicates unread messages, and a green dot indicates that there are this moment the user is online.

Chapter " Answers"disappeared completely, and find out who put the mark" I like"of your photo, video or other publication, you can go to " Notifications" All requests for adding friends, mentions and names are also displayed here. If you are afraid of missing something new on the page of a person you are interested in or in a community, you can subscribe to notifications. As soon as it's done new publication, a corresponding indicator will appear next to the bell icon at the top of the screen.

Good news for those who like to publish and view photos - now the photos are displayed in a larger format and in a magazine layout (i.e., without spaces between them).

If the old VK interface has completely stopped pleasing you, then you can easily install new design in VK, which was created in 2016. To switch to the new interface and see your page from an unusual perspective, you need to go to a special blog resource Under the description of how the update was created, you will see a button that allows you to improve your profile in 2 clicks.

After you submit your application, the VK team will notify you that your page has been accepted for the test.

Unlike Insta, which just changed the logo, the changes in VK design have become much more global - almost all the pages have changed, starting from messages, which, instead of being shown one after another, are revealed to the user in a large window divided in two, and ending with audio. Now when you press the F5 button when open music, the track you were listening to will be paused automatically.

If you want a track to start after the song that is playing, for example at the end of the playlist, then now it is not at all necessary to drag what you want to listen to at the very beginning. Just next to the selected song, tap the “Play Next” icon. Here you can see what new things have been added. . The changes also affected the photographs section. When viewing them, all comments are available to you in the field on the right. You don’t have to scroll through them for a long time if you have installed

and many notes were left. The blue VK header in a new form is presented across the entire width of the screen. If you look closely, you can see a small bell icon. Here VK leaves notes for you about the most important upcoming events.

As soon as your friends have a holiday, a red number appears in this field, corresponding to the number of friends who have a holiday on that day. According to the team of web designers, programmers and other specialists who worked diligently on the redesign, the new VK has become much more convenient and functional. If you think otherwise, then there is still a chance to switch to the old version of the site and

through her. How to make a new VKontakte design 2016 If you have sent a request for a new design for your page, but nothing has happened within 2-3 days, you can or

make a new VK design,

using the original STYLISH extension. The real juice of this application is that with its help you can also adjust the design of not only VK, but also, for example, YouTube, as well as other resources on which you are constantly located, to your taste. Using the extension catalog, find this assistant for your type of search engine. Next, after downloading it and turning it on, in the right corner of the site you will find a special button that will inform you that the extension is ready to work. Go to your VK profile. By touching the extension button, you will notice that no style has been applied to your page, and to change it you need to click on the inscription below. In the large area that will be in front of you, you will be able to pick up original design VC. To install it, just tap the link next to where the name is written. If, suddenly, you decide to return to

familiar style

, it will be enough to simply disable the style in the window, extensions. New VKontakte design 2016

Most importantly, this design is free. By updating and creating own style, you not only make your page more pleasant to read, but also train your brain, since many researchers have proven the fact that by trying something new, regardless of the size of the change, you improve your brain activity.