Tired of advertising? Install Adblock or Adblock Plus to block ads in modern browsers. Ad blocking in the browser Ad blocking extension

In this issue, I will tell you and show you some ways to get rid of annoying ads in Chrome, including on YouTube video hosting.

We will be helped by:

  • Built-in chrome protection
  • Adblock program
  • Adblock plus extension
  • Adguard complex - program and anti-banner
  • FlashBlock utility

Standard Chromium Protection

To do this, launch the Internet browser, go to settings and controls of chrome (three bars in the upper right corner).

Scroll down to the bottom left corner of the page and click show additional settings.

Go to personal data and content settings...

Find pop-ups and select Block pop-ups on all sites (recommended).

We enter the required website addresses, select the rule to allow or block and click done.

This way you can look at your google chrome settings and disable unnecessary advertising.

Built-in Chrome Protection | website

Adblock program

If blocking pop-up windows in Chrome settings does not help, then you can use the Adblock program.

Go to the adblock website and click the blue button + Get adblock now.

We go to the webstore and click on free.

They offer to install a new extension - confirm by clicking Add.

Adblock is installed, click on the icon to activate the program.

Immediately after activation, the adblock website opens, where we are congratulated and politely, if desired, asked to donate any amount to support this project.

Now we open any website or refresh the desired page; there should be no ad blocks.

Let's say you want to see how much advertising is hidden from you or want to turn it on again.

Click on the extension icon, view the information and perform the necessary operations.

Adblock program | website

Adblock plus or ABP extension

Adblock plus or ABP is similar to the Adblock program. You can also download and install it on the extension’s official website and in the Chrome store.

A prompt appears to install Adblock plus, click add.

The utility is added, we get to the extension website, ABP is installed, annoying advertising is now blocked.

You can donate any amount or make the world a better place by sharing this information on social networks on, in and Google Plus.

Click on the ABP icon, get acquainted with the alerts and make the necessary settings.

Adguard set

Adguard is a clean and safe Internet. It has different products, programs for Windows, Mac and Android, and also has browser extensions.

Adguard program for Windows

If you are a software lover, then you can use AdGuard for Windows.

Unfortunately, AdGuard is paid, but you can use the trial version for 14 days. If you want to purchase a license, prices start from 99 to 3591 rubles.

Saved, installed and launched, great.

Adguarde has 5 tabs: protection, settings, support, license and about the program, it also has an extended interface.

Adguard program | website

AdGuard anti-banner application

If you are fans of extensions and applications, then I recommend using the adguard browser extension for chrome.

You can launch the application by clicking on the yellow button - Install adguard 1.5 megabytes, browser extension, or using the link below.

This is how it looks in the webstore.

Confirm the installation of the extension.

The adguard anti-banner application is installed.

Information and basic settings of adguard anti-banner.

You can turn off filtering on this site, block ads, report the site, report and security, settings and other platforms.

Adguard anti-banner extension | website

FlashBlock utility

In general, the flash block was created as an extension of the Mozilla Firefox browser, but it can also be used in Chrome.

It is designed to block any flash animation on the Internet. As you know, there are two types of advertising: text and media, and so media advertising (Flash animation) is blocked by the Flashblock utility.

In the chrome online store FlashBlock is called FlashControl and it is in English.

Install flash control.

Flashcontrol is installed, the extension icon will be visible if the current page has Flash animation that falls under the application filters.

Flashblock or Flashcontrol extension | website

Let's sum it up

Today we talked about blocking Google Chrome ads. We used the protection tools of Google Chrome itself, the adblock, adblock plus (ABP) extensions, flashblock and the adguard complex. Download, try, test, watch and choose what you like.

You may have questions related to ad blocking in Google Chrome. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

You can also ask any questions related to computer topics on the page.

Thank you for reading me on

The browser is the main program for exploring the world of the Internet. With its help, you can browse websites to obtain information. But, as a rule, in addition to information, Internet resources have a lot of advertising.

It can be presented either in a light and discreet form, or in an overly intrusive manner, which, in turn, makes it very difficult to look through the pages. Advertising banners can pop up in different places on your monitor, they can cover the desired area and, as a result, it becomes unclear where the useful information is and where the advertising blocks are. Along with advertising, viruses are often found that can threaten the functioning of your computer.

What is advertising for?

Earnings are based on it. The site on which it is presented is of impressive size; the target audience can bring good profits. Good resources, as a rule, provide advertising blocks that do not distract visitors from reading the text. In turn, visitors can click on the advertisement as a sign of gratitude, so that the site owner has an incentive to write many more interesting and educational things.

Unscrupulous owners of Internet resources can place advertisements so that the visitor has no choice but to click on it. Blocks or banners are specifically aimed at distracting attention and do not provide an opportunity to understand the posted information. In addition, the loading time of the page and its volume greatly increases. In this case, if the user uses limited Internet, viewing resources becomes many times more expensive. It is for this reason that it is necessary to block advertising resources. It is created directly in browsers. To do this, you will need to install either programs or extensions. So, we need to look at browsers and their software.

Browser add-ons and blockers

Google Chrome

Several optimal ad blocking extensions have been developed for these browsers: AdBlock and AdBlock Plus. To start working with them, you need to go to the Chrome extensions tab. In the search bar you need to type the name of the extension and install it. This procedure is quite simple and does not require additional skills and knowledge. The AdBlock add-on is more popular than the AdBlock Plus ad blocker, although the functions they perform are the same.

Internet Explorer

In principle, it is very similar to the AdBlock and AdBlock Plus extensions. In order to block advertising, you must go to the page with the blocking list and click “ADD TPL”. The disadvantage of this list is that it is not adapted to Russian sites. To do this, you need to create an additional list. You need to download and install RU AdList. This ensures protection from advertising.

Mozilla Firefox


The AdBlock Plus extension is also supported for browsers. You can download and install it by going to the Opera add-ons website. In the search bar you need to enter the name of the extension and click “add to Opera”.

All of the above add-ons or extensions can be disabled or removed at any time.

How to install a blocking shield from advertising on the Internet?

So how does this process happen on the Internet? For example, the Chrome browser is used. Ad blocking in the browser is done using AdBlock.

All digital ad-blocking products work using the same technology: they enter the advertising information of pages into a list. This list is downloaded and installed along with the add-on. For this reason, after adding an application, most sites stop showing ads.

What should I do if the add-on is installed, but some sites continue to show ad blocks? In this case, you need to manually block unnecessary advertising. To do this, you need to open a site that contains advertising, select the annoying banner and right-click on it. Then select AdBlock and execute the blocking command. After this, left-click on the banner to completely remove it.

Don't forget about. On the Internet you can download for free and install any antivirus that you like. It is a blocker of unnecessary information and viruses. You can install this program for both Windows 7 and later versions.

Block ads in two clicks, video instructions

Are you tired of advertising in browsers? If you're tired of it, then you've come to exactly the right place. Nowadays, advertising occupies a large market, and it is beneficial for the companies developing search engines to have a lot of it. More advertising means more money in your pocket. But advertising must be of high quality, and today we will figure out what is needed for ad blocking in modern browsers such as:

  • Google Chrome developed by Google;
  • Firefox developed by Mozilla;
  • Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft;
  • Safari developed by Apple;
  • Yandex Browser developed by Yandex;
  • Opera developed by Opera Software;

For these purposes we will use a fairly well-known extension (plugin) for browsers Adblock or Adblock Plus, probably the best ad blocker .

Adblock (Adblock Plus)- this is what I already said, an extension (plugin) for browsers, which is necessary to block advertising: pop-up windows, advertising banners or annoying elements that interfere with the normal use of sites.

We will look at how to install and configure this extension for all of the above browsers. Therefore, I propose to highlight the main questions:

Let's move on to watching the Adblock Plus installation video:

Now let's look at all these questions in order. There is a lot of work, a lot of information, so read carefully.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Google Chrome.

First, open this browser, in the upper right corner click “ Setting up and managing Google Chrome”, in the drop-down list click on the item “ Settings”.

Now you will be redirected to the page of the Google extensions online store. Here we enter Adblock in the search bar and click “ Enter" In the list that appears, select our application and press the “ For free" In the pop-up window, if press “ Add”.

After completing the steps, the extension will be installed in your browser and you will see the application icon at the top right.

Right-click on the icon and select “ Settings" On the “ General“don’t change anything, go to the tab “ Filter lists” and put a tick “ Anti-malware protection”, leave the rest unchanged.

You can look at all the tabs and select the settings that may suit you, but I gave an example of a standard setting that I use myself.

Now the extension works and when advertising appears on the site pages, it will be blocked. The number of blocked ads can be seen next to the icon, a square with a number.

Installing Adblock Plus is similar. Let's move on to setting up the next browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Mozilla Firefox.

All steps are almost identical to those we described for Google Chrome. First, open the Mozilla Firefox browser, find the “ “ button in the left corner Open menu”, looking for the item “ Add-ons” and click on it.

Now on the page to which we were redirected in the search bar on the left, enter “ Adblock Plus" In the list that appears, select the extension we need and click the “ Install”.

After the browser installs the add-on, an icon will appear in the top left. Click on it and go to the item “ Settings» and make sure that all the boxes are ticked. If they are, then everything is fine and the addition works to its fullest.

Now you can work in Firefox without any problems. Adblock add-ons do not exist for this browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Opera.

And again we go to the browser, only now in Opera it will install the ad blocker Adblock.

To do this, click on the icon on the right and select “ Extensions”.

In the extension window, select the last item “ Add extensions” and we will be redirected to a page where we can download Adblock.

In the search bar, enter the name of the extension and after finding it, click on it.

On the next page, click on the green button “ Add to Opera”.

After successful installation, an icon will appear in the left corner, right-click on it and select settings. See all settings as in Google Chrome. Installing the Adblock add-on is similar.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Internet Explorer.

Here we click on the button “ Install for Internet Explorer” and follow all recommendations. After everything has been successfully installed, the browser will ask you to install the icon on the toolbar, click “ Yes" Now you can see the extension icon at the bottom right.

You can leave all settings as default, it will work fine.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Safari.

And as we have already done, open the browser again, but this time Safari from Apple and follow the link:

Click on the button “ Download” and download the add-on itself.

After downloading the add-on, install it. Installation is simple, click on the downloaded file and follow all the recommendations.

Now the extension is installed and you can see the icon at the top left. In order to configure it, click on it and select “Options”.

You will be redirected to the Adblock parameters, tab “ Are common” leave unchanged, and on the “ tab Filter lists“put the last tick” EasyPrivacy (confidentiality)”.

Now everything is ready to block ads 100%.

Let's move on to the last browser for today.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Yandex Browser.

The browser is quite young, but still not very popular on the RuNet, so I’ll show you how to install this plugin for it.

and repeat all the steps as for installation on Google Chrome.

I don’t want to do the same writing, so go to .

This is how easy it is for us to install add-ons on all browsers. I mainly use Chrome and Firefox, but since I also design websites in parallel with blogging, I use all browsers for testing.

After you install Adblock and Adblock Plus for ad blocking in your browser, it will become more convenient for you to work and you will not waste memory on downloading viral banners and advertising.

Are you looking for a way to permanently remove ads from your browser for free without registration or SMS :)? He is. This is a simple and common plugin called Adblock. More precisely, there is not one, but two popular versions of this extension, as well as several ad blockers with similar functionality. There are versions for the Yandex browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari and other less popular ones. If these extensions do not help, most likely, your computer is already infected with a virus, and in order to eliminate it, you will have to work hard, but first things first.

Browser ad blockers

There are several types of ad blockers. The most popular and easiest to use are undoubtedly Adblock and Adblock Plus. Also, there are less common, but no less effective: uBlock, Adguard, Ghostery, Privacy Badger, Disconnect.

Adblock installation

Control occurs using a button in the control panel and LMB (Left Mouse Click) and RMB (Right Mouse Click) on it.

You can enable or disable certain types of advertising, and include sites in exclusion lists. All controls are easy and intuitive. You can disable unwanted objects on the page.

The settings look like this

As you can see, by default the option to display unobtrusive advertising is left. This means that advertisements that do not take up a lot of space and are marked as “advertising” will not be blocked. In principle, you don’t have to change the settings, and everything will work as it should, as they say, out of the box.

Website: https://adblockplus.org/ru

Description: A browser extension that completely blocks all annoying ads on websites, including Youtube and Facebook ads, share and like buttons, as well as spyware and malware.
On my own behalf, I’ll add that there is localization of the site into Russian, unlike the same. For me, this says something.

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome (on the WebKit engine: Yandex Browser, Google Chrome and the like)
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Maxthon
  • Microsoft Edge

There is a mobile browser of our own production for Android and iOS - Adblock Browser.

Installation is also done in one click. As you can see, you can select your browser from the list

Control and configuration are also done using LMB and RMB on the button that will appear in the control panel (to the right of the URL input field) after installing the extension.

And here's what the settings look like from the inside

As you can see, in general, the essence is similar to Adblock: unobtrusive advertising is allowed, there is a white list of domains (a list of allowed domains, for which Adblock Plus is disabled). There are personal filters, where you can set your own parameters for what exactly needs to be blocked on sites (in general, an option for advanced users).
A warning has been issued that filter lists should not be too large, otherwise it may significantly slow down the browser.

In general, these are the two most popular methods for blocking unwanted content on sites, and they are more than enough for almost all occasions. Use them and do not forget to include useful sites in the list of allowed domains.

Description: the original Adguard is a firewall with the ability to filter ads and prevent phishing at the network level, that is, incoming traffic is processed before it reaches the browser. This is its advantage over Adblock and other browser extensions. It is possible to install the Mac version, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices.
Adguard firewall is paid, but the cost is far from prohibitive, around a couple of hundred rubles per year. For this you get a full-fledged commercial product with 24/7 support, ready to use right out of the box.

If you don't want to pay, there are extensions Adguard Anti-banner for different types of browsers.

Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex browser
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Palemoon

What can we say - Adguard in comparative tests with uBlock, Adblock, Adblock Plus showed itself to be far from the worst. And blocking ads in mobile phones, in my opinion, is a rather useful feature, which is not provided at the proper level by all available free applications. And here, for a meager fee, a complete set with guaranteed service and support. In general, Adguard is an option for those who value their time and money.

Website: https://www.ublock.org/
Description: a relatively young, but very promising extension for blocking ads on a website. The main advantage of uBlock over Adguard, Adblock and Adblock Plus, its authors call the very low processor load and memory consumption for the plugin to operate. For clarity, comparison in memory consumption

As you can see, uBlock consumes almost no RAM, its level remains almost at the same level as in the absence of blockers

Things get even more interesting when it comes to CPU load.

Here it is clearly visible that uBlock leaves its competitors far behind. In general, if you use Adblock or Adblock Plus, and because of them your browser is slow, I advise you to try uBlock, it may be what you need

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome (Webkit: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser)
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari


uBlock is very similar to Adblock and Adblock Plus - the same white list, list of filters used, the ability to add your own. It is possible to import and export settings, so you can easily transfer all your settings to another machine and will not lose them when you reinstall the operating system.

Control is done using LMB and RMB on the button that will appear in the browser control panel.

Settings: Third-party filters - check RUS: BitBlock List and RUS: RU AdList.

Then you need to update the filters (find the Update Now button). The setup is complete.

Another point - some sites have scripts in their arsenal to detect and bypass Adblock and Adblock Plus. uBlock has an interesting Anti-Adblock Killer mechanism - it is a detector of sites with similar anti-blockers. With the help of this anti-block killer uBlock finds such sites and forcibly cuts out advertising on them. So, here's another plus for using this interesting plugin. Try it.

Description: the main task of the extension is to search and suppress hidden spy scripts built into the code of website pages, and suspicious objects. Also knows how to block aggressive advertising

Supported Browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex browser
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer

Website: https://www.eff.org/privacybadger

Description: essentially similar to Ghostery, functionality and mission are generally the same as most similar blockers

Supported Browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex browser

Description: software that is no exception among its own kind. Detects and suppresses surveillance, including from social networks, cuts advertising, reports on the work done, and does it well. This becomes especially clear in light of the fact that the author of the extensions is a former Google employee

Supported Browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex browser
  • Opera

If Adblock doesn't help

If you already have an ad blocker, but pop-up windows with annoying VKontakte ads and other nonsense have not disappeared, I have bad news for you - most likely you have caught a virus or a Trojan. But don’t despair, every problem has its own solution.

Alternatively, you can start scanning your computer with 2 free utilities, from Kaspersky and Dr.Web:

And even if a regular antivirus did not help, special utilities for combating Spyware, Mailware and similar evil spirits will probably be able to help you. One of these programs can be downloaded here - https://www.malwarebytes.org/products/.
After scanning the system, all suspicious objects are sent to quarantine. If useful files are sent there by mistake, they can be restored.

Also where to look:

The above measures should be enough to eliminate problems with pop-up advertising windows.

How to use Adblock correctly

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade, and without the market we would be deprived of adequate prices for goods and services. Therefore, not all advertising is bad. In addition, advertising on a site is often the only source of profit on which the site lives and develops, and there are many of them on the Internet. I understand that some webmasters, in pursuit of profit, forget about the boundaries of what is reasonable, covering the site with advertising like a Christmas tree with garlands. Yes, there are doorway developers and those who do not shun the spread of viruses and Trojans, and here adblock will definitely help you. But there are also good, useful sites with unobtrusive advertising that you visit regularly, and which grow and develop thanks to the advertising placed on them. I’m not advocating that you stop using Adblock completely, but don’t forget to add useful resources to your ad blocker’s exclusion list, thereby thanking the authors for their efforts to create quality content.