Programs for creating a landing page. Functionality of the LPgenerator HTML template editor: a detailed guide

Ruslan Sharapov prepared for the site a review of the most popular designers that allow you to create landing pages. The parameters for comparison were price and the presence of a visual editor, adaptive layout, built-in statistics, as well as integration with other services.

The fashion for landing pages came to RuNet several years ago and is still not slowing down. Landing pages are most often created for a specific target trade proposal to avoid entering potential client in a stupor of choice. The purpose of such a resource is usually to collect leads - contact information target audience. Targeting a specific audience and a convenient, concise format for presenting information about a service or product in some cases can increase conversion by up to 10–15%, which is very difficult to achieve by attracting traffic to the main website.

The idea of ​​creating one-page websites for any type of business, service or sale of goods has so captured the minds of marketers that this phenomenon has given rise to a whole layer of web studios and services that provide one single service - the creation of a selling page. It turned out to be very easy to get confused in this diversity, so we at our advertising agency decided to prepare a review material with a list of the most popular Russian-language designers landing pages.

We found 16 existing designers that provide the ability to create landing pages without any experience in programming or layout. There were more services, but, apparently, many of them are no longer supported by their creators.

Before moving on to the description of each service, let me comment on some of the nuances of the summary table:

  • Cost is a tariff with payment for one month. If monthly payment is not provided, this is reflected in the table.
  • Visual editor - in this paragraph we meant the possibility of arbitrarily building the structure of a one-page page. For example, if the designer does not allow you to freely move blocks and you can only select one of the proposed options, then we considered that such a service does not have a visual editor.
  • Built-in statistics - the presence of any CRM that allows you to build a conversion funnel.
  • Layout adaptability - if the site assembled in the constructor adapts well to different sizes screens, then we counted adaptability.
  • Integration with other services is the ability to integrate a third-party service with the click of a couple of buttons, that is, without the need to delve into scripts.


International cloud platform, which allows you to create not only landing pages, but also full-fledged ones. Wix was included in the review because the guys are well versed in trends and have separated the landing page builder into a separate mini-direction.

The platform has free version(with advertising and without linking your own domain), but for more or less comfortable use you will have to pay at least 243 rubles per month. The tariff schedule is quite flexible, in addition, there are regular sales with annual payment, so there is always the opportunity to snatch a cheap option.

In total, Wix has 458 templates, of which only 23 are “tailored” for landing pages, but almost any template from general catalog can be used for a one-page website by removing unnecessary blocks. The HTML5 visual editor is quite flexible, but you need to get used to it; from the second or third landing page you will be able to navigate it perfectly. Ready-made templates have desktop and mobile versions.

The main feature of the platform is own App Market, which has more than 140 applications ready to integrate with your website. These applications will cover all your tasks: there are online consultants, CRM, payment options, and so on.


One of the most simple constructors in our review, but that’s why it’s valuable: you certainly won’t make a bad landing page. The service does not allow you to make mistakes due to the fact that it is impossible to move blocks freely and accidentally destroy the structure through negligence. Select a block from the proposed list and place it at the desired position in the vertical plane.

Obviously, this is also weak side“Flexby”: if the flight of your imagination is wider than that of the creators of the service, then the designer is not suitable for implementing your ideas. Only the most standard one-page website, only hardcore. But in terms of page creation speed, Flexby is the absolute favorite: in ten minutes we managed to create a pretty good landing page that works well on all devices.

In general, the service is ideal for testing the hypotheses of Internet marketers, especially considering the two-week free period use. True, the price after its completion, in comparison with competitors, bites a little - 750 rubles per month.

"LP Platform"

The service with the simple name “LP Platform” is in many ways similar to the previous member of the list, but allows you to customize the page to a greater extent. Landing pages from this designer no longer look like carbon copies.

To help the novice user, 26 ready-made templates are offered. There is integration with popular mailers and CRM. From interesting tricks- A/B testing and built-in statistics for UTM tags.

Some people will probably be put off by the ascetic UI, and even by the service’s landing page itself. Guys, seriously, give your service a less sad landing page or something.


Hello-site can hardly be called a full-fledged service - it is a simple constructor that gives you source files for uploading to your hosting.

The possibilities are minimal, but everything is completely free. A dubious benefit, but maybe it will be useful to someone.


A constructor with a pleasant-looking administration interface, but with disabilities in layout. You are offered to choose one of 61 templates without the ability to create a page from scratch. Each template has preset sections that can be turned on and off as desired. The logic for changing the content within sections did not seem too obvious to us - some crazy set of tabs instead of the usual visual editor.

Integrations with third party services also not detected, but there is a tab “ Useful services”, stuffed with referral links to various tools. From staffing capabilities There is only A/B testing functionality.


The most expensive service in our review, and its free period is completely conditional. For 1960 rubles per month you will also be limited in the number of unique visitors. Unlimited already costs 3999 rubles per month. However, the designer provides more than enough opportunities. The visual editor allows you to create a completely custom page and configure several dozen parameters and elements. The service offers 108 free and more than 200 paid templates - the latter can be purchased in a special landing page store.

I was pleased with the abundance of services for integration and detailed analytics of the conversion funnel. The ability to A/B testing is implemented on a page with the pretentious name “Conversion Optimization Center” - there you can adjust the impression weight of a particular version of the page, and summary information on traffic sources and conversion are presented in a convenient table. In general, LPGenerator is one of the most advanced services in its niche, but its rich capabilities are not useful to everyone, and the price, frankly speaking, can scare off many. (“Blend”)

The service will greet you with the need to choose from 114 templates - you won’t be allowed to create a page from scratch here. You won't find a full-fledged visual editor either. Select a page element and configure one of three possible options content location. You can set the vertical order of elements, background and button shapes. At this point, the customization possibilities are almost exhausted, and this makes Q-page similar to Flexby. It’s convenient that you can play with the editor without any registration: this saves a lot of time and allows you to quickly assess whether you need this service.

Integration with other services could not be found, but adaptability of templates and built-in analytics are present.


The LPMotor constructor will meet you with all the severity - starting with undisguised traces of bootstrap in the interface and ending with a not very friendly technical support. Oh yes, there is no trial either: you can dig into the admin panel, create a page, but they will publish it only after payment - at least 600 rubles per month.

The service offers 29 templates and is not very convenient visual editor. Adaptability is not provided, and to obtain at least some statistics they are asked to connect Yandex.Metrica. Only amoCRM is offered as an integration.


The service, like the previous one, greets us not too neatly home page, but the first impression gets better once you get into the editor. You can start from scratch or use one of 105 ready-made templates. The editor is rich - perhaps even too rich for an untrained person - in customization options and loads the browser quite well.

Built-in analytics shows the sources of referrals to the one-page website, device type, conversion data and allows for A/B testing various options design. Additional benefits include the ability to collect separate versions of the landing page for different types mobile devices. Integration is also okay: Landingi offers to connect 28 different CRM and email newsletter services. For access to the service they ask from 690 rubles per month.


The UMI CMS industry also has the ability to create landing pages. There is no full-fledged visual editor in the system, and the ability to edit blocks, let’s be honest, is depressing. It seems like all the main features are there, but it looks like hello from the early 2000s. UMI offers 46 landing page templates and, to be honest, almost all of them look outdated.

A standard CRM is present, and statistics are available upon connection Google Analytics. Mobile responsiveness is only available on certain options templates As for integration, we can only note the possibility of creating a project in SeoPult without leaving your personal UMI office. By the way, you cannot pay for a subscription for one month - they ask for 1,470 rubles for three months, although you can buy ten years for 11,900 rubles.


“Stylish, fashionable, youthful” - this is about Spagece. The service is unique in some way: the guys deliberately abandoned templates, advocating unique solutions. Quite a convenient visual editor, nice admin panel design and many useful tips at every step.

There are convenient built-in statistics, conversion analytics and adaptability, as well as excellent technical support, they respond quickly. We had to deal with technical support many times, which certainly cannot be considered a plus. The site we created spontaneously changed its appearance - for example, custom styles regularly crashed. We sent a fair amount of bug reports, but technical support was unable to help with some of the problems or even reproduce them - although they are still repeated in our country different browsers and on different computers.

A month of using the designer costs 490 rubles (a two-week trial is included), but for each additional sneeze you will be charged more than this amount. Do you want to receive SMS about incoming leads? Please go to the cashier. Thinking about running an A/B test? And get in line again. Would you like integration, for example, with MailChimp? You probably already know where to go. The tariff for 490 rubles per month is suitable only for completely green beginners - for sane opportunities you will have to shell out 1500–1980 rubles monthly.


“Bazium” does not specialize in landing pages, but to please the trends, it still added such functionality. We are offered three templates for the capture page (as the service calls landing pages): short, slightly longer and very long. Such a wide choice.

To be honest, we didn’t notice a decent page editor: they only let you change texts and pictures. Built-in statistics and the ability to integrate third-party services were also not found. But you can pay for each day separately. Have you decided to give yourself and your business a day off? Don’t deposit 35 rubles into the service and you’ll be out and about all day in grand style. It's time to make some money and sell a couple of containers Chinese headphones? Be kind enough to pay 35 rubles - and accept leads for at least a whole day.


Candidate for the title "Mr. Stealth." Firstly, there was no standard registration form on the site - only submitting an application for admission to the system. Secondly, the “Try without registration” button still leads to the application form. Thirdly, despite the fact that Landix is ​​positioned as an online constructor, in personal account everything screams to the visitor: “Don’t use me, it’s better to order turnkey page creation from us!”

For the minimum tariff, the service asks for a modest price - 290 rubles per month. True, judge for yourself: there are no templates here, no normal visual editor, no statistics, no adaptability or integration with third-party services. And if after some time you want to return to the service, but forgot your password, as happened to us, then clicking on the “Recover Password” button will redirect you to the 404 page. Well, okay, Landix, so be it.


A landing page builder from one web studio, which, apparently, serves rather to attract attention to the company’s main services. At the start, we are offered to order a unique design, register a domain and connect to an online chat produced by this very studio.

104 is built into the designer ready-made templates, there is an opportunity to start with clean slate. The visual editor is not without its peculiarities, but you can get the hang of it, it has enough functions.

There is no trial period. You can complete the page, but it will be published only after payment - from 200 rubles per month. You will also have to pay for the ability to A/B testing and analytics of advertising channels, but only once.


We remember this service primarily for its extremely unfriendly editor. It seems like there are a lot of cool animations, but you can visually change, in fact, only text, links and some images within the selected template. But you can freely edit whatever your heart desires in the source code - including CSS and various scripts. The admin interface again “indulged” us with naked bootstrap, but on the whole we managed not to get lost in its jungle.

The trial period lasts only seven days, after its end you will have to shell out at least 999 rubles per month for using the service. The simplest statistics are present, but they completely forgot about integration with other services.


On the first screen, LPCloud offers us to import an existing site, upload layout files, or start by choosing a template, of which the service has only 20. We agree to a template solution, and the system quickly walks us through the tutorial, after which it lets us go free. The editor is rich in functionality, but the average marketer will find it unnecessarily complex. In addition, there is no traditional ability to drag blocks with the mouse.

In general, there was a feeling that the creators of the service deliberately created a constructor not for marketers, but rather for lazy layout designers and other technically savvy people. All this digging around in CSS and containers can easily intimidate an unprepared client. But it is possible to share access rights to other team members. There is integration with Slack, to which the list of integrations is limited.

The service’s adaptability and responsiveness are fine, statistics and CRM are also adequate. There is no trial: you can create a page, then deposit at least 190 rubles per month and live in peace. Well, how calm: payment is accepted only from a linked card, so the designer will regularly write off money even if you forget about your landing page.

We deliberately did not take responsibility for creating any kind of rating, because everyone’s needs are individual and it would be useless to highlight the top best designers.

We also admit that we have overlooked any of the interesting services. If you are a representative of an overlooked designer, then your marketing may not be up to par. During the two weeks of preparing this material, we combed through a couple of dozen search pages and came across retargeting and context from, perhaps, all the services that are now actively promoting.

If you notice any inaccuracy in pivot table- write in the comments, we will correct it.

Today, landing page designers have become very popular. Almost every entrepreneur considers it necessary to create a landing page, and rightly so. After all, the landing page is in conjunction with, for example, contextual advertising, can quickly attract dozens of new customers today.

This is very effective tool, allowing you to quickly test a niche, find new clients and subscribers, short time sell a product or have a sale.

The landing page conversion rate is much higher than that of regular websites, and launching a landing page is several times faster and cheaper.

Of course, creating a landing page on your own is quite a difficult task. You need, at a minimum, to be good at Photoshop to create a design, know HTML, CSS, Javascript and a little PHP.

The average entrepreneur is not always familiar with all this, and in such cases, landing page designers are needed, which allow you to create a website without knowledge of programming or markup language.

Today we have prepared for you the TOP of the best landing page designers. All services are in Russian and do not require knowledge of the above technologies. Anyone can figure it out in a few hours and make themselves a full-fledged landing page.

The best landing page designers

1st place: PlatformaLP

In first place is a wonderful online landing page builder - . In our opinion, this is best service to create landing pages.

There is a very convenient and understandable visual editor that will help simplify the process creating a landing page and save your time significantly.

Some similar services, in pursuit of “bells and whistles,” create such an inconvenient and “unfriendly” product that even low tariffs are not able to retain the client. Everything is in order in this designer!

Second important point which I would like to draw your attention to is good integration with various services such as: " CRM systems, Services call back, mailing lists, analysts and social networks.”

This means that you don’t have to learn the complex APIs of the tools you are used to using in order to integrate them into your landing page, but it will be enough, for example, to fill in just a few fields and all the data will automatically be added to your favorite CRM system...

The service has trial period- 14 days. In addition, if you are not very well versed in creating a landing page, there is a well-thought-out tariff system that will allow you to start with basic functionality, without unnecessary bells and whistles for a reasonable price of 590 rubles, and, as you gain experience and understand what functions you really need needed, will help you switch to a more professional tariff and connect the necessary tools.

2nd place: LPGenerator

In second place we put the well-known LPGenerator. This service also deserves the highest marks for its wealth of functions, settings and capabilities.

The functionality is even richer than in the first service, but it seems to us that it is a little less convenient (but this is not for everyone). If I may, lpgenerator is like Bitrix in the CMS niche, there are also hundreds of cogs and switches that will help you customize your landing efficiently. We would recommend this service only to professionals who have high requirements, ambitions and understand that landing is a tool that needs to be worked on.

This service may seem a little expensive to you, and it really is. The minimum tariff is 2,000 rubles, and even with an attendance limit of 10,000 people per month. But if you set serious goals, you must understand what you are paying for, choose at least an average tariff, and then LPGenerator will become your favorite landing page designer.

For these reasons, we put it in second place. It's too good for beginners who simply don't need all the functionality. early stage. This does not mean that the first service is worse, it just has a more thought-out tariff system, it’s cheaper to start and you can switch to a more profitable tariff as needed.

3rd place: LPmotor

It is most popular among beginners, as it has the cheapest tariffs (from 300 rubles per month), a good visual editor and simpler functionality than the first two services.

In general, the designer is not bad, because the first 2 are giants, and LPmotor can be a great start. All the tools a beginner might need are included. In addition, just recently a tool for creating Quiz appeared, which blew up the industry in 2018. In the ranking of landing page constructors, this service deservedly takes 3rd place, and if you don’t know where to start, we recommend this particular constructor.

What other landing page designers are worth paying attention to?

Tobiz is not just a landing page builder. This is a platform for creating a full-fledged Internet site. Starting to create a one-page website is quite simple: you just need to register on the builder and select a template.

Availability of many free templates, which are divided into categories, can be attributed to the features of this platform. Also here is quite simple and convenient editor And automatic connection mobile layout.

That is why it will be easy for site building beginners to start working here. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re starting your own business or want to create a website for an existing business, here you can start communicating with your audience.

And for those who want to embellish their landing page, there is the ability to connect widgets and edit the html code. For those who do not immediately understand the work of the designer, the site has a knowledge base that contains answers to many questions related to the creation of a landing page.

Here's a review of the TOP landing page designers we got. What is your opinion, what designers did you use, what are the pros and cons? Please write your opinion in the comments.

Information! Pay attention to the gift icon. By clicking on it, you can view a special offer, promotion or discount.

Constructor Link Rate Special offer
LP platform from 490 ₽ / month
Portfolio 1299 ₽ / unlimited

10% discount

  • Register using the link in the table.
  • When paying, enter the promotional code - prb0f540c53cc5
from 540 ₽ / month

100 rubles to balance

Flexbe from 750 ₽ / month

2 months - free

  • Register using the link in the table.
  • When making your first payment, enter the promo code - smartlanding
LPGenerator from 799 ₽ / month

Greetings! In this post I want to talk about the new generation of landing page templates/designers. Personally, I think that in the future, templates themselves will give way to constructors. Yes, this is already happening. Instead of simple template landing page, it’s more convenient to use a constructor in which you can immediately assemble it for yourself desired page. Click the button for more details and you will understand what I mean.

It's worth trying once
and you will understand how cool and convenient it is.

So, old paradigm templates was that you bought a template, and then yourself, or with the help of a specialist, climbed “under the hood,” that is, into the code, and adjusted it to suit you - texts, headings, pictures, swapped blocks, added something, that They were cleaning something up, adding something. With constructors everything is different. It’s worth trying once and you will understand how cool and convenient it is.

A selection of landing page designer templates

In this collection I have collected the best, in my opinion, solutions with constructors and landing templates page (aka landing pages). It should be noted that I previously wrote a post about . However, the examples given in this article are undoubtedly more relevant and modern. All templates in this article support mobile devices, adaptively and correctly displayed on tablets and smartphones.

Launchkit - Template and builder for startups

Launchkit is the most popular page builder for landing pages in 2015, at the moment. In my opinion almost universal template for the landing page. Perfect for presenting your product or service. If you have a service, or need to talk about your product, service, website - in a fast, stylish and effective manner - definitely use this template. Personally, I purchased it for myself, and made a promo page on it for a promo, which you can download for free. In addition to a well-made template, in included also a designer. And this is the main value of the “Launchkit” set.

In the constructor (in English - page builder), you are given a choice of basic page blocks: headers, a block with benefits, blocks with subscription forms, reviews, sliders, tables with prices, tabs, icons, video blocks, blocks with a call to action, blocks with social links, contact information and many others. Moreover, each block is presented in 2-4 versions, each one differently. In addition to the options, you can customize them yourself appearance, delete unnecessary elements, and move elements from one block to another.

Machine - online designer with landing page templates

Machine is a set of more than 70 unique blocks for creating a landing page. Page builder (designer) for landing page, from the same manufacturer as lauchkit. That is, the designer itself and all the possibilities are the same. The only difference is in the design and set of blocks. For example, in the Machine template there are blocks for the landing page of an online store - a block with several product cards, and a block with a large detailed card for an individual product. It also has blocks with galleries - which are suitable for a portfolio, and with articles.

Machine landing page templates are well suited for: an online store, for pages where you need to sell physical goods, for portfolio pages of studios, agencies and freelancers, and for services/startups.

Meetup - landing page template and builder for events

Meetup - the name speaks for itself. You have a conference, forum, event, seminar, training, webinar - Meetup template created for these purposes. With it you will create an excellent landing page for your event.

This template contains special blocks that will beautifully and clearly show the speakers of your event, the event program for one or several days, the date from countdown, blocks on how to get there and with a map of the location of the event, a block with prices for participation in the event, and of course blocks with registration forms. An ideal option if you are planning a webinar, conference, form or seminar. And especially this template will help out those who have to constantly hold such events, and there is a need to create pages for each occasion. With the Meetup designer, your landing pages will look modern and stylish.

Pivot - landing page builder for companies, studios and freelancers

Pivot is a more universal designer, but still has design blocks that are tailored to teams, studios and companies. Great for online landing companies page, small teams, software developers, design and usability studios, freelancers. The author of the template “medium_rare” is the same as that of the above mentioned solutions. This means that the designer is just as convenient and flexible to use.

The template contains blocks well suited for describing a team, blocks for creating an online resume, for presenting a portfolio there are several different blocks for a gallery of works, blocks with the history of the development of your company, beautifully designed blocks for posts and text materials, price tables, subscription forms, feedback, several options for headers - headings for the page, Contact Information. A nice bonus is the presence of blocks for individual pages— 404, coming soon page, login page. Go to the demo website of the designer and try to create your own page. I am sure you will appreciate this designer.

Foundry - luxury landing page templates and designer - for clothing, fashion and luxury style

If you take Launchkit, add parallax effects, increase the number of header options and hero images, add thin luxury fonts - you will get a Fundry template and landing page builder.

This designer is distinguished, firstly by parallax effects, and secondly by thin fonts.

Suitable for design studios, clothing designers, architects, for anything that is worthy of wearing the luxury prefix in front of its name. Suitable for the sphere of style and fashion, for the spring industry. This is a very laconic, pretentious, sophisticated set of design templates for landing pages. See the demo site and try the page builder in action.

Today's material will be devoted to the tools with which you create an HTML landing page template in LPgenerator editor. This article is primarily aimed at beginners, but perhaps experienced users our platform will find useful moments for themselves.

About the HTML editor

The editor’s extensive functionality allows you to adjust selected layouts and create one-page pages from scratch high level without special knowledge in record time.

Here are a few main benefits:

  • easy setup;
  • no need for special programming skills;
  • multifunctionality;
  • connecting any HTML code, scripts;
  • support large quantities widgets (the ability to integrate pages social networks, payment terminal).

We will talk directly about the functionality and tools right now.

Basic actions are carried out using standard elements. They can be found in the designer menu; externally, the panel looks like this.

Let's start with the 6 tools located on the right, and then we will continue to describe each one in portions.

By numbers:

1 — saves all innovations on the landing page.

2 - allows you to see the state of the layout at a specific moment.

3 - cancels the last action taken.

4 - returns changes after cancellation.

5 - serves to group different elements of the landing page.

6 - is intended for adding elements used as a background for other elements combined into a group.

Next 6.

7 - with its help you can download the necessary illustrations, put them both in the background and in the foreground.

8 - obviously intended for adding text content.

Here, on a ready-made one-page page, for example, “Choose a tour.”

10 — the button is intended for constructing a conversion form. In the same editor, you can select the number of fields, change their order, and add the necessary lines. There is someone curious about this topic.

All one-page HTML website templates with a feedback form in LPgenerator are made with three main fields. One of the examples is below.

11 - in this way any code can be easily inserted into the page (for example, a link to Twitter or a video on YouTube).

12 - changes the order of layers of elements, highlighting the desired object.

And the next 6 tools.

13 - similar to the previous one, allows you to move an object under others.

14 - allows you to duplicate the selected element (with the exception of groups of different objects).

15 - everything is clear here, the selected element is deleted by pressing this button.

16 - designed for specifying SEO parameters: Title, Description, Keywords, you can immediately configure blocks for search robots(noindex, nofollow).

17 - allows you to connect a one-page html page with web analytics systems (Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics), configure CSS, and more.

18 - allows you to set specific conversion actions expected from users (fill out a form, leave contacts, order a cost estimate).

The panel looks like this.

“Timer”—serves to add a countdown timer.

Typically, this move is used in promotional and bonus offers, when you need to spur the reader on, creating a feeling of scarcity in him. It works perfectly, as proven, for example, .

Here is an example of what a finished landing page looks like html template with a counter.

“Pop-up” - allows you to add a pop-up form.

On this topic, you can recall one of the split tests conducted by specialists from the De Hypotheker brand (mortgage consultants). So, they decided to conduct an experiment to see which solution would increase the number of subscriptions.

First version landing page It had a pop-up window, it appeared when you scrolled down.

The second sample was offered with a subscription invitation at the top of the page.

The first option won, where you were invited to subscribe to the newsletter. pop-up window. Surprisingly, conversion to site subscriptions increased by a whopping 757%, an incredible figure.

However, let's return to widgets.

“Map” allows you to add a Yandex.Maps element or Google Map, thus indicating the address of the company’s office.

This is what the html sales page looks like in the final version with a map.

“Slider” - allows you to make reviews or photos in the form of a slider.

Again, an example ready-made version. Clicking on the arrow opens the next review.

“Gallery” allows you to make composite slides, the pictures in them can be enlarged by clicking.

And immediately a landing page template html 5, which clearly demonstrates this element.

“Video” allows you to easily add videos and customize them.

Again, a sample of the finished site.

“Additional Fonts” is a widget that allows you to download new fonts from Google Fonts.

Google Fonts is a collection free fonts, which many webmasters use on their sites.

"Robokassa" significantly simplifies the "life" of the resource owner, allowing you to integrate payment system into one-page html website templates.

Hello everyone!

I think many of you, my dear readers, have seen advertisements on the Internet and on television about various tools quick creation one-page websites - Landing Page builders. And someone may have already used it.

With this post I want to start a series of articles dedicated to this wonderful tool, which will bring results to advertisers for a long time. Well, today we’ll make a rating of landing page designers.

Before I start, I’ll briefly tell you what a Landing Page is.

Landing Page is a one-page website whose task is to receive more conversions. Simply put, such a site works exclusively for conversion and has everything necessary for this. Thanks to the designers, we can create an effective one-page website without knowledge and .


On this moment There are just a lot of different offers on the market. Each of the designers has its own characteristics: some are aimed at professionals in the field of Internet marketing, some for beginners. Finding what you need in such abundance is difficult.

Today I will highlight only 3 of the most popular and effective constructors:

  1. LPGenerator;
  2. LPMotor;
  3. LPTrend.

There is something in common between them, don’t you agree? 😀

I see no point in writing about other alternative proposals, since there are really a lot of them and they are in many ways similar to those presented.

Although there is one interesting option tailored for webmasters or web studios making custom landing pages - Qoda. This constructor has a function for exporting source code, which can then be placed on hosting. This is what distinguishes it from the others mentioned above.

There is one tariff, you can connect for three days or a month. Within the tariff you can export source unlimited amount once.


LPGenerator is the leader among all other online builders. The client has access to a large number of templates - 500 pieces, as well as a flexible and functional editor that will allow you to create a landing page both based on the selected template and on blank sheet, that is, completely from scratch. It is possible to embed your own CSS styles and HTML markup.

Thanks to the editor, you can flexibly manage any selected block: stretch it in width, height, change color, add indents, align, and much more, allowing you to edit the design of blocks without CSS. However, it is worth noting that a beginner will be slightly uncomfortable here due to the large number of buttons and various settings. Therefore, the platform positions itself as professional.

But let's get back to the templates. The guys from LPGenerator, as I already said, offer their clients a choice of 500 templates, which are used as the basis for a future landing page. All templates are divided into business categories, so finding what you really need will not be difficult.

What features and functions does the platform offer? There are many possibilities:

  • The ability to buy a domain directly from the designer interface and place it on LPGenerator hosting;
  • Tracking advertising campaign performance;
  • Building an automatic sales funnel;
  • Availability of your own CRM and integration with other systems;
  • Possibility of integration with popular services mailings, including from;
  • Possibility of connecting the Robokassa payment system.

As you can see, this designer provides extensive functionality with which you can fully manage online marketing processes.

Now let's talk about the price. Unfortunately, it is the cost of using this constructor that discourages many who want to start an online business. There are four tariffs:

  1. “Basic” - 559 rubles/month when paid annually; 799 rubles when paying for one month. You can publish 1 domain and 1 page. Maximum amount visitors - 3,000 people per paid period, that is, you can only bring 3,000 people per month;
  2. “Advanced” - 1662 rubles/month when paid annually; 2375 rubles when paying for one month. Allows you to publish 5 domains and 50 pages. The maximum number of visitors is 9900 people;
  3. “Unlimited” - 2799 rubles/month when paid annually; 3999 rubles when paying for one month. There are no restrictions;
  4. “Corporate” - 11,011 rubles/month when paid annually; 15,730 rubles when paying for one month. There are also no restrictions. All additional options for the tariff are available; the rest are not available.

This cost, in my opinion, is due to the presence of a large number of capabilities and various features that help in the work. Anyone who wants to get acquainted with LPGenerator is provided with a free test period in 7 days.

You can see for yourself the pros and cons of this platform.


Second in line we have LPMotor. According to many users, this particular platform has become ideal for them, as it combines the ease of creating a landing page, relative low cost, and a large number of opportunities for full-fledged Internet marketing.

Templates for one-page websites are divided into different categories of businesses, which is very, very convenient. In addition, you can choose your own template for various sections of one-page pages, that is, for the first screen where the unique selling proposition is located, you can use your own template, for the section with reviews – your own template, and so on.

The capabilities of this designer are in no way inferior to those of the LPGenerator:

  • Availability of an analytics system that allows you to track statistics of advertising campaigns;
  • Ability to build an automatic sales funnel;
  • Availability of a built-in CRM system that shows the data of your clients;
  • Possibility of installing a payment system;
  • Conducting A/B tests of the website;
  • Integration with popular CRM systems, analytics systems and Yandex.Money.

Really, Landing designers Page become real online marketing process management systems. I like it!

The cost of using LPMotor warms my heart. There are 4 tariffs:

  1. “Nano” - 300 rubles/month when paid for a year. 1 domain and 10 pages available for publication. All functions and capabilities of the platform are available;
  2. “Mini” - 450 rubles/month when paid for a year. You can publish 3 domains and 50 pages. There are no restrictions on the number of visits. All additional options available;
  3. “Standard” - 600 rubles/month when paid for a year. The maximum number of published domains is 10 and pages 100. All service functions are available.
  4. “Unlimited” - 2000 rubles/month when paid for a year. There are no restrictions.

The cost is really low, which allows absolutely everyone who wants to start an online business to start working with LPMotor.

By the way, you can create a landing page for publication in this constructor completely free of charge, but in order to publish it you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Of course, one can find fault with the fact that the editor here is weaker than that of the previous designer, but the cost of use and the presence of a large number of functions overshadow all doubts.


LPTrend developers position their brainchild as a designer with simple editor. And indeed, creating a landing page here is much easier than in other representatives this review. All you have to do is choose the template you like, change the text and pictures in it to your own and that’s it - the landing page is ready.

There are more than 60 templates to choose from modern design and sales structure. I think that this will be enough for most advertisers, since they can be adapted to almost any type of business. There is also a division into categories.

The following options are available:

  • Availability of your own CRM system;
  • Ability to conduct A/B tests;
  • Integration with various CRM systems, mailing services, analytics systems;
  • Free creation and use of a 3rd level domain (

Modestly, of course, but for many this is enough.

By cost. There are three tariffs to choose from, each of which has only a limit on the number of pages, everything else is available:

  1. “Starter” - 300 rubles/month, paid for a year. You can publish only 1 landing page;
  2. “Basic” - 600 rubles/month, paid for a year. Number of landing pages - 10;
  3. “Premium” - 1200 rubles/month, paid for a year. There are no restrictions.

A free trial period of up to 15 days is provided.

The cost, of course, is not high, but the functionality of this designer leaves much to be desired. However, it is worth noting that creating a landing page here will not take you a lot of time.

Well, that’s all for me, dear friends!

This is how the comparison of landing page designers turned out, I hope this material will be useful for you.

If I missed something, please write in the comments so that I can add the material later.

See you later!

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