How to delete messages from iphone. How to Delete Text Messages from iPhone

How to delete Skype messages from iPad.

To delete all messages Skype chat from the iPad, the most important thing is to ROTATE THE IPAD HORIZONTALLY!

How to delete a message history in Viber

In this video you will learn how delete WhatsApp message on iPhone Step 1: Open the dialogue and tap on any message.

Although individual messages You can’t delete it, but you can clear all correspondence with one or more contacts. After all, if you corresponded from an iPad or simply turned on the chat with this contact and the messages were synchronized in iPad memory, deleting messages from your computer WILL NOT DELETE them on your tablet!

Abstract “Ask How” for iPad owners.

1. Login own profile skype from iPad and find the chat you want to erase and click “Change”:

2. A reddish icon will appear next to the contact; by clicking on it, you will see a reddish “Close” button:

3. Now select “Journal” in the left menu and see the lines with saved chats, in my example there is only one, click “Change” in the upper right corner:

4. Also, as described above, we delete the Skype chat history from the journal:

5. Most importantly - DELETE MESSAGES FROM YOUR COMPUTER FIRST! Otherwise, they can again be synchronized in the iPad when you enter an empty chat with this contact.

Do you understand that you can install two Skypes on your iPad and be in touch in 2 profiles at once?

Save the advice you need:

Privet.u menya i phone 5, how ya moqu voostonavit udalennuyu perepisku skype?

I'll try my luck. Tell me, is it possible to somehow return Skype history to the iPad? There is no history on the work computer (the Linux OS was constantly rearranged, the Skype history was not saved), but on the personal MacBook history only from the beginning of April. The whole story was on the iPad until I deleted Skype a few weeks ago. After installing it back, there was no history for a couple of years(

Check to see if the computer has been deleted differently and is synchronizing again.

How can you delete contacts from the recent discussions tab? the chat is deleted, the contact is deleted, and in the latest discussions (recent) the contact itself is restored (((as it happens. Maybe it will delete itself over time.

good day. But I need, on the contrary, to return deleted messages on iPad. Tell me how to do this? I didn’t clear my history, I only deleted individual messages in the chat.

I think that this is not possible, messages are saved on the device where they were downloaded, you have to clear messages separately, which is what this annotation is about. Thank you for your feedback about Skype 5.1!

Downloaded version 5.1. Everything works fine in it. Naturally, this version has its own aspects, but at least I figured out the deletion of correspondence. And another question - maybe there’s a way to delete the correspondence so that when you log into Skype from another device, it won’t be there either?

Uploaded new Skype, now messages are deleted even easier. Scroll through Contacts - Latest. In “Last” you will find lists of chats, press and hold on the chat you want to delete, then click on “Delete” in the drop-down menu. And the chat was gone)

An individual message can be deleted by holding your finger on it and clicking on “Delete” in the drop-down menu.

If it works, please write, you’ll probably help a lot of people!

Because there is nothing to lose, update again, there is already a newer version 5.1.

Skype version I tried, in fact, everything. I don't understand.

So far there are not good reviews about this update, but they write that in version 5.1 you can delete history by pressing and holding on the chat.

Skype version

Which one is yours exactly? Skype version 5.1? or 5.0?

Good day! Maybe my question is a little off topic, but I don’t know where to ask anymore. And the question is: “Skype was updated not so long ago. Can someone give me a hint on how to delete correspondence in it now? I have an iPhone 5s. Tell me, please, otherwise I’ve already turned the phone around for everything and still haven’t found how. Thank you in advance if anyone responds.”

The name disappears from the list of contacts, no matter where you delete it from your iPad or computer. But if you delete it only on the iPad, it will remain on the computer. Therefore, when using both a computer and an iPad, be sure to duplicate the deletion of contacts and messages in Skype on your computer.

Why, after deleting a contact, his name does not disappear from the address book.

Dina, I'm not the owner yet of this accessory) so I won’t give you any advice. Try to find the options and the security or privacy tab, and then “delete history”, if you figure it out, please write.

How to delete chat message history on iPhone 5.

We are happy to help our loyal readers! Write what else you would like to find out about, and we will try to find answers to your questions, or just drop by to chat with us))

Thanks for your website! This is not the first time you have helped me out!

Elena, I’m happy that you deleted everything from Skype and got some sleep! ??

Thank you for the article. I couldn’t even imagine that everything was so simple))) otherwise I would have suffered for half the night))

I'm glad that my summary was helpful to you!

Thank you very much, I tried it for about 30 minutes. Thanks to the article, I deleted the ATP in 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! It helped a lot.

Thank you! I was able to clear Skype of all the scribbling. Hurray!

Look at my screenshot.

Click on the “contacts” button, press on any contact for two seconds, crosses will appear next to each contact, click on the cross next to the one you want delete.

Please tell me how to delete Skype contacts from ipad3

I have version 4.0, strangely, there is no version 0.5 in the app store, and also, maybe you didn’t turn the iPad horizontally and therefore don’t see the “Change” button

I have a problem. I can’t delete correspondence on Skype from my iPad. The log is deleted... And I can’t erase the chat... For some reason I don’t have that first CHANGE button! HELP (iPad 2) Skype version 0.5.

Short description

How to delete History Messages on iPhone. Today I would like to talk about how to access all sms messages that. How to delete messages on iPhone. In this article you will learn how to delete 5 messages. How to view history on iPad and iPhone without unnecessary extras. So, if you don’t know how to view history on iPad, then do the following. How to clear history on iPhone: Delete search history and. How to clean history messages on Skype. To delete Skype conversations on iPhone message history on the topic of how to remove. How to delete message history on iPhone. (Blues Rock / Hard Rock) Eric Clapton (with Joe Cocker). Who knows how to delete message history in skype iPhone? Personally, this annoys me, there are a lot of messages and nothing can be done delete:. How to delete message history in Skype? Like in Skype delete history messages? How to delete history in Skype if Skype is on iPhone. Database of SMS messages from your iPhone. tell me how to delete the recipient of messages in iPhone 4, how to clear the history on iPhone 5. How to delete message history on iPhone 4? How to delete message history on Android as on iPhone? How to delete a medical card on an iPhone.

Progress makes life easier - technology has indeed made many things very convenient. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it is now much easier to make stupid mistakes. Who hasn't ever sent a message to the wrong recipient or made a private message on a social network public? Such mistakes can have catastrophic consequences. But if you take care of organizing the security system, you won’t have to worry about finding a way to delete a message.

Let's be honest, most of these mistakes could have been avoided if we hadn't been distracted by foreign objects. But everyone has a very busy or depressed state when it is quite problematic to control their actions. We do not always pay close attention to what we are doing - no person is able to remain vigilant throughout the entire day. In this article, we will talk about how to undo a wrongly sent text message or SMS on iPhone.

How to unsend a message on iPhone - without jailbreak

Step 1: First, open Messages and go to any chat.

Step 2: Type a text - this can be SMS or iMessage and press the Send button.

Step 3: When you see a bar at the top that says send (blue for iMessage or green for SMS), you need to stop the process immediately. There is a split second for this.

Step 4: Bring up the Control Center on the screen by first removing the keyboard by swiping down. And activate Airplane mode. If everything is done quickly, you are lucky.

Step 5: Close Control Center and wait - after 5-10 seconds you will see a message stating that the message was not delivered. Now you can safely turn off Airplane mode.

Step 6: Tap and hold on the erroneous message in the chat window. In the pop-up window, click More, then delete the icon at the bottom left.

How to unsend a message on iPhone - with jailbreak

A new tweak called DeLe puts a delay before transmitting any message. This makes it very easy to unsend an unwanted message.

Step 1: Launch iMessage and write any text you want to send - SMS or iMessage.

Step 2: When you start typing, you will see a pop-up window, ignore it and click Send.

Step 3: A countdown bar will appear at the top - a delay for messages. You have time to correct the message or delete it (trash icon).

If you remove all the contents of the message, it will not be sent. The tweak costs $2.99 ​​and can be found in the standard Cydia repository.

You can delete messages on your iPhone. However, as practice has shown, they do not disappear completely, but remain in the cache. Therefore, the question of many users is logical: “SMS on iPhone?” Few people like this kind of “substitution” from their own phone, so in this article we will describe methods that will help solve this problem. As a result, you will learn how to properly delete deleted SMS in iPhone 5, as well as in other models.

Where are the deleted messages?

Finding deleted messages is easy. They are always stored in Spotlight search. And even if you delete the messages the usual method, then they still remain in search. True, only the first line of the message will be visible, but even this is very unpleasant. Especially if it wears confidential nature. Now you know where deleted SMS messages are stored on your iPhone. You can proceed directly to removal.

How to view deleted SMS on iPhone?

To get started, just delete some message. Now activate Spotlight search. It turns on when you swipe your finger across the screen from top to bottom. In this search, start writing your deleted message. The first line of the SMS will be clearly visible.

Spotlight search itself is convenient thing which really helps. If you write the name of a contact in the search, you will immediately see the information associated with it. Including those messages that you have already deleted. On the one hand, this is a convenient thing, and on the other, it’s a setup. So it’s worth dealing with this problem once and for all.

Method one

Today you can often find descriptions and SMS messages on iPhones. Moreover, they apply different ways. The very first and obvious one is to use the Spotlight search settings. On your smartphone, go to “Settings” - “General” - “Spotlight Search”. There you will see a huge set of applications that take part in the search. We are interested in "Messages". Opposite this point there will be a green toggle switch in active position. Click on it and it will become inactive. Messages will no longer appear in Spotlight search. None at all, even remote ones.

This setting can also be used to e-mail messages. For example, if you don't want Email appeared in Spotlight search. But this no longer concerns our problem.

This method partially solves the problem of deleted messages, but has one big drawback: if you go into the settings again and activate the toggle switch, the deleted SMS messages will again be displayed in the search. So the option with Spotlight settings solves the problem only 50%.

The second way to delete deleted SMS on iPhone

Go to "Settings" - "General" - "Languages ​​and text". Here you need to change the language. For example, choose Russian (usually there are several variants of the Russian language) or English. After this, the phone reboots the interface (not the system). Then you can change the language back. After this operation, deleted messages disappear from Spotlight search. It is possible that newly deleted SMS messages that you deleted after changing the language will reappear in the search. That's why this procedure must be repeated every time after deleting a message. But this is only if you do not want anyone to see the erased correspondence.

Third way

It’s even simpler: delete the message, quickly open the taskbar (click on Home button) and close the Messages application. To do this, simply drag the application window from bottom to top.

After this procedure, erased SMS messages are no longer included in Spotlight search. Probably, the system simply does not have time to copy the text into the cache memory due to the fact that you quickly close the application. But these are just thoughts out loud. How does an operating room actually work? iOS system, few people know, but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that it helps to delete deleted SMS on iPhone.

After these steps you can also create backup copy in iTunes (or iCloud). The saved data in the copy will be updated, and it will be impossible to restore, much less read, deleted messages. But this is for the paranoid.

Fourth method

Many more advanced users It is recommended to do JailBreak. That is, hack operating system, which will make it possible to change it, install applications that are not in iTunes, and generally modify the shell to your taste. After installing JailBreak, you can use file manager Find the Spotlight folder and delete saved messages from it. But Jailbreak installation requires some user skills. It turns out that this is not the case for everyone.

At least one of the above methods should help you. But it is likely that with a new software update Apple will eliminate this flaw, because deleted messages should remain deleted, and this whole search story is most likely a program glitch.

“On my iPhone, when I was freeing up memory, I saw that some saved messages took up as much as 5 gigs and that’s half of my iPhone!!! That is, I can’t take pictures of anything anymore, I can’t shoot anything, I can’t download anything, etc., in short, try faster please!!!”

I will try to answer the question posed in as much detail as possible.

Where can I see how much space messages take up?

Settings->General->Storage and iCloud. In the “Storage” section you need to go to Management.

In my example, we see that Messages take up no less than 1.57 Gigabytes. What takes up so much of the messages? Of course, not the text itself, but the photos, videos, audio that you attached to the messages.

How to reduce this volume? At the very beginning, decide for yourself whether you need messages all the time?

IN Settings->Messages. There is a “Leave messages” option. By default it is set to “Indefinitely”, but theoretically you can set it to 1 year or 30 days. In this case, messages can be automatically deleted after a period of time specified by you.

If you want to keep it "Indefinitely", then you need to manually free up space on your iPad, iPhone or iPod remove attachments.

Go to Messages. Let's go to necessary dialogue. There we press the “i” button in the upper right corner.

In a new window you will see all the photos and attachments that were in your dialogue (or chat). Put your finger on the first photo. In the black bubble that appears, select the “More” button.

Now highlight unnecessary photos and other investments. Afterwards, click the trash can button to delete the photo.

This way you can clear messages and free up memory on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod.

Messages take up quite a lot of space on your iPhone. Now we will describe quick way how to get rid of them. Using this method, you can reduce your message space footprint from 2.2GB to 112MB. Your iPhone can hold 2.2GB of messages because it is set to message saving mode Forever.

By following these simple steps you will delete all your messages in no time:

  • Come to Settings with home page iPhone.
  • Next, go this way: Messages -> Message History -> Save Messages
  • There will be three options there: 30 days, 1 Year, Forever.
  • The fastest way to delete all messages is to select delete messages older than 30 days or messages older 1 year.
  • Confirm that you want to delete all old messages and all their attachments by clicking on Delete .

This will not delete ALL messages, but it will significantly increase free place on iPhone.

Here's a simple comparison: when choosing to store messages Forever, their weight can reach 2.2GB. When choosing 1 year- 885MB. At 30 days their weight will be only 112MB.

Now you can individually delete all messages for the last 30 days. It’s much easier to do this now, since you’ve already gotten rid of the rest of the pile.

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