How to secure a washing machine so that it... How to prevent the washing machine from running on tiles. Do I need to connect hot water or will cold suffice?

Tired of washing by hand? This means you should buy an automatic car. But it is important to consider that one purchase is not enough to start using it immediately. It is important to understand how to install a washing machine correctly. In modern society, almost everyone has this easy-to-use device. You simply cannot do without it. To save money when purchasing and not have to pay separately for the installation of the machine, you can try to install it yourself. Before purchasing, ask the sellers if the warranty on this device can be lost if you install it yourself? If this does not happen, you can safely proceed with the installation without fear.

Installation steps

To properly install a washing machine, you need to follow some rules and do everything step by step. There are several specific steps worth noting:

  • Inspection of purchased equipment;
  • Removing all transportation parts;
  • Selecting a location for installation;
  • Installation of the machine according to the level;
  • Connecting the device to the water supply;
  • Connection to sewerage;
  • Connecting the machine to the electrical network;
  • Launch for testing.

Inspection of purchased equipment

If you purchased this equipment and ordered delivery to your home, when it was delivered to you, carefully inspect the machine that was delivered to you. Do not forget to sign on the courier delivery form.

You need to do the following:

  1. Ask the courier to unpack the machine.
  2. Check carefully to see if there are any dents or scratches on the outer covering.
  3. Lightly shake the car in one direction and the other. A good reason to replace the equipment is if you hear any knocks or noises.
  4. Even if you didn’t like something, don’t be shy to say so right away, because you spent your money to purchase this equipment.
  5. Remember, you can only sign for receipts if you are completely sure that there are no problems with the washing machine.
  6. Since you will be using your purchase for several years, do not listen to the courier’s persuasion, since it makes no difference to them what kind of device they sell, broken or good.

Removing all parts

This stage includes the removal of transportation parts. To ensure that nothing is damaged during transportation, special parts are installed. To understand which parts to remove and which not, it is worth saying that blocks, staples and bolts are used for transportation. Such dismantling is very important, since if it is not done, when this equipment is turned on, the machine may simply break down. It is best to read the instructions in advance.

Choosing a location for installation

Now it's important to decide where to install your new acquisition.

Sometimes the only installation option is the kitchen. This happens when the dimensions of the apartment are very small. If you squeeze out other devices, you can place the washing machine in the bathroom. Interestingly, the corridor is also considered an advantageous installation option; in some cases, this is the only correct option.

To understand where the machine will stand, you need to measure everything, and also find out what the dimensions of your purchase are. It is best not to place this equipment close to the wall, as it vibrates during operation. The minimum distance between the wall and the machine is two or three centimeters. Regardless of where the device will be placed, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is worth remembering that the surface under it must be flat. Some people prefer to do this installation in the kitchen under the sink.

Installing the machine according to the level

To keep the car level horizontally, you need to use a level. note that At the bottom of the washing machine there are special supports that are adjustable. In new models, such supports are located only at the front.

To fix each leg at the required height, you should use a special lock nut. It is very important to clamp it well, because if this is not done, over time the legs will unwind and you will have to start all over again.

Connecting the device to water supply and sewerage

If you have everything in your apartment for an automatic car, then the work is completely easier. If this is not the case, you need to work hard and make all the inserts yourself.

Perhaps the necessary connections have already been prepared, then you just need to connect the machine to the water supply with a special hose. This hose comes with the equipment. You will also need to insert a special corrugated hose for water supply into the tee of the sewer system.

To do everything yourself, you need to purchase the following parts:

  • Tee;
  • Adapter from 1/2" thread to 3/4" thread;
  • Valve;
  • PTFE sealed tape.

All of the above parts need to be put together. When the assembly is assembled, you need to cut the water pipe and insert a tee. Afterwards, you need to attach the hose from the machine to the valve through an adapter.

If you think that the valve is not needed, then remember that it will allow you to disconnect the machine from the water supply at the right time. Thanks to the valve, this can be done without shutting off the water supply.

To make a tap, look at what your pipes are made of. If they are iron, then you need to use a welding machine for them, if they are plastic, then you need a soldering iron. If you do not have such tools, then you need to buy a branch coupling. The price and diameter for pipes may vary. You need to buy 15 millimeters or perhaps a little more.

Now you need to think about how to install a washing machine drain? To connect the machine to the sewer, you need to take the following materials and tools:

  • Branch – diameter 5 cm, length 40 cm;
  • Tee 5 cm;
  • Coupling;
  • Rubber cuff;
  • Fastening clamp;
  • Air valve 5 cm.

It is important to ensure that there is clear access to the drain hose at the drain point. Then, using a hacksaw for metal, you need to make an entrance for a 12 cm pipe in that place. You need to insert a five centimeter tee and a coupling into the hole made. Plastic pipes must be installed so that they can move freely from side to side in order to install the tee and coupling.

If you place the machine under the countertop in the kitchen, pay attention to the sewer riser. In the bathroom the riser is 10 cm, but in the kitchen it is half as much - 5 cm. Also take into account what floor you live on and how old your house is.

The question may arise: how to install a built-in washing machine? Usually you need to make a built-in machine when the apartment itself is small and the kitchen is too. It is important to remember that some clearance from the countertop is necessary so that it does not touch the chipboard during washing. Connecting such machines is also done according to the above-mentioned scheme, but it is a little more complicated, since it takes into account that there are tables around the machine.

Video on how to install a washing machine

Connecting the machine to the electrical network

For the machine to work, you need to guarantee it:

  • Water;
  • Sewerage;
  • Electricity.

In accordance with these three points, you need to determine where it is best to install the device in the apartment. If you decide to install an automatic machine in the bathroom, you need to remember that there are two ways to connect to electricity:

  1. Connect using an extension cord;
  2. Place an outlet nearby.

The socket is different from the usual one. It must have a grounding contact. Electrical safety must be taken seriously, since the bathtub is a source of dampness.

Perhaps your plug will not fit into your outlet, then you will have to buy an adapter for the outlet.

Launch for testing

Remembering how much the device you bought costs, you need to do a test download very carefully. This check does not include washing items. You just need to add washing powder and turn on the washing mode, thanks to this you will not only be able to check how the machine works, but also clean it of dust and factory debris. Pay attention to how the water is poured, how quickly and how it heats up. If spinning and draining are performed correctly, then everything is in order.

Some users even install a washing machine in the toilet if there is no room anywhere else. The place where you can install the device may be above the toilet barrel. This place is also quite advantageous, since there is not only a good drainage and water supply, but also some have sockets for connecting to electricity.

When performing all work, be especially careful. Pay attention to how to level the washing machine, how to safely connect it to electricity and water supply, and choose the most optimal and convenient location for you. Then washing clothes will not only bring you pleasure, it will also save your time.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

After purchasing a washing machine, the question arises about connecting it. The store will probably offer you the services of its own master, and on every corner you can find advertisements for specialists.

Is this really such a complicated matter that it is necessary to pay a considerable amount? In fact, for a person who knows what an adjustable wrench and FUM tape are, there is nothing supernatural about this. Just keep in mind that installing it yourself often voids the warranty, so it’s worth weighing the pros and cons.

If you decide to do the work yourself, then let's figure out how to install a washing machine according to all the rules.

Before you go to the store, think about where you will place it. Measure the depth, width and height of the selected location, adding at least 1 cm on all sides (correction for uneven walls). Agree, the situation when the equipment is physically unable to stand on the prepared area cannot be called pleasant.

The most common options for the location of automatic machines are:

  • Bathroom

It is convenient because most of the communications are nearby. In addition, the device fits harmoniously into the surrounding space. To save space, the machine can be installed under the sink. Then you will have to choose a special form of plumbing with a drain in the back.

However, experts do not recommend placing the machine in the bathroom if there is an alternative, since in conditions of high humidity the parts wear out much faster and rust appears.

  • Kitchen

Also, all connection nodes are located nearby, there is no need to re-equip anything additional. If you think through the design of the headset in advance, you can install a built-in washing machine or hide it behind one of the cabinet doors.

There are disadvantages here: increased humidity and temperature effects from the stove and oven. Therefore, it is recommended to install the device away from heating devices.

  • Toilet

Some originals manage to install the unit even in a small toilet. In this case, the machine is located above the toilet.

This option requires special preparation and thoughtfulness: you need to be confident in the strength of the walls, install a reliable podium, and provide a vibration damper.

  • Corridor

The location in the hallway is more common in desperate situations, when there is simply nowhere else to put the equipment.

The location has few positive features: communications have to be delayed, equipment takes up a lot of space, noise can be heard in all rooms.

  • Lumber room

If you have a storage closet in your home, you can try converting it into a laundry room. This way, the washing machine will not interfere with anyone, and will be preserved better.

Some houses have special rooms that are designed for washing. If you are the lucky owner of such an apartment, well, congratulations, you are lucky.

  • Basement

Such placement is possible in a private house, provided that the basement is heated and has electricity, water and sewerage installed.

If all requirements are met, this arrangement is very advantageous: the unit is not exposed to moisture, and its operation is inaudible for residents.

When the choice in favor of a certain room is made, you should think about the surface on which the machine will be located. The floor in this place should be hard and level.

Small differences in height can be corrected with the help of screw-in machine legs or a rubber mat, but they cannot compensate for strong unevenness. Therefore, if the installation is carried out on a wooden or uneven floor, then it makes sense to think about filling the area under the device with a concrete screed or installing a pallet.

Getting to know the instructions

Before you start working with the automatic machine, read the instructions! It contains a lot of useful information: what kind of outlet should there be, how to connect the drain and water supply, how to adjust the position of the unit, what malfunctions occur most often and whether you can fix them yourself, and much more.

Reading technical documentation is a separate step, since rarely does anyone turn to the manufacturer's prompts before a problem arises. This is usually only done if something doesn't go according to plan. You shouldn't do that.

The instructions provide detailed recommendations regarding the model of your washing machine, compliance with which will prevent many troubles. Do not ignore the manufacturer's advice: in the event of a breakdown, failure to follow them may result in your case being considered non-warranty.

Preparation of communications

The washing machine is connected to three systems: sewerage, water supply and electricity.


There are several varieties possible here:

  • Siphon under the sink - you need to install a splitter to the drain running under the sink. It will have an outlet for the washing machine hose.
  • Directly to the sewer - in this case, you will have to make a special outlet in the pipes or attach a tee when approaching the sink or bathtub.
  • In the toilet or sink - the simplest and most unreliable option. Using a hook, the hose is hung on the plumbing fixtures, and the water flows out freely after washing.

Water supply

Most often, the machine is connected to cold water, and the device itself, using heating elements, heats it to the required temperature. However, some models provide connection to both cold and hot water.

This reduces electricity consumption, but increases the cost of hot water supply. In addition, such water often contains impurities and rust, which can lead to damage. And the units are more expensive. Therefore, the most common option remains connecting to cold water.

It is quite simple to install an additional outlet for water on polypropylene, metal-plastic and plastic pipes. A tee with one transition to metal should be installed. If there is a free outlet on the water supply pipes, great, the task is greatly simplified! All that remains is to install a shut-off valve.

You can install the simplest ball one. At the same time, do not forget to apply sealant and flax tow. There is an alternative option: a tee with a built-in tap. They are designed specifically for washing and dishwashing appliances. It is more convenient to install such a part, but if one of the parts fails, you will have to change the entire element, and they cost a lot.

Electricity supply

For correct and safe operation, the machine is connected to a separate grounded outlet. Please be aware that if there is no grounding, the manufacturer's warranty on the unit will no longer apply.

It must be located in close proximity to the device, since connecting extension cords or straining the wire is not allowed.

If there is no outlet that meets the stated requirements, contact an electrician. It will extend a separate power supply line from the panel with the required current parameters.

Do not attempt to install the outlet yourself unless you are properly qualified!

Connection and installation

Now all that remains is to free the unit from the packaging, remove the foam protection and unscrew the shipping bolts that are located on the back of the case.

They are designed to protect the internal parts of the device from damage during transport. Place plastic plugs (included in the kit) into the resulting holes.

Do not throw away shipping fasteners. They will come in handy when you move or need to take the device to service.

The corrugated drain hose into the sewer (usually included in the kit) must be installed in the siphon outlet and secured with a clamp. If the connection is made directly to the sewer pipe, then a rubber cuff is used as an adapter.

With any connection method, it is necessary to ensure that there are no kinks or strong kinks in the hose. But a bend at 60 cm from the floor is a common requirement. This is necessary to form a natural water seal - so that water and odors from the sewer do not penetrate into the device. A plastic clamp is used for fixation.

This rule is true for devices in which the drain hose is located at the bottom of the housing; if it comes out from the top, then the bend has already been made in the inside of the device. There are also now units with a check valve, for which you do not have to create additional “elbows”. This point should be clarified in the equipment documentation.

To connect to the water supply, we use a hose that is sold with the device. The side with the curved end should be connected to the machine: install the mesh filter (included in the kit) with the convex side towards the outlet and manually screw it on. The other end is also screwed onto the water supply tap by hand. There is no need to tighten too much, since there is a rubber seal at the joints that ensures tightness.

To make it even clearer, take a look at how this process goes in the video.


To prevent the washing machine from jumping, it is necessary to adjust its position - it must stand level. If this is not done, the internal components will quickly fail and the washing machine will have to be repaired.

To carry out the procedure, a building level is used, which is laid along each side. If there is a tilt somewhere, then you need to tighten the legs until the horizon line is perfect.

When this condition is met, try to slightly rock the machine: if it wobbles, then the adjustment should be continued.

Do not place pieces of wood, cardboard or linoleum under the legs! The device will still “move off” them.

Also, the floor should not be slippery. If the device is installed on tiles, you should lay a rubber mat or use special rubber stands for the legs.


All adjustment steps have been completed, which means it’s time for the first launch. You need to run the machine without laundry at the highest possible temperature. This will allow you not only to check the correct installation, but also to clean the inside of the device from any dirt and oil from the factory.

During the debut cycle, check all the joints: is there any dripping at the joints of the pipes, are there any leaks in the sewer hose, is the housing electrocuted, how loud is the unit, is it jumping around the room?

If any of the above deficiencies are detected, it is better to interrupt the work and immediately begin to eliminate it.

If you don’t know how to get rid of shortcomings, then stop being a hero and call a specialist. The quality of washing, service life and, of course, safety depend on the correct connection.


As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about connecting the machine. If all the necessary communications are provided and installed, then anyone can handle this task.

However, if there are any doubts, then do not try to save money - call an installation specialist. How much it will cost to work and buy a new device or pay for repairs to the neighbors below, I think, there is no need to compare.

How did you connect your washing machine: yourself or call a technician? Did you encounter any problems during the process?

After purchasing a washing machine, few people want to spend money on installation, which is intrusively offered by employees of household appliance stores. In this article we will tell you how to install a washing machine yourself.

You have received the long-awaited equipment, now it’s time to move on to installation. You will need to remove the shipping bolts located on the back of the machine body. Fasteners are necessary to ensure that the tank does not dangle inside during transportation, as this can damage the “insides” of the equipment. The bolts will not allow the machine to turn on; moreover, this can lead to serious damage. To avoid problems with removing bolts, use a wrench or pliers. Close the holes with plastic plugs that come with the washer. Don't throw away the fasteners - they will come in handy if you move.

It’s not difficult to connect the washing machine yourself, but first you need to figure out where to install the equipment. The location should be such that in the future it will be convenient to service the equipment and access all the necessary parts. Often, owners prefer to install the machine in the bathroom, as it is not only convenient and practical, but also matches any interior. But in this case, you need to take into account that high humidity can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the SMA.
The washing machine is also installed in the kitchen. This option is quite acceptable, especially when there is not enough space in the bathroom. And in the kitchen, the machine can be built into a cabinet, hidden in a closet or installed in a niche. If you wish, you can install the SM in the hallway, if there is enough space and there is an outlet. Before installation, it is very important to think everything over, weigh the pros and cons.

Hot water: yes or no

Today, some modern models of machines are suitable for connecting cold and hot water. But the opinion of experts is that there are no advantages foreseen when connecting hot water. Modern machines have a heating element that heats water to the required temperatures. But there are significant disadvantages:

  • Water can be highly contaminated, unlike cold water. Therefore, you will have to frequently clean the fill valve filter (and the drain valve too). You will either have to do this yourself or call a specialist, and this will hit the family budget.
  • Hot water is very hard, so you will have to use more washing powder. Otherwise, things will remain dirty after washing.

If connecting the washing machine to hot water is impossible, then there is no need to think about this issue.

Second phase. Water connection

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply is a process that requires special attention, accuracy and precision. If you do everything correctly, your machine will work properly. To connect the equipment to the pipeline, you will need flexible hoses with a diameter of 2 cm. To connect the washing machine to water, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Find the right place in the water supply and cut the thread.
  2. What is needed to install the valve? Fasteners - they guarantee reliable fixation.
  3. Install a protective mesh to prevent small foreign objects from entering the drum.

Advice! Clean the mesh and turn off the valve after each wash - this will ensure stable and efficient operation of the machine.

To supply water, you need a ready-made outlet that connects to a faucet or cistern. This simple installation diagram will help you handle the water connection yourself.

Third stage. Network connection

This process requires responsibility. It is necessary to install one outlet, which must be protected from water and grounded. Most modern washing machines are often protected from current and are grounded. But it’s better to be on the safe side than to put your life in danger and your equipment in danger. Basically, all machines have a power cord approximately 1.5 meters long. Therefore, the outlet must be at such a distance that you can connect the equipment to the network.

If this stage is completed without any difficulties, it is time to move on to the final step.

Fourth stage. Fixing the machine

We continue with the installation instructions. Don’t know how to install the SM so that there are no vibrations, jumps or shaking during washing and spinning? This problem occurs due to uneven floors. The machine must be installed on a perfectly flat floor. If you find any unevenness, use a rubber mat and place it under the machine. The mat perfectly dampens vibrations. Never use wooden pads or linoleum cutouts - they only temporarily fix the problem. We offer a method that will help you make sure that the washing machine is installed correctly and at the right level: rest your entire weight on each corner of the top cover. If none of them bend down, the machine is level.

Important! If you neglect the installation rules, the machine will start jumping during washing. This usually ends in breakdowns.

The final stage. Testing

Have you overcome all the difficulties when installing equipment yourself? Now all that remains is to evaluate the result of the work done - to make sure that everything was done correctly and the machine works as expected.
The check proceeds as follows:

  1. When selecting a washing mode, the drum rotates rather than standing still.
  2. There are no signs of leakage - the hoses are connected well.
  3. When turned on, there is no extraneous noise inside the machine.
  4. Proper spin operation and drainage that functions stably after washing confirm the correct installation.

If you are interested in a visual, detailed installation of a washing machine, the video instructions will help you figure it out:

Now you can check the effectiveness of washing clothes in SMA. Good luck and enjoy using it.

Installing a washing machine with your own hands can be done by almost any man who has the most ordinary set of wrenches, a head on his shoulders and “straight” arms. If you do not have these components, then it will be difficult for you to connect the washing machine yourself, but it is possible. After all, this process is not particularly complicated and the main thing is to follow clear instructions, which we will provide to you.

Choosing a location for the washing machine

The first thing you need to do before installing a washing machine, and even before purchasing it, is to choose a place if you have not yet decided where to put your new washing machine. If it is, for example, a kitchen, then perhaps you will opt for a built-in washing machine. Let's look at the options.

Installing a washing machine in the bathroom– the bathroom is probably the most optimal place to install the washing machine. Although the bathrooms in our apartments are usually small in size, they still have space for a typewriter. The machine can be placed there either next to the rest of the equipment or built under the sink, although in this case you need to choose the right height of the washing machine.

Installing and connecting a washing machine in the kitchen– many owners choose a place for a washing machine in the kitchen. It can be placed either under the kitchen countertop or next to it.

The kitchen is an excellent place if the bathroom is not large, and the kitchen also has better ventilation.

Installing a washing machine in the hallway- Oddly enough, some families use a place in the hallway or closet to install the machine. This is because the space in these areas is sufficient for a washing machine, and is less valuable than space in the kitchen or bathroom.

It doesn’t matter where you choose a place for the washing machine, the main thing is that it meets the following requirements:

  • Communications must be close– water supply and sewerage should be as close as possible to the installation site of the washing machine, otherwise you will have to lay them in this place. This also applies to the electrical outlet.
  • The floor must be level and stable– the machine should stand level on the floor, it should not sag under its weight. The ideal option would be a concrete floor or tiles.

Preparing the washing machine for installation

Before proceeding directly to installing and connecting the washing machine with your own hands, you must first perform a number of actions:

The first thing you need to do is connect the washing machine to the sewer. To do this, it is best to install a siphon for the washing machine and connect through it. If this is not possible for technical or other reasons, then you can use a simple method: hang the drain hose on the bathtub, and all the water will flow into it.

This method is not very good both from a practical and aesthetic point of view.

No matter how you connect the washing machine to the sewer, you definitely need to read the instructions for it and see if there are requirements for the bending height of the drain hose. In machines with a check valve there may not be such requirements. In the rest, the drain hose must be connected to a height of at least 50 cm from the floor.

To connect the hose itself to the siphon, put the hose on the siphon and secure it with a clamp.

If you connect the hose directly to the sewer pipe, then you need to use a special rubber cuff. It is inserted into the pipe, and the drain hose from the washing machine is plugged into it.

It doesn’t matter which of these methods you use, but there should be no leakage during draining.

In order for the washing machine to draw water, you need to connect it to the water supply. To do this you will need a washing machine inlet hose. It can come complete with a washing machine or be purchased separately.

You screw one end of the hose (the one that is curved) to the washing machine. The second end needs to be connected to the water supply distribution. To do this, they usually make a special branch in the pipe with a faucet for the washing machine. Or they make a separate outlet for the machine. In the image you will see the simplest and most classic option for connecting the inlet hose of a washing machine to the water supply.

In front of the flexible hose that goes to the cold water tap, a tee for the washing machine is screwed in and both hoses (for cold water and for the washing machine) are already screwed into it.

There is no need to use additional keys to connect the washing machine to the water supply. The nuts are plastic and are designed to be tightened by hand without additional tools.

Some washing machines have two water connections, hot and cold. In this case, you need to do similar actions with the hot supply.

Leveling the washing machine

After we connected the washing machine to the sewer, we need to level it out so that there is no vibration and noise. The legs of washing machines are adjustable, so if your floor is a little crooked, then you shouldn’t worry too much. In order for the washing machine to stand level, we need a level.

To begin with, we place a level along the washing machine and unscrew or, on the contrary, screw in the legs in order to change the tilt in the direction we need.

After the machine is level, you need to rock it slightly, pressing on the corners, it should not rock or vibrate. If this happens, then adjust the legs, not forgetting the level.

Connecting the washing machine to electricity
There's really nothing complicated here. The washing machine just needs to be plugged into a power outlet and it will work. But there are still some requirements for the electrical network, let's look at them:

  • Ideally The washing machine must be grounded, that is, your house must have a ground connection, and your outlet must have a corresponding third wire.
  • But as a rule, grounding is not used in most Soviet houses, and in this case it is not possible to ground the machine. In this case you need to use an RCD with a cut-off current of 10mA for bathrooms and 30 mA for the apartment as a whole.
  • Also, if the machine is installed in the bathroom, then it is necessary to use a special socket protected from moisture.

After installation

After you have completed all the steps, you need to start the first wash without laundry, after which the machine will be ready for use. To more clearly demonstrate to you the installation process and the correct connection of the washing machine to the sewer and water supply with your own hands, we have posted a video that you can watch below.

Hello dear readers.

Gone are the days when women with basins ran to the river to wash clothes.

Now almost every home has a washing machine, and not just a machine, as there used to be, jumping and running around the room while washing and spinning, but modern automatic machines. And today I want to devote an article to how to install an automatic washing machine with your own hands. If you think this is difficult, then you are wrong. Despite all the complexity of the technology, installing a washing machine with your own hands is an elementary procedure. There is no need to invite an installation specialist and pay money. Read the article to the end and your new washing machine will work for you without problems for many, many years.

Today washing machines are the height of technology. You set the program, load the dirty laundry and just press the start button, the smart technology will do the rest for you. But before it starts working correctly and smoothly, it is necessary to carry out some procedures. These are what we will look at now.

How to install and connect a washing machine: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. The first thing to do after the machine arrives at its permanent location is to remove the packaging material and install the washing machine in the place where washing will be done.

Remove packaging carefully and store for 7 days. It is during this period of time that you can exchange the purchased product for a new one if there are any defects in the work, the dimensions do not fit, or you are simply not satisfied with the design.

Step 2. On the back side of the machine body, unscrew the shipping bolts and remove the plastic spacers. This is done easily: loosen the fastening bolt, lift up and align the plastic spacer with the hole, and remove it from the body of the washing machine.

Step 3. In the places of the holes through which the spacers were removed, we insert plastic decorative plugs that come with the machine.

Step 4. Connect the water to the machine.

  • To do this, insert a filter towards the hose with a curved end that comes with the machine. The filter is inserted with the convex side towards the outlet of the washing machine.

  • Tighten the nut connecting the hose to the machine. We tighten by hand, without using keys. Rubber seals ensure a hermetically sealed connection.

  • We screw the other end of the hose to the cold tap water supply tap, also without using keys.

note that the washing machine is connected to cold water. Of course, when connecting to hot water, you can save some money on the saved electricity used to heat the water. But, on the other hand, if you forget once and load items into the machine that are washed on a delicate cycle at a temperature of 40˚C, you can irreversibly ruin the entire batch, resulting in items with a lot of shrinkage.

Step 5. We connect the drain hose to the sewer system.

Initially, it is assumed that the water will be drained from the machine, since the washing machine comes with a special hook into which the hose is threaded and the entire structure is hung on the bathtub.

This is, of course, very inconvenient. Therefore, it is advisable to provide a special drain either into a siphon underneath (some siphons have a special outlet for the drain hose) or to provide a drain directly into the sewer system, as in the photo above. This method of connecting to the sewer system is much more convenient. The only condition must be to create a bend in the drain hose to form a water seal and to locate the upper level of the bend above 60 cm above the floor level. This will prevent unpleasant odors from the sewer from entering the machine and will not allow water to drain by gravity.

Step 6. We fill the water supply hose and sewer hose of the machine into the recesses provided on the back of the machine. We install it close to the wall and use the twist-out adjustable feet to achieve stability.

By pressing alternately on all four corners of the machine, we check its stability. If a swing occurs when pressing on the corner, screw in or slightly unscrew the leg in the swing corner and select the existing gap. We achieve a completely stable position.

Step 7 We connect the washing machine to the electrical network. To do this, simply insert the plug into.

That's it, the installation process is complete. You can supply water by opening the inlet tap and try our equipment at work. If water drips in at the hose connection points, you need to slightly tighten the fastening nuts.

Of course, installing a washing machine will be much easier if you have thought through the water connections, sewer drains with the required final diameters, and the electrical energy supply in advance when carrying out a major overhaul.

If you install the washing machine yourself in a place where communications have not been installed, you will have to additionally think about where to connect the water and where to drain it when discharging. It may be necessary to install additional tees and taps on the water supply system and make a certain drainage of sewer pipes.

I hope you will not have any difficulties in the question of how to install a washing machine with your own hands. I will be happy to answer all questions in the comments.

Video: “Installing a washing machine with your own hands”