How to write call-to-actions that will increase conversion (with examples). CTA: what is it and how to improve its effectiveness

By combining scientific research on color psychology with some design principles, you can create a great call-to-action (CTA) button for your website and significantly increase conversions. There are 4 tools that will help you achieve this: button placement, shape (and size), message and color.

In this article I will talk about the color aspect.

But let's start in order...

What are call to action buttons?

Imagine that your website is a chain of actions that users need to complete in order to find what they came for. To make their life easier, it is absolutely necessary to make this chain as simple as possible (i.e. user friendly), as far as possible, and guide them to the desired page without any intervention.

Since some of these actions are more important than others, they will need to be highlighted in the interface. You want to grab users' attention by trying to convince them to take action (call to action). This is most often done using a visual marker, interface elements with a call to action. Here are some examples possible actions: purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, creating a new account, submitting an application, downloading latest version BY,..

But why do colors have such meaning?

Psychology of color

Each color evokes different feelings or moods in people, and therefore different reactions. Doctors and nurses wear white, which is a sign of sterility. Gyms are often painted blue because studies have shown that blue gyms allow weightlifters to lift more weight.

As you can see, the colors are very powerful tools to encourage or, conversely, block certain feelings. That is, you can, to some extent, guide users through your interface, allowing them to make the decisions you want them to make, using the right colors and color combinations. But don't start collecting right now. color schemes. There are one or two more things you need to know.

Although the perception of colors is subjective, some color effects have universal meaning. For example: blue is cold, and red is warm.

Secondly, the perception of colors is based on cultural characteristics. Let's take black (which is not a color scientifically) as an example. Although black is associated with death and mourning in many cultures, in ancient Egypt it also symbolized life and rebirth.

Susan Weinshenk ( Susan Weinschenk), Doctor of Philosophy and author of the book “ Intuitive web design: What makes people click on links,” wrote an interesting article about it. Don't forget to check out the McCandless Color Wheel, which you can download at the bottom of the page.

Kissmetrics did a great infographic on how colors influence purchasing.

A little color theory

As I explain below, it's best to use good contrast when designing important buttons. Talking about contrasting colors, I actually mean complementary colors. Complementary colors are located on color wheel opposite each other (see picture below). If you place them side by side, they seem to look brighter.

Another example of the use of complementary colors is the clothing that doctors wear while working in the operating room. In most cases it is green or blue. These two colors allow doctors to better perceive red objects, namely the patient's blood and entrails, to see them more clearly and notice the slightest nuances of the human body. Red and green are complementary colors.

So what color should I choose for my button?

As I noted at the beginning of the article, a CTA button is a set of 4 things: location, shape, message and color. If these 4 aspects correlate well with each other, you have a great call to action button.

With this in mind, there are also a few basic design principles and guidelines to keep in mind. If you want a design element to stand out, you can color it a complementary color to the background (think about the example I gave from The Resumator).

Little hint: for large buttons use a less flashy color (relative to the surrounding elements and background), and for small buttons, on the contrary, you need brighter colors. But whatever color you choose, make sure the button you design will be visible without interfering with the main design.

Although this article is based on scientific research on color psychology and some design principles, you Always should test your call to action buttons yourself to see what works best for your site. You can use A/B or multivariate testing, or just follow these

Are you looking for a web studio that will provide you with high-quality implementation? Check out the results of the web studio creativity rating.

The position occupied in the creativity rating of web studios depends on the number of victories and the status of competitions. Do you like several teams at once? By clicking on the green button, you can invite them to take part in your tender in just two clicks.

Your faithful assistant in winning a client - a well-aimed call to action. This article contains 100 effective examples.

7 examples of call to action with one target action

Don't overwhelm people with lots of loud calls to action. Avoid two calls to action next to each other, for example, “write to us” and “request a call.” Select one and place the second a few screens below.

  1. The day is yours. Start using Uber. Download the app.

2. Instant access to millions of songs - from old favorites to the latest hits. Just press play to start listening to whatever you like.

3. You have a vision. We have a way to create what you want. Look, How can we help you.

4. Upgrade your marketing using the GetResponse functionality.

5. Book unique accommodations and see the city through the eyes of locals.

6. Bookmark the article to reduce the time spent searching for the necessary information.

7. Be the first to learn new strategies for promoting your business on the Internet, double your sales and become a leader in your niche.

Call to action from the landing page we made for the “Tours to Egypt” service

10 examples of call to action with the word “free”

This word attracts new subscribers. It always works, despite the fact that there are many such offers on the Internet. Or that their number is increasing every day. Free means non-binding. And this attracts people to click on the button.

Examples of strong call to action:

8. Free Test Drive wireless mouse for laptop within 30 days. Evaluate the properties of the product before purchasing.

9. Achieve more every day. Millions of people trust us and realize their goals. Start now - this is for free.

10. Raise the level of your communication with clients by hosting an unmissable webinar on our platform. Set up sending invitations, reminders, and series of emails to increase conversions and sales. First month - for free.

11. Watercolor painting lessons in Moscow! Sign up for your first lesson for free. All you need is 1 hour of free time and the desire to create.

12. Online meetings made easy: easy to start, easy to use. Enjoy all the benefits of our service today. Start 14 day free trial period.

13. Start today. Discover new approach to taking notes. Register for free.

14. Order free analyze your website and get a list of SEO features that you urgently need to implement on your website. There is [time] left until the end of the promotion.

15. It costs [price], but today you can buy it for free. Hurry up to place your order.

16. The first 10 buyers will receive a personal 60-minute consultation with me for free.

17. Remember everything. Best ideas come to mind unexpectedly. Evernote lets you save, develop, and share ideas across all your devices.

An example of a USP for a crown service. The call to action on the form contains the word “b”

C) 10 examples of call to action with one sentence

You've probably heard this more than once: the more choices a person has, the more often the visitor does nothing. For example, you offer three products: a blog article, a YouTube video, and paid course. What do you think yours will choose? potential client? Most likely option number 4 is to close the page.

Remember: 1 page / letter / post - 1 sentence - 1 call to action.

18. Looking for a place to stay? Rent a home from real people in 25,000 cities and 190 countries.

19. Book your participation by best price and receive one of the most powerful speeches in your inbox.

20. Give us 3 days - and we will teach you how to easily and easily explode sales using email campaigns that you urgently need to implement in your business!

21. Learn the 5 most valuable tips on how to choose clothes for an important event: quickly, efficiently and stylishly.

22. Implement these tactics and solutions that will help you and your business stand out from the competition.

23. Find out in 90 minutes step by step plan How to implement effective and selling email marketing in your business.

24. Sharpen your copywriting skills and learn proven strategies that will engage and keep the reader until the last letter.

25. Learn how to increase your blog traffic by 130%. Subscribe to receive instructions by email.

26. Come on a trip with us. 7 days of adventure, communication, drive and emotions that will forever remain in your heart.

27. Yachting for entrepreneurs from Yachting Club. Professional vacation on the same wavelength.

3 examples of call to action, highlighted with contrast

In addition to catchy text, choose the right color scheme to highlight the appeal. Your sentence should be clearly readable in the first 3-15 seconds. When a person browses websites at a speed of 200 km/h, it is the rich design that will make him stay on the page and leave contacts.

28. One of the popular colors for a button is red. It's hard not to notice him. But Wunderlist breaks stereotypes. On their page the background is red and the button is white. Due to the fact that the text and button are the same color, the call to action stands out well.

29. Another winning option is to make the background white and the button colored. A good example- Trello page. Green button in the center there is a magnet for new visitors. Especially in combination with the word “free”:

If you decide to place 2 buttons (for example, “buy” and “learn more”) on the same screen, make one of them less noticeable (for example, transparent) and highlight the second one.

12 examples of call to action with restrictions

One of the most powerful triggers is urgency. A visitor comes to the page, sees that the offer is about to expire, and... is delayed, even if he was not in the mood to subscribe or purchase. Add the words: “the promotion is still valid...”, “have time to pick up valuable bonuses”, “hurry” and others.

Here are some illustrative examples:

31. If you leave a request Today, receive [valuable gift].

32. Left only 3 places. Hurry up - they can end at any moment.

33. Only until 20:00 You can get this item at a super low price - just [price].

34. Receive additional gifts worth [total bonus price] upon registration within 30 minutes. Hurry - [timer] left.

35. Feel the difference today. Hurry up to order until 00:00.

36. Order [product/service/product] in the next 36 hours and get a discount of up to 90%.

37. Are you ready for active actions? Hurry - this offer is still valid more [timer].

38. Click now before another lucky winner beats you to the last [your product].

39. Offer valid only 12 hours. Only for my friends! Hurry!

40. Number of seats limited. Book your participation in the event now.

41. Final day sales. 15% discount on everything. Hurry up.

42. Get immediate access to the GM Business Academy. Also available: [timer].

9 examples of call to action with a simple next step

Show visitors that your product is available to everyone, and the registration process takes minutes (or better yet, seconds). Use phrases: “you don’t need to be a professional marketer / SEO genius / copywriter with 5 years of experience”, “if this is your first time...”, “in... seconds/minutes”, “instantly”.

Simplicity adds seductiveness to your offer, and the visitor doesn’t even notice how he presses the coveted button:

44. Say goodbye to spam comments. Just 3 steps to start using the service.

45. Find out how we can increase sales for your business. Fill out the form - we will do the rest ourselves.

46. ​​Register for our program in a few seconds.

48. Download “The Proven Plan for Successful Social Media Promotion” in 15 seconds. Pay once - use endlessly.

49. Find out how to earn your first $1,000 tomorrow! I live, breathe and prove that it works...

50. Want [cool goal]? Sounds perfect, but too good to be true? Prove that this is not so.

51. Not yet a member of the Marketing Monsters Club? Seriously? Get access to club materials for 7 days for 1 ruble.

6 examples of call to action for a lead magnet (add them to the final page of a book, report or checklist)

52. Become an owner little-known strategies, which will increase your sales by 25%.

53. Find out how you can start making real money in your niche.

54. Every week for a year you will see an increase in profits. Implement these 48 the latest models scaling and promotion and become a leader in your niche. Participate.

55. Do you want to earn from $5,000 per month? Create an automated sales funnel for your expertise. Find out more about the course.

56. Be the first to join our new project. This is the heart of the community. We put all our love for you and a huge charge of energy into it. Join us - and we will help you really increase your income.

57. Launch a successful online business today. Join in early list and learn about the most favorable conditions participation in our course.

Lead magnet on the page of the 5-day intensive traffic acquisition from Convert Monster

7 examples of call to action for video

58. Watch this video until the end to find out about the special offer.

59. Do you want to make stable money doing what you love? Find out how - watch this video.

60. How to increase incoming traffic to your website. Implement these best traffic strategy tactics that I talk about in the video.

61. Was it useful? Give it a thumbs up.

62. Tell your friends. Let them implement these tips into their business too.

63. Did you read the description to the end? I have a gift for you. Click on the link to get it.

64. How exactly does the girl behave, what does she say and why does she manage to get her dream job? Watch the video!

12 examples of call to action with a common enemy

This is what creates an obstacle to your cherished goal. And you are the same wizard in the blue helicopter who solves these problems one or two times:

65. 10 effective ways how to deal with laziness. Find your recipe and forget about unfulfilled desires forever!

66. Lose weight, clean up, save... Look for motivation with us!

67. Plan your delicious and healthy morning for July - learn how to create a strong team. Register for a secret meeting.

68. Are you ready to act quickly? The marathon to increase productivity starts tomorrow. Hurry up to take your place.

69. How to increase efficiency significantly. A 3-day intensive that will change the way you approach work.

71. Your time is under control. A new effective technique that will help you manage 3 or more projects in parallel.

72. How to create a dream team. Find out where to look for A-players and how to get them for your company.

73. The path of a lazy person to leadership in [niche]. Analysis of a real case.

74. Learning [niche] is really easy if you have an expert behind you. I will become your guide on the path to success.

75. How you can get [anything] in less than 72 hours.

76. How I bought my dream car in 6 months.

Announcement of our webinar, which helps contextual specialists spend less time on reports

6 examples of call to action with personalization

77. [Name], get rid of the hassle of finding new clients in an instant.

78. If you read every word on this page carefully, you will discover a revolutionary new method on how to get clients without spending a single cent on advertising. Test yourself for attentiveness.

79. [Name], just for you today I will conduct a “Question and Answer” session on how to set up automatic email distribution in our service.

80. Say “Yes” and I will send you one of the most talked about mini-books ever written.

81. Closed master class only for our own people. Get a secret link.

82. Rozetka, for example, reminds you that you added an item to your cart and did not pay for it. Very convenient way returning lost customers:

10 examples of call to action with curiosity

The man is very curious. And if you can play on this quality with a few call-to-action sentences, you are guaranteed success.

83. Could an extra $1,000 improve your life?

84. Do you want me to do all the work for you?

85. You probably didn’t think it would be so simple.

86. Make us part of your success story.

87. Until recently, I kept it a secret. Nobody knows how to attract customers using live broadcasts. Be the first to know about it.

88. Skip the 2nd place, use only the best materials.

89. Want to learn the most effective and powerful strategies in [niche]?

90. Your life will never be the same again once you learn how to receive maximum return from your every action.

91. So, what are you waiting for? You are just seconds away from [goal]!

92. How running every day can change your life, or 30 minutes that work for you.

8 examples of call to action with social proof

93. Do it 20% faster. 9 out of 10 of our clients complete a purchase 20% faster than with other services.

94. Forget about sticky notes, spreadsheets and other clunky programs. Start managing projects effectively and become one of the millions of people who fall in love with Trello. Add unlimited amount boards and people in a free account.

95. 97.4% of program participants consider it the strongest educational business product on the market.

96. IMPORTANT: 300+ entrepreneurs are already using these chips and reaching the TOP-3 search results. Don't fall behind!

97. Your first massive flow of clients from the Internet. 2,000+ of our students have already implemented these tactics and got results.

98. You are with us. 2.500+ people have already connected to live broadcast in our Facebook group. We are waiting only for you. Join us.

99. We are chosen businessmen from Fobes pages. Join the elite club today.

100. Simple proof on the landing page of a 5-day intensive “ Powerful flow target clients Yandex.Direct, Facebook and Instagram"

Don't limit yourself to just these examples. Create your own explosive calls to action. It's easy. Practice, track conversions, study the pages of competitors and market leaders, and learn from your mistakes.

The main thing to remember:

clearly state the benefits and highlight keywords;

use active verbs that encourage readers to take action rather than scroll through the page;

do not place 2 calls to action next to each other, it is better to separate them with several screens;

highlight the button using color, shape, location.

CTA (Call to Action) is a call that motivates the user to perform a particular action (go, fill out a form, call, buy, find out, etc.). Call to Action is the final stage V classic model AIDA. A well-built CTA should attract attention, interest and motivate a person to take action. The effectiveness of a CTA element is important indicator, which must be constantly monitored. Monitor how many people came to your landing page and how many of them took action. If given value too low means something is wrong with the CTA element.

As CTA element It can be a button, an image, a form, or even text calling for some action. It can be used everywhere, in any content, for example in presentations, webinars, banners, etc. Even a voice on the radio calling to call or go to the radio station’s website is a Call to Action.

How to make your CTA more effective

There are several techniques that can increase the effectiveness of your CTA.

  1. The call to action should always be visible. Sometimes it makes sense to place it on home page site (in the place where the visitor is focused), so that when a person navigates, he can immediately begin purchasing, placing an order, filling out a form, etc.
  2. The CTA should be as simple as possible. The simpler and clearer you explain the essence, the better the result will be. You can write on the entire page why a person should press this button, or you can write one phrase. Most likely, in the second case there will be more transitions.
  3. Color is what allows your call to action to grab attention. Use colors that will stand out from the rest of the site, but also fit into the overall page design and company style.
  4. Attract more attention by increasing the size of your CTA button. Make it wider, larger than the rest of the elements, so that it stands out. The main thing is to fit it into the overall design of the site so that it does not look ridiculous.
  5. Spaces help to highlight a button or link it to some element (for example, to text that reveals the essence of the button).
  6. Always use words like “call”, “download”, “order”, “buy”, “find out”, “read more”, etc. The user should have a sense of clarity. Without any doubts. He must know exactly what will happen when the button is pressed.
  7. Tell the client what he will receive, what his benefits are, instead of describing your advantages and functionality. After all, people have always been attracted by the opportunity to get benefits, discounts, etc.
  8. Use a deadline. Call to Action should encourage you to do something now, not later. Show that the promotion time is limited, the offer is valid until a certain time. A deadline is an important component of almost any CTA.
  9. Test various options Call to Action. Use different strategies, offers, design, layout, etc. Track the performance of each CTA and choose the most converting ones.

Call to Action is a trigger that encourages the user to take a particular action. And the more original and interesting this trigger is, the more people will click on it.

Anyone involved in online sales is familiar with the term “Call-to-action,” which means “call to action.” Every page of a website that sells something should have this element. You will learn in this article how to create it correctly, where to place it so that it works effectively.

What is a CTA or Call to Action?

CTA is graphic element, which motivates and encourages site visitors to make specific action, for example: buy, download, subscribe to the newsletter, etc. The CTA tells you exactly what the visitor should do and what the developer of this page expects from him. The button can “offer” to place an order for a service or product, register or receive free analytics: for example, with help (on marketing service websites), etc.

Targeted action increases conversion, increases sales and facilitates product promotion.

Elements for the site, in the form of a CTA button, should be noticeable on the page, stand out so that a person immediately turns their attention to them.

The most popular CTA elements are buttons that have a text on them that explains what will happen after clicking it. For example: “Register”, “Download”, “Get a discount” or the “Buy” button, etc. The call action can redirect the client to another page where he can receive more detailed information. Then the inscription “Find out more”, “Get information”, etc. is appropriate.

How to write a CTA correctly

It is the call to action that motivates the lead to become a real buyer. If the buyer did not dare to place an order and left the site, they will become a tool for his return (10 times cheaper than attracting new leads).

How to correctly formulate CTA call, where to place it and how to check its effectiveness?

Ideally, the site will contain several appeals that will guide the buyer sequentially from choosing to purchasing a product.

First, you need to decide which objects you will perform call-to-action on.

These can be goods or products, exclusive goods or unique services.

You can also study user behavior, where they go after visiting your page and offer them this information in the CTA. These statistics can be viewed in Google Analytics. You can place a CTA button offering a subscription to site news or information about discounts on the page where you thank the customer for making a purchase.

You can additionally remind about discounts and promotions - for example, using .

There are certain rules on how to develop an effective CTA:

  1. The call should be clear and concise, call for only one action (buy, download, order, etc.);
  2. The call should be different from the rest of the page content and highlighted with a bright button, text, link or banner.
  3. The CTA should be in the visitor's field of view. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it at the bottom or to the right;
  4. The appeal must be relevant to the user's purchasing stage.

It is important to correctly compose your CTA text. How to do it?

  • The CTA text should indicate the value of the product and explain why the user needs it;
  • The text should be “urgent”, that is, indicate seasonality and the expiration period of the offer. For example: “Only today”, “Only until the end of December”, etc.
  • In the text, write how many people have already used your services and include reviews from satisfied clients;
  • Replace some calls with others. For example: a user has registered. Send to e-mail letter with gratitude for registration and the opportunity to download something for free;
  • Use news, photographs of celebrities, gossip columns and give all this as an example in the CTA (it’s easier to sell jeans in which Angelina Jolie is walking down the street in the photo);
  • Write the text respectfully, do not ask or order. You give a person what he needs.

Where to place calls to action?

You need to place at least three CTAs on the main page of your website. It’s also a good idea to place a CTA on the landing page where you directly lead the user to make a purchase, register, etc. From this page you need to remove everything that can distract the client (banners, links, reviews). CTAs should be relevant to the content of the page itself. If this is a page for a product being sold, then it is better to place the call “Test the product for free” on it, and not on the main page.

You need to think about CTAs on all pages so that they direct the user where to go next on your site and what he can get. This is a kind of guide to the site: so that a person lingers on the site, and does not leave it, close it and never remember it again.

If a user has subscribed to your newsletter, downloaded instructions, or signed up for a course, their interaction with your CTAs should not end there. Place CTAs in all materials you send to the user. Your activity is the key to success.

Basic Rules

In order for a CTA button to attract attention, you must adhere to certain placement rules:

  1. The CTA should fit into the overall design of the site, but at the same time stand out effectively from the background of other elements;
  2. The button should look like a button and be familiar to the user;
  3. She must be optimal size. Don’t take up half a page, but don’t be invisible either;
  4. The color of the CTA should be bright, but at the same time suitable for color scheme website;
  5. Use signs, arrows that point to the CTA;
  6. Use a contrasting background for both the button itself and the text on it;
  7. The text font should be the same as what is already on the page. You can make it bold or emphasized;
  8. Use no more than 4 colors when designing your CTA.

Few users will scroll down the page, so the CTA button needs to be placed on the first screen, otherwise you will reduce conversion.

Look at which pixel at the top your button is located, and compare it with the height of users’ screens according to Google Analytics. If the bottom edge of the button is at the 900th pixel, then a third of users receive it on the second screen. You must understand that the higher the CTA button is, the better. Considering that most people are right-handed, the button should be slightly to the right of the center of the screen.

Rules for an effective CTA (+ examples)

Factors that influence the effectiveness of CTA:

  1. The location of the button on the page, as discussed above.
  2. The size of the button plays a big role. She shouldn't be too small size or huge, should not take up half the screen. It is necessary that it is immediately clear that it is the main one on the page. The button should be informative, large, contrasting, and contain necessary information for the user and have a clear call to action.
  3. The CTA should stand out from the background of the page, but not fall out of the overall design. Although sometimes, the creativity of the design and button itself creates a favorable impression, as on this site.

  4. The text in the button should be specific, accurately indicate the action and contain a call.

  5. The shape of the button also plays an important role. It should be familiar to the user. Most often, the button has a rectangular shape, but sometimes designers make it round, oval, or oblong. In this case, the CTA button should clearly fit the page design.

  6. The tactile button works more efficiently. You need to make it convex, due to the shadow.

  7. In lead generation, it is better to repeat the CTA button so that the person does not have to move up the page again. It never hurts to once again remind the user why he is on this page.

  8. The button should be beautiful, bright, and of the correct shape. These buttons are clicked more often. Remember that it is better to entrust this to an experienced designer than to programmers. Below is a vivid example of unsuccessful buttons:

  9. The technique of changing the button increases efficiency. For example, a person scrolls down the page, and at this time the button changes color. This helps to attract the user's attention.
  10. If you place several CTA buttons on one page, then it is necessary that they differ from each other. Two similar buttons next to each other will lower their CTR. Below - good example different buttons:

    All of these major factors have a huge impact on conversions, so you should think carefully before placing CTA buttons.
  11. CTA button with the call “ general”, such as “Download”, “Upload”. This button is not suitable for landing pages, as it may cause mistrust in the user.

    On the wincdemu website, the button is bright and fits into the color scheme of the site. This is acceptable for a well-promoted brand, when it is not necessary additional information and advertising.
  12. A CTA button that emphasizes the uniqueness and profitability of an offer, for example, discounts.

    There is a clear appeal here that shows the user the benefit and says: “Why wait? Start right now!
  13. The CTA button, which is located at the top of the page in the form of a three-dimensional classic button. The inscription on the button itself indicates specific instructions for downloading.

Main features of CTA

All calls to action have certain common features.