How to create your first mobile application. Development and creation of mobile applications: where to start

This article is a free artistic retelling and translation of the introduction of the book "App Savvy
Turning ideas into ipad and iphone apps customers really want "

It may be of interest to people who are just coming into the world of mobile development and are wondering where to start. If you are an experienced businessman who already has a stable income from your own mobile applications, most likely, it will seem useless and obvious to you.

It's true that top developers are doing very well, with the most popular apps, usually games like Angry Birds or Doodle Jump, receiving millions of downloads. When you figure that you can earn $1 on every download, and look at the colossal download volumes of these apps, it's very easy to look at the App Store and see only wads of money floating past you.

Business Insider: Angry Birds Maker Rovio Reports $200 Million Revenue in 2012, image from

At this moment, it is very easy to think “Why not me?”, make your own application - and face the harsh reality, which is usually very different from the cloudless existence of such leading developers. Statistics show that more than half of the paid apps on the App Store don't even get 1,000 downloads a year, which means that after deducting Apple's commission for all your work, you'll only get about $700 - so if I were you, I wouldn't indulge optimism, looking at the amazing performance of popular games.

Does this mean that if you are new to mobile application development, you should immediately abandon this idea? Not necessarily, but in any case, first I suggest you face the facts and study everything that is already in the App Store - then you will realize that you have very little chance of coming there and immediately launching a very popular application. I don't want to say it's impossible, but many successful iPhone developers have created a lot of apps before reaching their goal. The main thing you will gain from launching your first application is the knowledge and experience of developing applications yourself.

When you study the market, you may feel like you can't succeed. My advice to you in such a situation is to think more broadly. Develop not an application, but something that has value for you and for people not only as a program on the phone. Solve real problems for users, make it easy and relaxed for them - and then you can create an application that will become really popular.

But before you start developing your mobile application, do not forget to think everything through. What sets successful mobile app developers apart is that they treat development like a business. They calculate the cost of development, the cost of entering the market, think through a way to return investments - and this allows them to make a stable income from development, and not try to draw a lucky lottery ticket.

The more time you spend studying the market, the more clearly you will learn to distinguish real opportunities for making money from illusory ones. Think of app development as an investment, and you'll learn how to interact with clients, media partners, and build your own library of design elements and code that you'll use across all your apps.

Once you learn to understand the economics of the App Store, make the right connections, and start building your library, you will have a significant advantage over people who are just wandering around the App Store trying to find a place in the sun.

Unlike others, you won't come to the App Store filled with emotions and delusions of grandeur of your idea. On the contrary, you will be able to objectively assess your capabilities and understand how much money and time you will need to invest in your application, and how you will return your investment.

Chapter 1: Evaluating your mobile app idea
Chapter 2: What Should Your Application Have?
Chapter 3: From Idea to Concept

Chapter 4: Finding a Team: You Need Help
Chapter 5: Getting a Working Application
Chapter 6: Improving the application before adding it to the App Store

Chapter 7: Getting Ready to Upload the App to the App Store
Chapter 8: Building Our Marketing Strategy
Chapter 9: Measuring Success and Considering Future Developments

Mobile software development can be a fun and rewarding endeavor. In this article we will tell you how to create an android application.

Android Studio

To write an application, you will need to download and install Android Studio. The package includes a software development kit with all the libraries and Android code needed to develop the application. And also an Android emulator, which allows you to first test the application on your PC without installing it on a real mobile device.

But first you need to download and install the Java Development Kit ( JDK) from Oracle. Find the section " Java SE Development Kit 7u79» and download the version for your PC. It is important to download the correct version ( 32-bit or 64-bit), otherwise Android Studio will not be able to find the Java Runtime Environment ( JRE).

Note: Oracle will not be publishing any updates to Java SE 7 on its public sites, and users are expected to migrate en masse to Java 8. But currently Android Studio requires Java 7. This may change in the future.

After you have installed the JDK, you need to install Android Studio. During installation, you must specify how much memory to reserve for the Android emulator. It runs Android as a virtual machine, much like an Intel-powered smartphone. This is faster than ARM processor emulation on PC. But to run this virtual machine, the emulator must allocate some memory. But before you create an Android application yourself, keep in mind that the combination of Android Studio, Java and an emulator will be quite resource-intensive, and the computer may slow down.

Google says you need at least 2GB of RAM, and 4GB is recommended. But my main PC has 8 GB, and it still slows down sometimes:

When you first launch Android Studio, it will perform initial initialization, which includes downloading and installing the latest version of the Android SDK. This may take a few minutes.

Once everything is downloaded and installed, you will see a menu that allows you to create a new one, open an existing one, or import a project, etc.

Create a new project

Click " Start a new Android Studio project" and enter the name of your application in the field " Application name" In field " Company Domain» Enter the official domain of your company. If you are an independent developer or hobbyist, enter your own domain. If you're just experimenting with Android and don't plan to publish your apps to Google Play anytime soon, just leave the example domain, just change the " user" in your name (without spaces):

In the next dialog box, make sure you have the " Phone and Tablet", and for " Minimum SDK» installed - API 15: Android 4.0.3. For options " Wear" And " TV» checkboxes should not be checked.

In the dialog box " Add an activity to Mobile» leave the default value « Blank Activity" and press " Next" In the dialog box " Customize the Activity" Leave all values ​​and click " Finish»:

Integrated Development Environment ( IDE) is running. This may take a few minutes ( especially if this is your first time creating a project). If you see the error message " Rendering Problems: Rendering failed with known bug", click the link " rebuild" that appears next to the error message.

By default, the IDE's workspace is divided into three main parts ( not counting the toolbar, etc.). At the top left is the project tree. To the right of it is the code editor, and below them are messages.

Before you create an Android application from scratch, you can already compile and run the automatically created application, but this is not very interesting. Instead, we'll add a few tidbits to get you started with Android app development.

Project tree

The project tree contains all the files and resources needed to create an Android application. If you're familiar with writing simple programs in Java, C, Python, etc., you might think that everything would be contained in just one or two files. But Android app development is a little more complicated:

At node " app The project tree contains several nodes (for example, folders) that can be expanded. The top level nodes are “ manifests”, “java" And " res" The latter is an abbreviation for “ resources”.

IN " manifests” the file is located “ AndroidManifest.xml", every application must contain it. This is an XML file with information about the application, including its name. An element often added to this file is a list of permissions required by the application. For this simple application, you don't need to change anything here.

In chapter " java» contains the Java code of the application. It will be in a subdirectory called com.example.user.myfirstapp. This is the company domain name you entered earlier, but in reverse, plus the application name. This folder contains the file. This is the entry point to the application and the only Java file we will need.

We continue to create a simple application for Android. In chapter " res» There are several folders for graphics, menus and UI elements. We are interested " layout" And " values" In folder " layout" there is a file called " activity_main.xml" This is an XML file that describes the user interface. You can edit it in two ways. The first is to directly edit the XML code, the second is to use the built-in UI designer:

In folder " values"contains several XML files. At the moment, the most important thing for us is strings.xml. Instead of setting string values ​​in Java code, they are usually placed in the file " strings.xml", and we can refer to them via identifiers. The advantage is that if a string is used multiple times, it can only be changed once and the changes will take effect in all places. This also makes it easier to support multiple languages ​​within the app.

To create an Android application yourself, you will need to change the, activity_main.xml and strings.xml files.

Writing an application

For our example, we will add a button labeled " Tap Me!", change the default greeting " Hello world!" on " Tap me if you dare!" We will also change it so that it is in the center. And let's add the code so that when the button is clicked, the text " toast»!

Let's start by changing the greeting text and its alignment. First, find the file “ activity_main.xml» and double-click on it. Remember, that " activity_main.xml" is a file that contains the user interface definition. At the bottom of the code window there are two tabs: " Design" And " Text" Go to the " Design».

Now click on the text " Hello world!", which is shown in the preview window of the smartphone screen. If it is too small, use the zoom button ( magnifying glass with plus sign).

In the properties window located to the right of the phone image, scroll down the screen until you find the words “ layout: centerInParent" Click on the space bar next to it and select " horizontal" After this the text “ Hello world!» will move to the center:

Before creating an Android application without skills, let's change the text. Line " Hello world!" is stored in the file " strings.xml" in the res->values ​​section. If you double-click on this file, you will see several XML lines that define the strings used by the application.

Find this line:


And change it to:


We've changed the greeting's alignment and text. Now let's add a button. Return to the " Design» file « activity_main.xml", find in the list " Palette"To the left of the smartphone image is the item " Button" and click on it. Now click somewhere under the words “ Tap me if you dare!».

Double-click a button to change its text. At the end of the field “ text:” there is a button with three dots, click on it. In the window " Resources» click « New Resource", and then " New String Value…" In field " Resource name:" enter " tapme", and in the field " Resource value:» — “ Tap me!" Then click " OK" Now we have a button “ Tap me!”.

The last step in creating a simple Android application is to add Java code that responds to button clicks. One of the Android UI elements is “ toast." It provides a simple message in a small popup window. You've undoubtedly seen this. For example, in Gmail, when you sign out of email before sending the email, you see the message “ Message saved to drafts" After a certain time it disappears.

For our example application, we will display a message every time a button is clicked. The first step is to add the Java code. Find the file "" and add the following code to " onCreate«:

JAVASELECT ALL JAVASELECT ALL public void onButtonTap(View v) ( Toast myToast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Ouch!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; )

Word " View" in the phrase "( View v)" will be red and a message will appear next to it indicating that you have used a new design ( View), without importing it in the import section, at the top of the Java code. This is easy to fix. Click on the word " View" and then ALT + ENTER. If the word “ Toast” is marked in red, do the same again:

Return to the file designer section " activity_main.xml", click the button and scroll the list of properties to the item " onClick" Click on the box on the right and a list of functions will appear on the screen. Click on " onButtonTap", this is a feature we just added.

Now the onButtonTap() function will be called whenever the button is clicked. To display the message, we call .

That's all for creating an Android application yourself, now let's test it in an emulator.

Building and testing the application

On the menu " Tools» Go to Android-AVD Manager. This tool displays a list of currently configured virtual Android devices. You will have one device configured by default, probably a Nexus 5. Click on the play icon (triangle) in the " actions" This will launch the emulator.

It comes to everyone's mind - experienced designers, students or small business owners who haven't written a line of code. If you have a great idea, how can you implement it if you don't understand the difference between Java and Javascript, or Photoshop and Illustrator?

How to make a mobile application - expert opinion

  • Paul Ferro is the President of 5 Nerds Software Development, a full-service design and development agency ranging from branding and design to app development from scratch.
  • Andres Max, founder of Ideaware, an agency specializing in product strategy, UX/UI design and front-end optimization. Before founding the studio, Max was the lead UX designer at Mashable.
  • Daniel Hindy is Chief Technology Officer at BuildFire, a mobile app building platform used by over 50,000 companies. Even if you don't know how to create mobile apps, you can still make a professional app with BuildFire's WYSIWYG editor.

The responses from these entrepreneurs make us realize that building a mobile app doesn't have to involve coding or getting your hands dirty in Adobe. With a great idea, a dash of business acumen, and a ton of effort, you can be at the helm of the next Uber. Let's take a look at their opinions.

1. Brainstorm

Paul Ferro, who, in addition to starting his own business, helps other entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality, talks about the first step on this long path:

You have a great idea for a mobile application. This is the next viral game, or utility that everyone will use, or the next step in social expression. Either way, you know it's great and you want to get your message across to everyone. Where to begin?

First, it is very important to specify your idea. You may have the basics of your app outlined in your head, but have you thought through all the little details that separate a fantastic app from an ok one? It's important to sit down and take a few minutes to think about the entire mobile app experience.

If it's a game or something similar, you don't have to figure out each level in your head, but you do need to understand how the levels are different. Are there in-app purchases? Multiplayer game? Social media connection? As you answer all these questions, you begin to mentally put all the pieces together and overcome all the problems and pitfalls. Or, if someone is making the application for you, then they will want to know as much as possible before starting, and this will help the development process.

2. Present your idea to friends, family and colleagues for feedback.

Everyone thinks their ideas are amazing, right? How can you understand that the mobile app concept you come up with is interesting to others? Turn your “inner circle” into a cordon sanitaire that tests ideas for viability:

Now that you have a working idea, it's time to test it out and see if it's as good as you think it is. There are a ton of good apps that do pretty much the same thing, but for one reason or another, some rise to the top and become loved while others don't. Your app doesn't have to be No. 1 in the store to be popular or profitable. But he needs at least some visibility.

Share your idea with as many people as possible to get their opinion on it. Here's an expert tip: When you pitch your idea to others (friends or family), tell them that you know someone with the idea and want to invest in it. Then explain the idea itself. Your listeners will be much more honest knowing that the idea is not yours and that you could lose your money by investing in a not-so-good app. Ask – will they use it? If so, why? If they don't, then why?

Ask them to point out the shortcomings. Ask if they have seen anything similar? This approach can be much more productive for discussing an idea than simply finding out that you have a lot of friends and family who don't want to offend you.

If you have done all this several times, and your idea has not met with strong resistance, then it’s time to start! Here you have a choice. You can do it yourself or hire someone.

3. Even if you can't make a mobile app, you can make a great prototype

Andres Max reiterates the importance of testing an idea to see if it works and goes further: “I have always encouraged entrepreneurs to conduct market research. Dig deep to assess the demand for your idea, what has worked in the past and what hasn't, then make adjustments as needed.” For example, you might think you have an amazing idea for a photo app only to find out that it's already made and selling. This doesn't mean you should stop working on the idea - it's just information for you to help you figure out what you can do better.

One of the best ways to compare is, of course, to make a prototype. Max says, “Once you've refined your idea, build and test a prototype. Collect all valuable information based on it.” A prototype can be just a sketch of your design, but you can also create a fully functional prototype in a tool like This does not require programming or design skills.

4. Decide whether you will hire a studio or developer - or learn how to develop yourself.

The next step, Ferro says, is to figure out who will turn your prototype into a real application. You may not believe it, but you can very well create an application yourself (even without experience). Provided, of course, that it is simple enough:

“Learning how to create apps can be challenging, especially if you have no experience. But it's possible. Especially if your idea is about the uniqueness of the features - and not the technology itself. Take Flappy Bird for example. The application itself is extremely simple. But the idea was unique and exciting. Now look at Apple Passbook. The idea is relatively simple, but the technologies that allow you to store your data securely, access it to sellers, connect to your fingerprint, etc. are relatively complex.

If your app requires cutting-edge technology that uses the device in a way that no one else has used it before, then building the app yourself can be difficult. It can take years to figure out how to take full advantage of a mobile device's capabilities. If you understand that you can build the application yourself, great! But even if you don’t have development skills, there is an opportunity to develop quite quickly.”

5. Make sure you are using the right tools to create mobile apps

But how to gain this very speed? You can either walk through (there are many resources for this) or use tools that are accessible even to beginners to create your mobile application. One such tool is BuildFire, explains Daniel Hindi:

“What if you have a killer idea but don't know how to create mobile apps? This is exactly the problem we wanted to solve with our BuildFire platform. We have over 80,000 applications, created by both small companies and large corporations, all made with little or no programming knowledge. While this is great for simple applications, lack of programming skills usually limits you to the range of features the platform offers. BuildFire solves this problem and we will soon open an API for developers to add to existing BuildFire applications.

We see more and more startups and small companies connecting to our core platform with an extremely low barrier to entry. Once the app has proven its value, they ask third-party developers to create the missing pieces of the puzzle, saving a lot of time and money in the process.”

6. Make sure you hire the right people

Whether you're hiring people to finish a project started on a platform like BuildFire or building an app from scratch, it's important to find the right developer, Ferro says:

“Now, if you decide to hire someone to develop your application, then everything will be a little easier compared to if you learned to code on your own. But here, of course, the question of cost arises. Hiring an office has a number of advantages compared to developing it yourself. They have experience, they already know all the pitfalls of development, they will create an optimized and fast application, its design will not be terrible - I think there is no need to explain in detail the advantages of turning to professionals.

But you need to make sure that you hire the right professionals. First and foremost, this means finding a company that will listen to your story and fully understand it before they even start writing code. Many people want to jump right into development and start invoicing you, but this is the wrong way to go. Talk to several companies to find the one that's right for you. You should feel comfortable working with them, communicating and working through problems with them. And believe me, there will be problems!

When you find the right company, everything will work out. They will dive into your idea and untangle the loops, fill in the gaps, suggest features and functions, and provide a high level of service. The best apps happen when a great idea meets a great team who brings it to life.”

It's time to act

Ferro ends by reminding entrepreneurs that creating an app is one thing, but getting users to download it is another:

So, you have made and released the application. Don't stop there. Promote it. Talk about him. Share it on social networks - everywhere! You need to get people talking about it. There are many ways to promote your app and you should try them all. Blogs are always looking for new apps to talk about. Contact them. If your app is a utility, figure out where it can be most useful and tell people about it. Whatever you do, you should always share your app as much as possible.

And how are you doing? Have you made the app of your dreams? Tell us about it!

How to create an application for Android - 10 steps + 5 websites + 10 tips for beginner programmers.

People who know how create an application for android, can earn very good money.

Learning to program and create games, libraries, and online stores is not difficult.

This article will explain all the steps a beginner should take to create an app that will attract a large number of subscribers.

Steps to creating an Android application

After studying all the necessary steps, you can create your own program and put it up for sale.

Think about an original topic.

In order for an application to sell well, you need to make it not only convenient and beautiful, but also unique.
Otherwise you will have a lot of competitors.

Prepare to fail.

Most likely, the first pancake will come out lumpy.

Carefully test the result of your work.

Users can express many opinions, both positive and negative, and this opinion is worth listening to.

Select your age audience.

An application for a child should be brighter and more colorful than for an adult.

Give lots of information and menu options. People love to wander around pages, exploring the tabs.

Few people will like a one-page program.

Don't charge too much for your first job.

First you need to fill your hand.

How to write an application for Android?

Almost anyone can become a developer of various games and programs.

For some it will become a job and a profitable business, for others it will be just a hobby.

However, as practice shows, those who are seriously interested, study the topic and create games carefully, step by step, achieve great success.

To become a developer, you need:

  • To work you will need a personal computer with Internet access.
  • The assessment can only be made from a mobile phone on which the latest version of the Android system is installed.
  • Knowledge of English at least at a minimum level is desirable.
  • Knowledge of the Java language is required.
  • Knowing XML markup will make your work easier and allow you to create colorful, beautifully designed programs.

All the described stages can be combined into three main ones:

  1. Development of the program interface, selection of images.
  2. Working with code.
  3. Testing.

Each stage is important in its own way and should not be skipped.

Some may decide that there is no point in spending time on the concept.

But no one sits down to write a book without knowing what it will be about?

An idea for a game or program needs to be developed and all weak points filled.

It should be understood that there is no clear answer to the question: how to create an application for Android.

It’s not enough just to create it, you need to make the program interesting.

Modern websites allow you to quickly create what you have in mind without struggling with code.

For amateurs, this option is quite suitable.

If you want, you will have to do everything yourself.

The testing phase should also be given due attention.

Analysis of the opinions of testers allows us to draw a conclusion about how owners of Android smartphones will perceive the new product.

How to create an application for Android and promote it?

If you are not a popular blogger or creator of large games, then at the initial stage you will have to devote time to promoting the created program.

For the fastest spread, you should:

  1. Use cross-references with other owners of social networks and blogs.
  2. Post links on your own blog.
  3. Tell your friends about the created program.

The video below shows the process of creating an application using the Appsgeyser service:

Many people don't know how to create an application for android, and are afraid of the phrase “programming language”.

However, there is nothing scary or difficult in developing programs.

Modern online sites perform all the necessary actions, you just need to give them direction.

Today the IT sector is developing quite quickly. Each person, if he wants to try himself in it, chooses one of the directions and moves towards the goal. Many people prefer applications for iOS and Android. Creating them, of course, is quite difficult; patience, knowledge and free time are required. If you are serious about this, then you should study and go towards your goal. on one's own?

Development environment

First, you need to install a program where you will work with the interface and prescribe actions for the necessary elements. The most common is Xcode. Unfortunately, this development environment is only available to users of Apple products. At the moment there is no official version for Windows or Linux. Different versions of iOS require different versions of this program.

Add-ons for working with graphics

To develop an image or design for games, you need to install a graphics utility. A common application is CorelDraw, which allows you to create photographs using vector graphics. Of course, for full-fledged operation you need to purchase the full version, but standard methods can be used for free.


The Objective-C programming language is used to create functionality for the game. As you may have noticed, it comes from the C family of languages, so if you have previously studied another programming language, you can spend quite a bit of time on in-depth study and start creating your own applications. Of course, there are many books on learning Objective-C.

Account creation

In order to subsequently sell your application, you need to register in the AppStore. It will also allow you to provide open access to other users so they can test the program. Of course it's not free. You will need $100 to put your app on sale for one year.

You can also look at test applications. Some are provided with information about how they were developed. Look at similar examples of what you want to create and try to make something similar.

Application layout

First, you need to decide on the target audience for your application. The interface and functionality will depend on this. Of course, if you are developing a program, it is worth achieving a solution that did not exist before. This is the only way to achieve popularity.

It is also worth deciding how the application will be structured. You should make the interface as simple as possible so that it attracts new people, and does not scare you away without showing your capabilities.

Each button should display its actions and show what it will do. The user should not have any questions about what any key will do. Think over, and then implement, a high-quality interface.

Creating an application

First, you need to open the development environment in question and create a new project. To do this, you need to go to the “File” section and go to the “Application” item. Next, select “iOS” and go to the empty application “Empty Application”.

You can create an iOS application using various templates that are created for different tasks. To begin with, it is better to use an empty one to understand all the subtleties. You can use them later.

In the new window, enter the product name and your identifier, and you should also specify the class prefix. If you are a novice developer, you should specify “com.example” in the identifier field and “XYZ” in the prefix field. Next, select “iPhone” from the proposed devices and confirm your actions.

Use Storyboard

To begin your journey of creating an iOS app, you can use Storyboard. What it is? This is a feature that allows you to visually represent all your screens in the program. It shows all the windows and the transitions that are used between them. This is a good helper in creating a program. To open Storyboard you need to:

    go to the “File” section and select “New”;

    select the “File” button and go to “User Interface”;

    after that, select the desired function;

    All that remains is to select the iPhone device and name the file.

It should be remembered that it must be saved in the folder where data about your project is stored.

Adding a screen

To add a screen, you must use a view controller. It allows you to determine what the interface will look like for the user. There are many built-in view controllers. You can look at each available option and decide which design you like best.

· To do this, go to the “Main.storyboard” file through the navigation.

· Select “Object Library” to load all the necessary objects.

· You need to click on “View Controller” and drag it to your project. This will add your first screen.


For iOS? So, you have decided on the interface and added a screen, now you can move on to creating certain objects. To use standard elements, open the Objects Library list. If you find a suitable object, then you can transfer it to your screen. It can be easily moved and scaled.

Editing elements

When you place objects, you use a constructor of sorts. You can create an application for iOS this way, but these elements have an ugly, standard appearance. To change the design: color, font, add pictures and other parameters, you need to select an object and go to its properties. This can be done by clicking on the “Attributes Inspector” button (the label resembles a shield).

Navigation bar

You'll soon add many more screens, and the program will require you to enter navigation so you can easily find the information you need. To add it you need:

    Find the place where this element will be located. It's best applied to the Start screen to control other windows.

    Click on the “Editor” button and go to the “Embed In” item.

    All that remains is to select the required element - “Navigation Controller”.

Additional features

As you may have noticed, we have not yet used a programming language to create an iOS application. This moment will be yours alone. You must figure out what your application should do and implement actions in the Objective-C language for it. If you do not have good programming skills, then you should read additional literature.

Application testing

Xcode has an emulator that allows you to test. Afterwards it needs to be tested to check its functionality. To do this, go to the “Simulator and Debug” section. Select the device you want to use for testing.

Building the program

How to create an iOS application yourself? For a full-fledged or game, you need to assemble a project. Go to the “Build” item and click on it. This will compile the application, and after that it will run immediately. This will take you about five minutes. You will be able to watch the assembly take place.

Test device

To finally make sure that your project works, you need to run tests on your device. If you have an iPhone, then you can do this without any problems. Connect your device to the PC. Then we carry out the actions that we have already considered. Click on the “Device and Debug” button, and then go to the “Build” item. In a few minutes, when the application is assembled, it will launch on your device.

If you have figured out how to create an application for Android and iOS, but you are having some problems, you need to fix them. You can see in the console what errors occurred during testing. In general, this is quite an important process, because if you test your application well, it will bring success. You can also take help from your friends. To do this, you should send them your application and wait until they find errors.

Publication of the project

You need to create an assembly. To do this, select the “Distribution” item in the menu and click on the “Build” button. Next, select your project and archive it. You must understand that the application must be optimized for the required platform and be suitable for a retina display, otherwise it will not be approved.

Go to your AppStore account and add a new program or game. You will need to enter all the information about the application: title, description, keywords, category, copyright and contacts. We also fill out the field with the price and rights. All that remains is to add an icon to your application and a few screenshots.


Once your app is downloaded, it will be verified. Within a few days you should receive an answer. At the initial stage, the program is automatically checked. If everything went well, then it is transferred to the “In review” state. If this does not happen, then in a few hours you will be able to receive a response by email. You can also get information about how to eliminate defects and what is needed for this.

If the application passes all checks, it will be placed in the Apple Store for sale. Your task now is to advertise a program or game. This will determine how much money you earn. You can use various services for advertising.


Application development follows a similar principle, but in a different development environment for Windows. How to create an application for iOS? This is a rather long and complex process. This must be approached with certain knowledge and skills. This is the only way you can achieve anything. You can realize your ideas without specific skills. Select the company you want and consider how much it costs to create an iOS app. You can also order some components if you are unable to do something yourself.