Getting md5. How to decrypt an MD5 hash: the simplest methods

MD5 or Message Digest 5 is a 128-bit hashing algorithm developed in the early 90s by Professor Ronald Rivest. Typically represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits, for example:. In order to understand what MD5 is, you first need to understand the concept of hashing.

Hashing is the process of converting any array of data into a fixed-length output string. This transformation is carried out using so-called hash functions. Such a function receives an array of data as input, and as output returns a so-called hash (hash sum) - a unique string of a fixed length.

The hash function algorithm is designed in such a way that for any data array the function produces a unique string. Thanks to this feature, the resulting string can be used as a digital fingerprint of the data. This fingerprint can be used to verify data integrity.

For example, when a developer software publishes his software, along with it he can publish its hash. This will allow users to verify the integrity of the program before installing it. If the program was infected with viruses or loaded with errors, its hash will not match the hash that was published by the program developer.

History of MD5 development

The MD5 algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1991. This algorithm has become a replacement previous version MD4 algorithm. Since that time, the algorithm has gained great popularity and began to be used everywhere.

Since 1993, studies have regularly appeared that discover new vulnerabilities in the MD5 algorithm. On this moment The MD5 algorithm is considered vulnerable and is gradually being replaced by the SHA algorithm.

How to get MD5 hash

If you need to get MD5 hash from regular string text, then it is most convenient to use online services. One of such services is.

In order to get an MD5 hash using this service, just enter the string in the field and click on the “Hash” button. The hash of the entered string will appear in this field.

If you need to get an MD5 hash of a file, you will have to use special programs eg MD5summer (


Alternate HASH-Generator is a program that allows you to create hash values ​​from a string or file. The application helps you find out the file checksum and compares it with the reference value. Such manipulations are needed to verify the correctness of the transfer of various data. The program can be used to check the correctness of the value of the downloaded file. After downloading a document, the user can compare the checksum of the downloaded document with that specified in the file description. If the control value does not match, the user must reload the file, since an error occurred during downloading. The program helps to avoid opening files, infecting...


MultiHasher - easy program created by Portuguese computer scientists to calculate the hash of any documents. This calculator can, at a time, calculate several hash values ​​for one file. Works with CRC32, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 and MD5 algorithms. There is also a function for checking a file using VirusTotal. The program is integrated into Windows Explorer, which simplifies the work and hash calculations significantly. To make it easier to work with the program, the Drag and Drop function is enabled, for quick add files or even folders to the processing queue. The program is multilingual and has Russian language, which gives it an advantage over other...


HashTools is a useful, easy-to-use utility that helps you quickly determine the final checksum of files. The utility is useful for users who want to check the integrity of existing files. The application has a fairly simple interface, which allows you to quickly select a file or the desired directory. Then you need to specify an algorithm to determine the checksum. HashTools supports generating checksums using SHA256, SHA384, MD5, SHA1, CRC32, SHA512. Allows you to save the report as a file with the SFV extension. The user can select files to process by dragging...


Often active users Internet connection, you have to download some programs and files. It could be music, videos, games or anything else. And very often situations arise when a file turns out to be damaged or broken when downloaded. Most often this happens due to interrupted downloading, low Internet connection speed, bad connection with a file sharing service, etc. To check the integrity of any file and to solve part similar problems, HashTab program will be one of best solutions. This program It's completely free and takes up very little space. So small that it can be placed on any removable media. At...

  • free access
  • dictionary size
  • supported hash types
  • availability of detailed cryptanalysis (for example, using Rainbow tables)
    Updated 03/29/2013
  1. is one of the oldest services for decrypting hashes, existing since 2006. Advantages of the service:

    • a unique database, unparalleled in volume - 4800 billion records;
    • a huge number of supported hash types for brute force;
    • possibility of group processing of hashes;
    • Availability of a software client to access the service.

    Besides free access to the service, there is an extended paid package services. Is it worth paying for decryption? Definitely yes, especially in cases where no other service can crack your password, or you are decrypting hashes on permanent basis, especially since the tariffs are quite affordable. From my own experience I can say that this is the most efficient service, so he takes an honorable first place.

    hash types:

    • md5(md5($pass))
    • sha256
    • mysql
    • mysql5
    • md5($pass.$salt);Joomla
    • md5($salt.$pass);osCommerce
    • md5(md5($pass).$salt);Vbulletin;IceBB;Discuz
    • md5(md5($salt).$pass)
    • md5($salt.$pass.$salt);TBDev
    • md5($salt.md5($pass))
    • md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
    • md5(md5($salt).md5($pass));ipb;mybb
    • sha1($salt.$pass)
    • sha1(lower($username).$pass);SMF
    • sha1(upper($username).’:’.upper($pass));ManGOS
    • sha1($username.’:’.$pass)
    • sha1(salt.pass.’UltimateArena’)
    • MD5(Unix);phpBB3;WordPress
    • Des(unix)
    • mssql
    • md5(unicode)
    • serv-u
    • radmin v2.x
    free | 295G | md5 md5(md5()) ntlm lm pwdump | distributed network is great free service, based on large network by distributed search of md5, lm and ntlm hashes. The project is developing rapidly, which is good news. To add hashes to the queue, it is preferable to use IRC, although there is a web interface.

    free | 190G | LM NTLM md2 md4 md5 md5(md5) md5-half sha1 sha1(sha1_bin()) sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripeMD160 whirlpool MySQL 4.1+ | dic

    The description of the service states that the database includes all words from Wikipedia, as well as all publicly available dictionaries that the author managed to find on the Internet. The dictionary used by the service is available for download. In addition, there is a twitter bot @plzcrack.

    free | 329M+48G | md5 | dic

    The service gives good results because it uses third party services in addition to his own local base data. Allows you to send for decryption unlimited amount passwords, there is an API.

    free | 36G | md5 lm ntlm sha1 | rainbow tables

    After a long period of offline, the TMTO (Time-Memory Trade Off Cracking) project has become available again. The database became even larger, new algorithms appeared, the service remained free, as before. Pleases high speed decryption thanks to the constant growth of the cluster. You can send an unlimited number of hashes for decryption at one time.

    free & authentic | 3M | md5 mysql mysql5 sha1 | dic rainbow tables is still in operation, it allows you to search for mysql and mysql5 passwords, brute force using a mask, and it is possible to search through a dictionary with the salt specified.

    free | 8.7G | md5 | dic

    A good free service with a decent base. You can send 12 md5 hashes for processing at a time. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that only a dictionary check of the found passwords is used.

MD5 is a peculiar one; it appeared quite a long time ago, back in 1991. It stands for Message-Digest algorithm, it was created by Professor R. L. Rivest. The essence of his work is that with its help any information is encrypted according to the 128-bit hash format, which is checksum certain data. At the same time, counterfeiting such an amount is very difficult process. Typically, this mechanism is used to verify the authenticity of data that is transmitted already encrypted. The tool presented here gives you the ability to quickly and without much knowledge encrypt absolutely any text. Job of this instrument is based on the same. You just need to paste the text into the field and press the button, as a result you will get the hash sum of your text. Using our service you can encrypt any information that has a text expression. This can be absolutely any texts, correspondence, passwords, etc. The undoubted advantage is that this algorithm cannot be decrypted, since the developer simply did not provide such a function. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this method can really protect your information very well.

Where else can the MD5 algorithm be used?

There is an opinion that the use of this algorithm makes it possible to create fairly secure identifiers for pieces of information. This feature widely used in various fields. For example, by comparing MD5 file sums it becomes possible search duplicate files on your computer. In this case, the contents of the files themselves are not used, the amount is simply checked. A striking example of such use of this algorithm can be considered the dupliFinder program, which was very widespread both in Windows and under Linux. In addition, the MD5 algorithm is often used to check the integrity of downloaded files from the Internet. It works very simply. A person who posts a link to download his file on the Internet includes the MD5 amount of this file in the description. And the person who downloads it checks whether the declared amount matches the one he received after downloading.

Previously, many Linux-based operating systems used this algorithm to store user passwords in encrypted form. Thus, it turned out that only the user himself knew the password, and the system checked it using the MD5 amount. Although there are many new encryption methods now available, this one is still used in many systems. Our text tool uses the same method. Most security experts agree that a password encrypted using the MD5 algorithm cannot be decrypted in any way. And there is only one way to hack it - by simply searching for words.

It happens that you forget the code from front door, and you stand there, waiting for someone who has a better memory than yours. Although the most best memory from scientists. They still remember the times when their heels were burned with a hot iron for new knowledge. Otherwise, they would not have come up with such a terrible thing as MD5 decryption. And before that, they also managed to encrypt it!

What is MD5?

MD5 is one of the 128-bit hashing algorithms. Hashing means converting input data using a specific algorithm into a bit string of a certain length. In this case, the result obtained during the calculations is presented in hexadecimal system calculus. It is called a hash, hash sum or hash code.

The hashing process is widely used in programming and the web industry. Mainly to create unique values ​​in associative arrays, identifiers.

Scope of hash codes:

  • Creation of electronic signatures;
  • Storing passwords in security system databases;
  • Within modern cryptography to create unique keys online;
  • Verifying the authenticity and integrity of PC file system elements.

MD5 as a hashing standard was developed in 1991 to create a unique hash code from set value followed by verification of its authenticity.

md5sum utility designed for data hashing given file using the MD5 algorithm, returns a string. It consists of 32 numbers in hexadecimal (016f8e458c8f89ef75fa7a78265a0025).

That is, the hash obtained from a function whose operation is based on this algorithm produces a string of 16 bytes (128) bits. And this line includes 16 hexadecimal numbers. In this case, changing at least one of its characters will lead to a subsequent irrevocable change in the values ​​of all other bits of the string:

MD5 reliability issues

It would seem that such a characteristic of MD5 should provide a 100% guarantee of invulnerability and data preservation. But even this turned out to be not enough. In the course of their research, scientists identified whole line gaps and vulnerabilities in this already widespread algorithm at that time. The main reason for the weak security of MD5 is the relatively easy detection of collisions during encryption.

Collision is understood as the possibility of obtaining the same result of hash function calculations for different input values.

Simply put, the greater the probability of finding collisions, the lower the reliability of the algorithm used. The probability of finding collisions when encrypting with more reliable hash functions is practically reduced to 0.

That is, the high probability of decrypting MD5 passwords is the main reason for refusing to use this algorithm. Many cryptologists ( data encryption specialists) attribute the low reliability of MD5 to the short length of the resulting hash code.

Scope of application of the hashing algorithm:

  • Checking the integrity of files received via the Internet - many installation packages programs are equipped with a hash code. When an application is activated, its value is compared with the value located in the developer's database;
  • Searching for duplicate files in the file system - each file has its own hash code. Special application scans file system computer, comparing the hashes of all elements. If a match is detected, the utility notifies the user or deletes the duplicate. One of similar programs is Duplifinder :

  • For password hashing – in the family operating systems UNIX, each user of the system has his own unique password, which is protected using MD5-based hashing. Some systems on Linux based also use this method of password encryption.

Overview of tools for decoding MD5 hash code

Sometimes when working with a computer or damaged databases, you need to decode an MD5-encrypted hash value.

Most convenient to use specialized resources, providing the opportunity to do this online:

  • – this service has a simple and clear interface. To get the decoded value, you need to enter the hash and fill out the verification captcha field:

  • – a similar service;
  • – this resource has a simple Russian-language interface. Its functionality allows you not only to decrypt hash code values, but also to create them:

If you look at the decoding values ​​displayed in the figure shown above, it becomes clear that the decoding process produces almost no results. These resources are one or more interconnected databases that contain transcripts of the simplest words.

At the same time, MD5 hash decoding data for even such a common part of the password as “admin” was found in only one database. Therefore, password hashes consisting of more complex and long combinations characters are almost impossible to decipher.

Generating an MD5 hash is a one-way process. Therefore, it does not imply reverse decoding of the original meaning.

Security Basics When Using MD5

This coding standard is one of the most common data protection methods not only in application programming, but also in web programming. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to protect your md5 hash from intentional hacking.

The main way to ensure the security of your password hash is to use a “salt”. It is based on adding several random symbols and subsequent hashing of the result.

Many programming languages ​​use special classes and functions. They are no exception to the rule and server languages programming.

You can create an MD5 hash code in php using several functions:

  • md5() – takes the value “salt” as one of the parameters;
  • crypt() - unlike the previous one, this function completely automates the entire process, including generating the salt value.

Its syntax is:

string crypt (string $str [, string $salt ])

Usage example:

$hash = crypt("password")

When using the md5() function in PHP, generation methods are used to set the salt value random numbers. For example, rand() :

In addition to using the “salt”, several other methods have been developed to protect the MD5 hash:

  • MD5 (Unix) – specified original meaning goes through the hashing cycle about 1000 times;
  • MD5 (HMAC) – this method is based on the use of a special key in hashing;
  • MD5 (Base64) – the resulting hash is once again encoded using the Base64 algorithm.

The article provides only initial information about ensuring the security of the hash obtained using this algorithm. The simplest and most effective of them is to use a unique “salt” value, which allows you to significantly “annoy” the attacker and “sweeten” the life of the owner of the password being hacked.