How to remove the blue color of letters in Word. How to remove the background of text or pages in Word

Many users find it very convenient when working with documents to highlight important words, sentences, and maybe even entire paragraphs in the text. But when you receive such a document, the question immediately arises: how can you remove the unnecessary background for text in Word.

A similar situation may occur if you copy something printed from the Internet. This may change the color of all pages in the Word document. It may be that even one short phrase copied from the Internet will be written in gray. Of course, it’s easy to rewrite it manually, but what if there are a lot of such pieces?!

Now let’s take a look at this article and figure out how to remove the text background and page fill in Word.

Behind the text

If you have not painted over the entire page, but only the part where the text is typed, then to remove such a background, select the desired fragment with the mouse and go to the tab "Page layout" and in the “Page Background” group, click on the “Borders...” button.

A dialog box will open as shown in the screenshot below. In it, go to the “Fill” tab and in the field of the same name from the drop-down list, select “No color”. Click OK.

Deleting a marker

Everything typed in a document can be highlighted using a marker. Look at the picture below. The green fragment is highlighting with a marker, the lilac fragment is using a fill. In this case, the discharge is no different. Therefore, if in the previous method, the field we needed already had “No color”, let’s look at how to remove the text selection made with a marker.

Select the part for which you want to remove the fill, and on the “Home” tab, in the “Font” group, click the black arrow next to the button on which the underlined letters A and B are drawn.

From the drop-down list, select No Color. The highlight will disappear immediately.

Removing a page background

If the entire sheet of your document is filled with color, let's remove the page background in Word. To do this, go to the tab "Page layout" and in the “Page Background” group, click on the “Color...” button.

From the drop-down menu, select No Color. After this, the color we don’t need will be removed and all the sheets will become familiar – white.

If none of the things described solved the problem, then select the required fragment, and on the “Home” tab, find the button "Clear all formatting" and click on it (the button has a letter with an eraser on it). In this case, both the size and font will become default, but the fill may also disappear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Select either the entire text or only those words for which you want to remove the fill. But you already know how to remove shading from text or pages in Word.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

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    Discussion: 7 comments

    Troublemaker Plague, I didn’t quite understand what you needed: change the background of the text so that it also becomes peach; or make the page fill white. If the first option, then create a table of two cells and change the borders in it, then copy and paste the text into it. The second option is to copy the entire table, create a new document and paste the table there (the page background will be white).


Today, only a person who is completely far from computer technology is unfamiliar with the Microsoft Office Word program. By far, this is the best text editor. It is used by schoolchildren - preparing essays, students - theses, office workers - documentation, and the list goes on. Today we want to tell you about how to remove the text background in Word when copying/pasting from sites or editing documents. You've probably encountered a problem where when you copy text from some resources, their background is automatically duplicated. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. So how can you get rid of the annoying colored background?

How to Remove Text Background in MS Word

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. The Microsoft Office Word test editor contains a huge variety of tools that allow you to change the structure of the text, add effects, change the writing style, and so on.

Unfortunately, not all users get along well with the program’s functionality. Many people don’t even know most of its tools and have never used them. That is why we decided to bring to you information on how to remove the background of text in Word. This is not difficult to do, but not every person can figure it out on their own. Well, let us help you with this.

Removing text background in Microsoft Office Word 2007, 2010, 2013

As you know, the interface of the Word program in 2003 and 2007 is very different, so the instructions will be different. Let's start with the newer versions, since they are much more popular today. To remove the background you need to do the following:

1. First of all, you need to select the text with the background - hold down the left mouse button and select by moving the cursor;

3. There, click on the “Text highlight color” button;
4. In the drop-down menu, select “No color”;
5. Done, the colored background under the text has disappeared!

This was just one of the methods; there is a similar one: starting from Word 2010, you just need to select the text and a pop-up menu will appear:

1. Move the cursor over the ab button (aka “Text highlight color”);
2. Follow step 4 from the previous instructions;
3. The background became the same as the entire document.

How to remove a colored background under text in Word 2003

Fortunately, in the old version of the program, the background can also be removed in a few clicks, so you shouldn’t have any problems. So, let's start analyzing the instructions:

1. In the horizontal menu located at the top, select the “Format” item and click on it;

2. Next we find the sub-item “Styles and Formatting”;
3. A window has opened where you need to click on the “Clear all” button;
4. Now the text has the same background as the rest of the document.

Now you understand that, regardless of the version of the program, in a few clicks you can remove the background you don’t like, which spoils the appearance of the entire document. Finally, I would like to recommend that you remember one of the methods for removing the background: if you often copy information from different Internet resources, it will be useful to you many times!

Hello, dear readers! If you often work with documents in Word, then you probably often come across highlights in texts designed to attract attention. Sometimes some fragments are highlighted in texts, for example: letters, words, cells in tables that are inserted as objects, or entire sentences. And, sometimes, the pages themselves have a background of a certain color. But excessive highlighting may not only fail to achieve its intended purpose, but can also become tiring when studying the document.

How can I remove these text background highlights in Word? What about the page background? I will be happy to help you resolve your issues! I’ll tell you and clearly show how to do this using MS Word 2013 as an example, but it will work for other versions as well. And you can see that it is not difficult at all.

How to remove text background in Word

  1. Use your mouse to select all the text whose background you want to change or remove.
  2. Click the Home tab at the top of the document.
  3. In the toolbar, find the background icon and click on it (look at the screenshot).
  4. Select No Color.

The background of the text you selected will disappear.

Removing the page background

To remove the page background, you must take the following steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select the “Design” section.
  2. In this section, find the Page Background panel.
  3. Click the Page Color button.
  4. Next, in the drop-down window, you need to click on the “No color” link.

Removing the background when copying

When you copy from the Internet, quite often you may encounter a difficulty: the text is pasted with a colored background. To resolve this issue you will need to do the following:

  1. Having previously selected the text you need, click the “Copy” button, which appears in the right-click menu
  2. In the menu bar, go to “Main”.
  3. On the toolbar, click Insert.
  4. In the “Insert Options” you need to click “Keep text only”.

Text without fill will be inserted into the document.


I tried to present the material briefly and clearly. I sincerely hope that my article was useful to you. I think that now you can easily remove the background of a page or text. I will be glad to see your comments and appreciate it if you share the link.

Undoubtedly, Microsoft Word is one of the most popular programs among modern users. The work of most of us, one way or another, is connected with documentation, and computers have long been an integral element of any person’s life. This text editor, in turn, is “equipped” with a huge number of various tools that allow you to edit text in any way, add effects, change styles, etc.

It just so happens that the user cannot cope with all questions regarding the use of Word alone. Still, no matter how experienced he is, not to mention novice users, not all aspects are known to him. For example, many people have a question: how to remove the background behind text in Word? If you are also interested in finding out the answer, I invite you to read this material!

Word version 2007-2010

It's no secret that some actions in Word differ depending on which version the user is using. I'll start, perhaps, with versions of Word 2007 and 2010. So, to remove the background behind lines of text, do the following:

  1. First, select this text by using the left mouse button.
  2. Now right-click on the selected area, after which two menus will appear.
  3. One will be long, with a list of different commands, you don't need it. Refer to the menu, which has a small “ab” button. There is an arrow next to it, click on it and select “No color”.

There are several more methods that you can resort to if the first one does not work. So, you can select the text behind which there is a background you don’t like, then open the “Page Layout” tab, which is located on the toolbar. There is a “Page Background” block, and in it there is a “Page Color” category. Click on it, select “No color”. And than .

Well, and finally, one more scenario. Again, select the text, then in the “Home” tab, in the “Styles” block, click on the small button in the lower right corner. There is a “Clear all” item, which allows you to get rid of unnecessary text formatting.

Word 2003 version

In the younger version of Word, removing the background behind the text is also extremely simple. On the toolbar, select “Format” – “Styles and Formatting” – “Clear All”.

As you can see, no matter what version of the Word text editor is installed on your computer, you can easily remove the unnecessary background that appears in the text of your document.

Video to help

While working in Word, you may encounter a problem when, along with the copied text from a web page, its formatting is also transferred. This problem is quite common, so there are many ways to get rid of it. In this article we will look at five ways to remove the background in Word when copying from Internet resources. They are all different from each other. It should also be taken into account that some of the methods may not work in older versions of the program, for example, such as Word 2003. But more on all this further in order.

Using a built-in function

It is necessary to immediately indicate that the background of a page in Word is not only the color of the page itself, but also various types of highlighting, such as text highlighting, font color and various types of formatting. So, let's look at the first way to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. It will consist of using a standard function in the program itself. But it’s worth noting right away that this method does not work in Word 2003. And in the article, examples will be given on the 2016 version.

Do not rush to use the hotkeys CTRL+C and CTRL+V. This will copy all the formatting of the selected text. First, place the text from the site on the clipboard, that is, copy it in a way convenient for you. After that, in Word, right-click in the place where you want to paste the selected text. In the menu that appears, there is a line “Insert Options”, under it there will be three images. You need to click on "Save text only". Most often it is displayed as a tablet with the letter "A" next to it. After these manipulations, text will be inserted into the document without unnecessary formatting. The page background and font color will be those that are set in the program itself, and not on the website of the web page.

Using Notepad

If for some reason you are unable to use the previous method, then the next one will now be given. I would like to say right away that it is universal. When used in Word, it will be specified by the basic formatting of the program, not the site. And this method is suitable for absolutely any version of the program. The essence of the method is incredibly simple. Before pasting text into Word, paste it into a simple Notepad, which is available in all versions of Windows. After that, copy it from notepad and paste it into Word. This method works because the notepad itself has no formatting options.

Using the eraser

On the Home tab, you may have noticed a tool called Clear All Formatting. It appears as an eraser with the letter "A" next to it. This tool is also great for removing unnecessary formatting.

It's very easy to use. First, you need to select the area in the document that you want to remove formatting from. Once you've done this, simply click on the eraser.

Removing font and fill color

Above are simple ways to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. However, it is worth noting that after using them, the formatting disappears completely, and if you wanted to leave the structure of the text and font, then you will not succeed. Now let's talk about how to remove the background in Word when copying, but leave the font formatting. If you want to remove the font color in Word, you need to use the appropriate tool, which is located on the panel at the top. It's called "Font Color". You can see its exact location in the picture below.

All you have to do is select the part of the text that you want to remove color from and click on the above tool. Then in the drop-down menu you need to select either “Auto” or some other color as desired.

Now let's look at copying. This is done in a similar way, only a different tool is used. It's called "Text Highlight Color". You can also see its location in the picture below. Select part of the text, click on the tool and select "No color" from the menu. After this, the fill will disappear, and the text will remain the same as it was.

Removing a page background color

Now let's consider a situation where, after copying text from a website, the entire background of the page was copied. You can fix this problem in a couple of seconds. You just need to use the appropriate tool.

This time it is not located on the main tab. You should go to the "Design" tab. On the toolbar you need to find "Page Color". This component is located on the very right side of the ribbon. After clicking on the tool, a drop-down menu will open, similar to the one when using the Text Highlight Color tool. In it you need to select "No color". After this, the page background will disappear.

By the way, please pay attention to the tools located on the sides: “Underlay” and “Page Borders”. Most often, when copied from a website, they are not inserted into the document. But if you downloaded it with these elements and want to remove them, then use the tools provided. Working with them proceeds in a similar way.