Laptop Internet connection error 651. Update current network card drivers. Multiple network cards on the computer or a network card failure

Good afternoon friends! In this article you will learn what to do when you get error 651 when connecting to the Internet. Software flaw 651 – Connection via WAN Miniport – is nothing more than a connection establishment error that occurs when trying to establish a high-speed contact on Windows seven and eight platforms and operating systems to access the World Wide Web via the PPPoE protocol. Previous Windows systems also had similar problems, however, the name of the errors was slightly different: 678 in Windows XP and 815 in Windows Vista. Quite often, the appearance of such an error provokes users and subscribers different networks and providers using the PPPoE protocol will reinstall the system to solve this problem and eliminate software defect 651.

But as practical experience shows, this does not bring any benefit, because often the appearance of such an information message in the form of an error indicates problems technical plan, but already in the equipment for connecting to the Internet. Technical faults may be hidden in the following places:

  • - modem
  • -router
  • -optical ONT equipment
  • -provider network

Eliminating the problem begins with identifying the cause. The following will describe in detail the most common reasons occurrence of software defect 651 and means to eliminate them.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet. Causes of the malfunction with code name 651.

1) Unstable operation client RASPPPOE on the operating platform or failure. Many years of experience Windows systems showed that the services of this operating platform characterized by frequent malfunctions. Considering this fact, the first manipulation that must be carried out is the removal and creation of a new super-high-speed connection. This can be done easily if you follow simple instructions.

Network and Access Control Center.

There should be a network connection icon on the taskbar. If you do not have the opportunity to enter the described section, then we advise you to use additional material, where all the necessary actions are described step by step. After you get to the network control center, in the window that appears network connections, click on the one you are interested in and delete it.

To create a new super high-speed connection you need to return to the network management center and select the item regarding setting up a new connection to the World Wide Web. We point to the item “Connect to the Internet via PPPoE”, enter authorization data, and then try to establish a connection.

If the actions taken did not lead to anything, then you should pay attention to the second option for solving the problem.

2) The personal computer can be connected to another network using a spare network card. On this moment quite often there are users who connect local network or a cable from another Internet provider into the connector of the second network circuit.

It is worth noting that in most cases the first connection is unstable or other problems arise. If your PC is equipped, then we resort to step number three. Otherwise, you just need to disable the second network card. This can be done in the Network and Control Center, look for the item “change adapter settings” and deactivate it relative to the general system.

3) The third reason for the appearance of information message 651 and disconnection from the Internet is the blocking of high-speed connections by antiviruses or firewalls. However, do not panic, there may not be any viruses on your computer at all, but .

The reasons for blocking the Internet connection are described above software products, there may be many, there are a huge number of them, but today we will not dwell on them in detail. You can check this version quite simply, disable the security system and check for error 651. If a solution to the problem was not found, then follow the list of tips.

4) A malfunction of the router or modem device can be caused by a violation of the integrity of the cable wiring. The modem device or router needs to be checked for serviceability and the device settings checked. The check is carried out in a special web form on the router; to do this, you need to enter the following addresses: or Links to checking router settings vary for all manufacturers. Once in the graphical shell, you need to go to the Internet or WAN subsection.

It should be remembered that to launch a super high-speed connection on personal computer, you need to have a modem device, a router or a specialized ONT terminal with settings similar to a transparent bridge - Bridge. The device configured in the optimal router will not allow you to activate a super-high-speed connection, and you will constantly be alarmed by information message 651.

Those who have an ADSL modem - in mandatory make sure proper operation all indicators. In addition, in the department technical support check the VPI and VCI channel settings. Incorrectly configured channels will also show informational message 651. Another reason for error 651 is unstable and bad contact when connecting a LAN cable directly to the network card.

  1. You shouldn’t rule out problems on the provider’s side, because quite often the provider is the cause unstable work high speed connection.
  2. If none of the proposed paths led to a solution to the problem, then we can state that, most likely, the only solution to the problem is.

However, in most cases, following the described instructions and tips, you can get rid of the problem of connecting to the World Wide Web and solve the annoying problem of error 651. New generation operating systems Windows 8, equipped with progressive and modern interface display error 651 slightly differently - this is due to a number of features graphical shell Metro.

The Windows 2003 operating system displays the error somewhat differently. When in VPN connection the PPTP protocol is specified independently, and the system is configured for automatic receipt given, then, most likely, error 800 will appear. Eliminating this problem is possible after making small changes in the registry.

With this, I told you what to do if you get error 651 when connecting to the Internet. Be sure to ask your questions in the comments because this error is very common and not everyone can cope with it. Peace for everyone!

When a computer or laptop writes at the most crucial moment that “the modem or other communication device reported an error,” most users are lost: they start calling the provider or installing a spare mobile Wi-Fi on the computer.

However this failure connection is not a serious problem, and in most cases you can fix the problem yourself. What does connection failure with error 651 mean and how to fix it high speed connection via wan miniport on Windows 7, which is what we will talk about in this article.

It should be noted that error 651 does not depend in any way on the Internet provider, and subscribers of byfly, Rostelecom, Ufanet and other well-known providers equally often encounter this problem.

Why does Windows display error 651 when connecting to the Internet?

This error number indicates that for some reason the connection of the modem (or other communication device) to the Windows OS of this computer carried out incorrectly.

Usually, network error 651 occurs when:

  • - absent physical connection via wan miniport (damaged network cable, the connector is broken, the PC’s network card, modem or switch “burned out” due to voltage surges);
  • - installed on Windows incorrect settings network connection (due to user inattention or as a result of a system failure);
  • - are underway engineering works on the provider side.

But in most cases this error Internet failure arises as a result of incompetent user intervention in the operation of the system; accordingly, he can establish an Internet connection on his own.

How to fix connection error 651?

Understanding what it means this number mistakes, first of all, carry out standard diagnostics, which solves most computer problems:

  • - Restart your computer/laptop;
  • - Turn off the power to the router or modem for 10 minutes, then carefully plug the communication device into the mains and wait for it full load;
  • - Check the integrity of the network cable and whether it is correctly connected to the network card connector of your PC;
  • - If your computer/laptop is equipped with several network cards (Ethernet connectors), try connecting through each of them one by one;
  • - If in addition to this PC you have another communication device (laptop, smartphone, etc.), or have several versions of Windows installed on your computer, check your Internet connection with a different OS;
  • - In the Windows Control Panel, uninstall the drivers for your network card and install them latest version- from disk, or by downloading software on the manufacturer’s official website.

The network cable is working, but the modem reported error 651 - what should I do?

If there are no connection failures on other devices, then you can safely celebrate your first victory - the modem is working and your provider is faithfully supplying you with paid Internet.

- When connected via ADSL

If the DSL link lights up stably (accordingly, the modem connection via the network cable is working properly), then should check:

VPI/VCI parameters (which you can find out from your provider’s technical support)

Bridge connection type

If connection failure with error 651 occurred after you ran a cable from the modem to the router and created a home wifi network- existing high speed connection needs to be removed. The reason is that the router and modem transmit information using different protocols and often “conflict” with each other.

-When connecting via pppoe via a router

To fix connection failure on Windows 7:

To do this, go to “Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections”, select the section “Create a new connection or network > Internet Connection > PPPoE” and in the open window enter your credentials from the agreement with the provider. Make sure you enter the parameters correctly, as connection failures often occur due to typos in the login/password field.

Try updating raspppoe.sys - system file Windows 7, managing connections via the PPPoE protocol. You can copy the file from a nearby computer (if it does not experience communication error 651) or download it from here - “”. The raspppoe.sys file is located in the “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers” folder - find it, rename it (but do not delete it - in case you have to put it back) and copy the downloaded file to the directory. Restart your computer and try connecting again.

If none of the methods helped you, leave a request indicating the error number at your provider's technical support service.

Probably many users computer systems Those who use Miniport WAN PPPoE technology or a high-speed connection to connect to the Internet sometimes encounter an ambiguous problem when, instead of the expected access to the Network, a failure message 651 (connection error) appears on the screen. What is this and how to fix this situation? Looking ahead, we immediately note that this is done quite simply.

when connecting): what is this?

First, let's consider the nature of such a failure. Typically, the message text indicates that the modem or router is returning an error when trying to use its settings to connect.

In other words, either physically or program level There is a problem that is blocking access. We will not go into detail describing the technologies themselves used to create or establish a connection, but will focus more on the reasons that cause such failures and the simplest methods for correcting them.

Reasons for the error

It goes without saying that there can be quite a lot of reasons why error 651 occurs when connecting to the Internet (Windows systems are taken as an example). From all this diversity, we can single out only those that occur most often and are, so to speak, the main ones:

  • damage to equipment and cables at the physical level;
  • incorrect operation of the PPPoE client;
  • Availability double connection to the network;
  • connection blocking by antiviruses and built-in Windows tools;
  • incorrect parameters in the router settings, etc.

Based on what is presented in the list, we will look for a solution to resolve failure 651 (connection error) for each specific case.

If physical damage is present

First of all, if suddenly a computer or laptop displays warnings of this kind, you should not immediately look for the reason, say, in viruses or in a settings “glitch” network connections. Everything may turn out to be trivially simple: maybe the network cable is damaged, maybe there was a power surge, maybe the connectors are not seated tightly somewhere, but who knows what?

Naturally, it is advisable to check all components or “ring” the cable. However, a simpler option often helps. First, in the warning window, click on the line asking you to reconnect. Who knows, maybe it was a momentary glitch. If this doesn't help, you can try a full reboot computer terminal And In this case, between turning off and turning on the router again, you need to pause for at least 10 seconds to reset the settings, and then wait until it loads completely. If this is not done, the system will again display a message like “Error 651 when connecting to the Internet.” On the other hand, this approach may not help if the initial problem of communication failure is much deeper. Let's see what else it could be?

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet: RASPPPoE client failed

When used for creation, failures of this kind are most often observed in the operation of specialized modules, including the client responsible for PPPoE.

Let's take a closer look at this client. Typically, the primary method to correct the situation is to create a new connection.

To do this you need to use a combination Win keys+ R, calling menu“Run”, where the command rasphone.exe is written in the line. Next, you should select one of three options (for PPPoE, a high-speed connection via modem or DSL is used), after which you just need to follow the instructions of the “Wizard”.

Accordingly, the newly created connection must be checked for functionality. If connection error 651 is also observed in the new connection (Windows 7, for example), you will have to check some parameters and settings. First of all, make sure that the router is turned on and Wi-Fi module on a computer or laptop. Perhaps the wrong parameters for VPN networks are set, etc. But first things first.

Presence of a foreign network

One of the reasons for such failures may be the presence of a second connection, for example, when two network adapter with two parallel communication sessions. In this case, Windows 7 interprets failure 651 (error when connecting to the Internet) as internal conflict when one connection takes precedence over another (particularly for cases where services are provided by two different providers).

Remember, if you simply disconnect the cable from one network card, there will be no benefit. To do this, go to the network management section and shared access and disable one of the adapters there (menu for changing adapter parameters). However, you should not delete it in Device Manager; this may have a negative impact on the system as a whole.

Antivirus and firewall problems

Very often there may be a situation where the connection is blocked for some reason at the level of anti-virus software or the Windows firewall. In such a situation, you can first try disabling the antivirus for a while (many packages provide such a function). However, as practice shows, in the worst side The firewall is more different here.

This is something that should be turned off completely. To do this, use the standard “Control Panel”, where you select the appropriate section. The system will issue a couple of warnings, but you should not pay attention to this. By the way, many may wonder why it is necessary completely Yes, just because adding an Internet connection to the list of exceptions will not work in any way. This is not an “exe” or any other executable file programs.

Incorrect router and protocol settings

Now let's look at the most common problem, when the router settings go wrong, and the system reports that connection error 651 has occurred. How to fix this situation? First you need to check basic settings the same router.

You can enter them through any of the Internet browsers by entering address bar either or (it all depends on the router model). In general, this address can be found on the label below. There you can find out your login and password, if any.

First of all, you should pay attention to the VPN server address (for PPTP connections and L2PT). In addition, for ONT terminals on the router you need to use the “transparent bridge” mode (Bridge), otherwise the system will again display a failure message 651 (connection error) when trying to connect.

Next, you should compare the TCP/IP settings with those provided by your provider when connecting. As a last resort, you can try asking automatic detection, and also disable the use of proxies for local addresses.

Additional actions with the registry for server operating systems

Failure when connecting to the Internet), naturally, can also occur on server Windows versions. In particular, this applies to Windows modifications 2003 Server. Here the specifics of fixing the problem are somewhat different, although the above methods sometimes help.

But in this case it is better to use the system registry editor called regedit command from the “Run” menu bar (Win + R), where you need to navigate to the HKLM tree branch through SYSTEM sections, CurrentControlSet and further to the Parameters folder located in the Tcpip directory.

Here, you first need to create a DWORD parameter called EnableRSS and assign it the value 0, and then in the same section - a DWORD parameter called DisableTskOffload with a value of 1. If this particular parameter is already in the registry, you just need to change the value to one. After this, the computer terminal must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Bottom line

In general, only the most typical cases of type 651 problems are considered here. Situations where problems arise on the part of the provider were not considered (here the user cannot do anything). Also, situations where a reinstallation or update may be required were not taken into account network drivers. Otherwise, as can be seen from all of the above, the problem can be solved quite simply.

In the century modern technologies The Internet plays a vital role for humanity, but very often breakdowns and errors occur that block people’s access to World Wide Web. So, for example, when working with Windows 7/8, one of the most common errors when connecting is error 651. Of the more earlier versions operating systems from Microsoft, it is known under other digital values: 678 (XP) and 815 (Vista). Next we will talk about how error 651 is corrected when connecting to the Internet in various ways.

Connection failed with error 651

Error 651 appears most often when starting a connection via the PPPoE protocol in Windows 7 and 8. It is important to understand that such failures are very often not corrected by Windows reinstallation, because their cause is a malfunction/error that occurred on the equipment that provides access to the network. Moreover, we are not always talking about the user’s devices, because problems can also arise from the provider. Let's look at the main reasons why error 651 may occur, how to fix them and other nuances.

RASPPPOE client crash

Windows services periodically do not work correctly, as a result of which error 651 may appear when connecting to the Internet, which can be eliminated by simply re-creating the access point.

All this is done as follows:

  1. Open “Control Center” directly from the desktop.
  2. Let's move on to the section with a list of connections available on the PC to remove what we need.
  3. We select the connection we don’t need and delete it. The screenshot shows a point created automatically when connecting to the network via a router, but when directly inserting the Internet cable into the PC and manual creation connections, the “Delete” item will be active.
  4. We return to the previous section to recreate the connection.
  5. We carry out further actions, as shown in the screenshots.

We choose high-speed PPPoE connection, because it is for this that error 651 occurs when connecting.

After entering the necessary points, you can use the new connection, but if the Internet is still blocked with error 651, then you should go to next method her corrections.

Docking two network cards on one PC

Often the user does not even suspect that two network adapters are installed on his PC and both are functioning. If you connect to the Internet through both of them, then a malfunction is guaranteed. It is enough to disconnect the cable from the one that should not be used and everything will work.

Also, everything can be solved programmatically by deleting/disabling the connection that is unnecessary. The removal method has already been described above. unnecessary connection. Using the same algorithm, you should click delete/disconnect on the connection that is redundant. However, first you need to determine which one, and then the method of pulling out the cable is much simpler, because in this case you can deal with it through regular brute force. If there is only one card or disabling it did not help, then move on.

Blocked by antivirus software or firewall

Antiviruses and firewalls may be the very software that blocks access to the Internet and causes error 651. You can fix the latter by simply checking the specified fact and disabling all possible blockers. If indeed the problem was with them, then you need to take a closer look at the settings this software or contact a specialist installer.

Problems with the router

Today the role of a router can be various routers and ADSL modems. Both types of equipment must be configured to properly connect to the Internet. You should immediately understand that all settings/configurations are stored in the memory of these devices, and not on the PC. If the router/modem was purchased after many years of use standard connection via a cable directly inserted into the network card, then use more standard way Internet access is no longer needed. The old connection can be deleted using the algorithm mentioned above, and the new one will appear on its own and will be activated automatically when the router and PC start. Such a connection was discussed when describing the first method of eliminating a failure with deleting an access point.

There may also be a discrepancy technical characteristics router and those requirements that are necessary for correct operation in combination with the provider's equipment. The smartest thing to do to buy the right router is to contact a specialist who can also carry out the setup.

Problem with the provider

If none of the proposed methods worked, then you need to leave a corresponding request for repairmen from the company that provides the user with access to the Internet. Typically, some of the ways to fix errors will be suggested by the manager who accepts the application, but if the problem cannot be corrected telephone mode, then the technician will perform an on-site inspection. According to the standard, the equipment is first checked outside the client’s home, and only then the technician inspects the PC itself, the router and other elements used to connect to the Internet.

Error 651 in Windows 2003

Separately, it is worth pointing out a way to fix errors 651 in the Windows 2003 version, where it occurs due to the fact that the connection protocol is set to PPTP, which, naturally, does not correspond to the required PPPoE. To eliminate the error, you need to make some changes to system registry. You can enter it by pressing the “WIN” + “R” keys and entering the “regedit” command in the window that appears.

If the parameters exist, then it is enough to change their value to the one indicated above. At the end, we reboot the PC and check the functionality of the Internet. If the error is not resolved, then everything, again, comes down to calling a service technician.

From all of the above, it is worth remembering that reinstalling the OS is an extreme option. Must try all sorts of ways software settings, through which you can eliminate errors that have arisen, because Internet error 651 is also eliminated in most cases. We wish you success in correcting the problems that have arisen!

Error 651- the most insidious of errors Windows connections . It arises - and you don’t know where to dig and from which side to look for the problem. Error 651 when connecting to the Internet can mean many things - problems with your equipment, problems with the provider’s equipment, failure of the PPPoE protocol on your computer, etc. First things first, reboot your computer and modem - ADSL or GPON - and check the connection. After this, call the provider’s technical support back and ask if there are any problems on your line and if any technical work is being carried out. This happens with any provider: Rostelecom, MTS,, ByFly. As a result, you will spend hours tormenting your equipment, trying to remove error 651, and the cause will turn out to be a problem on the telecom operator’s equipment.
Sometimes it happens that the cause of error 651 is simply a failure of the operating system and you just need to reboot operating system Windows.

Error 651 in Windows 8 Windows 8.1, due to the interface features, may look like this:

But the answer to the question of what to do and how to fix connection failure with error 651 is the same for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.

Correction options:

1. If you are connected via ADSL via a modem.

Look at the DSL or Line indicator - it should burn continuously or blink very very quickly. If it does not light up or blinks slowly, check the modem connection, splitter and room wiring. Until there is a DSL link, you will constantly receive 651 connection errors, since there is no channel with the provider. Try connecting the modem directly at the entrance to the apartment (without a splitter or telephones) and see if a link appears. If it doesn’t show up, call your provider and get an installer to check the line. If the DSL link lights up stably, but Windows still displays error 651, then go to the modem settings and in the WAN or Internet section check whether the VPI and VCI parameters are entered correctly. If they are entered incorrectly, you will also receive Error 651. You can find out your VPI/VCI parameters from your provider’s technical support. The second point is that the connection type must be Bridge. If it's worth PPPoE, then the connection is made from a modem and then it distributes the Internet to the connected devices. Of course, when you try to connect from them, you will receive a connection error 651 - miniport wan because the modem in this mode will not allow a connection over its own.

2. If you are connected via FTTB (fiber to the home) and you have a router and Error 651 is displayed.

A logical question arises: why are you starting the connection from your computer? The point of the router is to connect to the provider and distribute the Internet to connected devices.

If your provider cable is plugged into the LAN port of the router, this is not correct. The provider's cable must be connected to the WAN port, and a PPPoE connection must be configured on the router. Therefore, we go to the router settings and reconfigure it to router mode (PPPoE).

3. If you are connected via GPON (fiber to the apartment), you have an optical terminal and the connection fails.

In the case of GPON - everything is the same as with ADSL - you must have an optical link, and your optical ONT terminal must be configured in Bridge mode. If it is in PPPoE or Routing mode, then when you try to start a high-speed connection you will always receive network error 651 - Wan Miniport.

4. You are connected directly with a cable to the network card, or your ADSL modem or GPON terminal is configured correctly, but you cannot connect to the Internet.

In this case, try the following. We delete the high-speed connection - the so-called “dialer” - and create it again.

Here are the instructions and... Very often this problem can be overcome in this way.

5. Error 651 occurs due to an antivirus, firewall or firewall.

It also happens that due to some suspicious network activity or due to incorrect setting networks in firewall or firewall rules, network activity through a certain adapter or connection is blocked and, accordingly, displays the “Miniport WAN” error. To exclude this option, you need to short term deactivate the computer's security system and check the connection. We need to start with the simplest - . If you have a third-party antivirus system with a built-in firewall - you should also try to disable it. How it's done?! Any antivirus program has its own icon in the system tray, on the right, near the clock. Find it there and click with the left mouse button. Select Disable, Pause, Exit or something like that. For example, here's how to disable DrWeb antivirus:

The screenshot shows how to stop antivirus protection. To stop also Firewall— select the appropriate value in the menu and disable it. And here How to disable Kaspersosky Anti-Virus or and Kaspersky Internet Security:

6. The network card has failed.

There are times when, due to some kind of failure or error, the network card or its driver begins to “corrupt.” You need to try reinstalling the network card. To do this, you need to press the Win + R key combination - the “Run” window will open. We write the command in it devmgmt.msc and click OK. The Windows Device Manager will open:

Finding the section Network cards, which contains the controller network card- the most common ones are Realtek, Nvidia, Atheros, Intel or Via. Click on it right click and select the item Delete. After this, restart the computer. Windows will re-detect and install the network card drivers, but just in case, a disk or archive with the driver should always be at hand.

7. Problems with the modem or optical terminal.

Yes, malfunctions occur on different models modems and terminals - both cheap and expensive. The modem may start to malfunction due to various reasons: crooked firmware, unstable power supply, errors on the channel, etc. This is normal practice. To exclude this option, you need to reset the modem using the button Reset, which is located on the back of the device:

Before resetting the settings, go to the web interface, find the Internet section and save the data for connecting to the provider and authorization. Otherwise, you may encounter the fact that after resetting the settings, you do not know how to configure the modem.
After that, with the modem turned on, press the button with a paper clip Reset and wait 7-8 minutes. The modem should blink the diodes on its face and reboot.
If you have a GPON ONT terminal, call your provider back and report a suspected malfunction of the terminal. Usually optical terminals are configured remotely by the operator. Your device settings will be checked and the result will be reported.

P.S. Finally, I would like to note that on some sites on the Internet they advise you to go into the registry and add parameters like “EnableRSS” or “DisableTaskOffload”. So this only helps Windows Server 2003 and then only when Error 651 occurs on PPTP or L2TP connections. It is useless to do this on Windows 7 and Windows 8!