There is no place for a third platform in the smartphone market. The best operating systems for smartphones

Last October, Taopix introduced and this February began commercial operation of the fifth version of its software platform for photo printing, photo gifting, and photo book services.
The company's CEO, James Gray, responded from Taopix's UK headquarters to questions from its own PR team about the "hotly anticipated latest version of the software platform" from Taopix - Version 5 and Taopix Mobile.

James, congratulations on launching your latest version software, what can we expect from Taopix version 5?
I'm pleased to announce the launch of Taopix version 5, including an app for mobile devices for the first time. Taopix version 5 represents a fundamentally new generation of photo-book-souvenir software, includes a completely new mobile web application Taopix Mobile, and updated version Taopix Online (our HTML5 based editor). We are focused on developing new interfaces and “seamless” user transitions between them, i.e. in the general platform style of these interfaces.
Our goal is to develop Taopix into a hardware-independent platform, thereby opening the platform to a much wider audience; We provide our clients with the opportunity to offer a wider range of products and services to a wider range of users, in larger set places and situations. Since the birth of Taopix, we've been focused on giving photo gift retail businesses flexibility in their ability to sell what they want, how they want, when they want. For end consumers, our goal is to give them the confidence that the design and checkout process will involve as few clicks as possible.
We have invested a lot of time and resources in feedback with users, testing and improving usability so that both our clients and end consumers are provided with the best practical result. Our clients are businesses that customize the Taopix platform for themselves and their brand, and use it to sell photo books and photo gifts. We are focused on adding and improving user functionality and convenience, which encourages consumers to spend more online and thereby increases our clients' profits. For example, workflows have been optimized for sheetfed photo prints, wall art, calendars, cards, patterned themed books, quick books and ready-made books, now allowing consumers to order from their phone or tablet with just a few clicks. We have been looking for as many new features and enhancements as possible for both the online and downloadable editor to increase the real value of the product to the user, thereby impacting our customers' bottom line. For both Taopix Online and the newly launched Taopix Mobile, we looked at how consumers want to create and order sheet-fed prints, quick books, ready books and simple photo gifts on their tablets and phones and are confident that they are now able to do this with as few clicks as possible. For any business using the Taopix platform, this means they can offer their customers a choice of products across the full range of existing devices. Using the tools built into the platform, our client can create a new consumer product once and install it on Taopix Online, Mobile and even Desktop in a few quick clicks. Moreover, rest assured that we have included powerful tools impact on sales, covering all sections of the platform. How important is coverage of the mobile and tablet portions of the market to your business clients? This is very important for those who want to work in the market ecommerce- provide an offer that is also addressed to telephone and tablet users. Online shoppers are increasingly using tablets and phones to make purchases and engage in e-commerce. Considering relatively high frequency purchases in these channels - and especially given the continued growth in the use of mobile devices - for retail It has never been more important to be at the forefront of m-commerce. And industry statistics show us that this importance will only increase. Why is it so important to have compatible technology in the phone and tablet sections of the platform? In our market the key to creating big sales is mobile users consists of a sentence the right types products and the practical ability of the user to create and place orders easily and quickly. It sounds obvious, but our products traditionally involve spending time on creative and individual tasks. This can be a problem if the user is given many options to customize their order, so we focus on creating a series of generic user journeys tailored to specific products. The right type photo gift is one where minimal personal creativity is required from the consumer. We have found that the more options you give the user to creative work with a product, the more it increases the time they spend on it (even if they had no intention or ability to be creative). And the more time a mobile user spends creating a project, the more likely it is that he will abandon it before making a purchase. Therefore, Taopix Mobile is designed for such simple products as canvases, posters, calendars, photo books based on templates with ready-made design and sheet-fed photo printing. To “not pull” mobile users into the crowd own decisions Special measures have been taken regarding the final appearance of their photographic gifts. Phone and tablet user interfaces Taopix is ​​designed to give users only what they need at any given point in the process, and only those features that are critical to creating a product that ultimately satisfies them. Why is the introduction of a common platform style important for sheetfed photo printing? Sheet-fed photo printing is important for many Taopix-based retail businesses. We know from research that the way consumers want to order individual prints, especially from their mobile phones and tablets, is different from what would suit them for creating and personalizing photo gifts. Within new feature Taopix Online Single Prints we have implemented a process that allows mobile users to order multiple different sets of prints different formats in just a few clicks. 03/22/2015

20.02.2017 / oberset

Since the advent of the operating room Android systems under its management is published annually great amount various mobile devices. Today, more than 80% of smartphones run on this platform. The number of mobile phone manufacturers using the Android OS as a platform for their devices has long exceeded one hundred. Moreover, almost every manufacturer offers at least 10-15 new models at various price levels.

For an unprepared consumer, especially if he is not a fan of a particular brand, it is quite easy to get lost in this product variety. Some will say that you can focus on the country of origin: for example, many have long formed a definite opinion regarding the quality of Chinese products. But what if the majority modern smartphones, including models from the most famous brands, are assembled in China? Whatever “super-cool” flagship smartphone you get your hands on, it will most likely be assembled in one of three countries – China, Taiwan or Malaysia. Less often - Japan, South Korea or USA. As for the quality of the device itself, the dependence on the country of origin is minimal.

Most people focus primarily on price and famous brand. For example, brands such as Samsung, Nokia and HTC are familiar to everyone. Many have heard about smartphones from Lenovo, LG, Philips, Meizu, Huawei. But few people are familiar with manufacturers like Ginzzu, Haier, BQ Mobile. Although in practice I was convinced that their devices are in no way inferior in quality to budget models from Samsung lines Galaxy. And it turns out that such a manufacturer is so familiar to many motherboards for PC – Asus company– also produces mobile devices on Android. To the brands listed above, you can safely add another 20-30, and these will only be those who are purposefully trying to “conquer” the Russian market.

In this situation, it is much easier to choose an expensive flagship smartphone: most mobile device manufacturers are concentrated in budget segment market, so there are relatively few top models offered. Much harder to choose suitable model V price category up to 10 thousand rubles This is where the competition is fiercest and you can find dozens of similar devices with similar characteristics. Each manufacturer makes every effort to promote its the lineup, someone is luring a buyer original design, someone at a lower price. Finding your option with the most suitable balance of price and quality is becoming increasingly difficult. Let's look at the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a smartphone.

Operating system (OS) version

If you select a device on Android platform, you should pay attention to the version of the operating system. It is advisable to have the most installed on your smartphone latest version"OSes". On this moment latest version OS – Android 6.0. It will be possible to update the platform after purchasing the phone, but perhaps a device designed for more old version The OS will not be able to fully use the functionality of new versions. This is especially true for the hardware (the so-called hardware).


Here you need to take into account that cheap smartphones are often equipped with low-quality matrices. The screen of such smartphones is dimmer and difficult to read. sunlight, and the sensor is poorly sensitive to touch. Modern devices use TFT touch screens of various types, but most often manufacturers install displays on their devices IPS type, which are characterized by large viewing angles, perfect blacks and good color rendition. If budget smartphone It turned out to be a high-quality IPS screen - this is a big plus.

Choosing a smartphone with big screen, it would be a good idea to look at the resolution. For screens larger than 4 inches in diagonal, a resolution of at least Full HD is desirable (this is 1280x720 pixels). The ideal option is 1920x1080 - with this resolution, even a large 5-inch screen will not have any noticeable “grain”. It is also advisable to check the image contrast when daylight, y good displays Even in the bright sun the picture is quite readable.

Memory and processor

Everything is simple here: we look at the characteristics, compare, and select the most suitable ones. Cheap smartphones usually have a small amount of RAM and internal memory. It’s clear that getting “4 gigs” of RAM for 6,000 rubles today is a fantastic option, but it’s still desirable to have at least 1 GB of RAM. If you can supplement the lack of built-in memory by purchasing an SD card, then expanding the RAM will be extremely difficult; you will have to live with what you have. A standard "gentleman's" set should include at least 1 GB of RAM and 4 GB of internal memory. Of these “4 gigs”, no more than half will actually remain available; the rest will be “eaten” by the operating system and pre-installed applications.

As for the processor, everything is not so bad. Now even at the most budget models install a 4-core MediaTek with a frequency of at least 1.3 GHz, this is quite enough for the necessary tasks.


It is important to have a sufficiently powerful battery with a capacity of at least 3000 mAh. The larger the smartphone screen and the more powerful processor, the faster the battery charge will be consumed. High-performance models with 5-inch screens are usually equipped with a battery with a capacity of at least 4000 mAh. In any case, the larger the battery capacity, the better. Some manufacturers, such as Philips, are famous for their "long-lasting" phones, except powerful battery Such devices use well-developed energy saving modes.

Build quality

Carefully examine the smartphone case, especially the opening back cover. All parts must fit tightly together, without noticeable gaps. Check if the battery and SIM cards are securely secured. Pay attention to the case material; cheap smartphones usually have plastic case, more expensive models are equipped with various metal inserts, and sometimes with a completely metal body.


All without exception modern android smartphones equipped with cameras. Most devices also have additional front camera(for selfies and video calls). Camera resolution is measured in “megapixels”; inexpensive models usually have fewer “megapixels”, while expensive flagship devices have more. Mid-range and low-end smartphones price range usually can't brag high quality pictures, only expensive flagship models have really good cameras that claim to be professional.

Judging by numerous user reviews, the ranking best cameras leading among Android smartphones Samsung models Galaxy S6 Sony Xperia Z5, Huawei Nexus 6P and Motorola Moto X Style. The cost of all these models is considerable, so you need to think carefully before shelling out about 30,000 rubles for such a gadget.

After all the above points, all that remains is to add what to choose good smartphone With optimal ratio price and quality is not an easy task. But, if you spend a little time, you can pick up an inexpensive device from a little-known manufacturer with good functionality and without overpaying for the brand.

When choosing a smartphone, of course, first of all you should pay attention to its hardware characteristics, so that the device immediately after purchase does not disappoint with a dim display or slow down due to a weak processor. But not less important aspect when choosing a smartphone is it software platform– mobile operating system. From coordinated work operating system and hardware components of the smartphone and will largely determine the overall performance effect.

In addition, can the use of a smartphone be considered full if only the standard functionality of the mobile operating system is used? Of course not. You can maximize the potential of modern mobile devices only with the help of applications for a particular operating system. Small programs for smartphones will tell you about the weather, exchange rates, attractions of various cities, book movie or plane tickets, book a hotel room, help pass the time with simple, unpretentious games, etc.

Despite the huge variety of mobile device models on the market, the choice of operating systems is small. Symbian and MeeGo – it is almost impossible to find mobile devices based on these two operating systems on the market anymore. But smartphones based on Bada OS are still available. The leadership in the smartphone market belongs to the three mobile operating systems - Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

iOS, Android or Windows Phone – which platform-based smartphone is better to choose if you focus primarily on the software component of the device?


Android is the brainchild of Google, which the search giant offers to smartphone manufacturers completely free, as long as they take it. After all, the more smartphones that are based on Google’s mobile platform, the more people will use the company’s services. On Android based Today, companies such as Samsung, LG, Motorola, Sony, HTC, Lenovo and others release their flagship smartphones.

Android is the most popular mobile OS. 85% of smartphones sold in the second quarter were Android devices. Due to the fact that Android is free open source software, the platform is beneficial to mobile device manufacturers. Users will be able to install on smartphones various applications from Google Play Market, which is updated daily with new content. What remains for manufacturers of mobile devices is to come up with their own branded launcher add-on so that the model has a kind of branded completeness.

Ruler Samsung GALAXY S based on Android OS /

Android is ideal for enthusiasts who love to explore new programs and games, as well as active users various Internet services. Mobile client for Android not only everyone has Google service, but also a lot of other Internet services, social and trading platforms. True, such online activity can cost the user a pretty penny if Internet traffic is limited. After all, almost all Android applications automatically connect to the Internet to synchronize data. If the Internet connection is not unlimited, it is better to immediately Android settings disable automatic access of applications to the network.

Android-based smartphones are the most affordable. Mobile device with touch display based on this platform, you can buy not only from famous brands, overpaying for sometimes completely unnecessary hardware power, but also for reasonable price from little-known Chinese manufacturers, which offer smartphone assemblies from budget hardware components.


At the operating room iOS systems greatest number advantages when compared with all mobile platforms - from the well-coordinated organization of the software component and hardware to the global idea that iOS was invented not by anyone, but by itself Steve Jobs- the charismatic leader of Apple, unfortunately, now deceased. But you cannot use iOS on any other device if it is not an Apple product.

You choose iPhone. When choosing an iPhone, you are parting with an impressive amount in your wallet. But this will not be money thrown away - together with the iPhone we get a fashionable device and the full potential of applications and games for iOS on App Store. Content for iOS is mostly paid, but by paying, the user can be sure that he will be able to use the purchased application, and it will not crash or refuse to work due to the lack of support for a particular hardware, as can often be seen with applications and games for Android.

iPhone 6 with proprietary iOS /

iOS is a secure operating system; all content posted on the App Store is thoroughly tested by Apple. So iPhone users When installing an application they like, they can be sure that they are installing exactly the application they like, and not a virus, an auto-dialer program on paid numbers or a Trojan that steals confidential data.

The main task that Steve Jobs set for himself when he created the iPhone based on iOS was to make using the smartphone as simple and convenient as possible. And he succeeded.

The disadvantage of iOS is that it is a closed platform for fans only Apple products. The user may only use what Apple authorizes. If you don’t agree, hack the firmware, lose your iPhone warranty and risk the security of your data.

Windows Phone

Being a product of a software giant - Microsoft, Windows Phone did not inherit the desktop policy Windows versions– XP, Vista, 7 and even 8/8.1. Windows Phone, like iOS, is a closed operating system tailored for software own store and promotion Microsoft services. Like iOS, Windows Phone is secure, different stable work, does not glitch or slow down.

In terms of the number of applications and games, the store for Windows Phone is seriously inferior to both iOS and Android, however, everything you need for full use smartphone available. Some social networking apps even come pre-installed.

Unlike both iOS and Android, where standard functions smartphone and applications can be launched using small, neat shortcuts, appearance Windows Phone stands out as unique design solution– “live” tiles of the Metro interface. The latter, we recall, became the concept of both a mobile platform and an operating platform. Windows systems 8/8.1 for computers and tablets.

HTC 8s based on Windows Phone OS /

Windows Phone is demanding on the hardware components of smartphones. On smartphones with a weak processor and small volume operational Windows memory Phone may not work as quickly as on more powerful devices.

Windows Phone will benefit from Android not only in terms of stability and security, but also due to the ability to synchronize data with any other devices on the Windows based– PCs, laptops, tablets. And iOS Windows Phone will benefit in terms of variety of device selection. So, there are already a variety of models on sale Nokia smartphones Lumia, HTC, Prestigio based on Windows Phone versions 7.5, 8 and 8.1. Manufacturers Acer and Sony are preparing to release smartphones based on Windows Phone.

So Windows Phone has a future. Perhaps this will not be such a rapid development as Android had, nevertheless, it will have its own audience mobile platform from Microsoft will be able to win - for the most part, these will be company employees accustomed to the products of the software giant.

Comparison of iOS, Android, Windows Phone

Main photo: Smartphones based on iOS, Android, Windows Phone OS

Until relatively recently, in order to reach another subscriber, you had to be at home. Sometimes they were saved by devices standing on the street. And a little earlier we had to contact the girl who could be heard on the other end of the line as soon as we picked up the phone. Her main task was to connect with the right subscriber. Not very practical, you will agree. But in the 21st century we have absolutely no problems with communication. With the advent of mobile phones, no matter where we are, we are always available to people who know our number. And it seems that if a person does not have mobile phone, then he is cut off from both life and progress.

Lots of possibilities in a small gadget

Today, such a device will not surprise anyone at all. After all, instead of the usual mobile devices smartphones have arrived - smart phones. Using such a device you can not only make calls or write SMS messages. These gadgets provide a lot of amazing features. You can listen to music, watch videos and even entire films, go online, visit social media, use a navigator, alarm clock, calculator, flashlight and many other useful and interesting things. In the world modern technologies Almost every person has a smartphone. Most often, the capabilities of a device depend on the model or manufacturer. But the operating system plays a much larger role for the user. for smartphones allow us to unleash the full potential of the gadget. The quality of its use depends on them. In the article we will talk about those for smartphones and understand their main versions.

Types of operating systems

The operating system has another name - “firmware”. When talking about installing an operating system, they use the term “reflash”. But these words are used more often when talking about versions of operating systems, rather than their types.

There are three most popular, well-known and used operating systems for smartphones, namely Android OS, IOS and Windows. There are others, but they are quite rare and mostly on Chinese models of dubious origin. Advanced user even at the first glance at the operating system can determine the quality of the product.

The operating systems that we named compete with each other every now and then. Smartphone owners note that developers copy elements of the operating system from each other.

In addition to the three main competitors in the operating system development market, there are also those that are created for a specific company or gadget model. For example, Blackberry OS for Blackberry phones or Nokia.

Now let's talk in more detail about the three giants. So, the main ones OS for smartphones.

Windows Phone OS

This “OS” is simply recommended for people who want to try something new. Let’s say right away that there are much fewer smartphones based on this platform than on Android or iOS, but it can also please its owner. For example, in comparison with the same Android, the system works much faster and more productive, but if you compare it with iOS, the products are much cheaper. Yes and familiar interface Users are already a little fed up with the last two systems.

Advantages of Windows

The second advantage of WP is applications in its own store. The fact is that Android has a store under its auspices Google applications Play, iOS - App Store, but the brainchild of Windows is the Windows Phone Store. The number of applications in the latter is relatively small, but because of this it is much easier to understand them. Owners of smartphones running Android have access to thousands of paid and free applications and sometimes, when they need to find important software, they simply drown in the abyss of the applications offered. But with Windows Phone it’s much easier. And there are much more high-quality free applications, but their analogues in competitors’ stores are quite expensive.

Moreover, almost all the software is working and lacks system errors. IN in this case we see a clear example of when quantity does not mean quality. This operating system has a lot of “native” applications, and therefore sometimes there is no need to download any add-ons. Windows is a closed, independent and self-sufficient platform that will appeal to many users. They will also like the speed of the device based on this OS.

It's all about intellectual work with RAM. The system is programmed to offload less-used applications and actively run those you use frequently. Therefore, everything loads very quickly and hardly slows down. Another beauty of this OS is the tiled interface. The interface of the other two operating systems has a similar structure, but Tile has a radically different approach to rational use screen.

Thus, Windows 8, designed for computers, is rightfully considered a failed operating system, and for the most part this is due to its impractical interface. Not all users are accustomed to clicking on tiles on the screen, and few, in general, understood this idea. But this system is perfect for phones. But which operating system is best for a smartphone? Let's understand further.

Smartphones with the Android operating system

The most famous OS for gadgets in the world. This operating system was initially destined for popularity. The fact is that Google owns all rights to Android and is also developing it. Perhaps everyone who has a smartphone is familiar with this operating system. is the undisputed leader in its category. Other smartphone operating systems can't even come close to Android's performance. Thus, according to recent studies, about 75% of smartphones released for Last year have this “firmware” and even such a popular brand as IOS is content with its 15 percent.

Disadvantages of "Robot"

Among the shortcomings of the operating system, we can only note that everyone has long been bored with it, and even despite the fact that updates and new versions of the system are regularly released, its interface itself and the “little green men” on the screen are quite annoying. Plus, users too often complain about lags and system errors. It is not perfect at all, although the developers made sure that updates were released quite often, and accordingly, errors and errors were corrected.

This system is also highly susceptible to attack by various viruses. To avoid this, you have to download additional antivirus programs. The cause of this problem is most often applications ordered from unverified sources, and even Google’s brainchild, Google Play, does not always thoroughly check its products. Now all that remains to be discussed is the advantages of the system.

The best operating system for a smartphone

We can safely say that Android has eclipsed almost all mobile operating systems. A smartphone running this OS perfectly reveals its capabilities. The first thing you should do if you decide to install Android is to create your Google account. This is not difficult to do: it is enough to have only Gmail, specify your password and payment information. Another advantage of your own account is that it is the same for all Google services, and if you want, for example, to synchronize your smartphone with other devices, it will not be difficult at all.

Google Play is a great app store where you can find everything you like. It breaks records for the number of high-quality and free applications than Android and has won the hearts of many users.

Versions of operating systems for smartphones based on Android proudly bear the names of sweets, and experienced users know where to find “ Easter eggs", hidden in each of these systems.


All owners of Apple products are familiar with this name and, despite all the shortcomings, are devoted to this operating system. The fact is that it is of excellent quality, hence the price of the gadgets. The system is not familiar with the concept of lags and does not know what “slow down” means. Yes, exceptions sometimes happen, but they are so rare that no one pays attention to them. The OS is very fast and understandable, which is what captivated iPhone owners. But now about the bad. If, for example, there are more than enough variations of models and manufacturers of phones for Android, then iOS is tailored strictly for “Apple products”, that is, no one has the rights to use this OS for other equipment.

For Yablochka users

It is quite obvious that the system has not gained momentum in popularity due to its high cost Apple products. This "OS" is not tormented by viruses thanks to its unique program code on Linux based. All Apple devices They synchronize perfectly with each other, however, working with other operating systems on IOS is difficult. It is also very difficult to install the operating system yourself. You can even reflash an Android smartphone at home, but with Apple it’s almost impossible to do this.

All smartphone operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages, but the choice is always yours.

To extend the operating time of a smartphone, it is usually recommended to temporarily disable communication modules - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC and mobile internet( /). But what's the point of having a smartphone if it's not connected all the time? And the savings will not be so significant - one or two hours a day. Nevertheless, this is some kind of way, but still a way to slightly increase the operating time of the gadget. The battery charges faster when the smartphone is turned off - keep this in mind if you have very little time to charge.

With time rechargeable batteries tend to lose capacity, and if at the beginning of use they hold a charge all day, then after a year, or even earlier, the capacity begins to fall. However, in any smartphone, even those that seem inseparable, you can replace the battery, and as soon as you begin to feel discomfort from the gadget’s too much reluctance to work as much as it should, we recommend changing the battery. If the gadget is still under warranty, this can only be done at a service center, but if the warranty is out, then you can do it yourself.

Design and more

For many, design is the main factor when choosing a smartphone, and the fact that we put this factor at the very end does not mean that we attach the least importance to it. However, as sad as it is to realize, the design of the smartphone is Lately becomes less and less individual, striving for maximum unification. On the one hand, this is not so bad, since unification means that the user can buy any model from any manufacturer and immediately begin to use it confidently. On the other hand, the individuality of the gadget is lost, and the only way the owner can distinguish himself is to buy a beautiful case or back cover for the smartphone. Or inlaid the case with gold and diamonds.