If the tablet does not charge from USB. Software settings and applications. Battery charge drops sharply

The tablets and smartphones we are used to work on the batteries built into them. Unfortunately, classic lithium-ion batteries are far from the safest and most durable. Like any battery, the battery in your tablet can fail. In this case, you will not be able to charge it. This fact is not very pleasant and requires user intervention. However, there may be other reasons why the battery behaves inappropriately. There are a lot of reasons and they are all completely solvable. In this article we will try to understand why your tablet is not charging and what you need to do in such a situation. And at the end you will find a small tutorial on proper “care” of the battery.

What to do if the tablet does not charge and does not turn on

If you look for statistics, the most popular request for services after broken displays will be a failed battery. This category also includes problems with the power controller and cables. All of them in one way or another affect the charging speed and its operation in general. It often happens that the tablet does not charge at all. When faced with such a nuisance, you need to consider all possible reasons and, based on them, make further decisions.

Checking the charger

Problems with the charger - the very first and most common reason why the tablet does not charge is a faulty charger. In most cases, one or more capacitors in the power supply case fail. You can test this theory using another charger or using a multimeter. To solve the problem, you can replace the power supply or repair it if you have the appropriate skills. Those who like to use a soldering iron or those who attended a radio club as a child will certainly cope with this task.

Cable fault

A damaged cable is the second most common reason for lack of charging. A visual inspection is almost always enough to make sure of this. Tears, bends, exposed insulation: these factors can indicate “lethal” damage. Try to avoid sudden movements, do not pull the cord, bend it or throw it anywhere. Often, users save money and purchase unofficial cables, which can also be a problem when charging the device. There is no point in solving the problem by repair; it is better to replace the cable, especially since they are not that expensive.

Poor contact in connectors

Problems with the connector are another hardware problem that often plagues owners of modern devices and due to which the tablet does not charge. There are two options. Either water or dirt has gotten into the connector, and then to restore functionality you just need to clean it thoroughly. Or one of the contacts has burned out and you need to contact a service center, where the charging port will be replaced with a new one.

Software failure

Software error - naturally, the “brains” of a mobile device can also fail and prevent the gadget from charging. Sometimes the tablet shows charging, but does not charge. Sometimes it charges too slowly. There are many problems, but they can all be solved by reinstalling the firmware. This is the first thing you need to do if you own an Android device.

Apple gadgets may also stop charging because you are using a cable that is not Apple certified. In this situation, before charging, the device must be completely turned off.

Battery fault

A faulty battery is a problem that affects everyone who has been using a tablet for a long time. The battery installed in your tablet does not last forever. Its capacity gradually decreases and soon the battery fails. This is one of the most common problems on iPad. If it does not turn on or does not charge, it is possible that the battery has “died”. Even more often, the battery fails when the gadget is physically damaged or used in abnormal temperature conditions. The solution is always the same - replacing the battery at a service center. They do it very quickly and very inexpensively.

Failure of the tablet itself

Malfunctions of the device itself are another vice that haunts all lovers of cheap power supplies and cables. If the tablet takes a long time to charge and its back panel overheats, then rest assured that the power controller has failed. Another harbinger of this disaster is the tablet turning off when it reaches 20-30% charge. To restore normal operation of the device, very complex repairs are required, so think twice about what is better, changing the device or sending it for service.

How to properly charge your tablet and extend battery life

The problems described above can arise both as a result of normal use of the tablet, and in case of careless handling of the gadget. A lithium-ion battery depends on the constant circulation of energy within it. Any deviation from normal use may damage the battery. At first glance, it sounds difficult, but in reality, you just need to develop a few good habits and stick to them when using mobile devices. The life of the battery, and with it the life of the gadget, can be extended if you follow a number of tips and recommendations.

  • Don't let your gadget go into deep disuse. The tablet battery must always receive energy. The device must be fully charged and discharged at least once a month, otherwise the battery will quickly use up its resource and simply “die”. If you don't use your gadget regularly, don't forget to let it charge occasionally so that it continues to function normally.
  • Do not overcharge. There is no need to constantly power the device from the mains. The tablet is not a computer, therefore it cannot take energy directly from the network, but constantly recharges the battery, which significantly harms it. Experts recommend keeping the charge level between 20% and 80%. This is ideal for a lithium-ion battery.
  • Do not use the tablet computer while it is plugged into a power outlet. This is, of course, very difficult, but it’s better not to do it. Let the gadget charge quietly, and only then start working with it.

If the charge has not reached the maximum level, and you urgently need to get to work or write to someone, then it is better to disconnect it from the network. This is also important if the tablet is 100% charged; before starting to work with the gadget, remove the cable from it.


Here we come to the end. Now you know why the tablet stopped charging, what to do in this difficult situation and how to use the device correctly to avoid similar problems in the future. The main thing is not to neglect the advice of our experts, and then the device will serve you much longer.

Many users of Android devices sooner or later face the problem of charging their gadget. It either stops charging altogether or runs out of charge in a matter of hours. In addition, there are many other problems related to the operation of the charger, battery, etc. So, let's take a closer look at the most common ones and try to find a solution!

Your Android phone or tablet has stopped charging. What to do?

First of all, let's look at the known problems associated with direct charging of devices based on the Android operating system. There are several such problems, and each of them has a number of features. Therefore, before proceeding with a solution, make sure that the reason is appropriate.

Check charging

First, you need to check the charger itself. To do this, do the following:

  • Turn off the phone, after remembering the charge percentage;
  • Place it on charge for 15–20 minutes;
  • Turn it back on.
  • If the charge has increased, everything is fine with the charging itself. If not, look for the specific problem below.

    Device shows charging but won't charge

    This problem is one of the most common. You connect the charger and see that the phone is charging. Without a shadow of a doubt, you leave it on charge and leave or continue to use it. However, as soon as you take out the charger, the gadget immediately turns off, or it turns out that the percentage of charge has not budged, or even dropped altogether. There may be several reasons for this behavior of a smartphone (or tablet):

  • Using a non-native charger;
  • Charger failure;
  • Battery failure;
  • Cable defect;
  • Loose or broken socket on your phone (tablet).
  • When using chargers from brands other than the brand of the gadget itself, there is a possibility that both the charger and the phone will not work properly. This is due to incompatibility, for example, voltage or other parameters. It is clear that in this case you just need to change the charger to the “original” one. If the standard one is broken, you can buy it at any hardware store.

    If the charger itself breaks down, the only way out, of course, is to buy a new one. However, it is difficult to “diagnose” such a breakdown. This can be done using a multimeter by checking the stability of the voltage on the charger. It is unlikely that a typical user will have such a device at home, so it is better to contact a workshop. But before you do this, check the battery.

    "Humps" on a swollen battery

    Battery failure is much easier to determine. Turn off your phone or tablet and open the back cover of the device. Carefully remove the battery. Check it for the presence of characteristic “humps”. If there are any, it means it is swollen and must be replaced. Again, you can purchase a new battery at any mobile equipment store. The price for it is quite reasonable.

    Charger cable defects are also quite easy to identify. Unplug the charger from the socket and, placing your fingers on the cord, run them from edge to edge. You will immediately notice if the cable is torn or bent incorrectly.

    If you do not find any of the above, most likely the charging socket on your phone is broken. Usually it is used to connect a USB cable. Therefore, you can quickly identify if there is a problem with the socket by connecting your device to your computer. It is not recommended to repair the nest at home. Contact a specialist who will check everything and, if necessary, change it. By the way, this service also does not require large expenses.

    The device does not charge using the USB cable

    Check the USB cable

    If your Android device charges from the charging block, but not from the USB cable, then the problem is most likely in the cable itself. Perform the diagnostics below. Most likely you will find the problem.

  • Check the wire as indicated above for the charging unit;
  • Make sure that the “input” and “output” connectors themselves are in order (there are no mechanical damages);
  • Check your computer's USB port.
  • If none of the above helped you, the problem may be software related. Then take the device for repair.

    The smartphone or tablet does not charge after being completely discharged

    This problem, in most cases, is not a problem at all. This behavior of the gadget may be due to the lack of any reserve energy. For example, a car cannot be started if the battery is completely discharged. Approximately the same thing happens with a phone (tablet). To solve the problem, leave it charging for a few hours and don't try to turn it on. Soon your favorite gadget will “come back to life.”

    Restoring the battery after a complete discharge

    If the device still does not charge, most likely the problem is in the charging unit or battery. We described above how to diagnose them. Well, if this does not help, contact the service center, because the operating system may also fail.

    The tablet is completely discharged and will no longer charge or turn on.

    This problem is most likely the quintessence of the other two. Namely:

  • Malfunction of the charging unit or battery;
  • As a result, it is impossible to charge the tablet again.
  • Carry out the diagnostics described. If it doesn't help, the error lies in the operating system itself. Then you will need the help of a specialist.

    The device stopped charging from the cigarette lighter

    Cigarette lighter charger is faulty

    If your gadget “refuses” to charge from the cigarette lighter in the car (but charges in all other cases), it is obvious that the problem is in the cigarette lighter itself or, more likely, in the car charging unit. In this case, the only solution may be to replace this block.

    The device blinks but does not charge

    The most common reason for this behavior of a phone or tablet is overheating of the processor. To avoid this, the device is periodically disconnected from charging by software. The presence of such a problem indicates a hardware malfunction of the smartphone itself. Therefore, only professional diagnostics can help.

    What if the device is charging, but something goes wrong?

    By “something goes wrong” we mean a whole range of possible “anomalies” in the operation of the gadget. Despite the strangeness of some errors, most likely, finding their solution is quite simple. The most common faults are described below.

    Charging is carried out only when switched off

    Such an unusual, at first glance, error often has a very prosaic character. If there are no problems with the charging unit and battery (see diagnostics of these parts above), then it’s all about the installed software. The fact is that individual programs often “come into conflict” with others. The similarity of the executed codes leads to the fact that the device simply does not know what to do: whose request to fulfill first.

    Avoid low-quality software

    If your device only charges when it is turned off, then the error is caused by a program aimed at working with the battery. An example of such a program could be some kind of “battery manager” or something similar. Removing unnecessary software will help solve the problem. In addition, do not forget to clear the cache using special programs (use only popular and proven ones, for example, Clean Master).

    The device is charging, but not completely

    This problem most often appears in budget tablets and phones from manufacturers that are popularly called “Chinese”. Most likely, when assembling this or that gadget, it was decided to save on costs. Either way, there are several solutions to this problem.

  • Try leaving the device on charge for a long time (for example, for a day);
  • Unplug the charger from the socket and plug it back in several times in a row;
  • Connect your device to your computer and charge it via USB.
  • If none of the above helps, contact a technician to replace the battery or charger.

    The device does not charge more than 1%

    One or another solution to this problem is unlikely to suit everyone. It may be due to a faulty battery or charging, or to malicious or malware on the device. To determine what caused this behavior of your gadget, carry out a complete diagnosis of it in accordance with all the above recommendations. If all else fails, contact the service center.

    Charging does not occur until the device reboots

    Charging does not occur until reboot occurs

    The occurrence of this problem indicates, in most cases, a software malfunction. The cause of this malfunction may be special programs for working with the battery, which were described earlier. “Clean” your phone or tablet from additional software, and the problem will go away.

    The device discharges even when turned off

    In this case, we are hardly talking about any problem. After all, any phone or tablet spends a small amount of energy even when turned off. For example, you need to keep the clock on the device working or turn on the alarm on time (on some phones it works even if they are turned off), etc.

    However, if the device is turned off and discharges too quickly, the battery is most likely broken (swollen or leaking). Check it yourself and, if you find a breakdown, buy a new one.

    The device is charging but shows an incorrect charge value

    The presence of this problem may be the first signal of a breakdown of any kind (from those described above). Check all hardware and software of the device. You will probably find the problem without the help of a technician. Most often, replacing the battery will help in this case.

    Your Android gadget runs out of battery quickly: what is the reason and what is the solution?

    Solving the problem of fast discharge

    Rapid discharge of the device is a very common problem of our time. Any phone or tablet from any manufacturer almost always does not withstand even three or four days of operation. And sometimes the time from charging to charging is reduced to several hours. What to do? How to extend battery life? Let's try to figure it out!

    What processes contribute to rapid discharge?

    Rapid discharge of an Android device in many cases is associated with reasons such as:

  • Frequent search for mobile network;
  • Enabled search for Wi-Fi access point;
  • GPS tracking;
  • Many background processes requiring large resources.
  • All these problems can be solved without the use of special tools or skills. All it takes is a little care.

    Frequent network searching is associated with instability of the coverage of your mobile operator. So, if you are traveling by train, the connection will often be lost, causing the phone to try to find it again and again. This takes a lot of energy. To avoid running out of juice while traveling, turn on Airplane mode. If the search for a network occurs on ordinary days, it may be worth thinking about changing the operator.

    Remember to turn off Wi-Fi when you leave the access point. For example, if you leave it on on the way to work, your phone or tablet will constantly monitor nearby routers. The same applies to GPS, only in this case the connection to satellites is maintained, which also requires energy.

    Remove unnecessary programs. If there are none, try choosing ones that you rarely use. Today, almost all applications on Android work in the background with some resources, which means the device requires a lot of energy to support their work.

    The device charges quickly and/or discharges quickly

    This is most often due to a faulty battery. Most likely, it leaked and the capacity physically fell. Check the battery for any swelling. Also, uninstall third-party battery management programs if you have them installed.

    The phone or tablet takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

    What to do if the phone takes a long time to charge?

    In this case, we can say with 100% certainty that the device does not have enough battery capacity. It is difficult to say right away whether the battery itself is broken, or the problem is in the large number of installed programs. Check the battery first to avoid further damage. If everything is fine with it, get rid of unnecessary programs and follow the recommendations regarding networks indicated above.

    Android device discharges quickly in standby mode

    This problem is almost identical to the previous two. It doesn't matter whether your phone or tablet is in standby mode or whether you're actively using it. There are always background processes, and the battery life depends on their proper organization.

    Battery charge drops sharply

    Battery charge drops sharply

    If you notice that in some cases the battery charge drops suddenly quickly, you need to try to determine which ones. Most likely, some program is running its own code, which requires too many resources. The processor receives many tasks and simply overheats. If the “pest” cannot be identified, it makes sense to completely reinstall the operating system.

    The device began to discharge quickly after the update

    Owners of older versions of devices usually encounter this problem. For example, telephone Samsung Galaxy Ace II originally released based on the operating system Android 2.3.6. However, after some time, the manufacturers decided to “please” the owners Ace II new Android system version 4. As it soon turned out, the phone was simply not able to cope with it. In addition to frequent glitches, it began to overheat and, accordingly, quickly discharge.

    Odin program

    What to do in such a situation? The best solution is to make a backup. That is, you need to reinstall the operating system, returning the previous version. This can be done using the program Odin.

    A new device from the store discharges quickly

    If you encounter this problem, check reviews of the same device from other consumers. And if the majority does not complain about rapid discharge, you need to contact the seller with a request to change the product. It is possible that the distributor will redirect you to the manufacturer. In any case, this problem is easily solved.

    How to check the battery status of your device?

    To find out exactly what percentage of battery charge your phone or tablet currently has, go to "Settings". Find the subsection there "Device Information" or something similar. In it you will see the numbers that interest you. It's useful to do this periodically if you want to know exactly how much uptime you have left. Besides, in "Information..." you can find information about which applications consume the most energy, which is also very practical, given what we said above.

    In rare cases, you may see a question mark (“?”) on the battery icon. Its appearance indicates that something is wrong with the battery. The problem may be in both hardware and software. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a complete diagnostic of the battery in order to identify possible defects and/or errors.

    How to check the battery for swelling was discussed above. As for smudges, the word speaks for itself. If they are detected, you should immediately change the battery. In addition, contact a technician to check whether the electrolyte fluid has damaged the device itself.

    How to charge an Android device if the socket is broken?

    Using wireless charging

    If you need to quickly charge your device before fixing a broken socket, you can purchase a wireless charger. It is a kind of card that is placed on the battery inserted into the phone. However, not all phones and tablets support this function. In addition, the cost of wireless charging is usually higher than the cost of repairing the socket at a service center. So it's better to wait.

    How to properly charge Android devices?

    How to properly charge Android devices?

    Finally, it is worth saying that many problems with battery performance are associated with improper or incorrect charging. To avoid these problems from recurring, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Always wait until the battery is completely discharged before charging your phone (tablet);
  • Do not remove the charging unit from the socket until charging is complete;
  • Leave the device in standby mode while it is charging;
  • Use only “native” charging;
  • Avoid charging devices using USB cables.
  • Android OS users, in most cases, respond positively to it. And if there are negative responses, most often they are associated with problems with charging the battery, operating time, etc. However, this article is direct proof that these shortcomings can be easily dealt with. The main thing is to know where to look!

    It is necessary to charge a smartphone or tablet based on Android OS at least once every one or two days. The more often a user watches videos, browses social networks and chats on WhatsApp, the more battery power is consumed. Every year the battery capacity decreases, and its action does not last long, it is discharged. What should you do if your phone stops charging completely or dies quickly? There is a solution: tips and instructions below.

    The Android tablet does not charge: reasons and solutions to the problem with the device

    Have you encountered a situation where your smartphone does not charge at all? This happens, because over time, any thing breaks down. This is the first reason for the breakdown that may come to the mind of the gadget owner and which is very easy to check.

    If everything is fine with the electricity in your home at the moment, the outlet is working, check the operation of the charger itself.

    Some gadget owners leave the charger in the outlet after use. This will sooner or later lead to its combustion. The wire from the charger may also be faulty; it may have been crushed by something, twisted or burnt out. This is easily determined by its appearance.

    Do the charger and cable look okay? Try charging another gadget - ask a friend for a phone or use a tablet. If charging is normal, then the problem is with your smartphone. Let's figure it out.

    The smartphone is not charging, although the charging indicator is displayed

    1. Have you connected a working charger to your gadget a long time ago, the battery icon on the screen of your smartphone or tablet appears as if it is charging, but the percentage is not accruing? There may be several reasons: Indeed, manufacturers of some smartphone models (for example, HTC) encourage the use of only additional devices compatible with the gadget. In some cases, a notification about slow charging and an offer to use a compatible charger will be displayed on the smartphone screen. Attempts to close the notification will only lead to its reappearance until the gadget receives the required wire.
    2. Another reason is that the charger does not provide enough power for the smartphone or tablet. A smartphone can consume 500–600 mA, and the charger can produce a current of 50–100 mA. If you are good with electronics, use a multimeter to measure the current. Otherwise, try a different charger for comparison. You probably have extra chargers from old phones or other gadgets.
    3. The third reason for this behavior is that battery consumption occurs faster than charging. This happens when an energy-intensive application is running - a social network, video display, photo editor. Try exiting all applications while charging, turning off Wi-Fi or mobile data, and to be sure, turn off the gadget altogether and check if the battery level increases.
    4. The same applies to the use of applications whose task is to save battery power. Installing unverified applications of this type causes conflicts with the device, which disrupts the charging scheme. To check, remember the percentage of the charge level, turn off the smartphone, turn it on again after a while and check if the percentage has increased. If yes, find such applications and remove or disable them.
    5. Alternatively, the contacts of the micro-USB connector itself (the end of the charger that is inserted into the smartphone) could have oxidized or become clogged with dust.

    Dust could also get into the opening of the smartphone. In this case, you need to clean the connectors - this can be done with a toothpick with a small piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol or a corner of paper folded into two layers. Just move it along the connector of the smartphone, charger and inside the connectors. You will notice dirt on the cotton wool or paper. Cleaning the contacts often solves the problem.

    The device does not charge via USB from the computer Everything is fine with the smartphone contacts, the charger cable is normal - there are two options left. If you are charging from a laptop, check - perhaps the laptop turned off for some reason (for example, after installing updates and then turning it off) and cannot power the smartphone.

    Try charging through another USB port on your computer, for example, on the back of the system unit.

    The smartphone does not charge after being completely discharged

    The battery is probably “depleted”. Modern batteries are equipped with controllers in which the processor has such a parameter as the minimum supply voltage level. If the device is discharged below this limit, the controller does not send a signal to the charger. Try leaving the phone on charge for more than 8 hours, this may solve the problem.

    Another way: use a frog charger. This is a special device that helps to “reanimate” a dead battery. Remove the battery from the smartphone and press it between the frog contacts, then connect it to an electrical outlet. Keep it for no longer than five minutes, then return the battery to the gadget and charge as usual using the adapter.

    The same solution applies to the tablet, when it is completely discharged and no longer charges or turns on. If you haven’t kept it in the cold before, then it’s time to “revive” the battery using the above method (with a “frog”).

    Used to revive the battery or charge it

    The gadget stopped charging from the cigarette lighter

    The likely reason is that your smartphone or tablet requires a different charging voltage than that available through the cigarette lighter. This is typical for large smartphones called “shovels.” If the output voltage on the USB is insufficient, the phone will record the fact of charging, but this will not be enough to fill the battery. The length of the wire can make the problem worse. The longer it is, the greater the loss of current. Solution: Try a shorter, thicker USB cable.

    The device shows charging, but does not charge

    This can be seen when the smartphone is connected to a power outlet - its screen goes dark and then turns on again, as if the charger had just been connected. The smartphone does not charge, but only loses battery power. The reason is severe overheating or a “non-original” charger. Be careful, an inexpensive, low-quality charger can damage your smartphone.

    Video: what to do if the battery is dead and the smartphone does not turn on

    What to do when the device shows that charging is in progress

    The device only charges when turned off

    Again we are looking for the root of evil in battery saving applications or in other applications that require access to the Internet. They not only prevent the battery from charging, but also drain it very quickly.

    Charging but not fully charged

    It's all about the charger or insufficient voltage (when charging from a PC USB port), try connecting another charger and powering the smartphone from the outlet.

    Doesn't charge more than 1%

    The reason is that the battery consumes more than what comes from the charger. Try turning off the device. If this does not help, change the charger and try to power the battery from the outlet.

    Doesn't charge until rebooted

    It's likely that another application is interfering with the battery charging. After rebooting, the application is deleted from memory and charging is restored. Try powering your smartphone by turning it off.

    Discharges when turned off

    In this case, some part inside the smartphone takes away part of the battery energy due to a malfunction in its operation. Try inserting another battery. If it also runs out of charge, then you need to take the gadget to a service center.

    The device is charging but shows an incorrect charge value

    The problem is mainly solved by rebooting the smartphone.

    Why does the battery drain quickly on Android devices, what to do

    As described earlier, the rapid discharge of a smartphone or tablet, in some cases even exceeding the charging speed, is a consequence of applications or the Internet connection. This often happens with batteries that are no longer new and can run out after a couple of hours of not using the smartphone, just from having Wi-Fi turned on. Advice: turn off the connection to the network where it is not needed and close energy-intensive applications: social networks, video broadcasting, games.

    Charges and discharges quickly

    There are two possible reasons: the battery was exposed to cold (to do this, just carry the smartphone in your outerwear pocket or bag) or the battery is worn out. Solution: install a new battery.

    The battery of the device takes a long time to charge and runs out quickly

    Some smartphone owners who have encountered a similar problem advise cleaning the contacts of the USB connector of the smartphone itself or intervening more seriously, arming yourself with a screwdriver and slightly bending the bar inside the microUSB port towards the gadget’s display. If you are not sure of your actions, it is better to take the gadget to a service center.

    Fast discharge of the gadget in standby mode

    Some applications continue to run in the background even after you've finished using them and eat up a percentage of your battery. For the purity of the experiment, turn off access to the network, wi-fi, gps, 3g and check the charge level. Keeps sitting down? Look for the culprit in the list of applications.

    Your smartphone's battery power drops sharply

    There is no consensus on the causes of this problem. Some people claim that the problem is the battery type. Li-Pon batteries do not hold a charge as well as Li-Ion batteries. Try changing the battery, but it is best to take the device to a service center.

    The device began to discharge quickly after the update

    Probably, some processes of the new firmware freeze or cause conflicts. The reason may also be a looped access to the device’s SD card (for example, you were searching or processing photos or videos, the process froze and continues to waste battery power). Try removing the SD card from the phone and checking the discharge level without it. If the problem is not solved, then the only option is to return to the factory settings. Here you will need to copy all the data from your phone to your computer, make a backup copy and only then do a factory reset to save all your personal data.

    A new device from the store discharges quickly

    This happens because new smartphones and tablets are usually not fully charged. After the purchase, many users do not wait until it is completely discharged, but put it on recharge and so on constantly. This leads to the fact that the smartphone “remembers” the maximum battery level and the difference until it is fully recharged, and in the future it is always recharged exactly by this difference.

    This leads to the fact that the battery capacity decreases and it quickly runs out. Experts recommend always waiting until the device is completely discharged, and only then charging it several times. This “trains” the battery.

    Video: how to solve a battery problem in a mobile device

    How to check battery status

    You can get an idea of ​​the health of your smartphone battery by its appearance. If the battery is not built into the device, remove it and inspect it. It is usually immediately obvious that the battery is swollen - if you look at it from the side, the top or bottom surfaces may be uneven, but slightly semicircular.

    This indicates swelling. Metal contacts may be affected by corrosion, and green or whitish spots may be clearly visible on the battery. All these are signs of mechanical damage to the battery and the reasons for its failure. Under no circumstances should you put such a battery back - the electrolyte from it can spill onto the inside of the smartphone and ultimately lead to failure. Replace the battery and recycle this one.

    This is what a very swollen battery looks like, unusable

    It happens that the battery overheats or overcools and also begins to swell. This is difficult to distinguish by eye. Do a little test - place the battery on a flat surface and rotate it. A solid battery will not spin easily. Rapid rotation indicates bloating.

    The swelling may not be noticeable at first glance, but can be seen from the side

    Software settings and applications

    You can go into system settings and see the battery status. Dial the special code *#*#4636#*#* on your phone, then select “Battery Information”. The list that opens will display detailed parameters of the smartphone’s battery. If the code does not work, download a special application from the Play Market.

    You can view battery performance using standard smartphone settings

    One of the simple and functional applications for assessing the condition of the battery is “Battery”. The application is free and available on the Play Market. The program weighs little and consumes almost no smartphone energy. After startup, the sensor readings will be displayed on the screen.

    Sensors will show what condition the battery is in

    Another small application with similar options is 3C Battery Monitor Widget. Launch the application to see indicators: temperature, battery capacity, consumption, voltage and overall condition.

    The simple app has all the options you need to assess your battery health Often a question mark indicates that the battery is faulty and needs to be replaced. Take your smartphone to a service center or buy a new battery.

    How to charge an Android device if the socket is broken

    Of course, it is better not to bring your smartphone to this state, but if this does happen, there is a way out. The first thing to remember is do not try to repair the socket yourself if you do not have knowledge of microelectronics.

    Leave it in the hands of specialists. Until then, you can try to charge it using one of the following methods.

    Charging via universal charger

    We have already mentioned the “frog” - this device will help charge your smartphone directly, without using a cord. Take out the battery and clamp it between the frog terminals. The disadvantage of this method is that such a device can be expensive and, in exceptional cases, “kill” the battery. This doesn't happen often, but it is a possibility. In addition, the phone will be turned off the entire time it is charging, which means you may miss a call.

    This radical way to charge the battery is only suitable for you if you understand electronics. You will need electrical tape and a utility knife. Follow the instructions:

    1. Video: how to charge the battery directly
    2. Few people pay attention to the fact that new devices with the Android OS should be charged using a special method. Store consultants sometimes warn about this, but such information is quickly lost from sight. The first two or three times after purchase, a tablet or smartphone must be discharged until it turns off on its own and only then put on recharge. Many people neglect this, connecting the charger as soon as the charge level drops barely below 50%. The smartphone remembers the difference until the battery level is full and the next time it replenishes the energy by exactly the same amount, regardless of the level of discharge. This is how the battery quickly loses capacity, and smartphone owners wonder why it drains so quickly. Conclusion: the battery needs to be “trained”, that is, the charge level controller located in the battery must be calibrated.
    3. Another tip - do not leave your smartphone charging overnight. Using Chinese chargers of poor quality can also lead to overheating and malfunctions.
    4. After the first few charges to 100% and discharge to zero, try to maintain the charge level no higher than 80%, but no lower than 20%.

    This will help save the battery. It is better to recharge the gadget with short connections, rather than once and all the way.

    Every owner of a smartphone with Android OS should be careful about their device, “train” the battery and keep several spare chargers on hand. Then any problem will be easy to deal with using simple instructions and available devices, and the device will last for many more years.

    My name is Elizaveta, I am 27 years old. Higher education in pedagogy, specialty: teacher of computer science and English; the second is a systems engineer. She worked in the educational field, as well as in the IT field. Since childhood, I have been interested in writing articles, stories and other literary opuses :-), with spelling, punctuation and grammar, everything is in perfect order. As a student, I worked part-time as a rewriter/copywriter. I wrote on topics that were suggested to me, most often these were children’s/women’s topics: health, pregnancy, children, development. Less frequently came across news and announcements on finance/business and technology. Now I run my own thematic communities on social networks, and I write articles for them myself.

    Mobile devices are increasingly penetrating our lives. The landline telephone has long been replaced, first by push-button mobile phones, and now by smartphones; computer functions are now performed by laptops and netbooks, and often even tablets. We will talk about the latter, or more precisely about what to do if the tablet does not charge.

    It should be noted that there are many options for the tablet to fail, and to check where the problem lies, you need to follow the methods described below. First, you need to read the entire article, and after reading, follow all the steps that will be described here. The most important thing is to do the easiest methods first, and only then move on to more complex ones.

    Many users forget about the warranty and therefore try to repair the device on their own. If the warranty has not yet expired, then you do not need to disassemble the tablet or change any parts (for example, the battery), because if you have a warranty, then specialists will determine your problem for free. This way, you will save time and money on tablet repairs.

    The first thing you need to check is: is the required voltage coming to the tablet? This is checked in several stages, let's go from the tablet and then through all the nodes on which the supply of electricity depends.

    Loose connector. Perhaps the most common reason for lack of charging, especially on devices that have been in use for quite a long time or are used carelessly. It is diagnosed as follows: try moving the charger plug in the tablet charging socket. If the plug moves noticeably, and the charging process starts on the tablet and then disappears again, the reason has been found. This problem can be solved by replacing the connector, which can be quickly done at any service center.

    Connector deformation. You may have accidentally deformed the connector:

    Damage to the charger cable. If you have pets at home who love to chew on something, then don’t be surprised if one day your tablet stops charging. You could also damage the wire by pinching it with something (such as a rolling chair, a cabinet door, etc.). Inspect the wire from the plug to the power supply for damage or breaks. If any are found, change the charger (or wire, if possible). It is also not necessary to rule out that the breakdown may be inside the cable, and therefore visually you will not see the breakdown.

    Power supply failure. Charger power supplies can be either integral (a power supply from which a wire comes out and ends with a plug for connecting to the tablet) or separate (with a connector for connecting the charging wire, most often USB).

    Try connecting the tablet to a known working power supply. If in this case the charging process starts, it means that your unit has died and needs to be replaced. In the case of a separate unit with a USB connector, you can check its serviceability without an additional power supply. It is enough to connect the charging cable to any USB connector (for example, to a computer or laptop).

    If, when you connect the tablet to the computer, the tablet starts to become infected, then you need to replace the power supply.

    Note: if you have always charged your tablet using a computer or laptop (via USB), then try charging through a regular outlet.

    Outlet fault. Make sure the outlet the charger is plugged into is working. This can be done without special skills - just plug any other device into it, and if it works, then there are no complaints about the outlet. Sometimes, the surge protector (or as it is usually called, a tee) breaks down. If you are trying to charge the tablet through this device, then disconnect the tablet from the surge protector and plug it directly into an outlet.

    Insufficient voltage in the electrical network. Well, let's say that the connector on the tablet is in order, the wire is intact, the power supply and socket are working, but the tablet is not charging. Try to find out if the socket is giving you 220V? It often happens that the voltage in the network is reduced (for example, in a dacha community or in a garage cooperative where there are power outages, or as a result of connecting a powerful consumer to the network). You can measure the voltage in the network using a tester, but a person who does not have at least basic skills in working with it is strictly prohibited from getting inside the outlet! Therefore, as a test, just try charging the tablet in another place - at home, at work. If there are no problems with charging, it is obvious that the reason was precisely the low voltage.

    Failed battery

    The very first thing to do is remove the battery for 20-30 seconds and then plug it back in. Try turning on the tablet. If you have not used the tablet for a long time and after that it does not turn on, then perhaps this is the solution.

    It may happen like this: a tablet connected to a charger readily functions, and may even show the charging process (or not). But as soon as you disconnect the device from the network, the screen immediately goes out (or the charger “hides” before your eyes), and the tablet refuses to work.

    If your problem is diagnosed in this way, you know: the device’s battery has come to an end. Yes, yes, the battery in tablets, like in any other devices, does not last forever and has a certain resource. Moreover, the user with his request can either increase it (slightly) or reduce it (often). Use only recommended chargers and power supplies for charging. If you, relying on some video tutorial found on the Internet, plug two bare wires into the tablet, and at the other end of them, using improvised means, build something like a power supply, it is likely that the charging process will continue. But how long the tablet will last under such operating conditions is unknown.

    Important: Sometimes the tablet may not turn on because the battery is completely discharged. Even if you connect the tablet to a charger, it may not turn on. This problem usually occurs with budget devices. To test this option, you need to charge your tablet all night or day - whichever is convenient for you. And only after a long charging time can the tablet turn on and continue to work. If the problem appears, for example, after 2-3 days, then you need to contact a service center for repairing cell phones and tablets.

    By the way, you can see how diagnostics are done using a tablet using special tools:

    The tablet does not charge due to internal hardware problems

    It may also be that in terms of power supply everything is fine and electricity is supplied to the tablet. However, charging still does not occur, no matter how we connect the device. The power controller, which is responsible for correct charging, has probably failed. This can happen for a number of reasons: dust or liquid getting inside the tablet onto vital microcircuits (especially liquids: water causes oxidation of metal contacts, which can lead to complete failure of the tablet); mechanical damage (impact, fall, as a result of which the integrity of the inside of the tablet is damaged); low-quality components (you can chase an attractive price and run into a device that is assembled “on the knee” and functions just as well).

    In any case, if suspicion falls on the hardware, entrust your electronic friend to the service center specialists. They often encounter this problem (when the tablet does not charge); after diagnosing the tablet, they will identify the cause and will also be able to professionally fix it.

    Note: try to buy chargers from computer companies that sell original devices. Yes, you will overpay a little for the brand and for the store where you buy, but in this case you can be sure that this device will not let you down.

    Software glitch

    The hardware is fine, but the tablet still won't charge? It remains to check whether everything is in order with the software component of the device. Perhaps you have recently installed some dubious applications, or clicked something at random in the settings, or maybe the problem arose without your help. In any case, try updating the tablet software (this is done in the menu, you need to find the “Software Update” item). After a long wait, the tablet will inform you about the success of the operation, and maybe the charging problem will disappear. This option is suitable for those users whose tablet turns on, but does not hold a charge or there are percentage surges.

    Another option is to do a hard reset and return to factory state. This procedure will destroy all your data on the tablet, so make sure to back it up to a PC or some cloud service (for example, Google). If your data is stored on a flash drive, you can remove it and perform the reset procedure.

    When the data is copied, turn off the tablet, and when it stops showing “signs of life,” do the following: simultaneously hold down the power key and the volume up key (sometimes down, depending on the manufacturer and model) for 10 seconds. After this time, the tablet will turn on and show you recovery mode.

    The transition between options here is carried out using the volume buttons, selection - with the power button. Select "wipe data/factory reset" and press the power button. If the tablet asks for confirmation, select “Yes”. After this, the tablet will demonstrate the recovery process. Then it will reboot in the usual way. A full reset should have helped you get your tablet back charging if the problem really was the software not working correctly.

    If your menu is in Chinese and you do not speak English, then in this case you can find instructions on the Internet on how to use the recovery mode.

    Of course, you should understand that the above method may not work for your tablet. In this case, you can use search engines to find information about resetting settings for your tablet model.

    For a complete reset, by the way, some tablets have a button, usually recessed into a narrow slot (manufacturers often write “Reset” near the hole or button). If your tablet is equipped with such a button, take a sharp object (a paperclip or a needle) and hold down the reset button for a few seconds to reset.

    Attention! If “MIC” is written next to the hole, it’s a microphone. If you insert a sharp object there, you can damage it.

    The button can also be placed inside the tablet, for example here:

    If recovery is impossible (under no circumstances can you revive the tablet), then you can try updating the tablet’s firmware to stable. To download the firmware you can use the popular website http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showforum=268. Here you can download the necessary firmware, read the instructions for your tablet, and also ask your questions.

    For experienced

    If you are comfortable with electricity and soldering, I can suggest several options on how to revive your tablet:

    • To charge the battery, you can disassemble the tablet and charge it bypassing the charge controller.
    • Perhaps the contacts of the board or cable have come loose.
    • Perform controller diagnostics.

    An example of how to diagnose and repair a tablet if it does not turn on:

    The list of problems for which a tablet may refuse to charge is truly extensive, and they are not always the fault of the user, which is what service centers usually try to emphasize by refusing to carry out free repairs. Below we will describe all the main options for why the tablet is not charging, but this list can be continued endlessly, and not all questions will be answered in it.

    Full discharge

    Not all, but some tablets have a huge problem, which is that the tablet does not charge if the user has previously managed to discharge the battery to the very minimum. That is, in order to “see” charging, the device needs to turn on at least for a second, but it cannot do this, since the battery is completely empty. It turns out to be a vicious circle in which, no matter what the owner does, his tablet still does not charge. What to do in such a situation? The first step is not to panic, calm down, disassemble the device, remove the battery and try to charge it bypassing the controllers built into the tablet. If you succeed in the future, you will simply need to monitor so that a similar situation does not happen again. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you will have to either buy a new battery, or go to those people who can solve this problem (service center, a familiar technician, a friend who understands electronics, etc.).

    Charger problem

    Some tablets, especially low-quality Chinese counterfeits of famous brands, suffer from the fact that their chargers break down very quickly. In such a situation, you should not be surprised that the Samsung tablet does not charge, even if it is really real, because the charger may be a common fake. The easiest way to check what the problem is is to try charging the device from the computer. If charging occurs correctly and no questions arise, then the problem is with the charger. You will either have to buy a new one, or try to find it in some other way. You can try to repair the existing one, but in most cases it is difficult to do this on your own, and the cost of the repairman’s work will be more than the cost of a new charger.

    No contact

    Another reason why your Samsung tablet is not charging may also indirectly relate to charging. The fact is that on some models, in the charging connector or on the plug itself, all kinds of dirt and other debris accumulate very quickly and in large volumes, which is why either the tablet does not charge at all, or it still charges, but only to some extent. then a certain position of the device. The way out of this situation is quite simple - clean the contact points between the plug and the tablet. It should be noted that with a certain amount of failure, the connector can be completely broken, which will make it impossible to charge the device in the future. That is why it is recommended not to carry out such actions yourself, but to use the services of professionals or at least amateurs who have already had similar positive experience. It should be remembered that repairing this element of the tablet is a rather delicate job and will require certain financial investments.

    Broken contact

    In principle, the situation here is approximately similar to that described above, but there are also serious differences, due to which repairs can be much more expensive. The fact is that in the production of cheap tablet models, not the highest quality materials are used, and therefore the contact itself inside the device may break off. In this case, other than advising you to contact a technician, nothing more can be done, since a situation in which the tablet does not charge cannot suit anyone. Of course, you can always try to solve the problem yourself, but if unsuccessful, the tablet may not be repairable at all. Then you will have to fork out money for a new one, which will lead to unnecessary expenses that can be avoided by simply taking care of the device on time and, in case of problems, giving it to professionals for restoration.


    A similar problem can also arise when certain parts within the tablet itself become disconnected. In most cases, it is the part that leads directly from the plug to the battery that is disconnected, but there are other cases. Particularly interesting are the options in which charging is actually in progress, but the screen shows that the tablet is not charging. Samsung Galaxy often does this, especially if it is a fake or simply poorly assembled. True, one should not discount the user, who through his actions could damage the device in one way or another (hit, drop, etc.). If you do not have experience in disassembling and repairing such problems, it is better not to try to fix the device yourself, as the result can be very disastrous. It is recommended to contact knowledgeable people or a service center if the tablet is still under warranty. If the warranty has expired, you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money, especially if the problem is really serious and there is no simple solution.

    Problems at the software level

    It is not always the case that the reason for the lack of charging lies directly in the hardware. It happens that installed applications, games, programs and something else like that one way or another affects the tablet. The battery does not charge in this case for various reasons, ranging from a hardware conflict and failure of the controller to work correctly, to malicious viruses that got into the device along with the downloaded program, which led to the tablet not charging. What to do in this case? Accept that all information stored on the device will be lost forever, and simply reflash it. Nowadays, this is not very difficult and with the proper level of computer knowledge you can do it yourself, but if the user doubts his abilities, it is better to take the tablet for repair. Moreover, a specialized center will not only do it faster and better, but may also offer some additional programs or applications that increase the level of comfort when using the device.

    Low voltage

    Another reason why the tablet does not charge may be a banal discrepancy between the voltage in the owner’s network and the one set as the reference by the device manufacturers. This problem often occurs with expensive devices, such as, for example, a Samsung Galaxy tablet. It does not charge, in most cases precisely because of this, because the developers simply cannot imagine a situation in which the network does not output as much as it should. This problem can be solved very simply, just buy a voltage stabilizer. Not only will it help to efficiently charge this individual tablet without any problems in the future, but it can also be used to operate other household appliances, especially those suffering from voltage surges.

    Other reasons

    Naturally, the problems listed above are only those that occur most often and can be eliminated either independently or at a small cost. However, there are many other options due to which the tablet may not work, and they are quite unique not only for the devices of each manufacturer, but also for each individual model. In addition, how the device is used by each individual owner also greatly influences, since many do not pay due attention to caring for the tablet or even use it in conditions for which it is not intended. We should not forget about fakes, which can generally work according to strange principles, and in certain cases cannot be repaired at all. It should be noted that some breakdowns cannot be repaired on your own, since manufacturers specifically create tablets so that they either cannot be disassembled at all or can only be disassembled by a specialist using a certain type of equipment.

    Who is guilty?

    To determine who is to blame for the fact that the tablet does not charge, you need to clearly understand whether the breakdown occurred due to user actions or as a result of a manufacturing defect. The owner should be as honest as possible in this regard, since the technician will eventually find the breakdown itself and find out by indirect evidence what exactly led to it. As a result, you can get back the same broken tablet and ruin your relationship with the service center. If the issue really is not due to any actions of the user, then you can safely take the device for repair and demand free service (if the warranty period has not yet expired). It should be noted that modern equipment breaks down in a very unique way, often immediately after the warranty has expired, simply forcing you to buy more and more new devices.


    In general, we can conclude that there are multiple reasons why the tablet refuses to charge. To avoid such situations altogether, it is recommended that you carefully study the instructions supplied with the device and care for it properly. Otherwise, you will either have to buy a new one, or pay a lot of money to repair an existing tablet, which again will be an extra expense that you could do without. Among other things, you should try not to purchase counterfeits (or at least not to buy low-quality counterfeits), since practically no one will undertake to troubleshoot them, and the breakdowns themselves can lead to spontaneous combustion and other similar things, thereby creating a threat to life for of people.