Rostelecom error 651 what to do Windows 7. Problems with the modem or optical terminal. Creating a new connection

Hello friends! Do you have error 651 when connecting to the Internet and don’t know how to fix it? In this article I will tell you in detail what I know about it and how I fix it. By the way, my name is Zhenya, and you can ask any questions in this article in the comments. Ask all questions there or in the (contacts) section. Well, let's get started?

Just recently, an acquaintance of mine called me and asked me to correct this error; I didn’t know how to do it yet, but after surfing the Internet, I found the answer and am sharing it with you.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet

Let's look at several options to fix this problem. But first, watch the video, it also has the answer.

  1. From the very beginning, you can call your provider and report this error. It may be that they created this error 651 when connecting to the Internet and they will fix it as soon as possible. But as we all know, most of the operators there themselves do not know anything, and all they can advise is to restart the computer and see what happens. But this option doesn’t suit us, right?
  2. If the operator did not help you, you can simply delete your Internet connection and create it again. I think you know how to do this? If not, write about it in the comments, and I will answer you by email.
  3. Sometimes an option like reinstalling the drivers for the network card helped me.
  4. If you have an ADSL router or Wi-Fi installed in your home, I advise you to read the article, but this is after you have corrected error 651.
  5. You can also restore a checkpoint, that is, roll back the operating system a week or a couple of days ago. I'm sure you know how to do this.
  6. Well, let's move on to the real solution to this error, so repeat after me. Click on the start button> run> and enter the command regedit there after that we will need to dig a little into the registry, don’t be afraid, it’s not scary. This is how I’ll write it now, go through the registry branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters as soon as you reach the last branch of the section (Parameters) create a DWORD parameter there and point to the name EnableRSS, also don’t forget to specify the value ( 0-zero). OK! Let's move on, now we need to create another DisableTaskOffload parameter with the value (1-one). And after completing all these operations, you can safely restart your computer and everything will work.

I really hope that the article error 651 when connecting to the Internet helped you. Well, as I said earlier, you can ask any questions that you still have in the comments, and I will definitely answer you!

Error 651 may occur due to technical problems on the part of the provider or your network equipment. This all involves the computer's network card, router or modem. If Windows 7 is installed on your computer, then there may be even more sources of problems. After reading this article, you will be able to achieve the desired result, that is, connect the Internet to your computer quickly and independently.

What it is

Many people wonder what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet. This means that the system has a failure of some piece of equipment that is responsible for the network connection, that is, it is the connecting part between the network and the computer. You can be 100% sure that you did everything correctly, but still the signal cannot reach your PC or laptop. So how to fix this problem?

The first thing to do is call your provider and ask what's wrong. If he says that everything is fine on the line, then the problem will need to be solved at home or, as a last resort, invited to a specialist who understands such situations. This article will describe everything in detail, so first you need to try to cope with this task yourself.

Video: Error 651 in Windows 8, how to fix it

Causes and solutions to this problem

There are two types of network equipment that connects the signal from the provider to your computer. From this you can also find out what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet.

So, there are 2 types of connecting network equipment:

You are only responsible for equipment that is your private property. Correcting the error yourself can happen if a failure occurs on your equipment (this happens in 85% of cases).

If you have turned to the Internet for help, then you are wondering what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet and how to deal with it. Let's start with the network card.

LAN card

How to fix an error if it occurred through a network card? Let's figure it out.

Situations due to which a failure may occur:

Do you need to install Ubuntu from a USB flash drive? How to install .

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet via a router

What does error 651 mean when connecting to the Internet through a router? This means that this equipment has failed. The first thing to do is reboot the router. Most likely, the problem is its freezing. This can happen quite often, especially if the equipment is running without being turned off.

The router breaks down very rarely, so the reason for the long absence of Internet is most likely something else.

Network cable

Through a cable, the connection to the Internet may also be lost. What are the reasons for this:

Changing the registry

You can also solve the problem by changing the registry. This is a rather complicated procedure, but if you are not a simple PC user, you can try it.
A similar network connection error numbered 651 for frequently installed versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10, the system describes it as a network connection error to the high-speed connection type Miniport WAN PPPoE, the text of the message displayed looks like this: “The modem or other communication device reported an error " This article covers in detail ways to fix network errors 651

for all kinds of versions of Windows, and what type of provider you have does not play a significant role in this situation. This information is aimed at solving the problem without having to reinstall Windows again.

If during the next connection to the Internet error 651 appears on the screen, then you should try the following simple steps, after each of these steps you must try to connect to the Internet again:

All these rather simple steps that are accessible to all beginners will help you eliminate such an error, and the connection will be restored again. This is what error 651 looks like in Windows 8.

There are several ways to reset the TCP/IP protocol settings for the popular versions of Windows 7 and 8. The easiest way in this case would be to use this special utility called Microsoft Fix It, which can be downloaded on this official portal
Upon completion of launching this utility, the program will spontaneously perform the necessary reset of the Internet protocol, after which you just need to restart the computer and try to connect to the Internet again.
In some situations, manually unchecking the TCP/IPv6 network protocol, which is located in the PPPoE properties, quickly helps to remove error 651. To carry out this action, you need to go to the list of required connections and open the available properties of a high-speed connection (The algorithm of sequential actions is as follows: Network and Sharing Center - change adapter settings - right click on the connection - properties). Next, on the Network tab, you need to disable the checkbox from the Internet protocol of the required version 6.

Updating existing network card drivers

Updating the drivers on your computer's working network card can also be a way out of the current connection problem. You just need to download them from the official website of the motherboard manufacturers or from a laptop and follow the simple steps to install it.
If you have two working network cards, this can also cause error 651, then you should disable the one that is practically not used.

Changing TCP/IP protocol parameters in the network registry editor

This method is mainly convenient for use in server versions of Windows; I have not used it myself for user versions. It consists of changing some parameters in the registry editor, to launch which you need to use the following functional combination “Win ​​+ R” and enter regedit yourself. Next, you need to open the following section of the network registry (folders on the left) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters When Using a single right-click on an empty area of ​​the list of parameters, you need to select the desired item “ Create DWORD Value (32 bits)».

Set the name for the parameter as EnableRSS and set it to 0.
In the same way, create the required parameter DisableTaskOffload with the required value 1.
After which the computer must be restarted and the connection attempted again.

Checking technical hardware components

If none of the above fixes the problem, then you should move on to more radical methods of troubleshooting the problem in the form of reinstalling Windows.
  1. First you need to disconnect your computer, router or modem.
  2. Next, you should disconnect all the cables, and at the same time carefully check the integrity of the cable connections again.
  3. Next, you should connect your computer and wait for it to fully boot. If there is a network router on the cable line, then you need to turn it on, but this should be done only after the computer boots.
Well, then it’s worth taking a closer look to see if error 651 occurs again.

Such an error can also be caused by the action of some unidentified malicious file on the computer, in which case it is necessary to check the health of your software using special means; for these technical purposes, in addition to , it is recommended to use the following high-quality programs Hitman Pro and the well-known Malwarebytes Antimalware. Perhaps, after eliminating the dangerous software, error 651 will no longer appear on your screen.

Error 651 usually occurs when connecting to the Internet via WAN miniport (PPPoE) in the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems. Its equivalent in the Windows XP operating system was error 678, and in Windows Vista - 815.

In any case, no matter what the error is called, its essence is the same - a connection error when starting a high-speed connection on Windows 7 and 8 to connect the computer to the Internet via the PPPoE protocol.

Let's look at a few reasons why error 651 may occur.

Checking the cables

First, you need to check all network cables, connections and power to all network devices: modem, router, Wi-Fi adapters. Make sure that the cables are not broken and that all devices are connected to the network. To eliminate the lack of contact, disconnect the network cables from the computer’s network card, router, modem and connect them back. If you are using PPPoE over a wireless connection, make sure you have the Wi-Fi adapter enabled on your laptop or computer.

Create a high-speed connection

You can also try to resolve error 651 by deleting and creating a new high-speed PPPoE connection. To do this, right-click on the network icon in the tray and go to .

Next, go to the tab, there we select the high-speed connection on which error 651 occurs, right-click on it and click “Delete”.

To create a new connection in "Network Control Center..." follow the link "Set up a new connection or network".

Select an item "Internet connection" and click “Next”.

In the next window, click on the item "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

Enter "Username" and “Password” and click “Connect”.

Unchecking the TCP/IPv6 protocol can also help remove error 651. To do this, go to "Network and Sharing Center""Change adapter settings". Then right-click on your broadband connection and go to Properties. Go to the “Network” tab and uncheck the box "Internet Protocol Version 6", click "OK".

If error 651 still appears, move on.

Multiple network cards

If you have two network cards, this can also cause error 651. For example, your home local network or cable from another provider is connected to the second network card. Try disabling the second network card or the one that is not in use.

Blocking connection

Error 651 can also be caused by an antivirus or Windows firewall. They may simply be blocking the PPPoE connection. Disable your security system for a while.

Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray and select "Manage Avast Screens", then select any value. If you have another antivirus installed, look for a similar function in it.

To disable the firewall in Windows 7, read the following article.

Setting up a modem or router

If you have a modem, router or router installed, you need to check its settings. In order to go into the router settings, enter or into the address bar of the browser, depending on the manufacturer. Next, a window will appear for entering your username and password. We fill in these fields; by default, you need to enter admin in each field. Next, we look to see if the username and password, connection type, and method of connecting to the Internet match. It is better to reset all settings to factory defaults and configure the equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the provider. Then reboot your device.

Also check that, say, on the router, all the necessary indicators are lit. You can read which blinking green light is responsible for what in the instructions for the device.

Problems on the provider side

Internet connection problems may also arise from the provider. Call technical support and ask them to check the line. Perhaps they will give some more useful recommendations. But they definitely won’t solve problems that have arisen with your home network or teach you how to configure network devices.

Registry Editor

Another way that can help solve the problem with error 651 is to change the TCP/IP settings in the Registry Editor. To do this, enter “regedit” in the search bar of the “Start” menu and press “Enter”.

The registry window opens. In it we go through the following branches: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/Parameters.

Then right-click on an empty space and select the “DWORD (32-bit)” option from the context menu.

We name the parameter “EnableRSS” and set its value to “0”.

In the same way, create a parameter called “DisableTaskOffload” and set it to “1”. Look, maybe such a parameter is already there, then just change the value to “1”.

Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Perhaps one of the methods will help you solve the problem that causes error 651 to occur when connecting to the Internet.

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Error 651 usually occurs when connecting to the Internet via WAN miniport (PPPoE) in the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems. Its equivalent in the Windows XP operating system was error 678, and in Windows Vista - 815.

In any case, no matter what the error is called, its essence is the same - a connection error when starting a high-speed connection on Windows 7 and 8 to connect the computer to the Internet via the PPPoE protocol.

Let's look at a few reasons why error 651 may occur.

Checking the cables

First, you need to check all network cables, connections and power to all network devices: modem, router, Wi-Fi adapters. Make sure that the cables are not broken and that all devices are connected to the network. To eliminate the lack of contact, disconnect the network cables from the computer’s network card, router, modem and connect them back. If you are using PPPoE over a wireless connection, make sure you have the Wi-Fi adapter enabled on your laptop or computer.

Create a high-speed connection

You can also try to resolve error 651 by deleting and creating a new high-speed PPPoE connection. To do this, right-click on the network icon in the tray and go to .

Next, go to the tab, there we select the high-speed connection on which error 651 occurs, right-click on it and click “Delete”.

To create a new connection in "Network Control Center..." follow the link "Set up a new connection or network".

Select an item "Internet connection" and click “Next”.

In the next window, click on the item "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

Enter "Username" and “Password” and click “Connect”.

Unchecking the TCP/IPv6 protocol can also help remove error 651. To do this, go to "Network and Sharing Center""Change adapter settings". Then right-click on your broadband connection and go to Properties. Go to the “Network” tab and uncheck the box "Internet Protocol Version 6", click "OK".

If error 651 still appears, move on.

Multiple network cards

If you have two network cards, this can also cause error 651. For example, your home local network or cable from another provider is connected to the second network card. Try disabling the second network card or the one that is not in use.

Blocking connection

Error 651 can also be caused by an antivirus or Windows firewall. They may simply be blocking the PPPoE connection. Disable your security system for a while.

Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray and select "Manage Avast Screens", then select any value. If you have another antivirus installed, look for a similar function in it.

To disable the firewall in Windows 7, read the following article.

Setting up a modem or router

If you have a modem, router or router installed, you need to check its settings. In order to go into the router settings, enter or into the address bar of the browser, depending on the manufacturer. Next, a window will appear for entering your username and password. We fill in these fields; by default, you need to enter admin in each field. Next, we look to see if the username and password, connection type, and method of connecting to the Internet match. It is better to reset all settings to factory defaults and configure the equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the provider. Then reboot your device.

Also check that, say, on the router, all the necessary indicators are lit. You can read which blinking green light is responsible for what in the instructions for the device.

Problems on the provider side

Internet connection problems may also arise from the provider. Call technical support and ask them to check the line. Perhaps they will give some more useful recommendations. But they definitely won’t solve problems that have arisen with your home network or teach you how to configure network devices.

Registry Editor

Another way that can help solve the problem with error 651 is to change the TCP/IP settings in the Registry Editor. To do this, enter “regedit” in the search bar of the “Start” menu and press “Enter”.

The registry window opens. In it we go through the following branches: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/Parameters.

Then right-click on an empty space and select the “DWORD (32-bit)” option from the context menu.

We name the parameter “EnableRSS” and set its value to “0”.

In the same way, create a parameter called “DisableTaskOffload” and set it to “1”. Look, maybe such a parameter is already there, then just change the value to “1”.

Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Perhaps one of the methods will help you solve the problem that causes error 651 to occur when connecting to the Internet.

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