Software package "Polygon: Technical plan". Software complex "Landing ground: Cadastral engineer" Download the software complex Landfill cadastral engineer

The software included in the workstation allows you to generate land management and cadastral documentation, load coordinates from text files of various formats, and process data from GPS receivers. More than 125 types of templates for land management and cadastral documents are supplied with the software. Reports can be generated in Microsoft Office or OpenOffice formats. Electronic document flow is supported with the automated system of the state real estate cadastre based on XML files according to established schemes.

Loading and viewing vector maps from SXF, TXF, OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), DXF, Shape, MIF\MID, S57, GDF, DGN, MP (Polish format), XLS, DBF, TXT, OziExplorer formats (WPT, RTE, PLT, EVT), Magellan Explorist UPT, RTE), raster data (RSW, BMP, JPEG, GeoTIFF, TIFF), height matrices, quality matrices, geological layer matrices, TIN models, laser scanning data (cloud points in MTD format), custom maps, work area.

Creation of new cards with automatic filling of parameters using the EPSG code or from a list of parameters in XML format. Editing vector maps. Entering caption texts and attribute values ​​in UNICODE.

Multivariate modes for selecting objects on the map to perform various operations with them.

Mode "Custom selection"(mode "Lasso") allows you to select any combination and any location of objects on the map.

Combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document.
Connection to GIS Server for multi-user work with access control.
Connecting databases of various formats.
Connecting external data sources from geoportals on the Internet (Yandex, Public Cadastral Map, Space Images and others)
Connection and import of spatial data from servers of external information systems using OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS protocols.
Data search, data composition management through the Map Legend.
Connection of external databases in the format of industrial DBMS (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and others.).
Connection to a GPS/GLONASS receiver to solve navigation problems.

Receive measurement results in SI units, as well as inches, feet, yards and nautical miles.

Prepare and print complex reports that include maps, graphics, multi-line text with various attributes, embedded office documents and tables, borders, grids, and other elements.

Simplification in managing the map view in printer mode and when printing using "Color Settings".

Installation "Caption Highlights", all map labels are displayed with a white outline, and "Transparent fill", the fills of all area objects are displayed translucently, the degree of transparency determines the intensity of the polygons fill (from 0 to 100).

These modes improve the readability of captions and preserve raster images as much as possible when displaying a map over terrain images.

Printing an electronic map on various output devices and output in PostScript.
Preview of a document prepared for printing, setting parameters for printing small runs of cards.
Complete documentation, electronic help system.

Information about land plots and their parts can be compiled in the form of reports or saved in an XML file for subsequent registration in the cadastral register in the form of an electronic document.

The formation of land management and cadastral documentation is provided by the following functions:

  • drawing on the cadastral map of the object composition to describe land uses (blocks, plots, restricted zones, buildings, boundary signs);
  • input, editing, storage and subsequent use of land use records;
  • setting up attribute data parameters to describe land use;
  • establishing a relationship between a map feature and land use attribute records;
  • creating new and customizing existing reporting document templates;
  • formation of a land use scheme according to parameters specified by the user;
  • automatic completion of a report using a specified template in accordance with metric and attribute land use data;
  • support for the generation of reports for single land uses, consisting of several parts;
  • formation of a boundary plan, including for multi-circuit objects;
  • support for information exchange with the AIS State Property Committee, through XML files - information about real estate cadastre objects;
  • formation of outlines of land use turning points.

The generation of text reports and/or electronic documents of the following types of geodetic, land management and cadastral documentation is supported.

Usage programs of the "Cadastral Engineer" complex" when surveying land plots, it can significantly speed up the time for completing the necessary documents that comply with modern legislation of the Russian Federation.

Purchase of computer programs: "Poland: Land survey plan", "Poland: Map plan", "Poland: Land survey project", "Poland 2012" included software package "Cadastral engineer" allows you save up to 25% from the cost of the programs.

In any program you can conveniently and quickly enter all required data, A import coordinates from files of various formats, save information, print How text, so graphic sections documents in Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or in a free office program Writer(

Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved symbols, line types, and colors.


Software package "Cadastral engineer" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally obtain quality results inas soon as possible, saving at the same time your funds. Programs included in the complex:


For information about program capabilities, please see the program cards included in the complex. Each program generates documents using printed forms and XML schemas that correspond to its purpose. The technical capabilities and techniques for working with the programs are largely similar. When updating versions, the capabilities of programs are expanded. Each program has a detailed user manual.

New in version: New versions are regularly released with new features and bug fixes. For information about the improvements and innovations made, see the program cards included in the complex. The date of the last update of the programs is indicated above at the beginning of the page and also in the cards of each program.

Compliance with standard:

  • The programs included in the complex fully comply with:
  • XML schemes approved by Rosreestr;
  • Order No. 412 of November 24, 2008 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “On approval of the form boundary plan and requirements for its preparation, an approximate form of notice of a meeting to agree on the location of the boundaries of land plots" as amended by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 32 dated January 25, 2012
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2009 No. 621 “On approval of the form maps (plan) land management object and requirements for its preparation";
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2011 No. 388 “On approval of requirements for land surveying project land plots."

System requirements: Computer 2000 and newer: Pentium Celeron 1000/64MbWindows any version 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/ Windows 7 Microsoft Word any of the versions 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 or Writer from the office suite. Large format drawings output in Writer or Microsoft Excel.

Attention! From September 1, 2018, the “Polygon: Technical Plan” software package will be removed from sale and will only be available for renewal (additional service).

27.04.2018 -

generation of electronic documents technical plan for the new XML Schema project version 06 ( ) And inspection reports for the draft new XML schema version 02 ( ) .

22.06.2017 -

added import from new statements and KPT 2017 format

09.02.2017 -

formation of an inspection report in accordance with the new Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 20, 2015 No. 861 as amended. Order No. 742 dated November 23, 2016, entered into force on January 1, 2017) ().

06.02.2017 -

formation of a printed form of technical plans and declarations in accordance with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2015 No. 953 (came into force on January 1, 2017).

06.07.2016 -

import of cadastral XML documents of the new 2016 format.

19.02.2016 -

The printed form corresponds to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 3, 2015 No. 909.

Software package "Polygon: Technical plan"- This programs, having an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, used to createtechnical plan V printed and/or electronic form (XML) for submission through the Rosreestr portal, or zip archive for delivery on removable media to the cadastral registration authority (no digital signature required).

Purchase of computer programs, and as part of software package "Polygon: Techplan" allows you save up to 28% from the cost of the programs.

In the programs you can conveniently and quickly enter all required data, A import coordinates from files of various formats, save information, print How text, so graphic sections documents in Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or in a free office program Writer( Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved symbols, line types, and colors.

Electronic documents are formed according to the new XML schema version 03, it is possible to create zip archive for submission on removable media to the cadastral chamber, and the programs “are able” to digitally sign files for submitting the technical plan through the Rosreestr portal (the programs can work without a digital signature).

Also in the complex programs the ability to form real estate inspection report(buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction projects)in printed and electronic form (XML file), zip archive for submission to the CMO on removable media.

Sending technical plans to Rosreestr directly from the program via a direct interaction system.

For beginners! In all programs when you select a detail, a paragraph from the filling requirements immediately appears, in which the rules for filling out this detail are written, as well as Instructions for signing files with an electronic digital signature have been developed .

The use of these programs allows you to significantly speed up the time for completing the necessary documents for cadastral registration of buildings, premises, structures, unfinished construction projects, their parts, and introducing new information (changes) that comply with modern legislation of the Russian Federation.


Software package "Polygon: Technical plan" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally obtain quality results in as soon as possible , saving at the same time your funds.

Programs included in the complex:


Registration of the technical plan of buildings, parts of buildings for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about the building or its parts


Preparation of necessary documents for cadastral registration of premises, parts of premises for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about the premises or its parts


Preparation of the necessary documents for registering buildings with cadastral registration, entering new information (changes) about the structure

- registration of unfinished construction objects (buildings, structures) for cadastral registration, entering new information (changes) about the object

Version 5.7.1 dated 10/16/2018

Attention! or higher.

By downloading the installation file from .

  • User Guide updated.
  • Changes have been made based on user comments and suggestions.

Version 5.6.1 dated 10/16/2018

Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, an Internet connection is required and you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

If there are any difficulties during auto-update, then We recommend updating the program manually by downloading the installation file from .

  • User Guide updated.
  • Changes have been made based on user comments and suggestions.

Compliance with standard:

The programs included in the complex fully comply with the requirements:

  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federationdated September 1, 2010 No. 403"On approval of the form of the technical plan of the building and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 No. 583“On approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and requirements for its preparation” (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2011 No. 693"On approval of the form of the technical plan of the structure and requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (draft)"On approval of the form of a technical plan for an unfinished construction project and requirements for its preparation" (text of the order)
  • XML schema used to generate an XML document - technical plan buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction projects, if such a document is submitted in electronic form (Order of Rosreestr dated June 18, 2012 No. P/256) Scheme version 02.
  • XML Schema used to generate the XML document −

Attention! From September 1, 2018, the “Polygon: Technical Plan” software package will be removed from sale and will only be available for renewal (additional service).

27.04.2018 -

generation of electronic documents technical plan for the new XML Schema project version 06 ( ) And inspection reports for the draft new XML schema version 02 ( ) .

22.06.2017 -

added import from new statements and KPT 2017 format

09.02.2017 -

formation of an inspection report in accordance with the new Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 20, 2015 No. 861 as amended. Order No. 742 dated November 23, 2016, entered into force on January 1, 2017) ().

06.02.2017 -

formation of a printed form of technical plans and declarations in accordance with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2015 No. 953 (came into force on January 1, 2017).

06.07.2016 -

import of cadastral XML documents of the new 2016 format.

19.02.2016 -

The printed form corresponds to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 3, 2015 No. 909.

Software package "Polygon: Technical plan"- This programs, having an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, used to createtechnical plan V printed and/or electronic form (XML) for submission through the Rosreestr portal, or zip archive for delivery on removable media to the cadastral registration authority (no digital signature required).

Purchase of computer programs, and as part of software package "Polygon: Techplan" allows you save up to 28% from the cost of the programs.

In the programs you can conveniently and quickly enter all required data, A import coordinates from files of various formats, save information, print How text, so graphic sections documents in Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or in a free office program Writer( Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved symbols, line types, and colors.

Electronic documents are formed according to the new XML schema version 03, it is possible to create zip archive for submission on removable media to the cadastral chamber, and the programs “are able” to digitally sign files for submitting the technical plan through the Rosreestr portal (the programs can work without a digital signature).

Also in the complex programs the ability to form real estate inspection report(buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction projects)in printed and electronic form (XML file), zip archive for submission to the CMO on removable media.

Sending technical plans to Rosreestr directly from the program via a direct interaction system.

For beginners! In all programs when you select a detail, a paragraph from the filling requirements immediately appears, in which the rules for filling out this detail are written, as well as Instructions for signing files with an electronic digital signature have been developed .

The use of these programs allows you to significantly speed up the time for completing the necessary documents for cadastral registration of buildings, premises, structures, unfinished construction projects, their parts, and introducing new information (changes) that comply with modern legislation of the Russian Federation.


Software package "Polygon: Technical plan" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally obtain quality results in as soon as possible , saving at the same time your funds.

Programs included in the complex:


Registration of the technical plan of buildings, parts of buildings for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about the building or its parts


Preparation of necessary documents for cadastral registration of premises, parts of premises for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about the premises or its parts


Preparation of the necessary documents for registering buildings with cadastral registration, entering new information (changes) about the structure

- registration of unfinished construction objects (buildings, structures) for cadastral registration, entering new information (changes) about the object

Version 5.7.1 dated 10/16/2018

Attention! or higher.

By downloading the installation file from .

  • User Guide updated.
  • Changes have been made based on user comments and suggestions.

Version 5.6.1 dated 10/16/2018

Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, an Internet connection is required and you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

If there are any difficulties during auto-update, then We recommend updating the program manually by downloading the installation file from .

  • User Guide updated.
  • Changes have been made based on user comments and suggestions.

Compliance with standard:

The programs included in the complex fully comply with the requirements:

  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federationdated September 1, 2010 No. 403"On approval of the form of the technical plan of the building and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 No. 583“On approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and requirements for its preparation” (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2011 No. 693"On approval of the form of the technical plan of the structure and requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (draft)"On approval of the form of a technical plan for an unfinished construction project and requirements for its preparation" (text of the order)
  • XML schema used to generate an XML document - technical plan buildings, structures, premises, unfinished construction projects, if such a document is submitted in electronic form (Order of Rosreestr dated June 18, 2012 No. P/256) Scheme version 02.
  • XML Schema used to generate the XML document −