What you need to install a Wi-Fi router. Setting up the network card. What to do if you have lost the installation disk from your router

Now generations of computers are changing at an incredible speed: technical solutions that were predicted to have a bright future just yesterday are today on the sidelines of progress, safely forgotten by everyone.

And some new products, the advisability of which was questioned by the entire computer community, after a short period of time become incredibly popular, moving into the category of Must Have (everyone should have it, irreplaceable). The first include Rambus memory, which was once unsuccessfully promoted by Intel, as well as a slot for expansion cards installed on motherboards and intended, in fact, for hardware-software modems. An example of solutions from the second group is the Wi-Fi wireless communication standard.

Now you can find information about this very easily, but how to install WiFi at home is often kept silent. Apparently it is believed that automatic configuration reduces the need for user intervention to a minimum. This is partly true. On the other hand, without knowing how to install WiFi at home, you may well encounter a number of problems. Nuances are always important. Especially if you need to choose a router for your home.

Global network with problematic access

Everyone understands that the absence of the Internet sharply limits the capabilities of a computer in terms of searching and retrieving information, so now it is difficult to find a person whose home computer is not connected to it. Moreover, providers are offering offers that are increasingly tempting in cost. As a result, the scheme most often implemented is when a twisted pair cable is brought directly into the house and connected to the Ethernet port of the computer. Everything works fine until the need arises to provide access from another computer system (two computers in the house is no longer news). How can I do that?


There are several options for gaining access to the Network from several computers:

How to install WiFi at home

A router is a device that manages data packets. Can communicate with computers via twisted pair cable or radio waves (WiFi). The second allows you not only to eliminate wires in the house, but also to provide access from all mobile devices within a radius of several hundred meters (according to your passport), which is very convenient.

So, how to install WiFi at home? First of all, you need to make sure that all devices that need to be given access to the Network have a WiFi radio module. It is present in modern laptops and mobile phones, but for a personal computer you will have to purchase an expansion card. Next, you need to decide whether you need to share access to a popular IPTV solution. If yes, then the WAN router settings should contain the Dual PPPoe and Multicast items. When binding a provider to a MAC address, there must be a MAC clone function. It makes no sense to recommend any manufacturer - this is a personal choice of the user. It is also worth paying attention to the support of IEEE standards - they must match or be compatible. The type of radio module used can be found in the device data sheet or on the manufacturer’s website.


So, bought it. The twisted pair cable from the provider is connected to the WAN connector. On all other machines, the radio modules are turned on (you need to install the driver and use the device). After this, you may need to open the network configuration window (usually it appears on its own) on each computer and confirm the use of the detected access point. That's all. If DHCP mode is enabled on the router (most often this is the case), then you can start browsing Internet resources. If problems arise, you need to use the auto-installation disk that came with the router.

Setting up a router is not an easy procedure, but we are ready to help you understand all its intricacies. Just read the instructions below carefully, and in just a few minutes you can easily set the parameters you need and get started!

#1. Connection

Before you configure the router yourself via a computer, you need to connect it:

  • Insert the Internet cable into the WAN/Internet port;
  • Install the end of the network cable into the LAN port of the device;
  • Place the other end into the connector on the PC;
  • Connect the model to a power outlet and press power on.
  • Ready!

We hope that this brief instruction helped you understand the first steps, but you can read more about the connection process on the website. Now you can safely move on to the instructions, which tell you how to properly configure your WiFi router yourself.

#2. Login to the web interface

We would like to warn you that setting up a WiFi router online through a browser can only be done after turning on the device. When you activate the work, distribution of the wireless network with factory settings (login, password) will begin. You can change the router settings in a special web interface that each device is equipped with.

Important! To open the setup interface, you need to connect your computer to the device. Internet access is not required.

To open the site for setting up your router, do the following:

  • Open your browser;
  • Enter the IP address in the address bar;
  • In the window that opens, log in - enter your username and password.

  • The address, network name and login pin code are indicated on a sticker located on the back of the router.

  • Some devices do not have login data - they need to be installed after logging into the interface.

Please note that some manufacturers set the parameters themselves - then you don’t need to do anything when you turn it on for the first time.

#3. Setup instructions

Most routers have a special wizard option that will help you quickly set the necessary parameters. For example, here, the item is called “Quick setup”:

The most important thing you need to configure is:

  1. Internet connection;
  2. Wi-Fi network.

Let's deal with the first parameter first. Our main goal is, of course, the operation of the Internet on devices:

  • Open the General Settings tab. Most often they are located in the WAN or Internet section;
  • Specify the provider connection type, username and password - you can see the information in the contract;

  • If the provider requires MAC address binding, provide the required data (from the contract).

Important! If the provider uses (DHCP), then the connection to the network will occur automatically. Skip this section of the instructions; there is no need to reconfigure the router.

  • Open the section called Wi-Fi. It may be called differently - Wireless network/Wireless/Wireless mode;
  • In the “Network name” or “SSID” field, enter a new name (in Latin only);
  • In the “Wireless network key” field, enter the created identification code;
  • Security type – WPA2 – Personal;
  • Change the region to the location in the appropriate line;
  • Save your changes.

If you want to change your router settings, we recommend that you change the factory access code. This is important if you want to protect yourself from unauthorized entry. Here's how to do it:

  • Find the security or privacy settings section;
  • Change the data to a new, reliable code.

All of the above instructions apply if you need to set up a new router instead of an old one or install completely new equipment. By the way, we suggest you watch a general video on how to set up a router. It is perfect for those who are not confident in their abilities, because it shows the whole process step by step and in detail!

Now you know everything about how to set up the Internet on a Wi-Fi router via a computer - use our article to achieve results. Just follow the instructions and in just a few minutes you will be able to successfully surf the Internet.

Today, as we know, wireless networks (VLANs), or, as they are often called, private virtual networks VPN, have firmly established themselves in the computer world. And when using a network connection or accessing the Internet, they are given preference. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to turn on WiFi on a computer, much less make it the main access point.

Wireless network

Let's start with the fact that connecting to virtual networks involves two main methods: infrastructure and connecting in Ad-Hoc mode, which will be discussed later.

The first type of connection involves the use of standard network routers or ADSL modems, which distribute packets of IP addresses to several devices currently connected to the virtual network.

In the second case, only one main computer terminal is connected, which will subsequently act as a gateway. In other words, all other computers, laptops or mobile gadgets will connect to it. Let's consider the question of how to enable WiFi on a computer. There are several ways. Before you do this, you need to perform some preliminary steps, without which creating a connection will be impossible; it simply will not work even if some parameters are successfully configured.

Basic WiFi Components for PC

It goes without saying that you will need some components to establish a connection via the WiFi module. In principle, everything is simple. This is a computer with installed (we will consider all processes based on Windows OS), a router and a little patience.

Please note that if you need to make your computer a WiFi access point, you should use the built-in WiFi modem (some USB devices can also be used).

Ad-Hoc connection

This connection option was developed specifically for cases where all other devices need to be connected through one main computer terminal. The advantages of this connection are that there are no restrictions on how many client terminals will connect through the main gateway.

Conventional cheap routers and ADSL modems installed in apartments provide a standard connection for 4-6 devices. Naturally, you can also purchase multi-channel routers, but they will cost much more. It is much easier to use the built-in device on the main computer, which connects directly to (RJ-11 or RJ-45 connectors) and provides WiFi distribution for the PC.

Installing the Router Driver

First you need to install the device driver itself (provided that it is not already installed). To do this, as a rule, you use a standard driver disk supplied with purchase. The installation itself usually does not cause problems, but in some cases additional settings will be required.

After installing the driver, you need to look at the status of the device. To do this, you can use the standard “Device Manager” (the device itself should not be highlighted in yellow as problematic).

But that's not all. On some computer systems, modules that enable communication may be disabled by default. Here you will have to use the “Engage” command, after first going to the network adapter, called up by right-clicking.

Basic router settings

Now you need to configure the adapter (router) itself. This is done in any Internet browser by entering the line in the address field (for some non-standard models After authorization via login and password (they are indicated on the label of the device itself), you need to check the “Enable AP” option, assign the SSID network name and select the data encryption method (usually WPA).

After this procedure, in the “Wireless Networks” menu in the “Control Panel”, you need to uncheck the “Use to configure a wireless network” line, and then configure additional parameters.

For example, for D-Link devices you will need the D-Link AirPlus G+ Wireless Adapter Utility. In the parameters you will need to enter the same SSID value, then in the Wireless Mode section set the value to Infrastructure and save the changes.

How to distribute WiFi from a computer

Let's look at the basic methodology. When solving a problem, you can do things differently. For this option, in managing wireless connections, you need to select “Change network preference order” and add a new connection. Next, you need to enter the SSID connection name (arbitrary), select “Open” authentication and WEP encryption method. Don't forget to use the network access key (WiFi password on your computer) followed by confirmation.

At the bottom there is a line “This is a direct computer-to-computer connection; access points are not used." You need to check the box next to it. On the “Connection” tab, the “Connect if a network is within range” option must be enabled.

Next, you need to go to the “Network Setup Wizard” and after detecting new equipment, check the “Ignore disabled equipment” option. In the next window, select the connection method in the line “This computer has a direct connection to the Internet. Other computers on the network connect to the Internet through this computer,” after which in the new window you need to check the “Wireless network connection” line. Next comes the standard setting of the computer name, workgroup and sharing. Once setup is complete, you will need to reboot the system.

Alternative method

To answer the question of how to turn on WiFi on a computer, you can use an equally effective method, which, however, is suitable for experienced users. An ordinary user is unlikely to use this method, however, we will consider it.

How to set up WiFi on a computer in this case? First, you need to make sure that the WLAN AutoConfig Service, Internet Connection Sharing, and Routing and Remote Access components are set to Automatic and enabled. Now you need to launch the console with administrator rights, and then enter the line netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="XXXX" key="YYYYYYYY" keyusage=persistent, (where XXXX is the computer name and YYYYYYYY is the minimum 8-digit password). It is better not to use Cyrillic when entering.

Now run ncpa.cpl, Microsoft Virtual Miniport Adapter should be specified in the properties on the “Network” tab. Here you can remove unnecessary protocols and rename the connection. In the “Access” tab, you can set permission to use the connection by other users and select your own connection. Now go to the console again and enable the connection using the line . This is the activation of the connection.

The connection status is checked using the line netsh wlan show hostednetwork, service stop - netsh wlan stop hostednetwork, complete disabling and deleting - netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow. To automatically start when the system starts, command line netsh wlan start hostednetwork you need to add (register) to the startup menu.


It is probably already clear that the question of how to enable WiFi on a computer has several basic solutions. Which one to use is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Actually, the question comes down, as is already clear, to installing drivers, configuring network adapters and making basic settings for the router and network connections in the system.

As already mentioned, the first method should not cause any particular difficulties for anyone. An alternative method of creating a distribution and, as they say, “sharing” it is unlikely to suit an ordinary user, although it is simpler, since there is no need to delve into the system. Here, as they say, everything is at hand, although preliminary settings still need to be made. On the other hand, all methods are effective, and what to choose depends only on the preferences of the user or

“Setting up a WiFi router? Nothing could be simpler, Watson!
Even if you are a very far person from the depths of knowledge of all the secrets of the computer world, most likely you have still heard of such a thing as Wi-Fi! Let's immediately decide what this word means. WiFi is a technology for wirelessly transmitting information via radio signals. Now it has become widespread, so in order to keep up with the homosapiens of the 21st century, I strongly recommend getting involved in the topic and actively mastering and using it. The advantage of setting up wifi at home over a cable connection is so huge that there is no point in even explaining it - Internet and data exchange without wires! No sockets, cords or other millennia-old nonsense - I took out a laptop or smartphone (or whatever else is weighing on your pocket?) - turned it on and away I go...

If you are reading this article, then the question of setting up a WiFi router has arisen for you. Well, let's figure out how to set up WiFi on a laptop and computer with Windows 7 or XP.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that the menu sections in the router admin panel that I will talk about may have different names in different models and are located in different parts of the menu - the main thing is to understand the essence of which section should be entered.

  1. So, first of all, you need to purchase a router with wifi support. To set up a router to distribute a high-speed signal, it is advisable to purchase equipment with maximum throughput (currently there are up to 450 Mb/s), which is called a reserve. All the features of the choice are described in detail in this blog.
  2. Turn on the WiFi router and connect two cables to it - one, Internet from the provider, to the connector called “WAN”, the other, free on both sides, which came with the kit, to the “LAN” connector.

  3. Connect the free end of the cable to the computer or laptop from which we will configure the equipment.

  4. Go to the browser address or another address indicated on the bottom of the device. Depending on the manufacturer and model, the address may look like, or - from those that I personally came across.

  5. Enter your login and password - usually admin/admin, but may differ. They are indicated there, on the back of the router, next to the address for logging into the admin panel.

  6. In the router settings, in the WAN or Internet section, select the type of connection that is either specified in the provider’s contract or found out by calling technical support, and enter all the access data depending on this type. Again, they are all indicated in the contract or accompanying explanatory materials and instructions from the provider.

  7. In the “Wireless Network” or “WiFi” section, set the name of our Wi-Fi (SSID)

  8. In the security section, set the encryption type to WPA2/PSK and set a password for connecting to WiFi.

  9. We activate the virtual server mode - DCHP, which allows you to dynamically distribute IP addresses from a given range.

  10. Save all changes

Setting up a WiFi router - connecting a laptop

Let's move on to setting up WiFi on the laptop. Let's look at Windows 7 as an example, although on XP everything will be the same - the only difference is in the names of the menu items in the system itself. But first of all, keep in mind that the laptop must have a WiFi module - either built-in, which you will be notified by a sticker on the case informing you of its presence, or some kind of button to activate it.

If it is not there, then you need to purchase and install a WiFi adapter - read more about choosing this device.

Possible errors when setting up a router

When setting up a router to distribute a wifi signal on their own, beginners often make fairly simple mistakes. I will now give the solution to the most common ones.

If all the router settings have been made correctly, then the Internet should start working wirelessly. Follow the blog updates to learn how to increase Wi-Fi range and many other useful things.

It has become quite widespread these days, but not all desktop computers come with the ability to use this network. There are three ways to solve this problem: use a USB Wi-Fi adapter, a PCI Wi-Fi card, or a new motherboard with built-in Wi-Fi.

Why do you need to connect Wi-Fi to your computer?

The main advantage of using Wi-Fi is that it is not strictly tied to the location of the desktop computer. You can place your desktop anywhere at home where there is an outlet. This eliminates the need to connect an Ethernet cable.

If you are currently connected to the Internet via cable and do not intend to move your computer anywhere, then there is no need to install additional modules to use Wi-Fi. The fact is that connecting via cable, although in some cases inconvenient and time-consuming, currently this option provides a higher connection speed and is less susceptible to various interferences. So don't write off the Ethernet cable just yet.

But even if you are happy with everything about your cable Internet, there is another use for Wi-Fi on a desktop computer. If you have a Wi-Fi module, you can configure your desktop as a wireless access point to which other devices will connect.

Let's say you have a personal computer at home that is connected to the Internet using an Ethernet cable. You also have other devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone, game console) that have the ability to connect via Wi-Fi. To connect all these devices to the Internet, you can install a wi-fi router, or you can use the computer itself. To do this, just install the appropriate module on your desktop and configure an access point on it. In this case, all devices will connect to the computer via Wi-Fi and use its cable Internet.

The easiest option is to use a USB Wi-Fi adapter

This is the easiest way, for which you just need to insert the adapter like a regular flash drive into a free USB port and start working with Wi-Fi. However, the first time you connect, you may need to install drivers.

Usually the adapter looks like a regular flash drive, but there are models with built-in antennas. You can take such a device with you and connect it to any computer where you need to connect via Wi-Fi.

The main advantage of this option is the ease of connection, but such adapters usually lose in data transfer speed compared to the same PCI cards.

Internal Wi-Fi card

In this case, the traditional method of upgrading a computer is used - using an expansion card. To implement this, you must have free access to the inside of the system unit (no warranty seals) and at least one free PCI Express slot.

As mentioned above, the option of using a Wi-Fi card allows you to work at a higher speed with a more stable signal, because Additionally, one or more external antennas are used with the board.

Just like in the previous option, after installation you may need to install drivers.

Upgrading your computer - install a motherboard with Wi-Fi support

If you're looking to upgrade your computer and plan to use Wi-Fi on it, consider purchasing a motherboard with built-in Wi-Fi. This is the most expensive option compared to the previous two, but if you already had an upgrade planned, why pay extra for a USB adapter or PCI card.

Each of the 3 methods of connecting a desktop computer to Wi-Fi discussed in the article has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, which one to use is up to you depending on your needs.