What is the most effective advertising for small businesses?

Many, in search of income, choose this great way making money on the Internet, like making money by selling other people's information products. That is, earnings in affiliate programs.

For a beginner trying to earn his first money on the Internet, it’s easy Goldmine, capable of generating good income if you approach this issue wisely...

The essence of such earnings is very simple. You find the author of the product (course or service) with whom you decide to cooperate, register in his affiliate program, select the product you want to promote, receive an affiliate link to promote this specific product and begin advertising the product on the Internet using your personal affiliate link.

If a purchase is made through your link, that is, if a sale occurs and someone pays for the product using your link, you will receive a commission (from 15% to 75% depending on the affiliate program). The author then pays you a commission using the details you provided.

That's all! The first money is in your pocket :)

The circuit is simple and everything looks pretty easy!

But the most interesting thing is that not many people who decide to make money in affiliate programs know how to properly promote an affiliate product and what promotion methods exist for this...

Today we will talk about 20 popular ways to promote affiliate programs and look at each of them in more detail.

Let's start by defining what methods the methods of promoting affiliate programs are divided into:

Active and passive methods.

Active- this is when we use some of our resources:

1. Ideas

2. Fantasy

3. Efforts

4. Energy

5. Actions

Passive methods, which require us to take some kind of one-time action and that’s it - they start working...

And of course there are Paid and Free methods.

Paid methods:

1. Contextual advertising (Yandex Direct and GoogleAdwords)

4. Placement of paid banners (purchase of banners on other sites with high traffic).

Free methods:

  • 1. Signature on letters in your mailbox.

Customized signature in your postal service. At the very end of the letter, you write an unobtrusive offer and indicate your affiliate link. Some of the people you communicate with by mail will notice your recommendation.

  • 2. “Recommend” page on your blog.

Posting a page on your own blog “ I recommend", where you indicate what you recommend to your visitors, namely affiliate information products. Loyal and responsive subscribers will always use your recommendations.

  • 3. Banners on your blog.

Placing widgets on your blog in the side column (sidebar) of the blog (usually banners different sizes with embedded affiliate link).

  • 4. “Recommend” widget on the blog.
  • 5. Signature at the end of your letter to subscribers.

If you have your own newsletter and periodically send to your subscribers useful letters, then at the end of the letter you can write a recommendation for a partner information product. Some subscribers will definitely click on this signature and go to the advertised site.

  • 6. Redirect page after subscribing to your newsletter.
  • 7. Promotions and bonuses (author/own).

Example– order such and such an affiliate course using my link, and you will receive such and such courses as a gift, or some other affiliate course at a discount (you need a preliminary agreement with the author of another course and the presence of your own subscription base).

What BONUSES can there be: books, pdf reports, audio, video, personal consultations, discount cards, discounts on your other products, full courses.

And remember: People almost always buy because of BONUSES! Make an offer you can't refuse!

  • 8. Course reviews.

Very powerful method promoting affiliate products. Did you buy some new course and make a video review of it. In the video you show it in your hands and be sure to talk about the results that it brought you, how it helped you... This has a very strong effect on people (for this method you need to have own blog to post a video review of it).

  • 9. Personal PDF reports.

For example, you bought some course, studied it and put it into practice. Let's say a course on e-mail marketing. And they received benefits and results from its use. And in the future you can sell it, or give it to your subscribers for free. In this report, show what your results were. BEFORE completing the course and what became AFTER... and at the end, recommend this course by inserting your affiliate link to this information product.

How can you use this method? You can agree with the author of a certain course to record a joint interview and structure it in such a way that it will be aimed at the advantages of a particular product of the author. The author himself will tell you about the benefits that the buyer will receive, and most importantly, during the interview, he will give free useful techniques on the topic of the product and himself will push the potential client to purchase paid material. This superb method is unobtrusive, and in turn you recommend your affiliate product. Not a single author will refuse a joint interview, because he himself is interested in selling his products. Sales will be Guaranteed!

  • 11. Video reviews.

Here's what one very famous Runet entrepreneur Andrey Parabellum says - Quote: “ Want to shine? Do you want to become famous, recognizable? Do you want all Internet gurus to know your face? What do you need to do for this? Record once a week a live video review of the courses of famous Runet personalities" That is, the author of the course always welcomes video reviews, and he, of course, will post this review on his selling website. This way you will promote yourself and your sales, because you will attract traffic to this selling site, and your live video will be on it. Hence your trust potential clients will grow steadily.

  • 12. Comments on blogs.

By leaving comments, you kill 3 birds with one stone - you get acquainted with a new post on a topic that interests you, leave a comment and leave a link to your affiliate information product. But... it is important that the comment is on topic and useful, preferably solving some problem. Otherwise, your comment simply will not pass the moderation of the blog author. Do it this way so that the blog author himself likes your comment.

  • 13. Forums.

These are the places where people gather a large number of people by interests, and like comments, you can give something useful from yourself by communicating in various topics forum. Answer questions from forum participants and recommend one or another affiliate product as a solution. It is best to customize your signature for messages with a link to the affiliate product and just have fun communicating. Remember - Direct advertising of anything is NOT welcome on the forums!

  • 14. Recommendations/letters in your newsletter.

You can send a letter of recommendation to your mailing list, recommending your affiliate product. But do not make recommendations directly, but first give a portion of useful free material that you need to prepare yourself, and in the end give a small recommendation for a global solution to the problem using your affiliate product. That is, the subscriber will receive both free stuff and a pleasant recommendation, which he may or may not use. So that there is no direct imposition. Everything should be natural.

  • 15. Unpaid/unconfirmed orders in the admin panel of the partner account.

Few people use this method, but it is sometimes very effective. The point is that you select those customers who tried to place an order at one time, but for some reason they were unable to pay for it, and manually send them a letter reminding them of some promotions or discounts from the author, or perhaps offer him your bonuses if the client completes his order. This method can be called customer return.

  • 16. Blog post with hidden advertising.

Write a blog about your story or a problem you overcame. Describe a story about how things were bad for you at first, how things didn’t work out for you, what your problem was and, as a solution, give a gentle recommendation on how you dealt with your problem or difficult situation.

  • 17. « Blog buzz» - competitions, releases, limited promotions and prizes.

Endless quality content on the blog. The role of content should not be underestimated, since only lively, interesting and useful materials are able to warm up your audience and make them buy, no matter what you are selling. Write more often to your blog interesting and free materials. The more visitors you constantly have on your blog, the better they click on links, banners and other offers. The main thing is that these offers are present on your blog! And after every such excitement, affiliate sales growing by leaps and bounds.

  • 18. Exchange of articles with authors of other mailing lists (if you have your own).

The point is that you are offering to exchange articles. You advertise his article in your newsletter, and he, in turn, advertises your article with your affiliate links to the information product.

  • 19. Viral books with affiliate links.

Create useful book on the topic of the product, where you give out all useful information on a specific topic and insert affiliate links to an affiliate information product into it. How can you sell this book, and distribute it for free, or you can even build resale rights into it so that every buyer can sell this book themselves, and you will receive a commission on each sale through an affiliate link from this book.

  • 20. Participation in the release chain of the course author.

A release chain is a sequential series of sales letters prepared by the product author. You simply take his series of emails, insert your affiliate links into them and advertise to your subscriber base. And, as a result, you are guaranteed to receive sales of affiliate information products. Alternatively, you can prepare your own release chain to stand out from the competition.

That's all, Friends!

Thanks for reading the article.

Apply wisely all the above methods to develop your partner business and the results will not take long to arrive.

13 comments on 20 powerful ways to promote affiliate information products

    Hello Anton. Thank you very much for your article. I liked the very good advice, especially for us newbies who don’t know anything in this area. I myself have only been getting to know each other for a few days and learning from all of you knowledgeable people this is a business and I have long wanted to try working on the Internet, but somehow I’m hesitant. Tatyana, thank you again for sharing your experience and valuable information.

    Sincerely, Alexander.

    For me it useful lessons Thank you.

    Hello Anton. I read the article with interest, but it turns out I didn’t know everything about promoting affiliate information products.

    Good day to all.

    After reading an article about 20 powerful ways, I decided to write a couple of lines of my own.

    Everything that is written in the article works. Even if you don't have your own website, you can earn your two cents. It’s true that it’s much easier to do this with your own god or website. Beginners will have to work hard because... Many site traffic is low. The author of the article is silent about the fact that today there is competition in this type of business. More experienced partners with a more popular website and subscriber base skim the cream off new products. The authors themselves also promote their own product. But I think there will be a buyer for a beginner if you use some non-standard methods or originality in the same video review or article. I wish you all success.

  1. Thank you Anton, I read your post with interest, good review ways. I liked your suggestion to put “Recommend” buttons in the right sidebar, I’ll have to try it. By the way, I recommend reading the article “15 effective models infobusiness" on my blog, there is food for further development your business on the Internet.

    Great article! You have a lot interesting information on the blog. I learned something new for myself.

    Hello! I’ve been thinking about partnering for a long time, but somehow didn’t dare. And finally I decided, because I started a blog when I was young, only 30 articles. Attendance is small, but I decided to practice. And a question immediately arose. When I decided to place an information product on my website, doubts arose about its design. Do I need to describe the product in my own words, or just copy word for word from the affiliate program website?

  2. Having your own well-promoted website for sales definitely doesn’t hurt!

It’s always nice when your favorite thing, to which you are already ready to devote all your free time, begins to bring real income in contextual advertising or from affiliate programs, for example, ().

This is probably as pleasant as when a child begins to make first progress in school, and then in work, career, etc. After all, our projects are very similar to children - they need to be cared for and cherished, given all their free time, and at the same time we should not expect immediate returns.

But nevertheless, the opportunity to earn money, including from information products and other affiliate programs (), is often a very strong incentive to write more and more new materials.

Earning money from contextual advertising YAN and Google AdSense

Once upon a time, only advertisements from Yandex were posted on my blog. Before earnings from contextual advertising became even noticeable, I had to spend several months in a series of endless experiments with placing and managing the appearance of YAN blocks (in order to increase my income).

As they correctly write in many publications on the topic of optimizing earnings on the context, there can be no universal recipes optimal placement And appearance. Everything is deeply individual and you can only understand how to place and configure YAN or Adsense specifically for your resource through experimentation.

There is, however, one rule that I came up with for myself and which I think will most likely work for you too. If voluminous articles, providing visitors with a lot of information (hopefully necessary and interesting), then placing blocks around their perimeter will not bring any significant result and your earnings will leave much to be desired.

Although on projects with small “notes on the topic”, which consist of several paragraphs, this method of placement will be very effective, because the visitor, who quickly skimmed the text with his eyes, will want to find something else interesting on the page where he ended up.

Well, because... contextual advertising, as a rule, strongly correlates with the topic of the article, then it will most likely become the next object of interest for the visitor. And this is a pretty penny in the webmaster’s pocket and, as a result, a significant increase in his earnings.

This has been verified by numerous experiments, after which a theoretical basis was provided for this, the essence of which is that large and, to some extent, interesting to the visitor the article covers everything, advertisements of any systems placed along its huge perimeter contextual advertising, thereby preventing them from receiving their well-deserved earnings.

That's why the best option for projects with large and information-filled articles, it is possible to place YAN or Adsense blocks inside these articles ().

Again, you won’t get a crazy CTR (like, for example, on GS specially designed for making money on Adsense - the so-called MFA). And this is quite logical, because the density of blocks on the page still remains lower than in the case of a small note, completely surrounded by YAN and AdSense blocks.

Earning money from affiliate programs of information products

We smoothly move from making money from contextual advertising to generating income from affiliate programs. In the article, I talked about what affiliate programs are, who referrals are and what a referral or, in other words, affiliate link is.

There I also provided a list of affiliate programs from which I make money now or did it once:

  1. GoGetLinks (read a review on working at gogetlinks)
  2. GetGoodLinks (I expressed admiration for the prices at Getgoodlinks)
  3. RotaPost (read the manual on working in Rotapost)
  4. RotaBan (review of systems banner advertising including Rotaban)
  5. MiraLinks (I also wrote about the article exchange called MiraLinks)
  6. — a new exchange of articles (it is very profitable to have time to recruit referrals right now)
  7. Admitad — whole network affiliate programs
  8. Seopult - an aggregator with huge budgets
  9. MegaIndex is also an aggregator, but with a lot of useful things (read more about megaindex)
  10. ProGoldHost - hosting
  11. Infobox - hosting and dedicated servers
  12. Nolix - banner advertising
  13. Direct/ADVERT - teasers (I wrote about teaser advertising and affiliate programs)
  14. AdLabs is a fairly profitable, in my case, teaser affiliate program
  15. TextSale is a content exchange (read about working on Textsale)
  16. Advego - a detailed article on Advego is located
  17. Etxt is the best copywriting exchange (here you will find an inside review)
  18. Video courses by Evgeniy Popov (interview I took with Evgeniy)

That article also discussed ways to protect referral links from being cut off. unique identifier. Without it, the visitor who follows the referral link will not be counted as your referral, and you will not receive your income, which will be due to you for the attracted visitor or for the purchase he made.

Protecting the referral link is, of course, an important matter, because the mentality of a Runet user does not allow him to allow a situation where someone will make money from him in an affiliate program, even if not to the detriment of his income. After all, the referral does not lose anything in earnings from the fact that he is a referral. Money earned from referrals is paid from the income of the seller, the owner of the exchange and other affiliate programs, but in no case from the referral’s earnings.

Affiliate programs are distinguished by an enviable variety. There are many ways to make money by selling any goods or services, as well as by attracting visitors or clients. Your income will come in the form of a commission on sales made by your referrals or a commission on the income of attracted clients, and it can also be formed from any fixed payments. I’ll tell you about those that I myself use or have used on this WordPress blog.

Let's start with information products. Simply put, these are educational video courses on the most different topics. You will probably be able to find among such affiliate programs something close to the theme of your site, which your visitors will buy, and you, accordingly, will earn money from it. Why is it so important to hit the topic? Well, everything is quite simple here.

Visitors to your project who come to you with search engines, are thematic traffic that will convert best (allowing you to make decent money) on affiliate programs on topics close to your site.

It’s just that this topic is interesting to your visitors and the likelihood of purchasing a training course will be much higher. Information products affiliate programs have a very high commission, which will be paid to you as income. You get about a third of the cost of the video course - within from 400 to 800 rubles

Moreover, in many affiliate programs, your income from sales will increase with the increase in their number. Those. The more courses you sell, the higher your earnings from one sale will be in the future.

But you shouldn’t immediately rush headlong to register with the first affiliate programs you come across. There is a series pitfalls, the existence of which you need to be aware of when choosing and working with one or another affiliate program for selling information products.

Firstly, the very fact of receiving the commission due to you from the sale of an information product depends entirely on the honesty of the owner. It is not possible to check in any way whether purchases were made by users who came from your site. Therefore, the level of your income will entirely depend on the degree of greed of the owner.

True, if for a long time and brazenly they do not allow participants to receive the money they earned, then they will eventually leave such an affiliate program. It is believed that out of 100 - 300 thematic visitors who follow your referral link, at least one visitor should make a purchase, and you, accordingly, earn a decent amount of money (CTR from 0.3 to 1 percent is normal for a normal affiliate program of an information product).

Track the number of conversions and the number completed purchases you can on the statistics page in the affiliate program. In addition, when you make a purchase or order, you will receive a corresponding letter from the owner of the affiliate program by email. Here is an example of a letter from Evgenia Popova about the fact of ordering a disk with an information product:

Here, however, you should also take into account the fact that orders paid by cash on delivery can be canceled by various reasons. Usually, out of ten orders with cash on delivery, only eight or nine are actually paid.

But again, it all comes down to the honesty and common sense of the owner. For example, video courses by my favorite author Evgenia Popova(read the interview I conducted here) are sold with enviable regularity (which allows me to have a fairly stable income from this information product affiliate program) and with topics CTR, which was expected - about a third of a percent.

While the information products of another good author of video courses on the topic of webmastering - Kurteev - are selling extremely poorly (well, my income, accordingly, also leaves much to be desired). Judge for yourself: out of two thousand clicks, only one sale:

Either the sales text is useless, or the author of the course is too greedy and prefers to earn money himself, without sharing income with partners. If a miracle happens and the author of these very good information products (video courses) on VirtueMart and Joomla reads these lines, then it would be great to hear from him an explanation of this phenomenon.

I repeat that in the field of webmastering, information products from Evgeny Popov, in terms of profitability, are the best. By the way, they themselves are of high quality and are undoubtedly worth the money.

Probably for a site with a theme close to webmastering, best choice There will be Evgeniy’s video courses.

In addition to the fact that they sell well, because the author seems to be very sensitive to both partners and buyers of video discs, the courses are indeed very voluminous, concise (which is no less important) and cover the topic well. A novice webmaster should probably start with Popov’s video tutorials, and only then read forums, blogs and books.

In short, respect and respect to Evgeniy, both for his wonderful video tutorials and for his honesty with webmasters who decided to make money from his information products.

Where to find and how to register in an affiliate program

In order to register in the program for selling video courses by Eugene or any other author, you will need to follow the link, for example, this, scroll through the selling text and at the very bottom of the page click on the “Affiliate Program” link.

Or you can go directly here or here. Read the terms of participation and if you are satisfied with them, proceed to registration by clicking on the appropriate link.

You will be asked to provide your name and contact email, choose a method for withdrawing money earned from an affiliate program (usually either WebMoney - or Yandex Money -), and you will also need to come up with a login for yourself.

After registration is completed, you will receive an email with the following content:

It will contain your login (you came up with it yourself during registration) and password (I erased it in the picture for security reasons), and also in the “Link for work” field you will see your ref, which you will use to attract visitors to the page with the selling text video course. You can insert it either into the text (for example, in an article) or hang it on a picture ().

In the letter you receive, in the “Account Access” field, there will be a link to the affiliate program control panel. Once you click on it, you will need to log in.

The interface of the control panel may be different, but, as a rule, you will have the opportunity to view the statistics of clicks on your referral link and statistics of orders, as well as the money you earned in the affiliate program of the information product. Withdrawal of funds to the wallet specified during registration (WebMoney, Yandex Money, etc.) can be carried out automatically or upon request.

The control panel may also contain ready-made advertising materials (banners, texts, etc.), which you can use to attract visitors and, accordingly, increase your income.

Now let's see where you can find suitable affiliate programs for information products that could be successfully sold on a website of your niche. There is one information resource Partner-Programm, which is entirely dedicated to affiliate programs. There they are divided into sections and given them short description. There is also a page called a showcase of information products and which contains a fairly large number of educational video discs.

There is, for example, a forum thread in which affiliate programs for information products are discussed. I think that this will be enough for a start - there are plenty to choose from.

Free methods have one big disadvantage. They work very slowly. And, alas, you can’t make a lot of money with them. But getting several sales a month with regular daily work is quite possible.

The only thing that is better with all these methods is not to advertise paid product head-on. If there is an opportunity to promote in an affiliate program free course, in which subscribers are then invited to order a paid product, then it is better to promote an affiliate link to a free course.

So, here are these methods in brief using the example of an information product on osteochondrosis http://spina1.ru/:

1. Comments on websites and blogs.

You find visited sites and blogs by medical topics, and look for articles there on the topic of osteochondrosis. If you can leave comments on articles (or standard means website, or using social networks) – leave a meaningful comment in which you unobtrusively offer to study a free course on the treatment of osteochondrosis. Provide your affiliate link.

You can leave a comment either on an article (to express your opinion about what the author wrote) or on someone else’s comment or question. Here's an example:

2. Communication on forums

Here you need to go to the forums you visit on medical topics, where you can insert a link into the signature of your messages. Paste your affiliate link there. And then you just start communicating with forum participants. The more posts you have on the forum, the more people will see your link and can follow it.

Here's an example:

Secondly, you can write like private messages people and leave comments in thematic groups:

You can negotiate with the owners of popular thematic sites to publish a unique article with your affiliate link. Their benefit is unique content. Your benefit is access to the audience of site readers and their clicking on your affiliate link.

True, it is not always possible to agree on free publication of an article. Most often, the site owner also wants money for hosting you. But if the site is really very popular and visited, then it’s worth it.

Now there is a trend of advertising affiliate products using the Youtube.com service. You create a channel, post thematic videos there, put affiliate links under them, promote the channel and receive clicks through affiliate links from an interested audience.

Well, for those who are ready to invest money in advertising in order to receive good profits from the affiliate program, I recommend the following methods.

Advanced Advertising Methods You Can Use

If you have your own website, blog or newsletter on topics close to medical, you can place advertising there. Since osteochondrosis courses have a predominantly female audience of buyers, sites with a female audience may also be suitable for advertising.

You can hang a banner on the site (ready-made code for banners with an affiliate link built into them is available in our affiliate program in the “Offers” section):

There are many mailing lists on health-related topics on the RuNet. The authors of some newsletters will be happy to advertise your affiliate link for money.

By the way, the first few thousand subscribers for our project on osteochondrosis were recruited precisely due to paid advertising in thematic newsletters.

You can write to the owners of thematic communities on social networks and ask them about the possibility of paid advertising. Some owners may ask for a license. But for the most part, no one will ask for anything. They'll just name the price and that's it.

If the price suits you, you can make a special advertising post consisting of a headline, a picture and an affiliate link. Or better yet, several posts at once, with different titles and pictures. This will result in more clicks through your affiliate link.

Wander around different groups, look how they are decorated advertising posts, and make something similar.

You can either directly contact the owners of websites and blogs and find out if it is possible to place a banner with them. Or use the Rotaban service to place advertisements without direct communication with the owners of websites and blogs.

I already wrote above that you can post an article on websites with your affiliate link. But it’s rarely possible to do this for free. Usually the site author wants money for such a service. You need to write an article, insert a link into it, pay the author for posting - and then your article will appear on his website.

Alternatively, you can find an already indexed and visited article on a popular site that attracts new readers every day. And agree to place your affiliate link in this article. It will be easier and more effective. After all, the article is already being visited by the target audience, and you don’t need to write anything. But not every site author will agree to such a proposal.

Article taken from http://imhopartner.ru

Small companies need an effective advertising strategy no less than giant corporations. Properly structured promotion will help achieve excellent results with minimal costs.

Advertising– this is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity for a budding entrepreneur. It allows you to increase recognition in the market, build a good reputation, and attract paying customers. Neglecting this component of the work leads to a sad outcome. For small business marketing campaigns to be successful, you need to build them taking into account the existing specifics and listen to the advice of experts.

The role of a competent advertising strategy

At the first stages of development, a novice entrepreneur faces serious difficulties. While the target audience and suppliers know nothing about the goods and services, the company is perceived with caution and distrust.

An important impetus for the further development of small businesses is the creation of a good business reputation, which will help to declare the following qualities of the company:

  • reliability;
  • solvency;
  • responsibility.

An indispensable assistant in building a reputation is. It will help create a positive image of the company, emphasize its advantages, form a loyal attitude towards goods and services, and outline advantages over competitors’ products.

Advertising helps small businesses attract the attention of potential customers to the products they sell and announce the appearance of new products on the market. She does two important functions: informs about the advantages and features of the product, allows, and along with them, revenue.

A small business should not refuse advertising due to a lack of available funds. Modern Marketing offers tools and methods that minimum costs ah give a significant effect.

Effective promotion is not a spontaneous action aimed at nowhere. He has a clear goal, audience, . To make advertising work for you and not become a waste of money, use five key points:

  • Problem

This is what attracts attention to the appeal, allows you to “grope” target audience. Often the public is more likely to be attracted to negative-sounding issues. So, the inscription “Tired of constant stress?” will allow you to “select” people who are interested in the product.

  • Ways to solve the problem

When you have captured the attention of potential consumers, offer them a way out of the current situation. For example, spa treatments will help you cope with stress and completely relax.

  • Uniqueness of the offer

Tell the target audience what the “zest” of the product or service is, why it is worth choosing the promoted product. At this point it is recommended to give free rein to your imagination.

  • Restrictions

People tend to put off making important decisions. To overcome procrastination, let the consumer know that there is no time to think. Indicate that the offer is valid for a limited time.

  • Call to action

Clearly indicate to potential consumers how to take advantage of the offer: call the phone number indicated in the ad, book a spa treatment time on the website.

Features of small business advertising campaigns

A key feature of promotion for small businesses is a shift in emphasis from the company itself to the uniqueness of the product offered. Entrepreneur owning a small grocery store, unable to compete with international giants - Coca-Cola, Adidas and others. Its task is not to increase brand awareness, but to increase sales.

Juicy slogans and memorable logos are bad helpers in increasing the profitability of a small company. The purpose of advertising is to tell consumers about specific offers of goods and services, attract new customers, and retain old ones.

The answer to the question of how to make effective advertising for a small company lies in refusing common words and lengthy formulations: “cheap”, “a lot”, “the most”, etc. The "abstract" approach worked 15-20 years ago, but today it is useless. No one will go to a store offering “the cheapest sofas in town,” but a store selling a sofa for 10,000 rubles will definitely attract visitors.

Specific methods to increase sales

There are three effective tools that can increase sales for a small company:

  • "Stock"

This Special offers, which have a limited validity period. This way, the company does not leave the potential buyer time to think and minimizes the risk of him leaving for competitors.

If you indicate in the ad that the promotion is valid for one day (week, month), the target audience will look at the offer differently. She will think: trousers are not needed today, but then they will tear and wear out. There is no point in overpaying tomorrow if the price tag is so attractive today.

  • "Special price"

This method has been used for a long time, but remains effective and relevant. Indicate on the label the new “favorable” price and the “old” price, which is 30-50% higher. The greater the difference between the two values, the stronger the “limited supply” effect. Seeing the benefits that the purchase promises, the client will part with his money faster.

  • "Enterprise announcement"

If you are opening a small business (dry cleaning, laundry, bakery, pharmacy kiosk etc.), announce your appearance before starting work. Hang up a sign, a sign, and distribute leaflets to nearby residents. This way you will arouse interest in the new product in potential buyers, allowing them to get used to the idea that company “N” will be located here.

How to choose the type of advertising for a small company?

According to business rules, the amounts spent on advertising campaigns depend on the level of profit of the enterprise. Small business budgets are usually limited, but as they develop and scale, they grow.

  • accommodation costs;
  • features of the promoted goods (services);
  • place, time of placement;
  • number of contacts with the target audience, etc.

Marketing tools depend on the goals of the small business. It may be interested in:

  • informing potential clients about the existence of the company;
  • forming a positive opinion of the target audience about yourself;
  • attracting attention to new products;
  • informing the population about ongoing events;
  • increasing the influx of clients.

When the goals and objectives are clear, all that remains is to decide on the budget. It can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on business goals, as a percentage of desired indicators. For example, if you want to increase your revenue by 100,000 rubles and are ready to “sacrifice” 20% of your income, you can spend 20,000 rubles on promotion.

The second method is to calculate a budget that “repeats” the costs of competitors. If you know how much a car wash in another area spends, you can plan costs of a similar structure. It is logical to assume that this will allow you to achieve the same level of revenue.

If promotion is carried out on your own, you should start with inexpensive, easy-to-implement methods. As sales increase, the budget should be increased.

Budget advertising for small businesses: their types

The modern market offers various instruments promotion. There are many methods that do not require significant financial investments. They answer three important criteria: simplicity, accessibility and efficiency.

  • Telephone marketing

These are “cold” calls to potential clients – legal and individuals. The manager’s goal during the conversation is to briefly talk about the advantages of the product or service and persuade the person to make a purchase decision. This type of promotion requires minimal costs, but is not highly effective: people on the other end of the phone may not be interested in the offer or may not take the time to listen to you. Experts recommend using telephone marketing at the initial stages of business development in conjunction with other activities.

  • Distributing leaflets

Bright, stylish, laconic leaflets printed on high-quality paper are a recognized marketing tool that is effective at the start of sales. They can be distributed on crowded streets, thrown into mailboxes apartment buildings.

  • Lettering on the asphalt

This is a type of advertising that is sold almost free of charge. Witty, laconic inscriptions painted in crowded places will not go unnoticed and will help attract customers. The disadvantage of this method is that drawings on asphalt are prohibited in some places, and the target audience often does not take them lightly.

  • Internet promotion

The main method is to create your own company website. It will become an effective promotion tool for many years to come. On the pages of the resource you can place information about goods and services, a description of the benefits of the product, and contact information.

Another way to promote online is to post information about your business on reputable resources that attract a large number of visitors. For example, banners and advertisements on information portal website will help you draw the attention of your target audience to your product. This is the most effective advertising services, investing in your own reputation and boosting sales development.

  • Word of mouth

Posts on forums or social networks can help promote new products. Ask satisfied customers to write reviews or take the time to write useful and interesting messages for potential customers. You can turn to the services of professionals, but such a step will require significant expenses.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising?

Assessing the effectiveness and appropriateness of advertising depends on the specific market situation. For example, in a small village there is only one auto repair shop that all residents go to. There is no need for marketing expenses: the company is a monopolist, the costs will increase the cost of services without bringing an influx of new customers or revenue growth.

The situation is the opposite if there are several auto repair shops in the city, between which there is fierce competition. In these conditions, a well-structured advertising campaign will become a significant advantage of the company in the eyes of the consumer. You cannot invest in it recklessly: every ruble spent must be returned by an influx of new paying clients.

Experts recommend that small businesses build promotions based on the direct response principle. This means that the result of each banner placed and post on social networks should be measurable. Based on the measurements taken, the profitability of each investment in promotion is calculated.

If you invest one ruble in a specific type of advertising and get ten, it works. If you spend ten rubles and get three rubles in profit, the money is wasted. This marketing tool is not working and needs to be disabled. A big mistake of companies at the initial stages of development is not knowing which promotion methods work and which don’t.

Hello, friends! Advertising affiliate links is important for making money on affiliate programs and for making money online in general. The more people see your affiliate links, the more clicks there will be, which means more sales. One of the best advertising tools is targeted advertising on VKontakte, which will be discussed in this article.

A quick overview of where and how to advertise affiliate links?

No one has canceled earnings from affiliate programs, it was, is and will be - this is one of the best ways making money online for beginners. Why is it the lightest? The fact is that a beginner does not need to create his own information product, does not need to create subscription and sales pages, does not need to set up a payment acceptance system, and so on. Articles have been written about this on the blog.

At the same time, to earn money, you need certain knowledge and experience, you need to know where and how to advertise affiliate links, you need to show links maximum number people, because they are the ones who make purchases. As for advertising affiliate links, this is a large layer of affiliate marketing issues and it is not possible to consider it in one article, but we will look at it today important question– advertising affiliate links on VKontakte, good news has arrived.

Before moving on to considering the issue of vkontakte advertising, I want to do short review and tell beginners how and where to advertise affiliate links, I think this material will be useful to many beginners. So, best source advertising affiliate programs (products), is your own blog (site). Your blog has a target audience that trusts you as the blog author. In addition, traffic from the blog is absolutely free, which allows you to significantly save your budget.

Of course, affiliate advertising on the blog the best option, but there is one thing - the blog needs to be visited, and how does a beginner get high traffic on his blog? If the blog is done correctly and is regularly maintained by the owner, then after 6-9 months you can count on affiliate sales through the blog, earnings will be small, but this is real, and then earnings will increase.

Mine says this too own experience, and the experience of my colleagues. By the way, if you want to make your blog right right away, or fix it, step-by-step algorithm creating a blog that I recently created. On the other hand, not everyone wants to sit and wait for the blog to develop, because you need to earn money now. There are many different tools for making money on affiliate programs. So, advertising affiliate links can be done using the following tools (except blog).

Advertising affiliate links, main channels

  1. Using your own subscriber base. This tool allows you, just like a blog, to receive free transitions and sales, and with high conversion. Beginners should start building a subscription base from the very first days. But in the first stages, newcomers have small subscription bases and the return will be small; this is a task for growth.
  2. Advertising affiliate links in someone else's newsletter. This option works much worse than advertising based on its base, and besides, such advertising already costs money. The cost of advertising directly depends on the size of the subscription base. You need to work with this type of advertising carefully so that you are not deceived.
  3. Banner advertising of affiliate links. This type of advertising brings conversions and sales, but in terms of effectiveness it is significantly inferior to advertising in the mailing list. At one time I used the exchange and. How to work on these exchanges is shown in articles on the blog.
  4. Advertising station Nolix, I used to often use this advertising both as an advertiser and as a webmaster. For various reasons, I haven’t worked with it for a year now and now it’s difficult to say about its effectiveness (it has been written about).
  5. Contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. This is one of the best advertising tools, including for advertising affiliate links. But you need to understand that to work in Yandex Direct, you need to go through good training, otherwise you might lose large amounts money without getting results. If you want to learn how to work in Yandex Direct, you can look at this article, where there is a training offer.
  6. Contextual advertising on Google. It is a little similar to advertising in Yandex Direct, but in Russia it is used much less often.
  7. Advertising on Social Networks. Here great amount various tools and capabilities. You can advertise affiliate links on your pages, you can advertise in open groups, you can buy advertising in other people’s groups and communities, create your own groups, and collect your own subscriber base. You can advertise for the best new affiliate programs on various social network exchanges. I wrote about one of the Sociate exchanges on the blog; I myself used this exchange.
  8. Advertising affiliate links through your YouTube channel. You cannot directly advertise affiliate links, as they lead to other people’s pages and sites. You can only advertise the site linked to YouTube channel. But this can be easily fixed using simple workarounds. How this is done is shown in the blog article ““. Advertising affiliate links (programs) becomes accessible and effective, which allows you to earn money from affiliate programs through YouTube.
  9. Separately, it is necessary to highlight targeted advertising on Vkontakte and Facebook. Targeted advertising is slightly less effective than advertising in Yandex Direct, but it is also much cheaper. In addition, setting up advertising, for example, on VKontakte, is much simpler than in Yandex Direct. There is another tool here called retargeting. But not everything is so simple - for example, VKontakte, advertising of affiliate links is large technical problem due to the redirect of affiliate links, but we’ll talk about that later. Targeted advertising (retargeting) was written in detail in my articles on the blog and. If you plan to use targeted advertising on vkontakte, I advise you to read these articles.

So, we conducted a short review of the main methods of advertising, learned where and how to advertise affiliate links (programs), I think that will be enough for a start (some of the advertising was not included in the review). Now let's move on to consider the issue of advertising affiliate links on VKontakte.

Advertising affiliate links on VKontakte

Advertising affiliate links on VKontakte gives good results, but one thing needs to be taken into account important point– VKontakte administration does not accept links with redirection, that is, links with redirection. Advertising of affiliate programs is nothing more than a redirect of affiliate links, because we will send visitors specifically to the subscription and selling pages of partners. Therefore, such advertising campaigns simply will not pass moderation.

I had cases when I had to look for workarounds to advertise affiliate links, I had to negotiate with the authors of information products and they did it for me individual access to sales pages, but this is not an option.

Organization of advertising VKontakte has difficulty moderating advertisements. My colleagues and I have had hundreds of cases when targeted advertising of even our own products was simply refused. Moreover, moderators rarely explain the reason for the refusal, but answer standardly: “Your advertisement does not comply with the advertising policy of the VKontakte administration.” So think about it!

There is always a way out. So, one of them wrote that you can use the GetUniq service, which can significantly simplify the task. If an advertisement does not pass VKontakte moderation, it will definitely be accepted through the GetUniq service. Of course, there are rules everywhere and they must be followed, but there are simply no unreasonable refusals.

For those who have not read the previous article, let me remind you that advertising through GetUniq is profitable and convenient not only because it is easier to pass moderation there, but also because they add another 10% of the invested amount. For example, you invested 1000 rubles on targeted advertising through GetUniq, then you will have 1100 rubles in your advertising account, which is not bad. If you want to place your advertising on VKontakte through the GetUniq service and work, I think you will be satisfied.

And now Top news! Just recently, the GetUniq service began accepting advertising links with a redirect for posting on VKontakte. That is, now advertising affiliate links on VKontakte has become real, which allows you to radically change earnings on affiliate programs through targeted advertising and use a retargeting tool.

Targeted advertising on VKontakte (for those who wish, retargeting) will allow you to increase earnings from affiliate programs several times, because VKontakte has a huge target audience. For example, in the Information Business niche I selected only 25 groups; the audience of these groups, which was online at that time, numbered about 800,000! If you work with all groups, work in different times days, you can gather an audience of several million people.

Of course, in every niche different size audience, but the topic of making money, the topic of information business is in great demand. On VKontakte you can easily select any target audience that you need based on many indicators.


So, this article gave an overview of the main sources of advertising, not only for making money on affiliate programs, but also in general for making money via the Internet in other niches. Shown is one of the best ways to advertise through social network VKontakte - the use of targeted advertising, shows how you can greatly simplify the moderation process by using the GetUniq service.

And most importantly, since February 1, 2016, targeted advertising of affiliate links (programs) on the VKontakte social network has become possible thanks to the GetUniq service. Now your earnings from affiliate programs can grow significantly, or even more, outside of your blog. Let the blog develop at this time; in the future it will bring you good money. I think many people who are involved in affiliate marketing will be happy to use this opportunity - advertising affiliate links through the VKontakte social network.

Now the issue on FaceBook is being studied to determine the effectiveness of advertising, and testing work is beginning. There is also the possibility of using targeted advertising. I think in three or four months there will be results that I will share with you on my blog. This is where I will end this long article. I wish you excellent advertising campaigns which will bring you big earnings through the Internet. Good luck to you!

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