How to return money for a purchased program in the App Store. How to cancel a completed purchase (subscription) in the App Store and get your money back

What should you do if you mistakenly purchased an app from the App Store?

I want to warn you right away - if you bought the application by mistake, then you need to perform the steps below as quickly as possible. It is advisable not to delay this. The sooner you contact Apple, the better your chances of getting your money back. It would be logical to assume that after, for example, a month from the date of purchase, no one will return your money.

So, this is the situation I found myself in.

Launch iTunes on your computer.
1. In the “Store” item, select “iTunes Store”
2. Click on your login and select “Account”
3. Log in

4. Then in “Purchase History” select See All (see all)

If you want to return the money before the payment has been processed, the application will be in the “Latest Purchase” list, but if the payment has been processed, then the application will be in the “Previous Purchase” list.
In the first case, there will be a “Report a Problem” button next to the program, click it...
If you have the second case, then select the line in the application list that contains the application for which you want to return the money.

5. Click on the arrow

After which a page will open on which applications that were made in one payment will be listed. We make sure that the list contains the application for which we want to return the money.

6. Click “Report a Problem”

Then we are again shown a page on which the applications are listed, but now on each line, next to the application, there is a “Report a Problem” button to report a problem with a specific application.

7. Click “Report a Problem” next to the application for which we want to return the money

And now a page opens that asks you to specify the problem. In our case, we want to return money for an accidentally purchased application.
Attention! This page can only be accessed in English, Japanese, German, Spanish and French.

Select the item “I inadvertently purchased this application” (I accidentally purchased this application) - a must!
In the “Comments” block we write the reason for the accidental purchase. I wrote that I read the description of the application, then went to the shower, and my nephew, playing with the phone, bought the program. 🙂

Your request will be processed in about 3 days. If the payment has not yet gone through (money has not been withdrawn from the bank card), then they will write to you about it. They will say that you need to wait until the money is withdrawn from the card and the purchase goes into the “Previous Purchase” mode. If all is well, you will receive the following letter:

I have reversed the charge for the item that you did not intend to purchase. In three to five business days, a credit of $3.99 should be posted to the payment method that appears on the receipt for that purchase.

If the order was paid for with store credit and you do not see the refund, sign out and back in from the Store menu.

The Google Play application store, built into the Android operating system from Apple's main competitor in the mobile software market, has long had the function of returning money to the user's account for applications downloaded by accident (or if the application does not match its description, or does not perform the stated functions). You can call this function “application rental” or the favor of developers towards users - in any case, in our opinion, this function is very useful... Remember, for example, how often a purchased program or game did not live up to expectations, and immediately after the first launch ?

Despite the fact that Apple does not officially document the possibility of refunds for application purchases in the App Store, users have an attempt to return funds for an application that was accidentally downloaded or did not meet expectations. About, how to return money for a purchased program in the App Store on iPhone or iPad , read our instructions.

How to return money for a purchased program

1. To submit a request for a refund for a purchase in the App Store, you need to launch the iTunes program, which must be installed on your computer.

2. Go to the "iTunes Store" section, located either in the upper right corner of the program or in the side menu (depending on the iTunes display mode you choose). To access the iTunes Store, your computer must be connected to the Internet.

3. After downloading the iTunes Store, click on your account ID located in the upper left corner of the iTunes Store. If you have not yet signed in to your account, in the same corner, click “Sign in,” and then enter your Apple ID information in the window that appears.

4. When you click on your Apple ID, select Account from the pop-up menu list. If the program asks for a password for your account, enter it.

5. Next, you will be taken to a window where various information about your account will be presented. To apply for a refund for any purchased application, we are interested in the “Purchase History” item:

Click on the “See all” link and you will be taken to the information section about purchases made and applications downloaded. Here you can find all the applications that have ever been downloaded to your account. Having found the required application, click on the left arrow next to the name of the problematic order and go to information about it (note that a request with a message about the problem can only be submitted for applications purchased and downloaded no earlier than in the last 90 days).

7. After this, a special iTunes support section should open in the standard browser used by your computer, in which you will once again need to enter your Apple ID and password. Next, on the page that opens, you will see something like this:

8. In the “Select a problem” drop-down menu, click on one of the options suitable for your situation, and in the text field below, describe it in more detail (in English, as indicated in the explanation below the text field).

9. After this, your email linked to your Apple ID will receive confirmation that your request has been accepted for processing. The final response from the support service employee will come to you by email within 3 to 7 days - at this time your application will be reviewed and you will receive a detailed response.

It is also worth noting that a refund for already purchased media content or an application is not an obligation of Apple, because According to the rules of the App Store (which every user of the Apple app store agrees to when creating an account), all purchases in the App Store are final, and the consideration of each request for a refund is individual and, in the case of a positive response, the company simply meets its users halfway.. But very often return money for a purchased program in the App Store users still succeed.

At the end of the article, we will give some useful tips on how to contact iTunes Store technical support if for some reason you want to return money for previously purchased iTunes Store media content or an App Store application.

1. Describe the situation honestly. It is unlikely that you should try to deceive iTunes support administrators, because... They can verify most of the information you provide about account activity.

2. Do not write about the problem and demand a refund, if you are not 100 percent sure of the correctness of your position. At the same time, if you are still determined and intend to return the money for the purchased content, contact the support service with the utmost politeness.

3. Choose the correct problem description from the suggested options on the iTunes support site. Please note that the most common reason for requesting a refund - “The content opens, but does not work correctly” - may be rejected by support service administrators, because in their opinion, in this case you need to contact the application developer directly. That's why clearly formulate your complaint and competently describe it in the text field for a detailed description of the problem.

Have you had any experience communicating with iTunes and App Store technical support about refunds for already purchased programs or other content? We will be glad if you tell us about it in the comments, which will certainly help other users of Apple products.


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4 comments to the article "How to return money for a purchased program in the App Store"

    I used to have a Samsung smartphone on Android. I often had to ask for a refund for a purchased application. Unfortunately, we are not immune to bugs, and simply, the phone sometimes “doesn’t work” with this particular application. This is especially true for games, they are very heavy, they take up a lot of memory, and often they simply did not start or simply slowed down wildly at startup. Here are the paid licenses for you. I asked for a refund, of course, Google Play is reliable. Now I have purchased an iPhone, I will know how and where to apply for a return.

    Good evening everyone. Are they really returning the money? Something is so hard to believe... To be honest, I have never bought an application, well, I feel sorry for spending money on something that can already be obtained for free. Seriously, is there really at least one paid application that cannot be downloaded for free or hacked? Of course, people have to buy, otherwise the developers will go bankrupt, but still...

    • Hello! Your question moves to the plane of honesty and, probably, education. You can talk and debate on this topic for a long time, but for the most part, all such conversations will not be able to change the opinion of a person who believes that it is not worth paying for something that can be stolen with absolute impunity. The answer here can only be suum cuique, to each his own...

    please help me solve the problem: 06/21/13 I bought the cityguide program, to be honest, I didn’t really like the program right away, but I used it because... money has been paid. a couple of weeks ago, after updating iOS and the program itself, a message appeared that the program had not been purchased and you had to pay for it, I contacted cityguide support - they described how to fix the error - delete, download again and, with Wi-Fi turned off, buy or click already purchased - i.e. To. The money cannot be withdrawn again. did not help, I called again, they advised me to write a letter to the support service - I wrote it, they suggested doing the same manipulations again, which unfortunately did not help. When I try to send a report with an error, I get the message "Your search had no results. To report a problem about purchases older than 90 days, contact iTunes Store Support.". what to do in this situation? All documents and correspondence history are available. I bought a program and received a tambourine for dancing - but I don’t like dancing. Is it possible not to return the money, but to buy another navigator? thank you in advance. [email protected]

Applications and games purchased from the App Store can be returned within 24 hours. In this case, the funds will be credited to your account in full. Unfortunately, you won't find buttons to cancel your order in the store - the procedure is a little more complicated. You will need the desktop version of iTunes to work.

You will also have to explain to Apple why you decided to return the money. If the game does not work for you or crashes frequently, then you can ask for a refund. This is the most common reason why people want their money back. However, in this case, Apple will answer that you first need to contact the developer, ask him to fix the problems, and only if he answers that there really are problems and they cannot be fixed, then perhaps they will return your money.

A completely different situation is when the description of the application in the App Store does not correspond to reality. For example, the screenshots show one thing, but in reality the program looks completely different. Or it is a joke program, for example, “X-ray”, which, of course, does not work like an X-ray and cannot scan a person. It is important to carefully read the description and make sure that it does not say that this application is a joke. This is considered the most significant reason for Apple and your money will be returned.

Returns Apple money for erroneous purchases. For example, you made a mistake in the name, since the two programs were very similar. It is even enough for applications to have the same icons. The fact that both programs are in the same section, have similar functionality, or even belong to the same developer increases the chances of a return.

How to get money back for purchases in the App Store:

Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer (Mac or Windows).

Step 2: Go to the store's home page and under Quick Links, open the "Account" section. In the window that opens, enter your account information.

Step 3: In the right column, click the “Account” link again. This will take you to your account information page, where you can view your purchase history and complete the refund procedure.

Step 4: Scroll down the account page and you will see the “Purchase History” section. Here you need to click the “See all” link.

Step 5: Open a list of your recent purchases and downloads. Find the app you want a refund for.

Step 6: Click on the arrow to the left of the application name to see a more detailed description of the program.

Step 7: Click the “Report a problem” button and the “Report a problem” link will appear in the list, which you also need to click. The most important thing is to apply for a refund no later than 24 hours from the date of purchase.

Step 8: A special page will open in your browser for refunding your purchases. Please provide your account details to access the problem description.

Step 9: In this step, you need to explain to Apple why you want the app back. If you decide to return money for programs every day, then after a while they will refuse you. The reason "I just don't like this app because..." won't help. Your subjective opinion in no way determines that the application is bad and you need to make a refund. Therefore, if you did not like the graphics in the game or you used the program and realized that it was no longer needed, then you will not be able to get your money back.

Step 10: You have to choose a problem from the list of proposed ones and write a capacious comment in English. Apple offers several ready-made options:

  • I did not consent to this purchase.
  • The content was not loaded or cannot be found.
  • Content does not install or loads too slowly.
  • The content opens but does not work correctly.
  • The problem is not listed.

Step 11: After you have written your application, click the “Submit” button. Within a few hours you will receive an email confirming that your claim has been accepted.

After this, you need to wait for another letter from Apple stating that a company employee has started working on the application and within 2 days you will receive a detailed response from support. Depending on the situation, they will either immediately return the money to your account or ask you to clarify some points, send screenshots, or simply refuse.

Many users of Android devices who have switched to iOS note one drawback of the App Store compared to Google Play - the lack of a “trial” period for paid programs. In the Android app store, you can return money for a purchase if 15 minutes have not passed since the download; iPhone and iPad users are deprived of this opportunity. However, few people know, but you can still get your money back for a purchase in the App Store. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

In contact with

The most common situation in which users want to return money for a program or game from the App Store is the purchase was made by a child.

In addition, there are often cases of dishonesty among the developers themselves, who try to interest the user with colorful descriptions or tempting screenshots, as well as application names similar to well-known analogues. Often, after purchasing such programs, a person is disappointed that he did not get what he paid for. In this case, you need to resort to the money return procedure, even if it’s 75 rubles.

1. Open any browser and follow this link.

2. Enter the Apple ID account information you used to make the purchase.

3. Select a purchase and click on the button To report.

4. Select the problem, briefly describe it in the appropriate field and click Send.

After this, your request to iTunes support will be reviewed within a few days. Unfortunately, technical support may reject the claim. So you shouldn’t abuse this method of “testing” applications before purchasing.

And, we tell you how we once had the opportunity to return $100 for a purchase made by a child.

How to get a refund on an App Store or iTunes Store purchase through iTunes on Mac or Windows

  • To get started, you will need a Windows or Mac computer with iTunes installed (you can download it).
  • Open iTunes, go to the Account and select View...

  • Enter the password for .
  • In the viewing window that opens Account Information find the item Purchase history. Press See all.

  • Find the desired purchase in the list of all purchases, open an account by clicking the button "More" . It is worth noting that claims are accepted (refunds are possible) only within 90 days from the date of purchase.

  • Click on the button Report a problem.

  • After this, a page will open in the browser where you can indicate the problem that arose with the purchase. Select the type of problem and, if desired, provide a comment.
  • Click Send.

“I recently started using Apple products, so I’m trying to figure out how and what works here. But not everything is clear yet. For example, the AppStore raises a lot of questions. I can’t figure it out - how can I get my money back for a purchase in the Appstore? It seems that you can make a return there within 24 hours, but I don’t see where. I thought there would just be a button that would allow me to cancel costs, but I was wrong. Please help me figure out what needs to be done.”

Polina, 19 years old.

Indeed, the process of how to return money to the Appstore can be non-trivial. Although there is indeed the possibility of a return within a certain time, getting to it is not so easy.

Refund Features

Before you return money in App Store, you need to understand the reason for the return. This may determine what further actions need to be taken - as well as what the likelihood of failure will be.

  • Application/Game doesn't work or works poorly. This is one of the most common reasons for returns. But here the process may take a little longer. The fact is that first the store will contact the application developer and clarify whether it is possible to fix the problem so that everything works fine for you. If possible, there will be no return. If this is not possible, a refund will be issued in the future.
  • Application/Game not true. The description promised you one thing, you bought the application - and something completely different appeared before your eyes. This is a compelling reason to return. Most likely, the verdict will be on your side.
  • Was committed wrong purchase. For example, two programs were in the same section and had similar icons. In this case, the return will also be without any special problems.