MarketCall Affiliate Program. MarketCall Affiliate Program - Review and Opinion

Today we will talk about MarketCall affiliate program— payment for a targeted call.

This is a very specific affiliate program, but, as practice shows, it is quite profitable.
I have been working at Marketcall since March 2016, I have experience and understanding of the work. I hope this article will be useful to you.

By the way, you can register for MarketCall using the link by clicking HERE.

As I already said, MarketCall is an affiliate program that pays per targeted call. Advertisers pay us for calls from potential client, who contacted them through our special personal number.

Those. works like this:

  • We rent a mobile (free) or landline (paid) phone number. There are quite a lot of numbers, there are even numbers 8-800..., but they are available upon request through a personal manager.
  • We choose the offer we want to work with. There are basically two areas of offers in marketcall: real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region and cars (from the domestic auto industry to German and English premium cars).
  • Then personal manager checks the availability of the offer for us, checks the permission of the advertising source and approves the program.
  • Next begins the most complex and interesting process of attracting clients. You can use everything that is not prohibited. The most popular sources of attracting traffic: message boards, contextual advertising, targeted and teaser advertising, banners. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to be able to understand this and there will be a profit.

The main thing is not to break the rules, not to try to deceive the system, not to ask friends to call, etc. You will be identified 100% and blocked.

How to moderate an account in MarketCall?

At the very beginning of your journey, you need to register in the affiliate program. It's pretty difficult path, because only webmasters with experience working with others are allowed through affiliate networks. Or you need to be a specialist with specific traffic sources.

When filling out the form, you will be required, in addition to entering your full name, telephone number:

  1. Describe your experience working with other affiliates.
  2. Tell us about your experience working with advertising sources.

In both cases, you will need to provide high-quality screenshots where statistics from personal account.
Screenshots should also include: address bar, the start panel, where the date is visible.
Here is an example of good ones high-quality screenshots:

  • The screenshot shows experience with
  • And this screenshot shows the experience of working with the Zorka.Network affiliate program

By providing such screenshots, we are guaranteed to get into the system and be able to start working.

But what should a novice webmaster who has no work experience do?
There are only two ways:
1. Gain experience in other networks and study advertising sources.
2. Embellish your experience and ask your friends to provide such screenshots. But I I don't recommend it to do this is, at a minimum, unsightly and prohibited, and at maximum - blocking without the possibility re-registration. Everything is at your own risk.

Analogues of MarketCall - do they exist?

Today, MarcetCall is the only automated affiliate program in Russia and the CIS. Everything in the system is so thought out and made for the webmaster that working is a pleasure.

On the Internet you can find affiliate programs with the same offers as in marketcall, but the work is carried out upon request and, often, without issuing a phone number for calls, only sending an application. Plus, the payment is several times lower.

Review of MarketCall

After working with MarketCall for more than a year, I have a pretty clear opinion. The system pays consistently, payments once a week. There are delays of up to 5 days, but this is not particularly critical (for me personally).

Payments are made to:

  • Wallet Web Money
  • QIWI wallet
  • Yendex Money
  • And also to the current account of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. By the way, when choosing this payment system you will receive +6% payout. This will allow you to cover the tax under the simplified tax system.

The managers are all adequate and quickly solve this or that problem. They help resolve the issue with the advertiser and, most often, in your favor.

Lifehack. If you don’t know which offer to take on, write to your manager. He will recommend an offer that works with a specific traffic source.

Many people will ask the question, how much can you earn in the MarketCall system?

Personally, I know people who earn over 300,000 rubles net per month. Of course, you have to try and work hard.
My work schedule with marketcall is about 2 hours a day. Then I go about my business.
Here is one of the screenshots:

In 2015, an affiliate program was launched for the first time in RuNet MarketCall, using PPC (Pay Per Call) technology. Its creators are the A3F Group, which also owns online stores, online real estate resources and other projects.

In this affiliate program, rewards are paid for targeted calls to advertisers. So if you know how to attract targeted traffic, then you can earn a lot of money on calls.

After registering in this affiliate program, you can receive from 600 rubles to several thousand rubles from one call if you connect to real estate offers in Moscow new buildings.

We know people who are without special effort earn 80-100-150 thousand rubles a month on this affiliate program. Such big money, in principle, does not require much effort if you work with real estate offers, where you can get 2500 rubles. That is, to make money 5000 per day, you just need two interested clients to call your phone number.

MarketCall allows the most different sources traffic - own websites, social networks, banners, paid advertising, and free boards advertisements Therefore, even a beginner can try to make money on the Internet without investment by posting ads on boards, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

The service is detailed statistics by calls and traffic Money(accruals and payments). What else sets this affiliate program apart is that all calls are recorded. That is, if you brought a client who called on your “partner” phone, and the advertiser did not count the call and did not pay for it, then you can file an appeal with MarketCall.

Their managers will listen to the recording of the call and determine whether it was a “correct” call, whether it was a “set-up” on your part, such as a motivated call (that is, when you agree in advance with someone that he will call, and you share the reward with him), and if everything is in order, they will withdraw money from the advertiser’s balance and credit it to your account.

Unlike most standard affiliate programs and CPA networks, in MarketCall you don’t need to bring visitors to advertisers’ websites. You just need to interest a person in a certain offer so that he calls the specified phone number.

For example, you know that someone wants to buy an apartment in New Moscow. You can look at the offers to see what options there are and give the person desired phone number. If he calls and shows real interest in purchasing, then you will receive your affiliate reward from the seller of these apartments.

You can also not work with people directly, but place ads on the Internet or drive targeted traffic, if you know how to do that.

The phone number is issued by the affiliate free of charge and looks like a regular one mobile number. Can be rented for work and paid number, which will be similar to a city one, but at the initial stage this is of no use to beginners.

The scheme for working with the MarketCall affiliate program looks like this:

1. Advertisers of various directions connect to this affiliate program and post information about their products or services. MarketCall has different offers - real estate, medicine, services, etc. Usually they themselves provide partners with working materials - banners, teasers, widgets, text information according to your suggestions. The advertiser also sets the cost of the reward per call.

2. The MarketCall service, for its part, provides “intermediary” services for interaction between advertisers and you. There is no need to pay for anything. The service fee is deducted automatically when the remuneration is calculated. You receive dedicated numbers from the service, which are assigned to you, and you will receive money for calling this number.

3. You post the advertiser's information on the Internet, but do not indicate its number, but the one that was allocated to you for work. However, you do not receive calls. Calls are automatically redirected through the MarketCall service to the advertiser and its managers work with the people who called. But they note that the call came to the number allocated to you.

That is, work in this affiliate program occurs in exactly the same way as in any regular affiliate program. Only instead of affiliate links you receive an “affiliate” phone number.

All this requires considerable costs for the service (especially connecting such large quantity telephone numbers for each partner), so they, for their part, strictly monitor the quality of calls. Deceiving them, scamming calls, making “negotiated” calls will not work. Do not try.

Many have already tried to deceive this affiliate program, but it all ended with them wasting their time and effort and not receiving any money. They were simply banned from the service and are no longer accepted into this affiliate program again.

If you are interested in trying to work with this service, then register on their website, study the offers offered there and start working.

MarketCall service address:

Marketcall is a unique call-based affiliate system. The system contains a number of offers that are more profitable than their existing analogues on the market. The essence of the system is that partners.
MarketCall (webmasters) place advertising information on their resources and earn money for calls from potential clients through advertising.
At the same time, advertisers receive an additional powerful channel of incoming calls from interested clients. Moreover, they set the cost of the call themselves.

What we offer webmasters:

  • A large list of highly profitable offers. In the MarketCall system you can work in many segments that are not present or are poorly represented in other affiliate programs. Moreover, the cost of a call can reach 9000 rubles.
  • Transparent accrual system. You always know how much money you have earned. How much has been paid, how much will be paid. All information is available in one window.
  • Possibility of additional monetization of current resources. It's no secret that some clients using the CPA model simply walk away when making a phone call. Easy integration will allow you to start receiving additional income, without interfering with your earnings in other systems.
  • A huge list of allowed tools. Most advertisers don’t care where the call came from, the main thing is that it is targeted.

Monetization of all types of advertising channels:

You are not limited to choosing a channel for attracting customers; you can work in mobile, TV, radio, outdoor and many other areas.

  • High payment for targeted action. Higher payouts compared to other affiliate systems due to high rates. In some areas, the cost of a call varies from 1500 to 9000 rubles.
  • Hold for 2 weeks. As a rule, the hold does not exceed two weeks, which allows you to receive profits much faster than in other affiliate systems.
  • Weekly payments. Payments to webmasters occur weekly without restrictions on minimum amounts, which distinguishes the MarketCall system from its competitors.
  • Referral payment system. The referral system allows active webmasters to receive income of up to 5% from the earnings of attracted partners.

You are required to: using the advertising tools we provide, convey to target audience advertiser's offer. You can attract clients from all possible sources. Improve conversion and content. Everything else is our concern.

You are not required to: redirect traffic to the advertiser’s website. You can work with clients on your own advertising platforms.

How to start making money with Marketcall?

Register in the system (if you are not already registered). Fill out the form. Have an interview with our manager, during which you will tell us in detail how you plan to attract clients, and for sure you will have access to the system. It is important to understand: we open access only to those who are serious about their work, who are going to attract clients, and not engage in fraud (for this, an instant ban is provided with the freezing of all funds). Therefore, the presence of existing accounts in other affiliate systems will a definite plus. More details about the operation of the system on the website -

Important: this is a beta test of the MarketCall system, so we kindly ask you to write to us about any questions or problems that arise. We will try to resolve them promptly. We will also welcome any wishes and ideas for developing the system in the future. On this moment offers are added to the system. So over time there will be many more of them. By the way, it’s time for experienced referral providers to recruit more referrals to the first partner system for calls on the RuNet.

affiliate program phone sex SCALL pay-per-call is now the only solution for making money online and offline this kind, providing short and long numbers.

Its capabilities are implemented in such a way as to effectively cover all areas, taking into account earnings on websites, social networks and print media. With it, you can get your profit even without investments, simply by posting ads on sites like Avito and the like on the Internet, as well as using stencils for street printing on asphalt and poles.

Since you can use short number, then it is not difficult for a potential client to remember it. It is important to place it correctly. For example, close to university dormitories, bars and nightclubs, that is, where interest may be shown. And you will receive interest for such shown interest for every minute of conversation with lovely young ladies.

Review of the Scall pay-per-call phone sex affiliate program

The system under consideration is currently the only one working in this area.

Geography – countries with Russian-speaking traffic: Russia, CIS, United States, Canada, Israel and so on.

Clients can chat with lovely girls on any topic - around the clock.

Important! Spam traffic is allowed in the affiliate program only with prior approval from support.

Choose the tariff that suits you: short or long number, with or without a prefix.

To activate your number, follow these instructions. Everything is very simple.

Now about the current deductions. Depending on the chosen tariff, your deductions will be as follows. When choosing, do not forget about which option users are more likely to use, take into account the solvency of the audience (for example, for Runet and Burzhunet).

The difference between a number without a prefix is ​​that it is immediately activated. The “with prefix” option will require the client additional input numbers In the system itself, these subtleties are outlined in detail.

This includes making money on the Internet, as well as offline: print media, social media, street advertising on any horizontal and vertical media.

Promotional materials are available for download in the admin panel. Here are examples of their implementation for publication in the media.

Earnings in an affiliate program - “By prepayment”

For traffic from Russia and the post-Soviet space, it is very interesting option, since a person has complete control over his spending. In this case, he can pay for a few minutes, after which, as most often happens, he continues paid communication, bringing you profit in the form of interest from every minute of conversation.

Since a minute costs almost half as much, they pay more willingly, since the cost does not exceed the psychological barrier.

For promotion, there are banners that allow you to change the text on the promo.

Legal entities can work in telephone sex partnerships with payment for calls - under an agreement.

There is no minimum payment requirement.

Payment systems: Webmoney.

The frequency of payments is once a month.


ATTENTION! I am ready to provide increased deductions to large partners to earn money online and offline, acting as an official representative of the system.

Affiliate programs with pay for calls - making money on the Internet in this way has always been relevant. Now it is only increasing, as site monetization is steadily moving towards white solutions.

Affiliate programs for calls

Everyone knows how difficult it is to make a profit from classmates, so affiliate programs for calls are ideal for such cases. Since you can only post a phone number, having first gone through approval in support.

Since in such solutions calls, and essentially leads, are paid, you need to understand that the choice of topics is limited by advertisers. The main area is jurisprudence, which is why we mostly present legal affiliate programs with pay per call. Other topics are most often associated with it: real estate, cars. It is rare to find a beauty industry where they agree to pay for targeted applications, but work in megacities: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

I’ll say right away that in the first two systems the feature can be connected through support.


This system gives the HIGHEST royalty rates for lawyers. In addition for last couple Geography has expanded for weeks, and this process continues.


  • Moscow and Moscow region – 200 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region- 100 rubles

  • Nizhny Novgorod – 40 rubles

  • Amur region, Kazan, Krasnodar region, Yaroslavl region – 30 rubles

Hold – 3 days.

Own call center.

Payments are available upon request with a minimum wage of 450 rubles.

There are many offers in this advertising network. And today we connected the services of an astrologer with payment for applications - 20 rubles per Lead.

As for lawyers and calls, the rates are as follows:

Available from promo:

  • Widget

  • Shared rooms plus extension

  • Individual number

Individual phone numbers in any region - through support.

Payments with a minimum wage of 500 rubles.


Just started. She has not yet had time to prove herself in any way.

This pay-per-call affiliate program accepts 4 regions:

  • Moscow – 130 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and region – 60 rubles

  • Rostov-on-Don and region – 20 rubles

  • Ekaterinburg and region – 20 rubles


  • Multichannel numbers

  • Back call

  • Static number

A static number is used for placement outside your website, including offline. Connection via support.

This is what the callback widget looks like:

The following topics are expected to be included:

  • Real estate

  • Loans

  • Medicine

  • Tourism

  • Accounting

Payments occur once a week from Friday to Sunday. Payment amount from 500 rub. Upon request, we are ready to withdraw smaller amounts.



Marketcall intends to become the first targeted affiliate for calls, focusing entirely on this area.

It is more focused on real estate with Pay Per Call payments. But other topics are gradually being included:

  • Real estate

  • Insurance and lending

  • E-commerce

  • Tourism

  • Legal services

  • Cars

  • Construction and repair

  • Medicine

For example, for this offer Marketcall deductions are 900 rubles.

Each Marketcall advertiser determines a convenient cost per Lead. The maximum stated is 9,000 rubles, but in reality, offers are available from the start in the price range of 300-2,100 rubles.
Payments – 1 time in 2 weeks without a minimum wage.