State Services forgot my password and changed my phone number. Restoring access to your Personal Account if you have access to your contact email

To enter the Unified Portal of State Services you need

know your username and password. The login can be:

Cell phone number;

E-mail address;

If you have forgotten your password for the Portal, you can restore access

to the Portal.

How to restore access to the Unified Portal of Public Services

Independently on the portal.

In Rostelecom

In the last two cases, you must personally appear at specialized service centers with an identity document and SNILS.

Let's consider a way to independently restore access to the government services portal.

To do this you need:

2. Click the “Login” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

4. Next, you will be asked to choose a password recovery method: using email, using a mobile phone or using SNILS. In the window, indicate your phone number or email address. To recover your password using SNILS, follow the link “Recover using SNILS” (Fig. 2)

If you have chosen the password recovery method using email, a message will appear on the screen stating that the recovery code has been sent to the email address and a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link (Fig. 3), which you should follow and enter a new password in the window .

After this, you will be shown information about the successful password change (Fig. 4).

If you have chosen the method of recovering your password using a mobile phone, you will receive an SMS message with a code on your phone. After entering the code in the window that opens, you should set a new password and click the “Save data” button (Fig. 5).

After this, you will be shown information about the successful password change.

If you have chosen the method of recovering your password using SNILS, you will receive a message containing a link to your email address (specified in your profile). By clicking on the link, you will see a window in which you will need to set a new password and click the “Save data” button.

After this, you will be shown information about the successful change.

If the contact information is not linked to the account, then you will not be able to recover the password on the portal yourself; in this case, you should contact specialized customer service centers (Rostelecom, MFC).

Just recently, in order to get the most ordinary certificate from a government organization, you had to spend half a day in numerous queues, wasting precious time, energy and nerves. With the advent of the government services portal, everything has changed dramatically; now any government service or consultation can be obtained online. Yielding to the desire to simplify your life, you decided to register for the first time on the State Services website. Where can I get a password for government services to log into the site? What to do if your password is lost? How and where to get identity confirmation for the government services portal? And most importantly, why is this needed? We will try to answer these and other frequently asked questions in this article.

Where can I get a password for government services?

It is worth recalling that the services of the Unified State Portal are available only to registered users. Therefore, to log into the site, as a rule, a telephone number or email address and a password are used, which are set by users during registration.

If this was not done or the registration was not completed correctly, then it will not be possible to enter the site.

To solve this problem, you should register again:

  1. Log in to the website (it is now operational in the new version) and select the “Register” field.
  1. Carefully fill out the fields: last name, first name, mobile phone, email and click “Register”

  1. Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message into the appropriate field and click “Continue”

  1. Now, at your own discretion, you need to come up with and enter a password, confirming it by re-entering it. Then click "Done". In this case, the message “Registration completed successfully” must appear.

Important! It is this password that the system will request when entering the site. Therefore, you should remember it, or better yet write it down

You can change your password or, if for enhanced security purposes, you would like to ask a security question, you can do this in your Personal Account → “Account Settings” tab → “Security” window, then you should fill in the appropriate fields and make changes.

Where can I get a password for government services if it was lost or you simply forgot it? The password can of course be recovered. To do this you just need to do the following:

  1. Go to the government services website and click on the “Login” button.
  2. In the top field, enter the mobile phone number or email address specified during registration.
  3. Next, in the lower left corner of the window, select “Recover Password”.

  1. In the next window, re-enter your mobile phone number or email address and click “Find”.
  2. Finally, you will also need to indicate your SNILS number and click “Find”.
  3. An SMS message with a confirmation code should be sent to the specified phone number; it should be entered in the appropriate field.

Set a new password, confirm it by re-entering it and click “Create”. It is important not to forget to write it down.

It is possible to obtain and recover your password even with a simplified account. Although, the list of services that can be used when registering in this status is very limited. Basically, these are reference and information services.

Where can I get an activation code for government services?

The development of the website does not stand still, its interface and capabilities are constantly being improved (at the moment it is already presented in a new version), which means that the list of services provided will only expand.

Access to certain services, of course, determines the status of the account. And if only reference and information services are available with a simplified account, then the ability to use the maximum number of significant services can only be ensured by a confirmed account status.

And this is why it is so important to receive an activation code, complete registration completely, transferring it to confirmed status, and already start using all available servers. So, how and where to get an activation code for government services?

  1. In order to receive an activation code, you first need to register on the government services website.
  2. In addition, you must provide detailed personal information in the My Details / Basic Information section. There he also indicated:
  • SNILS details;
  • and passport details.
  1. Once the system verifies this data, your account will automatically receive standard status.
  2. Also, a mandatory condition for receiving an activation code will be confirmation of your identity.

Only after confirming your identity will you be able to receive an activation code and register it on the government services website.

Depending on the confirmation method you choose, you will be able to receive an activation code:

  • in the office of a specialized service center, after an employee has checked the documents you provided;
  • or at the Russian Post office, by registered mail.

In any case, after receiving the activation code, you must enter it in the appropriate field on the My Data / Basic Information tab. And only after that all site services will become available.

Where can I get proof of identity for the government services portal?

Another problem that everyone who decided to register on the government services website faced was the issue of identity verification. You can verify your identity if your account is already set to standard status.

So, you can get proof of identity:

  1. When contacting a specialized service center in person. It could be:
  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • Rostelecom office.

The user comes up with the password for the State Services portal independently. However, if you do not use the resource for a long time or access the saved cache data, at some point you may encounter the problem of a forgotten password. In this case, there is no need to register on the portal again. It is enough to recover your password using a convenient method.

To recover your password for State Services, you must enter the authorization form, but instead of filling in the blank fields, click “Recover Password.”

They may be:

  • Email;
  • Mobile phone;
  • SNILS.

Email and mobile phone are interchangeable logins, since one common column is allocated for entering this data. When restoring, you must specify one of these details. It does not matter whether the user accessed the portal in previous sessions via email or mobile phone.

After specifying your login, you must click “Continue”. If an additional security measure in the form of a security question was specified in the settings, a box will appear for entering the answer. In other cases, the user immediately proceeds to the next step.

At the next stage, a code is sent to the specified email or mobile phone. It must be entered into the empty column that appears, as a result of which a block will appear for entering information about the new password.

Password recovery using SNILS

Recovery using SNILS largely repeats the actions of the previous recovery method. But after clicking on the “Recover Password” link, under the form you must select the “By SNILS” item. Next, the SNILS number is indicated and the system independently generates a verification code and opens a block for specifying new password information.

The government services portal is a resource that allows you to order the necessary government and municipal services. With its help, you can get a passport, pay taxes and fines, make an appointment with a doctor, stand in line for kindergarten, and even open your own business. And all this with a minimum of bureaucratic delays and long lines.

But what if you can’t access the site? What if the old password is lost or the user has forgotten it? Will I have to do it again? Let us reassure you right away: yes, it is possible to restore access to the State Services website. And it’s easy to do, you can even do it without leaving your home.

Recover password by phone number or email

Restoring access via mobile phone or email is available only for simplified accounting. To do this, you need to have a mobile phone linked to your account and access to your mailbox. Let's start in order.

  1. First, you need to try logging into your Personal Account - the link is in the upper right corner on the main page of the official website.
    On the page that opens, at the bottom, click on the “I don’t know my password” link.
  2. The site offers several options, we are interested in “Phone or email”.
  3. Place a circle next to your mobile phone number or email. After entering the data, the system asks you to confirm that you are not a robot.
  4. All you have to do is find a password recovery letter in your mail or a message with a code to restore access to your phone account. This is what an email looks like.

  5. Click on the “Create a new password” link. Once again on the State Services website, change your password. Enter it again.

For security purposes, the password must comply with the following rules:

  1. Contain capital Latin letters;
  2. Lowercase Latin letters;
  3. Numbers;
  4. Punctuation marks;
  5. Must consist of 8 or more letters and symbols;

It's easy to find out if your password is correct. The system will automatically prompt you if it does not comply with these rules. Then it will be necessary to change it again.

After entering, the portal will redirect visitors to the main page, where they will offer to re-enter their personal account.

Recover password using SNILS or INN

A standard or confirmed account requires entering the number of one of the documents: passport, INN or SNILS.

The procedure is identical. The only difference is that you need to select a document and enter its number. After that, select the delivery method for the password change link: email or phone. And then you will need to enter the code from the SMS sent to your phone or follow the link in the letter. The SMS code is valid for only five minutes!

Create a new password that meets security requirements. Repeat it twice. Login to the site has become available. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to recover your password on State Services.

Click on this link, select the type of service and find the nearest center on the map. You just need to have your passport and SNILS with you. The center staff will check the data and quickly solve the problem. For other questions, please contact the portal hotline: 8 800 100 70 10 or support service.

Protect your account

To prevent scammers from hacking your account, you need to protect yourself and your data. First of all, you need a password that is as complex as possible. Of course, your date of birth, mobile phone number or the first letters of your keyboard will not work. It is advisable to choose combinations of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and permitted characters. The more complex the combination is used, the more reliable it is. You can come up with a suitable password yourself or generate it using special online services, and then write it down and carefully store it in a safe place.

In addition, double authorization will provide good additional protection. You can enable it through your account settings. It works as follows: every time you log in to, a message with a special code will be sent to the attached phone number, which must be entered in a separate line next to your login and password.

The step-by-step instructions offered on this page will tell you how to recover your password on the State Services website if you have forgotten this important data, but have your cell phone, passport and SNILS at hand. The procedure begins with an attempt to log in to the portal. When entering the expected password, user authentication errors are displayed. A corresponding warning is issued about this. The user is also asked to go through the procedure of restoring lost access using the tools that are at hand.

Before you recover your password on State Services, follow this link:

In addition, you need to prepare and place next to you:

  • cell phone, the number of which was specified when registering on the portal, it will receive an SMS with a text containing a digital code to restore lost access to your personal account;
  • the answer to the security question (it is recommended that all site users ask it in order to provide additional identification protection) - it must be written down on a piece of paper along with the answer and placed in a safe place;
  • SNILS or, in extreme cases, its identification number, upon entering which on the portal the procedure for restoring access will be initiated.

How to recover your login and password on the State Services website using SNILS

Before you reset your password on the State Services website, it is important to know that several methods can be used for this. There is the easiest way to recover a password for State Services using SNILS, or rather by the number of this document. But the easiest way to do this is if you know what email address or cell phone number the initial registration was used at. It is enough to enter your e-mail or telephone address in the appropriate field to restore lost access. In response to the specified means of communication, a password recovery code will be sent. Just follow the link from the letter or enter the personal code from the SMS message.

The next way to recover your login and password on State Services is to enter your individual SNILS number and click on the password recovery button. After a few seconds, an SMS message will be sent to the specified phone number. You must enter the code sent in it in the appropriate field.

If you choose the recovery method by answering a pre-set security question, you will still have to also enter the code from the SMS. Thus, it is worth considering that without a cell phone or email address, it will be quite difficult to restore lost access to your personal account. But in this case, not all is lost.

If you do not have access to the cell phone number that was specified during registration, you must contact the MFC with a passport or some other document proving your identity to restore your login and password. An employee of the center will restore access to your personal account and will ask you to independently set a new password, change your registration phone number and make other important changes.

Protecting your personal data

Remember that protecting personal data is the responsibility of every citizen. In order to ensure the maximum level of protection for your personal account on the State Services portal, you need to use all the provided functionality. Above all, take your password choice seriously. It should be complex and contain not only numbers, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters, but also special characters. The password should be written down in a place inaccessible to others, but with the ability for you to view it at any convenient time.

It is important to use a multi-level type of identification when logging into your personal account under your account. To do this, you need to configure a special code to be sent every time you try to log in.

Ask a security question and write it down in a well-protected place. Indicate all possible contact information to increase the chances of quickly restoring lost access.