Make money using google alert. Learning to use the GoogleAlerts notification system. Google Alerts - a goldmine for bloggers

Google has many useful (and not so useful) services. Most of which are even unknown to ordinary people. But among them there are also those that can make the life of a webmaster and optimizer significantly easier. Today we will talk about one of these services. Meet: Google Alerts!

Google Alerts- This is a tracking system useful information online with delivery straight to you! It allows you to keep abreast of the latest events related to a particular brand, website, blog, person, etc. You can track online mentions of your resource or your name, mentions of competitors of your business, or vice versa, of partners. This is just the tip of all the capabilities of the Google Alerts service!

Let's now look at the service in more detail. It all starts by filling out a simple form at
Let's look at Google's service using an example. Let’s say I want to track new mentions with the keyword “check the uniqueness of the text” in the TOP of requests. Then I fill out the form something like this:

But Google wouldn't be Google if it weren't for its attention to detail! I was very pleased with the ability to view approximate results already when filling out the form (that is, even before we confirmed the subscription). Look what appears to the right of the form:

This on-the-fly preview allows us to take a look at examples of what we'll receive when we subscribe. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can immediately correct the subscription form. Very comfortably!

What can we do with this service? How Google Alerts can help you SEO promotion our blog?
And it's very simple! To begin with, we can track the indexing of our own site if we fill out the subscription form as follows:

This way we will receive letters stating that the next page of our site has entered the index.

Another example of use Google Alerts is that it can help us be among the first commenters on blogs for certain queries. To do this, simply set up tracking on blogs in the form. This way we will be notified of new articles on a specific topic we need and will be able to be the first to leave a comment on the blog. And if this is a dofollow blog, then in addition to traffic we will also collect backlinks, which will be located above others, and therefore have a little more weight. Well, isn't this a miracle? :)

You can come up with more than one way to use this service, which is not yet very popular in RuNet. But after working with Google Alerts at least once, you will never give it up, I assure you!

There are people who like Google+, and there are those who this service annoying and if you are registered there but do not use it, then you may receive unwanted notifications.

If you want to turn off notifications from Google+, then I have good news: Turning off all Google+ alerts is actually a very easy task. And if you don't want to turn them off, you can control all notifications. That's the point.

Firstly, there are several different ways manage Google+ alerts: on the website and in the application. Each method is slightly different from the others, so we will describe each of them. Let's start with the website.

Manage Google+ notifications on your website

Firstly, go to Google+ website. Here, click on the Settings button in the left navigation bar. If the panel is not visible, you need to click on the three bars in the top left corner to show the sidebar.

There are a few various options notifications in this menu, but we'll start from the very top. The first option in this menu is “Who can send you alerts.” There are several options (the default is “Advanced Circles”), so you can choose what works best for you. If you plan to completely disable notifications, then you do not need to configure anything here - we will do this below.

Scroll down until you see the Alerts section. Here you can turn it off completely Google Alerts+. Simply set the toggles to "Disabled" on any notification option you want to disable. Easy and fast.

But here's the thing: it's simple General settings. If you need more fine tuning, then click on the arrow next to each subsection (posts, people, photos, etc.) to deep customization notifications.

Disable the options that you consider unnecessary and you're done.

Manage Google+ notifications on your Android phone

If you don't like the website option, you can also manage notifications on your phone, but keep in mind that this will only work for email notifications. For other cases, you need to configure it on the website.

Run Google app+ on your phone, open the menu, then tap Settings.

Select an account, then Alerts.

If you want to completely turn off notifications, then set the top switch to the “Off” position. Ready.

But again, if you want more detailed setup, then scroll below. There are many options to choose from, and they are all quite simple, so you have to decide what you need and what you don't.

It is also worth noting that these settings are synchronized with your account. Google entry, so anything you change here will change on any other mobile device you use, as well as in the Phone section of your notification settings on the website. It's quite convenient.

Manage Google+ notifications on your iPhone

If you iOS user, then everything is a little different from Android versions, instead of having own management notifications, the Google+ app literally just redirects to the settings website. Still, it's better than nothing.

Open the Google+ app, open the menu on the left, then click Settings.

Select Alerts.

The app will then open Google+ web settings in the app window, where you can manage email and app notifications.

Similar to the settings we talked about in the first section of this article, you can enable or disable notifications for Email And mobile phone or touch each subsection to get more detailed settings.

Google Alerts is a service for delivering messages mentioning certain information or a request for a specific email address. Simply put, if you want to stay up to date with the latest information on a topic, you need to create an alert, and you will receive messages about all new mentions of a word or phrase on the Internet. When might this be useful? When new web pages, articles, videos and any other information appear that matches your search criteria. How to tame the service and use it for the needs of your business?

How to set an alarm clock correctly?

To work with Google Alerts, as with any other Google service, requires a search engine account, in other words, If you don’t have one, you’ll have to create one, if you have one, go further to the alert settings page and log in here under account Google.

To create an alert you must enter search query and click the “Create Alert” button. For example, if you are interested in information about algorithm updates Google Penguin, enter the query “Google penguin”, and if you want to receive notifications about all mentions of your brand, write its name.

There is one nuance here: if the request consists of two or more words, it must be entered in quotation marks, for example, “Arctic laboratory” or “website promotion”. Otherwise, search system will search for words separately, not together.

Advanced setup: a guide for those who want to get the most out of Google Alerts

To get to the advanced settings section for the alert service, click the “More settings” button. There are a lot of them here, and everyone will help you get necessary information on time and from specific sources. Let's see what each parameter affects.

"Sending frequency"— this is the setting of the frequency of sending messages to your mailbox. Options:

  • “as results appear”: every day you will receive several (or several dozen) messages about each new request. This option should be chosen only if you need to track the occurrence of new information in real time. I don’t recommend it for frequent requests: you risk clogging your inbox with hundreds of messages a day from Google Alerts.
  • The “no more than once a day” option means sending an alert with all events that occurred in the last 24 hours. Every day you will receive alerts at the exact time you created the alert.
  • if you select “no more than once a week”, the first letter will arrive in your mailbox exactly 7 days after the alert was created.

Parameter "Sources"— breakdown by content type. With its help, you can track the latest news, the appearance of new posts in blogs that interest you, the release of a new video or book, as well as comments on a given topic. In our case with Google Penguin, I chose to track news, blogs, web, and discussions.

Using the parameter "Language" We indicate the information in which language we are interested in, and in the “Country” field we indicate which country the sites publishing the information should belong to.

The amount of information in notifications and its quality can be configured using the parameter "Quantity". There are two options here: “Only top scores" and "All results". In the first case, Google Alerts will collect data only from high-quality resources, which Google will select according to its quality criteria.

"Delivery": you can choose how it is more convenient for you to receive information from the service: on e-mail address from the account under which you are logged into Google, or in the form of an RSS feed.

Google Alerts also has a convenient preview, where examples of alerts are displayed “on the fly” and you can immediately edit the selection parameters.

If you need to edit settings or turn off notifications, click on the appropriate buttons or in the list of notifications.

9 Types of Google Alerts

1. Brand mentions. Examples of notifications for our company:

  • "Arctic laboratory"
  • arcticlab
  • arcticlab

Why and who needs this?

  • For famous people, this is a powerful reputation management tool.
  • For bloggers - a convenient tool for tracking site mentions. If the mention is in the form of text, then you can ask to add a backlink to the site.
  • For online store owners: tracking brand mentions will help you quickly respond to negative review and solve the client's problem.
  • For owners of information products: you can stop illegal distribution through torrents and file-sharing sites, or track the appearance of discussions on forums or in blog comments and join the discussion.

In addition, using Google Alerts you can track brand mentions in in social networks . To set up such alerts, list the sites that are relevant to you using the OR operator. For example:

"Arctic laboratory" OR OR OR

In the case of monitoring competitors, the service also works great. Enter the name of your competitor and receive alerts about all events related to it. For online store owners, tracking mentions of a competing brand will help them quickly respond to negative feedback about a competitor and offer their services to the client.

2. Track new backlinks to the siteconfigured as follows: site -site:site. New site pages should be disabled.

3. Tracking plagiarism— articles or parts thereof copied from your website. To set up alerts, you must enter unique phrase from the article as a search query. Remember that the sentence must be in quotation marks.

4. Preventing spam on the site.If your website has a function for commenting on messages, you have probably encountered the problem of spam messages. To prevent suspicious activity on your site, you can set up Google Alerts using standard words, for example:

site:casino site OR nude OR naked OR pharmacy OR poker OR porn OR roulette OR sex OR viagara

The list of stop words is usually selected empirically.

5. Customer tracking(including in the region). Google Alerts can be useful for online store owners: the service can set up a number of alerts that will be triggered when a customer searches for a product from your niche. For example:

  • "bouquet * cheap";
  • "bouquet * inexpensive";
  • "buy a bouquet * cheap";
  • "buy a bouquet * inexpensively."

You can also track buyers in a specific region:

  • "buy flowers * in Voronezh";
  • "Voronezh buy flowers *";
  • "* flowers * Voronezh".

This way you can attract traffic, build authority and gain loyal customers. Track your niche by a set of expressions, and when a user asks a question, you can instantly respond, provide your expert answer and add a link to your site.

6. Tracking new niches.By setting up alerts for queries like “new * in * year” and “* coming * in * year”, you can receive information about only emerging niches.

7. Tracking the indexing of new pagesGoogle PS website in real time for a request like site:site.

8. Create a subscription to new materialson a site or blog of interest. If the site, forum or blog with the information you are interested in does not have the opportunity to subscribe to the mailing list of new materials, you can create your own by listing sites using the OR operator.

9. Tracking articles/newson topics of interest. To configure, enter a phrase and specify “Blogs” or “News” in the sources. This will allow you to receive fresh and up-to-date information on a topic of interest, and also be one of the first to leave a comment (especially if the blog is indexed external links from the comments).

As you can see, Google Alerts are very useful tool for business: with it you will always be in the know latest trends industry, you will be able to track mentions of your brand in real time and even establish communication with the company’s clients.

When visiting new sites in the left top corner browser sometimes a small window appears asking permission to deliver certain notifications to you.

If the user has approved receiving such notifications once, later in the task tray of the computer or mobile device he will periodically observe the appearance of small windows with a message that new publications have appeared on these sites.

These are the so-called push notifications, also known as web push - modern instrument and internet marketers. AND the most convenient means informing users who want to keep abreast of events that interest them.

Push notifications what are they?

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen regular computer or mobile phone and report important events and updates.

When a user clicks on a push notification, site news immediately opens in the window, and users are among the first to get acquainted with the information just posted on the network. And sometimes it is important to be among the first users who have useful information.

Rice. 1. What Push Notifications Look Like

Push notifications on websites are enabled by website owners, and users can manage push notifications through their browser settings. If the webmaster has not enabled push on the site, then the user does not have the opportunity (or need) to use, configure, etc.

What are the benefits of push notifications over other methods of delivering up-to-date information? How to manage this notification tool in desktop browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or similar ones? Let's look at these questions below.

Benefits of push notifications

The benefits of implementing push notifications on websites for their owners, that is, for webmasters, are obvious. The fact is that few communication tools can ensure 90% delivery of messages to the user and almost 50% .

But what benefit does the reader of this or that site receive?

Push notifications may be more convenient for some users than subscribing to site updates via E-mail. Messages coming from different sites are not accumulated in mailbox and do not complicate access to personal correspondence.

If in this moment The user does not have time to read the news, then by clicking on the push notification, he can open the page in the browser window and leave it until a convenient moment. Or send it to a delayed reading service like Pocket or Readability.

One of the disadvantages of subscribing to website news by E-mail is the accumulation of letters about new articles in the user's mailbox. With push notifications there will be no overflow in the mail.

If the site is not sufficiently protected from hacking, it may happen that the database of site subscribers falls into the hands of scammers, who first of all organize a attack on this database (the so-called spam attack). Then every email owner from this database receives such fraudulent spam emails. It is believed that with push notifications in this regard, users are more reliably protected: no one else, except the creators of the sites of interest, will be able to disturb users, no matter who hacks anything on such sites.

Push notifications and RSS feed

In terms of protection against spam, web-push is similar to another means of delivering the latest information published on a particular site - RSS feed. The latter even benefits in that it stores a history of messages about publications from sites to which you have an RSS subscription. While pop-up notifications disappear forever after a few seconds.

But the use of RSS feeds for delivering news requires independent actions from the user: he needs to find a subscription button on each site himself (and it doesn’t have standard arrangement) and enter the channel address in the RSS reader. If such a reader does not exist in the user’s browser, it still needs to be organized separately, for example, by installing an extension, selecting a web service, or resorting to using the appropriate program.

Push notifications pop up on their own and offer to subscribe, and their implementation is provided by the standard functionality of almost any modern browser.

Setting up push notifications in Google Chrome

The implementation of pop-up notifications in Google Chrome and browsers built on the same Blink engine (for example,) offers the user a completely open format subscription, which does not require him to make any choice.

A push request in Google Chrome contains two functional buttons:

  1. “Allow” to approve the delivery of messages (1 in Fig. 2) and
  2. “Block” to add the site to the list of blocked ones (2 in Fig. 2).

In the latter case, on subsequent visits to such a site, requests will no longer appear.

There is a third option: clicking on the cross in the request window allows you to postpone making a decision (3 in Fig. 3). The site will not be blocked, and after a while such a request will appear in the upper left corner Chrome windows will appear again.

Rice. 2. What a push notification request looks like in Google Chrome

Setting up push notifications in Mozilla

In Mozilla Firefox (and other browsers based on the same Gecko engine), the web push request form is designed more cleverly than in Google Chrome, or rather, to incline the user to a specific choice.

  1. The “Allow notifications” button (1 in Fig. 3) is emphasized by color indication,
  2. and as an alternative, it is contrasted with the deferred decision button “Not now” (2 in Fig. 3).

The “Never Allow” notification blocking button (4 in Fig. 3) is designed smaller and is hidden inside the “Not Now” button (3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. What a push notification request looks like in Mozille Firefox

Allowed and blocked push notifications are not synchronized with browser profiles. After installing a new operating system, when moving to another computer, and even after reinstalling the browser itself and clearing its remains during uninstallation, you need to start all over again - respond to site requests again, form a database of permissions and blocking for push notifications from scratch.

Unsubscribing from web-push and blocking them

An excessive number of pop-up messages can begin to irritate the user over time. In addition, our interests may change.

In such cases, how can you unsubscribe from irrelevant sites or completely disable the delivery of push notifications by your browser? And how, on the contrary, can you unblock sites that were mistakenly blocked when a request appears?

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Google Alerts is a service for informing about events, news and new products that the user has marked as “interesting”. In other words, if you want to stay up to date with the latest events all the time and not forget about the release new version favorite software, Alerts will help you with this and will promptly send a notification about the new use of the request to the specified email.

Such software is very useful for business when it is necessary to monitor competitors and new products on the market. You simply specify a request, and the service accumulates all the analytics on it and sends it to you.

How else can you use the software and what ways are there to configure it? Let's take a closer look.

Learning to use the service

Despite its simplicity, the software has great potential and can make the user’s work easier. The main thing is to learn how to use its functions and configure all options correctly.

The service itself is located at Technically, this is a kind of add-on to the main search that allows you to inform the system about your interests.

We will look at the capabilities of the software using an example, and to get started you will need to create an account on Google.

Suppose you want to learn English language without spending a penny on it. Today there are many online free courses, and we will find them with the Alerts service.

Go to the software website and enter a request. You can enclose it in quotation marks so that the system finds the phrase as a whole, and not in parts.

You can see a sample list of results that will be sent to your email.

Here, indicate all the refinements for the search and the number of results that will be sent by email.

Sending frequency is the frequency with which notification letters will be sent to your inbox. Google offers several options:

  • once a week. The system will send you the first letter after seven days from the date of setting the settings. That is, if you specified a request at 12.15 of the current day, then the notification will arrive at 12.15 in a week;
  • once a day. In this case, you will receive the letter exactly 24 hours later;
  • as the results appear. As soon as you create alerts, the system will begin to analyze new requests and send you the results.

The frequency of sending depends on what goals you are pursuing when setting the alarm. remember, that high frequency queries can clog up your mail when you select the “As results appear” option, so many people choose the “Once a day” option.

Sources are the selection of resources from which the system will draw information for you. Blogs, websites and video platforms, you can choose anything. Language – the language in which results should be collected. In our case, we chose “Russian” and “English”.

Quantity – you choose whether you want to receive everything collected results or just best materials. We chose the best, because in this case, Google collects information from trusted sources that are included in " White list"systems.

Delivery – here you can specify where you want to receive the collected results.

Types of alerts

Let's consider where and how the service can be useful.

Someone mentioned your company on their own or a third-party resource

Who will need this information:

  1. Media personalities. Knowing what the public is talking about is important to building a positive reputation.
  2. Entrepreneurs. Google Alerts – what is it for business? Powerful tool, allowing you to track any mention of the brand and stay aware of the actions of your competitors.
  3. Copyright holders. If someone illegally uses information product, you can quickly track down the scammer and fix the problem.
  4. Bloggers. Much the same as with media personalities: improved reputation and a more detailed understanding of the audience.

As for working with competitors, Google Alerts allows you to track any of their “movements” and learn about all changes or innovations. All you have to do is enter the company name into the search bar and create an alert. What does this give? For example, you received a notification that a user has complained about a competitor. Now you can lure a client by offering him improved terms of cooperation.

Plagiarism search

The content on your site belongs only to you, but many unscrupulous users steal information, passing it off as their own. By setting up an alert, you can track the resource where your content is posted. Remember that the search term must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Finding information on social networks

The "OR" operator allows you to list all the resources needed for the search. Just enter a query, insert the operator and indicate the name of the social network.

This is very convenient for tracking information, because most of the communication between users takes place on social networks, which means you can find out a lot of useful information there.

Monitoring potential clients

You can create alerts about key queries in your niche and track target audience, which is looking for goods or services that you also have in stock. For example, you are engaged in pizza delivery, then by tracking the request “pizza delivery”, you can find user questions and quickly answer them by providing your contacts. Moreover, Google provides the ability to set a specific region: “pizza delivery Chelyabinsk,” which will allow you to narrow your search.

Search news

This is useful for both entrepreneurs and ordinary network users. Just enter the query you are interested in, and select “news” as the source of information. Then the system will constantly offer you “hot” notifications about latest events in the direction of interest.

Which operators are available in Google Alerts

  1. Plus sign or quotation marks. They allow you to search for a query with a specific word form and not break the phrase into parts.
  2. Minus sign". Excludes a word from the query.
  3. The word "site". Allows you to search for information on a specific resource. To do this, you need to enter a request and have it accompanied by an operator.
  4. "OR". Listing broken words or search sources.

Similar to Google Alerts

By exploring possible alternatives, users learn about analogue of Google Alerts in Yandex. However, today, the Yandex network does not have an alternative to Google's alarm clock.
In 2016, a similar project “Yandex.Medianna” was tested, but today the link to this service provides information about the closure of the site.

We offer you a list of Google Alerts analogues on third-party resources.


English-language software that can find everything on the Internet, from texts to discounts on goods of interest. The program has intuitive settings and provides results hourly or every day (your choice).

Interestingly, the service allows you to track changes in the price level for a specific product.

IQ Alerts

A search for “hot” news reports arrives in the user’s email every day. The service is easy to use, but has a fairly small set of functions.


A very useful platform for marketers and PR specialists. It provides the opportunity to assess the company's popularity based on reviews from well-known media. Another plus - it's free trial period, during which you can evaluate all the advantages of the program.


This program attracts the ability to upload data into an Excel table. You will be able to find out who the author of the publication is and, just like in the previous program, test the software for a week absolutely free.

It is worth noting that today worthy alternative There is no Google Alents yet, and there is no particular point in paying for paid tools, while Google provides the opportunity free use all functions.