How to strengthen wi-fi reception. Methods with physical intervention. Powerful DIY antenna

A regular router has a range of about 30 meters or more, but for many reasons the range can be greatly reduced and the signal level will drop below the desired level. Signal drops can be caused by interference from metal structures or other devices that use high-frequency radiation (cell phones and microwave ovens). Therefore, now many are wondering how to strengthen the router signal.

Strengthening the WiFi signal is a completely solvable task, and for this you can use the methods given below.

Install a WiFi router or access point (WAP) in the central part of the room

In the case where the router or access point is located outside (on the outside of the house), the signal amplification from the opposite side of the house will be weak. If the router is located on the first floor and the computer is on the second, then for a stable signal it is recommended to place the router high in the room (for example, on a closet).

It is not recommended to install the WiFi router on the floor, too close to the wall or near metal objects

This is caused by the fact that metal objects (safes, refrigerators, etc.), floors and walls get in the way and interfere with the strengthening of the WiFi signal. Accordingly, the closer you are, the stronger the interference and weaker the signal.

Replacing a WiFi router antenna

Most standard antennas are omnidirectional, and transmit the signal equally in all directions. Therefore, when the router is located near an external wall, “half” of the WiFi signal will correspondingly go outside the house, and part of the router’s power will simply disappear.

Most routers don't have the ability to adjust power gain, but you can find ways to use the power most efficiently. If you have a router with a detachable antenna, you can replace it with an antenna with a higher gain, which will amplify the signal in only one direction. Such an antenna can be directed in the direction where the signal is most needed.

There are many design options for such antennas. You can make them yourself or buy them.

Example video on making a simple antenna:

To amplify the signal, you can make a reflector from foil. Cut a circle of foil large enough to wrap around your router. Secure a circle of foil over the router itself and install the antenna in the center of the circle.

For more effective action, you can make a small parabola from foil and attach it to the antenna, as in the figure below.

DIY antenna

Replacing the network adapter (WiFi card)

This recommendation is intended for laptops or PCs that have a weak WiFi card installed. To correct this situation and strengthen the WiFi signal, you need to replace the WiFi card with a USB network adapter that uses an external antenna.

By adding an external antenna to your computer with the required gain, you can significantly increase the coverage area and strengthen the signal.

Installing a WiFi repeater

To increase the coverage area, you can install a WiFi repeater; it will work as an amplifier for the router. The repeater is installed in the middle, between the router or access point and your computer. By connecting a repeater, you can instantly boost your WiFi signal. Popular repeaters are Hawking Hi-Gain, Wireless-N standard Linksys, D-Link, ViewSonic and Buffalo Technology.

Changing the router channel

WiFi routers can broadcast on different channels (similar to radio stations). For example, in the United States these are channels 1, 6, and 11. Just like radio stations, the transmission may be better on one channel and worse on another. To configure the channel, you need to open the router configuration page and change the WiFi channel. After this, you need to check whether the signal has improved or not. The computer configuration does not change, since the computer automatically detects the new channel.

Web interface

The address of the router configuration page is indicated in the instructions, or you can see the table below.

IP addresses of access points

To strengthen the router signal, you need to reduce radio interference

Wireless technologies use the 802.11g (Wireless-G) standard and a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz (GHz). Microwave ovens, cordless phones, and other electronics also operate in this frequency range. Therefore, it is possible that the computer cannot receive the router's signal due to the emissions from these devices. 7. To strengthen the router's signal, you need to reduce radio interference.

When operating a Wireless-G network, you can reduce interference by avoiding the use of 2.4 GHz wireless electronics. You can choose other devices that operate at 5.8 GHz or 900 MHz. The Wireless-N network can operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and on the less used 5.0 GHz frequency.

Firmware update for network adapter driver

Network equipment manufacturers regularly release free driver updates. In some cases, these updates can improve performance and consequently strengthen your WiFi signal. The latest updates can be downloaded from the router manufacturer's website.

You can get better performance if you choose a WiFi router and network adapter from the same manufacturer.

For example, some manufacturers offer a doubling of hardware performance when choosing a complete package of their hardware.

Upgrading 802.11A, 802.11G, 802.11B to 802.11N

Pay attention to what standard your router operates in. Wireless-G (802.11g) is the most common wireless network, but Wireless-N (802.11n) has more gain and is twice as fast. The Wireless-N standard is backward compatible with the 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11b standards.

When purchasing new equipment, it is better to choose the Wireless-N standard. This is, for example, Linksys Wireless-N WiFi routers.

WiFi router amplifier

To strengthen the router signal, you can use a special amplifier. The amplifier increases the strength of the router's existing signal.

Amplifier Booster

This amplifier works in conjunction with a router. It is connected to a wifi router, for example, into the connector of the router’s standard antenna. Booster amplifier power is 2w.

In this review, we will try to answer the question: is it enough to install a powerful WiFi router to increase the wireless communication range? The problem is this. Communication between a computer and a router involves two-way data transfer. That is, a radio transmitter installed in the Wi-Fi card of the computer will be used. But the power of the latter, in most cases, cannot be increased above a certain threshold.

The point here, oddly enough, is not a matter of physics. For certain purposes (maybe to protect health or something else), an interesting law was passed. According to it, the value of the transmitter power for subscriber Wi-Fi devices is clearly limited. The transmitter power cannot exceed 20 dBm.

Home Wi-Fi network

Let's look at a small example. The TL-WN7200ND device is a Wi-Fi adapter for a computer. Its transmitter power, according to some sources, is 26 dBm (0.4 Watt). Well, such a value means four times more power than 20 dBm (0.1 Watt). Therefore, the Windows driver for this adapter contains a corresponding “correction”. Which cannot be turned off.

Thus, if you install the most powerful WiFi router that you can buy now, this will not have a positive effect on the communication range. The problem will remain in subscriber devices. Theoretically, it is possible to “unblock” the driver. Just remember that such actions will be a direct violation of the law (and, in particular, sanitary standards). Which is unlikely to please all users without exception.

Additionally, we note that for routers there is also a similar limitation. The transmitter power of the base device should not exceed 24 dBm (0.25 Watt).

There are two methods to increase the communication range “legally”: connect a highly directional Wi-Fi antenna, or install another router (repeater).

Increasing communication range is “legal”

Can a passive antenna boost the signal?

If you do not take into account losses in the wire, then the gain of an “omnidirectional” antenna is exactly zero decibels. Now imagine that the radiation pattern has been “narrowed” to a half-space. There was all the space, but only half remained - and the intensity doubled. At the same transmitter power.

There are antennas with a very narrow “coverage” of space and with high gain. If doubling the intensity is indicated by the inscription “+3 dB”, then multiplying by four times is “+6 dB”, etc. In most cases, a powerful router is not needed. The question is where exactly in the apartment you need to get Wi-Fi.

If it is enough for the Wi-Fi network to be available inside one room, then an antenna with a 90-degree diagram is fixed in the corner. Nothing more is required. As a result, the intensity will increase four times (when compared with a conventional whip antenna).

Antenna with 90 degree radiation pattern

Of course, to do this, the router’s antenna must be removable (usually an SMA connector is used). The problem of low transmitter power in subscriber devices is also solved in the same way. However, this is only good for desktop PCs.

The most powerful Wi-Fi router that is mass-produced has a transmitter power of 0.6 Watt. In Russia, as we have already said, a maximum of 0.25 Watt is allowed, but the intensity can be increased significantly with the help of a “cunning” antenna.

Wi-Fi repeaters

The principle of operation of a Wi-Fi repeater, or repeater, is clear from the following diagram:

Repeater operating principle

Actually, a repeater is a device that, like a router, will have to be configured. There can be several wireless networks at one point in space, and the device will “relay” one of them (the one needed by the user).

Most office routers equipped with a Wi-Fi module can be used as a repeater. The power of the WiFi router used as a repeater is a very important parameter. But compatibility is even more important (that is, the repeater must support the required Wi-Fi communication protocol). Let's look at an example setup.

When setting the wireless network parameters, you need to select the operating mode: Universal Repeater. Other settings such as band width (20 MHz or 40), baud rate, etc. – must completely match the parameters of the “relayed” Wi-Fi network:

Setting up the router in repeater mode

List of available wireless networks

Here you need to select one required network, click “Connect” and follow the instructions of the setup wizard. If the wireless network uses encryption, then the password and protocol for it are set on the “Wireless Security” tab. As it were, that’s all. Happy setup!

Methods for increasing transmitter power

Accepted notation system

In general, as you know, the unit of power is one Watt, and power should be denoted by Watts. In radio engineering, it is customary to use another scale, in the so-called “Decibels per milliwatt”, dBm.

Zero dBm is 1 milliwatt. Three dBm – 2 mW. And so on. You can remember the reference values: 20 dBm is equal to 100 mW (or 0.1 W), and 23 dBm is 0.2 Watt.

The manufacturer lists the transmitter power in “dBm” (which can easily be converted to Watts if required).

Increasing the power of Wi-Fi transmitters

First, you need to find out how to increase the power of the router “software”. The settings usually do not specify its maximum value.

Setting the transmitter power in D-Link routers

  1. You need to set the maximum power value in the router
  2. Then, you need to try to “programmatically” increase the power in subscriber devices
  3. If these measures are not enough, instead of an external passive antenna, connect a Wi-Fi amplifier with an external antenna (or an active antenna)

An amplifier or active antenna can be connected to both the router and subscriber devices. This “rig” looks something like this:

Wi-Fi amplifier + regular whip antenna

The output power of amplifiers is usually units of watts (2 W or 4 W). As we have already said, the use of such solutions violates the requirements of the law.

Additionally, we note the following. The use of transmitters with a power of more than 20 dBm (or more than 24 dBm for a basic device) is contrary to sanitary requirements. That is, it is harmful to health.

To strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router, you can use different methods, from setting up a wireless connection to installing a primitive reflector or purchasing a repeater. But before purchasing additional equipment or making reflective screens, you need to understand what factors affect the signal range.

What determines the size of the coverage area?

The range of a Wi-Fi signal is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Incorrect router location.
  • The presence of walls in the signal path, their material.
  • Interference from other devices operating on the same frequency.
  • Number of wireless networks around.
  • Antenna power, etc.

For example, if you place the router in the farthest corner of an apartment, then the signal on the tablet through a couple of walls will be noticeably weaker than on a laptop that is located in the same room as the router. In addition, if the device detects many neighboring access points, this also affects the signal quality - wireless networks intersect, creating interference.

These shortcomings can be eliminated at home without any special financial costs, but if you want a real increase in coverage area, or you just have a large house with several floors, then the best way to strengthen the signal is to purchase a repeater. But first, let's see what can be done without purchasing additional equipment.

Setting up the router

If you purchased a router and found that it cannot cope with the coverage of your apartment or house, then do not rush to buy another router or wi-fi signal repeater. Try setting up your wireless network - for example, finding a freer channel. The more wireless networks that use the same channel, the weaker the signal. Use inSSIder to find the least busy channel.

  1. Launch the program and click "Start Scan".
  2. See what channels are occupied by your neighbors' routers.

The channels partially overlap, so you won’t be able to stay alone. But if everyone has channel 1, and you set it to 8, then the influence will be minimal. To change the channel:

  1. Open the router's web interface in your browser (the address, login and password must be indicated on the case).
  2. Go to the section with basic Wi-Fi settings and specify the number of the free channel.

In the router interface, you can select 12 and 13 channels, but if you want maximum compatibility with devices, then set the value from 1 to 11. Some devices do not support 12 and 13 channels, so, for example, on Android the wireless network simply will not be detected .

Another way to strengthen signal reception on your phone is to set the 802.11N operating mode in the router settings. Most routers have a mixed mode of 11bgn mixed by default, but if you force the broadcast to N, the coverage area and speed of the Internet distributed over the wireless network will increase.

  1. Open the router interface in a browser. Go to the section with wireless network settings.
  2. Select 802.11 N mode and save the configuration.

Unfortunately, there are limitations here too. Older devices do not support 802.11 N mode, so it will not be possible to detect an access point on them. In this case, you will have to set the mixed operating mode back, which will negatively affect the quality of the signal. On some routers, you can additionally increase the transmission power. On D-link this is done like this:

  1. Open the web interface, go to advanced settings.
  2. In the “Wi-Fi” field, go to additional settings.
  3. Set TX power to 100.

Usually the default is the maximum value, but it’s better to check this point. On ASUS and TP-link routers, the order will be slightly different, but the essence remains the same - you need to specify the maximum possible transmission power.

Using additional equipment

On Youtube you can find different options for designing amplifiers and reflectors that users make with their own hands. Silver-plated mirrors, foil and even cut tin cans are used. The principle of operation of the reflector is simple: the signal from the antenna does not diverge in all directions, but receives a specific direction.

But if you want to significantly increase your coverage area, you should consider using special equipment. Three options can be offered:

  • Buying a new router operating at a relatively free frequency of 5 GHz.
  • Purchasing more powerful antennas (suitable if the router has removable external antennas).
  • Installing a wi-fi repeater.

The best option is to install a repeater, although buying a new router is also a good idea. Replacing the antennas will work, but the effect will be less. In addition, really powerful antennas are not cheap, so it is more profitable to take a repeater or boost the signal using another router operating in repeater mode.

The repeater does not create a second network, but only amplifies the signal from the router. Let's say the router is in the room, but in the kitchen the wireless network is no longer available. If you install a repeater in the middle of the path, the signal will be strengthened and a wireless network will appear in the kitchen.

Setting up a repeater usually does not raise any questions and consists of simultaneously pressing the WPS buttons on both devices. It is important that you will not notice that the laptop or phone is connected to the repeater and not to the router: the network still remains alone, that is, you can easily establish a local connection.

It is not necessary to buy a repeater: if you have a second router, you can configure it to operate in repeater mode. Let's see how this is done using ASUS network equipment as an example:

Not all routers can operate in repeater mode. But if the interface has the ability to enable repeater mode, then there will be no problems with indoor wireless network coverage, because a combination of two devices will provide a signal to all corners of the house.

Surely, everyone has encountered a situation where a device detects a Wi-Fi network, but cannot connect to it, displaying . As we wrote earlier, the most common cause of all errors when connecting to a wireless network is a weak Wi-Fi signal.

Users constantly ask questions like:

  • Why can’t I connect to a wireless network, because the device sees it?
  • Why does my smartphone see the Wi-Fi network but not connect?

Let us briefly explain the essence of the problem once again: The Wi-Fi transmitter of a router has higher power than the transmitter of a laptop or smartphone. The transmitter power of the router is enough for the laptop (smartphone, tablet) to see the network, but the transmitter power in the laptop (smartphone, tablet) is not enough for the signal to reach the router. To put it simply, the client device sees the router’s network, but the router does not see the weaker signal from the client device. Therefore, the situation arises that the signal level is stable - 1-2 divisions, but you cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Ways to strengthen the router's Wi-Fi signal and increase the area covered by the network

We list what measures can be taken to strengthen the signal of a wireless network and expand its coverage area. Let's start with the most important tip: determine for yourself the places in the room where you want to have a stable Wi-Fi signal. If there are several of these places, place the wireless router at an equal distance from them. We often see comical cases when a router hangs near the entrance to an apartment, and the Internet is used in the farthest room. Guess what the owners' complaint is? Of course low speed and regular Internet interruptions. And the solution is extremely simple - just install the router a few meters closer. Perhaps after this you will not need to rack your brains about how to strengthen the wireless signal and, in addition, you will not need to spend money on buying a repeater or an additional access point.

1. Setting up a Wi-Fi router and network adapter

First of all, you need to check the power settings of your wireless router or access point. Make sure the transmitter power is set to 100%. It would be stupid if you moved the access point and then discovered that it was not working at full capacity.

3. Installing a more powerful antenna

In some cases, the situation can be saved by connecting an external remote antenna (with a high gain) to the router instead of the standard one. This option can be tried if the router has a removable antenna. An important detail is that the remote antenna can be placed where a router cannot be installed. Sometimes, these couple of meters help solve the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal.

4. Buying a repeater

This is another option to strengthen the signal and increase coverage. The repeater solves the problem of weak signal and long distances. By installing it, you add an additional link to your Wi-Fi network. Now some devices will be able to connect to the main router, while others will be able to connect to the repeater, depending on whose signal they receive better.

This option is simple only at first glance and we placed it in last place for a reason. The fact is that in practice, a Wi-Fi network scheme consisting of a wireless router and a repeater is by no means ideally stable. For large houses where the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal is acute, We recommend implementing a scheme where several routers are connected with an ethernet cable (read more).

If you still decide to use a repeater to expand the network coverage area of ​​your router, keep in mind:

  • the repeater and router must be from the same manufacturer;
  • It is highly desirable that both devices run on the same chipset.

Now you know how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of your router, wireless modem or access point.