How to disconnect an unauthorized user from Wi-Fi. The Internet does not work when connected to open Wi-Fi, or why you cannot connect to a free (unsecured) Wi-Fi network

The Android mobile operating system is widely used all over the world. Smartphones with this platform are fast and stable. However, some problems arise quite often. One of them is the question of why Android does not connect to the WiFi network. Almost nothing can be configured in the platform itself, since it mobile version and everything is already configured in it. This is done to simplify the use of the smartphone.

To connect to WiFi networks you just need to turn on the module and select the required network from the proposed list. If the connection is not password protected, the connection will occur automatically. If the key is installed, you will need to enter it. But what to do if the WiFi adapter on the Android platform does not turn on? This means that the operating system (firmware) has failed. Since we do not have the opportunity to configure the network manually, we should perform a general reset to factory settings.

There are also errors when the module wireless communication turns on and finds available networks, but cannot connect to them. What to do in such cases? It's simple.

What to do if your Android tablet or smartphone does not connect to WiFi

Before you move on to solving wireless network connection problems, you should understand what is causing them.

It is worth noting that in most cases, the reason is hidden in the access point, which is not configured correctly. Of course, sometimes there are still failures in Android work, but to fix them, you can try rebooting the device or performing a general reset to factory settings. In other cases, you will have to configure the access point.

So, the most common reasons why Android does not connect to the devil wired network WiFi:

  • The MAC address of the smartphone was included in the access point filter.
  • Wireless network mode is not supported by the Android device.
  • DHCP mode is not enabled in the access point settings.

How to find out the password for your WiFi connection in the router settings: Video

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons, and all of them are hidden in the access point. Let's look at them in order.

Access Point Security Settings

So, first of all, you should check that the entered security key is correct if the network is password protected. It is worth noting here that Android platform configured so that after the first entry of the security key, it is saved. This prevents you from having to enter a password in the future. But how can you look at the key in this case?

To do this, log in to Android settings, and after that, in WiFi settings. Turn on wireless and wait for the device to find the desired network. After that, press it with your finger and hold it until extra menu. Here you need to select “Forget network”. Now search available connections again and try connecting to the router.

If you did everything correctly, the system will ask you to enter your password again. When entering, check the “Show password” box. This will allow you to see the characters you are entering and check that they are correct.

Login to router settings

Sometimes it happens that the user has forgotten own password from WiFi. In this case, you will need to enter the access point settings and open the security settings. To do this, connect to the router via cable or Wi-Fi, if this can be done on a laptop. Next, open a browser and address bar register the IP of the router. Look necessary information You can find it on the router case or in the user manual. If this is not possible, then press the Windows + R keys simultaneously. In the window that appears, enter CMD and press the “Enter” button.

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

Thanks to these simple actions we were able to launch command line. Enter the IPCONFIG command in it. Now find the line “Default Gateway”. This is the IP address that needs to be registered in the browser. After this, you will have to enter your username and password. If you haven’t changed anything, then write here admin, admin, respectively, and press “Enter”. After this, you will be taken to the router settings menu. Further actions We will look at the example of the D-LinkDir-615 router. If you have a different router model, then don’t rush to get upset. They all work on the same principle. The only difference is in the design of the interface.

Setting up connection security

So, at the bottom of the screen, click the “Advanced Settings” button. Now there are additional sections. We are interested in the window called “WiFi”. In this window, find and open the “Security Settings” section. The first line is the authentication type. Here you need to set WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed. This mode is supported by the Android platform and provides best security your network.

The encryption key is our password. Here or leave it the same, just look and remember it. Below you will see additional settings. As a rule, everything is installed there by default. But, you can check the “WPA encryption” item. The AES value should be set here. This completes the security setup.

Setting up a router MAC filter

To increase security, each router is equipped with a filter function based on IP and MAC address. Since the IP address is constantly changing, it is quite difficult to filter it, and, as a rule, there are no problems with it. Another thing is the physical address. It is unique for each device and it is impossible to change it in the Android OS. It's possible that somehow you or someone else has enabled this filter, causing your Android tablet or smartphone to not connect to the WiFi network.

How to set up a MAC filter in a router: Video

To check this, go to the settings menu again. In the "WiFi" section, open the "MAC filter" item. Everything here is extremely simple. If you are setting up a home network, then simply turn it off. If for some reason you need to leave it enabled, then depending on the mode in which the filter operates, you will need to add or remove the MAC address of your device from the list. In the first tab you select the filtering mode, in the second you add devices to the list.

If in the first tab you selected “Allow”, then in the second you will need to add all trusted devices to the list. If filtering works in the “Deny” mode, then in the second tab you create a list of addresses that will not be able to connect to the network. You can find out the physical address of a smartphone or tablet running OSAndroid in the device settings in the “About device” section.

Checking the wireless network operating mode

Very often the answer to the question why Android does not connect to the WiFi network is a mismatch in the operating mode of the access point. The fact is that today there are several Wi-Fi communication standards:

  • 802.11b.
  • 802.11g.
  • 802.11n.

They differ in frequency and range width. This, in turn, affects the data transfer speed. In order to seamlessly connect devices that support different Wi-Fi standards to the router, you should set the mixed mode. To do this, go into the router settings. In the "WiFi" section, open the "Basic Settings" item. We are interested in three points here:

  • Country (region).
  • Channel setup.
  • Wireless mode.

First, select the appropriate region (country). After that, set the channel settings to “Auto”. Next, in wireless mode select "802.11 BGNMixed". This is a mixed mode that is supported by any device with a WiFi module.

Setting up a DHCP server

DHCP is a technology that automatically distributes IP subscriber devices to connect to a wireless network. If you disable this feature, you will have to enter data manually. However, given the fact that on Android there is no way to enter the IP address, DNS server and other network parameters manually, it is logical to assume that if DHCP is disabled, the smartphone or tablet simply will not be able to connect. Therefore, it is important that this feature remains active.

To check this, we will need to go into the router settings again. Now we are interested in the “Network” section, in which we need to enter the “LAN” item. These are the settings local network. In the DHCP server section, in the “Mode” line, you need to set the value to “Allow”. You don't need to configure anything else.

It is worth noting that after making any changes to the router settings, they need to be applied and saved, then reboot the router and try connecting Android again.

Often a mistake Android connections devices to a wireless network is due to the banal freezing of the access point. This can happen due to power outages, heavy load when downloading large files on high speed and so on. The solution is simply reboot the router by unplugging it from the outlet for 7-10 minutes.

Now you know why the Wi-Fi network on Android does not connect. Of course, other errors may occur, but solving them requires an individual approach.

Why Android won't connect to Wi-Fi: Video

I have more than 10 years of experience in the IT field. I am engaged in designing and setting up commissioning works. We also have extensive experience in building networks, system administration and working with access control and video surveillance systems.
I work as a specialist at the Techno-Master company.

Video on the topic:

    Bezprovodoff team 12/18/2015 12:54

    Hello. To begin with, I would like to know what network is coming speech. Are you using a router? Or did you distribute the network from a computer? On a computer you can do the following actions. Go to the hardware manager, open the “Network adapters” folder and remove everything that is there from it (you must first download all the necessary drivers). After that, open a command prompt with administrator rights and execute in it following commands:
    netsh int ip reset (if you can’t register it or an error pops up, then write “netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt”).
    route –f.
    netsh interface reset all.
    netsh interface ip reset resetlog.txt.
    netsh interface ipv4 reset resetlog.txt.
    netsh interface ipv6 reset resetlog.txt.
    netsh winsock reset.
    netsh firewall reset.
    After each command, press “Enter”. Reboot the PC. Now we install new drivers.

    Maxim 01/12/2016 15:35

    Wifi works in Russia, when traveling abroad it works until you turn it off on your smartphone or leave the wifi reception area, then it stupidly doesn’t see more than one network at all, resetting to factory settings helps, but then everything goes in a circle - turn it off, turned on wifi and you won’t find any networks anymore

    Bezprovodoff team 01/13/2016 20:53

    Hello. The point is that your phone uses WiFi protocols which are intended for Russian standards. Overseas countries may use other standards and protocols that your device does not support. Or, on the contrary, some kind of protection is installed at the access points themselves. In general, these are normal phenomena. If something doesn’t suit you, you can try to flash your phone with the official service firmware, which was written for the country in which you have problems with Wi-Fi. That's the solution. And when you return home, you will need to upgrade to Russian firmware (although this is not a fact, European firmware often works more stably in Russia than Russian ones).

    Ksenia 02/07/2016 11:50

    Hello. I have a Lenovo a 60+ phone. Wi-Fi stopped connecting. it just says “error”…. In the morning I reset my phone settings.. at first Wi-Fi seemed to turn on but didn’t see any networks... at all. I turned off Wi-Fi... I’m trying to turn it on again... “error”. I downloaded the “wi fi fixer” program... it didn’t help..

    Bezprovodoff team 03/03/2016 19:10

    Hello. It is quite possible that the WiFi adapter itself has burned out. But, you can first try to flash the phone. The firmware must be installed from the official service firmware. If the firmware does not help, then take it in for repair, since you are unlikely to be able to replace the WiFi yourself. To do this you will need to disassemble the phone.

    Ilya 03/10/2016 08:34

    Hello, my TrendNet Wi-Fi router has a filter by MAC address, it works fine on laptops when I set the MAC address of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy And the phone doesn’t connect when I turn on sharing on the router, it works fine, I thought that the poppy address was entered incorrectly, I checked it correctly. Please help me, what should I do to make the filter by poppy address work?

    Bezprovodoff team 03/16/2016 16:13

    Hello. Have you tried setting up the router according to the instructions? There could be many reasons, try connecting your phone to another Wi-Fi point first to make sure the problem is not with your phone. If the phone connects without problems, then this means that the problem needs to be looked for in the router settings. If he doesn’t want to either, then most likely there’s something wrong with the phone.

    Bezprovodoff team 03/16/2016 16:26

    Hello. If phones don't see dots at all Wi-Fi connections, then there is a problem with the phone settings. It is best to contact the technical support of the phone manufacturer, since we do not know the operating features of this phone model. We also recommend reading the article, it may help you.

    Bezprovodoff team 03/16/2016 16:50

    Hello. You need to look at which list you entered your phone into. By setting a filter by MAC address, you can not only allow devices to access the router, but also deny it. If everything is done correctly, but the phone still does not connect, reset the router settings and try setting everything up again. Also, after installing the filter, you need to delete the access data on your phone and try to connect again. And if nothing helps at all, then you need to look at whether you need filtration at all and whether it will be of any use.

    Bezprovodoff team 03/19/2016 10:55

    Hello. If your tablet and phone have stopped connecting to WiFi networks not only at home, but also to other access points, then the problem should be looked for in the tablet and phone. But, since there is nothing special to look for there, try resetting to factory settings. If it does not help, then most likely you will have to reflash it. But before taking drastic measures, you should simply restart your devices and check if they are connected to the network. The fact is that sometimes devices accumulate network cache and other debris that interferes with connecting to networks and causes many other problems. A reboot usually resets all of this, but not always.

    Zhenya 03/22/2016 21:27

    Help, today I reset the settings to factory settings on the Lenovo A850+ because I was getting an error (the error was not related to wi-fi), everything seems to be fine, but it does not connect to wi-fi. It says authentication (error), I also checked that it will connect to another wi-fi without problems. You can use a laptop and another phone via wi-fi (which does not connect), and everything works well. I hope you read it, I really need help.

    Nikolay 03/30/2016 13:29

    Does not connect to Wi-Fi, this is a Wi-Fi not a router but an access point via a laptop phone DEXP Ixion ES 5, tried everything and failed android system, I tried everything, it doesn’t work, it says getting an IP address or is it also enabled, android 4.4.2 Kitkat, what should I do, please tell me? At my friends’ place everything connects on Wi-Fi, but at home it doesn’t matter, everything was fine, everything connected...

    Bezprovodoff team 04/01/2016 19:14

    Hello. There are such mistakes. Try checking for updates (if you installed the official one) service firmware). If not, try flashing your phone back to Android 5 (Lollipop). As I understand it, you manually flashed the software, and did not update the software, as required by all the rules? Maybe the firmware has become crooked, maybe the modem in the firmware is incorrect (drivers for the modem). There are many reasons, and it can take a long time to figure it out. It’s easier and faster to install back the previous firmware in which everything worked.

    Bezprovodoff team 04/01/2016 19:23

    Hello. There are no settings on the tablet, there is no way to reinstall drivers, and so on. Just restart your tablet to clear some cache. I also recommend rebooting your router. The fact is that the router could “remember” your tablet, but since you reset the parameters on the tablet, some configurations could have changed, and therefore a conflict is created in the router (it seems that the tablet is already in memory, but it has changed a little due to the reset ). If simple reboot router does not help, then update the software on the router. It’s quite easy to find and download new software on the router manufacturer’s official website.

    Bezprovodoff team 04/01/2016 19:24

    Hello. There could be many reasons for this. For example, if the router operates in 802.11n mode, and the phone only supports the 802.11g standard, then the phone will not be able to connect to home network since it's two different standards that do not interact with each other. They work on different frequency ranges. In addition, the type of data encryption can also be different. For example, the router encrypts information in WPA2 mode, and the phone can only recognize WPA encryption. You need to go into the router settings. and in the WiFi settings, see what mode is set (ideally, you should set it to 802.11b\g\n mixed). Also, in the security settings, disable encryption (that is, make the network open). If the phone connects to open network, then the problem is precisely in the encryption method. In this case, try setting other encryption methods (ideally, you should set WPA-PSK\WPA2-PSK). It is possible that the router itself needs to be flashed (software update). Here you need to look in person, figure it out, try different variants. There are descriptions on the site various errors and their solutions, as well as instructions for setting up routers and wireless networks. Read the articles, you will find answers to all your questions.

    Alexey 04/04/2016 22:00

    Hello, the problem is that it’s my tablet that doesn’t connect (the second one is fine), it says the protection is saved, etc., I click connect, there’s no response. But it connects to other networks without problems, and the Internet supply does not stop, and you do not have to reconnect. What to do?

    Bezprovodoff team 04/08/2016 09:27

    Hello. There can be many reasons, but if you say that you distributed the network from a laptop, and everything worked before, but now it’s broken, then everything can be solved quite simply. First, go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer, find the same laptop (by model and modification or by serial number) and download drivers for WiFi and network card(LAN). Let setup files will be on PC, we will return to them later. Now open the device manager and delete everything that you find there from the “Network adapters” folder. After that, launch the command prompt with administrator rights and do the following: After this, restart your computer. Now install the new drivers that you previously downloaded from the official website and restart your computer again. Everything should now work. Now you need to reconfigure network distribution from your laptop -. Three methods are described here, but only two will suit you - setting up distribution on the command line or using a program Virtual Router Plus. The program, in fact, configures the same command line, only in automatic mode. I myself configure the command line manually (and recommend it to everyone), but if this is too difficult (setting up sharing and distribution), then Virtual Router Plus- This the best option for you.

    Bezprovodoff team 04/08/2016 09:30

    Hello. This error may appear due to various reasons. It is possible that your router uses a data encryption method that is not supported by the tablet. To check this, go into the tablet settings and remove the password (that is, make the network open). If the tablet connects without problems, then the problem was the password or encryption type. As a rule, routers have the ability to choose the encryption method. It is best to set “WPA-PSK\WPA2-PSK mixed”. This is a mixed encryption that supports almost any device (tablets, smartphones - old and new). Also, a similar error appears due to an incorrectly entered password. Here you just need to be careful. There are other reasons, but first try to check what I have already described. On the same site there are articles about how routers are configured, and a solution different problems. Look, read. If anything, ask questions, I will be happy to help you :)

    Denis 04/09/2016 21:52

    Hello. I have Chinese tablet Nomi A07000 (Android 4.2.2), year of operation. I used to get Wi-Fi well, but at some point it started to glitch: it takes longer to connect to the router than usual, there is Internet, everything is fine, but after a minute or two the network disappears. When you connect again, it connects again, there is Internet again, and then the network also disappears. On some attempts, the tablet stops seeing networks altogether. Rebooting doesn't help, nor does resetting to factory settings. The tablet may not see any of the Wi-Fi networks for a long time (several hours or even a day), and then suddenly, when connected, it sees and connects. Usually, if a connection with the router is established, it is broken after a couple of minutes, although there were times when everything worked well for an hour. Sometimes it happens that the tablet connects, logs in, receives an IP address, but the Internet does not work, and after a minute the connection is lost again. But in lately In general, he rarely sees any networks. I tried changing the router settings - modes (b/g/n/bg/bgn), changing the channel and its width - to no avail.

    Tell me, please, what could be causing this behavior of the tablet? Is there a hardware problem here or can flashing the firmware help?

    The problem associated with flashing is that the native firmware for this tablet cannot be found anywhere, those who flashed it used firmware from another tablet, Intex Echo, but some write that after installing this firmware they have no Wi-Fi at all It worked, although everything was fine on the native one, and there were problems with the sound.

    If this is a hardware problem, then could it be that the problem is in the antenna (badly soldered or something like that), or these symptoms clearly indicate a defect? Wi-Fi module? And if the problem is in the Wi-Fi module, is it replaced on tablets?

    Thank you in advance.

    Julia 04/13/2016 07:53

    Hello, I have a tablet, it does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says: “Wi-Fi disconnected...”. This is the second day already. It can be turned on and off freely from the phone. P.s. and it seems to be stuck, but the rest, like Bluetooth, everything works. Tell me what to do

    Arthur 04/13/2016 21:55

    Hello. Please tell me about the problem. Android 4.4 (tablet) sees all networks but does not connect to any network, not to home, not on the street (even without a password), not in a cafe, etc. Writes saved! But if you turn on Internet distribution from your phone, then everything connects instantly) How to fix this? Thank you.

    Erzhan 04/15/2016 14:00

    Hello, I need your help!
    I have wifi speed low (max 1 kb/s), so I can’t access the Internet in any way. Just 2 days ago wi-fi was working great. me and my two brothers. Now I just can’t access the Internet, but everything works for them. Strange. I looked at the settings: there is no proxy. DHCP active. The date and time are correct (set by the network). I am in South Korea Now. I tried to reboot my smartphone ( samsung note 3) and on/off wi-fi router(ipTIME Extender2 300 mlMbps Chinese) - none of this helped. It's my weekend now. And without the Internet it’s very boring at home. Help with clear instructions or a specific link. Otherwise I didn't find my problem.

    Evgeniy 05/07/2016 08:12

    Not stable wifi work connects for at most an hour, Wi-Fi on the phone works and disappears, in the Wi-Fi settings on the phone it says connected, the connection is good, the speed is the same, but the Internet pages on the phone do not open until you turn off the router from the power socket again for a while and it works again an hour and everything is new)))) that maybe the rest of the devices are working stably tablet dr. Phone other than my meizu redmi note 3

    Bezprovodoff team 05/19/2016 10:31

    Hello. I can’t tell you exactly what the problem is, because you have to look and check. It could be like software problem with the firmware, or a hardware problem with the antenna or the WiFi module itself. It may be enough to disassemble the tablet and clean the contacts, or maybe you will have to replace the entire WiFi module. Again, I can't say if the firmware will help. All this needs to be double-checked. I can say one thing: if resetting to factory settings did not help, then most likely you need to disassemble and check the contacts and the WiFi module itself. You can still check and clean the contacts, but you won’t be able to check the functionality of the module at home. So, my advice to you is to take it for repair.

    Bezprovodoff team 05/19/2016 10:34

    Hello. It may be that the WiFi module has failed. This happens sometimes. Try doing a factory reset on your tablet. If it doesn’t help, you can try to flash it, but I would recommend that you immediately contact service center, since it is possible that the problem is hardware and the WiFi module itself will have to be changed.

    Bezprovodoff team 05/19/2016 10:37

    Hello. I can recommend you to do a factory reset - Most likely it's some kind of software glitch. Also look in the router settings, perhaps someone has limited your access speed (such functions are in the router settings). Unfortunately, I don’t know any other options.

    Bezprovodoff team 05/19/2016 10:56

    Hello. If we look at what you described, we can conclude that it is the phone that is unstable. It might be worth doing a reboot. If it doesn't help, then do a factory reset. I also recommend finding more new firmware for the router and update the router software. I don't know any other options. You have to see it in person and try it different methods solutions.

    Bezprovodoff team 05/19/2016 10:57

    Hello. If you reset the parameters, then all that remains is to try to flash the gadget - Also read this article - But it is possible that the problem is not in the firmware, but in the hardware. That is, it may be that the WiFi and Bluetooth module itself “died”. Therefore, it is best to take it to a repair shop so that everything can be clearly fixed for you.

    Alexander 05.25.2016 11:38

    Hello. I have this problem. Two ZTE phone V5 connected to it wi-fi hotspot. Then wi-fi only works on one or another phone. For example, I turned on wi-fi and surf the Internet - everything is fine. If you turn on wi-fi on another phone, the Internet does not work on the first one, but there is a connection in the settings. If you turn off the module on the first one and turn it on again, the Internet appears, but disappears on the second and vice versa. Other devices work normally, no dropouts or failures are observed. What can be done in this situation? I'm already tired of turning it on and off. No matter what I tried, nothing helps.

    Danya 05/30/2016 08:44

    Hello, once (I was not at home) I connected to wi-fi and then, already at home, I found out that I could not connect to my wi-fi network. Those. I type the password, click CONNECT, it connects for a few seconds and says CONNECTED, after which, after working for 3 seconds, it DISCONNECTS BY OWN. All this happens on the prestigio phone.
    P.S. before that everything was fine.

    Hello. Apparently both phones have the same configuration and IP address numbers. That is, network parameters coincide and interrupt each other. Try simply manually setting up WiFi on each of the phones (that is, you will manually set the IP address). The main thing is to set different IP addresses. I don't know any other options. If this doesn't help and the phones still conflict, then I don't even know how to fix it. Maybe it’s worth flashing one of them so that the firmware is different on the phones.

    Bezprovodoff team 06.16.2016 11:33

    Hello. Try deleting all previously connected networks on your phone so that there is no information about them. And then reconnect to your home WiFi network (you will have to re-enter the password). There are no other parameters on the phones to configure anything. If this does not help, then do a factory reset. This will completely reset all network parameters and the phone will return to its original state.

    Sayat 06/21/2016 21:00

    Hello! I have a Samsung Galaxy Grant 2. I had Wi-Fi at home. For a year the phone connected to Wi-Fi, everything worked perfectly. But a week has passed since the phone stopped logging into Wi-Fi. I didn't change anything in the phone or router. My laptop and 2 other phones connect to Wi-Fi and everything works. Mine finds the network, I click connect, it thinks and writes “Saved, Protected” I did everything: changed the channel, encryption, reset the settings to factory settings. After I reset the settings to factory settings, Wi-Fi worked but not for long. After an hour or 2 it turned off. But I noticed that Wi-Fi doesn’t work during the day, but at night it works, what’s the matter, sometimes it turns off, of course, but in general it works at night. My router is Huawei. I dropped my phone before this problem occurred. Could this be the cause of the problem.

    Natalya 06/28/2016 16:35

    Hello) I have the same problem, I changed the floor of the phone to S4, broken screen was, after the repair I took it and can’t turn on wi-fi now, I press the button, it seems to be stuck, the same with bluetooth! what to do? Can I fix this myself or will it need to be repaired again?((

    Bezprovodoff team 07/13/2016 21:30

    Hello. Are the time and date displayed on the phone up to date? Try setting the region and date in the router too. What exactly did you reset – the phone or the router to factory settings? If you reset the phone and it didn’t help, then I advise you to take it for repair. If the router was reset, then try resetting it on your phone.

    Bezprovodoff team 08/10/2016 22:57

    Hello. First of all, this message appears in cases where you enter the password incorrectly. Therefore, once again carefully check that the password is entered correctly (do not forget to check the keyboard layout (language) and whether Caps Lock). If everything is correct, but the error still remains, then it is possible that your WiFi network is operating in a WiFi mode that is not supported by the phone. First, try entering the router settings and switching the broadcast channel (in the “WiFi Settings” section). Different channels work on different frequencies, so try to choose different channels, starting from the first. Another option is if the router operates in 802.11b or g mode, but the phone only supports 802.11n mode. Such standards also operate at different frequencies. In this case, in the router parameters, again in the “ WiFi setup” we need to check whether it is possible to choose WiFi modes. Check if your phone connects to other wireless networks. If not, then do a factory reset on your phone. If so, it's possible that your router and phone are simply not compatible. In this case, you will have to buy another router. Try removing the network password and checking if the phone connects. If yes, then the problem is with the type of data encryption. In this case, try setting different types encryption and this way you will know which type is supported and which is not.

    Bezprovodoff team 09.21.2016 21:45

    Hello. The MAC address will be registered when you turn on the adapter. If when you try to turn on wifi adapter does not turn on and the MAC address does not start to be displayed, then the problem is with the adapter. Here it may be necessary to change it, or maybe just reflash it. You have to try both. The thing is that remotely I can’t say for sure. I need to inspect it in person. Try flashing it. If the firmware does not help, then take it to repair for replacement. WiFi module. You are unlikely to be able to replace the adapter on your own at home. Therefore, it is better to immediately take it for repair.

    Bezprovodoff team 09.21.2016 21:45

    Hello. This looks like a software glitch. Just restart your phone. If rebooting does not help, you will have to do a factory reset. The fact is that you need to reset the network settings on the phone and delete the network cache that has accumulated during use. But, you cannot do this manually (as on a computer) on your phone. Therefore, you will have to do a reset to factory settings.

    Alexander 09.24.2016 01:14

    Please help me with the problem of connecting to Wi-Fi.
    Installed at work wireless Internet with access points (SOPHOS).
    The system is configured in such a way that upon initial connection it asks to enter the voucher password (the voucher is valid for 1 month or 2GB), which is issued individually to each employee. Further, as they explained to me, the voucher is tied to the MAC address and, in theory, should write off traffic with each subsequent connection.
    This is what happens.
    However, upon subsequent connection, the device on the Android platform displays a message that the Network is disabled and login is required. You click on it, it pops up with a choice of Wi-Fi networks - you connect, it happens automatic start browser, and it simply loads Homepage. and also a message appears about the need to log into the Wi-Fi network.
    Then the message continues to hang, the Internet works, but after a minute and a half it displays a message stating that the device is disconnected from this network and the session time has expired.
    And again you need to connect... and so on ad infinitum.
    Sometimes devices on the Android platform connect freely without any problems. However, this is very rare and only for a while...
    Devices like I-Phone similar problems don't experience it.
    I can't figure out what the problem is. I sent messages to IT but they are there, I beg your pardon, they are crushing the balls and can’t give me any sense….
    If there is a solution to the problem, please tell me. Maybe we can at least point Ai Tishnikov in the right direction...
    Thanks in advance.

    Bezprovodoff team 10/06/2016 23:54

    Hello. What's included? Try doing a factory reset. After updates there are often different conflicts in parameters network adapters. If resetting does not help, you will have to roll back the system. But since you most likely didn't do any backup copies system, you won't be able to roll back. Therefore, the only option left is to flash your gadget with the firmware in which everything worked. If you are afraid to flash it yourself or doubt whether it is worth doing, then bring it in for repair.

  1. Bezprovodoff team 10/19/2016 21:50

    Hello. Most likely, the problem lies in the way the data is encrypted in corporate network. Android devices are simply not capable of accepting such encryption, since it has a dynamic key. These networks (similar to WPA2-Enterprise encryption) have their own characteristics and differences from conventional WPA2-PSK encryption. Therefore, Android simply does not understand how protection works. The first time you try to connect, you enter a password and the network can be picked up, but when the security system starts changing passwords (and it does this with at certain intervals- this depends on the parameters of the access point), then the network is lost and it is no longer possible to connect to it. In general, you can do the following. You can connect your laptop (work laptop) to the corporate network and distribute the network from it to your Android device..html 12/29/2016 09:51

    Hello. I bought a new Lenovo A1000, Android 5.0, it connects fine in other wifi networks, but at home it’s different. I have mas address filtering, it sees all other devices, this is also registered and connected, but when I turn on wifi on it, it’s as if there is no network signal, although it’s next to the router. Then if you reboot the router five times, then after half an hour it starts working, but it may not work until the evening. I can't imagine. Help please.

  2. Sveta 02/11/2017 12:56

    Hello, please help. We bought a router from all family members. WiFi on the phone is excellent, but on mine the problem is that it switches on and off and lags all day, everyone tried the time over the network, synchronized, rebooted, etc. What is the problem with the BQ magik phone model

  3. Vartan 06/21/2017 14:22

    Hello! I’ve been using the Samsung A5 for more than a year. Everything was fine. Wi-Fi recently went down, I’ve been suffering for a whole month, I tried everything and everything. At some point it worked on its own, but it didn’t last long. given time I’m sitting without Wi-Fi. I’m going to file a claim. As I understand, Samsung is a fraudulent corporation, full of consumer goods, and the prices are all over the place.

A wireless or WiFi network, in addition to all the features of a typical wired network, allows the user to move freely within the range of a radio signal. The user can stay connected to the printer, access the Internet, use shared resources networks together with other computers and work with the laptop as a mobile device.

IN this document This assumes that the user has already created a wireless home network, as discussed in Creating a Wireless Home Network (Windows Vista), or is trying to connect to a known working wireless network at a WIFI service point.

Before use

Before connecting to a wireless network for the first time, make sure you have the following:

Initial setup of a wireless WiFi network

The first time you connect to the selected WiFi network, you must enter all the information to set up the connection. You can configure your computer to automatic connection when within the network coverage area. Follow the instructions below to set up your WiFi connection.


The original factory image of your HP computer has all necessary drivers for built-in wireless device and HP Wireless Assistant. If a replacement has been made operating system, you must download and install the latest wireless device driver and HP Wireless Assistant for your computer model and operating system. Not all computers have built-in wireless capabilities.

If your computer does not have a factory-installed HP system image, search or for information on setting up a wireless network.

    Start your computer and turn on your wireless device.

    To turn on your wireless device, slide its switch to the On position. The power switch of the wireless LAN support device, and bluetooth device(if installed), located on the side of the case or above the keyboard, depending on the model. On some computers, the switch is a button on the panel above the keyboard or one of the function keys on keyboard.

    The active state of a wireless device on most computer models is indicated by a lit blue light indicator. Orange color This indicator indicates that the device is inactive or disabled. In some the latest models another one is used color scheme, and the indicator light is built into the corresponding function key.

    In the notification area of ​​the toolbar, find the HP Wireless Assistant icon.

    Once your wireless device is turned on and active, look for the Search for Available Wireless Networks icon in the notification area of ​​your toolbar. If icon wireless device missing though network cable connected, disconnect the network cable. The wireless network icon should appear.

    Right-click on the wireless network icon, click Network Control Center and shared access , Setting up a new connection or network, then select Connecting to a wireless network manually.

    Rice. : Setting up a new connection or network

  1. Enter the required network security information. This information was used when setting up your home network.

    Rice. : Connect to a wireless network manually

    • Network name (SSID)

      Security type(usually WEP and WPA)

      Encryption type ( Additional feature in some types of security)

      Security key or passphrase

      Start this connection automatically Select this option if required automatic login to the network when the computer is within range of a wireless network.

  2. To check if you are connected to a wireless network, click the search icon available networks to display a list of available wireless networks.

Everyone who uses services on the Internet knows the situation when, in order to access the site’s services, we are required to go through registration or authorization procedures. Typical examples– websites of banks and payment systems. Authorization WiFi users associated with the ban anonymous login to the network via points public access. New order use of Wi-Fi networks is set out in Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 758 of July 31, 2014 and No. 801 of August 12, 2014.

Legal requirements for WiFi networks

In case of non-compliance with legislative norms on the operation of Wi-Fi, the network operator faces sanctions up to and including deprivation of the license to provide these services. Among the basic requirements for Wi-Fi common use in addition to the ban anonymous access The network includes the collection and storage of user information for six months.

Access to the public Internet is opened by identification and authorization of Wi-Fi users, which are essentially identical procedures. They confirm the identities of clients and guests of establishments. The difference between them is that identification is performed the first time you enter the network, and authorization is required in subsequent cases.

Our proposals for organizing Wi-Fi networks

Network arrangement wireless access to the Internet from scratch consists of the following steps:

  • — determination of the network architecture with the number and placement of access points, coverage and other parameters;
  • — selection and installation of equipment according to the developed plan, including equipment for storing data about network users;
  • - provision software to manage the operation of the system, including the implementation of identification and authorization procedures.

If necessary, we will provide services for organizing Wi-Fi access on already operating networks.

  • — the client selects in the settings of his mobile device the required Wi-Fi network, thereby issuing a request to enter it;
  • — then the user enters his login and password into the electronic form received upon first logging into this network;
  • — after submitting the form, an SMS will be sent to your number confirming your right to access the network.

To evaluate the design options and settings of the website system pages, you can see examples of our work. We guarantee reliable and stable work Wi-Fi networks.

Advantages of our services

To organize wireless Internet access, our company uses the most modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. This provides a high degree of security and sufficient throughput communication channels, as well as stable Internet operation. We guarantee minimum terms execution of orders and provide full package services.

How to become our partner

JSC RusSvyazIntegration provides services to clients from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad region. To become our partner, call, write to email or fill out a connection application. Everything else is our business. We will definitely find mutual language with the customer.

You often see questions like this: “how to go into the router settings if there is no Internet connection,” or “how to configure the router without the Internet.” In this short article, I will try to answer these questions in detail. Let’s figure out what to do if there is no Internet connection, and because of this you can’t go into the router settings or configure it.

If you are interested, I advise you to read it right away. In short and simple terms, this is a device that combines different devices, which are connected via Wi-Fi and cable to the same network, with Internet access (if connected). We connect the Internet to the router, and it distributes it to many devices. If it weren’t for the router, we would only be able to connect one device to the Internet at home. True, depending on the connection method.

A router is a standalone device. It can work without connecting to a computer and without an Internet connection. And the most important, To enter the router settings, you do not need an Internet connection. Indeed, in most cases, we go to the web interface of the router in order to set up a connection to the provider. Therefore, when you first connect to the router (before setting up), of course there may not be access to the Internet, but we can go into the settings.

Logging into the web interface and setting up the router without an Internet connection

Most likely, you are having problems entering the router settings. Since if you have already entered the control panel, you can configure it without any problems. I can say with confidence that the lack of Internet on the computer cannot in any way prevent access to the settings page. After all, we go to the IP address of the router, and the computer (or other device) directly connected to the router via cable, or via Wi-Fi networks.

Therefore, we connect to the router, look at the address on the device itself where you can access the web interface (, or should definitely work), enter this address in any browser and follow it. A login page will most likely appear. Enter your username and password (factory settings are also indicated on the device itself), and we get into the settings.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what brand of router you have: TP-LINK, ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXEL, etc.

If you are Internet (cable from provider) and the computer is connected to the router, and you are worried about the lack of Internet connection, then most likely this is how it should be. Because you need to go to the router’s control panel and configure a connection to the provider there. I already wrote about this in the article: .

This is fine. The Internet can work immediately only if the router is already configured, or your Internet provider uses Dynamic IP connection technology. In all other cases, you will have to configure it. You can view the instructions for your router on our website. Use the site search.


In order to enter the router settings, you do not need an Internet connection. In most cases, we go to the control panel specifically to configure the Internet. You don't have to connect the Internet to the router at all. Then all devices will simply be located on the local network without access to the Internet.

I think I was able to fully answer the question posed, and this information was useful to you. Best wishes!

I was always a little surprised by questions like this, in which they wrote that when connected to an open (unprotected) Wi-Fi network, the Internet does not work. Or a phone, laptop, tablet and other devices generally refuse to connect to open Wi-Fi. They asked for some advice on what could be done to solve this problem.

And today, I saw on our forum a message that says that the phone catches an unprotected Wi-Fi, connects to it without problems, but the Internet does not work. Then I analyzed the comments on the site a little, and realized that the question was very popular, and I had not yet written an article on this issue. I will correct the situation now :)

Now, we will figure out why problems arise with connecting to other people’s, albeit open, wireless networks. We will try to find out if something can be done about this, and if so, what.

I want to write right away that we will look at problems specifically with the connection and operation of the Internet connection, through strangers, wireless network, which are not password protected and can be connected to.

All the problems that arise when connecting to your own networks, that's a different story. There will simply be more ways to solve this or that error, since you have access to the settings of the router itself.

No matter how sad it may sound, but if your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc., does not want to connect to open Wi-Fi, or the Internet does not work after connecting, then most likely there is no way to correct this situation. it will work out. In about 90% of cases, you will have to deal with it. I wrote it somehow sadly :)

Why? Yes, because we don’t know what kind of access point there is, whose it is, how it’s configured, and most importantly, we don’t have access to the settings of this router, because it’s not ours, but a neighbor’s, some store, cafe, etc. etc. I think this is clear and logical.

Here, let’s take for example the question I wrote about at the beginning of the article:

It was posted on our forum, in this topic: .

It’s a good question, but do you think it’s possible to give something substantive to this question? I also think not. Maybe the Internet is simply not paid for there. There is a connection, but the Internet does not work. Standard situation. Maybe there is some kind of blocking enabled, or the phone didn’t like the channel it’s working on.

I would highlight two main problems. We will divide the article into them. It will be easier and clearer this way.

Can't connect to an open Wi-Fi network

This is probably the most popular question. On laptops (And desktop computers) , it could be an error " ", or something else.

On mobile devices (phones, tablets), it could be...” (by the way, laptops can also have this “Identification...” problem), " ". There may be other errors.

If you can’t connect, then you need to think about why this network is not protected. Yes, there are people who simply forget to do this, or they don’t need it. They just let everyone use their internet. (this is the case with home access points). But, I am sure that in most cases, there is no password because filtering by MAC addresses(read). Which protects even better than a password.

What can you try to do?

Typically, when connecting to unsecured networks, the signal strength is not very good. Make sure that the network level is at least two divisions high. Otherwise, connection problems may arise precisely because of a weak signal.

If you are connecting a laptop (regular computer with adapter), then make sure that in the properties wireless adapter,in the IPv4 protocol, it was set to obtain IP automatically. Like this:

I pointed to Windows example 7. In Windows 8, everything will be exactly the same.

If the problem occurs on mobile devices that run on Android OS or iOS (iPhone, iPad), then I don’t even know what to advise. Except how to monitor the signal level. There don't seem to be any special settings that would interfere with the connection.

Internet does not work when connected to unsecured Wi-Fi

Well, the second problem is when everything is connected, but the Internet does not work.

On a laptop, there will be a status “No Internet access” and a yellow triangle next to the network status (in), but on mobile devices the Internet simply will not work, and wifi icon will most likely be gray instead of blue (depends on OS, firmware version, etc.).

How to fix the problem?

If the problem is on the computer, then check the IP settings, as I showed in the screenshot above. Disable antiviruses and firewalls, they may block access to the Internet.

If the problem is mobile device, then check if they are enabled manual settings proxy. How to do this, I wrote in the article (after the heading “checking if the proxy server is disabled”).

In other cases, the problem is most likely on the side of the router itself. Or, your device cannot work with the parameters specified in the router settings.


As I wrote above, if the phone does not connect to the network, then you are unlikely to be able to do anything. If it connects, but there is no Internet access, then the same thing. The network is not ours, we don’t know what’s wrong with it, we can’t change the settings. Almost all problems that arise with Wi-Fi are to blame for the access points themselves. And, if you try to fix something, then you need to change the settings in them. Provided that your device works normally with other networks.
